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It is known that cAMP and cGMP are important for vasorelaxation, and cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) regulate their levels. Balloon angioplasty (BAL) is associated with reduced cAMP and cGMP levels, and inhibition of PDE-3 reduces restenosis. In this study, we found that BAL increased PDE-3 activity, which affected vasoreactivity of rat aortic rings 24-h post-BAL; these were compared with intact (INT) and ex vivo endothelium-denuded rings (RUB) from sham rats. In BAL and RUB rings, vasorelaxant responses to ACh were abolished. The EC(50) for phenylephrine (PE) was 1.8-fold less in RUB than in INT or BAL, whereas the maximal contractile effect of PE was greater in BAL than in INT or RUB. PDE-3 inhibitors reduced the maximal response to PE by >65% in BAL compared with 10-30% in INT and RUB; the reduction of the maximal response to U-46619 was 37% in BAL compared with 8% in INT with no reduction in RUB. PDE-4 inhibitors reduced PE-induced tone by <30% in an endothelium-dependent manner. Vasorelaxant responses to agonists that utilize cAMP were greatly impaired in BAL and RUB rings, and inhibition of PDE-3 enhanced the vasorelaxant responses in BAL or RUB. Inhibition of PDE-4 increased vasorelaxant responses to isoproterenol (ISO) to a much lesser degree. Thus PDE-3 and PDE-4 inhibitors exhibited differential effects on PE-induced tone and vasorelaxant responses to ISO. Inhibition of PDE-3 also produced a greater increase in cAMP in BAL than INT or RUB rings. These results suggest that increased PDE-3 activity after BAL may promote a vasospastic state and that the reduction in cAMP may, possibly, influence vessel remodeling.  相似文献   

Exercise intolerance is a cardinal symptom of right ventricular heart failure (RV HF) and skeletal muscle adaptations play a role in this limitation. We determined regional remodeling of muscle structure and mitochondrial function in a rat model of RV HF induced by monocrotaline injection (MCT; 60 mg·kg(-1); n = 11). Serial sections of the plantaris were stained for fiber type, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity and capillaries. Mitochondrial function was assessed in permeabilized fibers using respirometry, and isolated complex activity by blue native gel electrophoresis (BN PAGE). All measurements were compared with saline-injected control animals (CON; n = 12). Overall fiber cross-sectional area was smaller in MCT than CON: 1,843 ± 114 vs. 2,322 ± 120 μm(2) (P = 0.009). Capillary-to-fiber ratio was lower in MCT in the oxidative plantaris region (1.65 ± 0.09 vs. 1.93 ± 0.07; P = 0.03), but not in the glycolytic region. SDH activity (P = 0.048) and maximal respiratory rate (P = 0.012) were each ~15% lower in all fibers in MCT. ADP sensitivity was reduced in both skeletal muscle regions in MCT (P = 0.032), but normalized by rotenone. A 20% lower complex I/IV activity in MCT was confirmed by BN PAGE. MCT-treatment was associated with lower mitochondrial volume density (lower SDH activity), quality (lower complex I activity), and fewer capillaries per fiber area in oxidative skeletal muscle. These features are consistent with structural and functional remodeling of the determinants of oxygen supply potential and utilization that may contribute to exercise intolerance and reduced quality of life in patients with RV HF.  相似文献   

The course of experimental myocardial infarction was accompanied by the growth response of the right ventricle (RV) in some rats. Rats with RV hypertrophy unlike ones without RV hypertrophy had depressed cardiac contraction force and velocity at rest as well as a minimal capacity to respond to functional stress. Dibunol (butylhydroxytoluene, 30 mg/kg) prevented the depression of cardiac contractility and RV growth. RV hypertrophy in the rats following left coronary artery ligation is the consequence of the left ventricle pump failure and resultant pulmonary hypertension. RV hypertrophy may be proposed as an index of postinfarct heart failure and its reduction as an index of the cardioprotective effect of various pharmacological interventions.  相似文献   

The cGMP-binding cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase (PDE-5) contains distinct catalytic and allosteric binding sites, and each is cGMP-specific. Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitors, such as 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX), are believed to compete with cyclic nucleotides at the catalytic sites of these enzymes, but the portion of PDE-5 that accounts for interaction of either of these inhibitors or the substrates themselves with the catalytic domain of the enzymes has not been identified. IBMX was derivatized to yield the photoaffinity probe 8([3-125I,-4-azido]-benzyl)-IBMX, which is referred to as 8(125IAB)-IBMX. This probe was incubated with partially purified recombinant bovine PDE-5. After UV irradiation and SDS-PAGE, a single radiolabeled band that coincided with the position of PDE-5 was visualized on the gel, and the photoaffinity labeling of PDE-5 was linear with increasing concentration of the 8(125IAB)-IBMX. Prominent Coomassie blue-stained bands other than PDE-5 were not labeled significantly. The photo-affinity labeling was progressively blocked by cGMP at concentrations higher than 10 μM, whereas cAMP or 5′-GMP exhibited only weak inhibitory effects. Other compounds that are believed to interact with the PDE-5 catalytic site, including IBMX, clMP, and β-phenyl-1,N 2-etheno-cGMP (PET-cGMP), also inhibited the photoaffinity labeling in a concentration-dependent manner. The IC50 of PET-cGMP for inhibition of photoaffinity labeling was 10 μM, which compared favorably with an IC50 of 5 μM for inhibition of PDE-5 catalytic activity by this compound. It is concluded that the interaction of this photoaffinity probe with PDE-5 is highly specific for the catalytic site over the allosteric binding sites of PDE-5 and could prove useful in studies to map the catalytic site of PDE-5.  相似文献   

As proteins are the ultimate biological determinants of phenotype of disease, we screened altered proteins associated with heart failure due to arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) to identify biomarkers potential for rapid diagnosis of heart failure. By 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry, we identified five commonly altered proteins with more than 1.5 fold changes in eight ARVC failing hearts using eight non-failing hearts as reference. Noticeably, one of the altered proteins, heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), was increased by 1.64 fold in ARVC failing hearts compared with non-failing hearts. The increase of cardiac HSP70 was further validated by Western blot, immunochemistry, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in failing hearts due to not only ARVC, but also dilated (DCM, n = 18) and ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICM, n = 8). Serum HSP70 was also observed to be significantly increased in heart failure patients derived from the three forms of cardiomyopathies. In addition, we observed hypoxia/serum depletion stimulation induced significantly elevation of intracellular and extracellular HSP70 in cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. For the first time to our knowledge, we revealed and clearly demonstrated significant up-regulation of cardiac and serum HSP70 in ARVC heart failure patients. Our results indicate that elevated HSP70 is the common feature of heart failure due to ARVC, DCM, and ICM, which suggests that HSP70 may be used as a biomarker for the presence of heart failure due to cardiomyopathies of different etiologies and may hold diagnostic/prognostic potential in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Single-beat imaging of myocardial activation promises to aid in both cardiovascular research and clinical medicine. In the present study we validate a three-dimensional (3D) cardiac electrical imaging (3DCEI) technique with the aid of simultaneous 3D intracardiac mapping to assess its capability to localize endocardial and epicardial initiation sites and image global activation sequences during pacing and ventricular tachycardia (VT) in the canine heart. Body surface potentials were measured simultaneously with bipolar electrical recordings in a closed-chest condition in healthy canines. Computed tomography images were obtained after the mapping study to construct realistic geometry models. Data analysis was performed on paced rhythms and VTs induced by norepinephrine (NE). The noninvasively reconstructed activation sequence was in good agreement with the simultaneous measurements from 3D cardiac mapping with a correlation coefficient of 0.74 ± 0.06, a relative error of 0.29 ± 0.05, and a root mean square error of 9 ± 3 ms averaged over 460 paced beats and 96 ectopic beats including premature ventricular complexes, couplets, and nonsustained monomorphic VTs and polymorphic VTs. Endocardial and epicardial origins of paced beats were successfully predicted in 72% and 86% of cases, respectively, during left ventricular pacing. The NE-induced ectopic beats initiated in the subendocardium by a focal mechanism. Sites of initial activation were estimated to be ~7 mm from the measured initiation sites for both the paced beats and ectopic beats. For the polymorphic VTs, beat-to-beat dynamic shifts of initiation site and activation pattern were characterized by the reconstruction. The present results suggest that 3DCEI can noninvasively image the 3D activation sequence and localize the origin of activation of paced beats and NE-induced VTs in the canine heart with good accuracy. This 3DCEI technique offers the potential to aid interventional therapeutic procedures for treating ventricular arrhythmias arising from epicardial or endocardial sites and to noninvasively assess the mechanisms of these arrhythmias.  相似文献   

Because of its complex geometry, assessment of right ventricular (RV) function is more difficult than it is for the left ventricle (LV). Because gene-targeted mouse models of cardiomyopathy may involve remodeling of the right heart, the purpose of this study was to develop high-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for in vivo quantification of RV volumes and global function in mice. Thirty-three mice of various age were studied under isoflurane anesthesia by electrocardiogram-triggered cine-MRI at 7 T. MRI revealed close correlations between RV and LV stroke volume and cardiac output (r = 0.97, P < 0.0001 each). Consistent with human physiology, murine RV end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes were significantly higher compared with LV volumes (P < 0.05 each). MRI in mice with LV heart failure due to myocardial infarction revealed significant structural and functional changes of the RV, indicating RV dysfunction. Hence, MRI allows for the quantification of RV volumes and global systolic function with high accuracy and bears the potential to evaluate mechanisms of RV remodeling in mouse models of heart failure.  相似文献   

Twenty-six 2-pyridone derivatives (8a-8z), which are structurally analogous to amrinone and milrinone two important cardiotonic drugs, are synthesized and characterized. The synthesis of 2-pyridone derivatives involves addition, followed by cyclization between Baylis-Hillman acetates (7a-7k) and enamino esters or nitriles (3a-3e). Thus synthesized pyridones were subjected to PDE3 inhibitory activity, 14 pyridones were found to be hits out of 26 pyridones synthesized and out of 14 hits, there are 5 pyridones found to be lead compounds having excellent PDE3 inhibitory activity. Further we have carried out computational analysis to understand protein/enzyme and 2-pyridone derivative interactions to identify amino acid residues involved in the vicinity of binding and compared with milrinone drug.  相似文献   

Abnormalities in energy metabolism may play an important role in the development of hypertensive heart failure. However, the transition from compensated hypertrophy to heart failure is not fully understood in terms of energy metabolism. In Dahl salt-sensitive (DS) and salt-resistant (DR) rats, myocardial fatty acid and glucose uptake values were determined using (131)I- or (125)I-labeled 9-methylpentadecanoic acid ((131)I- or (125)I-9MPA), and [(14)C]deoxyglucose ([(14)C]DG), fatty acid beta-oxidation was identified using thin-layer chromatography, and insulin-stimulated glucose-uptake was observed using a euglycemic hyperinsulinemic glucose clamp. Six-week-old rats were fed a diet that contained 8% NaCl, which resulted in development of compensated hypertrophy in DS rats at 12 wk of age and ultimately led to heart failure by 18 wk of age. Uptake of [(14)C]DG increased markedly with age in the DS rats, whereas (131)I-9MPA uptake was marginally but significantly increased only in animals aged 12 wk. The ratio of (125)I-9MPA beta-oxidation metabolites to total uptake in the DS rats was significantly lower (P < 0.05) at 12 (37%) and 18 (34%) wk compared with at 6 (45%) wk. Insulin increased [(14)C]DG uptake more than twofold in the DS rats at 6 wk, although this increase was markedly attenuated at 12 and 18 wk (11 and 8%, respectively). Our data suggest that in a hypertrophied heart before heart failure, fatty acid oxidation is impaired and the capacity to increase glucose uptake during insulin stimulation is markedly reduced. These changes in both glucose and fatty acid metabolism that occur in association with myocardial hypertrophy may have a pathogenic role in the subsequent development of heart failure.  相似文献   

Recessive mutant gene c in the axolotl results in a failure of affected embryos to develop contracting hearts. This abnormality can be corrected by treating the mutant heart with RNA isolated from normal anterior endoderm or from endoderm conditioned medium. A cDNA library was constructed from the total conditioned medium RNA using a random priming technique in a pcDNAII vector. We have previously identified a clone (designated as N1) from the constructed axolotl cDNA library, which has a unique nucleotide sequence. We have also discovered that the N1 gene product is related to heart development in the Mexican axolotl [Cell Mol. Biol. Res. 41 (1995) 117]. In the present studies, we further investigate the role of N1 on heartbeating and heart development in axolotls. N1 mRNA expression has been determined by using semi-quantitative RT-PCR with specifically designed primers. Normal embryonic hearts (at stages 30-31) have been transfected with anti-sense oligonucleotides against N1 to determine if downregulation of N1 gene expression has any effect on normal heart development. Our results show that cardiac N1 mRNA expression is partially blocked in the hearts transfected with anti-sense nucleotides and the downregulation of N1 gene expression results in a decrease of heartbeating in normal embryos, although the hearts remain alive as indicated by calcium spike movement throughout the hearts. Confocal microscopy data indicate some myofibril disorganization in the hearts transfected with the anti-sense N1 oligonucleotides. Interestingly, we also find that N1 gene expression is significantly decreased in the mutant axolotl hearts. Our results suggest that N1 is a novel gene in Mexican axolotls and it probably plays an important role in myofibrillogenesis and in the initiation of heartbeating during heart development.  相似文献   

A cyclic adenosine 3′ : 5′ — monophosphate phosphodiesterase activator protein has been partially purified from rat heart by a procedure involving ammonium sulfate fractionation and affinity column chromatography with cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase bound to Sepharose 4B. Freezing and thawing of the rat heart was essential for solubilization of the activator protein in the crude homogenate. Activator activity was localized on sarcoplasmic reticulum isolated from fresh heart which could be solubilized with a low yield that resulted in a labile product. Maximal activation of cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase with excess protein activator was 100%.  相似文献   

A heat-stable, non-dialyzable inhibitory factor of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase was detected in and partially purified from bovine retina. The factor appears to be a protein, since the inhibitory activity was abolished by trypsin digestion but not by DNAase or RNAase treatment. The protein inhibitor from bovine retina effectively inhibits the Ca2+-independent phosphodiesterase from several sources, including bovine retina, bovine rod outer segment, and a human lymphoblastic leukemia cell line, indicating lack of tissue and species specificity.  相似文献   

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