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Malaria is a major killer of children worldwide and the strongest known force for evolutionary selection in the recent history of the human genome. The past decade has seen growing evidence of ethnic differences in susceptibility to malaria and of the diverse genetic adaptations to malaria that have arisen in different populations: epidemiological confirmation of the hypotheses that G6PD deficiency, alpha+ thalassemia, and hemoglobin C protect against malaria mortality; the application of novel haplotype-based techniques demonstrating that malaria-protective genes have been subject to recent positive selection; the first genetic linkage maps of resistance to malaria in experimental murine models; and a growing number of reported associations with resistance and susceptibility to human malaria, particularly in genes involved in immunity, inflammation, and cell adhesion. The challenge for the next decade is to build the global epidemiological infrastructure required for statistically robust genomewide association analysis, as a way of discovering novel mechanisms of protective immunity that can be used in the development of an effective malaria vaccine.  相似文献   

Isolation of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis from rural soil in Venezuela   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

以江苏南部农村工业发达地区的吴江市为研究范例,采用系统动力学模型模拟分析方法,分析农村工业发展对农业生态系统的影响。结果表明,农村工业的发展对农业生态系统有正负两方面的影响,正影响表现为提高农民收入、增加农业投入、转移农村劳力等;负影响表现为导致耕地减少和环境污染等。农村工业实力增强后,若其产值利润以一定的比例用于发展农业和治理环境,将能减弱或避免农村工业给农业生态系统带来的负影响,达到农村工业与农业的协调发展。  相似文献   

Zdravko Baruch   《Flora》2005,200(1):49-64
The seasonal savannas dominated by the C4 grasses of the genus Trachypogon, are widespread in northern South America. In Venezuela, they extend from the central lowland Llanos to intermediate elevations in the Coastal and Andean Mountains and to the Guiana Plateau (Gran Sabana) in the south. This study aims to classify these savannas and to understand the environmental factors that determine their composition and structure. Thirty-seven sites were sampled, plant cover and density were measured in 376 one square meter quadrats and the importance value index (IVI) was calculated. Climate data were obtained from climatological stations and soil properties were analyzed. The results were classified by clustering and TWINSPAN. Floristic and environmental data were ordered with the canonical correspondence analysis (CCA).Trachypogon savannas are heterogeneous, both floristically and environmentally. An altitudinal gradient of 2000 m separates the intermediate elevation Coastal Mountains (Type I) and the Guiana savannas (Type II) from the lowland Llanos. In the lowlands, sparsely covered and treeless communities on extremely oligotrophic and sandy soils (Type IV) differ structurally and floristically from woody savannas (Type III). The floristics and structure of the savannas respond directly or indirectly to elevation and water and nutrient availability. These responses were evidenced by: (a) floristic composition, as Neotropical lowland savanna species merged with those of the Andean sub-páramo in Type I savannas or with those from the Guianan flora in Type II savannas. (b) Species richness, which ranged from an average of 13.8 per site in sandy Type IV savannas to 38.9 per site in Type I intermediate elevation savannas. (c) Community physiognomy, which changes from an homogeneous herbaceous matrix with dispersed trees in Type III savannas to a shrubby Type I savannas to “treeless” Types II and IV savannas. (d) Plant cover which varied from 93.8% in the fertile Type I savannas to around 80% in the sandy oligotrophic savannas of Types II and IV. Each savanna type is related to one of the major geomorphological regions of Venezuela.  相似文献   

Seasonal migration in birds is known to be highly labile and subject to rapid change in response to selection, such that researchers have hypothesized that phylogenetic relationships should neither predict nor constrain the migratory behaviour of a species. Many theories on the evolution of bird migration assume a framework that extant migratory species have evolved repeatedly and relatively recently from sedentary tropical or subtropical ancestors. We performed ancestral state reconstructions of migratory behaviour using a comprehensive, well-supported phylogeny of the Parulidae (the 'wood-warblers'), a large family of Neotropical and Nearctic migratory and sedentary songbirds, and examined the rates of gain and loss of migration throughout the Parulidae. Counter to traditional hypotheses, our results suggest that the ancestral wood-warbler was migratory and that losses of migration have been at least as prevalent as gains throughout the history of Parulidae. Therefore, extant sedentary tropical radiations in the Parulidae represent losses of latitudinal migration and colonization of the tropics from temperate regions. We also tested for phylogenetic signal in migratory behaviour, and our results indicate that although migratory behaviour is variable within some wood-warbler species and clades, phylogeny significantly predicts the migratory distance of species in the Parulidae.  相似文献   

A longitudinal epidemiological and entomological study was carried out in Ocamo, Upper Orinoco River, between January 1994 and February 1995 to understand the dynamics of malaria transmission in this area. Malaria transmission occurs throughout the year with a peak in June at the beginning of the rainy season. The Annual Parasite Index was 1,279 per 1,000 populations at risk. Plasmodium falciparum infections accounted for 64% of all infections, P. vivax for 28%, and P. malariae for 4%. Mixed P. falciparum/P. vivax infections were diagnosed in 15 people representing 4% of total cases. Children under 10 years accounted for 58% of the cases; the risk for malaria in this age group was 77% higher than for those in the greater than 50 years age group. Anopheles darlingi was the predominant anopheline species landing on humans indoors with a biting peak between midnight and dawn. A significant positive correlation was found between malaria monthly incidence and mean number of An. darlingi caught. There was not a significant relationship between mean number of An. darlingi and rainfall or between incidence and rainfall. A total of 7295 anophelines were assayed by ELISA for detection of Plasmodium circumsporozoite (CS) protein. Only An. darlingi (55) was positive for CS proteins of P. falciparum (0.42%), P. malariae (0.25%), and P. vivax-247 (0.1%). The overall estimated entomological inoculation rate was 129 positive bites/person/year. The present study was the first longitudinal entomological and epidemiological study conducted in this area and set up the basic ground for subsequent intervention with insecticide-treated nets.  相似文献   

Trifluoperazine (TFP) blocks spreading and migration of cultured mammalian cells. These are calcium-dependent and microfilament-mediated processes. Calmodulin, a regulator of many calcium-dependent processes in cells, is selectively inhibited by TFP. Cell spreading on a plastic- or collagen-coated substratum was reversibly inhibited by 10 μM TFP. The drug blocks cell spreading even in the presence of 1 mM cAMP. TFP is as effective as cytochalasin B (CB), an inhibitor of microfilament function, in blocking cell spreading. All cell lines tested, whether “normal” or virally transformed, failed to spread in TFP. The drug, at a concentration sufficient to inhibit spreading, does not interfere with the initial attachment of a cell to a plastic surface. Cells plated in the presence of 10 μM TFP attach at a rate and to an extent equal to untreated controls. TFP added to already spread cells results in a reversible cell rounding. Detection of fibronectin by indirect immunofluorescence suggests TFP-induced cell rounding is not due to shedding of fibronectin from the cell surface. TFP reversibly blocks cell migration into a wound edge almost as effectively as CB. We suggest that TFP interferes with these microfilament-mediated functions by direct action on the microfilaments or indirect action by inactivating calmodulin.  相似文献   

Malaria parasites produce male and female life cycle stages (gametocytes) that must fertilize to achieve successful colonization of the mosquito. Gametocyte sex ratios have been shown to be under strong selection pressure both as an adaptive response to a worsening blood environment for transmission and according to the number of co-infecting clones in the vertebrate. Evidence for an impact of sex ratio on the transmission success of Plasmodium falciparum has, however, been more controversial. Theoretical models of fertilization predict that increasingly male sex ratios will be favoured at low gametocyte densities to ensure fertilization. Here, we analyse in vitro transmission studies of P. falciparum to Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes and test this prediction. We find that there is a discernible effect of sex ratio on transmission but which is dependent upon the gametocyte density. While increasingly male sex ratios do give higher transmission success at low gametocyte densities, they reduce success at higher densities. This therefore provides empirical confirmation that sex ratio has an immediate impact on transmission success and that it is density-dependent. Identifying the signals used by the parasite to alter its sex ratio is essential to determine the success of transmission-blocking vaccines that aim to impede the fertilization process.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that migration occurs in a wide variety of taxa worldwide, little is known about the conditions under which migration is expected to evolve from an ancestral resident population. We develop a model that focuses on ecological factors affecting the evolution of migration in a seasonal environment within a genetically explicit framework. We model the evolution of migration for two common types of migration: ‘shared breeding where migrants share a breeding ground with residents and migrate to a separate non-breeding area, versus ‘shared non-breeding’, where migrants share a non-breeding ground with residents and migrate to a separate breeding area. Ecologically, migration is more easily established in the shared-breeding case versus the shared-non-breeding case. Genetically, the additive effect of a migratory allele affects its establishment more in the shared-non-breeding case versus the shared-breeding case, whereas the dominance effect of the allele affects its establishment more in the shared-breeding case versus the shared-non-breeding case. Generally, migratory alleles can invade even when residents are competitively superior to migrants during the shared season. Partial migration occurs when the population is polymorphic for migratory and non-migratory alleles, and is dependent upon which season is shared and the additive and dominance behaviour of the migratory allele.  相似文献   

Abstract. Bloodmeals of exophilic anopheline mosquitoes collected resting on vegetation in a malaria endemic area in western Venezuela were identified by ELISA. Using a TMB peroxidase substrate in the ELISA, human bloodmeals were readily identified up to 40 h after ingestion in all laboratory-fed mosquitoes tested. Assay sensitivity declined to 75% identifiable 44 h post-feeding.
The Human Blood Index and the Feeding Index of each species differed between the three villages studied. An.triannulatus was generally more anthropophilic than An.nuneztovari and An.oswaldoi. These contrasting results emphasize the difficulties of interpreting host choice data.  相似文献   

Until World War II the economic activity of the inhabitants of the commune of Fontanigorda (Genova — Italy) was based on subsistence farming and temporary migration. Migration to France in search of work absorbed the excess active male population: the isonymy study shows that the migrants were recruited from all the families of the commune. After having left for Marseilles or the mine at St. Maime (in the Alps of Upper Provence), these young migrants returned to their home town to marry. This behaviour maintained a high degree of consanguinity, obscured by a false exogamy, at least until the turn of the century. After this period, lifelong migration completely modified the pattern of marriage structure bacause migration to France became definitive.  相似文献   

The effects of prostaglandins on the properties of mouse peritoneal macrophages namely spreading, adhesion and migration were investigated. PGE1 and PGE2 inhibit the spreading and adhesion of complete Freund's Adjuvant induced peritoneal macrophages significantly at concentrations of 1 ng per ml and above whereas they enhance the migration of these cells at concentrations of 100 ng per ml and above. PGA2 and PGB2 are less potent as they inhibit spreading and adhesion only at a concentration of 1 μg per ml. At this concentration PGB2 enhances migration whereas PGA2 has no effect. PGF has no effect on the spreading, adhesion and migration of macrophages in the concentration range of 0.1 ng to 1,000 ng per ml.  相似文献   

Many animals undergo migrations that depend on a range of biotic or abiotic factors provoking daily, seasonal or annual movement of individuals and/or populations. Temperate amphibians frequently have their life cycles dominated by annual temperature fluctuations, but in the tropics it is often presumed that distinct rainy seasons will influence amphibians more than small changes in temperature. Here, we direct the seasonal changes in abundance hypothesis to a caecilian amphibian Boulengerula boulengeri found in monthly randomized quantitative surveys in the top 30 cm of soil. Meteorological data are used to interpret the significant changes found in relation to rainfall and temperature variables. Instead of the expected correlation of migration with rainfall, we find that frequency varies significantly and positively with temperature. In addition, data on the depth at which individual caecilians are collected suggest that animals undergo a vertical (rather than horizontal) migration within the soil. This is the first example of vertical migrations with temperature (as opposed to rainfall) of any tropical subterranean fauna. We discuss the possible influences that stimulate migration in this species (abiotic factors, feeding, reproduction and predation). The ecology of caecilians has lagged behind that of all other tetrapods, and this study has importance for future ecological studies, as well as biodiversity assessments and monitoring methodologies.  相似文献   



In the Sahel, most malaria deaths occur among children 1–4 years old during a short transmission season. A trial of seasonal intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) and a single dose of artesunate (AS) showed an 86% reduction in the incidence of malaria in Senegal but this may not be the optimum regimen. We compared this regimen with three alternatives.


2102 children aged 6–59 months received either one dose of SP plus one dose of AS (SP+1AS) (the previous regimen), one dose of SP plus 3 daily doses of AS (SP+3AS), one dose of SP plus three daily doses of amodiaquine (AQ) (SP+3AQ) or 3 daily doses of AQ and AS (3AQ+3AS). Treatments were given once a month on three occasions during the malaria transmission season. The primary end point was incidence of clinical malaria. Secondary end-points were incidence of adverse events, mean haemoglobin concentration and prevalence of parasites carrying markers of resistance to SP.


The incidence of malaria, and the prevalence of parasitaemia at the end of the transmission season, were lowest in the group that received SP+3AQ: 10% of children in the group that received SP+1AS had malaria, compared to 9% in the SP+3AS group (hazard ratio HR 0.90, 95%CI 0.60, 1.36); 11% in the 3AQ+3AS group, HR 1.1 (0.76–1.7); and 5% in the SP+3AQ group, HR 0.50 (0.30–0.81). Mutations associated with resistance to SP were present in almost all parasites detected at the end of the transmission season, but the prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum was very low in the SP+3AQ group.


Monthly treatment with SP+3AQ is a highly effective regimen for seasonal IPT. Choice of this regimen would minimise the spread of drug resistance and allow artemisinins to be reserved for the treatment of acute clinical malaria.

Trial Registration

Clinicaltrials.gov NCT00132548  相似文献   

This paper examines seasonal changes in the latitudinal distribution of birds (excluding seabirds) that breed in the western Palaearctic. Some resident species occupy ranges that span less than 5° of latitude year-round, while some migrant species range over more than 120° of latitude during the course of a year. Among migrant species of land and freshwater habitats, the latitudinal spans of breeding and wintering ranges are correlated. In general, species that breed over a narrow span of latitude also winter over a narrow span of latitude, and vice versa. Among both groups, for any given span of breeding range, species that winter partly in Eurasia and partly in Africa winter over a wider latitudinal span than those that winter entirely within Eurasia or entirely within Africa. Among coastal birds, there is no correlation between the latitudinal spans of breeding and winter areas; most shorebird species breed over a narrow span of (northern) latitude and winter over a wide span distributed linearly along coastlines. Several migration patterns can be distinguished, from complete overlap of breeding and wintering ranges in year-round residents, through partial separation of summer and winter ranges, to complete separation of summer and winter ranges in different geographical regions. In some such species, the gap between breeding and wintering ranges spans up to 55° of latitude (6000 km).  相似文献   

Substratum-bound concanavalin A (conA) caused attachment and spreading of human T lymphocytes identified by monoclonal anti-T cell antibodies and sheep erythrocyte rosette formation. The simultaneous presence of conA in the medium increased the spreading, whereas preincubation of the cells with conA inhibited spreading. The tendency of conA to induce spreading was dependent on the concentration used, the higher the conA concentration the more pronounced was the spreading. For example, conA at 10 micrograms ml-1 triggered the formation of prominent substratum-attached filopodia with a length of 1-10 micron in 60-80% of T-enriched lymphocytes obtained from separate individuals. At the same conA dose the filopodia were, in 10-20% of the lymphocytes, accompanied by development of lamellipodia. With conA at 100 micrograms ml-1 the number of cells that underwent pronounced spreading was 55-90% in separate individuals. Observation of T-enriched cells fixed at different times after initiation of spreading induced by conA at 100 micrograms ml-1 indicated that filopodia formation represented the initial morphological alteration during the spreading process. This process thereafter proceeded with development of lamellipodia, extensive cytoplasmic spreading and flattening of the central cell mass. Quiescent and mitogen-activated cells exhibited the same sequence of changes during spreading. Spreading led to disappearance of the microvilli with a length of 0.1-0.7 micron present on lymphocytes in suspension, although some microvilli persisted over the cell center.  相似文献   

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