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在设计教学案例时,明确教学目标至少需要包含学习内容、学习行为及相应的行为水平3个基本要素,用框架图概括展示了教学目标制订的依据及教师发挥的作用.以"细胞生活的环境"为例,按照框架图的逻辑顺序,从3个方面对教学目标制订的路径及策略进行了探索,包括:依据内容要求挖掘知识关联的学科核心素养、依据学习内容和教学提示设计学生活动...  相似文献   

薛琪 《生物学通报》2022,(11):51-53
以学生自己的基因组为模板,通过PCR技术扩增苦味受体基因片段,利用HaeⅢ酶切和电泳技术鉴定苦味受体的基因型,并与表型进行对比。该研究从解决实际问题出发,创新实验课题,优化实验步骤,加深实验技术理解的同时,培养学生的科学思维和科学探究能力,落实核心素养。  相似文献   

《义务教育生物学课程标准(2022年版)》的公布对生物学教学提出了基于核心素养的育人要求。基于课程理念的指导思想,作业设计应该多元化、实践化、综合化及单元化,让作业成为学生学习的驱动力和兴趣点,使学生在任务驱动型学习中轻松又高效地完成知识的学习与能力的提升,真正落实生物学学科核心素养的要求。  相似文献   

在区域期末考试命题中,探索如何命制试题才能体现学科的核心素养导向及能力要求。提供命题细目表,并对其编制思路作出说明。结合原创试题,就试题命制的3个要素,即情境创设、问题设计和作答要求,分别作出分析与思考,为一线教师及教研人员提供命题经验。  相似文献   

阐述了指向发展学生生物学核心素养的备课方式和思考流程。采用整体备课策略,在课程、模块、单元、一节课4个层面进行备课。从核心素养的4个维度思考单元和一节课的教育价值,制定教学目标。将教学目标转换为核心问题,再将核心问题转换为评价设计。提出在单元层面思考教育价值是培养学生核心素养的关键,核心问题是驱动一节课的先行组织者。  相似文献   

以热点事件新型冠状病毒肺炎的原创试题为例,以“生命观念、理性思维、科学探究、社会责任”核心素养为评价目标,阐述了通过创设真实情境、以学科核心概念为载体设置问题,在问题的提出与解决中评价学生核心素养水平的原创命题研究。  相似文献   

本文阐述了农村中学生物教学中,对基础知识、实验教学、课外活动及学科渗透几个方面的把握,可适时提高学生生物学素养。  相似文献   

为了培养学生的核心素养,发展其综合能力,从高中生物学实验教学的角度,阐释学科交叉教学的必要性,以"叶绿体色素的提取和分离"实验教学为例,挖掘蕴藏于其中的学科交叉点,综合运用相关学科知识解释生命现象。  相似文献   

“认识微生物三剑客——细菌、真菌和病毒”是北京版教材初中《生物学》“生物的多样性”一章中一个单元的学习内容,是笔者通过对教材内容的整合形成的单元教学设计。本研究深入挖掘和拓展教材,结合社会资源、互联网资源,着重突出微生物与人类的关系,包含学生在调查周边资源的过程中形成并解决探究性问题的学习过程。整个单元教学实践过程为优化发展学生生物学学科核心素养提供了强有力的“实证”。  相似文献   

国际基因工程机器大赛(international genetically engineered machine competition,简称iGEM竞赛)是合成生物学国际顶级大学生学术竞赛。iGEM竞赛赛况及项目成果受到ScienceNatureScientific AmericanThe Economist、英国广播公司(BBC)等顶级学术期刊或国际媒体的关注,具有广泛的国际影响力。吸引了来自世界40多个国家和地区的队伍参赛。2011年起开始有高中队参赛,参赛队伍数量逐年增加,高中生日益成为推动iGEM竞赛及合成生物学发展的重要力量之一,iGEM竞赛也成为培养中学生核心素养的重要平台。基于2017–2021年全球高中队参赛情况,本文总结了高中队赛道规则、选题倾向及获奖情况,进一步分析iGEM竞赛对高中生核心素养培养的意义,探究全球高中参赛队伍的发展趋势,为未来高中参赛队伍建设提供理论参考。  相似文献   


Biology education should be relevant to young students so that they can become interested in biology and understand biological topics in their everyday and vocational lives. We conducted interviews and collected mind maps to examine Finnish pre-service biology teachers’ (N = 16) views on the relevance of biology education. Furthermore, we analysed Finnish secondary school biology curricula, which were compared with the pre-service teachers’ answers. We classified the views on relevance into nine main categories using grounded theory as the methodological frame of reference. Pre-service teachers emphasised the relevance of biology to the student’s own life, whereas scientific practices and the nature of science were expressed in secondary school curricula more often. Novice pre-service teachers put more value on general knowledge, while more experienced pre-service teachers were more likely to mention sustainable futures and societal aspects in their reasoning. Based on the results, we identified two stages in the development of the views. This study suggests that pedagogical studies, teaching experience and teacher training have an impact on the pre-service teachers’ views about the relevance of biology education. Moreover, we could find differences between curricula and pre-service teachers’ views, especially regarding scientific practices and the role of the nature of science in biology education.  相似文献   

The combination of the tools and principles of chemistry, together with the tools of modern molecular biology, allow us to create complex synthetic and natural molecules, and processes with novel biological, chemical and physical properties. This article illustrates the tremendous opportunity that lies at this interface of chemistry and biology by describing a number of examples, ranging from efforts to expand the genetic code of living organisms to the use of combinatorial methods to generate biologically active synthetic molecules.  相似文献   

The combination of the tools and principles of chemistry, together with the tools of modern molecular biology, allow us to create complex synthetic and natural molecules, and processes with novel biological, chemical and physical properties. This article illustrates the tremendous opportunity that lies at this interface of chemistry and biology by describing a number of examples, ranging from efforts to expand the genetic code of living organisms to the use of combinatorial methods to generate biologically active synthetic molecules.  相似文献   

钟能政 《生物学杂志》2012,29(4):108-110
结合教学案例,提出下列策略来解决高中生物学教学中"内容多"与"课时少"矛盾:规划好模块的整体教学计划;制定详细、具体、可检测的教学目标,同时教学时要突出主要目标;设计好学生"学"的活动;处理好高中初中生物学教学和不同模块教学的衔接。  相似文献   

广东大中学女教师心理健康状况调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的:调查研究广东大中学女教师心理健康状况并对两者进行比较。方法:利用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对广东330名女教师的心理健康状况进行问卷调查,同时访谈其中10位女教师。结果:大中学女教师的心理健康状况比全国普通人群差,具有轻度心理问题检出率为39.6%,明显心理问题检出率为18.3%;表现突出的是强迫症状、人际关系敏感、抑郁和焦虑。不同群体女教师的心理健康状况存在显著差异:中学女教师比大学女教师差;已婚女教师比未婚女教师差;35~45岁的女教师的心理健康问题较为严重。结论:女教师的心理健康状况不容乐观。建议从制度层面到人文关怀层面,从社会、学校到家庭都给予女教师更多的关心与爱护,客观上为女教师营造良好的生活环境和工作环境;主观上女教师应不断提高自身修养,学会调适自己心理,预防疾病,用正确积极的态度去应对生活和工作。  相似文献   

对苹果心室及霉心病病果心室的微生物区系,霉心病的发病特点及生态防治做了系统研究,认为霉心病及健康果实心室存在多种微生物,霉心病的发生是微生态系统失调引起的。霉心病具有复合侵染、潜伏侵染特性。一些芽孢杆菌(Bacillus.sp)对病原菌有拮抗作用。生态防治可以应用于霉心病的防治。  相似文献   

During the past several decades, the pollination biology of Old World plant species pollinated by flying foxes and of New World plants pollinated by highly specialized nectar-feeding glossophagine bats has been studied in detail. However, little is known about Neotropical plants that are pollinated by less specialized phyllostomid bats. Therefore, we studied the pollination biology of Parkia pendula , a tree pollinated by Phyllostomus . Flowers of P. pendula are arranged in capitula, and a capitulum is composed of approximately 800 hermaphrodite flowers and 260 sterile flowers. The sterile flowers produced a total of 7.4 ml nectar per night, with a sugar concentration of 14.95%, and proline as the dominant amino acid. Nectar production is highest at dusk and ends at 03:00 h. The floral scent is dominated by monoterpenoids (97.9%), with ( E )-β-ocimene being the dominant (84.0%) compound. No sulfur compounds were detected. The capitula are heavily visited by four species of phyllostomid bats, of which Phyllostomus discolor is the most abundant (98.9%). Nectar production per capitulum is within the reported range of nectar produced by this pantropical genus (5.0–8.0 ml). This genus-wide range seems to be optimal for attracting non-specialized nectar-feeding bats and forces them to visit capitula of several trees to satisfy their dietary needs, thus increasing the probability of cross-pollination for this plant.  相似文献   

Transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus (TGEV) is one of the most destructive agents, responsible for the enteric infections that are lethal for suckling piglets, causing enormous economic loss to the porcine fostering industry every year. Although it has been known that TGEV spiker protein is essential for the viral entry for many years, the detail knowledge of the TGEV fusion protein core is still very limited. Here, we report that TGEV fusion core (HR1-SGGRGG-HR2), in vitro expressed in GST prokaryotic expression system, shares the typical properties of the trimer of coiled-coil heterodimer (six alpha-helix bundle), which has been confirmed by a combined series of biochemical and biophysical evidences including size exclusion chromatography (gel-filtration), chemical crossing, and circular diagram. The 3D homologous structure model presents its most likely structure, extremely similar to those of the coronaviruses documented. Taken together, TGEV spiker protein belongs to the class I fusion protein, characterized by the existence of two heptad-repeat (HR) regions, HR1 and HR2, and the present knowledge about the truncated TGEV fusion protein core may facilitate in the design of the small molecule or polypeptide drugs targeting the membrane fusion between TGEV and its host.  相似文献   

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