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Treatment of supercoiled pBR322 DNA with ozone resulted in the conversion of closed circular DNA to open circular DNA. Restriction analysis of the resulting open circular DNA showed that ozonolysis in the absence of salt caused single strand cleavage at specific sites.  相似文献   

Cooperativity in nucleosomes assembly on supercoiled pBR322 DNA.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Many studies have shown that in reconstituted chromatin model systems, containing only purified DNA and histone octamer, nucleosomes can adopt well defined locations with respect to DNA nucleotide sequence. Recently, nucleosome-nucleosome interactions were suggested as one of the factors underlying preferential nucleosomes positioning. In the present paper this aspect has been studied by topological analysis and electron microscopy visualization of minichromosomes reconstituted at different histone/DNA ratios. Both methods suggest that cooperativity plays a role in nucleosomes formation. A linear cooperative model in which nucleosomes are formed on discrete sites with cooperative interactions occurring only between nearest neighbours allows to calculate the cooperative constant. The reported results show that basic interactions, which are of relevance in the process of chromatin folding, are present also in very simple model system.  相似文献   

The fluorescence properties of Hoechst 33342 (HO 33342) were examined with plasmid pBR322 in the supercoiled (Form I) or relaxed covalently closed circular (Form Io) conformation in order to determine whether qualitative or quantitative differences in fluorescence properties might provide an assay for topological states of DNA. It was found that HO 33342 exhibited a 30% greater fluorescence intensity with Form I pBR322, independent of the dye or DNA concentration. As the dye to DNA ratio was increased, a red shift of approximately 8 nm was observed for HO 33342 complexed with Form I or Form Io. The red shift in fluorescence emission occurred at higher HO 33342 concentrations with Form I vs. Form Io DNA; however, when Form I and Form Io were mixed in various proportions, neither the fluorescent intensity differences nor the HO 33342 concentration at which the wavelength shift occurred could be used to quantitate the relative proportions of topological states present. These results suggest that although the fluorescence properties of HO 33342 complexed with Form I DNA are different than those of HO 33342 complexed with Form Io DNA, the fluorescence assay is not sufficiently sensitive to quantitatively discriminate among a mixture of DNA in various topological states.  相似文献   

The physical chemistry of cruciform structures in supercoiled DNA molecules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Inverted repeat DNA sequences extrude cruciform structures when present in negatively supercoiled molecules, stabilised by the release of torsional stress brought about by the negative twist change. We have revealed the presence of cruciform structures by means of enzyme and chemical probing experiments and topological band shift methods. The geometry of cruciform structures has been studied from two points of view. The unpairing of bases in the loop region has been investigated using bisulphite modification, with the result that the central four nucleotides have single-stranded character, and the next pair have only partially single-stranded nature. Gel electrophoretic studies of a pseudo-cruciform structure indicate that the cruciform junction introduces a pronounced bend into the molecule. The dependence of the formation of the ColE1 cruciform upon DNA supercoiling shows that it has a free energy of formation of 18.4 +/- 0.5 kcal mole-1. The kinetics of the extrusion process are complex. Most sequences extrude slowly with considerable temperature coefficients, but the detailed properties are strongly sequence-dependent. One synthetic inverted repeat sequence which we have studied in detail has an Arrhenius activation energy of 42.4 +/- 3.2 kcal mole-1. We discuss possible mechanistic pathways for the extrusion process.  相似文献   

We present a new Monte Carlo simulation code system (DBREAK) of the detailed events that occur when ionizing radiation interacts with water and DNA molecules. The model treats the initial energy deposition by radiation, the formation of chemically active species, subsequent diffusion-controlled chemical reactions, and induction of DNA strand breaks. DBREAK assumes one-hit single-strand break (SSB) and two-hit double-strand break (DSB) mechanisms. A high-resolution model of plasmid DNA structure has been introduced. The calculated results are compared with the results of previously performed experiments of the same type. Under aerobic conditions, 89.4% of the DNA damage was attributed to OH-radical and 10.5% and 0.1% to e aq and H, respectively. We also compared the differences between liquid-water track structure and gas-phase-water track structure. The calculated yield of SSBs by liquid-water track structure exceeded that of gas-phase-water track structure by a factor of 1.2. Received: 13 February 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 26 August 1997  相似文献   

Plasmid pBR322 DNA (0.5mg/mL) isolated from Escherichia coli HB101 was suspended in Tris-HCl-EDTA (1 mol/L - 0.1 mol/L, pH8.5); then a drop of the above solution was deposited on freshly cleaved mica substrate. After adsorption for about 1 min, the sample was stained with phosphotungstic acid. The residua] solution was removed with a piece of filter paper. Afterwards the sample was imaged with a home-made atomic force microscope (AFM) in air. The AFM images of pBR322 DNA with a molecular resolution have been obtained. These images show that pBR322 DNA exists in several different topological structures: (i) relaxed circular DNA with a different diameter; (ii) supercondensed DNA with different particle sizes; (iii) dimeric catenane connected by one relaxed circular molecule and another dose-compacted molecule which might be either supercoiled or intramolecular knotted form; (iv) oligomeric catenane with multiple irregular molecules in which DNA is interlocked into a complex oligomer; (v) possibly-existing  相似文献   

Nucleosomes were reconstituted in vitro from a fragment of DNA spanning the simian virus 40 minimal replication origin. The fragment contains a 27-base-pair palindrome (perfect inverted repeat). DNA molecules with stable cruciform structures were generated by heteroduplexing this DNA fragment with mutants altered within the palindromic sequence (C. Nobile and R. G. Martin, Int. Virol., in press). Analyses of the structural features of the reconstituted nucleosomes by the DNase I footprint technique revealed two alternative DNA-histone arrangements, each one accurately phased with respect to the uniquely labeled DNA ends. As linear double-stranded DNA, a unique core particle was formed in which the histones strongly protected the regions to both sides of the palindrome. The cruciform structure seemed to be unable to associate with core histones and, therefore, an alternative phasing of the histone octamer along the DNA resulted. Thus, nucleosome positioning along a specific DNA sequence appears to be influenced in vitro by the secondary structure (linear or cruciform) of the 27-base-pair palindrome. The formation of cruciform structures in vivo, if they occur, might therefore represent a molecular mechanism by which nucleosomes are phased.  相似文献   

Recently, it was reported that Mg2+greatly facilitates cruciform extrusion in the short palindromes of supercoiled DNA, thereby allowing the formation of cruciform structures in vivo. Because of the potential biological importance of this phenomenon, we undertook a broader study of the effect of Mg2+on a cruciform extrusion in supercoiled DNA. The method of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to detect the cruciform extrusion both in the absence and in the presence of these ions. Our results show that Mg2+shifts the cruciform extrusion in the d(CCC(AT)16GGG) palindrome to a higher, rather than to a lower level of supercoiling. In order to study possible sequence-specific properties of the short palindromes for which the unusual cruciform extrusion in the presence Mg2+was reported, we constructed a plasmid with a longer palindromic region. This region bears the same sequences in the hairpin loops and four-arm junction as the short palindrome, except that the short stems of the hairpins are extended. The extension allowed us to overcome the limitation of our experimental approach which cannot be used for very short palindromes. Our results show that Mg2+also shifts the cruciform extrusion in this palindrome to a higher level of supercoiling. These data suggest that cruciform extrusion in the short palindromes at low supercoiling is highly improbable. We performed a thermodynamic analysis of the effect of Mg2+on cruciform extrusion. The treatment accounted for the effect of Mg2+on both free energy of supercoiling and the free energy of cruciform structure per se. Our analysis showed that although the level of supercoiling required for the cruciform extrusion is not reduced by Mg2+, the ions reduce the free energy of the cruciform structure.  相似文献   

Core-protected DNA can drive only 60% of the Tetrahymena thermophila macronuclear genome into duplexes in hybridization experiments. This core-protected DNA therefore contains only a subset of the genome complexity. We interpret this to mean that a large fraction, if not all, of the genome is phased with respect to nucleosome placement. Among the sequences present in total DNA and absent from core-protected DNA are most of the sequences containing N6-methyladenine (MeAde) residues, consistent with our previous demonstration that most of these residues lie in linker DNA. We show that these results are not due to artifacts resulting from the small size of the DNA driver, nor are they due to any sequence preferences exhibited by staphylococcal (staph) nuclease. This is the first evidence that nucleosome phasing may be a bulk genome characteristic.  相似文献   

磁场对质粒pBR322DNA的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
讨论了经500mT、900mT、1200mT、1500mT恒磁场作用后的质粒pBR322DNA与Ⅱ型限制性内切酶EcoRⅠ、HindⅢ、BamHⅠSalⅠ、PstⅠ、PuvⅡ、TaqⅠ、BglⅠ、RsaⅠ、HinfⅠ、APaⅠ、KpnⅠ等的单酶解、双酶解及多酶解反应。从琼脂糖电泳分离酶解片段的结果,发现经磁场作用过的pBR322DNA在3361—631bp的区段内产生了一个被HinfⅠ识别的新序列GANTC,证明了磁场作用能引起DNA点突变。  相似文献   

Recombinant organisms used in biopharmaceutical production processes are destroyed prior to environmental release into a private or municipal wastewater treatment system. However, concern over the fate of recombinant DNA used in these processes may adversely affect product regulatory approval. This study examined the fate of DNA from the plasmid pBR322 in an activated sludge-derived matrix. DNA suitable for PCR amplification was extracted from the activated sludge matrix and a 1042-bp fragment from pBR322 rapidly decreased in concentration from 0 to 2 h after it was spiked into the activated sludge matrix at an initial DNA concentration of 25 ng ml−1. While some evidence of the 1042-bp fragment was observed at 4 h, no evidence of amplified DNA was observed at 6 h. Plasmid DNA in buffer that served as a positive control exhibited no significant reduction in concentration over time. The intensity of each DNA band over the first 4 h was analyzed. A linear regression of the natural log transformation of these results yielded a mean first-order rate constant of 3.55 h−1 and half-life of 0.2 h. This study demonstrated that recombinant DNA released from industrial processes into wastewater treatment systems should be rapidly degraded. Received 14 August 1998/ Accepted in revised form 19 February 1999  相似文献   

Denaturation of covalently closed circular duplex replicative form (RF) I at high pH yields a form with high sedimentation coefficient even after neutralization. This form allowed less ethidium bromide to be intercalated but yielded a circular dichroic spectrum which had reduced magnitude of both positive circular dichroism at 273 nm and negative circular dichroism at 245 nm. The circular dichroic spectrum of this form is similar to that of RFV DNA. Gel electrophoretic analysis of this DNA revealed that, although part is retained in the groove, another part appeared as a faster-moving band, which we designated as RF Id. This faster-moving form is cleaved by the restriction endonuclease BamHI at a single site giving a single RF III, comigrating with the RF III obtained from RF I by BamHI cleavage. This signifies that the two strands of RF I did not slide over one another during the formation of RF Id as suggested previously.  相似文献   

A computer search of the pBR322 DNA sequence identified five sites matching reported glucocorticoid regulatory element (GRE) DNA consensus sequences and three related sites. A pBR322 DNA fragment containing one GRE site was shown to bind immobilized HeLa S3 cell glucocorticoid receptor and to compete for receptor binding in a competitive binding assay. Conversely, a pBR322 DNA fragment devoid of GRE sites showed barely detectable interaction with glucocorticoid receptor in either of these assays. These results demonstrate the importance of GRE consensus sequences in glucocorticoid receptor interactions with DNA, and further identify a cause for high background binding observed when pBR322 DNA is used as a negative control in studies of glucocorticoid receptor-DNA interactions.  相似文献   

The kinetic properties of cruciform extrusion in supercoiled DNA molecules fall into two main classes. C-type cruciforms extrude in the absence of added salt, at relatively low temperatures, with large activation energies, while S-type cruciforms exhibit no extrusion in the absence of salt, and maximal rates at 50 mM NaCl, with activation energies about one quarter those of the C-type. These diverse properties are believed to reflect two distinct pathways for the extrusion process, and are determined by the nature of the sequences which form the context of the inverted repeat. C-type kinetics are conferred by A + T rich sequences, implying a role of helix stability in the selection. In this study we have shown that: 1. Helix-destabilising solvents (dimethyl formamide and formamide) facilitate extrusion by normally S-type molecules at low temperatures in the absence of salt. 2. C-type extrusion is strongly suppressed by low concentrations (2-4 microM) distamycin, at which concentrations S-type extrusion is enhanced. 3. Some extrusion occurs in a C-type construct in the presence of 50 mM NaCl. This is increased by addition of 3 microM distamycin, under which conditions extrusion becomes effectively S-type. Thus S-type constructs can behave in a quasi-C-type manner in the presence of helix-destabilising solvents, and C-type extrusion is suppressed by binding a compound which stabilises A + T rich regions of DNA. Helix destabilisation leads to C-type behaviour, while helix stabilisation results in S-type properties. These studies demonstrate the influence of contextual helix stability on the selection of kinetic mechanism of cruciform extrusion.  相似文献   

对超螺旋DNA(DNAⅠ)的碱处理产物进行了琼脂糖凝胶电泳,氯化铯-溴化乙锭密度梯度超离心分析,紫外吸收光谱分析和电镜观察。实验结果表明超螺旋DNA在碱性环境中的结构改变发生在很窄的pH范围内(pH12.88─13.00).超过pH临界点的超螺旋DNA碱变构产物紫外吸收高于同浓度天然DNA紫外吸收的29%。变构产物在CsCl-EB密度梯度超离心中的高密度区形成稳定的区带.用透射电镜的观察表明碱变构的超螺旋pBR322DNA具有高电子密度并呈中空颗粒状,以上事实表明,DNA在高pH下可产生一种结构有序的相对稳定的产物.这些结果意味着在碱处理过程中,超螺旋DNA在构象上发生了改变,使其分子由扭曲线形变成球形颗粒状。根据实验事实本文对超螺旋DNA的碱变构产物(DNAⅣ)提出一个新的结构模型──压缩模型。这个模型能更合理地解释一些实验现象。  相似文献   

Efficient transformation of Serratia marcescens with pBR322 plasmid DNA   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
J D Reid  S D Stoufer  D M Ogrydziak 《Gene》1982,17(1):107-112
Eight Serratia marcescens strains tested could be transformed with the plasmid pBR322. Transformants were selected on the basis of resistance to high levels of ampicillin (400 to 500 micrograms/ml). For six of the strains, the CaCl2- mediated transformation procedure developed for Escherichia coli was successful. For the other two strains, no transformants were obtained with the CaCl2-mediated transformation procedure unless the cells first received a heat treatment. Transformation frequency was dependent on DNA concentration, and no transformation was detected with linear pBR322 DNA. The stability and copy number of pBR322 were similar in S. marcescens and E. coli. As in E. coli, the pBR322 DNA was amplified in S. marcescens after inhibition of proteins synthesis. Based on these results, cloning in S. marcescens should be possible and pBR322 should be a useful cloning vehicle.  相似文献   

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