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The participation of organic acids in the process of soil acidification was related to other H+ pumping processes. The ratio between efflux of organic acids and proton secretion of maize roots was determined with the use of a pH-stat combined with a collecting system for organic acids. Changes in the composition of carboxylic acids influenced by nitrogen supply were monitored by HPLC and via enzymatic conversion. The following substances were found to be secreted by maize roots: glycolate, glyoxylate, fumarate, 2-oxoglutarate and oxalate. Malate, however, could not be detected. There is no organic acid dominantly secreted by the roots, but changes are observed during aging which might result from deficiencies of nutrients e.g. P. Fertilization of N-deficient plants with urea leads to a significant change in the composition of acids secreted. In this case, oxalate was additionally detected with a concomitant increase in glyoxylate, indicating important changes in metabolism. Acidification of the rhizosphere is predominantly maintained by secretion of protons, not by efflux of organic acids, which contributed 0.2 to 0.3% to this process only. The role of organic acids in nutrient uptake is discussed.  相似文献   

In contrast to cereals or other crops, legumes are known to acidify the rhizosphere even when supplied with nitrates. This phenomenon has been attributed to N2 fixation allowing excess uptake of cations over anions; however, as we have found previously, the exposure of the shoot to illumination can cause rhizosphere acidification in the absence of N2 fixation in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp). In this study, we examined whether the light-induced acidification can relate to photosynthetic activity and corresponding alterations in cation-anion uptake ratios. The changes of rhizosphere pH along the root axis were visualized using a pH indicator agar gel. The intensity of pH changes (alkalization/acidification) in the rhizosphere was expressed in proton fluxes, which were obtained by processing the images of the pH indicator agar gel. The uptake of cations and anions was measured in nutrient solution. The rhizosphere was alkalinized in the dark but acidified with exposure of the shoots to light. The extent of light-induced acidification was increased with leaf size and intensity of illumination on the shoot, and completely stopped with the application of photosynthesis inhibitor. Although the uptake of cations was significantly lower than that of anions, the rhizosphere was acidified by light exposure. Proton pump inhibitors N,N'-dicyclohexyl carbodimide and vanadate could not stop the light-induced acidification. The results indicate that light-induced acidification in cowpea seedlings is regulated by photosynthetic activity, but is not due to excess uptake of cations.  相似文献   

核桃(Juglans regia)向南推广种植不可避免地会遇到土壤酸化和缺磷的环境, 这种环境如何影响核桃的生长是生产中需要知晓的基础问题。该文研究了土壤不同pH值对核桃的磷素营养影响以及缺磷对核桃幼苗水分平衡、光合特性和生长的影响。在温室内采用砂培盆栽试验, 研究一年生核桃嫁接幼苗在不同pH值、磷水平基质中的水分关系、光合特性和生长的应对机制。研究设4种处理, 即: 对照(正常供应磷素+ pH 6.0); 正常供应磷素+ pH 3.0; 不添加磷素+ pH 6.0; 不添加磷素+ pH 3.0。结果显示: pH值与磷素对核桃幼苗的影响是两个相互独立的过程, 酸性(pH值3.0)条件下, 核桃幼苗根系生物量降低、根冠比减小, 根系导水率降低, 对磷素的吸收利用减少, 尽管其供磷正常, 但各生长指标及生理指标与磷胁迫条件下反应相似; 两因素具有一定的叠加性, 在磷胁迫条件下, 酸化(pH值3.0)对核桃幼苗的损害进一步加剧。各指标具体变化如下: 酸化及磷胁迫条件下核桃根系水分导度降低, 叶柄木质部结构改变, 导管密度降低, 木质部导管栓塞程度增加, 叶柄导水率下降, 植株水分运输效率降低, 叶片水势降低, 诱导气孔关闭; 气孔导度降低, 光合作用能力下降; 胁迫条件下, 叶绿素荧光参数最大光化学效率低于0.8, 实际光化学效率、光化学淬灭下降, 非光化学淬灭增加, 核桃幼苗受胁迫环境损害, 叶片光系统II光合电子传递活性受到抑制, 光合能力下降。总之, 土壤酸化抑制了核桃幼苗对磷元素的吸收利用, 造成体内缺磷; 磷胁迫及酸化抑制了叶柄木质部的发育, 降低了根系水分导度和叶柄导水率, 干扰了核桃幼苗水分平衡, 通过气孔与非气孔共同调节, 限制了核桃幼苗光合作用, 抑制了核桃幼苗高生长、直径生长及叶面积增加; 但并没有发现土壤酸化和缺磷之间有明显的交互作用。  相似文献   

Ammonium sulphate is a major component of the air pollutants deposited on forests in the Netherlands. Different amounts of NH4 + were added to Douglas-fir seedlings grown in tall containers of sand, to study the influence of high concentrations of NH4 + in the soil on the development of fine roots and the effects of nitrogen uptake on rhizosphere pH. At the end of this eight-month experiment part of the ammonium appeared to have nitrified into nitrate. High doses of ammonium negatively affected root length and root length per unit of dry matter (specific root length). Although Douglas fir shows a preferential ammonium uptake in nutrient solutions the increases in the pH of the rhizosphere in this experiment indicate that nitrogen was mostly taken up as nitrate. When the ammonium concentration in the soil is low, it cannot be taken up readily because of its low mobility in soil. Shoot growth was stimulated by high availability of nitrogen. The possible effects of high doses of ammonium on long-term forest vitality are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Fusicoccin (FC)-stimulated K+ (86Rb) uptake and proton extrusion of maize (Zea mays) root apical segments were inhibited by pretreatment of 4-day-old seedlings with the herbicide Chlorsulfuron. In the range of Chlorsulfuron concentrations 0.01-10 mmol m?3, the percentage of inhibition was 15% at 0.01 mmol m?3 and progressively increased with Chlorsulfuron concentration up to 60% at 10 mmol m?3. At the maximum concentration tested (10 mmol m?3), the inhibition was evident after 1.5 h of pre-treatment. The binding of FC to microsomal fractions of root segments from Chlorsulfuron-pretreated seedlings was inhibited by 30%. It is suggested that Chlorsulfuron causes an alteration at the plasmalemma level involving the FC binding sites. The ineffectiveness of Chlorsulfuron in inhibiting FC-stimulaled K+ uptake when administered to excised segments, while inhibiting the enzyme acetolactate synthase, pointed out by Ray (1984) as the site of action of Chlorsulfuron in pea plants, suggests that the observed inhibition of K+ uptake and H+ extrusion is not induced by Chlorsulfuron inhibition of this enzyme. An alternative site of action of Chlorsulfuron is hypothesized in maize plants.  相似文献   

We have studied the mechanism of the response to iron deficiency in rape (Brassica napus L.), taking into account our previous results: net H+ extrusion maintains a pH shift between the root apoplast and the solution, and the magnitude of the pH shift decreases as the buffering power in the solution increases. The ferric stress increased the ability of roots to reduce Fe[III]EDTA. Buffering the bulk solution (without change in pH) inhibited Fe[III]EDTA reduction. At constant bulk pH, the inhibition (ratio of the Fe[III]EDTA-reduction rates measured in the presence and in the absence of buffer) increased with the rate of H+ extrusion (modulated by the length of a pretreatment in 0.2 mM CaSO4). These results support the hypothesis that the apoplastic pH shift caused by H+ excretion stimulated Fe[III] reduction. The shape of the curves describing the pH-dependency of Fe[III]EDTA reduction in the presence and in the absence of a buffer fitted this hypothesis. When compared to the titration curves of Fe[III]citrate and of Fe[III]EDTA, the curves describing the dependency of the reduction rate of these chelates on pH indicated that the stimulation of Fe[III] reduction by the apoplastic pH shift due to H+ excretion could result from changes in electrostatic interactions between the chelates and the fixed chargers of the cell wall and-or plasmalemma. Blocking H+ excretion by vanadate resulted in complete inhibiton of Fe[III] reduction, even in an acidic medium in which there was neither a pH shift nor an inhibitory effect of a buffer. This indicates that the apoplastic pH shift resulting from H+ pumping is not the only mechanism which is involved in the coupling of Fe[III] reduction to H+ transport. Our results shed light on the way by which the strong buffering effect of HCO 3 - in some soils may be involved in iron deficiency encountered by some of the plants which grow in them.  相似文献   

The effect of nutrient deficiency, aeration, phosphorus supply, and nitrogen source on the formation of cluster (proteoid) roots was examined in Myrica gale seedlings growing in water culture. Only the omission of phosphorus resulted in the formation of significant numbers to cluster roots when plants were grown in a number of 1/4 strength Hoagland's solutions, each lacking one mineral nutrient. Aeration shortened the time required for cluster root formation and increased the percentage of plants forming cluster roots. The proportion of the root system comprised of cluster roots decreased as the phosphorus concentration in the solution increased and no cluster roots formed in solutions containing 8 mg P/L. Phosphorus supply also affected total plant biomass, proportion of biomass comprising nitrogen-fixing nodules, shoot:root ratio, phosphorus concentration in the leaves and phosphorus content of the plants. The plants showed luxury consumption of phosphorus and were able to produce large amounts of biomass utilizing only stored phosphorus.Nitrogen source also affected cluster root formation. Urea-fed plants produced cluster roots more quickly and devoted a substantially larger proportion of root growth to cluster roots than did nitrate-fed plants. The longest cluster root axes were produced in nitrate-fed plants supplied with no phosphorus and the shortest were in urea-fed plants at 4 mg P L–1.Four methods for expressing the extent of cluster root formation were examined and it was concluded that cluster roots as a proportion of total fine root dry weight is preferable in many cases. Formation of cluster roots in response to phosphorus deficiency coupled with previously demonstrated traits allows Myrica gale to adapt to a wide range of soil conditions.  相似文献   

Two-month-old jack pine ( Pinus banksiana Lamb.) seedlings were placed in a greenhouse where both nitrogen source and light level were varied. After 4 months, whole seedling biomass, leaf biomass and relative growth rate were greatest in seedlings grown with NH+4/NO/NO3-N and full light (FL) and least in seedlings grown with NO 3-N and low light (LL). NO 3-seedlings grown under full light and NH+4/NO3-seedlings grown under low light were approximately equal. This indicates that the extra carbon costs of assimilating only NO3-N were similar to the reduction of carbon fixation resulting from a 50% decrease in photon flux density. Percentage and total nitrogen content of needles were greater in seedlings grown under low light independent of nitrogen fertilization. Percentage and total nitrogen content of roots were higher under low light and lower when fertilized with NO3.
Nitrate reductase (NR) activity was higher in roots than in needles, while glutamine synthetase (GS) activity was higher in needles than in roots. Low light resulted in decreased NR activity (mg N)−1 in needles, but not in roots. However, no nitrate was detected in the needles in any treatment. GS activity, on the other hand, was greater under low light in both needles and roots. GS activity in needles is most likely involved with the reassimilation rather than the initial assimilation of ammonium. Some implications of these shifts in enzymatic activity for ecological phenomena in forests are discussed.  相似文献   

亚侧耳菌丝生物学特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邹莉  王义  王轶  高博 《菌物学报》2008,27(6):915-923
亚侧耳是中国东北地区著名野生食用菌,味道鲜美,营养丰富,为了开发利用这一自然资源,采用组织分离法,分离出野生亚侧耳菌丝并对其生物学特性进行了研究。结果表明:在5种供试碳源中,亚侧耳菌丝以利用葡萄糖最好;在6种供试氮源中,以利用酵母浸粉和蛋白胨最佳;亚侧耳菌丝能在碳氮比10/1-60/1范围内生长,但以20/1-40/1为宜;最适生长温度为23℃-25℃;最适pH范围为5.4-5.8。  相似文献   

Birch ( Betula pendula Roth.) was investigated under steady state nutrition and growth at different relative addition rates of phosphorus (Rp). Phosphorus deficiency symptoms appeared on the leaves when the internal phosphorus concentration decreased, but disappeared again under steady state nutrition, independent of the stress level. The increased root/shoot ratio and the exploratory type of root systems developed during the adjustment stage remained under steady state conditions. At nonoptimum and close to optimum relative addition rates, independent of the rate, the phosphorus concentration of the culture solution did not exceed 2 μmol dm−3 and was generally < 1 μmol dm−3 immediately after phosphorus additions. The phosphorus concentration just before additions was generally < 0.5 μmol dm−3. The nutrition/growth relationships were similar to those for nitrogen, with relative growth rate (Rg) closely related to the Rp applied and with a strong linear relationship between internal phosphorus concentration and Rg. Regression was much steeper than that for nitrogen. The slope of the optimum nutrition was attained at a lower phosphorus weight proportion to nitrogen (8–10 P: 100 N) than previously estimated (= 13 P: 100 N), but a higher relative phosphorus requirement was observed under stress conditions. Birch seedlings had a strong tendency to consume phosphorus in excess of immediate requirements with a small effect on growth above optimum. This resulted in rapidly decreasing phosphorus productivity (Pp, growth rate per unit of phosphorus) with increasing internal phosphorus concentrations above optimum.  相似文献   

One-year old nectarine trees [Prunus persica, Batsch var. nectarina (Ait.) Maxim.], cv Nectaross grafted on P.S.B2 peach seedlings [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] were grown for five months in 4-litre pots filled with two alkaline soils, one of which was also calcareous. Soils were regularly subjected to fertigation with either ammonium sulphate or calcium nitrate providing a total of 550 mg N/tree. Trees were also grown in such soils receiving only deionized water, as controls. Rhizosphere pH, measured by the use of a microelectrode inserted in agar sheet containing a bromocresol purple as pH indicator and placed on selected roots, was decreased by about 2–3 units compared to the bulk soil pH in all treatments. This decrease was slightly less marked when plants were supplied with calcium nitrate rather than ammonium sulphate or control. Measurements conducted during the course of the experiment indicated that ammonium concentration was similar in the solution of soils receiving the two N fertilizers. During the experiment, soil solution nitrate-N averaged 115 mg L–1 in soil fertilized with calcium nitrate, 68 mg L–1 in those receiving ammonium sulphate and 1 mg L–1 in control soils. At the end of the experiment nitrate concentrations were similar in soils receiving the two N sources and bulk soil pH was decreased by about 0.4 units by ammonium sulphate fertigation: these evidences suggest a rapid soil nitriflcation activity of added ammonium. Symptoms of interveinal chlorosis in apical leaves appeared during the course of the experiment in trees planted in the alkaline-calcareous soil when calcium nitrate was added. The slightly higher rhizosphere pH for calcium nitrate-fed plants may have contributed to this. The findings suggest that using ammonium sulphate in a liquid form (e.g. by fertigation) in high-pH soils leads to their acidification and the micronutrient availability may be improved.  相似文献   

为促进微拟球藻EPA高效积累,本研究探索了光照强度和氮源种类对微拟球藻生理生化及EPA相对含量的影响;根据光照和氮源实验结果设计两阶段氮源补料策略,并优化了氮源补料时间。结果表明:光强从1 000 lux增加至9 000 lux,微拟球藻比生长速率从0.25 d~(-1)增加至0.54 d-1,油脂含量从11.4%增加至20.2%,而EPA相对含量从25.5%降低至13.1%;培养10 d后乙酸铵组生物量和油脂含量最高,分别为0.41 g·L~(-1)和14.3%,硝酸钠组EPA相对含量最高,为27.1%;两阶段硝酸钠加乙酸铵培养模式,最佳乙酸铵补料时间为第11 d,培养20 d最终生物量及EPA相对含量分别为0.68 g·L~(-1)和24.3%。采用两阶段氮源补料策略能促进微拟球藻高效积累EPA。  相似文献   

Birch ( Betula pendula Roth.) was investigated under steady-state nutrition and growth at different incident photon flux densities (PFD) and different relative addition rates of nitrogen. PFD had a strong influence on the relative growth rate at optimum nutrition and on the nitrogen productivity (growth rate per unit of nitrogen) but little effect on the formal relationships between nitrogen and growth, i.e. PFD and nitrogen nutrition are orthogonal growth factors. At a given suboptimum nitrogen (the same distance from optimum), increased PFD increased the relative growth rate and, therefore, the relative uptake rate and the required relative addition rate in accordance with the theoretical equality between these three parameters at steady-state nutrition. Correspondingly, at a given suboptimum relative addition rate, increased PFD decreased nitrogen status (larger distance from optimum) at an unchanged relative growth rate. Nutrient uptake rate, dry matter content, and partitioning of biomass and nutrients are strongly influenced by nitrogen status. PFD influences these characteristics, but only to an extent corresponding to its effect on the nitrogen status. The influence of PDF on the relative growth rate at optimum and on nitrogen productivity is well described by hyperbolic relationships, similar to reported PFD/photosynthesis relationships. These expressions for plant growth as well as the productivities of leaf area and quantum appear to be valuable characteristics of plant responses to light and nutrition. Although the calculated PFD/growth relationships indicate saturation at high values of PFD, a more realistic estimate of PFD at which saturation occurs is about 30 mol m−2 day−1, where the highest relative growth rate and nitrogen productivity were experimentally determined. No significant effect was observed because of day length differences between the present and previous experiments.  相似文献   

Three-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) trees were grown on a sandy forest soil in pots, with the objective to determine their NH4/NO3 uptake ratio and proton efflux. N was supplied in three NH4-N/NO3-N ratios, 3:1, 1:1 and 1:3, either as 15NH4+14NO3 or as 14NH4+15NO3. Total N and 15N acquisition of different plant parts were measured. Averaged over the whole tree, the NH4/NO3 uptake ratios throughout the growing season were found to be 4.2, 2.5, and 1.5 for the three application ratios, respectively. The excess cation-over-anion uptake value (Ca-Aa) appeared to be linearly related to the natural logarithm of the NH4/NO3 uptake ratio. Further, this uptake ratio was related to the NH4/NO3 ratio of the soil solution. From these relationship it was estimated that Scots pine exhibits an acidifying uptake pattern as long as the contribution of nitrate to the N nutrition is lower than 70%. Under field circumstances root uptake may cause soil acidification in the topsoil, containing the largest part of the root system, and soil alkalization in deeper soil layers.  相似文献   

Small birch plants ( Betula pendula Roth .) were grown at different rates of exponentially increasing nitrogen supply. This resulted in plants with different relative growth rates and different internal nitrogen concentrations. Within a nitrogen treatment, both of these variables remained constant with time.
Free amino acids were measured in leaves and roots of the seedlings at two different harvests. At greater nitrogen supply, higher concentrations of total amino acid nitrogen were found in roots and leaves. The ratio of amino acid nitrogen to total nitrogen was low albeit greater at higher nitrogen supply. Higher concentrations of amino acid nitrogen were mainly due to high concentrations of citrulline, glutamine, γ-aminobuitric acid and arginine.
Greater leaf concentrations of amino acid nitrogen at higher nitrogen supply may be related lo increased concentrations in the xylem sap and/or may be indicative of small excesses of nitrogen with respect to current nitrogen usage in protein synthesis.  相似文献   

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