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Incompatibility between E colicin plasmids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have tested the ability of pairs of colicin E plasmids to replicate stably in the same cell line. Although many of the pairs of E colicin plasmids were compatible, plasmids ColE3-CA38, ColE7-K317 and ColE8-J were mutually incompatible, as were ColE5-099, ColE6-CT14 and ColE9-J. Incompatibility between ColE6-CT14 and ColE5-099 or ColE9-J was asymmetrical, whereas incompatibility between the other plasmid pairs was symmetrical.  相似文献   

L S Saxe 《Biochemistry》1975,14(10):2058-2063
An in vitro system has been developed to test whether colicin E2 possesses DNase activity. Purified colicin E2 preparations introduced one single-strand scission in supercoiled lambda phage DNA. Glycerol gradient fractionation of colicin E2 supports the association of in vitro action with in vivo cell-killing activity. Colicin E2 preparations also attacked superhelical SV40 DNA yielding open circles and fragments and single-stranded fd DNA molecules causing one or more endonucleolytic breaks. The possible role of contaminating nucleases in the activity of colicin E2 preparations is discussed.  相似文献   

Colicin plasmids E2 and E3 (Col E2 and Col E3) deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) has been shown to contain, respectively, two and three EcoR1 restriction endonuclease-sensitive sites. This was determined by measuring the DNA fragments generated after EcoR1 endonuclease treatment by agarose gel electrophoresis and electron microscopy. The structure of heteroduplex Col E2-col E3 DNA molecules formed from EcoR1-generated fragments permitted a localization of the EcoR1-sensitive sites on the plasmid chromosomes.  相似文献   

Mechanism of export of colicin E1 and colicin E3.   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The mechanism of export of colicins E1 and E3 was examined. Neither colicin E1, colicin E3, Nor colicin E3 immunity protein appears to be synthesized as a precursor protein with an amino-terminal extension. Instead, the colicins, as well as the colicin E3 immunity protein, appear to leave the cells where they are made, long after their synthesis, by a nonspecific mechanism which results in increased permeability of the producing cells. Induction of ColE3-containing cells with mitomycin C leads to actual lysis of those cells, as some time after synthesis of the colicin E3 and its immunity protein has been completed. Induction of ColE1-containing cells results in increased permeability of the cells, but not in actual lysis, and most of the colicin E1 produced never leaves the producing cells. Intracellular proteins such as elongation factor G can be found outside of colicinogenic cells after mitomycin C induction, along with the colicin. Until substantial increases in permeability occur, most of the colicin remains cell associated, in the soluble cytosol, rather than in a membrane-associated form.  相似文献   

In vitro inactivation of ascites ribosomes by colicin E 3   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Colicin E 3 treatment of 80 S ribosomes from mouse ascites cells completely arrests in vitro protein synthesis. Isolated 40 S subunits are resistant to the colicin action while the larger subunit becomes inactivated after treatment with this protein. 40 S subunits derived from colicin E 3 treated 80 S ribosomes lose their ability to participate in polyphenylalanine synthesis. Colicin E 3 damaged 80 S ribosomes appear to be functional with regard to Met-tRNAfMet binding while they fail to attach Phe-tRNA to the A-site. Thus, except for the susceptibility of their larger subunits to colicin, the inactivation mechanism of 80 S particles resembles the process which alters the bacterial ribosome.  相似文献   

Expression of colicin factor E2-P9   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Escherichia coli strain CL137, a K-12 derivative made E colicinogenic by contact with Fredericq's strain K317, was unaffected by colicin E2-P9, but K-12 carrying ColE2-P9 was sensitive to the E colicin made by strains CL137 and K317. This colicin we named E7-K317 because by the test of colicinogenic immunity it differed from colicins E1-K30, E2-P9, and E3-CA38 and from recently recognized colicins termed E4Horak, E5, and E6. Strain K317 as conjugational donor transmitted E7 colicinogeny; about half the E7-colicinogenic transconjugants were immune to colicin E2-P9. A spontaneous variant of CL137 retained E7 colicinogeny but was sensitive to E2 colicins. We attribute the E2 immunity of strain CL137 and some E7-coliconogeic transconjugants to a "colicin-immunity plasmid," ColE2imm-K317, from strain K317. Tra+ E7-colicinogenic transconjugants restricted phage BF23 in the same way as strains carrying ColIb-P9. We attribute Tra+ and restricting ability to a plasmid, pRES-K317, acquired from strain K317, and related to the ColI plasmids.  相似文献   

Summary Insertion of DNA at the EcoRI site of ColE1 results in increase of immunity to colicin killing in E. coli harboring such recombinant ColE1 plasmid as compared to E. coli (ColE1). This effect is neither due to cis or trans interactions originating from the inserted foreign DNA fragment, nor to changes in plasmid copy number. This defect in the immunity mechanism is not trans complemented for by wild type ColE1. Increase in immunity can also be obtained by deleting a DNA segment from the ColE1 genome. This segment is 120 bp left to the EcoRI site within the colicin structural gene. It is concluded that the structure of DNA per se, around the EcoRI site, within colicin structural gene, is the structure which affects immunity expression.  相似文献   

How proteins achieve high-affinity binding to a specific protein partner while simultaneously excluding all others is a major biological problem that has important implications for protein design. We report the crystal structure of the ultra-high-affinity protein-protein complex between the endonuclease domain of colicin E2 and its cognate immunity (Im) protein, Im2 (K(d)~10(-)(15)?M), which, by comparison to previous structural and biophysical data, provides unprecedented insight into how high affinity and selectivity are achieved in this model family of protein complexes. Our study pinpoints the role of structured water molecules in conjoining hotspot residues that govern stability with residues that control selectivity. A key finding is that a single residue, which in a noncognate context massively destabilizes the complex through frustration, does not participate in specificity directly but rather acts as an organizing center for a multitude of specificity interactions across the interface, many of which are water mediated.  相似文献   

We report the overproduction of the immunity protein for the DNase colicin E9 and its characterization both in vivo and in vitro. The genes for colicin immunity proteins are normally co-expressed from Col plasmids with their corresponding colicins. In the context of the enzymatic colicins, the two proteins form a complex, thereby protecting the host bacterium from the antibiotic activity of the colicin. This complex is then released into the medium, whereupon the colicin alone translocates (through the appropriate receptor) into sensitive bacterial strains, resulting in bacterial cell death. The immunity protein for colicin E9 (Im9) has been overproduced in a bacterial host in the absence of its colicin, to enable sufficient material to be isolated for structural studies. As a prelude to such studies, the in-vivo and in-vitro properties of overproduced Im9 were analysed. Electrospray mass spectrometry verified the molecular mass of the purified protein and analytical ultracentrifugation indicated that the native protein approximates a symmetric monomer. Fluorescence-enhancement and gel-filtration experiments show that purified Im9 binds to colicin E9 in a 1:1 molar ratio and that this binding neutralizes the DNase activity of the colicin. These results lay the foundations for a full biophysical and structural characterization of the colicin E9 DNase inhibitor protein, Im9.  相似文献   

The mode of action of colicin E2 on ribosomes in Escherichia coli cells was investigated by zonal centrifugation analysis. Ribosome particles, both 50S and 30S, were degraded to smaller contents with the lapse of time by the action of colicin E2. Gradual reduction of S values of each particles could not be observed and degradative intermediates of possible RNA-protein complex were detected only at the position between 30S and 4S in the zonal centrifugation profile, which indicated the destruction of ribosome in burst-out attitude. 50S ribosome fraction influenced by colicin E2 contained both 23S and half-sized RNA. From these data, the mode of action of colicin E2 on ribosomes in E. coli was discussed.  相似文献   

L S Saxe 《Biochemistry》1975,14(10):2051-2057
A lambda DNA supercoil system has been developed to study the effects of colicin E2 on DNA in vivo. Colicin E2, a protein antibiotic synthesized by strains of coliform bacteria that carry the Col E2 plasmid, had as its most conspicious effect damage to the DNA of sensitive strains. Colicine E2 attacks the supercoiled molecul formed by labeled lambda DNA in superinfected cells as well as it attacks the bacterial DNA. The rate and extent of acid solubilization of the lambda supercoils and of host bacterial DNA induced by E2 treatment are nearly identical. Treatment of superinfected cells with colicin E2 results in the progressive conversion of lambda DNA supercoils to open circles and/or linear full lenght molecules, and subsequently to fragments less than full lambda in size. The first endonucleolytic reactions are single-strand and or double-strand breaks. The rate of supercoil breakdown as well as the final percent supercoils remaining unconverted, the size of the final lambda fragments, and the extent of solubilization are dependent on the multiplicity of colicin used. Additions of trypsin to E2-treated superinfected cells results in a cessation of further breakdown of the lambda molecules, presumably as a result of digestion of accessible colicin molecules. Energy is essential for an early event in colicin E2 action. The host enzymes, endonuclease I and Rec BC, may be instrumental in the nucleolytic process caused by colicin E2: endonuclease I in reaction preceding cell killing and Rec BC in a secondary degradation of the bacterial DNA.  相似文献   

Release of colicin E2 from Escherichia coli.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Treatment of Escherichia coli K-12(ColE2.P9) with 500 ng of mitomycin C per ml resulted in rapid and almost synchronous colicin E2 production. Colicin accumulated outside the cytoplasmic membrane, most probably in the periplasmic space. Colicin release occurred during a period in which the turbidity of the culture declined markedly. Periplasmic alkaline phosphatase was released during the same period, but cytoplasmic beta-galactosidase release was delayed.  相似文献   

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