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The methylation-dependent restriction endonuclease McrBC from Escherichia coli K12 cleaves DNA containing two R(m)C dinucleotides separated by about 40 to 2000 base-pairs. McrBC is unique in that cleavage is totally dependent on GTP hydrolysis. McrB is the GTP binding and hydrolyzing subunit, whereas MrC stimulates its GTP hydrolysis. The C-terminal part of McrB contains the sequences characteristic for GTP-binding proteins, consisting of the GxxxxGK(S/T) motif (position 201-208), followed by the DxxG motif (position 300-303). The third motif (NKxD) is present only in a non-canonical form (NTAD 333-336). Here we report a mutational analysis of the putative GTP-binding domain of McrB. Amino acid substitutions were initially performed in the three proposed GTP-binding motifs. Whereas substitutions in motif 1 (P203V) and 2 (D300N) show the expected, albeit modest effects, mutation in the motif 3 is at variance with the expectations. Unlike the corresponding EF-Tu and ras -p21 variants, the D336N mutation in McrB does not change the nucleotide specificity from GTP to XTP, but results in a lack of GTPase stimulation by McrC. The finding that McrB is not a typical G protein motivated us to perform a search for similar sequences in DNA databases. Eight microbial sequences were found, mainly from unfinished sequencing projects, with highly conserved sequence blocks within a presumptive GTP-binding domain. From the five sequences showing the highest homology, 17 invariant charged or polar residues outside the classical three GTP-binding motifs were identified and subsequently exchanged to alanine. Several mutations specifically affect GTP affinity and/or GTPase activity. Our data allow us to conclude that McrB is not a typical member of the superfamily of GTP-binding proteins, but defines a new subfamily within the superfamily of GTP-binding proteins, together with similar prokaryotic proteins of as yet unidentified function.  相似文献   

Human diseases like AIDS, malaria, and pneumonia are caused by pathogens that corrupt host chemokine G-protein coupled receptors for molecular docking. Comparatively, little is known about plant host factors that are required for pathogenesis and that may serve as receptors for the entry of pathogenic microbes. Here, we review potential analogies between human chemokine receptors and the plant seven-transmembrane MLO protein, a candidate serving a dual role as docking molecule and defence modulator for the phytopathogenic powdery mildew fungus.  相似文献   

The autophagosome is the central organelle in macroautophagy, a vacuolar lysosomal catabolic pathway that degrades cytoplasmic material to fuel starving cells and eliminates intracellular pathogens. Macroautophagy has important physiological roles during development, ageing and the immune response, and its cytoprotective function is compromised in various diseases. A set of autophagy-related (ATG) proteins is hierarchically recruited to the phagophore, the initial membrane template in the construction of the autophagosome. However, recent findings suggest that macroautophagy can also occur in the absence of some of these key autophagy proteins, through the unconventional biogenesis of canonical autophagosomes. Such alternatives to the evolutionarily conserved scheme might provide additional therapeutic opportunities.  相似文献   

Molecular machines orchestrate the translocation and entry of pathogens through host cell membranes, in addition to the uptake and release of molecules during endocytosis and exocytosis. Viral cell entry requires a family of glycoproteins, and the structural organization and function of these viral glycoproteins are similar to the SNARE proteins, which are known to be involved in intracellular vesicle fusion, endocytosis and exocytosis. Here, we propose that a family of bacterial membrane proteins that are responsible for cell-mediated adherence and entry resembles the structural architecture of both viral fusion proteins and eukaryotic SNAREs and might therefore share similar, but distinct, mechanisms of cell membrane translocation. Furthermore, we propose that the recurrence of these molecular machines across species indicates that these architectural motifs were evolutionarily selected because they provided the best solution to ensure the survival of pathogens within a particular environment.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic reaction centres: variations on a common structural theme?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
From their hybrid properties, the reaction centres of green sulphur bacteria and heliobacteria seem to be the missing links between the two branches of the reaction centre family, typified by higher plant photosystem I and the purple bacterial reaction centre. This suggests that all of the diverse types of photosynthetic reaction centres have closer structural resemblances than was previously thought.  相似文献   

A cursory glance at old textbooks of plant pathology reveals that the diseases which are the current scourge of agriculture in many parts of the world are a different set from those that were prominent 50 or 100 years ago. Why have these new diseases arisen? The traditional explanations subscribe to the "nature abhors a vacuum" principle-that control of one disease creates the condition for the emergence of a replacement-but does little to explain why the new pathogen succeeds. The emergence of a new disease requires a series of conditions and steps, including the enhanced fecundity of the new pathogen, enhanced survival from season to season, and spread around the world. Recently, evidence was obtained that wheat tan spot emerged through a lateral gene transfer event some time prior to 1941. Although there have been sporadic and persistent reports of lateral gene transfer between and into fungal plant pathogens, most examples have been dismissed through incomplete evidence. The completion of whole genome sequences of an increasing number of fungal pathogens no longer allows such proposed cases of lateral gene transfer to be dismissed so easily. How frequent are lateral gene transfers involving fungal plant pathogens, and can this process explain the emergence of many of the new diseases of the recent past? Many of the apparently new diseases are dependant on the expression of host-specific toxins. These are enigmatic molecules whose action requires the presence of plant genes with products that specifically encode sensitivity to the toxin and susceptibility to the disease. It is also notable that many new diseases belong to the fungal taxon dothideomycetes. This review explores the coincidence of new diseases, interspecific gene transfer, host-specific toxins, and the dothideomycete class.  相似文献   

The Aurora A (AurA) serine/threonine kinase controls multiple aspects of cell division and plays a key role in centrosome maturation and bipolar spindle assembly. The pleiotropic functions of AurA depend on its interaction with several cofactors, the best known of which is TPX2. TPX2 targets AurA to spindle microtubules (MTs) and activates it, both allosterically and by protecting the activation loop (T-loop) of the kinase domain from dephosphorylation. Although several factors have been implicated in the regulation of AurA at centrosomes, the underlying mechanism has remained elusive, and the existence of a distinct centrosome-specific AurA activator has been proposed. Our recent study has identified this activator as Cep192/Spd-2, one of the key factors in centrosome biogenesis. Cep192 targets AurA to centrosomes, where it promotes its activation by a novel, oligomerization-dependent mechanism characterized by extensive T-loop phosphorylation and high kinase activity. This process is key to the function of centrosomes as microtubule-organizing centers. Here, our findings are discussed in the context of other recent studies on the Aurora kinases, with an emphasis on their role in spindle assembly. The collected evidence suggests that the ‘hot spots’ of MT nucleation, centrosomes and kinetochores, rely on the oligomerization-mediated mechanism of activation of AurA and AurB, respectively.  相似文献   

Signal transduction pathways often modulate both positively and negatively acting components to optimize the efficiency of a signal. Recent results have shown that plants make extensive use of regulated proteolysis to modulate signal transduction pathways. An emerging theme from hormone (e.g. auxin and gibberellin) and light signaling pathways is signal or stimulus-induced degradation of negative regulators to optimize plant growth and development.  相似文献   

There is an urgent need for therapies for retinal diseases; retinitis pigmentosa sufferers have no treatment options available and those targeted at other retinopathies have shown limited effectiveness. The process of programmed cell death or apoptosis although complex, remains a possible target for the treatment of retinal diseases. Having identified apoptosis in the vertebrate retina in populations of immature neurons as an essential part of development it was proposed that re-activation of these developmental cell death pathways might provide insight into the death mechanisms operating in retinal diseases. However, the discovery that numerous factors initiate and mediate the apoptotic cascade in mature photoreceptors has resulted in a relatively untargeted approach to examining and arresting apoptosis in the retina. In the last 5 years, mouse models have been treated with a diverse range of drugs or factors including anti-oxidants, growth factors, steroid hormones, calcium/calpain inhibitors and tetracycline antibiotics. Therefore to draw a unifying theme from these broad research areas is challenging. However, this review focusses on two targets which are currently under investigation, reactive oxygen species and mammalian target of rapamycin, drawing together the common themes of these research areas.  相似文献   

Posttranslational modifications (PTMs) on microtubules differentiate these cytoskeletal elements for a variety of cellular functions. We recently identified SETD2 as a dual-function histone and microtubule methyltransferase, and methylation as a new microtubule PTM that occurs on lysine 40 of α-tubulin, which is trimethylated (α-TubK40me3) by SETD2. In the course of these studies, we generated polyclonal (α-TubK40me3 pAb) and monoclonal (α-TubK40me3 mAb) antibodies to a methylated α-tubulin peptide (GQMPSD-Kme3-TIGGGDC). Here, we characterize these antibodies, and the specific mono-, di- or tri-methylated lysine residues they recognize. While both the pAb and mAb antibodies recognized lysines methylated by SETD2 on microtubules and histones, the clone 18 mAb was more specific for methylated microtubules, with little cross-reactivity for methylated histones. The clone 18 mAb recognized specific subsets of microtubules during mitosis and cytokinesis, and lacked the chromatin staining seen by immunocytochemistry with the pAb. Western blot analysis using these antibodies revealed that methylated α-tubulin migrated faster than unmethylated α-tubulin, suggesting methylation may be a signal for additional processing of α-tubulin and/or microtubules. As the first reagents that specifically recognize methylated α-tubulin, these antibodies are a valuable tool for studying this new modification of the cytoskeleton, and the function of methylated microtubules.  相似文献   

In several groups of bacterial plasmids, antisense RNAs regulate copy number through inhibition of replication initiator protein synthesis. In plasmid R1, we have recently shown that the inhibitory complex between the antisense RNA (CopA) and its target mRNA (CopT) is characterized by the formation of two intermolecular helices, resulting in a four-way junction structure and a side-by-side helical alignment. Based on lead-induced cleavage and ribonuclease (RNase) V(1) probing combined with molecular modeling, a strikingly similar topology is supported for the complex formed between the antisense RNA (Inc) and mRNA (RepZ) of plasmid Col1b-P9. In particular, the position of the four-way junction and the location of divalent ion-binding site(s) indicate that the structural features of these two complexes are essentially the same in spite of sequence differences. Comparisons of several target and antisense RNAs in other plasmids further indicate that similar binding pathways are used to form the inhibitory antisense-target RNA complexes. Thus, in all these systems, the structural features of both antisense and target RNAs determine the topologically possible and kinetically favored pathway that is essential for efficient in vivo control.  相似文献   

Plant cells engage in mutualistic and parasitic endosymbioses with a wide variety of microorganisms, ranging from Gram-negative (Rhizobium, Nostoc) and Gram-positive bacteria (Frankia), to oomycetes (Phytophthora), Chytridiomycetes, Zygomycetes (arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi) and true fungi (Erysiphe, ascomycete; Puccinia, basidiomycete). Endosymbiosis is characterised by the 'symbiosome', a compartment within host cells in which the symbiotic microorganism is either partially or completely enclosed by a host-derived membrane. The analysis of plant mutants indicates that the genetic requirements for the interaction with rhizobia and arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi are partially overlapping. The extent to which plants use similar or identical developmental programs for the intracellular accommodation of different microorganisms is, however, not clear. For example, plant cells actively weaken their cell wall to facilitate bacterial colonisation, whereas penetration by fungal symbionts appears not to be assisted in this manner. Moreover, different transport requirements are imposed on the symbiotic interface of different interactions indicating that additional system-specific components are likely to exist.  相似文献   

The effect of melatonin (5-methoxy-N-acetyltryptamine) on microtubule assembly was assessed by means of viscometry, cell kinetics and [3H]colchicine binding studies. Evidence presented shows that melatonin has no effect on the in vitro assembly of bovine brain microtubules. [3H]Colchicine binding is not inhibited by melatonin in either crude or purified tubulin preparations. Furthermore, no increase in mitotic index is observed when Chinese hamster ovary cells are treated with melatonin; nor is neurite formation in neurobiastoma cells in culture affected by melatonin. It is concluded that melatonin does not interact with microtubules in a manner similar to colchicine and the Vinca alkaloids and it should not be classified as a colchicine-like mitotic inhibitor.  相似文献   

Spastin belongs to the meiotic subfamily, together with Vps4/SKD1, fidgetin and katanin, of AAA (ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities) proteins, and functions in microtubule severing. Interestingly, all members of this subgroup specifically contain an additional α-helix at the very C-terminal end. To understand the function of the C-terminal α-helix, we characterised its deletion mutants of SPAS-1, a Caenorhabditis elegans spastin homologue, in vitro and in vivo. We found that the C-terminal α-helix plays essential roles in ATP binding, ATP hydrolysing and microtubule severing activities. It is likely that the C-terminal α-helix is required for cellular functions of members of meiotic subgroup of AAA proteins, since the C-terminal α-helix of Vps4 is also important for assembly, ATPase activity and in vivo function mediated by ESCRT-III complexes.  相似文献   

Cell-mediated killing: a common mechanism?   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
J D Young  Z A Cohn 《Cell》1986,46(5):641-642

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