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The topography of Escherichia coli 5S RNA has been examined in the presence of ribosomal proteins L5, L18 and L25 and their different combinations, by comparing the kethoxal modification characteristics of the various RNA-protein complexes with those of the free A-conformer of 5S RNA (Noller &; Garrett, 1979, accompanying paper).Two of the four most reactive guanines, G13 and G41, are unaffected by the protein, in accord with the finding that these are the only two guanines that are accessible in the 50S subunit (Noller &; Herr, 1974). The other two very reactive guanines, G24 and G69, are strongly protected by protein L18, either in the presence or absence of proteins L5 and L25. Protein binding studies with kethoxal-modified 5S RNA provide evidence that one or both of these two guanines are directly involved in the protein-RNA interactions, and this conclusion is supported by the occurrence of guanines in these two positions in all the other sequenced prokaryotic 5S RNAs.The group of less reactive guanines, G16, G23, G44, G86 and G107, are protected to some extent by each of the proteins L5, L18 and L25; the strongest effect is with L18. We suggest that this is attributable to a small increase in the conformational homogeneity of the 5S RNA and that L18, in particular, induces some tightening of the RNA structure.Only one guanine, G69, is rendered more accessible by the proteins. This effect is produced by protein L25, which is known to cause some destructuring of the 5S RNA (Bear et al., 1977). There was no other evidence for any destructuring of the 5S RNA. In particular, the sequence 72 to 83, which is complementary to a sequence in 23S RNA (Herr &; Noller, 1975), is not modified. However, in contrast to an earlier report (Erdmann et al., 1973), the conserved sequence G44-A-A-C, which has been implicated in tRNA binding, was not rendered more accessible by the proteins.  相似文献   

The effects of ribosomal proteins L18, L25 and L5 on the conformation of 5S RNA have been studied by circular dichroism and temperature dependent ultraviolet absorbance. The circular dichroism spectrum of native 5S RNA is characterized in the near ultraviolet by a large positive band at 267 nm and a small negative band at 298 nm. The greatest perturbation in the spectrum was produced by protein L18 which induced a 20% increase in the 267 nm band and no change in the 298 nm band. By contrast, protein L25 caused a small decrease in both bands. No effect was observed with protein L5. Simultaneous binding of proteins L18 and L25 resulted in CD changes equivalent to the sum of their independent effects. The UV absorbance thermal denaturation profile of the 5S RNA L18 complex lacked the pre-melting behavior characteristic of 5S RNA. Protein L25 had no effect on the 5S RNA melting profile. We concluded that protein L18 increases the secondary, and possible the tertiary structure of 5S RNA, and exerts a minor stabilizing effect on its conformation while protein L25 causes a small decrease in 5S RNA secondary structure. The implications of these findings for ribosome assembly and function are discussed.  相似文献   

An RNA fragment, constituting three subfragments of nucleotide sequences 1-11, 69-87 and 89-120, is the most ribonuclease-resistant part of the native 5S RNA of Escherichia coli, at 0 degrees C. A smaller fragment of nucleotide sequence 69-87 and 90-110 is ribonuclease-resistant at 25 degrees. Degradation of the L25-5S RNA complex with ribonuclease A or T2 yielded RNA fragments similar to those of the free 5S RNA at 0 degrees C and 25 degrees C; moreover L25 remained strongly bound to both RNA fragments and also produced some opening of the RNA structure in at least two positions. Protein L18 initially protected most of the 5S RNA against ribonuclease digestion, at 0 degrees C, but was then gradually released prior to the formation of the larger RNA fragment. It cannot be concluded, therefore, as it was earlier (Gray et al., 1973), that this RNA fragment contains the primary binding site of L18.  相似文献   

A novel approach has been proposed to evaluate the steadiness of polar clusters containing RNA-binding sites on the protein surface. The degree of clusterization of RNA-binding polar residues can be a measure of the steadiness of corresponding polar clusters. Ribosomal protein L25 from E. coli forms a complex with a fragment of 5S rRNA by means of two binding sites S1 and S2. We have examined cluster distribution of RNA-contacting polar residues on the protein surface by using the data of two states: complex state (in crystal and solution) and free state (in solution). For the crystal, the extent of clusterization of binding sites S1 and S2 are estimated to be 74.1 and 100%, respectively. For the free state in solution, the degrees of clusterization of these two sites are 22.8 and 68.6%, respectively. Thus, we have obtained a steadiness quantitative measure of two different types of protein sites for binding to RNA: one for the already existing protein binding site, and the other for the RNA-induced protein binding site. It was shown that definite variations of the protein structure in crystal and in solution can be of significant functional meaning. The result could be applied to the structural behavior of numerous protein complexes with double-stranded RNA and DNA.  相似文献   

Among the three Escherichia coli 50 S subunit proteins L5, L18 and L25, which have an affinity for 5 S RNA, only protein L18 exerts a strong effect on the fluorescence of 5 S RNA-ethidium bromide complexes, without changing the quantum yield of the fluorescence. Proteins L5 and L25, although they have little effect on the fluorescence, have a strong stabilizing influence on the 5 S RNA-L18 complex. The results are discussed in terms of the secondary and tertiary structures of 5 S RNA in relation to ribosomal protein binding.  相似文献   

Pathway-dependent refolding of E. coli 5S RNA.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The refolding of 5S RNA into its two conformational states has been examined as a function of solvent composition and annealing conditions. The results show that the product distribution depends on the folding pathway. Quick cooling from high temperature produces roughly equal amounts of the two forms, even in the presence of 1 mm Mg++. However annealing by slow cooling to intermediate temperatures (50 degrees--60 degrees C) in Mg++-containing buffers, followed by quick cooling, allows formation of a structure which guides the refolding path to the "native" conformation. The stability of this structural nucleus for the "native" conformation depends strongly on Mg++ concentration. We conclude that the A ("native") conformation differs from the B conformation not in rate of refolding, but rather in having a lower enthalpy and a also a smaller rate of unfolding for the critical structural nucleus. The order of folding during biosynthesis may be crucial for forming the "native" conformation.  相似文献   

The 5-S RNA (A) and the proteins L 18 (B) and L25 (C) from Escherichia coli ribosomes form a ternary complex of the type ABC with a stepwise stability constant, log K111 approximately equal to 6.5. This is indicated from X-ray scattering titrations recorded at 21 degrees C in ribosomal reconstitutional buffer. When the ternary ABC complex forms there is only a limited change in the scattering curve compared to that of 5-S RNA, indicating that 5-S RNA does not undergo a major conformational change during the complex formation. The increase in the radius of gyration from 3.61 nm (5-S RNA) to 3.95 nm (ABC complex) as well as the experimental scattering curve can be explained by models where it is assumed that the elongated L 18 and L25 models are quite far from the electron density centre and where the protein molecules interact mainly with the minor arms of the supposed Y-shaped 5-S RNA molecule.  相似文献   

70S ribosomes from E. coli were chemically cross-linked under conditions of in vitro protein biosynthesis. The ribosomal RNAs were extracted from reacted ribosomes and separated on sucrose gradients. The 5S RNA was shown to contain the ribosomal protein L25 covalently bound. After total RNase T1 hydrolysis of the covalent RNA-protein complex several high molecular weight RNA fragments were obtained and identified by sequencing. One fragment, sequence region U103 to U120, was shown to be directly linked to the protein first by protein specific staining of the particular fragment and second by phosphor cellulose chromatography of the covalent RNA-protein complex. The other two fragments, U89 to G106 and A34 to G51, could not be shown to be directly linked to L25 but were only formed under cross-linking conditions. While the fragment U89 to G106 may be protected from RNase T1 digestion because of a strong interaction with the covalent RNA-protein complex, the formation of the fragment A34 to G51 is very likely the result of a double monovalent modification of two neighbouring guanosines in the 5S RNA. The RNA sequences U103 to U120 established to be in direct contact to the protein L25 within the ribosome falls into the sequence region previously proposed as L25 binding site from studies with isolated 5S RNA-protein complexes.  相似文献   

The primary binding sites for Bacillus stearothermophilus proteins B-L5 and B-L22 and the Escherichia coli proteins E-L5, E-L18 and E-L25 on B. stearothermophilus 5S RNA were determined by limited ribonuclease digestion of the corresponding 5S RNA-protein complexes. The results obtained in this study are in agreement with our previous experiments in which the binding sites of E. coli and B. stearothermophilus proteins were determined for E. coli 5S RNA and lead to the conclusion that the proteins interact with the most conserved regions of 5S RNA. A comparison of the results obtained in this study with those of other published experiments suggest that the proposed interaction of nucleotides 16-21 with those of 58-63 is facilitated by protein binding to 5S RNA.  相似文献   

Optical properties and base pairing of E. coli 5S RNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ultraviolet absorption, optical rotatory dispersion, circular dichroism, and infrared absorption spectra of renatured 5S RNA have been measured at pH 7.0 in 0.1M NaCl at 25° and used to obtain four independent estimates of the number of base pairs. These four estimations are in reaonable agreement and average values of 28 ± 4 G.C and 13 ± 4 A.U. base pairs.  相似文献   

Summary Episomes carrying limited regions of the chromosome where 5S RNA genes have previously been located are described. The DNA purified from each of these episomes contains one gene per molecule for each of the three ribosomal RNA species as shown by hybridization experiments.This work was supported in part by a grant from the C.E.A.  相似文献   

Iodination of Escherichia coli ribosomal protein L18 inactivated the 5 S RNA binding activity of the protein. Complete activity loss occurred at a 4-fold molar excess of iodine to L18. Tyrosine was found to be the reactive amino acid. L18, prebound to 5 S RNA, was inactivated at a much slower rate than unbound L18. Treatment of L18 with tetranitromethane also resulted in an inactivation of the protein. However, much larger amounts of tetranitromethane, compared to iodine, were necessary to achieve inactivation (50% activity loss at a 600-fold molar excess of tetranitromethane to L18).  相似文献   

A fragment of ribosomal protein L18 was prepared by limited trypsin digestion of a specific complex of L18 and 5S RNA. It was characterised for sequence and the very basic N-terminal region of the protein was found to be absent. No smaller resistant fragments were produced. 5S RNA binding experiments indicated that the basic N-terminal region, from amino acid residues 1 to 17, was not important for the L18-5S RNA association. Under milder trypsin digestion conditions three resistant fragments were produced from the free protein. The largest corresponded to that isolated from the complex. The smaller ones were trimmed slightly further at both N- and C-terminal ends. These smaller fragments did not reassociate with 5S RNA. It was concluded on the basis of the trypsin protection observations and the 5S RNA binding results that the region extending from residues 18 to 117 approximates to the minimum amount of protein required for a specific and stable protein-RNA interaction. The accessibility of the very basic N-terminal region of L18, in the L18-5S RNA complex, suggests that it may be involved, in some way, in the interaction of 5S RNA with 23S RNA.  相似文献   

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