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NEWTON  MARTHA E. 《Annals of botany》1972,36(1):163-178
As Mnium undulatum was shown to be homosporous, it was concludedthat neither male nor female derived an advantage from sporesize that might be related to the observed excess of femaleplants. The rate of germination was greater at 20 °C thanat 10 °C in M. hornum and M. undulatum, and was also reducedin short days (7.25 hours) at both temperatures. Spores of M.undulatum germinated more slowly than those of M. hornum undereach of the environmental regimes used. Isolated spores of M.undulatum showed a ratio of 1: 4.1 compared with 1: 0.89 inM. hornum. The excess of female plants of M. undulatum thathad been established by the end of germination, was maintainedamongst the first protonemal buds produced (1: 3.5), whereasan excess of male M. hornum was observed in the first protonemalbuds (1: 0.45). Frost reduced the rate of germination in M.undulatum, but unlike desiccation did not affect the final percentage.Male and female were amongst the spores which survived desiccationat 10 °C. Regeneration of detached leaves occurred more rapidly in M.undulatum than in M. hornum, and no difference between maleand female was detected. It was found that frost prior to orduring regeneration did not produce long-term harmful effectsin M. undulatum. None of the young male gametophytes producedby regeneration from leaves survived desiccation, compared with77 per cent of similarly produced female gametophytes.  相似文献   


In the present work the results on antibiotic activity of the extracts from the liverwort Conocephalum conicum and the mosses Minium undulatum and Leptodictyum riparium, tested against 8 bacterial strains pathogenic to man, are referred to. The extracts have been obtained, according the method suggested by McCleary et al. (1960), in either organic solvents or in water solution. The extracts have been proved active on both bacteria Gram + ve (G +) and Gram—ve (G—), in addition the extracts from Conocephalum conicum and Leptodictyum riparium (extracts in organic solvents in particular) were the most effective in the tests. The acetone extracts from Leptodictyum riparium showed the highest value of inhibition against Pseudomonas aeruginosa (bacterium responsible for serious opportunist infections). Our results on antibiotic activity of Bryophytes only partly agree with literature for either species showing activity or for the intensity of such activity. Among the three bryophytes employed Leptodictyum riparium showed the best inhibitory power against all bacteria tested. This result seems particularly interesting in relation to the possible competition between species occurring in the water where this moss preferentially grows. The phenomenon of antibiosis in the bryophytes is discussed also in relation to symbiotic or commensal relationships existing with soil bacteria and/or fungi.  相似文献   

从形态学而论,烟杆藓属(Buxbaumia Hedw.)在苔藓植物中是一个独特的类型。该文简要介绍了烟杆藓属的历史和该属在中国的研究状况,以及该属的模式种烟杆藓首次在中国的发现。对烟杆藓在新疆的着生生境及群落状况做了详细介绍, 还就扫描电子显微镜观察烟杆藓的孢蒴、蒴齿和孢子形态、中国烟杆藓属分种检索表及属的系统关系进行观察和探讨。  相似文献   

真藓属(Bryum Hedw.)蒴齿形态特征及其分类学意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李利博  赵建成 《植物研究》2009,29(6):651-658
通过光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察了中国产真藓属(Bryum Hedw.)12种植物蒴齿的形态特征。结果显示,根据真藓属齿片的曲向可以分为近直立、齿片伸入齿条间和齿片向外反曲等3种类型。根据齿毛的有无,也可分为3个类群。同时利用STATISTICA 6.0统计软件对12种真藓属植物进行聚类分析及主成分分析。研究结果显示,齿片的曲向类型、齿毛是否发育等形态特征可作为真藓属植物种间的分类依据,为藓类植物蒴齿形态特征与分类和系统进化关系的研究提供了新的资料。  相似文献   

The identity of cytokinins extracted from leaves of Begonia × cheimantha Everett cv. Nova has been studied by purification and fractionation on Dowex 50 H' and Sephade× L.H 20 columns followed by reverse-phase HPLC separation and determination by enzyme immunoassay. The following four cytokinins were identified: trans-zeatin, trans -zeatin riboside, isopentenyladenin and isopentenyladenosin. At least three other compounds, possibly glucosides, were detected by activity in the tobacco callus bioassay but not yet identified. The quantity of the identified cytokinins was several times higher at 15 than at 24°C, the former temperature being optimal for regeneration of adventitious buds. At 15°C there was no clear effect of photoperiod whereas short days at 24°C increased the activity several-fold compared with long day conditions.  相似文献   

作者在研究新疆紫萼藓科植物时,发现了紫萼藓属(Grimmia Hedw.)植物4个新记录种,包括Grimmia capillata,紫萼藓(G. plagiopodia),贺兰山紫萼藓(G. crassiuscula)和卷叶紫萼藓(G. incurva),其中G. capillata为中国新分布。该研究对新记录种的形态特征、地理分布进行了详细描述,将其与属内相似种进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

A brief biographical sketch of Nicolas-Marie-Thérèse Jolyclerc (1746–1817), the French naturalist and adherent of C. Linnaeus, is presented. The publication history of his Système sexuel des végétaux, the first French version of the Linnaean sexual system of the plants is outlined. Apart from the well-known editions of this work of 1797, 1798 and 1810, a neglected edition of 1803 is described, and it is shown that this is not a pirated edition as has been suggested. A list of fourteen new combinations in mosses proposed by N. Jolyclerc in the 1803 edition of Système sexuel des végétaux is presented and some names are briefly annotated. Additionally, it is shown that Mnium triquetrum, basionym of the well-known moss species Meesia triquetra, was validly published for the first time by N. Jolyclerc in 1803, not by H. E. Richter in 1839 as is commonly accepted. Accordingly, the correct author citation for Meesia triquetra should be ‘(L. ex Jolycl.) Ångstr.’, not ‘(L. ex Richt.) Ångstr.’ The lectotype of Mnium triquetrum L. ex Jolycl. is selected from the Linnaean herbarium (LINN).  相似文献   

Compared with Lumbricillus lineatus the cocoons of Enchytraeus albidus are smaller and contain fewer eggs whilst the egg production per worm is higher and sterility among the eggs lower. The fecundity of E. albidus is greater over a temperature range 1–25 and is not so adversely affected at the higher or lower temperatures as L. lineatus. Incubation in E. albidus is longer than in L. lineatus but the time required for maturation is much shorter, the periods depending upon the temperature. There is a similar relation to temperature as in the case of fecundity, with E. albidus again more tolerant to heat and cold. There is no relation between size and temperature but unlike L. lineatus , growth occurs after maturation in E. albidus and its cocoons (after the first) and their egg content are larger. There is no apparent relation between the setae length and temperature. The temperature relations favour a more rapid increase of E. albidus in the bacteria beds than of L. lineatus but they are well suited to the distribution of the species under natural conditions, E. albidus favouring a terrestrial habitat whereas L. lineatus exists in moister places. Further, they show specific physiological differences distinguishing the two species of worms.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):479-485

Evidence is presented showing that the chromosomes of diploid and triploid races of Atrichum undulatum are significantly shorter than those of haploid plants. Relative DNA contents of the three cytotypes have been estimated and they differ significantly from an expected 1:2:3 ratio in haploid, diploid and triploid races.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):269-273

Spores of ten North European species of the genus Tortula Hedw. were studied in the transmission electron microscope. In all the sporoderm was more or less covered with finely papillate processes of several different types which divide the genus into a number of groups different from the previously suggested sections. The ornamentation of leaves, peristomes, and spores of T. norvegica (Web. f.) Wahlenb. has been studied in the scanning electron microscope. The leaf papillae are not c-shaped as suggested in the literature, but branched in a rather complex way. The borders of the basal membrane cells of the peristome appeared to be a continuation of the filamentous portion of the teeth. A comparison with T. ruralis (Hedw.) Gaertn., Meyer & Scherb. revealed the ornamentation to be of the same basic type in the two species.  相似文献   

The growth of 0-group roach in a chalk-fed river is traced over six seasons and the growth compared to that in a nearby gravel pit. The growth rate, the daily weight increase and the condition of the fish are all highest during the summer, falling to a minimum over the winter period and rising again in the spring. Considerable yearly variation in the growth of roach in the river was observed and correlated with water temperatures above 14° C. It is suggested that water temperature, acting through the food supply, is the dominant factor governing growth. The hot summer of 1976 appears to have resulted in excellent growth of roach in both habitats.  相似文献   

The majority of fundamental information on temperature effects on lactation is on cattle. The yield and composition of milk are affected by the temperature of the environment or the animal's body temperature. Environmental temperatures lower and higher than the comfort zone temperatures, diminish yield and alter many of the components of milk. Concepts as to the possible manner in which temperature may alter the synthesis of milk and the role of the neuro-endocrine and environmental physiological funtions in the maintenance of lactation were presented. The elucidation of many of these postulated mechanisms of temperature effect on lactation merely awaits the application of available modern endocrine, physiological, and biochemical techniques utilizing chromatography, tracer, fluorometric, manometric, and other procedures.
Zusammenfassung Der Hauptteil der grundsÄtzlichen Kenntnisse über Einflüsse der Temperatur auf die Milcherzeugung betrifft Rinder. Die Milchleistung und Zusammensetzung der Milch werden von der Temperatur der Umgebung sowie im Tier beeinflusst. Temperaturen der Umgebung, die höher oder tiefer sind als die des normalen körperlichen Wohlbefindens, verringern die Michleistung und verÄndern die Zusammensetzung der Milch. Die verschiedenen Arten der VerÄnderung der Milchsynthese durch Temperaturunterschiede und die Rolle der neuro-endokrinen und anderen physiologischen Funktionen zur Unterstützung der Milcherzeugung werden dargestellt-Die AufklÄrung vieler dieser angenommenen Mechanismen des Temperatureinflusses auf die Milchproduktion verlangt lediglich die Anwendung der üblichen modernen Methoden der Hormonforschung, der Physiologie und Biochemie.

Resume La majeure partie des recherches faites sur l'influence exercée par la température sur la lactation concerne les bovidés. La quantité et la composition du lait son influencées par la température ambiante ou par celle du corps de l'animal. Des températures extérieures supérieures ou inférieures à celles limitant la zone de confort diminuent les quantités de lait sécrété et modifient plusieurs de ses composants. On indique ici les différentes possibilités d'action de la température sur la sythèse du lait et le rÔle que jouent les fonctions physiologiques, en particulier neuroendocrines sur le maintient de la lactation. L'établissement de bien des mecanismes supposés de l'influence de la température sur la production laitière nécessite l'utilisation des techniques modernes en physiologie et en biochimie ainsi que dans la recherche des hormones. Il s'agit en particulier de la Chromatographie,de la chimie, de la mesure de la fluorescence, des mesures de pression, etc.

Byla provedena kvantitativni a kvalitativní analysa bílkovinných znak? z děloh v semenech a z hypokotyl? — ko?ínk? (primárního ko?ene) naklí? enÝch semen těchto druh?:Phaseolus vulgaris L.,Phaseolus coccineus L.,Phaseolus lunatus L.,Phaseolus aureus ROXB. s těmito vÝsledky:
  1. 1.
    Fazeolin témě? shodnÝ je v dělohách druh?Phaseolus vulgaris L aPhaseolus coccines L.; u druh?Phaseolus lunatus L. aPhaseolus aureus Roxb. chybí.  相似文献   

Mainly on the basis of the distribution patterns of 42 species of the recently revised genus Cladopkora (Chlorophyceae) in the north Atlantic Ocean, it appeared possible to distinguish 10 phytogeographic distribution groups of wide applicability. Experimentally determined critical temperatures limiting essential events in the life histories of 17 benthic algal species were used to infer possible phytogeographic boundaries; these appeared to fit closely the phytogeographic boundaries derived from field-distribution data. For a temperate species, at least six different boundaries can be postulated and should be checked in the northern hemisphere: (1) the ‘northern lethal boundary’ (corresponding to the lowest winter temperature which a species can survive); (2) the ‘northern growth boundary’ (corresponding to the lowest summer temperature which, over a period of several months, permits sufficient growth); (3) the ‘northern reproductive boundary’ (corresponding to the lowest summer temperature permitting reproduction over a period of several months); (4–6) the corresponding southern boundaries. Photoperiodic responses may influence the temperature responses. Many phytogeographic boundaries appear to be of a composite nature. For instance, the southern boundary of Laminaria digitata follows the European 10°C February isotherm (which corresponds to the highest winter temperature permitting fertility in the female gametophyte, i.e. to the ‘southern reproductive boundary’), and the American 19°C summer isotherm (corresponding to the ‘southern lethal boundary’). Thus, experimental evidence supports the validity of eight of the following 10 distribution groups (for distribution groups 2 and 6, such evidence could not be found): (1) the amphiatlantic tropical-to-warm temperate group, with a north-eastern extension (examples: Gracilaria foliifera and Centroceras clavulalum); (2) the amphiatlantic tropical-to-warm temperate group, with a north-western extension (example: Hypnea musciformis); (3) the amphiatlantic tropical-to-temperate group (example: Sphacelaria rigidula =furcigera); (4) the amphiatlantic temperate group: the Cladophora rupestris type (examples: Callithamnion hookeri, Dumontia contorta; Laminaria saccharina is transitional to type 10, I., digitata to types 5 and 10); (5) the amphiatlantic temperate group: the Cl. albida type (examples: Scytosiphon lomentaria, Petalonia fascia); (6) the tropical western Atlantic group; (7) the north-east American tropical-to-temperate group (example: Gracilaria tikvahiae); (8) the north-east American temperate group and the corresponding Japanese temperate group (examples: Campylaephora hypneoides and Sargassum muticum); (9) the warm-temperate Mediterranean-Atlantic group, and the corresponding warm-temperate Californian group (examples: Saccorhiza polyschides, Laminaria hyperborea, I., ockroleuca, Macrocystis pyrifera, Hedophyllum sessile); (10) the Arctic group (examples: Saccorhiza dermatodea and Sphacelaria arctica). Distribution groups 6, 9 and 10 have comparatively narrow temperature ranges with a span of 18 22°C between their lethal boundaries and of 5 12°C between their reproductive or growth boundaries. These narrow temperature ranges limit the species in these groups to the tropics; the temperate coasts on the eastern sides of the north Pacific and north Atlantic Oceans and in the southern hemisphere; and to the Arctic, respectively. The narrow temperature ranges of group 9 make the species in this group unfit for life on the western temperate coasts of the north Pacific and north Atlantic Oceans, where algae must cope with annual temperature fluctuations of more than 20°C. Conversely, algae in group 8 (containing the numerous Japanese endemic species) are characterized by wide temperature spans (e.g. 29°C between ‘lethal boundaries’, 12–19°C between ‘growth and/or reproductive boundaries’) and must be potentially capable of occupying wide latitudinal belts on temperate coasts along the east sides of the north Pacific and north Atlantic Oceans. Algae ‘escaped’ from Japan, such as Sargassum muticum, conform to this picture. Apparently Japanese algae do not have the capacity for long distance dispersal. The corresponding east American coasts (30–45 N) harbour very few endemic species, probably as a result of the adverse nature of these sediment coasts for benthic macroalgae and their functioning as a barrier to latitudinal displacements of the flora during glaciations. The remaining distribution groups (1,2,3,4,5,7) are characterized by wide temperature spans and wide distributions, often in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and in both hemispheres. Six temperate species (in distribution groups 4, 5 and 9) with an amphiaequatorial distribution have similar winter-temperature maxima permitting reproduction and corresponding with winter isotherms of 15–17°C; their upper lethal temperatures are more dissimilar and correspond with summer isotherms of 20–30°C. Their amphiaequatorial distribution can be explained by assuming glacial temperature drops along east Pacific and east Atlantic equatorial coasts in narrow belts of intensified upwelling during the presumably intensified glacial circulation of the ocean gyres.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The life history responses of two common and three rare Daphnia magna clones to constant conditions of temperature and photoperiod were investigated, and intraspecific variation in the genes controlling growth, survivorship and reproduction was observed.
2. Rearing temperature had a significant effect on growth, survivorship and on all reproductive parameters measured (generation time, intrinsic rate of increase and male production), while photoperiod influenced significantly only survivorship and male production.
3. The maximum proportion of male offspring was produced at a low temperature (14°C) and at a mid-range photoperiod (L:D16:8).
4. The likely mechanism whereby clones with different life histories are maintained in the population is discussed.  相似文献   

The gross morphology and histology of the alimentary tracts of three species of glassy perchlet; Ambassis productus, A. natalensis, and A. gymnocephalus from estuaries on the southeast coast of Africa were investigated. The anatomy of the digestive tracts in all three species was found to be similar. Well-developed dentition and pharyngeal teeth together with a distensible stomach and a low relative gut length (RGL) suggest a predatory and carnivorous habit for all three species. The relative gut lengths of Ambassis species from different estuarine systems are compared‥ Differences in RGL for A. productus and A. natalensis from the Kosi and St Lucia systems with fish from Mdloti estuary are discussed. It is suggested that decreased RGL for fish at Mdloti is attributable to decreased food availability and not to a lack in the calorific content of their diet. Histological investigation revealed the presence of the following regions: a pharynx; an oesophagus; a stomach differentiated into cardiac and pyloric regions; a duodenum or upper intestine; an ileum or lower intestine; and a rectum. Pyloric and rectal sphincters are present. The tunics of the above regions are described. The epithelium of the oesophagus contains taste buds and numerous mucus cells, and varies from stratified anteriorly to simple columnar posteriorly. The muscularis comprises dorsally and ventrally located inner muscle bundles and an outer circular layer. Both layers consist of striated fibres. Gastric glands are present in the mucosa of the cardiac stomach but are absent in the pylorus. Columnar absorbing cells and goblet cells are present in the epithelium of the upper and lower intestine. The rectum is distinguished from the intestine by the proliferation of mucous-secreting cells which are thought to aid defecation.  相似文献   

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