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It is argued that three chemical criteria determined the evolution of the genetic code: codon-anticodon pairing; codon-amino acid pairing; amino acid pairing. The first criterium determined the set of interactive nucleotides; the second, the set of nucleotides interactive with amino acids; the third, the set of mutually interactive amino acids. The code resulted from the intersection of these sets. This hypothesis explains the specificity and universality of the code as well as the “choice” of the standard amino acids and nucleotides from among those available in nature. The specific mechanism for codon-amino acid pairing assumed here is the “backwards” (Crick, 1967) Pelc-Welton (1966) models. Three types of evidence support “backwards” pairing: parallel genetic coding of amino acid pairs (Root-Bernstein, 1982); results of binding experiments by Saxinger and Ponnamperuma (1974); reinterpretation of Jungck's (1978) correlations between the properties of amino acids and their respective anticodon nucleotides. The inversion of the code to its present state occurred as a result of the evolution of tRNA molecules which supplanted parallel codon-amino acid interactions with antiparallel codon-anticodon ones. The paper concludes with suggestions for testing the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Two forces are generally hypothesised as being responsible for conditioning the origin of the organization of the genetic code: the physicochemical properties of amino acids and their biosynthetic relationships (relationships between precursor and product amino acids). If we assume that the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids were fundamental in defining the genetic code, then it is reasonable to expect that the distribution of physicochemical properties among the amino acids in precursor-product relationships cannot be random but must, rather, be affected by some selective constraints imposed by the structure of primitive proteins. Analysis shows that measurements representing the size of amino acids, e.g. bulkiness, are specifically associated to the pairs of amino acids in precursor-product relationships. However, the size of amino acids cannot have been selected per se but, rather, because it reflects the-sheets of proteins which are, therefore, identified as the main adaptive theme promoting the origin of genetic code organization. Whereas there are no traces of the-helix in the genetic code table.The above considerations make it necessary to re-examine the relationship linking the hydrophilicity of the dinucleoside monophosphates of anticodons and the polarity and bulkiness of amino acids. It can be concluded that this relationship seems to be meaningful only between the hydrophilicity of anticodons and the polarity of amino acids. The latter relationship is supposed to have been operative on hairpin structures, ancestors of the tRNA molecule. Moreover, it is on these very structures that the biosynthetic links between precursor and product amino acids might have been achieved, and the interaction between the hydrophilicity of anticodons and the polarity of amino acids might have had a role in the concession of codons (anticodons) from precursors to products.  相似文献   

Any statement on the optimality of the existing code ought to imply that this code is ideal for conserving a certain hierarchy of properties while implying that other codes may have been better suited for conservation of other hierarchies of properties. We have evaluated the capability of mutations in the genetic code to convert one amino acid into another in relation to the consequent changes in physical properties of those amino acids. A rather surprising result emerging from this analysis is that the genetic code conserves long-range interactions among amino acids and not their short-range stereochemical attributes. This observation, based directly on the genetic code itself and the physical properties of the 20 amino acids, lends credibility to the idea that the genetic code has not originated by a frozen accident (the null hypothesis rejected by these studies) nor are stereochemical attributes particularly useful in our understanding of what makes the genetic code ‘tick’. While the argument that replacement of, say, an aspartate by a glutamate is less damaging than replacement by arginine makes sense, in order to subject such statements to rigorous statistical tests it is essential to define what constitutes a random sample for the genetic code. The present investigation describes one possible specification. In addition to obvious statistical considerations of testing hypotheses, this procedure points to the more exciting notion that alternative codes may have existed.  相似文献   

How did the ``universal' genetic code arise? Several hypotheses have been put forward, and the code has been analyzed extensively by authors looking for clues to selection pressures that might have acted during its evolution. But this approach has been ineffective. Although an impressive number of properties has been attributed to the universal code, it has been impossible to determine whether selection on any of these properties was important in the code's evolution or whether the observed properties arose as a consequence of selection on some other characteristic. Therefore we turned the question around and asked, what would a genetic code look like if it had evolved in response to various different selection pressures? To address this question, we constructed a genetic algorithm. We found first that selecting on a particular measure yields codes that are similar to each other. Second, we found that the universal code is far from minimized with respect to the effects of mutations (or translation errors) on the amino acid compositions of proteins. Finally, we found that the codes that most closely resembled real codes were those generated by selecting on aspects of the code's structure, not those generated by selecting to minimize the effects of amino acid substitutions on proteins. This suggests that the universal genetic code has been selected for a particular structure—a structure that confers an important flexibility on the evolution of genes and proteins—and that the particular assignments of amino acids to codons are secondary. Received: 29 December 1998 / Accepted: 8 July 1999  相似文献   

Two ideas have essentially been used to explain the origin of the genetic code: Crick's frozen accident and Woese's amino acid-codon specific chemical interaction. Whatever the origin and codon-amino acid correlation, it is difficult to imagine the sudden appearance of the genetic code in its present form of 64 codons coding for 20 amino acids without appealing to some evolutionary process. On the contrary, it is more reasonable to assume that it evolved from a much simpler initial state in which a few triplets were coding for each of a small number of amino acids. Analysis of genetic code through information theory and the metabolism of pyrimidine biosynthesis provide evidence that suggests that the genetic code could have begun in an RNA world with the two letters A and U grouped in eight triplets coding for seven amino acids and one stop signal. This code could have progressively evolved by making gradual use of letters G and C to end with 64 triplets coding for 20 amino acids and three stop signals. According to proposed evidence, DNA could have appeared after the four-letter structure was already achieved. In the newborn DNA world, T substituted U to get higher physicochemical and genetic stability.  相似文献   

shCherbak VI 《Bio Systems》2003,70(3):187-209
The first information system emerged on the earth as primordial version of the genetic code and genetic texts. The natural appearance of arithmetic power in such a linguistic milieu is theoretically possible and practical for producing information systems of extremely high efficiency. In this case, the arithmetic symbols should be incorporated into an alphabet, i.e. the genetic code. A number is the fundamental arithmetic symbol produced by the system of numeration. If the system of numeration were detected inside the genetic code, it would be natural to expect that its purpose is arithmetic calculation e.g., for the sake of control, safety, and precise alteration of the genetic texts. The nucleons of amino acids and the bases of nucleic acids seem most suitable for embodiments of digits. These assumptions were used for the analyzing the genetic code.

The compressed, life-size, and split representation of the Escherichia coli and Euplotes octocarinatus code versions were considered simultaneously. An exact equilibration of the nucleon sums of the amino acid standard blocks and/or side chains was found repeatedly within specified sets of the genetic code. Moreover, the digital notations of the balanced sums acquired, in decimal representation, the unique form 111, 222, …, 999. This form is a consequence of the criterion of divisibility by 037. The criterion could simplify some computing mechanism of a cell if any and facilitate its computational procedure. The cooperative symmetry of the genetic code demonstrates that possibly a zero was invented and used by this mechanism. Such organization of the genetic code could be explained by activities of some hypothetical molecular organelles working as natural biocomputers of digital genetic texts.

It is well known that if mutation replaces an amino acid, the change of hydrophobicity is generally weak, while that of size is strong. The antisymmetrical correlation between the amino acid size and the degeneracy number is known as well. It is shown that these and some other familiar properties may be a physicochemical effect of arithmetic inside the genetic code.

The “frozen accident” model, giving unlimited freedom to the mapping function, could optimally support the appearance of both arithmetic symbols and physicochemical protection inside the genetic code.  相似文献   

Arbitrariness in the genetic code is one of the main reasons for a linguistic approach to molecular biology: the genetic code is usually understood as an arbitrary relation between amino acids and nucleobases. However, from a semiotic point of view, arbitrariness should not be the only condition for definition of a code, consequently it is not completely correct to talk about “code” in this case. Yet we suppose that there exist a code in the process of protein synthesis, but on a higher level than the nucleic bases chains. Semiotically, a code should be always associated with a function and we propose to define the genetic code not only relationally (in basis of relation between nucleobases and amino acids) but also in terms of function (function of a protein as meaning of the code). Even if the functional definition of meaning in the genetic code has been discussed in the field of biosemiotics, its further implications have not been considered. In fact, if the function of a protein represents the meaning of the genetic code (the sign’s object), then it is crucial to reconsider the notion of its expression (the sign) as well. In our contribution, we will show that the actual model of the genetic code is not the only possible and we will propose a more appropriate model from a semiotic point of view.  相似文献   

We simulate a deterministic population genetic model for the coevolution of genetic codes and protein-coding genes. We use very simple assumptions about translation, mutation, and protein fitness to calculate mutation-selection equilibria of codon frequencies and fitness in a large asexual population with a given genetic code. We then compute the fitnesses of altered genetic codes that compete to invade the population by translating its genes with higher fitness. Codes and genes coevolve in a succession of stages, alternating between genetic equilibration and code invasion, from an initial wholly ambiguous coding state to a diversified frozen coding state. Our simulations almost always resulted in partially redundant frozen genetic codes. Also, the range of simulated physicochemical properties among encoded amino acids in frozen codes was always less than maximal. These results did not require the assumption of historical constraints on the number and type of amino acids available to codes nor on the complexity of proteins, stereochemical constraints on the translational apparatus, nor mechanistic constraints on genetic code change. Both the extent and timing of amino-acid diversification in genetic codes were strongly affected by the message mutation rate and strength of missense selection. Our results suggest that various omnipresent phenomena that distribute codons over sites with different selective requirements—such as the persistence of nonsynonymous mutations at equilibrium, the positive selection of the same codon in different types of sites, and translational ambiguity—predispose the evolution of redundancy and of reduced amino acid diversity in genetic codes. Received: 21 December 2000 / Accepted: 12 March 2001  相似文献   

A comparison is made between orthologous proteins from a methanogen (Methanopyrus kandleri) and from a non-methanogen (Pyrococcus abyssi) in order to determine the amino acid substitution pattern. This analysis makes it possible to establish which amino acids are significantly and asymmetrically utilised by these two organisms. A methanophily index (MI) based on this asymmetry makes it possible for any protein to be associated with a numerical value which, when calculated for the same orthologous protein from methanogenic and non-methanogenic organisms, turns out to have the power to discriminate between these two groups of organisms, even if only for about 20% of the analysed proteins. The MI can also be associated to the genetic code under the assumption that the frequency of synonymous codons specifying the amino acids in the genetic code also reflects the frequency with which amino acids appeared in ancestral proteins. Finally a t-test shows that the MI value associated to the genetic code is not different from the mean value of the MI deriving from methanogen proteins, but it differs from the mean MI of non-methanogen proteins. This might indicate that the genetic code evolved in a methanogenic ‘organism’.  相似文献   



The origin of the translation system is, arguably, the central and the hardest problem in the study of the origin of life, and one of the hardest in all evolutionary biology. The problem has a clear catch-22 aspect: high translation fidelity hardly can be achieved without a complex, highly evolved set of RNAs and proteins but an elaborate protein machinery could not evolve without an accurate translation system. The origin of the genetic code and whether it evolved on the basis of a stereochemical correspondence between amino acids and their cognate codons (or anticodons), through selectional optimization of the code vocabulary, as a "frozen accident" or via a combination of all these routes is another wide open problem despite extensive theoretical and experimental studies. Here we combine the results of comparative genomics of translation system components, data on interaction of amino acids with their cognate codons and anticodons, and data on catalytic activities of ribozymes to develop conceptual models for the origins of the translation system and the genetic code.  相似文献   

The genetic code is treated as a language used by primordial “collector societies” of tRNA molecules (meaning: societies of RNA molecules specialized in the collection of amino acids and possibly other molecular objects), as a means to organize the delivery of collected material. Its origin is ascribed to the utilization of the complementarity between each tRNA and the genome segment from which it was originally copied, as a means to identify by annealing operations the tRNA molecules returning from their collection trips, and elicit the release of the amino acids they are carrying (the pairing release hypothesis).The gradual conversion of tRNA complements into codon-triplets in the regions of the primordial RNA genomes which specialized in the task of directing the delivery of amino acids by returning tRNA molecules, is ascribed to the removal of genetic redundancy in a gradual reorganization process.A reconstruction of the codon-triplets in one of the earliest genetic codes is attempted by the wobbling reintroduction procedure used in a preceding paper.  相似文献   

In this issue of Proteomics you will find the following highlighted articles: Are you sick or are you just getting old: Does it matter? We all joke about the hazards of aging: various systems that break down, some you didn't even know you had. But then there's the alternative of not aging. Hmmm. Now what if aging were a disease? If so, it is worse than any cold I've had. Zürbig et al. have found that the proteome of the aging kidney has many markers in common with chronic kidney disease. The degree of match among small peptide markers ranged from 4% to 22% for IgA nephropathy to diabetic nephropathy, respectively. From these data they developed an age estimating scale that revealed some individuals had kidneys apparently “older” than their bodies. If these findings hold up, they could offer new approaches to diagnosis and therapy of chronic kidney diseases. Zürbig, P. et al., Proteomics 2009, 9, 2108‐2117. Sharing your niche with an unrelated species Anyone who's ever lived with a roommate knows the pain of dividing up the refrigerator space and the cleaning duties as well as the rent. Is it based on number of people, the size of bedrooms, or size of biceps? Many “free‐living” bacteria share their living space with other species in stable consortia to which each member contributes. Bobadilla Fazzini et al. use proteomic and other tools to examine the changes resulting from shifts in limiting carbon sources. Their system is a continuous culture of 9:1 Pseudomonas reinekei (MT1): Achromobacter xylosoxidans (MT3), cultured from a contaminated stream and able to grow on 4‐chlorosalicylate, an intermediate in the degradation of toxic furans and dioxins. MT1 OprF, the outer membrane protein and homolog of E. coli OmpA, is a “slow porin” that contributes to toxin resistance. After a shift in carbon sources, MT1 OprF was up‐regulated ~11‐fold in mixed culture vs. pure culture. Bobadilla Fazzini, R. A. et al., Proteomics 2009, 9, 2273‐2285. Heart to heart: Biomarkers for MACE Mace is a spice, not an herb. It is a badge of office and a weapon (albeit now of a defensive sort). It is also an acronym for a Major Adverse Cardiac Event, otherwise known as a big heart attack, something you want to know is coming and to prevent. So what to do? Biomarkers to the rescue. Currently the FDA has approved one prospective test: the CardioMPO? ELISA test for myeloperoxidase. The MPO marker is >60% accurate in predicting a MACE over 30 days and 6 months. Zhou et al. propose an alternative statistical method for evaluating a panel of mass spectrometry markers. An improved preprocessing procedure utilizes low‐level signal processing and spectrum cleanup routines followed by partial least squares logistic regression and support vector machine classifier to select the markers. The prediction is done by an improved genetic algorithm with local optimization. Using seven markers yields >75% accuracy. Zhou, X. et al., Proteomics 2009, 9, 2286‐2294.  相似文献   

In this issue of Proteomics you will find the following highlighted articles: Are you sick or are you just getting old: Does it matter? We all joke about the hazards of aging: various systems that break down, some you didn't even know you had. But then there's the alternative of not aging. Hmmm. Now what if aging were a disease? If so, it is worse than any cold I've had. Zürbig et al. have found that the proteome of the aging kidney has many markers in common with chronic kidney disease. The degree of match among small peptide markers ranged from 4% to 22% for IgA nephropathy to diabetic nephropathy, respectively. From these data they developed an age estimating scale that revealed some individuals had kidneys apparently “older” than their bodies. If these findings hold up, they could offer new approaches to diagnosis and therapy of chronic kidney diseases. Zürbig, P. et al., Proteomics 2009, 9, 2108‐2117. Sharing your niche with an unrelated species Anyone who's ever lived with a roommate knows the pain of dividing up the refrigerator space and the cleaning duties as well as the rent. Is it based on number of people, the size of bedrooms, or size of biceps? Many “free‐living” bacteria share their living space with other species in stable consortia to which each member contributes. Bobadilla Fazzini et al. use proteomic and other tools to examine the changes resulting from shifts in limiting carbon sources. Their system is a continuous culture of 9:1 Pseudomonas reinekei (MT1): Achromobacter xylosoxidans (MT3), cultured from a contaminated stream and able to grow on 4‐chlorosalicylate, an intermediate in the degradation of toxic furans and dioxins. MT1 OprF, the outer membrane protein and homolog of E. coli OmpA, is a “slow porin” that contributes to toxin resistance. After a shift in carbon sources, MT1 OprF was up‐regulated ~11‐fold in mixed culture vs. pure culture. Bobadilla Fazzini, R. A. et al., Proteomics 2009, 9, 2273‐2285. Heart to heart: Biomarkers for MACE Mace is a spice, not an herb. It is a badge of office and a weapon (albeit now of a defensive sort). It is also an acronym for a Major Adverse Cardiac Event, otherwise known as a big heart attack, something you want to know is coming and to prevent. So what to do? Biomarkers to the rescue. Currently the FDA has approved one prospective test: the CardioMPO? ELISA test for myeloperoxidase. The MPO marker is >60% accurate in predicting a MACE over 30 days and 6 months. Zhou et al. propose an alternative statistical method for evaluating a panel of mass spectrometry markers. An improved preprocessing procedure utilizes low‐level signal processing and spectrum cleanup routines followed by partial least squares logistic regression and support vector machine classifier to select the markers. The prediction is done by an improved genetic algorithm with local optimization. Using seven markers yields >75% accuracy. Zhou, X. et al., Proteomics 2009, 9, 2286‐2294.  相似文献   



Synthesis of proteins is based on the genetic code - a nearly universal assignment of codons to amino acids (aas). A major challenge to the understanding of the origins of this assignment is the archetypal "key-lock vs. frozen accident" dilemma. Here we re-examine this dilemma in light of 1) the fundamental veto on "foresight evolution", 2) modular structures of tRNAs and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, and 3) the updated library of aa-binding sites in RNA aptamers successfully selected in vitro for eight amino acids.  相似文献   

The sequential fulfillment of theprinciple of succession necessarily guides the main steps of the genetic code evolution to be reflected in its structure. The general scheme of the code series formation is proposed basing on the idea of group coding (Woese, 1970). The genetic code supposedly evolved by means of successive divergence of pra-ARS's loci, accompanied by increasing specification of recognition capacity of amino acids and triplets.The sense of codons had not been changed on any step of stochastic code evolution. The formulated rules for code series formation produce a code version, similar to the contemporary one. Based on these rules the scheme of pra-ARS's divergence is proposed resulting in the grouping of amino acids by their polarity and size. Later steps in the evolution of the genetic code were probably based on more detailed features of the amino acids (for example, on theirfunctional similarities like their interchangeabilities in isofunctional proteins).  相似文献   

Summary All the codons of the genetic code can be arranged into the closed one-step mutation ring, containing three periods of the same sequence of mutations (2,3,3,3,1,3,3,3,1,3,3,3,1,3,3,3,2,3,3,3). The codons of Gly play a role of the connecting element between the end of the third, and the beginning of the first period of the genetic code. The reactivity of amino acids, expressed by the reaction rates of aminolysis reaction of N-hydroxysuccinimide esters of protected amino acids with p-anisidine, changes periodically with the respect to the mutation periods of the genetic code. Chou-Fasman P as well as P conformational parameters of amino acids, and also the compositional frequencies of amino acids in proteins, demonstrate the pseudosymmetry pattern with respect to the center of one-step mutation ring, which is situated between Thr ACY and ACR codons.  相似文献   

On the basis of the principles of Darwinian evolutionary systems laid out earlier, a system is constructed which simulates protein evolution. Two types of situations are studied: adaptation to highest possible alkalinity (“alkalinity model”), and adaptation to an arbitrary sequence (“sequence model”). No restrictions in adaptability were found for the (comparably special) alkalinity model, but severe restrictions were found for the sequence model. Approximately 15% of all possible evolutionary paths from one amino acid to another turned out to be impossible, in the sense that no chain of intermediate steps exists which leads to a higher fitness level, in this case an increased chemical similarity of the two amino acids.The evolutionary efficiency of the natural genetic code was also investigated by comparing it with two classes of artificially constructed codes: semi-random and random codes. It was found that the natural code possesses the highest evolutionary efficiency, given by the mean number of generations required to reach identity in 5 of 10 sites, if originally all 10 were different. Closest to the natural code in evolutionary efficiency were the random codes, next, the semi-random codes.This pattern could be explained by a theoretical measure, called the code efficiency. The most important component of the code efficiency is the percentage of impossible paths. The natural code is far superior to the other code types in this respect. However, the random codes are superior to the natural code with respect to the mean shortest path length of the possible paths, the other important component of the code efficiency.It is suggested that the natural genetic code might have arisen from a semi-random code during a process of optimizing several of its features, of which the evolutionary efficiency is a very important one; or that the natural code is the most efficient edition of a large variety of semi-random codes which originated by chance.  相似文献   

Despite considerable efforts it has remained unclear what principle governs the selection of the 20 canonical amino acids in the genetic code. Based on a previous study of the 28-gonal and rotational symmetric arrangement of the 20 amino acids in the genetic code, new analyses of the organization of the genetic code system together with their intrinsic relation to the two classes of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are reported in this work. A close inspection revealed how the enzymes and the 20 gene-encoded amino acids are intertwined on the polyhedron model. Complementary and cooperative symmetries between class I and class II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases displayed by a 28-gon organization are discussed, and we found that the two previously suggested evolutionary axes within the genetic code overlap the symmetry axes within the two classes of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. Moreover, it has been shown that the side-chain carbon-atom numbers (2, 1, 3, 4 and 7) in the overwhelming majority of the amino acids recognized by each of the two classes of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are determined by a mathematical relationship, the Lucas series. A stepwise co-evolutionary selection logic of the amino acids is manifested by the amino acid side-chain carbon-atom number balance at ‘17’, when grouping the genetic code doublets in the 28-gon organization. The number ‘17’ equals the sum of the initial five numbers in the Lucas series, which are 2, 1, 3, 4 and 7.  相似文献   

The coevolution theory proposes that primordial proteins consisted only of those amino acids readily obtainable from the prebiotic environment, representing about half the twenty encoded amino acids of today, and the missing amino acids entered the system as the code expanded along with pathways of amino acid biosynthesis. The isolation of genetic code mutants, and the antiquity of pretran synthesis revealed by the comparative genomics of tRNAs and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, have combined to provide a rigorous proof of the four fundamental tenets of the theory, thus solving the riddle of the structure of the universal genetic code. Presented at: International School of Complexity – 4th Course: Basic Questions on the Origins of Life; “Ettore Majorana” Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy, 1–6 October 2006.  相似文献   

In this paper the partition metric is used to compare binary trees deriving from (i) the study of the evolutionary relationships between aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, (ii) the physicochemical properties of amino acids and (iii) the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids. If the tree defining the evolutionary relationships between aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases is assumed to be a manifestation of the mechanism that originated the organization of the genetic code, then the results appear to indicate the following: the hypothesis that regards the genetic code as a map of the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids seems to explain the organization of the genetic code, at least as plausibly as the hypotheses that consider the physicochemical properties of amino acids as the main adaptive theme that lead to the structuring of the code.  相似文献   

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