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姚瑞莲 《生物工程学报》2021,37(5):1510-1525
13C代谢流量分析(13C metabolic flux analysis,13C-MFA),是通过标记实验分析蛋白氨基酸或胞内代谢物同位素标记异构体的分布情况,从而准确定量胞内反应速率.该技术在系统理解细胞代谢特性、指导代谢工程改造和揭示病理生理学等方面起着重要作用,引起研究者的广泛重视.文中重点综述了代谢流分析30...  相似文献   

13C‐metabolic flux analysis was used to understand copper deficiency‐related restructuring of energy metabolism, which leads to excessive lactate production in recombinant protein‐producing CHO cells. Stationary‐phase labeling experiments with U‐13C glucose were conducted on CHO cells grown under high and limiting copper in 3 L fed‐batch bioreactors. The resultant labeling patterns of soluble metabolites were measured by GC‐MS and used to estimate metabolic fluxes in the central carbon metabolism pathways using OpenFlux. Fluxes were evaluated 300 times from stoichiometrically feasible random guess values and their confidence intervals calculated by Monte Carlo simulations. Results from metabolic flux analysis exhibited significant carbon redistribution throughout the metabolic network in cells under Cu deficiency. Specifically, glycolytic fluxes increased (25%–79% relative to glucose uptake) whereas fluxes through the TCA and pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) were lower (15%–23% and 74%, respectively) compared with the Cu‐containing condition. Furthermore, under Cu deficiency, 33% of the flux entering TCA via the pyruvate node was redirected to lactate and malate production. Based on these results, we hypothesize that Cu deficiency disrupts the electron transport chain causing ATP deficiency, redox imbalance, and oxidative stress, which in turn drive copper‐deficient CHO cells to produce energy via aerobic glycolysis, which is associated with excessive lactate production, rather than the more efficient route of oxidative phosphorylation. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:1179–1186, 2015  相似文献   

Escherichia coli is engineered for γ‐aminobutyrate (GABA) production in glucose minimal medium. For this, overexpression of mutant glutamate decarboxylase (GadB) and mutant glutamate/GABA antiporter (GadC), as well as deletion of GABA transaminase (GabT), are accomplished. In addition, the carbon flux to the tricarboxylic acid cycle is engineered by the overexpression of gltA, ppc, or both. The overexpression of citrate synthase (CS), encoded by gltA, increases GABA productivity, as expected. Meanwhile, the overexpression of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PPC) causes a decrease in the rate of glucose uptake, resulting in a decrease in GABA production. The phenotypes of the strains are characterized by 13C metabolic flux analysis (13C MFA). The results reveal that CS overexpression increases glycolysis and anaplerotic reaction rates, as well as the citrate synthesis rate, while PPC overexpression causes little changes in metabolic fluxes, but reduces glucose uptake rate. The engineered strain produces 1.2 g L?1 of GABA from glucose. Thus, by using 13C MFA, important information is obtained for designing metabolically engineered strains for efficient GABA production.  相似文献   

At present two alternative methods are available for analyzing the fluxes in a metabolic network: (1) combining measurements of net conversion rates with a set of metabolite balances including the cofactor balances, or (2) leaving out the cofactor balances and fitting the resulting free fluxes to measured (13)C-labeling data. In this study these two approaches are applied to the fluxes in the glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathway of Penicillium chrysogenum growing on either ammonia or nitrate as the nitrogen source, which is expected to give different pentose phosphate pathway fluxes. The presented flux analyses are based on extensive sets of 2D [(13)C, (1)H] COSY data. A new concept is applied for simulation of this type of (13)C-labeling data: cumulative bondomer modeling. The outcomes of the (13)C-labeling based flux analysis substantially differ from those of the pure metabolite balancing approach. The fluxes that are determined using (13)C-labeling data are shown to be highly dependent on the chosen metabolic network. Extending the traditional nonoxidative pentose phosphate pathway with additional transketolase and transaldolase reactions, extending the glycolysis with a fructose 6-phosphate aldolase/dihydroxyacetone kinase reaction sequence or adding a phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase reaction to the model considerably improves the fit of the measured and the simulated NMR data. The results obtained using the extended version of the nonoxidative pentose phosphate pathway model show that the transketolase and transaldolase reactions need not be assumed reversible to get a good fit of the (13)C-labeling data. Strict statistical testing of the outcomes of (13)C-labeling based flux analysis using realistic measurement errors is demonstrated to be of prime importance for verifying the assumed metabolic model.  相似文献   

A well-established way of determining metabolic fluxes is to measure 2D [(13)C,(1)H] COSY NMR spectra of components of biomass grown on uniformly (13)C-labeled carbon sources. When using the entire set of measured data to simultaneously determine all fluxes in a proposed metabolic network model, the (13)C-labeling distribution in all measured compounds has to be simulated. This requires very large sets of isotopomer or cumomer balances. This article introduces the new concept of bondomers; entities that only vary in the numbers and positions of C-C bonds that have remained intact since the medium substrate molecule entered the metabolism. Bondomers are shown to have many analogies to isotopomers. One of these is that bondomers can be transformed to cumulative bondomers, just like isotopomers can be transformed to cumomers. Similarly to cumomers, cumulative bondomers allow an analytical solution of the entire set of balances describing a metabolic network. The main difference is that cumulative bondomer models are considerably smaller than corresponding cumomer models. This saves computational time, allows easier identifiability analysis, and yields new insights in the information content of 2D [(13)C,(1)H] COSY NMR data. We illustrate the theoretical concepts by means of a realistic example of the glycolytic and pentose phosphate pathways. The combinations of 2D [(13)C,(1)H] COSY NMR data that allow identification of all metabolic fluxes in these pathways are analyzed, and it is found that the NMR data contain less information than was previously expected.  相似文献   

为开发一种适合龟裂链霉菌13C代谢通量分析的合成培养基,以龟裂链霉菌模式菌株M4018为研究对象,比较其在各种有机氮源和无机氮源的生长和土霉素合成特性。首次筛选到以硝酸钾为主要氮源的合成培养基,通过响应面分析法进一步优化,将土霉素合成能力由75.2 mg/L提高到145.6 mg/L。并应用到100%的1-13C葡萄糖标记实验,首次从同位素标记代谢流分析上证实了龟裂链霉菌中不存在2-酮-3-脱氧-6-磷酸葡糖酸裂解途径(Entner-Doudoroff pathway,ED),为龟裂链霉菌13C代谢通量分析提供了重要基础。  相似文献   

The novel concept of isotopic dynamic 13C metabolic flux analysis (ID-13C MFA) enables integrated analysis of isotopomer data from isotopic transient and/or isotopic stationary phase of a 13C labeling experiment, short-time experiments, and an extended range of applications of 13C MFA. In the presented work, an experimental and computational framework consisting of short-time 13C labeling, an integrated rapid sampling procedure, a LC-MS analytical method, numerical integration of the system of isotopomer differential equations, and estimation of metabolic fluxes was developed and applied to determine intracellular fluxes in glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), and citric acid cycle (TCA) in Escherichia coli grown in aerobic, glucose-limited chemostat culture at a dilution rate of D = 0.10 h(-1). Intracellular steady state concentrations were quantified for 12 metabolic intermediates. A total of 90 LC-MS mass isotopomers were quantified at sampling times t = 0, 91, 226, 346, 589 s and at isotopic stationary conditions. Isotopic stationarity was reached within 10 min in glycolytic and PPP metabolites. Consistent flux solutions were obtained by ID-13C MFA using isotopic dynamic and isotopic stationary 13C labeling data and by isotopic stationary 13C MFA (IS-13C MFA) using solely isotopic stationary data. It is demonstrated that integration of dynamic 13C labeling data increases the sensitivity of flux estimation, particularly at the glucose-6-phosphate branch point. The identified split ratio between glycolysis and PPP was 55%:44%. These results were confirmed by IS-13C MFA additionally using labeling data in proteinogenic amino acids (GC-MS) obtained after 5 h from sampled biomass.  相似文献   

Adaptive metabolic behavior of photoautotrophic microorganisms toward genetic and environmental perturbations can be interpreted in a quantitative depiction of carbon flow through a biochemical reaction network using isotopic non‐stationary 13C‐metabolic flux analysis (INST 13C‐MFA). To evaluate 13C‐metabolic flux maps for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, an original experimental framework was designed allowing rapid, reliable collection of high‐quality isotopomer data against time. It involved (i) a short‐time 13C labeling injection device based on mixing control in a torus‐shaped photobioreactor with plug‐flow hydrodynamics allowing a sudden step‐change in the 13C proportion in the substrate feed and (ii) a rapid sampling procedure using an automatic fast filtration method coupled to a manual rapid liquid nitrogen quenching step. 13C‐substrate labeling enrichment was controlled through the total dissolved inorganic carbon concentration in the pulsed solution. First results were obtained from steady‐state continuous culture measurements allowing the characterization of the kinetics of label incorporation into light‐limited growing cells cultivated in a photobioreactor operating at the maximal biomass productivity for an incident photon flux density of 200 µmol m?2 s?1. 13C label incorporation was measured for 21 intracellular metabolites using IC‐MS/MS in 58 samples collected across a labeling experiment duration of 7 min. The fastest labeling rate was observed for 2/3‐phosphoglycerate with an apparent isotopic stationary state reached after 300 s. The labeling rate was consistent with the optimized mixing time of about 4.9 s inside the reactor and the shortest reliable sampling period assessed at 5 s. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2012; 109: 3030–3040. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Since most bio‐production processes are conducted in a batch or fed‐batch manner, the evaluation of metabolism with respect to time is highly desirable. Toward this aim, we applied 13C‐metabolic flux analysis to nonstationary conditions by measuring the mass isotopomer distribution of intracellular metabolites. We performed our analysis on batch cultures of wild‐type Escherichia coli, as well as on Pyk and Pgi mutants, obtained the fluxes and metabolite concentrations as a function of time. Our results for the wild‐type indicated that the TCA cycle flux tended to increase during growth on glucose. Following glucose exhaustion, cells controlled the branch ratio between the glyoxylate pathway and the TCA cycle, depending on the availability of acetate. In the Pyk mutant, the concentrations of glycolytic intermediates changed drastically over time due to the dumping and feedback inhibition caused by PEP accumulation. Nevertheless, the flux distribution and free amino acid concentrations changed little. The growth rate and the fluxes remained constant in the Pgi mutant and the glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase reaction was the rate‐limiting step. The measured fluxes were compared with those predicted by flux balance analysis using maximization of biomass yield or ATP production. Our findings indicate that the objective function of biosynthesis became less important as time proceeds on glucose in the wild‐type, while it remained highly important in the Pyk mutant. Furthermore, ATP production was the primary objective function in the Pgi mutant. This study demonstrates how cells adjust their metabolism in response to environmental changes and/or genetic perturbations in the batch cultivation. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

13C metabolic flux analysis (MFA) is based on carbon-labeling experiments where a specifically (13)C labeled substrate is fed. The labeled carbon atoms distribute over the metabolic network and the label enrichment of certain metabolic pools is measured by using different methods. Recently, MS methods have been dramatically improved-large and precise datasets are now available. MS data has to be preprocessed and corrected for natural stable mass isotopes. In this article we present (1). a new elegant method to correct MS measurement data for natural stable mass isotopes by infinite dimensional matrix calculus and (2). we statistically analyze and discuss a reconstruction of labeling pattern in metabolic precursors from biosynthesis molecules. Moreover, we establish a new method for consistency checking of MS spectra that can be applied for automatic error recognition in high-throughput flux analysis procedures. Preprocessing the measurement data changes their statistical properties which have to be considered in the subsequent parameter fitting process for (13)C MFA. We show that correcting for stable mass isotopes leads to rather small correlations. On the other hand, a direct reconstruction of a precursor labeling pattern from an aromatic amino acid measurement turns out to be critical. Reasonable results are only obtained if additional, independent information about the labeling of at least one precursor is available. A versatile MatLab tool for the rapid correction and consistency checking of MS spectra is presented. Practical examples for the described methods are also given.  相似文献   

(13)C metabolic flux analysis (MFA) has become an important and powerful tool for the quantitative analysis of metabolic networks in the framework of metabolic engineering. Isotopically instationary (13)C MFA under metabolic stationary conditions is a promising refinement of classical stationary MFA. It accounts for the experimental requirements of non-steady-state cultures as well as for the shortening of the experimental duration. This contribution extends all computational methods developed for classical stationary (13)C MFA to the instationary situation by using high-performance computing methods. The developed tools allow for the simulation of instationary carbon labeling experiments (CLEs), sensitivity calculation with respect to unknown parameters, fitting of the model to the measured data, statistical identifiability analysis and an optimal experimental design facility. To explore the potential of the new approach all these tools are applied to the central metabolism of Escherichia coli. The achieved results are compared to the outcome of the stationary counterpart, especially focusing on statistical properties. This demonstrates the specific strengths of the instationary method. A new ranking method is proposed making both an a priori and an a posteriori design of the sampling times available. It will be shown that although still not all fluxes are identifiable, the quality of flux estimates can be strongly improved in the instationary case. Moreover, statements about the size of some immeasurable pool sizes can be made.  相似文献   

13C-Metabolic flux analysis (13C-MFA) is a widely used approach in metabolic engineering for quantifying intracellular metabolic fluxes. The precision of fluxes determined by 13C-MFA depends largely on the choice of isotopic tracers and the specific set of labeling measurements. A recent advance in the field is the use of parallel labeling experiments for improved flux precision and accuracy. However, as of today, no systemic methods exist for identifying optimal tracers for parallel labeling experiments. In this contribution, we have addressed this problem by introducing a new scoring system and evaluating thousands of different isotopic tracer schemes. Based on this extensive analysis we have identified optimal tracers for 13C-MFA. The best single tracers were doubly 13C-labeled glucose tracers, including [1,6-13C]glucose, [5,6-13C]glucose and [1,2-13C]glucose, which consistently produced the highest flux precision independent of the metabolic flux map (here, 100 random flux maps were evaluated). Moreover, we demonstrate that pure glucose tracers perform better overall than mixtures of glucose tracers. For parallel labeling experiments the optimal isotopic tracers were [1,6-13C]glucose and [1,2-13C]glucose. Combined analysis of [1,6-13C]glucose and [1,2-13C]glucose labeling data improved the flux precision score by nearly 20-fold compared to widely use tracer mixture 80% [1-13C]glucose +20% [U-13C]glucose.  相似文献   

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