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Artificial structures are the dominant complex marine habitat type along the northwestern Gulf of Mexico (GOM) shelf. These habitats can consist of a variety of materials, but in this region are primarily comprised of active and reefed oil and gas platforms. Despite being established for several decades, the fish communities inhabiting these structures remain poorly investigated. Between 2012 and 2013 we assessed fish communities at 15 sites using remotely operated vehicles (ROVs). Fish assemblages were quantified from standing platforms and an array of artificial reef types (Liberty Ships and partially removed or toppled platforms) distributed over the Texas continental shelf. The depth gradient covered by the surveys (30–84 m) and variability in structure density and relief also permitted analyses of the effects of these characteristics on fish richness, diversity, and assemblage composition. ROVs captured a variety of species inhabiting these reefs from large transient piscivores to small herbivorous reef fishes. While structure type and relief were shown to influence species richness and community structure, major trends in species composition were largely explained by the bottom depth where these structures occurred. We observed a shift in fish communities and relatively high diversity at approximately 60 m bottom depth, confirming trends observed in previous studies of standing platforms. This depth was also correlated with some of the largest Red Snapper captured on supplementary vertical longline surveys. Our work indicates that managers of artificial reefing programs (e.g., Rigs-to-Reefs) in the GOM should carefully consider the ambient environmental conditions when designing reef sites. For the Texas continental shelf, reefing materials at a 50–60 m bottom depth can serve a dual purpose of enhancing diving experiences and providing the best potential habitat for relatively large Red Snapper.  相似文献   

Among drivers of environmental change, artificial light at night is relatively poorly understood, yet is increasing on a global scale. The community‐level effects of existing street lights on moths and their biotic interactions have not previously been studied. Using a combination of sampling methods at matched‐pairs of lit and unlit sites, we found significant effects of street lighting: moth abundance at ground level was halved at lit sites, species richness was >25% lower, and flight activity at the level of the light was 70% greater. Furthermore, we found that 23% of moths carried pollen of at least 28 plant species and that there was a consequent overall reduction in pollen transport at lit sites. These findings support the disruptive impact of lights on moth activity, which is one proposed mechanism driving moth declines, and suggest that street lighting potentially impacts upon pollination by nocturnal invertebrates. We highlight the importance of considering both direct and cascading impacts of artificial light.  相似文献   

When oil and gas platforms become obsolete they go through a decommissioning process. This may include partial removal (from the surface to 26 m depth) or complete removal of the platform structure. While complete removal would likely eliminate most of the existing fish biomass and associated secondary production, we find that the potential impacts of partial removal would likely be limited on all but one platform off the coast of California. On average 80% of fish biomass and 86% of secondary fish production would be retained after partial removal, with above 90% retention expected for both metrics on many platforms. Partial removal would likely result in the loss of fish biomass and production for species typically found residing in the shallow portions of the platform structure. However, these fishes generally represent a small proportion of the fishes associated with these platforms. More characteristic of platform fauna are the primarily deeper-dwelling rockfishes (genus Sebastes). “Shell mounds” are biogenic reefs that surround some of these platforms resulting from an accumulation of mollusk shells that have fallen from the shallow areas of the platforms mostly above the depth of partial removal. We found that shell mounds are moderately productive fish habitats, similar to or greater than natural rocky reefs in the region at comparable depths. The complexity and areal extent of these biogenic habitats, and the associated fish biomass and production, will likely be reduced after either partial or complete platform removal. Habitat augmentation by placing the partially removed platform superstructure or some other additional habitat enrichment material (e.g., rock boulders) on the seafloor adjacent to the base of partially removed platforms provides additional options to enhance fish production, potentially mitigating reductions in shell mound habitat.  相似文献   

The 3,000 oil/gas structures currently deployed in the northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM) provide hard substratum for marine organisms in a region where such has been rare since the Holocene. The major exception to this are the Flower Garden Banks (FGB). Corals are known to have colonized oil/gas platforms around the FGB, facilitating biogeographic expansion. We ask the question, what are the patterns of genetic affinity in these coral populations. We sampled coral tissue from populations of two species occurring on oil and gas platforms: Madracis decactis (hermatype) and Tubastraea coccinea (invasive ahermatype). We sampled 28 platforms along four transects from 20 km offshore to the continental shelf edge off 1) Matagorda Island, TX; 2) Lake Sabine, TX; 3) Terrebonne Bay, LA; and 4) Mobile, AL. The entire population of M. decactis was sampled between depths of 5 m and 37 m. T. coccinea populations were sub-sampled. Genetic variation was assessed using the PCR-based Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLPs). Data were analyzed via AFLPOP and STRUCTURE. Genetic connectivity among M. decactis platform populations was highest near the FGB and decreased to the east. Connectivity increased again in the eastern sector, indicating isolation between the populations from different sides of the Mississippi River (Transects 3 and 4). A point-drop in genetic affinity (relatedness) at the shelf edge south of Terrebonne Bay, LA indicated a population differing from all others in the northern GOM. Genetic affinities among T. coccinea were highest in the west and decreased to the east. Very low genetic affinities off Mobile, AL indicated a dramatic difference between those populations and those west of the Mississippi River, apparently a formidable barrier to larval dispersal.  相似文献   

The northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM) currently possesses ∼ 3,600 offshore oil and gas production platforms. These platforms serve as artificial reefs on the continental shelf, where, until their introduction, shallow hard substrata were rare. This newly available substrate has helped to expand scleractinian coral populations in the GOM. Here, we conduct molecular genetic analyses on adult scleractinian corals on the Flower Garden Banks (FGB) coral reefs (∼ 180 km SE of Galveston, TX) and on surrounding oil and gas platforms. We have attempted to determine the degree of genetic affinity among the natural populations and those on the surrounding platforms. The three most abundant hermatypic scleractinian species were sampled: Madracis decactis, Diploria strigosa, and Montastraea cavernosa. Tissue samples were collected from the East (E-) and West (W-) FGB, and seven platforms within a 65 km radius of the FGB, at a depth range of 5-37 m. Genetic variation was assessed using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLPs). The large number of polymorphic markers generated by AFLPs allowed for the use of standard genetic analysis tools (AMOVA) as well as population allocation techniques (AFLPOP). AMOVA analyses indicated that the E- and W-FGB were genetically homogeneous for populations of Madracis decactis and Diploria strigosa; Montastraea cavernosa populations, however, were significantly different there. In all species, genetic distance (FST) increased significantly with geographic distance between populations. In the brooding species Madracis decactis, this pattern was even stronger when one considered distance between the platforms and the perimeters of the FGB, particularly the nearest FGB, suggesting that the FGB may be a source of larvae for platform populations. AFLPOP analyses showed that the degree of self-allocation to home sites also increased with inter-site distance. Cross allocations between sites dropped significantly and exponentially in all species within only one to several kms of the FGB. Madracis decactis, a brooder with extended larval release periods and near-immediate settlement competence, showed greater affinity to the FGB with distance than Diploria strigosa, a broadcaster. This brooder appears to be more effective at colonizing small, nearby target sites and expanding its geographic range at the meso-scale. The low degree of genetic affinity exhibited by all species on the platforms may be attributed to genetic drift/founder effect or relatively small samples sizes, although total populations were sampled. In general, genetic affinity decreased with inter-site distance. Young coral populations are highly differentiated at the meso-scale during early stages of community succession, implying that much time and repeated colonization of patchy habitats around larger potential larval sources will be required before genetic equilibrium or homogeneity is reached.  相似文献   

Artificial light at night is a pervasive anthropogenic stressor for biodiversity. Many fast‐flying insectivorous bat species feed on insects that are attracted to light‐emitting ultraviolet radiation (10–400 nm). Several countries are currently focused on replacing mercury vapour lamps, which emit ultraviolet light, with more cost‐efficient light‐emitting diode (LED) lights, which emit less ultraviolet radiation. This reduction in ultraviolet light may cause declines in insect densities in cities, predatory fast‐flying bats, and some edge‐foraging and slow‐flying bats. Capitalising on a scheme to update streetlights from high ultraviolet mercury vapour to low ultraviolet LED in Sydney, Australia, we measured the activity of individual bat species, the activity of different functional groups and the bat and insect communities, before and after the change in technology. We also surveyed sites with already LED lights, sites with mercury vapour lights and unlit bushland remnants. Species adapted to foraging in cluttered vegetation, and some edge‐space foraging species, were more active in unlit bushland sites than in all lit sites and decreased in activity at lit sites after the change to LED lights. The change to LED streetlights caused a decrease in the fast‐flying Chalinolobus gouldii but not Miniopterus schreibersii oceanensis, the latter being more influenced by seasonal and environmental variables. Insect biomass was not affected by changing light types, but instead was negatively correlated with the moon's percentage illuminance. Changing streetlights to LEDs could result in a decline in some insectivorous bats in cities. This study confirms that unlit urban bushland remnants are important refuges for high bat diversity, particularly for more clutter‐adapted species and some edge‐space foraging species. Preventing light penetration into unlit bushland patches and corridors remains essential to protect the urban bat community.  相似文献   

As light pollution is currently considered to be a major threat to biodiversity, different lighting management options are being explored to mitigate the impact of artificial lighting on wildlife. Although part‐night lighting schemes have been adopted by many local authorities across Europe to reduce the carbon footprint and save energy, their effects on biodiversity are unknown. Through a paired, in situ experiment, we compared the activity levels of 8 bat species under unlit, part‐night, and full‐night lighting treatments in a rural area located 60 km south of Paris, France. We selected 36 study locations composed of 1 lit site and a paired unlit control site; 24 of these sites were located in areas subject to part‐night lighting schemes, and 12 sites were in areas under standard, full‐night lighting. There was significantly more activity on part‐night lighting sites compared to full‐night lighting sites for the late‐emerging, light‐sensitive Plecotus spp., and a similar pattern was observable for Myotis spp., although not significant. In contrast, part‐night lighting did not influence the activity of early emerging bat species around streetlights, except for Pipistrellus pipistrellus for which there was significantly less activity on part‐night lighting sites than on full‐night lighting sites. Overall, no significant difference in activity between part‐ and full‐night lighting sites were observed in 5 of the 8 species studied, suggesting that current part‐night lighting schemes fail to encompass the range of activity of most bat species. We recommend that such schemes start earlier at night to effectively mitigate the adverse effects of artificial lighting on light‐sensitive species, particularly along ecological corridors that are especially important to the persistence of biodiversity in urban landscapes.  相似文献   

Testes, collected from 11 species of demersal and platform associated pelagic fishes, were examined microscopically for petroleum induced lesions. The fish were taken from 19 oil and gas production platforms and four control sites from the north-central Gulf of Mexico, during two periods, spring and late summer. The status of the spermatogenic cycle at the time specimens were collected correlated well with the known spawning times for the respective species of fish with one exception. Histopathological evaluation revealed acidophilic granular cells, chromatophores, degeneration and focal leucocytic aggregations as the most prominent and abundant conditions in testes, with encapsulated cysts, protozoa and helminths being observed only rarely. No evidence of adverse effects on gonadal morphology was found.  相似文献   

Microorganisms play fundamental roles in the ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), yet their vertical distributions along the depth continuum of water column are not well known. In this study, we presented the 16S rDNA sequences and lipid profiles in the context of water chemistry to characterize the archaeal community structure above a gas hydrate mound (MC 118) in GOM. Our results showed that all archaeal sequences were related to unknown species of Crenarchaeota or Euryarchaeota. Phylogenetically, group II –β Euryarchaeota dominated the surface water and mid-depth (400-m) water (74% and 58% of total archaeal species, respectively) whereas the marine group I-γ Crenarchaeota dominated the bottom (869 m) water (61% of total archaeal species). Estimates of the Shannon index showed the highest diversity of planktonic Archaea at the 400 m depth. Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether (GDGT) lipids were detected from the 400- and 869-m depths only and characterized by relatively high abundances of GDGT-5 (crenarchaeol) and GDGT-0. Our studies suggested a possible zonation of archaeal community in the water column, which did not seem to be affected by the possible venting of hydrocarbons from the hydrate location in GOM.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2007,87(1):31-37
The fish fauna of Thalassia testudinum (König) seagrass beds was studied at two sites in the Grand Cul-de-Sac Marin Bay (Guadeloupe, French West Indies). The first seagrass bed was located near a coral reef and the second was near coastal mangroves. Both habitats were sampled during day and night, using a purse-seine and a trap net. A total of 98 species belonging to 36 families were observed. Distance-based redundancy analyses revealed two site-specific assemblages of fishes. Diel assemblage shifts were more pronounced in the seagrass beds near coral reefs than in those near mangroves, due to the existence of nocturnal trophic incursions of coral reef fishes into seagrass beds. First-order carnivores dominated the trophic structure of the fish assemblages during both day and night. At night, Haemulidae, Holocentridae and Apogonidae took the place of Labridae, Chaetodontidae and Mullidae present by day near the reef. This switch did not occur near the coast where the exchanges between seagrass beds and mangrove appear to be less important than with the reef ecosystem. Thus, it appears that the adjacent seascape habitat setting affects the intensity in diel variability of the seagrass bed fish community.  相似文献   

A minimum of 20 porbeagles Lamna nasus were observed circling the Alba oil platform (UK North Sea) over several days in July 2014. Although schools of fish often aggregate around oil platforms, less is known about their ability to aggregate pelagic sharks and L. nasus are rarely seen at the surface. This unusual observation provides new insights into L. nasus behaviour and habitat use and the potential role of offshore artificial structures on pelagic predators.  相似文献   

The structure and temporal variations of the fish community in the intertidal estuarine zone of shallow mud areas have been poorly studied in China. This paper analyses the diel, semi‐lunar and seasonal patterns of fish assemblages in the Yangtze estuary in 2006. Fish were collected by consecutive day and night samplings using tide‐stow‐nets deployed parallel to each other in three stations. A total of 56 fish species belonging to 21 families was caught during the study period. The family Cyprinidae dominated with 25 species. Freshwater fish species were the important dominant commercial fishery species and well represented with five species (sharpbelly Hemiculter bleekeri, goldfish Carassius auratus, bream Parabramis pekinensis, likely‐bream Pseudobrama simony, and glossy yellow catfish Pelteobagrus nitidus) in the three stations. Juvenile fishes dominated the fish community, comprising 93.9% in station 1 and 96.6% in station 2 of the total abundance. The number of fish species in day tides was slightly lower than those in night tides in spring and summer, but the opposite in other seasons. In neap tides, the numbers and abundance of fish species were both lower than those in the spring tides. Fish abundance was lowest in winter, increasing during spring and summer (March–September) in both stations 1 and 2, with obviously large fluctuations in each season. The pattern of habitat selection of fishes could effectively decrease the food competition of intraspecies or interspecies and favour the growth and nursing of young fishes. These findings indicate that the intertidal zones in the estuary may serve as important nursery areas for fish communities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Millions of birds migrate across the Gulf of Mexico each year. However, most studies of migration in this region involve sampling onshore locations during the day, potentially underrepresenting the diversity and abundance of migrants passing the region. We evaluated a potential solution to this problem by recording the flight calls of passing migrants from an oil platform located southeast of the Alabama coast in the Gulf of Mexico. We detected 2762 calls during 30 nights from 9 September to 2 November 1999, and were able to identify 2329 calls to species. Flight calls by nine species of birds represented 23% of all identified calls. The greatest number of calls during one night (1017 calls) and during a 1-h period (257 calls) were recorded on 10 September. The greatest number of calls was recorded 8 h after sunset, with a secondary peak 2 h after sunset. The peak prior to sunrise may indicate the formation of flocks at dawn, and the peak after sunset may have been caused by the first wave of migrants reaching the platform. However, call counts varied extensively, with 98% of all calls recorded during 13 nights and 40% on a single night, possibly resulting from hourly and nightly differences in bird numbers aloft, atmospheric conditions, and artificial lighting conditions. Although recording on oil platforms can be difficult because of mechanical, wind, and wave noise, our results suggest great potential for describing the species composition of passing vocal migrants and the temporal patterns of flight-calling behavior if quiet recording locations can be found. Moreover, flight call monitoring could be a critically important tool for bird conservation in this region, given recent proposals to develop wind power and the potential bird mortality associated with such developments.  相似文献   

吴忠鑫  张磊  张秀梅  张沛东  李文涛 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6737-6746
根据2009年5月份至2010年2月份于山东荣成俚岛人工鱼礁区和对照区4个季度月的游泳动物及同步的环境调查数据,采用Margalef种类丰富度指数,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数,Pielou均匀度指数分析了鱼礁区游泳动物群落组成和物种多样性的时空分布特征,运用梯度分析法对调查区域游泳动物群落格局与环境因子进行排序分析,结合蒙特卡罗检验确定影响鱼礁区游泳动物群落结构的控制因子。调查期间共捕获游泳动物18种,隶属于8目15科,优势种为许氏平鲉(Sebastes schlegeli)、大泷六线鱼(Hexagrammos otakii)和斑头六线鱼(Hexagrammos agrammus),其中许氏平鲉在渔获量组成中占绝对优势(41%)。鱼礁区游泳动物的渔获种类数和渔获量高于各自对照区,但差异不显著(P>0.05), 季度月平均CPUE最高值出现在近岸礁区,达到830.24 g ·网-1·d-1。群落组成特征值上,春秋季的参数值最大,鱼礁区与对照区间并无显著差异(P>0.05)。聚类分析表明,春季、夏季和冬季均是季度月内不同区域的样方相似性较高,而秋季的远岸礁区及其对照区样方与春季各区域样方的相似性高于秋季近岸礁区及其对照区。RDA分析表明,水温对游泳动物群落组成变化的解释量为37.1%,是主要的解释因子(P=0.002)。水温和水深等环境因子主导了俚岛人工鱼礁区游泳动物群落结构的时空变化。  相似文献   

An assessment of vertical distribution, diel migration, taxonomic and functional diversity of fishes was carried out at offshore platforms in The (Arabian–Iranian–Persian) Gulf. Video footage was recorded at the Al Shaheen oil field between 2007 and 2014 using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). A total of 12 822 individual fishes, from 83 taxonomic groups were recorded around the platforms. All the species identified are considered native to The Gulf, although Cyclichthys orbicularis and Lutjanus indicus were recorded for the first time in Qatari waters. Several trends were uncovered in the vertical distribution of the fish community; most species were observed between 20 and 50 m depth and fish abundance decreased towards the bottom, with the highest abundances recorded in the upper layers, i.e. down to 40 m depth. Vertical variation in fish diversity, however, was generally not accompanied by differences in vertical movements. Carnivores and invertivores were the dominant trophic groups, being found at each depth range from surface to seabed. The functional indices showed no significant differences between water depths or diel cycles. The study demonstrates that oil platforms represent a hotspot of fish diversity and interesting sites for studying fish communities, abundance and behaviour.  相似文献   

Biofouling has long been recognised as a major pathway for the introduction of non-indigenous species. This study records the decapods and stomatopod crustaceans fouling a semisubmersible oil platform dry docked for hull cleaning in Jurong Port, Singapore. Of the 25 species of decapods identified, 13 were non-indigenous and represent new records to Singapore waters. Of these, the crabs Glabropilumnus seminudus and Carupa tenuipes are known to be invasive in other parts of the world. The stomatopod, Gonodactylaceus randalli, is the first mantis shrimp recorded in a biofouling community. The richness and diversity of this fouling community, consisting of many vagile species, highlights the difference between platforms and ships. With the expansion of maritime oil and gas exploration, the threat posed by an expanded fleet of semisubmersible oil platforms translocating non-indigenous fouling communities across biogeographical boundaries is very serious. Scientists, policy-makers, and stakeholders should turn their attention to this growing problem.  相似文献   

The decommissioning of offshore oil and gas platforms typically involves removing some or all of the associated infrastructure and the consequent destruction of the associated marine ecosystem that has developed over decades. There is increasing evidence of the important ecological role played by offshore platforms. Concepts such as novel ecosystems allow stakeholders to consider the ecological role played by each platform in the decommissioning process. This study focused on the Wandoo field in Northwest Australia as a case study for the application of the novel ecosystem concept to the decommissioning of offshore platforms. Stereo‐baited remote underwater video systems were used to assess the habitat composition and fish communities at Wandoo, as well as two control sites: a sandy one that resembled the Wandoo site pre‐installation, and one characterized by a natural reef as a control for natural hard substrate and vertical relief. We found denser macrobenthos habitat at the Wandoo site than at either of the control sites, which we attributed to the exclusion of seabed trawling around the Wandoo infrastructure. We also found that the demersal and pelagic taxonomic assemblages at Wandoo more closely resemble those at a natural reef than those which would likely have been present pre‐installation, but these assemblages are still unique in a regional context. The demersal assemblage is characterized by reef‐associated species with higher diversity than those at the sand control and natural reef control sites, with the pelagic community characterized by species associated with oil platforms in other regions. These findings suggest that a novel ecosystem has emerged in the Wandoo field. It is likely that many of the novel qualities of this ecosystem would be lost under decommissioning scenarios that involve partial or complete removal. This study provides an example for classifying offshore platforms as novel ecosystems.  相似文献   

Knowledge of temporal variation in nearshore Laurentian Great Lakes fish assemblages is important for understanding species–habitat associations, how abiotic and biotic influences vary temporally, and when sampling should occur. Using spring and fall seining data from Lake Erie beaches, we compared day and night fish assemblages and tested for differences among sampling periods. Beaches were utilized by a diverse collection of Lake Erie basin fishes (one-third of known species). During all sampling periods, catches were dominated by cyprinid species (53–91%), and by invertivores and planktivorous fishes. Diel differences were detected in abundance, species richness and assemblage structure. Multivariate analyses (canonical analysis of principal coordinates) indicated that season had a larger influence on fish assemblage structure than diel period. Given observed temporal variation in assemblage structure, studies of Laurentian Great Lakes beach fishes should be restricted to a single time period (e.g. day-time spring sampling), or adopt sampling designs that permit diel period and season to be included as factors in analyses. Second, the large seasonal variation in assemblage composition combined with higher night species richness indicates that night sampling during both spring and fall would be the most efficient and comprehensive approach for beach fish inventory. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Handling editor: J. Trexler  相似文献   

Ovaries collected from 11 species of demersal and platform-associated pelagic fishes were examined for petroleum induced lesions. The fish were taken from the north central Gulf of Mexico near 20 oil or gas production platforms and three control sites during two periods, spring and late summer. The status of the ovarian cycle correlated well in the majority of cases with known spawning times. Histopathological conditions most prominent in the ovary other than atresia, generally considered physiological, were acidophilic granular cells, chromatophores and leucocytic foci or infiltration, whereas degeneration, helminths and protozoa with associated tissue responses were rarely noted. Minimal morphological evidence of adverse effects by toxic petroleum elements on the ovary was found., Accepted 21 July 1980  相似文献   

The ecological effects of light pollution are becoming better understood, especially in birds. Recent studies have shown that several bird species can use street lighting to extend activity into the night during the breeding season. However, most of these studies are correlational and little is known about the effects of artificial night lighting on the timing of activities outside the breeding season. During winter, low temperatures and short days may limit foraging opportunities and can negatively affect survival of resident birds. However, night lighting may allow them to expand the time niche available for foraging. Here, we report on a study where we repeatedly manipulated the amount of night lighting during early winter at automated feeding stations in a natural forest. We used video‐recordings at the feeders to determine the time of the first (at dawn) and last (at dusk) foraging visits for six songbird species. We predicted that all species, and in particular the naturally early‐foraging species, would advance their daily onset of foraging during the mornings with night lighting, but would show minimal or no delays in their daily cessation of foraging during the lighted evenings. We found that two early‐foraging species, the blue tit and the great tit, started foraging earlier during the experimentally lighted mornings. However, in great tits, this effect was weak and restricted to nights with inclement weather. The light treatment did not have any effect on the start of foraging in the willow/marsh tit, the nuthatch, the European jay, and the blackbird. Artificial night lighting did not cause later foraging at dusk in any of the six species. Overall, our results suggest that artificial light during winter has only small effects on timing of foraging. We discuss these findings and the importance of temperature and winter weather in shaping the observed foraging patterns.  相似文献   

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