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微生物组研究的发展推动了人类不断探索人体微生物群与疾病之间的相关性。然而,微生物组学在动物疫病防控中的研究尚处于起步阶段。本文对动物疫病防控领域中微生物组研究所发挥的6个作用进行了阐述:揭示疾病与菌群的相关性,鉴定新发病原体,确立有益于维持机体健康生长的菌群,筛选疾病防控的新药物和新制剂,开发新疫苗或改进疫苗的使用效果,提出更简单有效的防控措施。  相似文献   

近年来,各国政府、高校、企业和公众高度关注人类微生物组与健康研究,旨在全面系统地解析微生物组的结构和功能,以及生理调控机制,为解决健康问题提供新思路,相关研究带动了人类微生物组行业内益生菌、益生元类保健食品和膳食补充剂、粪菌移植产业的发展,也催生了微生物组检测及健康指导、微生态药物产业的崛起。通过梳理全球人类微生物组产业现状,分析相关产业发展面临的主要瓶颈及未来发展方向,并针对中国人类微生物组产业提出了具体的发展建议。  相似文献   

随着微生物群(组)研究的兴起,人体微生物组对机体健康或疾病作用的探索一度呈井喷之势,但研究技术及分析方法仍处于起步阶段,需进一步深入。本文对微生物群和微生物组的概念进行了解释,阐述了人体微生物群与机体的相互作用模式,概括了微生物群与人体有关疾病的关系,提出了人体微生物组研究中的6个关键问题,并对未来的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Advances in sequencing technologies have led to the increased use of high throughput sequencing in characterizing the microbial communities associated with our bodies and our environment. Critical to the analysis of the resulting data are sequence assembly algorithms able to reconstruct genes and organisms from complex mixtures. Metagenomic assembly involves new computational challenges due to the specific characteristics of the metagenomic data. In this survey, we focus on major algorithmic approaches for genome and metagenome assembly, and discuss the new challenges and opportunities afforded by this new field. We also review several applications of metagenome assembly in addressing interesting biological problems.  相似文献   

Human gut microbiota and bifidobacteria: from composition to functionality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The human gut is the home of an estimated 10(18) bacterial cells, many of which are uncharacterized or unculturable. Novel culture-independent approaches have revealed that the majority of the human gut microbiota consists of members of the phyla Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. Nevertheless the role of bifidobacteria in gut ecology illustrates the importance of Actinomycetes and other Actinobacteria that may be underestimated. The human gut microbiota represents an extremely complex microbial community the collective genome of which, the microbiome, encodes functions that are believed to have a significant impact on human physiology. The microbiome is assumed to significantly enhance the metabolism of amino and glycan acids, the turnover of xenobiotics, methanogenesis and the biosynthesis of vitamins. Co-colonisation of the gut commensals Bifidobacterium longum and Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron in a murine model system revealed that the presence of bifidobacteria induced an expansion in the diversity of polysaccharides targeted for degradation by Bacteroides and also induced host genes involved in innate immunity. In addition, comparative analysis of individual human gut microbiomes has revealed various strategies that the microbiota use to adapt to the intestinal environment while also pointing to the existence of a distinct infant and adult-type microbiota.  相似文献   

The development of the neonatal gut microbiome is influenced by multiple factors, such as delivery mode, feeding, medication use, hospital environment, early life stress, and genetics. The dysbiosis of gut microbiota persists during infancy, especially in high-risk preterm infants who experience lengthy stays in the Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Infant microbiome evolutionary trajectory is essentially parallel with the host (infant) neurodevelopmental process and growth. The role of the gut microbiome, the brain-gut signaling system, and its interaction with the host genetics have been shown to be related to both short and long term infant health and bio-behavioral development. The investigation of potential dysbiosis patterns in early childhood is still lacking and few studies have addressed this host-microbiome co-developmental process. Further research spanning a variety of fields of study is needed to focus on the mechanisms of brain-gut-microbiota signaling system and the dynamic host-microbial interaction in the regulation of health, stress and development in human newborns.  相似文献   

Major advances are currently being made in regenerative medicine for cornea. Stem cell-based therapies represent a novel strategy that may substitute conventional corneal transplantation, albeit there are many challenges ahead given the singularities of each cellular layer of the cornea. This review recapitulates the current data on corneal epithelial stem cells, corneal stromal stem cells and corneal endothelial cell progenitors. Corneal limbal autografts containing epithelial stem cells have been transplanted in humans for more than 20 years with great successful rates, and researchers now focus on ex vivo cultures and other cell lineages to transplant to the ocular surface. A small population of cells in the corneal endothelium was recently reported to have self-renewal capacity, although they do not proliferate in vivo. Two main obstacles have hindered endothelial cell transplantation to date: culture protocols and cell delivery methods to the posterior cornea in vivo. Human corneal stromal stem cells have been identified shortly after the recognition of precursors of endothelial cells. Stromal stem cells may have the potential to provide a direct cell-based therapeutic approach when injected to corneal scars. Furthermore, they exhibit the ability to deposit organized connective tissue in vitro and may be useful in corneal stroma engineering in the future. Recent advances and future perspectives in the field are discussed.  相似文献   

Chitosan and its derivatives for tissue engineering applications   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Tissue engineering is an important therapeutic strategy for present and future medicine. Recently, functional biomaterial researches have been directed towards the development of improved scaffolds for regenerative medicine. Chitosan is a natural polymer from renewable resources, obtained from shell of shellfish, and the wastes of the seafood industry. It has novel properties such as biocompatibility, biodegradability, antibacterial, and wound-healing activity. Furthermore, recent studies suggested that chitosan and its derivatives are promising candidates as a supporting material for tissue engineering applications owing to their porous structure, gel forming properties, ease of chemical modification, high affinity to in vivo macromolecules, and so on. In this review, we focus on the various types of chitosan derivatives and their use in various tissue engineering applications namely, skin, bone, cartilage, liver, nerve and blood vessel.  相似文献   

应用基因工程技术对微生物细胞内的代谢通量进行重新设计,是获得高产高效的工业菌株的重要手段之一。基因敲除是20世纪80年代发展起来的一项重要的分子生物学技术,利用基因敲除技术可阻断细胞的代谢旁路。或通过引入突变位点改变目的产物的产量或质量而达到调节代谢流,优化代谢途径的目的。简单介绍了基因敲除技术的操作过程,重点讨论基因敲除技术的敲除策略及在微生物代谢工程方面的应用,并展望了相关技术在诸多领域的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Many plant‐derived agents are being used to treat cancer, including taxol, vinblastine, vincristine, or camptothecin and podophyllotoxin derivatives, among others. Plant biotechnology can provide a new tool for the production of anticancer agents but in spite of considerable efforts to produce vinblastine and vincristine in cell cultures and knowledge of the biosynthetic pathway of Catharanthus roseus alkaloids, the biotechnological production of taxol has only been achieved at an industrial level by companies such as Phyton Biotech and Cytoclonal Pharmaceutics. Podophyllotoxin was isolated as the active antitumor agent from the roots of Podophyllum species and more recently from the genus Linum and others. Etoposide, teniposide, and etophos are semi‐synthetic derivatives of podophyllotoxin and are used in the treatment of cancer. Biotechnological approaches, including the use of cell cultures, biotransformation, or metabolic engineering techniques to manipulate the biosynthetic pathway, represent an alternative for the production of podophyllotoxin and are discussed in this review.  相似文献   

王悦  陈倩 《微生物与感染》2019,14(5):317-322
噬菌体作为肠道微生物群落的重要组成部分,自生命初期即定植于肠道,在不同生命时期均以较为稳定的状态存在于人体。目前已知的肠道噬菌体主要是DNA噬菌体,且大多以前噬菌体形式存在。肠道噬菌体可通过多种机制优化其宿主微生物群的结构和组成,并以多种方式直接或间接影响人体的生理状态,其结构变化与多种疾病相关。利用测序方法,能够直接获取噬菌体组信息。本文基于噬菌体组的相关研究,综述了肠道噬菌体组与人体健康相关的研究进展,并对该领域的研究方法和发展方向做出展望。  相似文献   

魏绍巍  黎茵 《生物工程学报》2011,27(12):1702-1710
植物磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase,PEPC,EC是广泛存在的一种细胞质酶,催化磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸(PEP)和HCO3-生成草酰乙酸(OAA),后者可转化生成三羧酸循环的多种中间产物.PEPC在植物细胞中参与植物的光合碳同化等重要代谢途径,并且在不同组织中具有多种生理功能.PEPC同时也参与调控植物种子的营养物质合成与代谢过程,控制糖类物质流向脂肪酸合成或蛋白质合成途径.以下介绍了植物PEPC的种类、蛋白质结构特点及其在植物组织中的调控方式,并重点论述了PEPC在生物基因工程中的应用方面的进展,随着对其功能机制和应用研究的深入,将有助于植物PEPC在高产优质农作物育种、能源植物和工业微生物等的开发利用等方面得到更好的发展与应用.  相似文献   

As one of the most abundant polymers in biosphere, lignin has attracted extensive attention as a kind of promising feedstock for biofuel and bio-based products. However, the utilization of lignin presents various challenges in that its complex composition and structure and high resistance to degradation. Lignin conversion through biological platform harnesses the catalytic power of microorganisms to decompose complex lignin molecules and obtain value-added products through biosynthesis. Given the heterogeneity of lignin, various microbial metabolic pathways are involved in lignin bioconversion processes, which has been characterized in extensive research work. With different types of lignin substrates (e.g., model compounds, technical lignin, and lignocellulosic biomass), several bacterial and fungal species have been proved to own lignin-degrading abilities and accumulate microbial products (e.g., lipid and polyhydroxyalkanoates), while the lignin conversion efficiencies are still relatively low. Genetic and metabolic strategies have been developed to enhance lignin biodegradation by reprogramming microbial metabolism, and diverse products, such as vanillin and dicarboxylic acids were also produced from lignin. This article aims at presenting a comprehensive review on lignin bioconversion including lignin degradation mechanisms, metabolic pathways, and applications for the production of value-added bioproducts. Advanced techniques on genetic and metabolic engineering are also covered in the recent development of biological platforms for lignin utilization. To conclude this article, the existing challenges for efficient lignin bioprocessing are analyzed and possible directions for future work are proposed.  相似文献   

Emergence and development of agro-ecological engineering in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chinese agricultural eco-engineering is a newborn scientific field which emerged in the practices of sustainable development of agriculture. Based on the discussion of the emergence and development of China’s agricultural eco-engineering, this paper analyzes the characteristics and components of the system. As a case study, the paper introduces the application of ecotechnology and its comprehensive effect in Baiquan county, Helingjiang province, China.  相似文献   

The Kabat Database was initially started in 1970 to determine the combining site of antibodies based on the available amino acid sequences. The precise delineation of complementarity determining regions (CDR) of both light and heavy chains provides the first example of how properly aligned sequences can be used to derive structural and functional information of biological macromolecules. This knowledge has subsequently been applied to the construction of artificial antibodies with prescribed specificities, and to many other studies. The Kabat database now includes nucleotide sequences, sequences of T cell receptors for antigens (TCR), major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II molecules, and other proteins of immunological interest. While new sequences are continually added into this database, we have undertaken the task of developing more analytical methods to study the information content of this collection of aligned sequences. New examples of analysis will be illustrated on a yearly basis. The Kabat Database and its applications are freely available at http://immuno.bme.nwu.edu.  相似文献   

Many adhesion and signaling molecules critical for development, as well as surface markers implicated in diseases ranging from cancer to influenza, contain oligosaccharides that modify their functions. Inside a cell, complex glycosylation pathways assemble these oligosaccharides and attach them to proteins and lipids as they traffic to the cell surface. Until recently, practical technologies to manipulate glycosylation have lagged unlike the molecular biologic and genetic methods available to intervene in nucleic acid and protein biochemistry; now, metabolic oligosaccharide engineering shows promise for manipulating glycosylation. In this methodology, exogenously-supplied non-natural sugars intercept biosynthetic pathways and exploit the remarkable ability of many of the enzymes involved in glycosylation to process metabolites with slightly altered chemical structures. To date, non-natural forms of sialic acid, GalNAc, GlcNAc, and fucose have been incorporated into glycoconjugates that appear on the cell surface; in addition O-GlcNAc protein modification involved in intracellular signaling has been tagged with modified forms of this sugar. Reactive functional groups, including ketones, azides, and thiols, have been incorporated into glycoconjugates and thereby provide chemical 'tags' that can be used for diverse purposes ranging from drug delivery to new modes of carbohydrate-based cell adhesion that can be used to control stem cell destiny. Finally, strategies for further engineering non-natural sugars to improve their pharmacological properties and provide complementary biological activities, such as addition of short chain fatty acids, are discussed in this article.  相似文献   

Agricultural systems around the world are faced with the challenge of providing for the demands of a growing human population. To meet this demand, agricultural systems have intensified to produce more crops per unit area at the expense of greater inputs. Agricultural intensification, while yielding more crops, generally has detrimental impacts on biodiversity. However, intensified agricultural systems often have fewer pests than more “environmentally-friendly” systems, which is believed to be primarily due to extensive pesticide use on intensive farms. In turn, to be competitive, less-intensive agricultural systems must rely on biological control of pests. Biological pest control is a complex ecosystem service that is generally positively associated with biodiversity of natural enemy guilds. Yet, we still have a limited understanding of the relationships between biodiversity and biological control in agroecosystems, and the mechanisms underlying these relationships. Here, we review the effects of agricultural intensification on the diversity of natural enemy communities attacking arthropod pests and weeds. We next discuss how biodiversity of these communities impacts pest control, and the mechanisms underlying these effects. We focus in particular on novel conceptual issues such as relationships between richness, evenness, abundance, and pest control. Moreover, we discuss novel experimental approaches that can be used to explore the relationships between biodiversity and biological control in agroecosystems. In particular, we highlight new experimental frontiers regarding evenness, realistic manipulations of biodiversity, and functional and genetic diversity. Management shifts that aim to conserve diversity while suppressing both insect and weed pests will help growers to face future challenges. Moreover, a greater understanding of the interactions between diversity components, and the mechanisms underlying biodiversity effects, would improve efforts to strengthen biological control in agroecosystems.  相似文献   

盛嘉元  张绪  郑强  徐志南 《生物工程学报》2014,30(10):1491-1503
无细胞蛋白表达体系是一种以细胞抽提物为基础的体外合成蛋白质表达技术,具有遗传背景简单、反应操控简便等特点,已成为研究生物反应系统的重要技术手段。在研究人员的不断努力下,反应体系从原核扩展到真核蛋白质合成体系,而且目标蛋白表达量从毫克级提高到数克级每升,成本不断降低,反应规模可达到百公升级。近年来,无细胞蛋白表达系统在复杂蛋白、毒性蛋白和膜蛋白表达方面的优势逐渐体现,展示了其在生物制药领域的重要应用潜力。总之,无细胞技术已经成为异源蛋白质高效合成和生物制药领域中有巨大潜力的新策略。  相似文献   

Increasing agricultural productivity is critical to feed the ever-growing human population. Being linked intimately to plant health, growth and productivity, harnessing the plant microbiome is considered a potentially viable approach for the next green revolution, in an environmentally sustainable way. In recent years, our understanding of drivers, roles, mechanisms, along with knowledge to manipulate the plant microbiome, have significantly advanced. Yet, translating this knowledge to expand farm productivity and sustainability requires the development of solutions for a number of technological and logistic challenges. In this article, we propose new and emerging strategies to improve the survival and activity of microbial inoculants, including using selected indigenous microbes and optimising microbial delivery methods, as well as modern gene editing tools to engineer microbial inoculants. In addition, we identify multiple biochemical and molecular mechanisms and/approaches which can be exploited for microbiome engineering in situ to optimise plant-microbiome interactions for improved farm yields. These novel biotechnological approaches can provide effective tools to attract and maintain activities of crop beneficial microbiota that increase crop performance in terms of nutrient acquisition, and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, resulting in an increased agricultural productivity and sustainability.  相似文献   

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