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The purposes of this study were 1) to determine satellite cell mitotic activity and myofiber nuclear density in the soleus muscle of aged rats and 2) to examine the effect of exercise training on these same parameters. Twenty-four-month-old specific pathogen-free female Fischer 344 rats were assigned to either a training or a control group. The trained group performed 10 wk of progressive treadmill running that resulted in a significant increase (P less than or equal to 0.05) in vastus lateralis muscle malate dehydrogenase activity compared with control rats. Training produced a doubling of soleus muscle satellite cell mitotic activity (trained 1.28 +/- 0.33, control 0.52 +/- 0.13 thymidine-labeled satellite cells per 1,000 nuclei; P less than or equal to 0.05). Training also resulted in a doubling in the number of damaged fibers in the soleus muscle (P less than or equal to 0.05). Mean myofiber nuclear density was unaltered by exercise training but varied as a function of soleus muscle fiber size. Nuclear density of a subpopulation of small fibers (cross-sectional area less than one standard deviation below the mean cross-sectional area of all fibers examined) was significantly higher (P less than or equal to 0.05) than in other fibers in the soleus muscle. A high nuclear density and small size suggest that these fibers were immature. In addition, the soleus muscle from trained rats had significantly more (P less than or equal to 0.05) small fibers with high nuclear density than muscle from control animals.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Phosphofructokinase isolated from mouse skeletal muscle 18 hours after intraperitoneal injection of [32P]-PO43? contained 0.12 to 0.15 moles of covalently bound phosphate per protomer on the basis of the specific activity of radiolabel in the γ-position of ATP. Under identical conditions, muscle pyruvate kinase and aldolase had no covalently bound phosphate.  相似文献   

The presence of desmin was characterized in cultured rat and bovine satellite cells and its potential usefulness as a marker for identifying satellite cells in vitro was evaluated. In primary cultures, positive immunohistochemical staining for desmin and skeletal muscle myosin was observed in rat and bovine myotubes. A small number of mononucleated cells (20% of rat satellite cells and 5% of bovine satellite cells) were myosin-positive, indicative of post-mitotic differentiated myocytes. In bovine satellite cell cultures 13% of the mononucleated cells were desmin-positive, while 84% of the mononucleated cells in rat satellite cell cultures were desmin-positive. Rat satellite cell mass cultures and bovine satellite cell clonal density cultures were pulsed with 3H-thymidine, and autoradiographic data revealed that greater than 94% of dividing rat cells were desmin-positive, suggesting that desmin is synthesized in proliferating rat satellite cells. However, no desmin was seen in cells that incorporated labeled thymidine in bovine satellite cell clones. Analysis of clonal density cultures revealed that only 14% of the mononucleated cells in bovine satellite cell colonies were desmin-positive, whereas 98% of the cells in rat satellite cell colonies were desmin-positive. Fibroblast colonies from both species were desmin-negative. In order to further examine the relationship between satellite cell differentiation and desmin expression, 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) was added to culture medium at the time of plating to inhibit differentiation. Fusion was inhibited in rat and bovine cultures, and cells continued to divide. Very few desmin-positive cells were found in bovine cultures, but greater than 90% of the cells in rat cultures stained positive for desmin. The presence of desmin and sarcomeric myosin was also evaluated in regenerating rat tibialis anterior five days after bupivacaine injection. In regenerating areas of the muscle many desmin-positive cells were present, and only a few cells stained positive for skeletal muscle myosin. Application of desmin staining to rat satellite cell growth assays indicated that rat satellite cells cultured in serum-containing medium were contaminated with fibroblasts at levels that ranged from approximately 5% in 24 hr cultures to 15% in mature cultures. In defined medium 4 day cultures contain approximately 95% to 98% desmin-positive satellite cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

As an adjunct to attempts to define functionally important sequences at human centromeres, we have undertaken a long-range physical analysis of these regions in the mouse. Mouse centromeres are usually situated very close to the chromosome ends and are closely associated with minor satellite sequences on the basis of cytological observations. Using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis we find that this satellite DNA is arranged as tandem arrays, predominantly uninterrupted by nonsatellite sequences. These arrays can be released largely intact by digestion with a range of enzymes that generally cleave frequently in non-satellite DNA. The restriction fragments carrying these arrays are polymorphic in size between inbred strains and provide direct markers for mouse centromeres. To illustrate the possible use of these polymorphic markers we have mapped a 1.3-Mb PvuII variant in a set of RI strains to the centromere of Chromosome 7. The minor satellite arrays are very close to the centromeric telomere and physical linkage with terminal repeat sequences can readily be detected, placing many minor satellite arrays on terminal restriction fragments smaller than 1 Mb. The apparent lack of any sizable amount of nonsatellite DNA between the minor satellite and the terminal repeat arrays indicates that many mouse chromosomes are truly telocentric.  相似文献   

The BamHI K region of Epstein-Barr virus DNA is transcribed in latently infected cells from Burkitt tumors and in growth-transformed B-lymphocytes latently infected with Epstein-Barr virus. We determined the nucleotide sequence of a 1,153-base pair HinfI fragment in BamHI fragment K from the B95-8 Epstein-Barr virus isolate. The fragment contains a remarkable 708-base pair simple sequence repeat array, designated IR3, which is composed of only three nucleotide triplet elements: GGG, GCA, and GGA. The triplets are organized into three repeat units: GCAGGA, GCAGGAGGA, and GGGGCAGGA. Immediately 3' of IR3 are tandem nearly perfect direct repeats of two different 24-base pair sequences. IR3 is conserved at a colinear position in the DNAs of other Epstein-Barr virus isolates, and a homologous sequence maps at the same location in the genome of a genetically related baboon herpesvirus, herpesvirus papio. IR3 is transcribed from left to right in latently infected, growth-transformed IB4 cells. It encodes part of a 2.0-kilobase exon of the 3.7-kilobase cytoplasmic polyadenylated RNA previously detected in IB4 cells (van Santen et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 78:1930-1934, 1981). IR3 also encodes parts of 2.4- and 1.0-kilobase RNAs in productively infected B95-8 cells.  相似文献   

Sarcopenia, loss of skeletal muscle mass, is a hallmark of aging commonly attributed to a decreased capacity to maintain muscle tissue in senescence, yet the mechanism behind the muscle wasting remains unresolved. To address these issues we have explored a rodent model of sarcopenia and age-related sensorimotor impairment, allowing us to discriminate between successfully and unsuccessfully aged cohort members. Immunohistochemistry and staining of cell nuclei revealed that senescent muscle has an increased density of cell nuclei, occurrence of aberrant fibers and fibers expressing embryonic myosin. Using real-time PCR we extend the findings of increased myogenic regulatory factor mRNA to show that very high levels are found in unsuccessfully aged cohort members. This pattern is also reflected in the number of embryonic myosin-positive fibers, which increase with the degree of sarcopenia. In addition, we confirm that there is no local down-regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR mRNA in aged muscle tissue; on the contrary, the most sarcopenic individuals showed significantly higher local expression of IGF-I mRNA. Combined, our results show that the initial drive to regenerate myofibers is most marked in cases with the most advanced loss of muscle mass, a pattern that may have its origin in differences in the rate of tissue deterioration and/or that regenerating myofibers in these cases fail to mature into functional fibers. Importantly, the genetic background is a determinant of the pace of progression of sarcopenia.  相似文献   

DNA synthesis and DNA polymerase activity in differentiating cardiac muscle   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
DNA synthesis in cardiac muscle of the rat declines rapidly following birth and is essentially “turned off” by the 17th day of postnatal development. Soluble DNA polymerase activity also decreases progressively with age, reaching adult levels of almost zero by the 17th day of development. These results indicate that cessation of DNA synthesis in differentiating cardiac muscle may be attributed to the loss or inactivation of DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

The current study sought to examine the effects of chronic endurance treadmill running on oxidative capacity and capillary density in specific diaphragm muscle fiber types in young (5 mo) and senescent (greater than or equal to 23 mo) female Fischer 344 rats. Both young and senescent animals trained at approximately 75% of maximal O2 consumption for 1 h/day 5 days/wk for 10 wk. Plantaris citrate synthase activity was significantly increased (P less than 0.01) in both young and old trained groups. Densitometric analysis of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity in diaphragm type I, IIa, and IIb muscle fibers was done using a computerized image-processing system. There were no age-related differences in SDH activity between the young and old groups for any of the fiber types. In addition, SDH activity was found to be significantly increased (P less than 0.05) in all three fiber types in both the young and senescent trained animals compared with their sedentary counterparts. Fiber size and capillary density did not differ between young and senescent rats, nor did exercise affect this measure. Each fiber, irrespective of type, had an average of approximately four capillaries in contact with it. However, type IIb fibers had a significantly lower capillary density per unit area than type I or IIa muscle fibers. The results indicate that the senescent costal diaphragm maintains its ability to adapt to an increased metabolic demand brought about by locomotor exercise. Of further interest is the finding that training adaptations occurred in all three fiber types, suggesting that increased work of breathing from moderate exercise leads to recruitment of all three fiber types.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The experiments described were directed toward understanding relationships between mouse satellite DNA, sister chromatid pairing, and centromere function. Electron microscopy of a large mouse L929 marker chromosome shows that each of its multiple constrictions is coincident with a site of sister chromatid contact and the presence of mouse satellite DNA. However, only one of these sites, the central one, possesses kinetochores. This observation suggests either that satellite DNA alone is not sufficient for kinetochore formation or that when one kinetochore forms, other potential sites are suppressed. In the second set of experiments, we show that highly extended chromosomes from Hoechst 33258-treated cells (Hilwig, I., and A. Gropp, 1973, Exp. Cell Res., 81:474-477) lack kinetochores. Kinetochores are not seen in Miller spreads of these chromosomes, and at least one kinetochore antigen is not associated with these chromosomes when they were subjected to immunofluorescent analysis using anti-kinetochore scleroderma serum. These data suggest that kinetochore formation at centromeric heterochromatin may require a higher order chromatin structure which is altered by Hoechst binding. Finally, when metaphase chromosomes are subjected to digestion by restriction enzymes that degrade the bulk of mouse satellite DNA, contact between sister chromatids appears to be disrupted. Electron microscopy of digested chromosomes shows that there is a significant loss of heterochromatin between the sister chromatids at paired sites. In addition, fluorescence microscopy using anti-kinetochore serum reveals a greater inter-kinetochore distance than in controls or chromosomes digested with enzymes that spare satellite. We conclude that the presence of mouse satellite DNA in these regions is necessary for maintenance of contact between the sister chromatids of mouse mitotic chromosomes.  相似文献   

Membrane trafficking is one of the most important mechanisms involved in the establishment and maintenance of the forms and functions of the cell. However, it is poorly understood in skeletal muscle cells. In this study, we have focused on vesicle-associated membrane proteins (VAMPs), which are components of the vesicle docking and fusion complex, and have performed immunostaining to investigate the expression of VAMPs in rat skeletal muscle tissue. We have found that VAMP2, but not VAMP1 or VAMP3, is expressed in satellite cells. VAMP2 is also expressed in myofibers in the soleus muscle and nerve endings. This is consistent with previous studies in which VAMP2 has been shown to regulate GLUT4 trafficking in slow-twitch myofibers in soleus muscle and neurotransmitter release in nerve endings. As satellite cells are quiescent myogenic cells, the expression of VAMP2 has further been examined in regenerating muscles after injury by the snake venom, cardiotoxin; we have observed enhanced expression of VAMP2 in immature myotubes with a peak at 3 days after injury. Our findings suggest that VAMP2 plays roles in quiescent satellite cells and is involved in muscle regeneration. The nature of the material transported in the VAMP2-bearing vesicles in satellite cells and myotubes is still under investigation. This work was supported by a research grant (17A-10) for nervous and mental disorders from the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare of Japan, and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan.  相似文献   

SV40 DNA I. injected into Xenopus oocyte nuclei is transcribed. The SV40-specific RNA molecules migrate on sucrose gradients as do viral RNAs formed in infected green monkey cells but a variable proportion of RNA sequences complementary to SV40 DNA is also found in the light region of the gradients. All SV40-specific RNA species seem to be synthesized by RNA polymerase B as their synthesis is completely sensitive to low concentrations (0.1 microgram/ml) of alpha-amanitin. Concomittantly, the formation of SV40-specific proteins (tumor antigens) is inhibited by injecting alpha-amanitin together with the SV40 DNA.  相似文献   

M Carlson  D Brutlag 《Cell》1978,15(3):733-742
A method for purifying sequences adjacent to satellite DNA in the heterochromatin of D. melanogaster is described. A cloned DNA segment containing part of a copia gene adjacent to 1.688 g/cm3 satellite DNA has been isolated. The copia genes compose a repeated gene family which codes for abundant cytoplasmic poly(a)-containing RNA (Young and Hogness, 1977; Finnegan et al., 1978). We have identified two major poly (A)-containing RNA species [5.2 and 2.1 kilobases (kb)] produced by the copia gene family. The cloned segment contains copia sequences homologous to the 5' end of RNA within 0.65 kb of the 1.688 satellite DNA sequences. Seven different cloned copia genes from elsewhere in the genome have also been isolated, and a 5.2 kb region present in five of the clones was identified as copia by heteroduplex analysis. In addition, three ususual copies of copia were found: a "partial" copy of the gene (3.7 kb) which has one endpoint in common with the 5.2 kb unit; a copia gene flanked on one side by a 1.6 kb sequence and on the other by the same 1.6 kb sequence in the inverted orientation; and a copia gene flanked only on one side by the same sequence.  相似文献   

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