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Life history theory predicts a trade-off between fitness benefits and costs of delaying age at first reproduction (AFR). In many human populations, maternal AFR has been increasingly delayed beyond sexual maturity over the past decades, raising a question of whether any fitness benefits accrued outweigh costs incurred. To investigate the cost–benefit trade-off concerning AFR in women, we construct a theoretical model and test its predictions using pedigree data from historical Finnish mothers. The model predicts that the probability of reproductive failure (no offspring produced reaching breeding) will increase with AFR if the benefit with delaying in terms of improvement to offspring quality (i.e., breeding probability) cannot offset the cost from decline in offspring quantity. The data show that offspring quantity declined significantly with delayed reproduction, while offspring quality remained initially constant before declining when AFR was delayed beyond 30. Consistent with the theoretical model's predictions, reproductive failure probability increased markedly with delaying AFR after 30, independently of maternal socioeconomic status. Our study is the first to investigate the associations between delay in AFR after sexual maturity and changes in not only offspring quantity but also offspring quality and suggest a significant evolutionary disadvantage of delayed AFR beyond 30 for lineage persistence in a predemographic transition society.  相似文献   

D. C. Hartnett 《Oecologia》1990,84(2):254-259
Summary Populations of Silphium speciosum, Vernonia baldwinii, Solidago canadensis and Pityopsis graminifolia were studied to determine whether biomass allocation to sexual and vegetative reproduction and the balance between them were size-dependent and whether interpopulation differences in allocation patterns could be predicted from differences in population size distributions. All four species showed strong linear relationships between inflorescence mass and vegetative mass with negative y-intercepts. As a result, sexual reproductive effort (SRE) was a monotonically increasing function of ramet size. Genet size was a poor predictor of SRE. In each species, the regression parameters of these relationships differed significantly between burned and unburned habitats indicating size-independent interpopulation differences in patterns of reproductive effort as well as sizedependent effects. Interpopulation variation in vegetative reproductive effort (VRE) was greater than variation in SRE, but neither VRE nor the pattern of partitioning of VRE among daughter rhizomes showed significant relationships to plant size.  相似文献   

Reduction in locomotor ability as a cost of reproduction in gravid snakes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary Recent studies suggest that lower survival among gravid squamate reptiles may be partially the result of decreased locomotor ability during gestation. In this study, we compared the speed and endurance of female garter snakes (Thamnophis marcianus), before, during, and after pregnancy. Gravid snakes had significantly lower locomotor performance than did non-gravid females, and performance varied among stages of gestation, reaching a minimum 0–6 weeks prior to parturition. Both number of offspring and relative clutch mass were inversely correlated with locomotor performance; as females increased these traits, locomotor ability decreased. If reduced locomotor performance results in greater risk of predation and/or lowered foraging ability, then natural selection (operating via differential mortality or feeding rates of gravid females) may result in important constraints on both clutch size and relative clutch mass in squamates.  相似文献   

Investment in reproduction and growth represent a classic tradeoff with implication for life history evolution. The local environment can play a major role in the magnitude and evolutionary consequences of such a tradeoff. Here, we examined the investment in reproductive and vegetative tissue in 40 maternal half‐sib families from four different populations of the herb Plantago coronopus growing in either a dry or wet greenhouse environment. Plants originated from populations with an annual or a perennial life form, with annuals prevailing in drier habitats with greater seasonal variation in both temperature and precipitation. We found that water availability affected the expression of the tradeoff (both phenotypic and genetic) between reproduction and growth, being most accentuated under dry condition. However, populations responded very differently to water treatments. Plants from annual populations showed a similar response to drought condition with little variation among maternal families, suggesting a history of selection favouring genotypes with high allocation to reproduction when water availability is low. Plants from annual populations also expressed the highest level of plasticity. For the perennial populations, one showed a large variation among maternal families in resource allocation and expressed significant negative genetic correlations between reproductive and vegetative biomass under drought. The other perennial population showed less variation in response to treatment and had trait values similar to those of the annuals, although it was significantly less plastic. We stress the importance of considering intraspecific variation in response to environmental change such as drought, as conspecific plants exhibited very different abilities and strategies to respond to high versus low water availability even among geographically close populations.  相似文献   

A population's potential for evolutionary change depends on the amount of genetic variability expressed in traits under selection. Studies attempting to measure this variability typically do so over the life span of individuals, but theory suggests that the amount of additive genetic variance can change during the course of individuals' lives. Here we use pedigree data from historical Finns and a quantitative genetic framework to investigate how female fecundity, throughout an individual's reproductive life, is influenced by "maternal" versus additive genetic effects. We show that although maternal effects explain variation in female fecundity early in life, these effects wane with female age. Moreover, this decline in maternal effects is associated with a concomitant increase in additive genetic variance with age. Our results thus highlight that single over-lifetime estimates of trait heritability may give a misleading view of a trait's potential to respond to changing selection pressures.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Here I study a kin selection model of reproductive effort, the allocation of resources to fecundity versus survival, in a patch-structured population. Breeding females remain in the same patch for life. Offspring have costly, partial long-distance dispersal and compete for breeding sites, which become vacant upon the death of previous occupants. The main result is that the evolutionarily stable reproductive effort decreases as offspring dispersal rate increases. The result can be understood as follows: In a well-mixed population with global competition, neither adults nor juveniles compete with relatives, but in a patch-structured population with dispersal restricted to the juvenile phase, juveniles experience relatively less competition with relatives than adults, thus making juveniles relatively more valuable. Because this asymmetry between adults and juveniles decreases with the dispersal rate, so does the evolutionarily stable level of allocation to fecundity.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biology has yet to reconcile the ubiquity of sex with its costs relative to asexual reproduction. Here, we test the hypothesis that coevolving parasites maintain sex in their hosts. Specifically, we examined the distributions of sexual reproduction and susceptibility to local parasites within a single population of freshwater snails (Potamopyrgus antipodarum). Susceptibility to local trematode parasites (Microphallus sp.) is a relative measure of the strength of coevolutionary selection in this system. Thus, if coevolving parasites maintain sex, sexual snails should be common where susceptibility is high. We tested this prediction in a mixed population of sexual and asexual snails by measuring the susceptibility of snails from multiple sites in a lake. Consistent with the prediction, the frequency of sexual snails was tightly and positively correlated with susceptibility to local parasites. Strikingly, in just two years, asexual females increased in frequency at sites where susceptibility declined. We also found that the frequency of sexual females covaries more strongly with susceptibility than with the prevalence of Microphallus infection in the field. In linking susceptibility to the frequency of sexual hosts, our results directly implicate spatial variation in coevolutionary selection in driving the geographic mosaic of sex.  相似文献   

The adaptive value of sexual reproduction is still debated in evolutionary theory. It has been proposed that the advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction is to promote genetic diversity, to prevent the accumulation of harmful mutations or to preserve heterozygosity. Since these hypothetical advantages depend on the type of asexual reproduction, understanding how selection affects the taxonomic distribution of each type could help us discriminate between existing hypotheses. Here, I argue that soft selection, competition among embryos or offspring in selection arenas prior to the hard selection of the adult phase, reduces loss of heterozygosity in certain types of asexual reproduction. Since loss of heterozygosity leads to the unmasking of recessive deleterious mutations in the progeny of asexual individuals, soft selection facilitates the evolution of these types of asexual reproduction. Using a population genetics model, I calculate how loss of heterozygosity affects fitness for different types of apomixis and automixis, and I show that soft selection significantly reduces loss of heterozygosity, hence increases fitness, in apomixis with suppression of the first meiotic division and in automixis with central fusion, the most common types of asexual reproduction. Therefore, if sexual reproduction evolved to preserve heterozygosity, soft selection should be associated with these types of asexual reproduction. I discuss the evidence for this prediction and how this and other observations on the distribution of different types of asexual reproduction in nature is consistent with the heterozygosity hypothesis.  相似文献   

Since cacti have very small surface/volume ratios, the amount of light they intercept is limited, and so is photosynthesis. However, many cacti shade themselves by means of dense hairy mats, called cephalia, which protect the floral buds. There is a trade-off between allocating a surface to photosynthesis or to the protection of reproductive structures. We found that proportion of the stem covered by cephalium affected fitness in the columnar cactus Lophocereus schottii. Too little cephalium holds few floral buds while too much reduces fecundity – probably through diminished photosynthesis – with an intermediate amount maximising reproduction. The optimal proportion of cephalium becomes smaller as the plant grows, probably because self-shading by new branches causes a further reduction in light interception. Smaller plants had significantly less cephalium than the optimal amount to maximise current reproduction. Since the largest individuals produced more reproductive structures, small cacti may find it more profitable to grow fast to achieve a large fecundity, than to assign resources to immediate reproduction via cephalium development.  相似文献   

Life history variation can be genetically based, or it may be due to environmental effects on the phenotype. In this paper we examine life history variation in relation to differences in habitat in the parasitoid Asobara tabida. Differences in the spatial distribution of host patches, the length of the season, host suitability, and competition between parasitoids all contribute to the selection for differences in life history between strains from northern and southern Europe. Strains were compared with respect to the allocation between reproduction and survival in experimental environments that varied with regard to the availability of food or to the number of hosts offered per day. Upon emergence parasitoids originating from southern Europe have higher egg loads and smaller fat reserves than parasitoids originating from northern Europe. Parasitoids from both southern and northern Europe show plasticity in allocation: food shortage causes a decrease in egg production, and rich breeding opportunities an increase in egg production. This plasticity is greater in the northern strain. Fat reserves play a central role in the physiology of this allocation. Fat can be used for both reproduction and survival. There is no oosorption, so once fat is allocated to reproduction it can no longer be used for survival. Differences in plasticity in allocation can therefore be considered as differences in the timing of egg production.  相似文献   

Ohgushi  Takayuki 《Oecologia》1996,106(3):345-351
A reproductive tradeoff between current egg production and subsequent survival in a lady beetle, Epilachna niponica, a specialist herbivore on a thistle, Cirsium kagamontanum, was investigated at the two study sites, A and F. Survival of reproductive females decreased consistently from early May until mid-June, but apparently increased thereafter. In contrast, males showed a consistent decrease in survival throughout the reproductive season, without any sign of recovery. Dissection of ovaries of sampled females revealed that egg resorption increased late in the reproductive season, coincident with increased female survival. Reproductive females stopped oviposition immediately after a large flood in 1979 at site F. Two weeks after the habitat perturbation, females resumed oviposition in response to a flush of new leaves on damaged plants. Female survival sharply increased during the nonoviposition period, and declined when egg-laying resumed. Approximately 40% of long-lived reproductive females at site F survived up to the following reproductive season in the next year. Also, some of these long-lived females were observed ovipositing in the following reproductive season. The long-lived reproductive females which had previously invested in reproduction survived equally well as newly emerged females which had not reproduced in summer. These results suggest that there is a reproductive tradeoff between current egg production and subsequent survival. Egg resorption may be an adaptive ovipositional response to habitat perturbation such as flooding, which considerably reduces offspring fitness due to absolute shortage of food. Also, increased female survival accompanied by egg resorption enhances the likelihood of the future oviposition in the second reproductive season, thereby increasing a female's lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

A cost of reproduction in Drosophila melanogaster: stress susceptibility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Little is known about physiological mechanisms that underlie the cost of reproduction. We tested the hypothesis that stress susceptibility is a cost of reproduction. In one test of our hypothesis, Drosophila melanogaster females were exposed to a juvenile hormone analog (methoprene) to stimulate egg production followed by stress assays. A sterile stock of D. melanogaster was employed as a control for reproduction. Exposure of fertile females to methoprene resulted in an increase in female reproduction and increased susceptibility to oxidative stress and starvation (compared to solvent controls). Sterile females did not exhibit a decrease in stress resistance. Mating also stimulated egg production. As a second test of our hypothesis, mated females were compared to virgin females. Mated fertile females were relatively susceptible to oxidative stress, but this relationship was not evident when mated and virgin sterile females were compared. The results of the present study support the hypothesis that stress susceptibility is a cost of reproduction.  相似文献   

Reproductive modes in marine invertebrates can be generally grouped into two types: those brooding larvae and those broadcast-spawning gametes into the water. We asked if these different life-history strategies differ based on how contribution to fitness is partitioned between growth, stasis, and reproduction. To investigate this question, we used published demographic data on ten diverse species of marine bivalves. We parameterized simple matrix-population models and calculated the sums of elasticities to growth, stasis, and reproduction parameters and plotted the results on triangular axes. We also assessed whether contribution patterns were correlated with reproductive mode and tropical, temperate, or polar environments. We found that some of the broadcast spawners fell in the region of the plot with high elasticities for stasis and that some of the brooders fell in the region of the plot with higher growth and reproduction elasticities than stasis ones. However, instead of a sharp dichotomy, we found a continuum in contributions of stasis parameters with long-lived brooders and short-lived broadcast spawners in the same region of the plot. There was no clear pattern of reproductive mode associated with any particular environment, but we think these preliminary results are intriguing and that further work on comparative demography of marine invertebrates is warranted. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Costs of reproduction in a population of European adders   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eleven years of data on a small population of adders (Vipera berus) in southern Sweden provide quantitative information on the nature and degree of costs faced by reproducing animals. Reproduction imposes both an energy cost (measured by loss in body mass) and a mortality cost on adders of both sexes. The extent of the energy cost is broadly independent of levels of reproductive activity in males, but mortality costs are highest for large males, perhaps because they are more obvious to predators. In females, energy costs include a high ‘fixed’ (fecundity-independent) component, such that a large litter may cost little more to produce than would a small litter. Energy costs and mortality costs are separate in males, but inter-related in females. Mortality of reproducing females is high (40% per year), primarily because post-parturient females are emaciated and must forage actively, hence increasing their vulnerability to predators. Females producing relatively large litters (high Relative Clutch Mass) lose more body mass, and are less likely to survive after reproducing. The observed low reproductive frequencies of female adders may result from the presence of high fecundity-independent costs of reproduction.  相似文献   

Tveraa T  Fauchald P  Henaug C  Yoccoz NG 《Oecologia》2003,137(3):370-376
A central issue in ecology is to what extent food limitation and predation affect animal populations. We studied how survival and reproductive success was related to the female's size in a population of semi-domesticated reindeer during 2 years where there was a large difference in snowfall during winter. The females were kept within a predator-free enclosure for about 5 weeks during the calving period and thereafter released to their natural summer pastures. Small females were more likely to fail to reproduce and they produced smaller calves than large females. Additionally, small females were more likely to loose their calves due to starvation within the predator-free enclosure and to predators outside the enclosure. Food limitation during the harsh winter appeared to be the major cause of deaths. However, food limitation interacted with predation and led to high calf losses when the females experienced low food availability during the harsh winter. In contrast, predators killed no calves after the mild winter. Apparently, the interaction between predation and food limitation is due to small females favouring their own growth and survival over calf production in summers following harsh winters with food shortage. Our results indicate that a compensatory relationship exists between mortality due food limitation and predation. Thus, the impact of calf predation on reindeer demography and population dynamics may be limited.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Many studies of life-history traits have failed to find trade-offs where they are predicted by theory. A hypothesis that explains the lack of trade-offs between fecundity and longevity in the seed beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus , is proposed. By manipulating host availability time and host size, trade-offs mediated by behavioural responses of the female to adapt to environmental change are tested. Females show no decrease in lifetime fecundity when host availability time is limited to only 4 h on each day. However, longevity significantly increases when the female is provided with small beans after host deprivation. Because neither acquisition, nor utilization by females of these four manipulation treatments significantly differs, studies are carried out to demonstrate whether the energy shifted from increased longevity without decreasing fecundity. Providing abundant small or large beans each day directly after host deprivation, significantly increases the number of daily eggs laid by the female for several days, whereas the female decreases the uniformity of her egg dispersion only when small beans are provided. Therefore, the female shows a response to a change in the environment by adjusting egg-laying rate and/or egg-dispersion pattern. This may change the traits of reproduction and survival. Because energy allocations can be shifted between components of reproduction (e.g. host-selection behaviour and fecundity) or between reproduction and survival, fecundity and longevity may be inappropriate indices for trade-off analyses in this study. A framework for exploring the costs of reproduction mediated by physiological and behavioural changes in C. maculatus is proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

Trade-offs between growth and reproduction in female bison   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Fritillaria camtschatcensis can reproduce by means of both sexual reproduction and clonal multiplication. Despite prolific seed production, no seedlings have been found for several years in natural populations on Mt Hakusan. The purposes of this paper are to clarify: (i) whether population size is maintained mainly by clonal multiplication; and (ii) if this is the case, to what extent occasional seedling establishment affects population growth rate and population structure. Two permanent quadrats were placed in subalpine meadows in 1992 on Mt Hakusan. Plant size, location and reproductive states for all ramets in the quadrats were recorded every year. Projection matrices were created based on field census, and computer simulation experiments were performed. Fritillaria camtschatcensis had two types of flower, male flower and cosexual flower, and they were changeable. This is the first report on sex lability in Fritillaria. Clonal growth was more closely correlated with life-history stages, especially with sexual states than with plant size. The population growth rate, , was 1.006 for the Mizuyajiri population and 1.047 for the Nanryu population, respectively. Seedlings were found in 1996 for the first time. These facts indicate that populations of F. camtschatcensis on Mt Hakusan can usually be maintained by clonal multiplication. However, it is not yet certain whether seeds germinate every year or whether a flush of seedling emergence occurs once in every few years in natural populations. Computer simulation revealed that: (i) there was a critical germination rate above which population growth rate suddenly increased; and (ii) occasional seedling establishment could provide almost the same contribution to population growth rate as that of annual seedling establishment. These results suggest that population size can be maintained mainly by clonal multiplication, and the role of sexual reproduction lies beyond maintaining the population size in F. camtschatcensis.  相似文献   

Abstract. A reduction in the locomotor capacity of gravid females is considered to be a cost of reproduction if it leads to an increased risk of mortality. In this study, we measured the change in endurance between gravid and postgravid female side-blotched lizards ( Uta stansburiana ) as a test of the cost of reproduction. We also altered reproductive investment in some females by direct ovarian manipulation (yolkectomy), which decreased reproductive burden by 30%. Regardless of experimental treatment, all females had lower endurance when gravid. Endurance was 28% lower in gravid females from the yolkectomy treatment and 31% lower in the unmanipulated females relative to postoviposition females. The experimental reduction in clutch mass resulted in a 21% increase in endurance of gravid yolkectomy females relative to control females. Postovipositional endurance was significantly higher in the yolkectomized females than unmanipulated females, which suggests that the cost of reproduction carries over to postoviposition performance. Unmanipulated females exhibited a significant negative association between endurance and size-specific burden. Endurance was not correlated with clutch size or size-specific burden in the yolkectomy females. Survivorship to the second clutch was higher in the yolkectomy females. The results from a logistic regression showed the probability of survival to the second clutch was significantly and positively associated with endurance after controlling for the effects of treatment. Our analyses demonstrated that the decrement in performance associated with current reproductive investment represents a cost of reproduction expressed as diminished locomotor performance and lowered survivorship to the next clutch.  相似文献   

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