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The patterns of intrauterine mobility and fixation of multiple embryos were studied by ultrasonography in 33 mares with twins, six mares with more than two embryos, and 18 mares with singletons. For both single and multiple embryos, the embryonic vesicles showed a preference for the uterine body on days 11 (57% in body) and 12 (58%) and for the uterine horns on days 13 (40% in body), 14 (20%), 15 (15%), and 16 (1%). The preference for the uterine body was characteristic of vesicles that were 3 to 9 mm in diameter. Based on the number of individual embryos which were in different locations between two successive daily examinations, fixation (cessation of mobility) occurred for 97% of the embryos by day 16 and for all embryos by day 18. For 33 mares with twins, fixation involved one uterine horn in 23 mares and both horns in 10 mares (significantly different from equality). Location determinations were made every five minutes during two-hour trials on days 12, 13, or 14 in nine mares with singletons and ten mares with twins. Individual embryos of twin sets had mobility patterns similar to those of singletons. Summed over singletons and twins, the vesicles moved from one horn to another a mean of 0.9 times per two-hour trial (equivalent to 11 times per day). The smaller embryo of twin sets on the average spent more time in the uterine body, but this finding was attributed to their smaller diameter. The observed frequency with which both embryos of twin sets were simultaneously in a given segment of the uterus (28%) was greater (P<0.01) than the expected frequency if each embryo moved independently of the other (18%). Results indicated that 64% of the location changes of twin embryos occurred independently of one another, supporting the hypothesis that the embryonic vesicle plays an active role in its mobility.  相似文献   

A retrospective study involving 972 twin births was conducted to evaluate the maternal and fetal outcomes of twin pregnancies complicated by single fetal death. The incidence of single fetal death in twin pregnancies after 20 weeks was 3.3%. Preterm birth rates for 37 and 32 gestational weeks were 81.3% and 41.6% respectively. The median interval between the diagnosis of fetal death and the delivery was 11 days (range 1-27 days). Eighteen (56%) infants were delivered by cesarean and 14 (43%) vaginally. Twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) was the cause of single fetal death in 8 of 32 twin pregnancies (25%). Ten of the surviving co-twins were lost in the neonatal period (31.3%) and half of those neonatal deaths were due to TTTS. TTTS is the major contributor for perinatal mortality in same-sex twins complicated by single fetal death. The death of one twin in utero should not be the only indication for preterm delivery, and in case of severe prematurity with a stable intrauterine environment; expectant management may be advisable until fetal lung maturation ensues.  相似文献   

Umbilical venous plasma and amniotic fluid concentrations of prostaglandins E2 (PGE), F (PGF) and 13,14 dihydro-15-keto-F (PGFM) were measured in 31 twin pregnancies by specific radioirmnunoassays. There was no significant difference between twins I and II in the same pregnancy but PGE and PGFM were significantly increased during labour in fetal blood. This rise was not manifest in the latent phase. PG concentration in amniotic fluid rose with advancing gestational age but was more pronounced in the case of PGE than for PGF and PGFM. No significant differences between amniotic sac concentrations of PGs of twin I and II were found during the prelabour period, but in all four patients in labour with intact membranes, the PG levels were increased in twin I. The fetal plasma and amniotic fluid levels of PGE and PGFM were significantly correlated in the prelabour group.  相似文献   

To compare perinatal outcome of singleton versus twin pregnancies a matched cohort study was performed in Flanders, Belgium. All twins delivered in the region of Flanders during 1998-1999 were compared to singletons, matched for gestational age, fetal sex and maternal parity, resulting in 4384 infants in each group. Above 32 weeks of gestation, birthweight was significantly lower in twins (2095 +/- 364 g versus 2315 +/- 523 g; p < 0.001, 95% confidence interval 193 to 246 g). Perinatal mortality was also significantly lower in twins (1.98% versus 1.26%; odds ratio for twins 0.63; 95% confidence interval 0.53-0.75; p < 0.001 ), this was mostly due to fetal and not to early neonatal mortality. Congenital malformations occurred less frequently in twins (2.5% versus 3.7%; odds ratio for twins 0.80, 95% confidence interval 0.69-0.92; p = 0.001). From gestational age of 32 weeks on, respiratory distress syndrome was less frequent in twins (6.7% versus 8.0%; odds ratio for twins 0.81; 95% confidence interval 0.68-0.97; p = 0.011 ). No significant differences were noted with regard to intraventricular haemorrhage, neonatal infections and retinopathy of prematurity. Although twins have a lower birthweight, their outcome is more favorable compared to singletons, when matched for gestational age.  相似文献   

Reports over the past seventy years show that twin gestations lead to an increased risk of hypertensive disorders. Numerous studies discuss the incidence of hypertensive disease in twin versus singleton gestations, as well as effects of parity, race, age, income level, smoking, zygosity and heritability on this condition. The range of relative risk of gestational hypertension, preeclampsia and eclampsia for twin compared to singleton gestations is 1.2 to 2.7, 2.8 to 4.4 and 3.4 to 5.1 respectively. Parity, African-American ethnicity, and young maternal age are all factors that increase the relative risk of acquiring hypertensive disease to 4.0, 1.8 and 1.5 in mothers of twin gestations. Factors such as maternal smoking, income level and zygosity have a negligible effect on the relative risk of acquiring hypertensive disease in twin gestations. In addition to twin mothers exhibiting a higher incidence of hypertensive disease compared to their singleton counterparts, they also exhibit an earlier onset of hypertensive disease at both 35 and 37 weeks of gestation comparatively. Uric acid levels measured at 30-31 weeks of gestation in twin mothers predicted the onset of preeclampsia with a sensitivity of 73% and a specificity of 74%. The range of risks presented in the literature is wide and the therapies avocated are diverse. We therefore decided to summarize the risks in a comparative fashion and to review current therapeutic strategies for the convenience of clinicians who confront increasing numbers of multiple pregnancies. The tables bring all recent published risks together in the first comparative analysis in which the data has been converted to relative risks and confidence intervals. Because the literature is relatively silent on specific management of hypertensive disease in twin pregnancies, general management recommendations for singleton gestations should be used by practitioners caring over twin gestations.  相似文献   

Total protein concentrations (TPC) in the human amniotic fluid, during 19 to 40 weeks of gestation, from normal and twins pregnancies were compared. In the normal pregnancies the protein concentrations were found to increase with progressing gestation, but to decrease gradually to the term. TPC fluctuations also showed a similar pattern in the twin pregnancies. There was no significant difference in the total protein contents between the normal and twin pregnancies, which probably indicates that the majority of the proteins originate from maternal source.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare perinatal results in multifetal pregnancies where the reduction to twins was performed with non-reduced twin pregnancies. Perinatal results in 99 sets of twins after transabdominal multifetal pregnancy reduction of triple and higher-order multiple pregnancies performed in a single center were compared with a control group consisting of 151 twin pregnancies conceived in the same time period after infertility treatment, which were not a result of reduction. The main outcome measures were length of pregnancies, weight of the newborns, percentage of miscarriages and the mode of the delivery were analyzed. No significant difference could be found at a 5% level of significance regarding the average duration of pregnancy or average weight of the twins. Fisher test on 5% significance level did not ascertain any significant difference in the probability of miscarriage between the group with reduction (5.26%) and the group without reduction (12.84%). At a 5% level of statistical significance, no significant difference in probability of perinatal death of the fetus or delivery of a stillborn fetus was found. The percentage of cesarean sections did not differ significantly in both groups. The analysis of both groups demonstrated that reduction of multifetal pregnancies to twins may not influence perinatal results in comparison to twin pregnancies where reduction was not performed.  相似文献   

Progesterone (P4), pregnenolone (P5) and their metabolites are present in maternal plasma in pregnant mares. It is believed that one of these progestagens may maintain myometrial quiescence. The aims of this study were to identify specific progestagens in pregnant mares' plasma and determine whether these differed between mares with healthy or compromised pregnancies. Jugular blood samples were collected between 243 and 351 days gestation from 19 healthy Thoroughbred mares and 14 mares with placental pathology, including placentitis, and other clinical problems (uterine torsion/rupture, colic, laminitis). Ten progestagens were identified using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, of which seven increased significantly with gestational age in healthy mares while P4 was undetectable. Mares with placentitis had increased concentrations of either P5 and/or P4 and several metabolites (5alpha-DHP, P5betabeta, betabeta-diol, betaalpha-diol, 20alpha-5P) suggesting increased fetal production of P5 and/or P4 and increased metabolism in the utero-placental tissues in response to chronic stress. Mares with other placental pathology had raised P4 concentrations while 5alpha-DHP and 3beta-5P were low possibly due to reduced placental function. In mares with problems unrelated to the placenta, most progestagens were substantially lower than control values. Although progestagen profiles differed between normal and abnormal pregnancies, no clear link was demonstrated between maternal plasma concentrations of P4, 5alpha-DHP or any other progestagen and the maintenance of pregnancy.  相似文献   

We developed a mathematical model of monochorionic twin pregnancies and twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), combining both fetal fluid dynamics and fetoplacental growth and circulation alterations and assuming that transplacental fluid flow from mother to fetus accounts for normal fetal and amniotic fluid volumes. Ten coupled differential equations, describing fetal total body and amniotic fluid volumes, their osmolalities, and fetal blood colloid osmotic pressure, for both donor and recipient twins, were solved numerically. Amniotic flows are controlled by fetal plasma osmolality and hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressures. We included varying placental anastomoses and placental sharing of the circulations. Consistent with clinical experience, model predictions are: fetofetal transfusion from unidirectional arteriovenous anastomoses cause oligo-polyhydramnios, a normal size recipient but hypovolemic donor; compensating oppositely directed deep and superficial anastomoses moderate discordant development; and anhydramnios results from mild and severe TTTS, where milder forms may even present earlier in gestation than severe TTTS. Unequal placental circulatory sharing may exacerbate discordant development. In conclusion, our model simulates a wide variety of realistic manifestations of amniotic fluid volume and fetal growth in TTTS related to placental angioarchitecture. The model may allow an assessment of the efficacy of current therapeutic interventions for TTTS.  相似文献   

Perinatal outcome of pregnancies at forty and over was analyzed starting from the diagnosis of pregnancy to seven days following delivery. Retrospectively, pre-gestational health and reproduction status were dealt with, as well as the course of pregnancy, deliveries, and newborn children (study group). The control group was composed of pregnant women aged 20 to 29, who were identical to study group in terms of parity. Statistical data processing was done by means of chi2-test, and contingency 2 x 2 tables. The difference was significant if p < 0.05. Out of 2,099 diagnosed wanted pregnancies at forty and over, 415 (19.8%) had a miscarriage, in 33 (1.6%) an artificial abortion was performed after determining the fetus karyotype and 1,651 (78.2%) of pregnant women delivered. In 66.2% of pregnancies the fetus karyotype was determined and in 33 (2.5%) fetuses chromosomal abnormalities were found Incidence of deliveries at 40 and over is 1.38%, which is a 35.6-percent increase in the last ten years. Nullipara and pluripara had an increase, and multipara had a decrease. Pre-gestational health and reproduction status in study group is lower than in control group. Complications during pregnancy: threatened abortion, EPH gestosis, placenta praevia, gestational diabetes, late fetal death are more frequent than in control group (p < 0.05). In intrapartal terms, more frequent were induction of delivery, meconium-stained amniotic fluid, fetal distress, operative vaginal deliveries, and Cesarean section (p < 0.05). In neonatal outcome there are more premature infant, there are more VLBW, LBW, SGA, newborn with low Apgar index values, and the total perinatal death is greater than in the control group (p < 0.05). In perinatal terms, (from the diagnosis to the seventh day following delivery) 1,617 children survived (77.0%), meaning that perinatal loss was 482 (23.0%). Authors conclude that pregnancy at 40 and over is a high-risk pregnancy. There is a high risk of pre-gestational and gestational complications, and perinatal loss is high. Therefore, those pregnancies are not desirable from the medical point of view.  相似文献   

目的:检测双胎妊娠孕中期孕妇血清甲胎蛋白(AFP)和人绒毛膜促性腺激素游离B亚基(F-β-hCG)的水平,探索双胎妊娠时孕妇血清学筛查用于Down's胎儿高风险评估的AFP、F-β-hCG界定值。方法:收集双胎妊娠129例,孕中期(15~2l周)采集孕妇静脉血,用时间分辨荧光免疫分析技术测定血清AFP和F-β-hCG的浓度,并于分娩后随访,确定胎儿有无异常。另选2603例胎儿无异常的单胎妊娠作对照组。结果:129例双胎妊娠孕妇血清AFP浓度的中位教为98.98ng/ml,F-β-hCG浓度的中位数为32.20ng/mt;2603例单胎妊娠孕妇血清AFP和F-β-hCG浓度的中位数分别为52.15ng/ml和13.00ng/mt。双胎妊娠孕妇血清AFP和F-β-hCG的水平均明显高于对照组(P均〈0.01)。结论:鉴于双胎妊娠孕妇血清AFP和F-β-hCG水平明显升高,双胎妊娠的产前唐氏筛查风险评估时应引入正常双胎妊娠的AFP、F-β-hCG值。  相似文献   

《Reproductive biology》2020,20(2):132-139
In sheep, adequate physiological maternal adaptations to twin fetuses are key for their prenatal development. We hypothesized that there is a relationship between maternal circulating steroid hormone concentration, hematocrit, and patterns of conceptus growth and umbilical artery hemodynamics in twin vs singleton pregnancies. Ewes carrying singletons (n = 6) or twins (n = 7) were selected. Hematocrit, progesterone (P4) and estradiol-17β (E2) concentrations were analyzed. Blood flow of the umbilical artery (UBF) was assessed through Doppler ultrasonography. Ewes carrying twins had a decreased (p = 0.03) hematocrit. There was a tendency (p = 0.08) for ewes carrying twins to have increased P4 from day 20 to 40. From day 50 to 70, P4 tended to be increased (p = 0.07) and E2 was increased (p = 0.01) in ewes carrying twins. From day 90 to 120, ewes carrying twins had greater (p ≤ 0.04) P4. Ewes carrying twins had increased (p < 0.01) P4 and tended to have (p = 0.06) increased E2. From day 60 until 110, placentomes from twins were larger (p ≤ 0.05). On day 50, UBF was greater (p = 0.04; 27.38 vs. 20.95 ± 1.99 ml/min) in twins. It has been suggested that physiological adaptations during early pregnancy can significantly impact fetal development in multiple offspring carrying ewes. Our findings suggest that increased umbilical artery blood flow early in gestation, associated with increased maternal concentrations of P4 and E2, and decreased hematocrit (related to plasma volume) could contribute to those adaptations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: To investigate the obstetrical and perinatal impact of oocyte donation, a cohort of women who conceived after OD was compared with a matched control group of women who became pregnant through in vitro fertilisation with autologous oocytes (AO). METHODS: A matched-pair analysis has been performed at the Centre for Reproductive Medicine of the UZ Brussel, Dutch speaking Free University of Brussel. A total of 410 pregnancies resulted in birth beyond 20 weeks of gestation occurring over a period of 10 years, including 205 oocyte donation pregnancies and 205 ICSI pregnancies with autologous oocytes (AO). Patients in the OD group were matched on a one-to-one basis with the AO group in terms of age, ethnicity, parity and plurality. Matched groups were compared using paired t-tests for continuous variables and McNemar test for categorical variables. A conditional logistic regression analyses was performed adjusting for paternal age, age of the oocyte donor, number of embryos transferred, and singleton/twin pregnancy. RESULTS: Oocyte donation was associated with an increased risk of pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) (matched OR: 1.502 CI: 1.024-2.204), and first trimester bleeding (matched OR: 1.493 CI: 1.036-2.15). No differences were observed between the two matched groups with regard to gestational age, mean birth weight and length, head circumference and Apgar scores. CONCLUSIONS: Oocyte donation is associated with an increased risk for PIH and first trimester bleeding independent of the recipients? age, parity and plurality, and independent of the age of the donor or the partner. However, oocyte donation has no impact on the overall perinatal outcome.  相似文献   

Our objective was to determine the magnitude of, and factors affecting, pregnancy loss for lactating Holstein cows on a commercial dairy farm when diagnosed with twin (n = 98) or single (n = 518) pregnancies using transrectal ultrasonography. Pregnancy losses were assessed with records of non-viable embryos at first pregnancy examination and embryo losses between the first (25-40 d after AI) and second (48 and 82 d after AI) post-breeding pregnancy examinations. Among cows diagnosed with single pregnancies, 3.7% were diagnosed with a non-viable embryo at first pregnancy examination, and 4.6% of those diagnosed with a viable embryo underwent pregnancy loss by the second examination. A total of 11.2% of cows diagnosed with twins experienced a single embryo reduction, whereas 13.3% lost both embryos. Overall, the total proportion of cows experiencing pregnancy loss or experiencing embryo reduction was greater for cows diagnosed with twin than single pregnancies (odds ratio; OR = 3.6), resulting in an embryo survival rate of 91.9% for cows diagnosed with single compared to 75.5% for cows diagnosed with twin pregnancies. Season of breeding and milk production were associated with pregnancy loss for single pregnancies, whereas CL number was associated negatively with embryo reduction and pregnancy loss for twin pregnancies. The risk of twinning and double ovulation among pregnant cows increased with days in milk (DIM), and the risk of double ovulation was greater for cows diagnosed with ovarian cysts and lacking a CL at initiation of an Ovsynch protocol. We concluded that in this herd, embryo reduction and pregnancy loss during early gestation was greater for lactating Holstein cows diagnosed with twin compared to single pregnancies. In addition, cows diagnosed with ovarian cysts and lacking a CL had an increased risk for double ovulation.  相似文献   

Between November 1979 and April 1984, 790 consecutive pregnant women who considered themselves as having a "normal" pregnancy were followed in private practice from 9 weeks'' gestation until 6 weeks post partum. The women had no pre-existing disease or problem classified as a risk to the pregnancy at the time of their first visit, had a singleton pregnancy and gave birth at Notre-Dame Hospital, Montreal. Maternal complications occurred during the course of pregnancy in 181 women (23%). Complications were mostly related to obstetric conditions (10%), such as preterm labour, intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and antepartum hemorrhage, or to medical conditions (12%), the most prevalent of which was hypertension (77% of medical conditions). Neonatal complications occurred in 183 infants (23%). The corrected perinatal death rate was 2.5 per 1000. Prematurity, IUGR and dysmaturity/postmaturity accounted for nearly half of the complications. Hyperbilirubinemia occurred in 7% of the cases. Among women without any maternal complications during pregnancy, the frequency rate of neonatal complications was 19%, compared with 23% among the entire group of 790 women. Our results suggest that the absence of maternal complications does not protect the infant from a neonatal complication. Further refinement is needed to identify markers of obstetric, medical and neonatal complications in pregnancies with no risk factors.  相似文献   

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