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Fifteen tetranucleotide microsatellite loci were identified and characterized for wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) collected from three vernal pools in the southeastern US. These markers revealed a high degree of genetic diversity (nine to 34 alleles per locus), heterozygosity (30.6–92.3%) and allelic heterogeneity (69% of comparisons were statistically significant). Considerable differentiation among populations was observed as genetic distances (chord) ranged between 0.40 and 0.55 and all FST values (0.02–0.05) were statistically significant. Genotypic assignment tests correctly classified 103 of 113 individuals to their respective collection. These markers should prove useful for investigating fine‐scale population structure and metapopulation dynamics.  相似文献   

Smith MA  Green DM 《Molecular ecology》2004,13(12):3723-3733
Many of the species that recolonized previously glaciated areas in the Great Lakes basin of North America over the past 10-12,000 years exhibit genetic evidence of multiple invasion routes and present-day secondary contact between deeply divergent lineages. With this in mind, we investigated the phylogeographical structure of genetic variability in Fowler's toads (Bufo fowleri) at the northern edge of its distribution where its range encircles the Lake Erie basin. Because B. fowleri is so closely tied to habitats along the Lake Erie shoreline, we would expect to find clear evidence of the number of invasions leading to the species' colonization of the northern shore. A 540 bp sequence from the mitochondrial control region was amplified and analysed for 158 individuals from 21 populations. Interpopulation sequence variation ranged from 0% to 6%. Phylogenetic analysis of p-distance using the neighbor-joining method revealed two deeply divergent (6% sequence divergence) mtDNA lineages (Phylogroup 1 and 2), possibly arising as a result of secondary contact of populations that entered the region from two separate glacial refugia. However, the phylogeographical pattern was not simple. The populations at Long Point, on the north shore of Lake Erie, clustered with the population from Indiana Dunes on Lake Michigan to form Phylogroup 2 whereas all other B. fowleri populations examined from both sides of Lake Erie constituted Phylogroup 1. Furthermore, mtDNA sequences from the related species Bufo americanus, obtained from populations outside the range of B. fowleri, clustered with mtDNA haplotypes of B. fowleri Phylogroup 1, indicating the possibility of partial introgression of mitochondria from one species to the other.  相似文献   

Newman RA  Squire T 《Molecular ecology》2001,10(5):1087-1100
We investigated genetic population structure in wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) from a series of Prairie Pothole wetlands in the northern Great Plains. Amphibians are often thought to exist in demographic metapopulations, which require some movement between populations, yet genetic studies have revealed strong subdivision among populations, even at relatively fine scales (several km). Wood frogs are highly philopatric and studies of dispersal suggest that they may exhibit subdivision on a scale of approximately 1-2 km. We used microsatellites to examine population structure among 11 breeding assemblages separated by as little as 50 m up to approximately 5.5 km, plus one population separated from the others by 20 km. We found evidence for differentiation at the largest distances we examined and among a few neighbouring ponds, but most populations were strikingly similar in allele frequencies, suggesting high gene flow among all but the most distant populations. We hypothesize that the few significant differences among neighbouring populations at the finest scale may be a transient effect of extinction-recolonization founder events, driven by periodic drying of wetlands in this hydrologically dynamic landscape.  相似文献   

European hedgehogs, Erinaceus europaeus and E. concolor, are among the many European plant and animal taxa that have been subjected to cyclical restriction to glacial refugia and interglacial expansion. An analysis of 95 mitotypes, comprising partial cytochrome b and control region sequences, shows deep divergence between the two hedgehog species. Three europaeus and two concolor clades are clearly identified and are consistent with previously identified refugia for Europe: the Iberian peninsula, Italy, and the Balkans. The degree of mitochondrial divergence among these clades suggests pre-Pleistocene separation of the refugial populations. In contrast, analysis of two nuclear introns clearly separates the two concolor clades, as in the mitochondrial data, but cannot discriminate the three europaeus clades. This discrepancy between nuclear and mitochondrial data is attributed to historical differences in the refugial population size of europaeus and concolor. The geographical distribution of mitotypes is analysed using nested clade analysis. This method, by including unobserved ('missing') mitotypes, can identify mitotype groupings that remain undetected in conventional analyses. However, the application of nested clade analysis to the study of refugial populations may be hampered by such factors as the loss of haplotypes from the refugial areas by repeated contractions of the population and the recent time scale of colonization relative to mutation rate.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated kin recognition by the wood frog Rana sylvatica in blind laboratory experiments using spatial proximity as a recognition assay. Tadpoles were tested for the ability to discriminate between: 1) familiar full-sibs and unfamiliar non-kin, 2) unfamiliar paternal half-sibs and unfamiliar non-kin, and 3) familiar and unfamiliar full-sibs. Tadpoles discriminated full- and paternal half-sibs from unrelated conspecifics, but did not discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar full-sibs. Froglets from the same laboratory population were tested for the ability to discriminate between 1) familiar full-sibs and unfamiliar non-kin, and 2) unfamiliar paternal half-sibs and unfamiliar non-kin. Froglets preferentially associated with full- and half-sibs over unrelated conspecifics. Our results show that familiarity, i.e., prior association, is not necessary for kin recognition in tadpoles and froglets. The ability of tadpoles and froglets to recognize unfamiliar paternal half-sibs demonstrates that a common maternal factor is not necessary for kin recognition, and indicates that the recognition cue has a genetic component. Our results add to the increasing evidence that a variety of vertebrate and invertebrate animals have the ability to recognize unfamiliar kin by using genetically specified recognition cues.  相似文献   

The high mountain ranges of Western Europe had a profound effect on the biotic recolonization of Europe from glacial refugia. The Alps present a particularly interesting case because they form an absolute barrier to dispersal for most taxa, obstructing recolonization from multiple refugia in northern Italy. Here, we investigate the effect of the European Alps on the phylogeographic history of the European common frog Rana temporaria. Based on partial cytochrome b and COXI sequences from Switzerland, we find two mitochondrial lineages roughly north and south of the Alpine ridge, with contact zones between them in eastern and western Switzerland. The northern haplogroup falls within the previously identified Western European haplogroup, while the southern haplogroup is unique to Switzerland. We find that the lineages diverged ~110 kya, at approximately the onset of the last glacial glaciation; this indicates that they are from different glacial refugia. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that the northern and southern haplogroups colonized Switzerland via trans‐ and circum‐Alpine routes from at least two separate refugia in northern Italy. Our results illustrate how a complex recolonization history of the central European Alps can arise from the semi‐permeable barrier created by high mountains.  相似文献   

We investigated the restoration of peripheral nerve function and simple neurobehavioral reflexes in the freeze-tolerant wood frog (Rana sylvatica). Thirty-two specimens, allowed to freeze for 39 h and ultimately cooled to-2.2°C, were sampled at various time intervals up to 60 h after thawing at 5°C was initiated. The sciatic nerves of treated frogs were initially unresponsive to stimulation, but usually regained excitability within 5 h. Except for a slight reduction in nerve excitability characteristics of the compound action potentials of treated frogs were indistinguishable from those of control frogs. Recovery times for the hindlimb retraction and righting reflexes were 8 h and 14 h, respectively. Concentrations of the cryoprotectant glucose increased 8.2-fold in the sciatic nerve and 10.5-fold in the underlying semimembranosis muscle of treated frogs, and remained elevated for at least 60 h after thawing was initiated. These organs lost 47.2% and 15.9%, respectively, of their water during freezing, but were rehydrated within 2 h of the onset of thawing. The accumulation of glucose and the withdrawal of tissue water apparently are cryoprotective responses which enable this species to survive freezing.  相似文献   

Aim To infer the evolutionary history of Rana (Pelophylax) lessonae Camerano within its inferred Quaternary refugial range, and to shed light on the processes that have contributed to shaping the patterns of diversity within the southern European peninsulas. Location The Italian peninsula south of the Alps and Sicily. Methods Sequence analysis of a mitochondrial cytochrome b gene fragment in 149 individuals sampled from 25 localities. Results Three mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) phylogroups were identified, distributed in northern Italy, the whole Italian peninsula south of the northern Apennines, and Sicily. Syntopy between the northern and peninsular lineages was observed close to the northern Apennines. The northern lineage was the most differentiated, showing a net sequence divergence of 4.8 ± 0.8% with respect to the two others, whereas the net divergence between peninsular and Sicilian lineages was 2.6 ± 0.6%. Analysis of molecular variance (amova ) revealed that 93% of the overall variation occurred between these three groups. Historical demographic statistics support a recent expansion for both the northern and peninsular groups, but not for the Sicilian group. In both northern and peninsular Italy, such an expansion was likely to have occurred during the last glaciation. Main conclusions Our results suggest that a number of microevolutionary processes were involved in shaping the present genetic structure of R. lessonae in Italy. These encompass allopatric differentiations in three distinct Pleistocene refugia, recent population expansions and secondary contacts. Our results, together with some previous work, support (1) the existence of a suture zone in the northern Apennines, and (2) the possibility of population expansions during the last glacial phase, when a vast widening of the lowland floodplain habitats followed sea‐level fall, particularly in northern Italy. When compared with previous analyses of allozyme data, it appears that the peninsular mtDNA lineage has recently replaced the Sicilian one in southern Calabria, and we suggest that this event occurred due to selective introgression. The implications of such an occurrence for the study of factors underlying the patterns of diversity within this southern European biodiversity hotspot are discussed. Taxonomic implications of the results are also evaluated.  相似文献   

Three major phylogeographic lineages of the cottid fish Cottus gobio (bullhead) were identified in northern Europe from mitochondrial DNA sequences and allozyme data. The largely separate freshwater distributions of the lineages demonstrate distinct postglacial colonization histories. West of the Baltic Sea, Swedish lakes were invaded from the southwest (Germany). Another, eastern lineage has colonized the inland waters northeast and east of the Baltic, from refugia in northwest Russia; this lineage comprises a distinct subgroup found only from Estonia. The third lineage, found south and southeast of the Baltic, probably descended from rivers draining to the Black Sea from the north (e.g. Dnepr). In coastal waters of the Baltic Sea, and in near-coast inland waters, the lineages are now found intermixed in various combinations. The alternating fresh- and saltwater phases of the Baltic basin have variously enabled and disabled the use of coastal waters as colonization routes. Hypotheses on the chronology of dispersal and lineage mixing can be based on the distribution of the marker genes and the paleohydrographical record. The diversity of the Fennoscandian bullhead thus comprises anciently diverged (probably mid-Pleistocene) refugial lineages that in their freshwater range constitute distinct evolutionarily significant units. The thorough mixing of the various genomic origins in and around the Baltic, however, refutes the controversial view of distinct species status for the western and eastern ('Cottus koshewnikowi') bullheads. The postglacial contact of the lineages has created new diversity that cannot be interpreted in a conventional hierarchical framework of taxonomic or conservation units.  相似文献   

The freeze tolerant wood frog Rana sylvatica was studied to determine the impact of the freezing and thawing of this frog on the activity of γ-glutamyltranspeptidase in the liver. On exposure to ?2·5°C, for 1, 12 and 24 h, frogs were found to be cool, covered with ice crystals and frozen, respectively. Thawing for 24 h at 4°C recovered the frogs completely. A 45 per cent decrease in the liver weight: body weight ratio was notable after 1 h at ?2·5°C, suggestive of an early hepatic capacitance response. A glycemic response to freezing was observed: blood glucose levels exhibited a 55 per cent decrease after 1 h at ?2·5°C on cooling; a 10·5-fold increase after 12 h at ?2·5°C on the initiation of freezing; and a 22-fold increase after 24 h at ?2·5°C in the fully frozen state. Blood glucose levels remained elevated four-fold in the thawed state. Plasma insulin levels were increased twofold in the frozen state and 1·8-fold in the thawed state, while plasma ketone levels were increased 1·8-fold in the frozen state and 1·5-fold in the thawed state. Plasma total T3 levels were decreased by 22 per cent in the frozen state and normalized on thawing. In homogenates and plasma membranes isolated from the livers of Rana sylvatica, the activity of γ-glutamyltranspeptidase was found to be elevated at all stages of the freeze–thaw process. After 1, 12 and 24 h at ?2·5°C, activities were increased 2·5-, 2·3-, 2·4-fold respectively in the homogenates and 2·5-, 2·2-, 2·4-fold respectively in the plasma membranes. After thawing, activities were still increased 1·9-fold in both homogenates and plasma membranes. In homogenates prepared from the kidneys of Rana sylvatica, the activity of γ-glutamyltranspeptidase was increased 1·4-fold after 1 h at ?2·5°C after which it returned to normal. The role of thyroid hormone in producing the increase in γ-glutamyltranspeptidase in the liver of Rana sylvatica in response to freezing is discussed as is the significance of the enzyme increase in terms of hepatic cytoprotection and freeze tolerance.  相似文献   

The Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris) has a widespread distribution in western Canada and the western US, although the southern reach of its range is highly fragmented into several isolated populations. Threats from various factors have raised concerns regarding the long-term survival of many small, isolated populations. Here, we report a study designed to determine the phylogeographic and conservation genetic parameters of R. luteiventris in the western US. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences were examined for phylogeographic structuring using phylogenetic reconstruction methods, coupled with networking and nested clade analyses. These methods permitted a distinction to be made between historic and demographic forces acting to generate geographical patterning of genetic variation. Phylogenetic analysis revealed four geographically correlated monophyletic clades. Three of these clades correspond to well-defined, nonoverlapping geographical locations in the fragmented portion of the range. The other is comprised of all samples collected from the contiguous range and includes one isolate from northern Wyoming. Networking and nested clade analyses confirmed these results and revealed that historical processes, such as range expansion and vicariance, rather than recurrent gene flow are likely responsible for observed patterns of genetic variation. A measure of genetic variation (theta = 4N(e)mu) revealed that R. luteiventris populations in Utah have a relatively low amount of genetic variation compared with populations in the continuous portion of the range.  相似文献   

We used the widely distributed freshwater fish, perch (Perca fluviatilis), to investigate the postglacial colonization routes of freshwater fishes in Europe. Genetic variability within and among drainages was assessed using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop sequencing and RAPD markers from 55 populations all over Europe as well as one Siberian population. High level of structuring for both markers was observed among drainages and regions, while little differentiation was seen within drainages and regions. Phylogeographic relationships among European perch were determined from the distribution of 35 mtDNA haplotypes detected in the samples. In addition to a distinct southern European group, which includes a Greek and a southern Danubian population, three major groups of perch are observed: the western European drainages, the eastern European drainages including the Siberian population, and Norwegian populations from northern Norway, and western side of Oslofjord. Our data suggest that present perch populations in western and northern Europe were colonized from three main refugia, located in southeastern, northeastern and western Europe. In support of this, nested cladistic analysis of mtDNA clade and nested clade distances suggested historical range expansion as the main factor determining geographical distribution of haplotypes. The Baltic Sea has been colonized from all three refugia, and northeastern Europe harbours descendants from both eastern European refugia. In the upper part of the Danube lineages from the western European and the southern European refugia meet. The southern European refugium probably did not contribute to the recolonization of other western and northern European drainages after the last glaciation. However, phylogenetic analyses suggest that the southern European mtDNA lineage is the most ancient, and therefore likely to be the founder of all present perch lineages. The colonization routes used by perch probably also apply to other freshwater species with similar distribution patterns.  相似文献   

Microgeographic countergradient variation in the wood frog, Rana sylvatica   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Prior studies have shown that macrogeographic gradients in temperature associated with latitude and altitude can lead to countergradient patterns of variation in a number of taxa: individuals from colder environments are known to grow or develop faster than their conspecifics from warmer environments when placed in a common setting. In this study, I hypothesized that countergradient variation also is important at microgeographic scales. The wood frog, Rana sylvatica, breeds in open-canopied, temporary wetlands as well as those heavily shaded by vegetation. Shading leads to cooler thermal environments that are associated with embryonic development rates as much as 50% slower than those in unshaded wetlands. Wetlands with contrasting canopy environments are often found within tens or hundreds of meters of each other. In a common garden experiment, embryos from nearby natural wetlands displayed countergradient variation: individuals collected from shaded wetlands developed up to 12% faster than those collected from relatively unshaded wetlands. The results of this study suggest that the concept of countergradient variation may be extended to small scales of space. In addition, the rate and scale of vegetation dynamics (the agent of wetland shading) imply that divergence in development among residents of nearby wetlands may be relatively rapid, on the order of decades.  相似文献   

Two novel antimicrobial peptides with similarity to brevinin‐2 family are purified and characterized from the skin secretions of the frog, Rana nigrovittata. Their amino acid sequences were determined as GAFGNFLKGVAKKAGLKILSIAQCKLSGTC (brevinin‐2‐RN1) and GAFGNFLKGVAKKAGLKILSIAQCKLFGTC (brevinin‐2‐RN2), respectively, by Edman degradation. Different from brevinin‐2, which is composed of 33 amino acid residues (aa), both brevinin‐2‐RN1 and ‐RN2 contain 30 aa. Five cDNA sequences (Genbank accession numbers, EU136465‐9) encoding precursors of brevinin‐2‐RN1 and ‐RN2 were screened from the skin cDNA library of R. nigrovittata. These precursors are composed of 72 aa including a predicted signal peptide, an acidic spacer peptide, and a mature brevinin‐2‐RN. Both brevinin‐2‐RN1 and ‐RN2 showed strong antimicrobial activities against gram‐positive and gram‐negative bacteria and fungi. The current work identified and characterized two novel antimicrobial peptides with unique primary structure. Copyright © 2010 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of post-Wisconsinan glacial range expansion on the phylogeography of the saw-combed fishfly, Nigronia serricornis Say (Megaloptera: Corydalidae) because aquatic insects are under-represented in postglacial studies (and in phylogeography in general), and because the effects of ecological degradation on the population genetics of environmental indicator species like N. serricornis cannot be measured unless the underlying phylogeography is understood. Sequence data from a 630-base fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene were subjected to amova and nested clade analysis for 30 populations (n = 344) of N. serricornis. Both the amova and nested clade analysis revealed substantial population structure; 44.4% of the variance occured among populations. Three northward migrations are apparent: one from Tennessee into Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan and Ontario, a second that radiated eastward from Pennsylvania, and a third that moved along the coast from North Carolina into Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine and then into New York. The latter two of these migrations were the result of contiguous range expansions, while the former expansion, out of Tennessee, appears to have been rapid with little gene flow from the source population. Additional clades included a group of haplotypes in central Kentucky that appear to have expanded along preglacial drainages, and clades in North Carolina and Georgia that have remained centrally located. Haplotype diversity decreased from south to north, a pattern that has been widely reported for animal and plant populations that expanded with the retreat of the Wisconsinan glaciation.  相似文献   

For most species in the Western Palaearctic region, southern Mediterranean peninsulas have been identified as major Quaternary refugia and hotspots of intraspecific diversity, and thus, as areas of particular relevance for the conservation of the evolutionary potential. We analysed the patterns of geographical variation among 26 populations of the Italian stream frog, using both nuclear (allozymes) and mitochondrial (partial cytochrome b sequences) markers. Phylogenetic, phylogeographical and population genetic analyses suggested that the species survived the last glacial–interglacial cycles in two distinct refugia, one restricted to the tip of the Calabrian peninsula, at the extreme south of the species' range, the other spanning from central Calabria to central Apennines and showing evidences for further population subdivision therein. Historical demographic tests suggested a significant population expansion from the latter, which most likely began around the last pleniglacial. This expansion would have led to the rapid colonization of the northern Apennines to the north, and to a secondary contact and population admixture with the population from the southern refugium in southern central Calabria. A comparison of the evolutionary history inferred for the Italian stream frog with the data emerging for other codistributed species suggests: (i) the generality of a multiple-refugia scenario for the Italian peninsula, (ii) the possible occurrence of at least one suture zone in southern Italy, and (iii) that for most species, this Pleistocene refugium is not only a hotspot, but also a melting pot of intraspecific genetic diversity. Finally, the conservation implications of these results are also briefly highlighted.  相似文献   

Across all taxa, amphibians exhibit some of the strongest phenological shifts in response to climate change. As climates warm, amphibians and other animals are expected to breed earlier in response to temperature cues. However, if species use fixed cues such as daylight, their breeding timing might remain fixed, potentially creating disconnects between their life history and environmental conditions. Wood frogs Rana sylvatica are a cold-adapted species that reproduce in early spring, immediately after breeding ponds are free of ice. We used long-term surveys of wood frog oviposition timing in 64 breeding ponds over 20 yr to show that, despite experiencing a warming of 0.29°C per decade in annual temperature, wood frog breeding phenology has shifted later by 2.8 d since 2000 (1.4 d per decade; 4.8 d per °C). This counterintuitive pattern is likely the result of changes in the timing of snowpack accumulation and melting. Finally, we used relationships between climate and oviposition between 2000 and 2018 to hindcast oviposition dates from climate records to model longer-term trends since 1980. Our study indicates that species can respond to fine-grained seasonal climate heterogeneity within years that is not apparent or counterintuitive when related to annual trends across years.  相似文献   

A bradykinin-like peptide has been isolated from the skin secretions of the frog Rana nigrovittata. This peptide was named ranakinin-N. Its primary structure, RAEAVPPGFTPFR, was determined by Edman degradation and mass spectrometry. It is structurally related to bradykinin-like peptides identified from skin secretions of other amphibians. Ranakinin-N is composed of 13 amino acid residues and is related to the bradykinin identified from the skin secretions of Odorrana schmackeri, which is composed of 9 amino acid residues. Ranakinin-N was found to exert concentration-dependent contractile effects on isolated guinea pig ileum. cDNA sequence encoding the precursor of ranakinin-N was isolated from a skin cDNA library of R. nigrovittata. The amino acid sequences deduced from the cDNA sequences match well with the results from Edman degradation. Analysis of different amphibian bradykinin cDNA structures revealed that the deficiency of a 15-nucleotide fragment (agaatgatcagacgc in the cDNA encoding bradykinin from O. schmackeri) in the peptide-coding region resulted in the absence of a dibasic site for trypsin-like proteinases and an unusual -AEVA- insertion in the N-terminal part of ranakinin-N. The -AEAV- insertion resulted in neutral net charge at the N-terminus of ranakinin-N. Ranakinin-N is the first reported bradykinin-like peptide with a neutral net charge at the N-terminus.  相似文献   

The evolution of long-distance migratory behavior from sedentary populations is a central problem in studies of animal migration. Three crucial issues that remain unresolved are: (1) the biotic and abiotic factors promoting evolution of migratory behavior, (2) the geographic origin of ancestral sedentary populations, and (3) the time scale over which migration evolves. We test the role of postglacial population expansions during the Quaternary in driving the evolution of songbird migration against prevailing views favoring the role of intraspecific competition. In contrast to previous attempts to investigate these questions using interspecific phylogenies, we adopt an intraspecific approach and examine the phylogeography of a North American songbird, the chipping sparrow (Spizella passerina), which exhibits both long-distance migratory behavior in temperate North America and sedentary behavior in Mexico and Central America. We show that migratory populations descend from sedentary populations in southern Mexico and that migration has evolved as a result of a northward population expansion into temperate North America since the last glacial maximum 18,000 years ago. Migration appears to have evolved rapidly in some species as populations colonized areas of high seasonality in the temperate zone. The phylogeography of the yellow-eyed junco (Junco phaeonotus), a strictly sedentary species, provides a null model supporting the view that northward range expansions were driven solely by environmental factors and not by a predisposition to evolve migratory behavior. These results provide the strongest evidence to date that historical climate patterns can drive the rapid evolution of avian migration in natural populations, and they suggest a general mechanism for the repeated evolution of migration within and across bird lineages.  相似文献   

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