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Lexa KW  Carlson HA 《Proteins》2011,79(7):2282-2290
A recent crystal structure of HIV-1 protease (HIVp) was the first to experimentally observe a ligand targeting an open-flap conformation. Researchers studying a symmetric pyrrolidine inhibitor found that two ligands cocrystallized with the protease, forcing an unusual configuration and unique crystallographic contacts. One molecule is centered in the traditional binding site (α pose) and the other binds between the flaps (β pose). The ligands stack against each other in a region termed the eye site. Ligands bound to the eye site should prevent flap closure, but it is unclear if the pyrrolidine inhibitors or the crystal packing are causing the open state. Molecular dynamics simulations were used to examine the solution-state behavior of three possible binding modes: the ternary complex of HIVp+αβ and the binary complexes, HIVp+α and HIVp+β. We show that HIVp+α is the most stable of the three states. During conformational sampling, α takes an asymmetric binding pose, with one naphthyl ring occupying the eye site and the other reoriented down to occupy positions seen with traditional inhibitors. This finding supports previous studies that reveal a requirement for asymmetric binding at the eye site. In fact, if the α pose is modified to splay both naphthyl rings across the binding site like traditional inhibitors, one ring consistently flips to occupy the eye site. Our simulations reveal that interactions to the eye site encourage a conformationally restrained state, and understanding those contacts may aid the design of ligands to specifically target alternate conformations of the protease.  相似文献   

Meagher KL  Carlson HA 《Proteins》2005,58(1):119-125
HIV-1 protease (HIVp) is an important target for the development of therapies to treat AIDS and is one of the classic examples of structure-based drug design. The flap region of HIVp is known to be highly flexible and undergoes a large conformational change upon binding a ligand. Accurately modeling the inherent flexibility of the HIVp system is critical for developing new methods for structure-based drug design. We report several 3-ns molecular dynamics simulations investigating the role of solvation in HIVp flap rearrangement. Using an unliganded crystal structure of HIVp, other groups have observed flap reorganization on the nanosecond timescale. We have also observed rapid, initial flap movement, but we propose that it may be caused by system setup. The initial solvation of the system creates vacuum regions around the protein that may encourage large conformational deformities. By reducing the vacuum space created by the solvation routine, the observed flap collapse is attenuated. Also, a more thorough equilibration procedure preserves a more stable protein conformation over the course of the simulation.  相似文献   

The emergence of drug-resistant variants is a serious side effect associated with acquired immune deficiency syndrome therapies based on inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease (HIV-1 PR). In these variants, compensatory mutations, usually located far from the active site, are able to affect the enzymatic activity via molecular mechanisms that have been related to differences in the conformational flexibility, although the detailed mechanistic aspects have not been clarified so far. Here, we perform multinanosecond molecular dynamics simulations on L63P HIV-1 PR, corresponding to the wild type, and one of its most frequently occurring compensatory mutations, M46I, complexed with the substrate and an enzymatic intermediate. The quality of the calculations is established by comparison with the available nuclear magnetic resonance data. Our calculations indicate that the dynamical fluctuations of the mutated enzyme differ from those in the wild type. These differences in the dynamic properties of the adducts with the substrate and with the gem-diol intermediate might be directly related to variations in the enzymatic activity and therefore offer an explanation of the observed changes in catalytic rate between wild type and mutated enzyme. We anticipate that this "flexibility-assisted" mechanism might be effective in the vast majority of compensatory mutations, which do not change the electrostatic properties of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The emergence of compensatory drug-resistant mutations in HIV-1 protease challenges the common view of the reaction mechanism of this enzyme. Here, we address this issue by performing classical and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations (MD) on a complex between the enzyme and a peptide substrate. The classical MD calculation reveals large-scale protein motions involving the flaps and the cantilever. These motions modulate the conformational properties of the substrate at the cleavage site. The ab initio calculations show in turn that substrate motion modulates the activation free energy barrier of the enzymatic reaction dramatically. Thus, the catalytic power of the enzyme does not arise from the presence of a pre-organized active site but from the protein mechanical fluctuations. The implications of this finding for the emergence of drug-resistance are discussed.  相似文献   

Spronk SA  Carlson HA 《Proteins》2011,79(7):2247-2259
β-Site amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1) is a potential target for treating Alzheimer's disease. BACE1's binding site is partially covered by a flexible loop on its N-terminal domain, known as the "flap," which has been found in several conformations in crystal structures of BACE1 and other aspartyl proteases. The side chain of the invariant residue Tyr71 on the flap adopts several rotameric orientations, leading to our hypothesis that the orientation of this residue dictates the movement and conformations available to the flap. We investigated this hypothesis by performing 220 ns of molecular dynamics simulations of bound and unbound wild-type BACE1 as well as the unbound Y71A mutant. Our findings indicate that the flap exhibits various degrees of mobility and adopts different conformations depending on the Tyr71 orientation. Surprisingly, the "self-inhibited" form is stable in our simulations, making it a reasonable target for drug design. The alanine mutant, lacking a large side chain at position 71, displays significant differences in flap dynamics from wild type, freely sampling very open and closed conformations. Our simulations show that Tyr71, in addition to its previously determined functions in catalysis and substrate binding, has the important role of modulating flap conformations in BACE1.  相似文献   

Two different structures of ligand-free HIV protease have been determined by X-ray crystallography. These structures differ in the position of two 12 residue, β-hairpin regions (or “flaps”) which cap the active site. The movements of the flaps must be involved in the binding of substrates since, in either conformation, the flaps block the binding site. One of these structures is similar to structures of the ligand-bound enzyme; however, the importance of both structures to enzyme function is unclear. This transformation takes place on a time scale too long for conventional molecular dynamics simulations, so the process was studied by first identifying a reaction path between the two structures and then calculating the free energy along this path using umbrella sampling. For the ligand-free enzyme, it is found that the two structures are nearly equally stable, with the ligand-bound-type structure being less stable, consistent with X-ray crystallography data. The more stable open structure does not have a lower potential energy, but is stabilized by entropy. The transition occurs through a collapse and reformation of the β-sheet structure of the conformationally flexible, glycine-rich flap ends. Additionally, some problems in studying conformational changes in proteins through the use of a single reaction path are addressed. Proteins 32:7–16, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out based on the GROMOS force field on the aspartyl protease (PR) of the human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1. The principal simulation treats the HIV-1 PR dimer and 6990 water molecules in a hexagonal prism cell under periodic boundary conditions and was carried out for a trajectory of 100 psec. Corresponding in vacuo simulations, i.e., treating the isolated protein without solvent, were carried out to study the influence of solvent on the simulation. The results indicate that including waters explicitly in the simulation results in a model considerably closer to the crystal structure than when solvent is neglected. Detailed conformational and helicoidal analysis was performed on the solvated form to determine the exact nature of the dynamical model and the exact points of agreement and disagreement with the crystal structure. The calculated dynamical model was further elucidated by means of studies of the time evolution of the cross-correlation coefficients for atomic displacements of the atoms comprising the protein backbone. The cross-correlation analysis revealed significant aspects of structure originating uniquely in the dynamical motions of the molecule. In particular, an unanticipated through-space, domain-domain correlation was found between the mobile flap region covering the active site and a remote regions of the structure, which collectively act somewhat like a molecular cantilever. The significance of these results is discussed with respect to the inactivation of the protease by site-specific mutagenesis, and in the design of inhibitors.  相似文献   

Ishima R  Louis JM 《Proteins》2008,70(4):1408-1415
Internal motion in proteins fulfills a multitude of roles in biological processes. NMR spectroscopy has been applied to elucidate protein dynamics at the atomic level, albeit at a low resolution, and is often complemented by molecular dynamics simulation. However, it is critical to justify the consistency between simulation results and conclusions often drawn from multiple experiments in which uncertainties arising from assumed motional models may not be explicitly evaluated. To understand the role of the flaps of HIV-1 protease dimer in substrate recognition and protease function, many molecular dynamics simulations have been performed. The simulations have resulted in various proposed models of the flap dynamics, some of which are more consistent than others with our working model previously derived from experiments. However, using the working model to discriminate among the simulation results is not straightforward because the working model was derived from a combination of NMR experiments and crystal structure data. In this study, we use the NMR chemical shifts and relaxation data of the protease "monomer" rather than structural data to narrow down the possible conformations of the flaps of the "dimer". For the first time, we show that the tips of the flaps in the unliganded protease dimer interact with each other in solution. Accordingly, we discuss the consistency of the simulations with the model derived from all experimental data.  相似文献   

Catalytic proteins such as human protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B), with conserved and highly polar active sites, warrant the discovery of druggable nonactive sites, such as allosteric sites, and potentially, therapeutic small molecules that can bind to these sites. Catalyzing the dephosphorylation of numerous substrates, PTP1B is physiologically important in intracellular signal transduction pathways in diverse cell types and tissues. Aberrant PTP1B is associated with obesity, diabetes, cancers, and neurodegenerative disorders. Utilizing clustering methods (based on root mean square deviation, principal component analysis, nonnegative matrix factorization, and independent component analysis), we have examined multiple PTP1B structures. Using the resulting representative structures in different conformational states, we determined consensus clustroids and used them to identify both known and novel binding sites, some of which are potentially allosteric. We report several lead compounds that could potentially bind to the novel PTP1B binding sites and can be further optimized. Considering the possibility for drug repurposing, we discovered homologous binding sites in other proteins, with ligands that could potentially bind to the novel PTP1B binding sites.  相似文献   

Crystallographic data show that various substrates of HIV protease occupy a remarkably uniform region within the binding site; this region has been termed the substrate envelope. It has been suggested that an inhibitor that fits within the substrate envelope should tend to evade viral resistance because a protease mutation that reduces the affinity of the inhibitor will also tend to reduce the affinity of substrate, and will hence decrease the activity of the enzyme. Accordingly, inhibitors that fit the substrate envelope better should be less susceptible to clinically observed resistant mutations, since these must also allow substrates to bind. The present study describes a quantitative measure of the volume of a bound inhibitor falling outside the substrate envelope, and observes that this quantity correlates with the inhibitor's losses in affinity to clinically relevant mutants. This measure may thus be useful as a penalty function in the design of robust HIV protease inhibitors.  相似文献   

The influence of possible inaccuracies that can arise during homology modeling of protein structures used for ligand binding studies were investigated with the molecular mechanics generalized Born surface area (MM-GBSA) method. For this, a family of well-characterized HIV-I protease-inhibitor complexes was used. Validation of MM-GBSA led to a correlation coefficient ranging from 0.72 to 0.93 between calculated and experimental binding free energies DeltaG. All calculated DeltaG values were based on molecular dynamics simulations with explicit solvent. Errors introduced into the protein structure through misplacement of side-chains during rotamer modeling led to a correlation coefficient between DeltaG(calc) and DeltaG(exp) of 0.75 compared with 0.90 for the correctly placed side chains. This is in contrast to homology models for members of the retroviral protease family with template structures ranging in sequence identity between 32% and 51%. For these protein models, the correlation coefficients vary between 0.84 and 0.87, which is considerably closer to the original protein (0.90). It is concluded that HIV-I low sequence identity with the template structure still allows creating sufficiently reliable homology models to be used for ligand-binding studies, although placement of the rotamers is a critical step during the modeling.  相似文献   

Clinical inhibitor amprenavir (APV) is less effective on HIV‐2 protease (PR2) than on HIV‐1 protease (PR1). We solved the crystal structure of PR2 with APV at 1.5 Å resolution to identify structural changes associated with the lowered inhibition. Furthermore, we analyzed the PR1 mutant (PR1M) with substitutions V32I, I47V, and V82I that mimic the inhibitor binding site of PR2. PR1M more closely resembled PR2 than PR1 in catalytic efficiency on four substrate peptides and inhibition by APV, whereas few differences were seen for two other substrates and inhibition by saquinavir (SQV) and darunavir (DRV). High resolution crystal structures of PR1M with APV, DRV, and SQV were compared with available PR1 and PR2 complexes. Val/Ile32 and Ile/Val47 showed compensating interactions with SQV in PR1M and PR1, however, Ile82 interacted with a second SQV bound in an extension of the active site cavity of PR1M. Residues 32 and 82 maintained similar interactions with DRV and APV in all the enzymes, whereas Val47 and Ile47 had opposing effects in the two subunits. Significantly diminished interactions were seen for the aniline of APV bound in PR1M and PR2 relative to the strong hydrogen bonds observed in PR1, consistent with 15‐ and 19‐fold weaker inhibition, respectively. Overall, PR1M partially replicates the specificity of PR2 and gives insight into drug resistant mutations at residues 32, 47, and 82. Moreover, this analysis provides a structural explanation for the weaker antiviral effects of APV on HIV‐2.  相似文献   

Mutations in HIV-1 drug targets lead to resistance and consequent therapeutic failure of antiretroviral drugs. Phenotypic resistance assays are time-consuming and costly, and genotypic rules-based interpretations may fail to predict the effects of multiple mutations. We have developed a computational procedure that rapidly evaluates changes in the binding energy of inhibitors to mutant HIV-1 PR variants. Models of WT complexes were produced from crystal structures. Mutant complexes were built by amino acid substitutions in the WT complexes with subsequent energy minimization of the ligand and PR binding site residues. Accuracy of the models was confirmed by comparison with available crystal structures and by prediction of known resistance-related mutations. PR variants from clinical isolates were modeled in complex with six FDA-approved PIs, and changes in the binding energy (DeltaE(bind)) of mutant versus WT complexes were correlated with the ratios of phenotypic 50% inhibitory concentration (IC(50)) values. The calculated DeltaE(bind) of five PIs showed significant correlations (R(2) = 0.7-0.8) with IC(50) ratios from the Virco Antivirogram assay, and the DeltaE(bind) of six PIs showed good correlation (R(2) = 0.76-0.85) with IC(50) ratios from the Virologic PhenoSense assay. DeltaE(bind) cutoffs corresponding to a four-fold increase in IC(50) were used to define the structure-based phenotype as susceptible, resistant, or equivocal. Blind predictions for 78 PR variants gave overall agreement of 92% (kappa = 0.756) and 86% (kappa = 0.666) with PhenoSense and Antivirogram phenotypes, respectively. The structural phenotyping predicted drug resistance of clinical HIV-1 PR variants with an accuracy approaching that of frequently used cell-based phenotypic assays.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structures of indinavir and three newly synthesized indinavir analogs in complex with a multi-drug-resistant variant (L63P, V82T, I84V) of HIV-1 protease were determined to approximately 2.2 A resolution. Two of the three analogs have only a single modification of indinavir, and their binding affinities to the variant HIV-1 protease are enhanced over that of indinavir. However, when both modifications were combined into a single compound, the binding affinity to the protease variant was reduced. On close examination, the structural rearrangements in the protease that occur in the tightest binding inhibitor complex are mutually exclusive with the structural rearrangements seen in the second tightest inhibitor complex. This occurs as adaptations in the S1 pocket of one monomer propagate through the dimer and affect the conformation of the S1 loop near P81 of the other monomer. Therefore, structural rearrangements that occur within the protease when it binds to an inhibitor with a single modification must be accounted for in the design of inhibitors with multiple modifications. This consideration is necessary to develop inhibitors that bind sufficiently tightly to drug-resistant variants of HIV-1 protease to potentially become the next generation of therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

The oligopeptide-binding protein OppA provides a useful model system for studying the physical chemistry underlying noncovalent interactions since it binds a variety of readily synthesized ligands. We have studied the binding of eight closely related tripeptides of the type Lysine-X-Lysine, where X is an abnormal amino acid, by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and X-ray crystallography. The tripeptides fall into three series of ligands, which have been designed to examine the effects of small changes to the central side chain. Three ligands have a primary amine as the second side chain, two have a straight alkane chain, and three have ring systems. The results have revealed a definite preference for the binding of hydrophobic residues over the positively charged side chains, the latter binding only weakly due to unfavorable enthalpic effects. Within the series of positively charged groups, a point of lowest affinity has been identified and this is proposed to arise from unfavorable electrostatic interactions in the pocket, including the disruption of a key salt bridge. Marked entropy-enthalpy compensation is found across the series, and some of the difficulties in designing tightly binding ligands have been highlighted.  相似文献   

Docking ligands into an ensemble of NMR conformers is essential to structure-based drug discovery if only NMR structures are available for the target. However, sequentially docking ligands into each NMR conformer through standard single-receptor-structure docking, referred to as sequential docking, is computationally expensive for large-scale database screening because of the large number of NMR conformers involved. Recently, we developed an efficient ensemble docking algorithm to consider protein structural variations in ligand binding. The algorithm simultaneously docks ligands into an ensemble of protein structures and achieves comparable performance to sequential docking without significant increase in computational time over single-structure docking. Here, we applied this algorithm to docking with NMR structures. The HIV-1 protease was used for validation in terms of docking accuracy and virtual screening. Ensemble docking of the NMR structures identified 91% of the known inhibitors under the criterion of RMSD < 2.0 A for the best-scored conformation, higher than the average success rate of single docking of individual crystal structures (66%). In the virtual screening test, on average, ensemble docking of the NMR structures obtained higher enrichments than single-structure docking of the crystal structures. In contrast, docking of either the NMR minimized average structure or a single NMR conformer performed less satisfactorily on both binding mode prediction and virtual screening, indicating that a single NMR structure may not be suitable for docking calculations. The success of ensemble docking of the NMR structures suggests an efficient alternative method for standard single docking of crystal structures and for considering protein flexibility.  相似文献   

Hou T  McLaughlin WA  Wang W 《Proteins》2008,71(3):1163-1174
HIV-1 protease has been an important drug target for the antiretroviral treatment of HIV infection. The efficacy of protease drugs is impaired by the rapid emergence of resistant virus strains. Understanding the molecular basis and evaluating the potency of an inhibitor to combat resistance are no doubt important in AIDS therapy. In this study, we first identified residues that have significant contributions to binding with six substrates using molecular dynamics simulations and Molecular Mechanics Generalized Born Surface Area calculations. Among the critical residues, Asp25, Gly27, Ala28, Asp29, and Gly49 are well conserved, with which the potent drugs should form strong interactions. We then calculated the contribution of each residue to binding with eight FDA approved drugs. We analyzed the conservation of each protease residue and also compared the interaction between the HIV protease and individual residues of the drugs and substrates. Our analyses showed that resistant mutations usually occur at less conserved residues forming more favorable interactions with drugs than with substrates. To quantitatively integrate the binding free energy and conservation information, we defined an empirical parameter called free energy/variability (FV) value, which is the product of the contribution of a single residue to the binding free energy and the sequence variability at that position. As a validation, the FV value was shown to identify single resistant mutations with an accuracy of 88%. Finally, we evaluated the potency of a newly approved drug, darunavir, to combat resistance and predicted that darunavir is more potent than amprenavir but may be susceptible to mutations on Val32 and Ile84.  相似文献   

The binding of diatomic ligands, such as O(2), NO, and CO, to heme proteins is a process intimately related with their function. In this work, we analyzed by means of a combination of classical Molecular Dynamics (MD) and Hybrid Quantum-Classical (QM/MM) techniques the existence of multiple conformations in the distal site of heme proteins and their influence on oxygen affinity regulation. We considered two representative examples: soybean leghemoglobin (Lba) and Paramecium caudatum truncated hemoglobin (PcHb). The results presented in this work provide a molecular interpretation for the kinetic, structural, and mutational data that cannot be obtained by assuming a single distal conformation.  相似文献   

Due to the limited distance data available from the experiments, the structures determined by NMR Spectroscopy may not always be as accurate as desired. Further refinement of the structures is often required and sometimes critical. With the increase of high quality protein structures determined and deposited in PDB Data Bank, commonly shared protein conformational properties can be extracted based on the statistical distributions of the properties in the structural database and used to improve the outcomes of the NMR-determined structures. Here we examine the distributions of protein interatomic distances in known protein structures. We show that based on these distributions, a set of mean-force potentials can be defined for proteins and employed to refine the NMR-determined structures. We report the test results on 70 NMR-determined structures and compare the potential energy, the Ramachandran plot, and the ensemble RMSD of the structures refined with and without using the derived mean-force potentials.  相似文献   

The HIV protease plays a major role in the life cycle of the virus and has long been a target in antiviral therapy. Resistance of HIV protease to protease inhibitors (PIs) is problematic for the effective treatment of HIV infection. The South African HIV-1 subtype C protease (C-SA PR), which contains eight polymorphisms relative to the consensus HIV-1 subtype B protease, was expressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and crystallized. The crystal structure of the C-SA PR was resolved at 2.7?Å, which is the first crystal structure of a HIV-1 subtype C protease that predominates in Africa. Structural analyses of the C-SA PR in comparison to HIV-1 subtype B proteases indicated that polymorphisms at position 36 of the homodimeric HIV-1 protease may impact on the stability of the hinge region of the protease, and hence the dynamics of the flap region. Molecular dynamics simulations showed that the flap region of the C-SA PR displays a wider range of movements over time as compared to the subtype B proteases. Reduced stability in the hinge region resulting from the absent E35-R57 salt bridge in the C-SA PR, most likely contributes to the increased flexibility of the flaps which may be associated with reduced susceptibility to PIs.

An animated interactive 3D complement (I3DC) is available in Proteopedia at http://proteopedia.org/w/Journal:JBSD:36  相似文献   

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