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A sensitive and specific enzyme-liked immunosorbent assay for endoglucanase I (EG-I) has been developed. The monoclonal antibody a-EG-I 2, directed against an epitope on the core part of the enzyme, was used to capture the antigen in microtiter plate wells. A second, polyclonal antibody against the enzyme was then used to detect and quantitate the bound antigen. The test was specific for EG-I; neither endoglucanase II nor cellobiohydrolase I or II interfered. As little as 20 pg of EG-I protein could be detected. The coefficients of variation were 3.8% within plates and 6% between plates for a diluted Trichoderma reesei culture supernatant that contained 31 ng of EG-I per ml. Binding of the antigen to the monoclonal antibody was pH dependent and restricted to values between pH 6.5 and 10.5 with a maximum around pH 9. Standard solutions of EG-I were very stable at concentrations as low as 5 ng/ml when prepared in buffer that contained 1% bovine serum albumin and that was stored at -20 degrees C. After 37 weeks the antigenicity was still 97%. With this test it was possible to monitor the production of EG-I in a cellulase-producing strain of T. reesei and to demonstrate the apparent absence of the enzyme in a strain with the eglI gene deleted.  相似文献   

The quantitation of low-molecular-weight haptens has been difficult with conventional sandwich immunoassays due to their small size. Many researchers have attempted to develop sandwich assays for haptens due to the significant advantages of the sandwich format over competitive assays including greater dynamic range, ease of automation, and sensitivity. Here we apply the open-sandwich ELISA (OS-ELISA), an immunoassay based on antigen-dependent stabilization of antibody variable regions (V(H) and V(L) domains), to hapten quantitation. Two fusion proteins, the high-affinity mutant V(H) domain from anti-4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenacetyl (NP) antibody B1-8 tethered with Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase (V(H)(W33L)-PhoA) and the V(L) domain from the same antibody tethered with Streptococcus sp. protein G, were made. These fusion proteins when added together achieved Fv reassociation consequent to the addition of NP. Signal was generated in a direct relationship to the NP concentration with better sensitivity compared with competitive immunoassay, demonstrating this assay to be a quick noncompetitive alternative to the conventional assays for small compounds, such as environmental pollutants, drugs of abuse, and therapeutic drugs. With our previous demonstration that the OS-ELISA works well with large proteins, the OS-ELISA becomes the first practical immunoassay approach capable of quantifying any molecule regardless of their size.  相似文献   

Serum paraoxonase (PON) is associated with plasma high density lipoproteins, and prevents the oxidative modification of low density lipoproteins. We have developed a sensitive sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), using two monoclonal antibodies against PON, to measure serum PON concentration. The concentration of PON in healthy Japanese subjects was 59.3 +/- 1.3 microgram/mL (mean +/- SEM; n = 87). Serum PON concentrations in relation to the PON 192 genetic polymorphism were: 69.5 +/- 2.9 microgram/mL in the QQ genotype; 63.0 +/- 1.9 microgram/mL in the QR genotype; and 52.8 +/- 1.7 microgram/mL in the RR genotype. Concentrations were significantly lower in the RR than in the QQ genotype (P < 0.01). Serum paraoxonase specific activity was higher in RR than in QQ subjects (18.6 +/- 0.40 vs. 2. 56 +/- 0.05 nmol/min/microgram, P < 0.01), but arylesterase specific activity was unrelated to genotype. PON concentration was positively associated (P < 0.001) with both serum arylesterase activity and, after adjusting for the effect of the position 192 polymorphism, with serum paraoxonase activity. Subjects with angiographically verified coronary heart disease had significantly lower PON concentrations than the healthy controls (52.0 +/- 2.3 microgram/mL; n = 35, P < 0.01). This association was independent of the position 192 genotype. Our new ELISA should be of value for epidemiologic and clinical studies of serum PON concentration. immunosorbent assay for human serum paraoxonase concentration.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein A-V (apoA-V) is a recently discovered apolipoprotein that appears to have a role in plasma triglyceride (TG) transport. We have developed an ELISA for apoA-V using monoclonal antibodies that has a lower limit of detection of 0.3 ng/ml and linearity up to 20 ng/ml. The ELISA was then used to quantify plasma apoA-V in 196 healthy subjects and 106 patients with insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus. In the healthy subjects, total apoA-V concentration was 179.2 +/- 74.8 ng/ml, and it was greater in females than in males (P < 0.005). It was correlated positively with the plasma HDL cholesterol (r = 0.32, P < 0.0001), apoA-I (r = 0.27, P = 0.0001), and apoE (r = 0.18, P = 0.011) concentrations and negatively with plasma TG concentration (r = -0.22, P = 0.021). In relation to single nucleotide polymorphism 3 (-1131C/T) of the apoA-V gene, apoA-V concentration was higher in the T/T type than in the C/C type (P < 0.01). Plasma TG concentration was lower in the T/T type than in the C/C or C/T type (P < 0.05). ApoA-V concentration was lower in the diabetic patients (69.4 +/- 44.3 ng/ml; P < 0.01) than in the healthy controls.  相似文献   

Paneth cells at the base of small intestinal crypts secrete α-defensins, which contribute to innate immunity and shape composition of enteric microbiota. Efforts to establish a relationship between secreted α-defensins and disease have been hampered by a lack of sensitive assays to quantify luminal α-defensins. Here we report on a highly sensitive sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the mouse Paneth cell α-defensin cryptdin-4 (Crp4) in varied sources, including luminal contents rinsed from stomach to distal colon and fecal pellets. One pair of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), selected from 10 rat hybridomas secreting Crp4-specific mAbs, was optimized for Crp4 detection and specificity in the sandwich ELISA. In CD1 mice, luminal Crp4 levels increased gradually from 6.8 ± 5.2 ng/ml in proximal small intestine to 54.3 ± 10.3 ng/ml in distal small intestine, and the peptide was detected in colonic lumen and feces. Secreted Crp4 was reduced significantly in feces of IL10 null mice, a model of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) when compared with wild-type controls. This Crp4 sandwich ELISA enables accurate determinations of luminal α-defensins as biomarkers of Paneth cell function and enteric integrity in diverse disease states such as IBD, infectious disease, graft versus host disease, and obesity in association with dysbiosis of the intestinal microbiota.  相似文献   

Cellulases from Trichoderma reesei form an enzyme group with a common structural organization. Each cellulase enzyme is composed of two functional domains, the core region containing the active site and the cellulose-binding domain (CBD). To facilitate the specific detection of each domain, monoclonal antibodies (mAb) against cellobiohydrolase I (CBHI), cellobiohydrolase II (CBHII) and endoglucanase I (EGI) were produced. Five mAb were obtained against CBHI, ten against CBHII and eight against EGI. The location of the antigenic epitope for each antibody was mapped by allowing the antibodies to react with truncated cellulases, synthesized from deleted cDNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proteolytic fragments of Trichoderma cellulases, obtained by papain digestion, were used to confirm the results. Specific antibodies were detected against the core and the CBD epitopes for all three cellulases. Using the truncated enzymes, it was possible to locate the epitopes to a reasonably short region within the protein. To obtain a quantitative assay for each enzyme, a specific mAb against each antigen was chosen, based on the affinity to the corresponding antigen on Western-blot staining and on filter blots of the cellulolytic yeasts. The mAb were used to quantitative the corresponding enzymes in T. reesei culture medium. Specific quantitation of each cellulase enzyme has not been possible by biochemical assays or using polyclonal antibodies, due to their cross-reactions. Now, these mAb can be specifically used to recognize and quantitate different domains of these three important cellulolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

Intergeneric fusants of Trichoderma reesei QM 9414/Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCIM 3288 developed in the authors' laboratory can convert cellulosic materials directly to ethanol in a single step process. The production of endoglucanase in this case is a key factor. The production profile of this enzyme by the intergeneric fusants is different from Trichoderma reesei QM 9414 (WT). The production of endoglucanase was studied seperately by Trichoderma reesei (WT) using optimal production medium which was designed as per the combined screening approach of Plackett-Burman followed by a central composite experimental plan and the intergeneric fusants using optimal production medium obtained by Box-Behnken optimization procedure. Dried grass was used as the cellulosic substance whose concentration was kept constant during the statistical optimization procedure. The concentration of dried grass was later varied keeping the other optimized medium constituents constant to find the final optimum medium composition for endoglucanase production.  相似文献   

S Aho 《FEBS letters》1991,291(1):45-49
The function of the domains of Trichoderma reesei endoglucanase I (EGI) has been studied. Truncated EGI proteins were expressed from the 3'-end deleted cDNAs in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae under the control of the ADC1 expression cassette. EGI protein was detected by monoclonal antibody EI-2 and EGI activity as cleared zones around growing colonies on agar plates containing hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) covalently stained with Ostazin brilliant red (OBR). The results showed that the The-Ser-rich hinge region and the conserved 'tail' are not necessary for the efficient synthesis and secretion of EGI in yeast, but the intact core region is necessary for the enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Tissue transglutaminase (tTG) is a calcium-dependent enzyme that catalyzes crosslinking of peptidic glutamine residues with primary amines via isopeptide bonds and hydrolysis of ATP or GTP. The enzyme exerts a variety of functions at the cellular and tissue levels that may be disturbed in disease. Its role in pathoprocesses is poorly understood. For investigation of the involvement of tTG in disease, sensitive and specific assays should be available. We have developed the first sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) based on two monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against human tTG. tTG is captured by mab 3C10 and detected by biotinylated mab 10F3. After incubation with peroxidase-conjugated streptavidin, bound tTG is visualized by peroxidase reaction applying a luminescence substrate. The detection limit was 40 pg/ml. The assay was highly reproducible. Recovery of spiked tTG in crude samples was greater than 92%. The enzyme could be detected in cellular lysates and tissue homogenates of humans. The effect of typical effectors (retinoic acid and interferon-γ) on tTG expression could be demonstrated. A low signal was also obtained in mice samples, suggesting cross-reactivity of the mabs with murine tTG. The new sandwich ELISA may be successfully applied for investigation of physiological functions of tTG and of disorders associated with inadequate tTG expression.  相似文献   

A rapid and sensitive screening sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed for the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) in cheese by using a highly avid anti-SEB antibody (Ab) as the capture Ab (CAb) and as the biotinylated Ab conjugate. The glutaraldehyde fixation method for the immobilization of CAb on polystyrene dipsticks was superior to the adsorption fixation and the adsorption-glutaraldehyde fixation methods. The glutaraldehyde fixation method resulted in a higher surface-saturating CAb concentration as evaluated by the peroxidase saturation technique and by the ability of the CAb-coated dipstick to discriminate between positive and negative controls (index of discrimination). Of nine blocking agents used alone or in pairs, lysine-human serum albumin, bovine serum albumin, human serum albumin, and gelatin effectively saturated available sites on the CAb-coated dipsticks without causing interference with the antigen-Ab reactions. The addition of 1% polyethylene glycol to the diluent of the biotinylated anti-SEB Ab conjugate improved the detection of SEB. A concentration of 4% polyethylene glycol allowed a 5-min reaction time for the streptavidin-biotin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate. Cheddar cheese homogenate reduced the sensitivity of the SEB assay; however, the sensitivity was restored when 1.6% (wt/vol) of either a nonionic detergent (Mega-9) or two zwitterionic detergents (Zwittergent 3-10 and 3-12 detergent) was added to the diluent. By using the rapid sandwich ELISA, a minimum of 0.5 to 1.0 ng of SEB per ml was detected within 45 min. The whole procedure for the analysis of the cheddar cheese samples was completed within 1 h.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) are applied for the quantification of a vast diversity of small molecules. However, ELISAs require that the antigen is present in a soluble form in the sample. Accordingly, the few ELISAs described so far targeting insoluble proteins such as integral membrane and scaffold proteins have been restricted by limited extraction efficiencies and the need to establish an individual solubilization protocol for each protein. Here we describe a sandwich ELISA that allows the quantification of a diverse array of synaptic membrane and scaffold proteins such as munc13-1, gephyrin, NMDA R1 (N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor subunit 1), synaptic vesicle membrane proteins, and SNAREs (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors). The assay is based on initial solubilization by the denaturing detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), followed by partial SDS removal using the detergent Triton X-100, which restores antigenicity while keeping the proteins in solution. Using recombinant standard proteins, we determined assay sensitivities of 78 ng/ml to 77 pg/ml (or 74-0.1 fmol). Calibration of the assay using both immunoblotting and mass spectroscopy revealed that in some cases correction factors need to be included for absolute quantification. The assay is versatile, allows parallel processing and automation, and should be applicable to a wide range of hitherto inaccessible proteins.  相似文献   

A two-site enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for inhibin.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The investigation of the role of inhibin in the regulation of fertility is hindered by the lack of a routine, specific assay. The pituitary cell bioassay is time-consuming and the existing RIAs, based on either purified bovine 32-kDa inhibin or synthetic alpha-subunit peptides, are not specific for the biologically active inhibin molecules. We have used monoclonal antibodies, one specific for the N-terminal region of the human inhibin alpha chain, and the other raised to a peptide sequence close to the C-terminal of the human beta A-inhibin chain, to create a two-site sandwich ELISA specific for alpha beta-inhibin molecules. This was used to estimate levels of inhibin in crude bovine and human follicular fluids and fractions concentrated from them. Comparison of the values obtained with the ELISA and those obtained with the pituitary cell bioassay, suggests that the ELISA measures biologically active inhibin. Compared with the peptide-based RIA, the ELISA gave much lower (as little as 100-fold lower) values for the inhibin content of these samples, e.g., bovine follicular fluid 0.375 micrograms/ml (ELISA) compared with 41.0 micrograms/ml (RIA). Such large differences, possibly due to the presence of relatively large amounts of biologically inactive forms of inhibin such as the pro-alpha c or free alpha forms, suggest that those RIAs, which essentially measure the level of alpha-inhibin, considerably overestimate the levels of the active forms of inhibin in the samples and that results obtained using these assays may need reinterpretation.  相似文献   

Wang T  Liu X  Yu Q  Zhang X  Qu Y  Gao P  Wang T 《Biomolecular engineering》2005,22(1-3):89-94
The potential of cellulase has been revealed not only in biomass conversion but also in various industrial processes, including food, textiles, laundry, pulp, and paper. Due to the need for alkali-tolerant cellulase with high specific activity at alkaline pH, for example, for application in detergent industry an error-prone PCR approach was employed for enhancing the alkali-tolerant ability of endoglucanase III (EG III) from Trichoderma reesei by error-prone PCR. One mutant (N321T) which exhibited an optimal activity at pH 5.4, corresponded to a basic shift of 0.6 pH unit compared to the wild-type enzyme, was selected and characterized. In addition, two site-directed mutations, N321D and N321H, were designed to study the role of residue at position 321. As expected, the N321D mutation changed enzyme's optimal activity to pH 4.0, resulting in a large decrease in the specific activity. However, the N321H mutated enzyme was active over a broader pH range compared to the wild type, with no much change in the specific activity. These properties suggest that the residue at position 321 is important amino acid residue in determining the pH activity profile of the EG III from T. reesei.  相似文献   

The development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for uridine 5'-diphospho-N-acetyl-glucosamine: alpha mannoside beta 1----6 N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GnT-V) is reported. The assay quantitates the enzymatic conversion of the specific synthetic GnT-V acceptor GlcNAc beta 1----2Man alpha 1----6Man beta-R (5) to the product GlcNAc beta 1----2[GlcNAc-beta 1----6]Man alpha 1----6Man beta-R (6) when these oligosaccharide structures were covalently attached to bovine serum albumin which was then coated on microtiter wells. Conversion of 5 to 6 was detected using a polyclonal antiserum raised against the product 6 and from which antibodies cross-reacting with acceptor 5 had been removed by affinity adsorption. GnT-V activity detected by ELISA was linearly proportional to both enzyme concentration and time under appropriate experimental conditions where 50-300 fmol of product was formed per microtiter well. GnT-V activity could be measured by ELISA in Triton X-100 extracts of hamster kidney acetone powder and in human serum. The twofold increase in GnT-V activity which is known to accompany Rous sarcoma virus transformation of baby hamster kidney cells could also be quantitated using the ELISA.  相似文献   

A double-antibody sandwich, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay has been developed for phytochrome in Avena sativa L. cv. Saladin. An immunoglobulin fraction of rabbit antiserum raised to 118 kdalton phytochrome was used with alkaline phosphatase as the enzyme label. The assay detected as little as 0.2 ng phytochrome in extracts of dark-grown plant material. No evidence for specific or non-specific measurement of proteins other than phytochrome was found. The assay detected phytochrome in extracts of Avena grown in the light. Dilution curves for light-grown phytochrome extracts had a reduced slope and saturated at a lower level of enzyme activity than those for dark extracts. These differences were not caused by an inhibitor in extracts from light-grown plants. Phytochromes from dark- and light-grown plants may be immunologically different.  相似文献   

Click chemistry is explored as a potential cost-effective and selective immobilization method for the production of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Coatings were formulated containing either a terminal alkyne or a bicyclo[6.1.0]non-4-yne (BCN) chemical handle, and a diagnostic peptide was subsequently immobilized onto these coatings by the copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition (CuAAC) or copper-free strain-promoted azide-alkyne 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition (SPAAC), respectively. The terminal alkyne-containing coating showed high background levels in subsequent ELISA's due to the copper catalyst used in the immobilization step. The BCN-containing coating, however, was successfully employed and presents a cost-effective alternative to existing (strept)avidin-biotin immobilization methods. This technology was illustrated with an ELISA used for the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) but could be easily applied to a wide range of diagnostic tests.  相似文献   

Adducts of benzo[a]pyrene-diolepoxide (BPDE) with blood nucleophiles have been used as biomarkers of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The most popular such assay is a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that employs monoclonal antibody 8E11 to detect benzo[a]pyrene tetrols following hydrolysis of BPDE adducts from lymphocyte DNA or human serum albumin (HSA). Here we used 8E11 as the capture antibody in a sandwich ELISA to detect BPDE-HSA adducts directly in 1-mg samples of HSA or 20 μl of serum/plasma. The assay employs an anti-HSA antibody for detection, and this is amplified by an avidin/biotinylated horseradish peroxidase complex. The sandwich ELISA has advantages of specificity and simplicity and is approximately 10 times more sensitive than the competitive ELISA. To validate the assay, HSA samples were assayed from three populations with known high PAH exposures (coke oven workers), medium PAH exposures (steel factory control workers), and low PAH exposures (volunteer subjects) (n = 30). The respective geometric mean levels of BPDE-HSA adducts—67.8, 14.7, and 1.93 ng/mg HSA (1010, 220, and 28.9 fmol BPDE equiv/mg HSA)—were significantly different (P < 0.05). The sandwich ELISA will be useful for screening PAH exposures in large epidemiologic studies and can be extended to other adducts for which capture antibodies are available.  相似文献   

The positions of the disulphide bridges of the 1,4-beta-glucan cellobiohydrolase (CBH I) of the fungus Trichoderma reesei have been investigated. The results can be summarized as follows. (1) The enzyme contains 12 disulphide bridges and no free cysteine residues. (2) The location of six disulphide bridges have been determined experimentally. (3) The bonding patterns of the two disulphide bridges in the C-terminal region is suggested on the basis of internal homology. (4) The remaining four disulphide bridges are put into two groups, each containing four half-cystine residues where two are adjacent. (5) A repeating bonding pattern is observed along the peptide chain and a non-local disulphide bond with an unusually long separation distance links the N-terminal and the C-terminal region. (6) The disulphide-bonded CNBr peptides of a 1,4-beta-glucan glucanohydrolase (endoglucanase II) from T. reesei have been isolated and a disulphide bonding pattern is suggested on the basis of the sequence homology between the two enzymes.  相似文献   

A competitive indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed for the detection of zearalenone, an estrogenic mycotoxin. Zearalenone was converted to zearalenone-6'-carboxymethyloxime and conjugated to bovine serum albumin and poly-L-lysine for use as immunogen and solid-phase marker, respectively. Immunization of rabbits with the bovine serum albumin conjugate resulted in zearalenone antibody titers of 20,480 in 11 weeks. A competitive indirect ELISA was conducted by simultaneously incubating zearalenone with zearalenone antiserum over zearalenone-6'-carboxymethyloxime poly-L-lysine solid phase and then determining the bound rabbit immunoglobulin with goat anti-rabbit peroxidase conjugate. Response range for zearalenone in the resulting competition curve was between 1 and 50 ng/ml. Reactivities of this antiserum for alpha-zearalenol, beta-zearalenol, alpha-zearalanol, and beta-zearalanol were, respectively, 50, 12, 6, and 3% of that found for zearalenone. By using the competitive indirect ELISA, zearalenone was detectable in methanol-water extracts of corn, wheat, and pig feed samples.  相似文献   

We have developed a fibrinogen-specific sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) microarray assay for use in qualitatively distinguishing between blood plasma and serum samples. Three capture antibodies (49D2, HPA001900, and F8512) were evaluated in conjunction with 1D6 as the detection antibody. The data show that 49D2 and (to a lesser extent) F8512 successfully identify previously unknown plasma and serum samples based on approximately a 28-fold difference in signal intensity between the sample types. This assay has utility in rapidly identifying previously archived clinical samples with incomplete annotation in a high-throughput manner prior to proteomic analyses.  相似文献   

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