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Summary All floral buds of Impatiens balsamina plants exposed to 4 short-day (SD) cycles and then returned to long days reverted to vegetative growth. The same happened with the upper buds of plants receiving a larger number of SDs, even as many as 90 cycles. The reversal proceeded in a basipetal order. The number of floral buds and flowers increased, and their reversion to vegetative growth was delayed with increasing numbers of SD cycles. Depending upon the stage attained by the floral bud before the transfer of the plant to noninductive photoperiods one or more inner whorls of the flower were replaced by a vegetative apex. The tip of the placenta was able to resume vegetative growth even after the formation of fertile anthers and an ovary with abortive ovules, showing that the potentiality for reversion is maintained till quite late stages in floral bud development. Continuous exposure to SD cycles is required not only for the continued production of floral buds, but also for their development to mature flowers, indicating that the floral stimulus in this plant is not self-perpetuating.  相似文献   

Tooke F  Battey NH 《The Plant cell》2000,12(10):1837-1848
The completion of flower development in Impatiens balsamina requires continuous inductive (short-day) conditions. We have previously shown that a leaf-derived signal has a role in floral maintenance. The research described here analyzes the role of the leaf in flower development. Leaf removal treatments, in which plants were restricted to a specified number of leaves, resulted in flowers with increased petal number, up to double that of the undefoliated control. Similar petal number increases (as well as changes in bract number or morphology) were recorded when plants began their inductive treatment at a late developmental age or when plants of a nonreverting line (capable of floral maintenance in the absence of continuous short days) were transferred from short days to long days. Our data imply that the increased petal number was neither a response to stress effects associated with leaf removal nor a result of alterations in primordium initiation rates or substitutions of petals for stamens. Rather, the petal initiation phase was prolonged when the amounts of a leaf-derived signal were limiting. We conclude that a leaf-derived signal has a continuous and quantitative role in flower development and propose a temporal model for the action of organ identity genes in Impatiens. This work adds a new dimension to the prevailing ABC model of flower development and may provide an explanation for the wide variety and instabilities of floral form seen among certain species in nature.  相似文献   

We have characterized the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) MADS box gene TM29 that shared a high amino acid sequence homology to the Arabidopsis SEP1, 2, and 3 (SEPALLATA1, 2, and 3) genes. TM29 showed similar expression profiles to SEP1, with accumulation of mRNA in the primordia of all four whorls of floral organs. In addition, TM29 mRNA was detected in inflorescence and vegetative meristems. To understand TM29 function, we produced transgenic tomato plants in which TM29 expression was down-regulated by either cosuppression or antisense techniques. These transgenic plants produced aberrant flowers with morphogenetic alterations in the organs of the inner three whorls. Petals and stamens were green rather than yellow, suggesting a partial conversion to a sepalloid identity. Stamens and ovaries were infertile, with the later developing into parthenocarpic fruit. Ectopic shoots with partially developed leaves and secondary flowers emerged from the fruit. These shoots resembled the primary transgenic flowers and continued to produce parthenocarpic fruit and additional ectopic shoots. Based on the temporal and spatial expression pattern and transgenic phenotypes, we propose that TM29 functions in floral organ development, fruit development, and maintenance of floral meristem identity in tomato.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid plays a crucial role in the regulation of fruit development and ripening, however, its role in the floral development and the fruit set is still unclear. In the present study, the ABA accumulation and the expression patterns of genes related to ABA metabolism and signalling in sweet cherry were investigated. The results showed that ABA accumulation increased and peaked at stage V in ovary, at stage VI in stamen, and in young fruit it peaked at 7 days after full bloom. The expression pattern of ABA synthetase PaNCED1 was consistent with the changes of ABA accumulation. Among four ABA degradation enzymes PaCYP707As, PaCYP707A4 was highly expressed in ovary, PaCYP707A1 was mainly in stamen, and PaCYP707A2 was in young fruit, and their expressions were reversed to the trend of PaNCED1. With regard to ABA signalling genes, among three ABA receptors PaPYLs, PaPYL2 and PaPYL3 were high expression genes in ovary and in young fruit with similar expression patterns, while PaPYL3 was the high expression gene in stamen. Within six PaPP2Cs, PaPP2C1/2/3 were highly expressed in ovary and young fruit, while PaPP2C3/4 were mainly in stamen. The six PaSnRK2s showed different expression patterns: PaSnRK2.1/2.2/2.4 were highly expressed in ovary and young fruit, while PaSnRK2.1/2.3 were highly expressed in stamen. In situ hybridization results showed that PaPYL3, PaPP2C3 and PaSnRK2.4 were expressed in seed, pulp and fruit peel during fruit set. In conclusion, ABA and its signaling may play an important role in the regulation of floral development and fruit set.  相似文献   

We isolated a partial cDNA encoding a novel chicken homologue of human Deltex (DTX1), a member of the Notch signaling pathway. The cDtx2 sequence showed higher homology to KIAA0937 protein (92% identical) than to DTX1 (68% identical). cDtx2 is expressed widely in the epiblast at stage 4. Later in development it is expressed in many neural and sensory structures, such as neural tube, migrating neural crest cells, epidermal placodes, cranial ganglia, and the optic and otic vesicles.  相似文献   

We report the cloning and DNA sequence of a cDNA from Nicotiana tabacum, NTGLO, as well as the pattern of expression of the NTGLO gene in wild-type tobacco plants. The NTGLO cDNA encodes a protein of 209 amino acids, which shows 73% identity with the GLO protein encoded by the GLO gene of Antirrhinum majus, a homeotic gene involved in the genetic control of flower development. Northern blot analysis shows that the NTGLO gene is expressed mainly in floral organs and, within the flower, expression is restricted to petals and stamens. The NTGLO gene most probably represents a true homologue of the GLO gene because: i) the MADS boxes, of the two genes are highly homologous (56 out of 58 amino acids are identical): ii) at the carboxyterminal a block of 19 amino acids is perfectly conserved between the NTGLO and GLO proteins and iii) their expression patterns in floral organs are identical.  相似文献   

Meiosis divides the haploid and diploid portions of the life cycle in all sexual organisms. In angiosperms meiosis occurs during flower development, the duration of which varies widely among species and is affected by environmental conditions within species. For 36 species representing 13 angiosperm families, we determined the time at which meiosis ceased in the anthers as a fraction of the total time from floral primordium initiation (beginning of development) to flower opening (end). It was found that this fraction, rather than being continuously distributed among species, occurred in three discrete classes despite wide variations within and among species in absolute developmental durations. Each species was characterized by a single timing class. For all species within a given timing class, therefore, the durations before and after the end of microsporocyte meiosis existed in constant ratio. Each timing class was found in phylogenetically distant species; conversely, a plant family often contained more than one class. Timing class was not related to ploidy level, inflorescence architecture, pollination syndrome or mating system. These findings show that either the durations before and after microsporocyte meiosis are regulated by the same exogenous process, or one duration determines the other. They further imply that the underlying developmental processes have evolved in a limited number of ways among flowering plants.  相似文献   

In the day-neutral plant Polianthes tuberosa (cv. Double) putrescine and spermine in corms at the early floral initiation stage decreased by 26 and 36%, respectively, compared with that in the vegetative stage. In contrast, a sharp increase in spermidine and cadaverine titers in corms was recorded at the early floral initiation stage. However, cadaverine in corms disappeared at the flower development stage. Polyamines in the roots were generally lower than those in the leaves and corms. In no case was the change in endogenous polyamine titers in the roots and leaves associated with floral initiation and flower development in P. tuberosa. Exogenous application of spermidine at 5, 25 or 150 microg per plant at the vegetative stage did not affect flower primordium counts. However, addition of a spermidine synthase inhibitor, cyclohexylamine, at 150 or 250 microg per plant (each dose was applied two times in total at an interval of 4 days) significantly reduced flower primordium counts, indicating that spermidine is involved in floral initiation and floral development in P. tuberosa. In P. tuberosa corms at the vegetative stage arginine decarboxylase activity rises and decreases at the early floral initiation stage. In contrast, ornithine decarboxylase activity reaches the highest level at the early floral initiation stage and declines significantly at the vegetative stage. Results indicate that an increase in spermidine and a transient increase in cadaverine titers in the corms seem characteristic of early floral initiation in P. tuberosa. It is also suggested that a significant reduction in putrescine and spermine in the corms is involved in the early floral initiation in P. tuberosa.  相似文献   

Arrom L  Munné-Bosch S 《Planta》2012,236(2):343-354
Much effort has been focussed on better understanding the key signals that modulate floral senescence. Although ethylene is one of the most important regulators of floral senescence in several species, Lilium flowers show low sensitivity to ethylene; thus their senescence may be regulated by other hormones. In this study we have examined how (1) endogenous levels of hormones in various floral tissues (outer and inner tepals, androecium and gynoecium) vary throughout flower development, (2) endogenous levels of hormones in such tissues change in cut versus intact flowers at anthesis, and (3) spray applications of abscisic acid and pyrabactin alter flower longevity. Results show that floral tissues behave differently in their hormonal changes during flower development. Cytokinin and auxin levels mostly increased in tepals prior to anthesis and decreased later during senescence. In contrast, levels of abscisic acid increased during senescence, but only in outer tepals and the gynoecium, and during the latest stages. In addition, cut flowers at anthesis differed from intact flowers in the levels of abscisic acid and auxins in outer tepals, salicylic acid in inner tepals, cytokinins, gibberellins and jasmonic acid in the androecium, and abscisic acid and salicylic acid in the gynoecium, thus showing a clear differential response between floral tissues. Furthermore, spray applications of abscisic acid and pyrabactin in combination accelerated the latest stages of tepal senescence, yet only when flower senescence was delayed with Promalin. It is concluded that (1) floral tissues differentially respond in their endogenous variations of hormones during flower development, (2) cut flowers have drastic changes in the hormonal balance not only of outer and inner tepals but also of androecium and gynoecium, and (3) abscisic acid may accelerate the progression of tepal senescence in Lilium.  相似文献   

为探究滇水金凤(Impatiens uliginosa L.)TT8(TRANSPARENT TESTA 8)基因的功能和表达特性,并解析其对滇水金凤花色的影响,研究以滇水金凤花器官为材料,通过RT-PCR等技术克隆IuTT8基因,并对其进行生物信息学分析;利用qRT-PCR分析该基因在不同花色和不同花发育阶段的表达模式。结果表明,(1)成功克隆得到滇水金凤IuTT8基因,其编码区全长为2 136 bp,编码711 aa,为亲水性不稳定蛋白,gDNA全长为3 938 bp,共有6个内含子;结构域分析发现该蛋白属于bHLH超家族成员,与喜马拉雅凤仙花、山茶等物种的TT8蛋白同源且Motif基序相似。(2)IuTT8与同属植物喜马拉雅凤仙花的聚在一支,相似性约86.34%;多序列比对和系统进化分析显示TT8蛋白的结构域高度保守。(3)IuTT8基因在4种不同花色滇水金凤及其4个不同发育阶段均有表达,除白色外,其表达量均随花发育的进行呈先升后降的趋势;且IuTT8基因的表达量与花色呈正相关,其中以深红色表达量最高,白色表达量最低,深红色S3的表达量约为白色S2时期的48倍。研究表明滇水金凤I...  相似文献   

The DEFICIENS (DEF) gene is required for establishing petal and stamen identity in Antirrhinum and is expressed in all three layers of the floral meristem in whorls 2 and 3. Expression of DEF in a subset of meristem layers gives rise to organs with characteristic shapes and cell types, reflecting altered patterns and levels of DEF gene activity. To determine how the contributions of layers and gene activity interact, we exploited a DEF allele which carries a transposon insertion in the MADS box region to generate periclinal chimeras expressing alleles with different activities. By comparing the phenotype, development and expression patterns of these chimeras we show that expression of DEF in L1 makes a major contribution to morphology in whorl 2, irrespective of the allele. By contrast L1 expression is largely unable to rescue whorl 3, possibly because of a non-autonomous inhibitor of DEF activity in this whorl.  相似文献   

Abstract. The location and distribution of symbiotic bacteria during floral development in Ardisia crispa (Thunb.) A.DC., a species characterized by bacterial leaf nodules, has been studied using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. During early floral development, bacteria in mucilage derived from host plant trichomes, become enclosed in a small conical chamber on top of the placenta, as a result of the closure and fusion of the carpel initials. The placental epidermal cells, which appear to be secretory in nature, become detached apically in places forming a network of grooves which traverse the placental surface. The symbiotic bacteria are preferentially located in these grooves. As growth and development of the placenta proceed, the grooves widen and deepen to form channels. The cells lining these channels secrete a mucilaginous material. The network of channels covers the entire placental surface and terminates at the placental margins surrounding the ovules. Bacteria are found within the channels, at the ends of the channels near the margin of the placenta, on the surface of the ovules and in the micropyle. It is suggested that these mucilage-filled channels are responsible for, and a prerequisite of, ensuring that the bacterial partner is efficiently transmitted from one host generation to the next by providing a mechanism by which the bacteria arc accurately placed within the developing seed.  相似文献   

A mathematical model simulating spatial pattern formation (positioning) of floral organs is proposed. Computer experiment with this model demonstrated the following sequence of spatial pattern formation in a typical cruciferous flower: medial sepals, carpels, lateral sepals, long stamens, petals, and short stamens. The positioning was acropetal for the perianth organs and basipetal for the stamens and carpels. Organ type specification and positioning proceed non-simultaneously in different floral parts and organ type specification goes ahead of organ spatial pattern formation. Computer simulation of flower development in several mutants demonstrated that the AG and AP2 genes determine both organ type specification and formation of the zones for future organ development. The function of the AG gene is to determine the basipetal patterning zones for the development of the reproductive organs, while the AP2 gene maintains proliferative activity of the meristem establishing the acropetal patterning zone for the development of the perianth organs.  相似文献   

In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant - The legalization of recreational and medicinal Cannabis sativa L. has been gaining global momentum, therefore increasing interest in Cannabis...  相似文献   

The new natural polyamine conjugate 1N,5N,10N,14N-tetracoumaroyl spermine (tetracoumaroyl spermine) recently isolated from chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) flower heads is applicable for the treatment of several human disorders such as depression and anxiety. High variability in the level of tetracoumaroyl spermine is found in commercial tisanes. Accumulation of tetracoumaroyl spermine was tested during floral development, and nitrogen deficiency was chosen as its putative limiting environmental factor. It was observed that tetracoumaroyl spermine is present mainly in tubular flowers, reaching its maximal content during the 3rd phase of flowering when the corollae of tubular flowers start to open. The later observed decrease could result from a release of pollen that also contains a considerable amount of tetracoumaroyl spermine. It is likely that tetracoumaroyl spermine plays an important role in pollen development, and so, despite overall N-deficiency in the plants, tetracoumaroyl spermine is accumulated at the same or even higher rate than in the flowers of the N-sufficient control.  相似文献   

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