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The importance of inbreeding avoidance for the fitness of individualsis currently undergoing reevahation. Especially when the frequencyof inbreeding is low, it may be difficult to accumulate sufficientinformation. In a long-term study of the Mexican jay (Aphelocomaultamarina) in Arizona, we found inbreeding, as determined bypedigree, to be rare even though this species exhibits strongnatal philopatry and commonly lives in social groups of closerelatives. Brood sizes of inbred pairs were significantly lowerthan those of outbred pairs, suggesting hatching failure; butthere was no difference in die probability that one or moreyoung would fledge from a nest. Survival of inbred nestlingsto die next year was significantly lower than that of outbrednestlings.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - MicroRNA-146a (miR-146a) is an inflammatory response regulator whose expression is deregulated in osteoarthritis (OA); variations in the miR-146a gene could affect OA...  相似文献   

Indirect measures of population abundance, such as harvest data, are often used to make inference on long term population dynamics when direct data are either not available or are logistically difficult to obtain. However, when harvesting records are used, a common concern is that they may not reflect actual population abundance. We investigated the extent to which harvest data reflected changes in population density of the red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus in Great Britain. We used 92 independently managed populations over the period 1977–2000 and examined the temporal and spatial variability of the hunting records and independently obtained count data from each of these managed estates. Three different analyses support the conclusion that grouse hunting records are a reliable indicator of grouse abundance: 1) the number of red grouse shot in autumn showed a tendency to be linearly related to the density of individuals counted in the summer prior to the harvesting, 2) the relationships between the variance and the mean in the harvesting and corresponding count data, calculated over different populations at the same time, or the same locations at different times, were not statistically distinguishable, 3) similar direct and delayed density dependence patterns were observed in hunting records and count data. Our results suggest that red grouse hunting time series are a good proxy for population abundance.  相似文献   

The extent of female multiple mating (polyandry) can strongly impact on the intensity of sexual selection, sexual conflict, and the evolution of cooperation and sociality. More subtly, polyandry may protect populations against intragenomic conflicts that result from the invasion of deleterious selfish genetic elements (SGEs). SGEs commonly impair sperm production, and so are likely to be unsuccessful in sperm competition, potentially reducing their transmission in polyandrous populations. Here, we test this prediction in nature. We demonstrate a heritable latitudinal cline in the degree of polyandry in the fruitfly Drosophila pseudoobscura across the USA, with northern population females remating more frequently in both the field and the laboratory. High remating was associated with low frequency of a sex-ratio-distorting meiotic driver in natural populations. In the laboratory, polyandry directly controls the frequency of the driver by undermining its transmission. Hence we suggest that the cline in polyandry represents an important contributor to the cline in sex ratio in nature. Furthermore, as the meiotic driver causes sex ratio bias, variation in polyandry may ultimately determine population sex ratio across the USA, a dramatic impact of female mating decisions. As SGEs are ubiquitous it is likely that the reduction of intragenomic conflict by polyandry is widespread.  相似文献   

This study presents a complex approach for modeling the natural evolution of a population in terms of population number and dynamics of the genetic structure. A set of dynamic models that consider various types of natural selection was applied to describe possible mechanisms underlying the formation of existing genetic variations in litter sizes in coastal, inland, and farmed arctic fox populations (Alopex lagopus, family Canidae, order Carnivora). The r–K selection model for uniform population and the models with natural selection were assessed on various life cycle stages in a two-age population. The life cycle of arctic fox was fitted to the population model with two age stages. The different reproductive potentials and survivability of progeny on the early stage of life cycle were genetically determined using the model with a single diallelic gene. A monomorphism was obtained for a considered characteristic in a population of coastal arctic fox with constant food supply. Meanwhile, a polymorphism with cyclic fluctuations in population number and gene frequency was obtained in inland arctic fox populations, which could be due to cyclic fluctuations of prey. In farmed fox populations, the considered gene becomes pleiotropic (defines the survival rate of individuals on early and late stages of the life cycle) because of artificial selection performed by farmers to increase the reproductive success of breeders. The application of an appropriate model (with selection by pleiotropic gene) can be used to determine the elimination rate of low litter size alleles from the farmed populations. The possible applications of the proposed models for formulating and solving optimal control tasks in arctic fox populations are discussed too.  相似文献   

The role of seed germination in contributing to species ecological breadth and geographic distribution is still a matter of debate. Here, we attempted to relate seed germination requirements with ecological breadth in 12 bromeliad species from heterogeneous montane vegetation in southeastern Brazil. Seeds were set to germinate under both light and dark conditions at a broad range of temperatures to determine the breadth of the germination niche. We ran a RLQ analysis based on the matrices of species occurrence, environmental parameters and germination traits and found a significant association between germination traits, and the characteristics of sites where adult plants occur. The variation of germination responses to environmental factors was not random with habitat-generalist plants having broader germination niches and habitat-specialist plants having narrower germination niches. The RLQ analysis showed that substrate moisture and light environment were the most important factors correlated with germination traits. Phylogenetic niche conservatism appears to play a role in the patterns found here, especially in the Tillandsioideae. There is an association between the regeneration niche of a species and its ecological range, and this also provides support for the idea that the regeneration niche may help assemble plant species into heterogeneous, species-rich communities.  相似文献   

Glycophorin prepared by a lithium di-iodosalicylate-extraction/phenol-partition method was rich in polyphosphoinositides (phosphatidyl-myo-inositol 4-phosphate and phosphatidyl-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate), but glycophorin extracted by Triton X-100 showed no such enrichment. The enrichment observed in the former preparations appeared not to be caused by pre-existing association between glycophorin and polyphosphoinositides in the human erythrocyte membrane, but to be largely a consequence of the preparative procedures.  相似文献   

A COST Action is a consortium of -mainly- European scientists (but open to international cooperation) working on a common research area, with the same subject; COST provides funding to the Actions for networking and dissemination activities, thus the participating scientists must have secured research funding from other national or European sources. COST funding is in the scale of approximately 100 kEuros per year and in this vein, it is often criticized both in that it does not fund research and the core science and in that its funding is ‘limited’. However, COST with its instruments is an integral pillar of the European Research Area, and it is through its mission that a variety of aspects of the research environment, fundamental to the success of the research, are catered for; these include scientific networking, collaboration/exchange/training and dissemination activities. Through fast procedures, proposals are evaluated and approved for funding in less than one year from submission date and Actions become operational immediately, managed on flexible management. In this way, COST contributes to reducing the fragmentation in European research investments, while opening the European Research Area to cooperation worldwide. COST Actions have an excellent record of building the critical mass for follow up activities in the EU FP or other similarly competitive programmes.  相似文献   

The provenance of white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in the Mediterranean is both a conundrum and an important conservation issue. Considering this species's propensity for natal philopatry, any evidence that the Mediterranean stock has little or no contemporary immigration from the Atlantic would suggest that it is extraordinarily vulnerable. To address this issue we sequenced the mitochondrial control region of four rare Mediterranean white sharks. Unexpectedly, the juvenile sequences were identical although collected at different locations and times, showing little genetic differentiation from Indo-Pacific lineages, but strong separation from geographically closer Atlantic/western Indian Ocean haplotypes. Historical long-distance dispersal (probably a consequence of navigational error during past climatic oscillations) and potential founder effects are invoked to explain the anomalous relationships of this isolated 'sink' population, highlighting the present vulnerability of its nursery grounds.  相似文献   

The forces driving extra-pair reproduction by socially monogamous females, and the resulting genetic polyandry, remain unclear. A testable prediction of the hypothesis that extra-pair reproduction partly reflects indirect selection on females is that extra-pair young (EPY) will be fitter than their within-pair young (WPY) maternal half-siblings. This prediction has not been comprehensively tested in a wild population, requiring data on the lifetime reproductive success (LRS) of maternal half-sib EPY and WPY. We used 17 years of genetic parentage data from song sparrows, Melospiza melodia, to compare the LRS of hatched EPY and WPY maternal half-siblings measured as their lifetime number of hatched offspring, recruited offspring, and hatched grandoffspring. EPY hatchlings were not significantly fitter than WPY hatchlings for any of three measures of LRS. Furthermore, opposite to prediction, EPY hatchlings tended to have lower LRS than their maternal half-sibling WPY hatchlings on average. EPY also tended to be less likely to survive to hatch than their maternal half-sibling WPY. Taken together, these results fail to support one key hypothesis explaining the evolution of genetic polyandry by socially monogamous females and suggest there may be weak indirect selection against female extra-pair reproduction in song sparrows.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(1):36-43
The severe impact of agriculture on species’ abundance and diversity is widely recognized. However, its effects on the physiology of wild animal populations are poorly known. We analyzed faecal glucocorticoids levels in wild common voles (Microtus arvalis) living in a farmland landscape to test whether living in degraded habitats, such as crops, is correlated with increased glucocorticoids. Other factors such as sex, reproductive status, and population density were also considered. We captured voles with Sherman traps in crops and in their field margins which were comprised of semi-natural vegetation. We collected fresh faecal samples from captured individuals and quantified their levels of faecal corticosterone metabolites (FCM) in the laboratory. The quantification of FCM concentrations was performed by competitive enzyme immunoassay. Individuals captured within the crops had higher levels of FCM than those in field margins; females and breeding individuals exhibited higher FCM levels. In addition, FCM concentrations positively correlated with abundance of voles. Our results suggest that degraded habitats in agricultural landscapes are associated with increased glucocorticoid levels on common voles likely caused by a higher disturbance from agricultural practices and a lesser vegetation cover in crops compared with field margins.  相似文献   

Analyses of knowledge gaps can highlight imbalances in research, encouraging greater proportionality in the distribution of research efforts. In this research we used generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) with the aim to determine if research efforts for the period 2005–2015 for terrestrial vertebrates of Amphibia, Aves, Mammalia and Reptilia in the South Pacific region were correlated with conservation status (critically endangered (CR), endangered (EN), vulnerable (VU), least concern (LC) and near threatened (NT)) or population trends (increasing, stable, decreasing and unknown) through the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) database. Our results showed that research distribution was uneven across different classes. Out of 633623 investigated papers, the average number of publications per species was 43.7, 306.7, 717.6 and 115.3 for Amphibia (284 species), Aves (1306 species), Mammalia (243 species) and Reptilia (400 species), respectively. Consistently, the lower publication effort on Amphibia compared to other taxonomic classes was revealed as significant by GLMM analysis. There was no significant differences in research effort among levels of conservation status. However, we found significantly different publication efforts among population trends of all examined species in that species with “unknown” population trends gained significantly lower researchers’ attention compared to species with “decreasing” trend. Results also indicated that, although it was not significant, the highest attention is given to species with “increasing” population trend over all taxonomic classes. Using the Information Theoretic approach we also generated a set of competing models to identify most important factors influencing research efforts, revealing that the highest ranked model included taxonomic class and population trend.  相似文献   

Shmuelof L  Krakauer JW 《Neuron》2011,72(3):469-476
Here we argue that general principles with regard to the contributions of the cerebellum, basal ganglia, and primary motor cortex to motor learning can begin to be inferred from explicit comparison across model systems and consideration of phylogeny. Both the cerebellum and the basal ganglia have highly conserved circuit architecture in vertebrates. The cerebellum has consistently been shown to be necessary for adaptation of eye and limb movements. The precise contribution of the basal ganglia to motor learning remains unclear but one consistent finding is that they are necessary for early acquisition of novel sequential actions. The primary motor cortex allows independent control of joints and construction of new movement synergies. We suggest that this capacity of the motor cortex implies that it is a necessary locus for motor skill learning, which we argue is the ability to execute selected actions with increasing speed and precision.  相似文献   



Inbreeding and loss of genetic diversity are expected to increase the extinction risk of small populations, but detailed tests in natural populations are scarce. We combine long-term population and fitness data with those from two types of molecular markers to examine the role of genetic effects in a declining metapopulation of southern dunlins Calidris alpina schinzii, an endangered shorebird.  相似文献   

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