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Bonilla  D.  Rodà  F. 《Plant Ecology》1992,99(1):247-257
Soil nitrogen (N) dynamics were studied in a dense, holm oak (Quercus ilex ssp. ilex) stand in the Montseny mountains to determine annual and seasonal patterns of N availability and uptake in an undisturbed Mediterranean forest on acidic soil. Soil mineral N content, net N mineralization (NNM), and net nitrification (NN) were determined by monthly sampling at two soil depths followed by in situ incubation in polyethylene bags. NNM per unit of soil mass was much higher at 0–5 cm than at 5–20 cm (annual means 24 and 2.5 mg N/kg, respectively) but on an area basis NNM was similar at both depths. A total of 80 kg N/ha/yr were mineralized from the first 20 cm of soil. NN amounted to only 9% of the annual NNM (7.5 kg N/ha/yr) and it occurred only in the upper 5 cm. NNM was maximum in June and July, while the NN peaked in May. Despite favourable soil temperature and moisture, NNM was negative in autumn because of microbial immobilization. Seasonal and depth variations of NNM appeared to be controlled more by substrate quality than by organic matter quantity, temperature or moisture. NN was not limited by ammonium availability. Calculated N uptake amounted to 91 kg/ha yr, peaking in June and July. The investigated stand showed a moderately high N availability, but ammonium was the major form of mineral N supply for holm oak.  相似文献   

Natural 15N abundance measurements of ecosystem nitrogen (N) pools and 15N pool dilution assays of gross N transformation rates were applied to investigate the potential of δ15N signatures of soil N pools to reflect the dynamics in the forest soil N cycle. Intact soil cores were collected from pure spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and mixed spruce-beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stands on stagnic gleysol in Austria. Soil δ15N values of both forest sites increased with depth to 50 cm, but then decreased below this zone. δ15N values of microbial biomass (mixed stand: 4.7 ± 0.8‰, spruce stand: 5.9 ± 0.9‰) and of dissolved organic N (DON; mixed stand: 5.3 ± 1.7‰, spruce stand: 2.6 ± 3.3‰) were not significantly different; these pools were most enriched in 15N of all soil N pools. Denitrification represented the main N2O-producing process in the mixed forest stand as we detected a significant 15N enrichment of its substrate NO3 (3.6 ± 4.5‰) compared to NH4+ (−4.6 ± 2.6‰) and its product N2O (−11.8 ± 3.2‰). In a 15N-labelling experiment in the spruce stand, nitrification contributed more to N2O production than denitrification. Moreover, in natural abundance measurements the NH4+ pool was slightly 15N-enriched (−0.4 ± 2.0 ‰) compared to NO3 (−3.0 ± 0.6 ‰) and N2O (−2.1 ± 1.1 ‰) in the spruce stand, indicating nitrification and denitrification operated in parallel to produce N2O. The more positive δ15N values of N2O in the spruce stand than in the mixed stand point to extensive microbial N2O reduction in the spruce stand. Combining natural 15N abundance and 15N tracer experiments provided a more complete picture of soil N dynamics than possible with either measurement done separately.  相似文献   

N mineralisation was investigated in the mor humus layer of a podzol at a forested catchment area of Saarejärve Lake in Eastern Estonia. The investigated areas were pine (Rhodococcumunderstorey) and spruce (Vaccinium understorey) stands, which are permanent sample plots of an integrated monitoring network. The seasonal pattern of net N mineralisation was studied by incubating undisturbed cores of mor humus (0–8 cm) in buried polyethylene bags in situ. Samples were collected and incubated between July 1996 and April 1998. The period of incubation was approximately 1 month, except for wintertime when incubation lasted till thawing of ground (5 months). The amounts of mineral nitrogen formed during monthly incubations in vegetation period vary considerably (0.4–8.7 kg ha–1). About 70% of the variation of net ammonification could be explained by environmental factors - temperature, initial moisture and pH. Ammonium was the dominant form of mineral nitrogen, which is typical for mor humus. The rate of nitrification was very low, and most of the annual net nitrification occurred during just one or two months (May–June, October) depending on site and year. Measured annual net N mineralisation was 29.2 kg ha–1 for the spruce stand and 23.6 kg ha–1 for the pine stand. These measures were found to be in good accordance with other N-fluxes in the ecosystem.  相似文献   

The exotic annual grass Bromus tectorum has replaced thousands of hectares of native perennial vegetation in semi-arid ecosystems of the western United States. Inorganic N availability and production were compared in soil from monodominant patches of Bromus tectorum, the perennial bunchgrass Elymus elymoides, and the shrub Artemisia tridentata, in Curlew Valley, a salt-desert shrub site in Northern Utah. Bromus-dominated soil had greater %N in the top 10 cm than Artemisia or Elymus-dominated soils. As determined by spring isotope-dilution assays, gross mineralization and nitrification rates were higher in Bromus-dominated than Artemisia-dominated soils, but gross rates of NH4 + and NO3 consumption were also higher. Litterbags had greater mass loss and N mineralization when buried in Bromus stands than in Artemisia stands, indicating the soil environment under the annual grass promotes decomposition. As determined by nitrification potential assays, nitrifier populations were higher under Bromus than under Artemisia and Elymus. Soil inorganic N concentrations were similar among vegetation types in the spring, but NO3 accumulated under Bromus once it had senesced. An in situ net mineralization assay conducted in autumn indicated that germinating Bromus seedlings are a strong sink for soil NO3 , and that net nitrification is inherently low in soils under Artemisia and Elymus. Results of the study suggest that differences in plant uptake and the soil environment promote greater inorganic N availability under Bromus than under perennial species at the site.  相似文献   

The relation between environmental factors and the presence of ammonia-oxidising bacteria (AOB), and its consequences for the N transformation rates were investigated in nine Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest soils. In general, the diversity in AOB appears to be strikingly low compared to other ecosystems. Nitrosospira cluster 2, as determined by temporal temperature gradient electrophoresis and sequencing, was the only sequence cluster detected in the five soils with high nitrification rates. In the four soils with low nitrification rates, AOB-like sequences could not be detected. Differences in nitrification rates between the forest soils correlated to soil C/N ratio (or total N) and atmospheric N deposition.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of 15N labelling duration on the mineralisation and immobilisation of native and applied (residual) N in the humus layer of a Humo-Ferric Podzol. Ammonium sulphate, labelled with 15N, was applied to 1 m2 plots at a rate of 200 kg N ha–1. Fertiliser application was timed so that when samples were collected they had been labelled with 15N for 24 hours, 7 months and 31 months. In a 42-day aerobic incubation of the samples, net mineralisation of total and applied N was greatest in the 24-hr treatment followed by those from the 31-month treatment (p<0.05), indicating that immobilised 15N was more remineralisable in the samples with 15N labelled for 24 hours. The percentage of applied N found in the total N mineralised (net) ranged from 76.6 to 87.4%, 13.1 to 42.0% and 10.6 to 14.0% in samples from the 24-hr and 7- and 31-month treatments, respectively, showing reduced relative availability of residual N with increased labelling duration. The carbon mineralisation rate had the following order: 7-month > 24-hr > 31-month treatment. Net mineralisation of C and N was poorly correlated with each other (r=-0.02, p=0.89). Anaerobic incubation showed net mineralisation for the 7- and 31-month treatments but net immobilisation for the 24-hr treatment for both total and applied N, suggesting that immobilisation of inorganic N was encouraged when there was a large pool of mineral N in the soil. Both total and applied N in the extractable organic N fraction and in the N flushed after fumigation with chloroform had the following order: 24-hr > 7-month > 31-month treatment. The results confirmed that N fertiliser was being immobilised within hours after application by the humus material through the microbial population and that the immobilised N had a low mineralisation potential after one growing season.  相似文献   

Atmospheric nutrient deposition has contributed to widespread changes in sensitive seminatural ecosystems throughout Europe. For an understanding of underlying processes it is important to quantify input–output flows in relation to ongoing atmospheric inputs and current management strategies. In this study we quantified losses of N, P, Ca, Mg, and K via leaching in heathland ecosystems (Lüneburger Heide, NW Germany) as a function of current deposition rates and different management measures (mowing, prescribed burning, choppering, sod-cutting) which aim to prevent shrub and tree encroachment. Leaching was only moderately related to atmospheric input rates, indicating that leaching was mostly affected by internal turnover processes. Leaching significantly increased for most of the nutrients after the application of management measures, particularly in the choppered and sod-cut plots. However, atmospheric nutrient inputs exceeded leaching outputs for most of the nutrients, even in the plots subjected to management. Despite high deposition rates (20–25 kg N ha−1 year−1), retention of atmospheric N input ranged between 74% and 92% in the control plots. In the treated plots, N retention decreased to 59–80%. However, in the study area mean N leaching in the controls has almost doubled since 1980 and currently amounts to 3.7 kg ha−1 year−1, indicating an early stage of N saturation. Our study provides evidence that leaching did not compensate for atmospheric nutrient deposition, particularly as regards N. Management, thus, will be an indispensable tool for the maintenance of the low-nutrient status as a prerequisite for the long-term preservation of heathland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Rates of nitrification in well drained granitic soils from forest stands and grassland of differing successional status and from beneath isolated individuals of several tree species were compared in a series of laboratory experiments. Fresh samples were perfused with distilled water or nutrient solution for 10 to 14 weeks at 20°C. The following treatments were applied to the soils singly and in combination: 200 and 400 g N g–1 as (NH4)2SO4; 100 g P g–1 as KH2PO4; 4000 g CaCO3 g–1; inoculation of non-nitrifying soil with nitrifying soil; perfusion of nitrifying soil with leachate from non-nitrifying soil.Nitrification was absent or occurred at only a low rate in many soils; it generally increased as succession proceeded from nature grassland or eucalypt forest towards climax temperate rainforest, but decreased in mature climax forests. However, the influence of individual tree species was often paramount. Nitrification was stimulated by disturbance of a stand by disease. A possible inhibitor of nitrification in a rainforest soil could not be removed by leaching with water, nor transferred via the leachate to a nitrifying soil. Addition of P was without effect on either total amount of nitrate produced or on net mineralisation of soil N, but sometimes increased the rate of nitrification of added ammonium. Non-nitrifying rainforest soil of pH 4.3 was induced to nitrify only after addition of (NH4)2SO4, inoculation with a nitrifying soil, and addition of CaCO3 to raise pH by 3 units. However, once nitrification had commenced it could continue with little change in rate while pH decreased to a value of 3.4.It was concluded that rate of nitrification is dependent upon the presence of particular tree species in a stand, upon its history of disturbance, and hence in part upon the stand's successional status. It is not limited by pHper se within the range found in these soils, although an increase in pH may be necessary to initiate nitrification. In some soils the rate of nitrification may be limited by the level of ammonium substrate, and nitrifiers are virtually absent from others. Overall microbial activity is limited by lack of utilisable carbon substrate.  相似文献   

森林土壤氮转化的微生物功能研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文研究了不同林型下土壤(A+6层和A_1层)微生物、土壤酶活性在森林土壤氮转化中的作用。结果表明不同林型下土壤具有不同的固氮作用、反硝化作用、氨化作用和硝化作用速率,即阔叶林>针阔混交林>针叶林。已经证明,固氮作用主要存在于森林土壤的A_1层,反硝化作用主要存在于A_0层。森林土壤存在2种硝化作用过程,即由自养微生物所引起的自养硝化作用过程和异养微生物所引起的异养硝化作用过程。它的存在与林型有关,某些森林土壤中这2种硝化作用过程都存在,如针阔混交林下的A_0层和A_1层。有些林型下土壤,则以异养硝化作用过程为主,如针叶林的A_0层。  相似文献   

Water-soluble organic matter in forest soils   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
By applying a modified gel permeation technique, the molecular-size distribution (MSD) and complexing properties of water-soluble organic matter (WSOM), isolated from the Ah horizon under stands with either Douglas-fir, European beech or Scots pine were established. Both with respect to MSD and complexing properties, the dissolved organic matter was highly similar. WSOM was comprised of compounds apparently high in molecular weight (>1 kDa) and with a complexing capacity of 1.0±0.1 mol mg–1 carbon as determined for Cu(II) at pH 5.5 and 0.01 M ionic strength. The effect of WSOM on the partitioning of cations between soil solid phase and soil solution was evaluated in several soil batch experiments using loamy sand or sandy soil material. Although a large part of WSOM was sorbed to the soil matrix, Al, Cu, Fe and Pb were solubilized in considerable amounts by complexation. The Mn concentration in the soil solution was also significantly increased but this probably resulted from a redox reaction, with certain constituents of WSOM serving as electron donor. With a decrease in soil pH, cation mobilization by WSOM was significantly lower as a result of increased sorption and a decrease in complexing capacity of the soluble organics. Application of several low MW aliphatic and phenolic acids gave results similar to the results obtained with WSOM.  相似文献   

模拟氮沉降下南方针叶林红壤的养分淋溶和酸化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以中国科学院红壤生态实验站林草生态试验区针叶林红壤为研究对象,在恒温(20 ℃)条件下,通过大土柱(直径10 cm、高60 cm),8个月间隙性淋溶试验模拟研究了不同氮输入量(0、7.8、26和52 mg N/月/柱)对针叶林红壤NO3-、NH4+、H+和土壤盐基离子(Ca2+、Mg2+、K+、Na+)淋溶以及土壤酸化的影响.结果表明,土壤交换态盐基总量、Ca2+和Mg2+淋溶量随氮输入量的增加而增加,土壤交换态Na+和K+则无明显影响.4种N输入处理的土壤交换态盐基总量净淋溶(淋溶出的盐基与淋洗液累计输入的盐基之差)分别占土壤交换性盐基总量的13.9%、18.6%、31.8% 和57.9%,土壤交换态Ca2+净淋溶分别占土壤交换性Ca2+总量的19.6%、25.8%、45.3%和84.8%,土壤交换态Mg2+净淋溶分别占土壤交换性Mg2+总量的4.4%、6.1%、10.9%和17.1%.随氮输入量增加,表层土壤pH值逐渐下降,4种N输入处理的表层土壤pH(KCl)分别为3.85、3.84、3.80和3.75;随氮输入量增加,淋溶液中无机氮、NO3-和H+逐渐增加.氮沉降可促进针叶林红壤的有机氮矿化,加速养分淋失和土壤酸化.  相似文献   

Butterbach-Bahl  K.  Willibald  G.  Papen  H. 《Plant and Soil》2002,240(1):105-116
In order to quantify N2-emissions from a spruce and a beech site at the Höglwald Forest, a new measuring system was developed, that allowed simultaneous, direct determination of N2- and N2O-emission with high accuracy (detection limit approx. 10 g N m–2 h–1 for N2 and <1 g for N2O) using a gas-flow core method. This method requires exchange of the soil atmosphere with an artificial atmosphere, that differs only in that N2 is substituted by He. The measuring system, the methodology of measurements and validation experiments are described in detail. Due to the huge heterogeneity of denitrification activity in different soil cores taken from our forest sites, no general trends of N2 and N2O production in relation to soil moisture and temperature could be demonstrated. Based on reasonable number of measurements, this work gives for the first time an estimate of the magnitude of N2-losses from temperate forest soils. Both the magnitude of N2-emissions (spruce: 7.2±0.7 kg N2-N ha–1 yr–1; beech: 12.4±3.1 kg N2-N ha–1 yr–1), as well as the N2O–N2 ratio (spruce: 0.136±0.04; beech: 0.52±0.19) were significantly higher for soils from the beech sites as compared to soils from the spruce site. The results suggests that N2-emissions from N-saturated forest soils, still receiving high loads of atmospheric N-deposition, are approx. 30% of atmospheric N-input at the spruce site, and approx. 50% at the beech site. Our results demonstrate that losses of nitrogen in the form of N2 cannot be neglected in the context of calculating N-balances for given forest sites.  相似文献   

15N natural abundances of soil total N, roots and mycorrhizas were studied in surface soil profiles in coniferous and broadleaved forests along a transect from central to northern Europe. Under conditions of N limitation in Sweden, there was an increase in 15N of soil total N of up to 9% from the uppermost horizon of the organic mor layer down to the upper 0–5 cm of the mineral soil. The 15N of roots was only slightly lower than that of soil total N in the upper organic horizon, but further down roots were up to 5% depleted under such conditions. In experimentally N-enriched forest in Sweden, i.e. in plots which have received an average of c. 100 kg N ha–1 year–1 for 20 years and which retain less than 50% of this added N in the stand and the soil down to 20 cm depth, and in some forests in central Europe, the increase in 15N with depth in soil total N was smaller. An increase in 15N of the surface soil was even observed on experimentally N-enriched plots, although other data suggest that the N fertilizer added was depleted in15N. In such cases roots could be enriched in15N relative to soil total N, suggesting that labelling of the surface soil is via the pathway: — available pools of N-plant N-litter N. Under N-limiting conditions roots of different species sampled from the same soil horizon showed similar 15N. By contrast, in experimentally N-enriched forest 15N of roots increased in the sequence: ericaceous dwarf shrubs15N enriched compounds in fungal material, which could contribute to explain the observed 15N profiles if fungal material is enriched, because it is a precursor of stable organic matter and recalcitrant N. This could act in addition to the previous explanation of the isotopically lighter soil surface in forests: plant uptake of 15N-depleted N and its redeposition onto the soil surface by litter-fall.  相似文献   

Butterbach-Bahl  K.  Rothe  A.  Papen  H. 《Plant and Soil》2002,240(1):91-103
Complete annual cycles of N2O and CH4 flux in forest soils at a beech and at a spruce site at the Höglwald Forest were followed in 1997 by use of fully automatic measuring systems. In order to test if on a microsite scale differences in the magnitude of trace gas exchange between e.g. areas in direct vicinity of stems and areas in the interstem region at both sites exist, tree chambers and gradient chambers were installed in addition to the already existing interstem chambers at our sites. N2O fluxes were in a range of –4.6–473.3 g N2O-N m–2 h–1 at the beech site and in a range of –3.7–167.2 g N2O-N m–2 h–1 at the spruce site, respectively. Highest N2O emissions were observed during and at the end of a prolonged frost period, thereby further supporting previous findings that frost periods are of crucial importance for controlling annual N2O losses from temperate forests. Fluxes of CH4 were in a range of +10.4––194.0 g CH4 m–2 h–1 at the beech site and in a range of –4.4––83.5 g CH4 m–2 h–1 at the spruce site. In general, both N2O-fluxes as well as CH4-fluxes were higher at the beech site. On a microsite scale, N2O and CH4 fluxes at the beech site were highest within the stem area (annual mean: 49.6±3.3 g N2O-N m–2 h–1; –77.2±3.1 g CH4 m–2 h–1), and significantly lower within interstem areas (18.5±1.4 g N2O-N m–2 h–1; –60.2±1.8 g CH4 m–2 h–1). Significantly higher values of total N, C and pH in the organic layer, as well as increased soil moisture, especially in spring, in the stem areas, are likely to contribute to the higher N2O fluxes within the stem area of the beech. Also for the spruce site, such differences in trace gas fluxes could be demonstrated to exist (mean annual N2O emission within (a) stem areas: 9.7±0.9 g N2O-N m–2 h–1 and (b) interstem areas: 6.2±0.6 g N2O-N m–2 h–1; mean annual CH4 uptake within (a) stem areas: –26.1±0.6 g CH4 m–2 h–1 and (b) interstem areas: –38.4±0.8 g CH4 m–2 h–1), though they were not as pronounced as at the beech site.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to test the effects of liming and nutrient additions on plant growth and soil processes such as C and N mineralisation in three contrasting forest types in central Amazonia: the stunted facies of heath forest (SHF), the tall facies of heath forest (THF) and the surrounding lowland evergreen rain forest (LERF). Calcium-carbonate additions increased soil respiration in the field plots in the SHF; in laboratory incubations, soil respiration was higher in the SHF when soils were fertilised with N, and in THF and LERF after S additions. The addition of N alone or in different combinations generally induced a net immobilisation of soil N. Net nitrification increased during the incubation in SHF and THF soils fertilised with N+P, and in LERF soils fertilised with either N, or P, or CaCO3. In a field experiment using ingrowth bags, a higher fine root production was observed in all forest types when bags were fertilised with CaCl2 or CaCO3, suggesting that Ca may be a limiting nutrient in these soils. Calcium-carbonate addition in a glasshouse bioassay experiment with rice showed an overall positive effect on the survival and growth of the seedlings. In other treatments where soil pH was not raised, the rice showed acute toxicity symptoms, poor root and shoot growth and high mortality. Similar results were yielded in a field experiment, using naturally established seedlings in the field plots in SHF, THF and LERF. It is concluded that the acute H+ ion toxicity is a major growth-limiting factor for non-adapted plants in heath forest soils in central Amazonia.  相似文献   

Summary The nitrification rate in the rhizosphere of Suaeda and Arthrocnemum plants growing in saline soils, as affected by microbial populations, temperature, pH, and organic matter, was examined in the field throughout the year. The genera Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter were most common in the rhizosphere soil. The bacterial counts in the rhizosphere of both plants fluctuated during the study period, reaching peak values during February–March and in August. The nitrate concentration in the rhizosphere soil could be related with the observed increase in the numbers of ammonium-oxidizers and nitrite-oxidizers in the latter part of the study period. The pH of the rhizosphere soils did not have any influence on the nitrification rate at the values measured. The rhizosphere organic content varied between 1.8 and 4% (w/w), showing the continuous availability of organic matter in the soil. The seasonal changes in bacterial populations in the rhizospheres of both plants was described as the result of the combination of several factors.  相似文献   

A phage lambda recombinant clone containing at least 8 Alu-family repeats (AFRs) has been isolated from a human genomic library, and DNA from the phage was used as a probe for in situ hybridization on G-banded human metaphase chromosomes of healthy donors and leukemic patients. Some chromosome bands show prominent clusters of silver grains in all individuals examined: 1p34, 1q23, 2q21–22, 10p14, 11p14, 10q21 and 11q14. The data suggest non-random distribution of AFRs in the human genome.  相似文献   

Summary Nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen mineralisation rates were measured in a series of waste heaps, produced by the china clay mining industry, which had been reclaimed at different times with a sward ofAgrostis tenuis, Festuca rubra, andTrifolium repens. The best swards tended to have high ammonification rates and rapid N turnover (which is represented by a nitrogen turnover index) —nitrification rates or nitrogen accumulation were not such good predictors of sward quality. Ammonification increased with pH and with organic nitrogen accumulation whereas N turnover was not related to these factors. Nitrification levels were generally low and it was concluded that nitrification was not important to sward health. Organic nitrogen increased with age in all swards, ammonification in certain types only and nitrification not at all. Levels of all are well short of those in adjacent grazing land. Rates of turnover had however a tendency to decline towards those in the grazings owing probably to the build up of resistant humus. The proportion of the total nitrogen which is in the biomass (30%) is also higher than in adjacent grazings (6%). Rapid nitrogen cycling is thus needed to maintain productivity and greenness, and the disadvantages of this are discussed. The adequacy of nitrogen cycle development to date is considered, and possible future strategies outlined.  相似文献   

Kauri (Agathis australis (D. Don) Lindl.) occurs naturally in the warm temperate forest of northern New Zealand where it grows mixed with angiosperm tree species. Below mature kauri trees thick organic layers develop in which large amounts of nitrogen are accumulated. This nitrogen seems to be inaccessible to plants. While litter quality can explain the low decomposition rate below kauri, it is not known what causes the accumulation of nitrogen. We hypothesised that kauri tannins reduce nitrogen mineralisation and litter decomposition below kauri. We further hypothesised that high tannin concentrations in the soil would increase the availability of dissolved organic nitrogen relative to the availability of inorganic nitrogen. To test these hypotheses a laboratory incubation was carried out for 1 year. Purified tannins of kauri and of two other common New Zealand tree species were added to samples of the soil organic layer from under a kauri tree. The results suggest that during the first month of incubation the added tannins reduced nitrogen availability by sequestering proteins or by stimulating nitrogen immobilisation. In the long-term, the reduced nitrogen release, which was found following tannin addition, seems attributable to the complexation of proteins by tannins. It further appeared that the addition of tannins did not change the ratio of dissolved organic nitrogen to inorganic nitrogen in the long-term. We conclude that the effect of kauri tannins on nitrogen release offers a good explanation for the accumulation of nitrogen below kauri trees.  相似文献   

Nitrogen mineralization, nitrification potentials, pH, total N, C, extractable P and cations were measured in soils under 4-year-old, mono-specific stands of six fast-growing, native tree species, an abandoned pasture, and a 20-year-old secondary forest, as part of a study on the use of indigenous tree species for rehabilitation of soil fertility on degraded pastures at the La Selva Biological Station in the Atlantic humid lowlands of Costa Rica. Soil net nitrification potential rates were higher under two N-fixing, leguminous species,Stryphnodendron microstachyum Poepp. et Endl. (1.1–1.9 mg kg–1 day–1) andDalbergia tucurensis Donn. Smith (0.7–1.5 mg kg–1 day–1), than under the non-N-fixing trees in the plantation,Vochysia guatemalesis Don. Sm.,Vochysia ferruginea Mart,Dipteryx panamensis (Pittier) Record and Mell andHyeronima alchorneoides Fr. Allemao (0.2–0.8 mg kg–1 day–1). Values under the N-fixing trees were comparable to those found in secondary forest. There were no statistically significant differences in soil total N or in other nurtients between the species. Results of pH measurements done before and after incubation did not show any clear evidence of a pH drop attributable to nitrification.  相似文献   

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