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Dyes as fungal inhibitors: effect on colony diameter.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of a wide range of concentrations of 13 dyes on the colony diameters of nine fungal strains (including members of the Deuteromycetes and Zygomycetes) were evaluated. Auramine at a concentration of 50 ppm (50 micrograms/ml), methylene blue at a concentration of 500 ppm, gentian violet at a concentration of 5 ppm, and phenol red at a concentration of 50 ppm performed as well as the commonly used dyes dichloran at a concentration of 2 ppm and rose bengal at a concentration of 50 ppm in that they allowed adequate colony development of the Deuteromycetes strains tested and controlled rapidly spreading fungi.  相似文献   

Dyes as fungal inhibitors: effect on colony diameter.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The effects of a wide range of concentrations of 13 dyes on the colony diameters of nine fungal strains (including members of the Deuteromycetes and Zygomycetes) were evaluated. Auramine at a concentration of 50 ppm (50 micrograms/ml), methylene blue at a concentration of 500 ppm, gentian violet at a concentration of 5 ppm, and phenol red at a concentration of 50 ppm performed as well as the commonly used dyes dichloran at a concentration of 2 ppm and rose bengal at a concentration of 50 ppm in that they allowed adequate colony development of the Deuteromycetes strains tested and controlled rapidly spreading fungi.  相似文献   


An indirect method to determine the exponential mortality coefficient (λ) as well as the annual mortality (m) is proposed. In this method, both parameters are deduced mathematically from a model of organic growth (von Bertalanffy) and from a model of uneven-aged population structure (De Liocourt and Meyer) used with forest trees, which relates the frequency of individuals by size classes. The resultant equations allow the determination of either the instantaneous or mean value for λ or m between any two ages t 1 and t 2. Both concepts of mortality were used to determine the half-life (t 0.5) as a function of λ and m . The method is applied to determine the curves of mortality and the half-life of Otoba gracilipes (Myristicaceae), a tropical tree that grows in the forested wetlands of the Colombian Pacific coast.  相似文献   

Inhibition of growth of mycoplasmas by mycoplasmal cells was demonstrated by using a disc method like an antibiotic sensitivity test. The optimal conditions for extraction of the mycoplasmal growth inhibitor (Mcin) and for the reaction were determined. The Mcin was effectively extracted by chloroform treatment and also was spontaneously liberated from the cells after a long cultivation period regardless of chloroform treatment. In addition, spectra of growth inhibition of mycoplasmal species by inhibitors extracted from cells of human and animalMycoplasma as well asAcholeplasma species with chloroform (ch-Mcin) were determined. From the data on the spectra of growth inhibition of mycoplasmas, a trial is presented to show that strains ofMycoplasma can be further classified by the chloroform-extracted Mcin, i.e., ch-Mcin-typing like colicin-or phage-typing.  相似文献   

Neuronal spike trains are regarded as stochastic point processes. To estimate the order and value of Markov processes of the interspike interval sequences with small number of samples, we have proposed a new measure of simplified statistical dependencyd m. This measure is derived from statistical dependencyd m (T=) in the case of Gaussian process, and is obtained by the standard deviation and the matrices of the serial correlation coefficients. Sinced m is a parametric measure, it is calculated from the interval sequence transformed into the aormal distribution. We designate this as normalized simplified statistical dependencyNd m. The order and value of the maintained spike sequences recorded from the mesencephalic reticular formation, red nucleus, optic tract, and lateral geniculate nucleus neurons in cats have been estimated. It is indicated that there is a considerable correspondence between the value ofNd m and that ofd m (T=). This suggests thatNd m is useful in practice to estimate the order and value of Markov process with small number of samples.  相似文献   

In statistical modelling, the effects of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are often regarded as time-independent. However, for traits recorded repeatedly, it is very interesting to investigate the behaviour of gene effects over time. In the analysis, simulated data from the 13th QTL-MAS Workshop (Wageningen, The Netherlands, April 2009) was used and the major goal was the modelling of genetic effects as time-dependent. For this purpose, a mixed model which describes each effect using the third-order Legendre orthogonal polynomials, in order to account for the correlation between consecutive measurements, is fitted. In this model, SNPs are modelled as fixed, while the environment is modelled as random effects. The maximum likelihood estimates of model parameters are obtained by the expectation–maximisation (EM) algorithm and the significance of the additive SNP effects is based on the likelihood ratio test, with p-values corrected for multiple testing. For each significant SNP, the percentage of the total variance contributed by this SNP is calculated. Moreover, by using a model which simultaneously incorporates effects of all of the SNPs, the prediction of future yields is conducted. As a result, 179 from the total of 453 SNPs covering 16 out of 18 true quantitative trait loci (QTL) were selected. The correlation between predicted and true breeding values was 0.73 for the data set with all SNPs and 0.84 for the data set with selected SNPs. In conclusion, we showed that a longitudinal approach allows for estimating changes of the variance contributed by each SNP over time and demonstrated that, for prediction, the pre-selection of SNPs plays an important role.  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) oximetry is being widely used to measure the oxygen consumption of cells, mitochondria, and submitochondrial particles. However, further improvement of this technique, in terms of data analysis, is required to use it as a quantitative tool. Here, we present a new approach for quantitative analysis of cellular respiration using EPR oximetry. The course of oxygen consumption by cells in suspension has been observed to have three distinct zones: pO(2)-independent respiration at higher pO(2) ranges, pO(2)-dependent respiration at low pO(2) ranges, and a static equilibrium with no change in pO(2) at very low pO(2) values. The approach here enables one to comprehensively analyze all of the three zones together-where the progression of O(2) diffusion zones around each cell, their overlap within time, and their potential impact on the measured pO(2) data are considered. The obtained results agree with previously established methods such as high-resolution respirometry measurements. Additionally, it is also demonstrated how the diffusion limitations can depend on cell density and consumption rate. In conclusion, the new approach establishes a more accurate and meaningful model to evaluate the EPR oximetry data on cellular respiration to quantify related parameters using EPR oximetry.  相似文献   

Thioacetamide (TAA), CH3CSNH2, is an unstable sulfur compound which upon addition of acid decomposes into acetic acid, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). This characteristic may be taken advantage of when doing plate counts or isolation streaks of phototrophic purple sulfur bacteria. We have performed plate counts and isolation streaks of these bacteria in Gas-Pak anaerobic jars (BBL) supplemented with a test tube containing 0.05 g or 0.10 g TAA dissolved in 1.0 ml of 0.2 N or 0.5 N HCl. It may be demonstrated in a Warburg respirometer that the gas is released over a period of at least 1 week. Colony growth may be observed in 5–10 days. One advantage of this technique is that sodium sulfide (Na2S·9H2O) need not be added to the agar medium, which, therefore, may be prepared and stored for future use. This technique has been used successfully for the isolation ofAmoebobacter, Chromatium, Ectothiorhodospira, Lamprocystis, Thiocapsa, andThiocystis.  相似文献   

Information on the adaptive behavior of cells in the process of the formation of a colony by bacteria Shigella flexneri Rd, used as a model, was obtained with the use of light, transmission and scanning microscopy. The process of the formation of a microcolony was demonstrated; at the initial stages (8 hours) it included 3 groups of cells, and 24 hours later it exhibited sharply defined structurization. The conclusion was made on the possibility of the joint use of different methods of microscopy for the study of the development of microcolonies and colonies of bacteria.  相似文献   

To rapidly determine the effect of environmental factors on yeast growth, a cell counting and colony sizing image analysis method was developed to characterise colony growth on solid media. A digitised microscopic image of the yeast was analysed using the Watershed algorithm for cell number determination and a morphological edge detection for colony size determination. The influence of temperature and physiological stress on yeast growth was then investigated over 12.5 h and data extracted by the image analysis method. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Background & aimsTransport functions of albumin are of clinical and pharmacological interest and are determined by albumin's properties like posttranslational modifications or bound ligands. Both are affected in pathological conditions and in therapeutic grade albumin solutions. The term effective albumin concentration was introduced as a measure of functionally intact albumin. Our aim was to evaluate the impact of ligands and modifications with different approaches as a measure of effective albumin.Approach & resultsWe used a spin labelled fatty acid and dansylsarcosine to characterize binding properties of albumin i) prepared from plasma of patients and healthy control donors, ii) measured directly out of plasma, iii) research grade albumin, iv) in vitro modified albumin, and v) therapeutic infusion solutions before and after removal of stabilizers.Bilirubin is the main determinant for binding function in patients' albumin. In in vitro prepared albumin bound fatty acids correlated with impaired binding. Human nonmercaptalbumin1, not human nonmercaptalbumin2, showed reduced binding properties. Binding and transport function of therapeutic albumin was severely impaired and restored by filtration. Glycation of research grade albumin had no effect on the binding of dansylsarcosine and only a minor effect on fatty acid binding.ConclusionsOur results suggest that effective albumin -in terms of binding properties- is primarily determined by bound ligands and only to a minor extent by posttranslational modifications. Characterizing albumin directly from plasma better reflects the physiological situation whereas in the case of therapeutic grade albumin stabilizers should be removed to make its binding properties accessible.  相似文献   

Our understanding of microbial ecology has been significantly furthered in recent years by advances in sequencing techniques, but comprehensive surveys of the phenotypic characteristics of environmental bacteria remain rare. Such phenotypic data are crucial for understanding the microbial strategies for growth and the diversity of microbial ecosystems. Here, we describe a high-throughput measurement of the growth of thousands of bacterial colonies using an array of flat-bed scanners coupled with automated image analysis. We used this system to investigate the growth properties of members of a microbial community from untreated soil. The system provides high-quality measurements of the number of CFU, colony growth rates, and appearance times, allowing us to directly study the distribution of these properties in mixed environmental samples. We find that soil bacteria display a wide range of growth strategies which can be grouped into several clusters that cannot be reduced to any of the classical dichotomous divisions of soil bacteria, e.g., into copiotophs and oligotrophs. We also find that, at early times, cells are most likely to form colonies when other, nearby colonies are present but not too dense. This maximization of culturability at intermediate plating densities suggests that the previously observed tendency for high density to lead to fewer colonies is partly offset by the induction of colony formation caused by interactions between microbes. These results suggest new types of growth classification of soil bacteria and potential effects of species interactions on colony growth.  相似文献   

Suicide is thought to result from the harmful interaction of multiple factors that have social, environmental, neurobiological, and genetic backgrounds. Recent studies have suggested that genetic predisposition to suicidal behavior may be independent of the risk of suicide associated to mental disorders, such as affective disorders, schizophrenia, or alcohol dependence. Given the suicidal behavior heterogeneity and its hereditary complexity, the need to find demonstrable intermediate phenotypes that may make it possible to establish links between genes and suicide behaviors (endophenotypes) seems to be necessary. The main objective of this review was to consider the candidate endophenotypes of suicidal behaviors. Due to the recent advances in neuroimaging, we also characterize brain regions implicated in vulnerability to suicide behavior that are influenced by gene polymorphisms associated with suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

Using a recently developed method of culturing T-lymphocyte colonies in agar-containing capillary tubes, the capacity of three different lymphoid extracts with lymphocyte chalone (LC) activity to inhibit colony growth was demonstrated. Sephadex fractions from a calf spleen extract were tested on the colony growth of granulocytic cells and PHA-stimulated T-lymphocytes as well as on the in vitro uptake of 3H-thymidine by bone marrow and ConA- and LPS-stimulated mouse spleen cells. The data strongly suggest that it is only the combination of several different assay systems applied to the same fractions that permits a clear-cut determination of a specific lymphocyte proliferation inhibitor like LC.  相似文献   

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