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Improved sequence specificity of the DNA cytosine methyltransferase HhaI was achieved by disrupting interactions at a hydrophobic interface between the active site of the enzyme and a highly conserved flexible loop. Transient fluorescence experiments show that mutations disrupting this interface destabilize the positioning of the extrahelical, "flipped" cytosine base within the active site. The ternary crystal structure of the F124A M.HhaI bound to cognate DNA and the cofactor analogue S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine shows an increase in cavity volume between the flexible loop and the core of the enzyme. This cavity disrupts the interface between the loop and the active site, thereby destabilizing the extrahelical target base. The favored partitioning of the base-flipped enzyme-DNA complex back to the base-stacked intermediate results in the mutant enzyme discriminating better than the wild-type enzyme against non-cognate sites. Building upon the concepts of kinetic proofreading and our understanding of M.HhaI, we describe how a 16-fold specificity enhancement achieved with a double mutation at the loop/active site interface is acquired through destabilization of intermediates prior to methyltransfer rather than disruption of direct interactions between the enzyme and the substrate for M.HhaI.  相似文献   

The cytosine C5 methyltransferase M.HaeIII recognises and methylates the central cytosine of its canonical site GGCC. Here we report that M.HaeIII can also, with lower efficiency, methylate cytosines located in a wide range of non-canonical sequences. Using bisulphite sequencing we mapped the methyl- cytosine residues in DNA methylated in vitro and in vivo by M.HaeIII. Methyl-cytosine residues were observed in multiple sequence contexts, most commonly, but not exclusively, at star sites (sites differing by a single base from the canonical sequence). The most frequently used star sites had changes at positions 1 and 4, but there is little or no methylation at star sites changed at position 2. The rate of methylation of non-canonical sites can be quite significant: a DNA substrate lacking a canonical site was methylated by M.HaeIII in vitro at a rate only an order of magnitude slower than an otherwise identical substrate containing the canonical site. In vivo methylation of non-canonical sites may therefore be significant and may have provided the starting point for the evolution of restriction–modification systems with novel sequence specificities.  相似文献   

Energetically competent binary recognition of the cofactor S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) and the product S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (AdoHcy) by the DNA (cytosine C-5) methyltransferase (M.HhaI) is demonstrated herein. Titration calorimetry reveals a dual mode, involving a primary dominant exothermic reaction followed by a weaker endothermic one, for the recognition of AdoMet and AdoHcy by M.HhaI. Conservation of the bimodal recognition in W41I and W41Y mutants of M.HhaI excludes the cation-pi interaction between the methylsulfonium group of AdoMet and the pi face of the Trp(41) indole ring from a role in its origin. Small magnitude of temperature-independent heat capacity changes upon AdoMet or AdoHcy binding by M.HhaI preclude appreciable conformational alterations in the reacting species. Coupled osmotic-calorimetric analyses of AdoMet and AdoHcy binding by M.HhaI indicate that a net uptake of nearly eight and 10 water molecules, respectively, assists their primary recognition. A change in water activity at constant temperature and pH is sufficient to engender and conserve enthalpy-entropy compensation, consistent with a true osmotic effect. The results implicate solvent reorganization in providing the major contribution to the origin of this isoequilibrium phenomenon in AdoMet and AdoHcy recognition by M.HhaI. The observations provide unequivocal evidence for the binding of AdoMet as well as AdoHcy to M.HhaI in solution state. Isotope partitioning analysis and preincubation studies favor a random mechanism for M.HhaI-catalyzed reaction. Taken together, the results clearly resolve the issue of cofactor recognition by free M.HhaI, specifically in the absence of DNA, leading to the formation of an energetically and catalytically competent binary complex.  相似文献   

Sera T 《Journal of virology》2005,79(4):2614-2619
Prevention of virus infections is a major objective in agriculture and human health. One attractive approach to the prevention is inhibition of virus replication. To demonstrate this concept in vivo, an artificial zinc finger protein (AZP) targeting the replication origin of the Beet severe curly top virus (BSCTV), a model DNA virus, was created. In vitro DNA binding assays indicated that the AZP efficiently blocked binding of the viral replication protein (Rep), which initiates virus replication, to the replication origin. All of the transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing the AZP showed phenotypes strongly resistant to virus infection, and 84% of the transgenic plants showed no symptom. Southern blot analysis demonstrated that BSCTV replication was completely suppressed in the transgenic plants. Since the mechanism of viral DNA replication is well conserved among plants and mammals, this approach could be applied not only to agricultural crop protection but also to the prevention of virus infections in humans.  相似文献   

Pre-steady state partitioning analysis of the HhaI DNA methyltransferase directly demonstrates the catalytic competence of the enzyme.DNA complex and the lack of catalytic competence of the enzyme.S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) complex. The enzyme.AdoMet complex does form, albeit with a 50-fold decrease in affinity compared with the ternary enzyme.AdoMet.DNA complex. These findings reconcile the distinct binding orientations previously observed within the binary enzyme.AdoMet and ternary enzyme. S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine.DNA crystal structures. The affinity of the enzyme for DNA is increased 900-fold in the presence of its cofactor, and the preference for hemimethylated DNA is increased to 12-fold over unmethylated DNA. We suggest that this preference is partially due to the energetic cost of retaining a cavity in place of the 5-methyl moiety in the ternary complex with the unmethylated DNA, as revealed by the corresponding crystal structures. The hemi- and unmethylated substrates alter the fates and lifetimes of discrete enzyme.substrate intermediates during the catalytic cycle. Hemimethylated substrates partition toward product formation versus dissociation significantly more than unmethylated substrates. The mammalian DNA cytosine-C-5 methyltransferase Dnmt1 shows an even more pronounced partitioning toward product formation.  相似文献   

4'-Thio-2'-deoxycytidine was synthesized as a 5'- protected phosphoramidite compatible with solid phase DNA synthesis. When incorporated as the target cytosine (C*) in the GC*GC recognition sequence for the DNA methyltransferase M. HhaI, methyl transfer was strongly inhibited. In contrast, these same oligonucleotides were normal substrates for the cognate restriction endonuclease R. HhaI and its isoschizomer R. Hin P1I. M. HhaI was able to bind both 4'-thio-modified DNA and unmodified DNA to equivalent extents under equilibrium conditions. However, the presence of 4'-thio-2'-deoxycytidine decreased the half-life of the complex by >10-fold. The crystal structure of a ternary complex of M. HhaI, AdoMet and DNA containing 4'-thio-2'-deoxycytidine was solved at 2.05 A resolution with a crystallographic R-factor of 0.186 and R-free of 0.231. The structure is not grossly different from previously solved ternary complexes containing M. HhaI, DNA and AdoHcy. The difference electron density suggests partial methylation at C5 of the flipped target 4'-thio-2'-deoxycytidine. The inhibitory effect of the 4'sulfur atom on enzymatic activity may be traced to perturbation of a step in the methylation reaction after DNA binding but prior to methyl transfer. This inhibitory effect can be partially overcome after a considerably long time in the crystal environment where the packing prevents complex dissociation and the target is accurately positioned within the active site.  相似文献   

HhaI DNA methyltransferase flips the inner cytosine in the recognition sequence 5'-GCGC-3' out of the DNA helix and into the catalytic site for methylation. To identify intermediate states on the base-flipping pathway, affinity photo-crosslinking experiments were performed with synthetic dodecamer duplexes containing modified bases 2-thiothymine (2sT) or 4-thiothymine (4sT) at the target base position. Here we show that the DNA strand containing 2sT, but not 4sT, covalently cross-links to the HhaI methyltransferase upon irradiation at 340-360 nm.  相似文献   

Recently, we demonstrated that plant DNA virus replication was inhibited in planta by using an artificial zinc finger protein (AZP) and created AZP-based transgenic plants resistant to DNA virus infection. Here we apply the AZP technology to the inhibition of replication of a mammalian DNA virus, human papillomavirus type 18 (HPV-18). Two AZPs, designated AZP(HPV)-1 and AZP(HPV)-2, were designed by using our nondegenerate recognition code table and were constructed to block binding of the HPV-18 E2 replication protein to the replication origin. Both of the newly designed AZPs had much higher affinities towards the replication origin than did the E2 protein, and they efficiently blocked E2 binding in vitro. In transient replication assays, both AZPs inhibited viral DNA replication, especially AZP(HPV)-2, which reduced the replication level to approximately 10%. We also demonstrated in transient replication assays, using plasmids with mutant replication origins, that AZP(HPV)-2 could precisely recognize the replication origin in mammalian cells. Thus, it was demonstrated that the AZP technology could be applied not only to plant DNA viruses but also to mammalian DNA viruses.  相似文献   

In vitro selection was used to isolate five classes of allosteric hammerhead ribozymes that are triggered by binding to certain divalent metal ion effectors. Each of these ribozyme classes are similarly activated by Mn2+, Fe2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Zn2+ and Cd2+, but their allosteric binding sites reject other divalent metals such as Mg2+, Ca2+ and Sr2+. Through a more comprehensive survey of cations, it was determined that some metal ions (Be2+, Fe3+, Al3+, Ru2+ and Dy2+) are extraordinarily disruptive to the RNA structure and function. Two classes of RNAs examined in greater detail make use of conserved nucleotides within the large internal bulges to form critical structures for allosteric function. One of these classes exhibits a metal-dependent increase in rate constant that indicates a requirement for the binding of two cation effectors. Additional findings suggest that, although complex allosteric functions can be exhibited by small RNAs, larger RNA molecules will probably be required to form binding pockets that are uniquely selective for individual cation effectors.  相似文献   

Ten M.HhaI residues were replaced with alanine to probe the importance of distal protein elements to substrate/cofactor binding, methyl transfer, and product release. The substitutions, ranging from 6-20 A from the active site were evaluated by thermodynamic analysis, pre-steady and steady-state kinetics, to obtain Kd(AdoMet), Kd(DNA), kcat/Km(DNA), kcat, and kmethyltransfer values. For the wild-type M.HhaI, product release steps dominate catalytic turnover while the 4-fold faster internal microscopic constant kmethyltransfer presents an upper limit. The methyl transfer reaction has DeltaH and DeltaS values of 10.3 kcal/mol and -29.4 cal/(mol K), respectively, consistent with a compressed transition state similar to that observed in the gas phase. Although the ten mutants remained largely unperturbed in methyl transfer, long-range effects influencing substrate/cofactor binding and product release were observed. Positive enhancements were seen in Asp73Ala, which showed a 25-fold improvement in AdoMet affinity and in Val282Ala, which showed a 4-fold improvement in catalytic turnover. Based on an analysis of the positional probability within the C5-cytosine DNA methyltransferase family we propose that certain conserved distal residues may be important in mediating long-range effects.  相似文献   

Zhou H  Shatz W  Purdy MM  Fera N  Dahlquist FW  Reich NO 《Biochemistry》2007,46(24):7261-7268
The bacterial DNA cytosine methyltransferase M.HhaI sequence-specifically modifies DNA in an S-adenosylmethionine dependent reaction. The enzyme stabilizes the target cytosine (GCGC) into an extrahelical position, with a concomitant large movement of an active site loop involving residues 80-99. We used multidimensional, transverse relaxation-optimized NMR experiments to assign nearly 80% of all residues in the cofactor-bound enzyme form, providing a basis for detailed structural and dynamical characterization. We examined details of the previously unknown effects of the cofactor binding with M.HhaI in solution. Addition of the cofactor results in numerous structural changes throughout the protein, including those decorating the cofactor binding site, and distal residues more than 30 A away. The active site loop is involved in motions both on a picosecond to nanosecond time scale and on a microsecond to millisecond time scale and is not significantly affected by cofactor binding except for a few N-terminal residues. The cofactor also affects residues near the DNA binding cleft, suggesting a role for the cofactor in regulating DNA interactions. The allosteric properties we observed appear to be closely related to the significant amount of dynamics and dynamical changes in response to ligand binding detected in the protein.  相似文献   

Affinity modification of EcoRII DNA methyltransferase (M x EcoRII) by DNA duplexes containing oxidized 2'-O-beta-D-ribofuranosylcytidine (Crib*) or 1-(beta-D-galactopyranosyl)thymine (Tgal*) residues was performed. Cross-linking yields do not change irrespective of whether active Crib* replaces an outer or an inner (target) deoxycytidine within the EcoRII recognition site. Chemical hydrolysis of M x EcoRII in the covalent cross-linked complex with the Tgal*-substituted DNA indicates the region Gly268-Met391 of the methylase that is likely to interact with the DNA sugar-phosphate backbone. Both specific and non-specific DNA interact with the same M x EcoRII region. Our results support the theoretically predicted DNA binding region of M x EcoRII.  相似文献   

Multiple modes of RNA recognition by zinc finger proteins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Ulrich HD  Jentsch S 《The EMBO journal》2000,19(13):3388-3397
Two ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes, RAD6 and the heteromeric UBC13-MMS2 complex, have been implicated in post-replicative DNA damage repair in yeast. Here we provide a mechanistic basis for cooperation between the two enzymes. We show that two chromatin-associated RING finger proteins, RAD18 and RAD5, play a central role in mediating physical contacts between the members of the RAD6 pathway. RAD5 recruits the UBC13-MMS2 complex to DNA by means of its RING finger domain. Moreover, RAD5 association with RAD18 brings UBC13-MMS2 into contact with the RAD6-RAD18 complex. Interaction between the two RING finger proteins thus promotes the formation of a heteromeric complex in which the two distinct ubiquitin-conjugating activities of RAD6 and UBC13-MMS2 can be closely coordinated. Surprisingly, UBC13 and MMS2 are largely cytosolic proteins, but DNA damage triggers their redistribution to the nucleus. These findings suggest a mechanism by which the activity of this DNA repair pathway could be regulated.  相似文献   

Macrophages derived from tristetraprolin (TTP)-deficient mice exhibited increased tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) release as a consequence of increased stability of TNFalpha mRNA. TTP was then shown to destabilize TNFalpha mRNA after binding directly to the AU-rich region (ARE) of the 3'-untranslated region of the TNFalpha mRNA. In mammals and in Xenopus, TTP is the prototype of a small family of three known zinc finger proteins containing two CCCH zinc fingers spaced 18 amino acids apart; a fourth more distantly related family member has been identified in Xenopus and fish. We show here that representatives of all four family members were able to bind to the TNFalpha ARE in a cell-free system and, in most cases, promote the breakdown of TNFalpha mRNA in intact cells. Because the primary sequences of these CCCH proteins are most closely related in their tandem zinc finger domains, we tested whether various fragments of TTP that contained both zinc fingers resembled the intact protein in these assays. We found that amino- and carboxyl-terminal truncated forms of TTP, as well as a 77 amino acid fragment that contained both zinc fingers, could bind to the TNFalpha ARE in cell-free cross-linking and gel shift assays. In addition, these truncated forms of TTP could also stimulate the apparent deadenylation and/or breakdown of TNFalpha mRNA in intact cells. Alignments of the tandem zinc finger domains from all four groups of homologous proteins have identified invariant residues as well as group-specific signature amino acids that presumably contribute to ARE binding and protein-specific activities, respectively.  相似文献   

Previously, the purification of DNA methyltransferase from murine P815 mastocytoma cells by immunoaffinity chromatography was described (Pfeifer, G.P., Grünwald, S., Palitti, F., Kaul, S., Boehm, T.L.J., Hirth, H.P. and Drahovsky, D. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 13787-13793). Proteins that stimulate the enzymatic activity of DNA methyltransferase have been purified from the same cells. These proteins, which partially coelute with DNA methyltransferase from DEAE-cellulose and heparin-agarose, are separated from the enzyme during the immunoaffinity purification step. A further purification of the stimulating proteins was achieved by butanol extraction, DEAE-cellulose chromatography and gel filtration on Superose 12. Two DNA methyltransferase-stimulating protein fractions were obtained. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of one fraction showed a single polypeptide with a molecular mass of 29 kDa. The second fraction consisted of 5 or 6 polypeptides with molecular masses 78-82 and 51-54 kDa. The proteins stimulate both de novo and maintenance activity of DNA methyltransferase about 3-fold. They enhance the methylation of any natural DNA and of poly[(dI-dC).(dI-dC)] but inhibit the methylation of poly[(dG-dC).(dG-dC)]. The purified proteins do not form a tight complex with DNA methyltransferase; however, they bind both to double-stranded and single-stranded DNA. The sequence specificity of DNA methyltransferase is obviously altered in presence of these proteins.  相似文献   

In vitro compartmentalisation (IVC), a technique for selecting genes encoding enzymes based on compartmentalising gene translation and enzymatic reactions in emulsions, was used to investigate the interaction of the DNA cytosine-5 methyltransferase M.HhaI with its target DNA (5′-GCGC-3′). Crystallog raphy shows that the active site loop from the large domain of M.HhaI interacts with a flipped-out cytosine (the target for methylation) and two target recognition loops (loops I and II) from the small domain make almost all the other base-specific interactions. A library of M.HhaI genes was created by randomising all the loop II residues thought to make base-specific interactions and directly determine target specificity. The library was selected for 5′-GCGC-3′ methylation. Interestingly, in 11 selected active clones, 10 different sequences were found and none were wild-type. At two of the positions mutated (Ser252 and Tyr254) a number of different amino acids could be tolerated. At the third position, however, all active mutants had a glycine, as in wild-type M.HhaI, suggesting that Gly257 is crucial for DNA recognition and enzyme activity. Our results suggest that recognition of base pairs 3 and 4 of the target site either relies entirely on main chain interactions or that different residues from those identified in the crystal structure contribute to DNA recognition.  相似文献   

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