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Secretion of recombinant proteins aims to reproduce the correct posttranslational modifications of the expressed protein while simplifying its recovery. In this study, secretion signal sequences from an abundantly secreted 34-kDa protein (P34) from Pseudozyma flocculosa were cloned. The efficiency of these sequences in the secretion of recombinant green fluorescent protein (GFP) was investigated in two Pseudozyma species and compared with other secretion signal sequences, from S. cerevisiae and Pseudozyma spp. The results indicate that various secretion signal sequences were functional and that the P34 signal peptide was the most effective secretion signal sequence in both P. flocculosa and P. antarctica. The cells correctly processed the secretion signal sequences, including P34 signal peptide, and mature GFP was recovered from the culture medium. This is the first report of functional secretion signal sequences in P. flocculosa. These sequences can be used to test the secretion of other recombinant proteins and for studying the secretion pathway in P. flocculosa and P. antarctica.  相似文献   

为了建立一种快速、特异、敏感的小反刍兽疫病毒(peste des petits ruminants virus,PPRV)血清学检测方法,本研究将PPRV血凝蛋白(H)和核蛋白(N)克隆至pET28a(+)载体进行诱导表达,并将2种蛋白Ni柱纯化后包被ELISA反应板,建立起检测PPRV特异性抗体的间接ELISA法。结果表明在E.coli BL21(DE3)中表达出2种PPRV蛋白,将2种重组蛋白纯化后按照1:1比例混合,制备PPRV鸡尾酒抗原,成功建立了特异性强、敏感性高的PPRV间接ELISA法;最后用建立的方法对新疆伊犁、塔城、阿勒泰和喀什边境地区采集的325份山羊、789份绵羊和132份牛血清进行了抗体检测,检测结果显示均为阴性,提示在我国新疆边境地区反刍动物尚未发生PPRV感染,但需要及时进行免疫接种以建立预防PPRV从国外传入的免疫带。本研究建立的PPRV间接ELISA法为该病毒的检测提供基础,也为该病的科学防控提供参考。  相似文献   

The hepatitis E virus (HEV) ORF2 encodes a single structural capsid protein. The E2s domain (amino acids 459–606) of the capsid protein has been identified as the major immune target. All identified neutralizing epitopes are located on this domain; however, a comprehensive characterization of antigenic sites on the domain is lacking due to its high degree of conformation dependence. Here, we used the statistical software SPSS to analyze cELISA (competitive ELISA) data to classify monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), which recognized conformational epitopes on E2s domain. Using this novel analysis method, we identified various conformational mAbs that recognized the E2s domain. These mAbs were distributed into 6 independent groups, suggesting the presence of at least 6 epitopes. Twelve representative mAbs covering the six groups were selected as a tool box to further map functional antigenic sites on the E2s domain. By combining functional and location information of the 12 representative mAbs, this study provided a complete picture of potential neutralizing epitope regions and immune-dominant determinants on E2s domain. One epitope region is located on top of the E2s domain close to the monomer interface; the other is located on the monomer side of the E2s dimer around the groove zone. Besides, two non-neutralizing epitopes were also identified on E2s domain that did not stimulate neutralizing antibodies. Our results help further the understanding of protective mechanisms induced by the HEV vaccine. Furthermore, the tool box with 12 representative mAbs will be useful for studying the HEV infection process.  相似文献   

For iron-sulfur (Fe-S) cluster synthesis in mitochondria, the sulfur is derived from the amino acid cysteine by the cysteine desulfurase activity of Nfs1. The enzyme binds the substrate cysteine in the pyridoxal phosphate-containing site, and a persulfide is formed on the active site cysteine in a manner depending on the accessory protein Isd11. The persulfide is then transferred to the scaffold Isu, where it combines with iron to form the Fe-S cluster intermediate. Frataxin is implicated in the process, although it is unclear where and how, and deficiency causes Friedreich ataxia. Using purified proteins and isolated mitochondria, we show here that the yeast frataxin homolog (Yfh1) directly and specifically stimulates cysteine binding to Nfs1 by exposing substrate-binding sites. This novel function of frataxin does not require iron, Isu1, or Isd11. Once bound to Nfs1, the substrate cysteine is the source of the Nfs1 persulfide, but this step is independent of frataxin and strictly dependent on Isd11. Recently, a point mutation in Isu1 was found to bypass many frataxin functions. The data presented here show that the Isu1 suppressor mimics the frataxin effects on Nfs1, explaining the bypassing activity. We propose a regulatory mechanism for the Nfs1 persulfide-forming activity. Specifically, at least two separate conformational changes must occur in the enzyme for optimum activity as follows: one is mediated by frataxin interaction that exposes the “buried” substrate-binding sites, and the other is mediated by Isd11 interaction that brings the bound substrate cysteine and the active site cysteine in proximity for persulfide formation.  相似文献   

“Liquid biopsies” have received attention as a complementary tool for traditional tissue biopsies that may enhance the spectrum of analysis for tumor‐derived factors. One such factor gaining prominence in the liquid biopsy field is extracellular vesicles (EVs), membrane‐bound nanovesicles which are secreted by cells into biofluids such as blood, urine, and saliva. EVs are released in both physiological and pathological conditions and can transport a variety of molecules, including proteins, metabolites, RNA, microRNAs, and DNA, to distant sites throughout the body. As such, they are emerging as a promising source of tumor biomarkers for the noninvasive diagnosis, prognosis, and monitoring of cancer patients. In particular, the wealth of tumor‐related information that can be gleaned from the EV proteomic cargo has become apparent through mass spectrometric analysis, which has provided new benchmarks for clinically focused biomarker research. In this review, the current achievements in the use of MS for identifying potential EV‐derived protein biomarkers of cancer are explored, and the techniques and challenges involved in this pursuit are summarized.  相似文献   

The composition of traditional influenza vaccines require nearly annual updates due to the high variability of the influenza virus. The use of conservative viral antigens, the extracellular domain of the transmembrane protein M2, and fragments of the second subunit of hemagglutinin provides the opportunity to create recombinant broad-spectrum vaccines. Bacterial flagellin was used as a mucosal adjuvant to increase the immunogenicity of these conservative antigens. Recombinant proteins based on flagellin simultaneously containing M2e and a fragment of the hemagglutinin stem region were expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana plants using a self-replicating vector based on the potato virus X genome. Methods for their isolation from plants and purification have been developed. The developed expression system can be used to produce a new candidate influenza vaccine in plants.  相似文献   

The clinical spectrum of human disease caused by the roundworms Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati ranges from visceral and ocular larva migrans to covert toxocariasis. The parasite is not typically recovered in affected tissues, so detection of parasite-specific antibodies is usually necessary for establishing a diagnosis. The most reliable immunodiagnostic methods use the Toxocara excretory-secretory antigens (TES-Ag) in ELISA formats to detect Toxocara-specific antibodies. To eliminate the need for native parasite materials, we identified and purified immunodiagnostic antigens using 2D gel electrophoresis followed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Three predominant immunoreactive proteins were found in the TES; all three had been previously described in the literature: Tc-CTL-1, Tc-TES-26, and Tc-MUC-3. We generated Escherichia coli expressed recombinant proteins for evaluation in Luminex based immunoassays. We were unable to produce a functional assay with the Tc-MUC-3 recombinant protein. Tc-CTL-1 and Tc-TES-26 were successfully coupled and tested using defined serum batteries. The use of both proteins together generated better results than if the proteins were used individually. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay for detecting visceral larval migrans using Tc-CTL-1 plus Tc-TES-26 was 99% and 94%, respectively; the sensitivity for detecting ocular larval migrans was 64%. The combined performance of the new assay was superior to the currently available EIA and could potentially be employed to replace current assays that rely on native TES-Ag.  相似文献   

详细考察了基于HNP(H:hydtophobic,N:neutral,P:hydrophilic)模型及相对熵的蛋白质设计方法对于不同结构类型蛋白质的适用性,并与基于HP模型的结果进行了比较.通过对190个4种不同结构类型的蛋白质进行预测,结果表明,基于HNP模型及相对熵的设计方法对于不同结构类型的蛋白质具有普适性.进一步的研究发现,对于α螺旋、β折叠等规则的二级结构,该方法的预测成功率高于无规卷曲结构预测成功率.另外,还比较了对不同氨基酸的预测差异,结果显示亲水残基的预测成功率较高.此外,研究表明该方法对于蛋白质保守残基的预测成功率高于非保守残基.在以上分析的基础上,进一步讨论了导致这些差异的原因.这些研究为基于相对熵的蛋白质设计方法的实际应用和进一步的发展打下了良好基础.  相似文献   

Bacterial microcompartments (BMCs) are polyhedral bodies, composed entirely of proteins, that function as organelles in bacteria; they promote subcellular processes by encapsulating and co-localizing targeted enzymes with their substrates. The best-characterized BMC is the carboxysome, a central part of the carbon-concentrating mechanism that greatly enhances carbon fixation in cyanobacteria and some chemoautotrophs. Here we report the first structural insights into the carboxysome of Prochlorococcus, the numerically dominant cyanobacterium in the world's oligotrophic oceans. Bioinformatic methods, substantiated by analysis of gene expression data, were used to identify a new carboxysome shell component, CsoS1D, in the genome of Prochlorococcus strain MED4; orthologs were subsequently found in all cyanobacteria. Two independent crystal structures of Prochlorococcus MED4 CsoS1D reveal three features not seen in any BMC-domain protein structure solved to date. First, CsoS1D is composed of a fused pair of BMC domains. Second, this double-domain protein trimerizes to form a novel pseudohexameric building block for incorporation into the carboxysome shell, and the trimers further dimerize, forming a two-tiered shell building block. Third, and most strikingly, the large pore formed at the 3-fold axis of symmetry appears to be gated. Each dimer of trimers contains one trimer with an open pore and one whose pore is obstructed due to side-chain conformations of two residues that are invariant among all CsoS1D orthologs. This is the first evidence of the potential for gated transport across the carboxysome shell and reveals a new type of building block for BMC shells.  相似文献   

SARS-CoV假病毒中和试验技术的建立及评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为避免传统的SARS病毒中和试验需要操作活毒而存在的生物安全隐患,建立了基于假病毒系统、操作较安全的SARS中和试验技术平台。本研究应用高效表达SARS-CoV S(密码子优化的全长S蛋白,简称S)的真核表达载体(pVRC8304),与HIV慢病毒包装质粒(p CMV△8.2)及转移质粒(pHR′CMV EGFP)3个质粒载体系统共同转染人胚肾细胞293T,包装了SARS假病毒;通过SARS假病毒感染的RD-A细胞中标记基因EGFP表达的分析,确定SARS假病毒能有效进入细胞,建立了可在BSL-2级实验室操作的SARS病毒中和试验技术平台。用该技术平台对不同免疫血清进行了中和抗体分析,并比较了基于假病毒和基于SARS活病毒的中和试验效果。结果显示:SARS假病毒和SARS活病毒两个中和试验系统获得中和抗体滴度变化趋势一致,表明本研究构建的SARS假病毒可替代SARS活病毒用于建立操作上安全的SARS病毒中和试验技术平台。  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is an important cause of respiratory tract disease in infants and the elderly. Currently, no licensed vaccine against RSV is available. Here we describe the development of a safe and effective intranasal subunit vaccine that is based on recombinant fusion (F) protein bound to the surface of immunostimulatory bacterium-like particles (BLPs) derived from the food-grade bacterium Lactococcus lactis. Different variants of F were analyzed with respect to their conformation and reactivity with neutralizing antibodies, assuming that F proteins mimicking the metastable prefusion form of RSV F expose a more extensive and relevant epitope repertoire than F proteins corresponding to the postfusion structure. Our results indicate that the recombinant soluble ectodomain of RSV F readily adopts a postfusion conformation, generation of which cannot be prevented by C-terminal addition of a trimerization motif, but whose formation is prevented by mutation of the two furin cleavage sites in F. While the putative postfusion form of F is recognized well by the monoclonal antibody Palivizumab, this is much less so for the more potently neutralizing, prefusion-specific antibodies D25 and AM22. Both addition of the trimerization motif and mutation of the furin cleavage sites increased the reactivity of F with D25 and AM22, with the highest reactivity being observed for F proteins in which both these features were combined. Intranasal vaccination of mice or cotton rats with BLPs loaded with this latter prefusion-like F protein (BLP-F), resulted in the potent induction of F-specific immunoglobulins and in significantly decreased virus titers in the lungs upon RSV challenge. Moreover, and in contrast to animals vaccinated with formalin-inactivated RSV, animals that received BLP-F exhibited high levels of F-specific secretory IgA in the nose and RSV-neutralizing antibodies in sera, but did not show symptoms of enhanced disease after challenge with RSV.  相似文献   

人类朊病毒病中约10%~15%具有家族遗传特性,其中插入或缺失突变多发生于PrP蛋白N末端的八肽重复区域。运用PCR成功地构建并表达了含不同八肽重复数目的PrP蛋白,并观察八肽重复数目的增加对PrP与Cu^2+等二价离子以及tau蛋白的相互作用的影响。实验结果显示:各种纯化后的PrP蛋白对常规浓度PK消化是敏感的,而与Cu^2+共同孵育可使PrP蛋白的PK抗性增强;八肽重复序列的数目及Cu^2+的浓度决定了PK抗性的出现和强弱。另外,MnH可诱导产生与CuH相似的结果,但其诱导效应似乎低于CuH,而Zn^2+对PrP蛋白的PK抗性无影响。GST—tau包被的ELISA检测证实,重组的PrP呈现出明显的tau蛋白结合能力,并且与八肽重复序列的数量相关,重复序列数量越多,结合能力越强。这些结果提示,CuH诱导产生的PrP蛋白PK抗性是通过八肽重复序列区域产生的,并且直接与重复序列的数量相关。另外,PrP蛋白八肽重复序列的存在和数量直接影响PrP与tau蛋白的结合效应。除了八肽区域外,PrP蛋白其它区域似乎也具有一定的tau蛋白结合能力。  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus envelope protein A27 has multiple functions and is conserved in the Orthopoxvirus genus of the poxvirus family. A27 protein binds to cell surface heparan sulfate, provides an anchor for A26 protein packaging into mature virions, and is essential for egress of mature virus (MV) from infected cells. Here, we crystallized and determined the structure of a truncated form of A27 containing amino acids 21–84, C71/72A (tA27) at 2.2 Å resolution. tA27 protein uses the N-terminal region interface (NTR) to form an unexpected trimeric assembly as the basic unit, which contains two parallel α-helices and one unusual antiparallel α-helix; in a serpentine way, two trimers stack with each other to form a hexamer using the C-terminal region interface (CTR). Recombinant tA27 protein forms oligomers in a concentration-dependent manner in vitro in gel filtration. Analytical ultracentrifugation and multi-angle light scattering revealed that tA27 dimerized in solution and that Leu47, Leu51, and Leu54 at the NTR and Ile68, Asn75, and Leu82 at the CTR are responsible for tA27 self-assembly in vitro. Finally, we constructed recombinant vaccinia viruses expressing full length mutant A27 protein defective in either NTR, CTR, or both interactions; the results demonstrated that wild type A27 dimer/trimer formation was impaired in NTR and CTR mutant viruses, resulting in small plaques that are defective in MV egress. Furthermore, the ability of A27 protein to form disulfide-linked protein complexes with A26 protein was partially or completely interrupted by NTR and CTR mutations, resulting in mature virion progeny with increased plasma membrane fusion activity upon cell entry. Together, these results demonstrate that A27 protein trimer structure is critical for MV egress and membrane fusion modulation. Because A27 is a neutralizing target, structural information will aid the development of inhibitors to block A27 self-assembly or complex formation against vaccinia virus infection.  相似文献   

PCR技术是转基因植物及其产品检测的主要方法,但是因为其对模板纯度和质量有较高要求,对于低质量模板难以获得稳定的检测结果。本研究利用MDA技术可将低至10 copies的微量DNA样品扩增至可用PCR方法稳定检出;进一步利用MDA技术对转基因玉米有证标准物质Bt11粉末的单颗粒痕量样品释出DNA进行扩增,结合PCR扩增检测,玉米粉末颗粒中内源参照基因的检出率达到70%以上,转基因特异性序列检出与内源参照基因检出的比值,与标准物质标称值基本相符,为建立基于MDA技术转基因植物及其产品粉末颗粒等痕量样品检测方法奠定了基础,同时也为加工产品中复合性状转基因作物的检测提供了潜在的解决方案。  相似文献   

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  • •The first application of stable isotope-labeled recombinant protein fragments internal standards (SIS PrEST) on clinical samples.
  • •Development of a high-precision quantitative SIS PrEST based LC-SRM Tier 2 assay for 13 apolipoproteins.
  • •Semi-automated workflow enables precise and robust high-throughput sample processing.
  • •The assay quantifies the effects of feNofibrate and omega-3 carboxylic acids on apolipoproteins in human plasma.

Filopodia are dynamic actin-based structures that play roles in processes such as cell migration, wound healing, and axonal guidance. Cdc42 induces filopodial formation through IRSp53, an Inverse-Bin-Amphiphysins-Rvs (I-BAR) domain protein. Previous work from a number of laboratories has shown that IRSp53 generates filopodia by coupling membrane protrusion with actin dynamics through its Src homology 3 domain binding partners. Here, we show that dynamin1 (Dyn1), the large guanosine triphosphatase, is an interacting partner of IRSp53 through pulldown and Förster resonance energy transfer analysis, and we explore its role in filopodial formation. In neuroblastoma cells, Dyn1 localizes to filopodia, associated tip complexes, and the leading edge just behind the anti-capping protein mammalian enabled (Mena). Dyn1 knockdown reduces filopodial formation, which can be rescued by overexpressing wild-type Dyn1 but not the GTPase mutant Dyn1-K44A and the loss-of-function actin binding domain mutant Dyn1-K/E. Interestingly, dynasore, an inhibitor of Dyn GTPase, also reduced filopodial number and increased their lifetime. Using rapid time-lapse total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, we show that Dyn1 and Mena localize to filopodia only during initiation and assembly. Dyn1 actin binding domain mutant inhibits filopodial formation, suggesting a role in actin elongation. In contrast, Eps8, an actin capping protein, is seen most strongly at filopodial tips during disassembly. Taken together, the results suggest IRSp53 partners with Dyn1, Mena, and Eps8 to regulate filopodial dynamics.  相似文献   



Ether-à-go-go (EAG) channels are expressed throughout the central nervous system and are also crucial regulators of cell cycle and tumor progression. The large intracellular amino- and carboxy- terminal domains of EAG1 each share similarity with known ligand binding motifs in other proteins, yet EAG1 channels have no known regulatory ligands.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we screened a library of small biologically relevant molecules against EAG1 channels with a novel two-pronged screen to identify channel regulators. In one arm of the screen we used electrophysiology to assess the functional effects of the library compounds on full-length EAG1 channels. In an orthogonal arm, we used tryptophan fluorescence to screen for binding of the library compounds to the isolated C-terminal region.


Several compounds from the flavonoid, indole and benzofuran chemical families emerged as binding partners and/or regulators of EAG1 channels. The two-prong screen can aid ligand and drug discovery for ligand-binding domains of other ion channels.  相似文献   

A recombinant blood-stage vaccine for Plasmodium vivax malaria based on the functional receptor-binding domain of PvDBP (PvRII) has been developed. A synthetic gene coding for PvRII was expressed in Escherichia coli using codon optimization. Expression level of recombinant PvRII was 10% of the total cellular proteins. Truncated PvRII products, seen when the native PvRII gene was expressed, were absent in case of synthetic gene.  相似文献   

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