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We studied a case in which a 2-month-old premature infant was concurrently transfused with packed erythrocytes from two different human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-seropositive donors in late 1984. The two donors also each singly infected a second infant. Inspection of sequences from portions of the HIV-1 genomes in each of the two donors showed a close relationship to the strain in their respective singly exposed recipients. Inspection of sequences from the dually exposed recipient provided evidence of an individual simultaneously infected with two distinct HIV-1 strains, as well as recombination of the two strains in vivo.  相似文献   

The great variability in the time between infection with HIV and the onset of AIDS has been the object of intense study. In the current work, we examine a mathematical model that focuses on the role of immune response variability between patients. We study the effect of variation in both the avidity and the breadth of the immune response on within-patient disease dynamics, viral setpoint and time to AIDS. We conclude that immune response variability can explain the observed variability in disease progression to a large extent. It turns out that the avidity, more than the breadth of the immune response, determines disease progression, and that the average avidity of the five best clones is a much better correlate for disease progression than the total number of clones responding. For the design of vaccines, this would suggest that, if given the choice between stimulating a broader, but average avidity response or a narrower high-avidity response, the latter option would yield better control of virus load and consequently slow down disease progression.  相似文献   

目的 研究人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者及艾滋病(AIDS)患者发生机会性感染的概率与自身CD4+ T淋巴细胞之间的关系,为HIV患者机会性感染的防治提供参考。方法 以2016年6月至2017年6月我院400例HIV患者为研究对象,回顾性分析不同CD4+T淋巴细胞计数HIV患者发生机会性感染的情况。结果 400例HIV患者发生机会性感染178例,总感染率为44.5%。CD4+T淋巴细胞计数≤50个/μL的患者机会性感染发生率(86.67%)最高,与其他各组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。随着CD4+ T淋巴细胞计数的减少,HIV患者机会性感染率升高。178例机会性感染者中,单一感染82例,2部位感染52例,3部位感染28例,4部位以上感染16例。感染病原体检测显示,细菌感染84例(47.19%),结核杆菌感染36例(20.22%),病毒感染30例(16.85%,包括巨细胞病毒感染18例、单纯疱疹病毒感染12例),真菌感染77例(43.25%,包括假丝酵母感染35例,肺孢子菌感染20例,马尔尼菲青霉菌感染12例,新型隐球菌感染10例),未明确病原体性质34例(19.10%),复合感染多见。结论 CD4+ T淋巴细胞水平与HIV患者继发机会性感染的概率关系密切。HIV患者CD4+ T淋巴细胞水平的监测对其继发机会性感染的防控具有重要临床意义。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To estimate the probability of remaining free of AIDS for up to 25 years after infection with HIV by extrapolation of changes in CD4 lymphocyte count. DESIGN--Cohort study of subjects followed from time of HIV seroconversion until 1 January 1993. Creation of model by using extrapolated linear regression slopes of CD4 count to predict development of AIDS after 1993. SETTING--Regional haemophilia centre in teaching hospital. SUBJECTS--111 men with haemophilia infected with HIV during 1979-85. Median length of follow up 10.1 years, median number of CD4 counts 17. The model was not fitted for three men because only one CD4 measurement was available. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Development of AIDS. INTERVENTIONS--From 1989 prophylaxis against candida and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and antiretroviral drugs when CD4 count fell below 200 x 10(6)/l. RESULTS--44 men developed AIDS up to 1 January 1993. When AIDS was defined as a CD4 count of 50 x 10(6)/l the model predicted that 25% (95% confidence interval 16% to 34%) would survive for 20 years after seroconversion and 18% (11% to 25%) for 25 years. Changing the CD4 count at which AIDS was assumed to occur did not alter the results. Younger patients had a higher chance of 20 year survival than older patients (32% (12% to 52%) for those aged < 15, 26% (14% to 38%) for those aged 15-29, and 15% (0% to 31%) for those aged > or = 30). CONCLUSIONS--These results suggest that even with currently available treatment up to a quarter of patients with HIV infection will survive for 20 years after seroconversion without developing AIDS.  相似文献   

Aspartate 368 on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp120 forms multiple contacts with CD4; in mutagenesis studies, its replacement by asparagine and corresponding changes in simian immunodeficiency virus SIVmac (D385N) reduced binding with CD4. Nevertheless, simian immunodeficiency virus envelopes with D385N were prevalent in several studies. Extending these observations, we also found D385N to be dominant among env clones from two rhesus macaques that progressed rapidly to simian AIDS. These envelopes showed a CD4-independent phenotype as well as reduced affinity to CD4. Moreover, an adjacent change, G383R, which was frequently coselected with D385N, further decreased binding. An optical biosensor study demonstrated that the SIVmac239 gp120 bound to CD4 with kinetics similar to those of HIV-1. However, the gp120s with D385N and G383R showed a 40-fold reduction in affinity, with a drastic increase in dissociation rate, indicating an inherently unstable complex. This finding showed that rapid progression to simian AIDS may be accompanied by the selection of CD4-independent gp120 variants with impaired CD4 binding ability.  相似文献   

HIV-1 infection has rapidly spread worldwide and has become the leading cause of mortality in infectious diseases. The duration for development of AIDS (AIDS progression) is highly variable among HIV-1 infected individuals, ranging from 2–3 years to no signs of AIDS development in the entire lifetime. Several factors regulate the rate at which HIV-1 infection progresses to AIDS. Host genetic factors play an important role in the outcome of such complex or multifactor diseases as AIDS and are also known to regulate the rate of disease progression. This review focuses on the major host genes reported to affect the progression to AIDS in HIV-1 infected individuals.  相似文献   

Immunological and virological events that occur during the earliest stages of SIV infection are now considered to have a major impact on subsequent disease progression. In the present study, we demonstrate a clear correlation between progression to AIDS and the rate of in vitro CD4+ (but not CD8+) T cell death in lymph nodes. The dying CD4+ T cells were effector memory T cells, which are critical for the immune response to pathogens. However, there was no correlation between the rate of the viral replication within lymph nodes and the extent of Fas ligand-mediated death, despite the increased sensitivity of CD4+ T cells to death in response to recombinant human Fas ligand. CD4+ T cell death was caspase and apoptosis-inducing factor independent but was clearly associated with mitochondrion damage. Interestingly, higher expression levels of the active form of Bak, a proapoptotic molecule involved in mitochondrial membrane permeabilization, were observed in SIV-infected macaques progressing more rapidly to AIDS. Finally, we demonstrated that the strain of SIV we used requires CCR5 and BOB/GRP15 molecules as coreceptors and caused death of unstimulated noncycling primary CD4+ T cells. Altogether, these results demonstrate that CD4+ T cell death occurring early after SIV infection is a crucial determinant of progression to AIDS and that it is mediated by the intrinsic death pathway.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To examine the pattern of survival and factors associated with the outcome of disease in patients with AIDS. DESIGN--Inception cohort. Data collected retrospectively from patients'' charts. SETTING--52 clinical centres in 17 European countries. SUBJECTS--6578 adults diagnosed with AIDS from 1 January 1979 to 31 December 1989. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Survival after the time of diagnosis. RESULTS--The median survival after diagnosis was 17 months, with an estimated survival at three years of 16% (95% confidence interval 15% to 17%). Patients diagnosed in southern Europe had a shorter survival, particularly immediately after the time of diagnosis, compared with patients diagnosed in central and northern Europe (survival at one year (95% confidence interval) 54% (52% to 56%) 66% (64% to 68%), 65% (63% to 66%), respectively. The three year survival, however, was similar for all regions. The regional differences in survival were less pronounced for patients diagnosed in 1989 compared with earlier years. Improved survival in recent years was observed for patients with a variety of manifestations used to define AIDS but was significant only for patients diagnosed with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. The three year survival, however, remains unchanged over time. CONCLUSIONS--Survival of AIDS patients seems to vary within Europe, being shorter in southern than central and northern Europe. The magnitude of these differences, however, has declined gradually over time. Short term survival has improved in recent years, but the long term prognosis has remained equally poor, reflecting the fact that the underlying infection with HIV and many of the complicating diseases remains essentially uncontrolled.  相似文献   

Infection with HIV-1 causes CD4+ T-cell dysfunction, including unresponsiveness to antigenic stimuli. To understand the mechanism of virally induced T-cell dysfunction, we investigated changes occurred in functional CD4+ T-cell subsets in the peripheral CD4+ T-cell pool in chronically infected aviremic individuals treated with antiretroviral therapy. We phenotypically defined CD4+ T-cell subsets by surface markers and determined the frequency of each subset by flow cytometry. A substantially low naïve and elevated effector subsets were observed in chronically infected patients with nadir CD4 counts <100 cells/μl. The skewed distribution persisted in these patients even after their CD4 counts increased, and the subset imbalance was still observed in all four subsets after years of successful antiretroviral therapy. They also showed a limited recovery of CD4+ T-cell counts compared to those who maintained at least 250 CD4+ T cells/μl after 3–11 years of successful treatment since CD4 nadir time points. The difference was pronounced in the absolute numbers of naïve and TEM cells. Our results suggested a significant and prolonged impact of nadir CD4 counts on the balanced distribution of the functional CD4+ T-cell subsets and may explain partially why antiretroviral therapy needs to be initiated while patients' CD4 counts remain relatively high.  相似文献   

Summary Linkage data on human factor H (HF) and 22 other human genetic markers are presented. Close linkage at 0<0.10 can be ruled out for a series of marker systems (Rh, PGM1, ACP1, Jk, Tf, Gc, MNSs, ME2, HLA, GLO1, ORM, Gt, PI, Hp, GPT). Strong evidence for linkage was obtained for peptidase A (PEPA) with lods >3.0 at =0.10 in males and at =0.20 for the sexes combined. From this result the HF locus can be provisionally assigned tochromosome 18.  相似文献   

To investigate the dynamics of spread of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) in the lymphoid organs, we sequentially analyzed the viral burden in lymph nodes (LN) of eight rhesus macaques inoculated intravenously with a high or low dose of the pathogenic SIVmac 251 isolate. For each animal, four axillary or inguinal LN were collected during the first weeks of infection and a fifth LN was taken 6 or 8 months later to estimate disease progression. Measurement of SIV RNA by in situ hybridization showed that all of the macaques studied had a phase of acute viral replication in LN between 7 and 14 days postinoculation which paralleled that observed in the blood. In a second phase, productive infection was controlled and viral particles were trapped in the germinal centers that developed in LN. While the peaks of productive infection were similar for the eight animals, marked differences in the numbers of productively infected cells that persisted in LN after primary infection were seen. Differences were less pronounced in the blood, where productive infection was efficiently controlled in all cases. The persistence of productively infected cells in LN after primary infection was found to be associated with more rapid disease progression, as measured by the decrease of the T4/T8 ratio and the occurrence of clinical signs. However, the persistence of a significant level of viral particles in germinal centers was observed even in animals that remained healthy over a 1- to 2-year observation period. This study indicates that the course of primary SIV infection in LN is variable, and it suggests that the initial capacity of the host to control productive infection in LN may determine the rate of disease progression.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infections result in chronic virus replication and progressive depletion of CD4+ T cells, leading to immunodeficiency and death. In contrast, ‘natural hosts’ of SIV experience persistent infection with high virus replication but no severe CD4+ T cell depletion, and remain AIDS-free. One important difference between pathogenic and non-pathogenic infections is the level of activation and proliferation of CD4+ T cells. We analysed the relationship between CD4+ T cell number and proliferation in HIV, pathogenic SIV in macaques, and non-pathogenic SIV in sooty mangabeys (SMs) and mandrills. We found that CD4+ T cell proliferation was negatively correlated with CD4+ T cell number, suggesting that animals respond to the loss of CD4+ T cells by increasing the proliferation of remaining cells. However, the level of proliferation seen in pathogenic infections (SIV in rhesus macaques and HIV) was much greater than in non-pathogenic infections (SMs and mandrills). We then used a modelling approach to understand how the host proliferative response to CD4+ T cell depletion may impact the outcome of infection. This modelling demonstrates that the rapid proliferation of CD4+ T cells in humans and macaques associated with low CD4+ T cell levels can act to ‘fuel the fire’ of infection by providing more proliferating cells for infection. Natural host species, on the other hand, have limited proliferation of CD4+ T cells at low CD4+ T cell levels, which allows them to restrict the number of proliferating cells susceptible to infection.  相似文献   

The rates of immunologic and clinical progression are lower in patients with drug-resistant HIV compared to wild-type HIV. This difference is not fully explained by viral load. It has been argued that reductions in T cell activation and/or viral fitness might result in preserved target cells and an altered relationship between the level of viremia and the rate of CD4+ T cell loss. We tested this hypothesis over time in a cohort of patients with highly resistant HIV. Fifty-four antiretroviral-treated patients with multi-drug resistant HIV and detectable plasma HIV RNA were followed longitudinally. CD4+ T cell counts and HIV RNA levels were measured every 4 weeks and T cell activation (CD38/HLA-DR) was measured every 16 weeks. We found that the levels of CD4+ T cell activation over time were a strong independent predictor of CD4+ T cell counts while CD8+ T cell activation was more strongly associated with viremia. Using spectral analysis, we found strong evidence for oscillatory (or cyclic) behavior in CD4+ T cell counts, HIV RNA levels, and T cell activation. Each of the cell populations exhibited an oscillatory behavior with similar frequencies. Collectively, these data suggest that there may be a mechanistic link between T cell activation, CD4+ T cell counts, and viremia and lends support for the hypothesis of altered predator-prey dynamics as a possible explanation of the stability of CD4+ T cell counts in the presence of sustained multi-drug resistant viremia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether rate of development of AIDS is affected by category of exposure to HIV and whether the more rapid development found in older subjects persists for each exposure category. DESIGN: Longitudinal study of people with known date of seroconversion to HIV. SETTING: 16 HIV treatment centres throughout Italy. SUBJECTS: 1199 people infected with HIV through use of injected drugs, homosexual sex, or heterosexual sex. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: AIDS as defined by 1987 definition of Centers for Disease Control (including and excluding neoplasms) and by 1993 European definition. RESULTS: 225 subjects (18.8%) progressed to AIDS (Centers for Disease Control 1987 definition) during median follow up of 5.8 years. Univariate analyses showed more rapid progression to AIDS for older subjects compared with younger subjects and for homosexual men compared with other exposure categories. The age effect was of similar size in each exposure category and in men and women. In a bivariate model with age and exposure categories simultaneously included as covariates, differences by exposure category disappeared for use of injected drugs and heterosexual sex compared with homosexual sex (relative hazards 1.02 (95% confidence interval 0.71 to 1.45) and 1.07 (0.70 to 1.64) respectively), while the age effect remained (relative hazard 1.55 (1.32 to 1.83) for 10 year increase in age). Analyses using the other definitions for AIDS did not appreciably change these results. CONCLUSIONS: There was no evidence of differences in rate of development of AIDS by exposure category, while there was a strong tendency for more rapid development in older subjects for all three groups. This supports the view that external cofactors do not play major role in AIDS pathogenesis but that age is of fundamental importance.  相似文献   

The role of the multifunctional accessory Nef protein in the immunopathogenesis of HIV-2 infection is currently poorly understood. Here, we performed comprehensive functional analyses of 50 nef genes from 21 viremic (plasma viral load, >500 copies/ml) and 16 nonviremic (<500) HIV-2-infected individuals. On average, nef alleles from both groups were equally active in modulating CD4, TCR-CD3, CD28, MHC-I, and Ii cell surface expression and in enhancing virion infectivity. Thus, many HIV-2-infected individuals efficiently control the virus in spite of efficient Nef function. However, the potency of nef alleles in downmodulating TCR-CD3 and CD28 to suppress the activation and apoptosis of T cells correlated with high numbers of CD4(+) T cells in viremic patients. No such correlations were observed in HIV-2-infected individuals with undetectable viral load. Further functional analyses showed that the Nef-mediated downmodulation of TCR-CD3 suppressed the induction of Fas, Fas-L, PD-1, and CTLA-4 cell surface expression as well as the secretion of gamma interferon (IFN-γ) by primary CD4(+) T cells. Moreover, we identified a single naturally occurring amino acid variation (I132T) in the core domain of HIV-2 Nef that selectively disrupts its ability to downmodulate TCR-CD3 and results in functional properties highly reminiscent of HIV-1 Nef proteins. Taken together, our data suggest that the efficient Nef-mediated downmodulation of TCR-CD3 and CD28 help viremic HIV-2-infected individuals to maintain normal CD4(+) T cell homeostasis by preventing T cell activation and by suppressing the induction of death receptors that may affect the functionality and survival of both virally infected and uninfected bystander cells.  相似文献   

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