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Rather than improving efficiency, the reforms imposed on the NHS have increased bureaucracy, reduced patient choice, limited the range of core services, and led to inequity of treatment. In this paper I examine how the medical profession might help to solve these problems. Priorities must be set for health care since no government can afford all the possibilities offered by medical science. It is essential to forge a consensus of patients, carers, professionals, the public, and government if a system of priorities is to be equitable and just. We also need to be able to measure quality of outcome in health care. This requires consensus on what is the desired outcome and the development of appropriate guidelines, audit, and performance review. This is primarily a task for the health professions supported by management and by adequate investment. Basically, the government must reinstate the three traditional values of the NHS--equity, consensus, and regard for representative professional advice.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of purchaser mix, market competition, and trust status on hospital productivity within the NHS internal market. METHODS: Hospital cost and activity data were taken from routinely collected data for acute NHS hospitals in England for 1991-2 to 1993-4. Cross sectional and longitudinal regression methods were used to estimate the effect of trust status, competition, and purchaser mix on average hospital costs per inpatient, after adjusting for outpatient activity levels, casemix, teaching activity, regional salary variation, hospital size, scale of activity, and scope of cases treated. RESULTS: Real productivity gains were apparent across the study period for NHS hospitals on average. Casemix adjustment drastically improved cross sectional comparisons between hospitals. Gaining trust status and increasing host district purchaser share were associated with productivity increases after adjustment for casemix, regional salary differences, and hospital size and scope. Hospitals that became trusts during the study period were on average less productive at the beginning of the period than those that did not, and there were no significant productivity differences between trust waves at the end of the period in 1993-4. Market concentration was not associated with productivity differences. CONCLUSION: Further analysis is needed to determine whether overall and trust associated productivity gains are transient effects, one off shifts, or self perpetuating reorientations of organisational behaviour. Hospitals may have chosen to become trusts because they anticipated being able to increase productivity. Increases in the proportions of small purchasers were associated with increasing costs. Importantly, this study could not adjust for changes in the quality of care.  相似文献   

The financial demise of Oxford''s department of neurosurgery (OxDONS) was precipitated by the financial rules of the reformed NHS. In particular it was produced by the failure of "resources to follow patients"; the requirement that "prices have to follow costs"; and the use of private income for revenue expenditure, not capital expenditure. This process will eventually affect all hospital departments, but it affected the unit in Oxford sooner as it started as "efficient"--that is, underresourced--and has depended on income from extracontractual referrals and private work. Current NHS accounting rules act as a disincentive to private income being generated in NHS hospitals, and consultants should be aware of this.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To examine the influence that being female has on the outcome of acute myocardial infarction. DESIGN--Observational follow up study. SETTING--London district general hospital. PATIENTS--216 women and 607 men with acute myocardial infarction admitted to a coronary care unit from 1 January 1988 to 31 December 1992. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--All cause mortality and recurrent ischaemic events in the first six months. RESULTS--Event free survival (95% confidence interval) at six months was 63.3% (56.3% to 69.4%) in women and 76.1% (72.4% to 79.4%) in men, P < 0.001. The difference was confined to the first 30 days but thereafter the hazard plots for women and men converged, with reduction of the hazard ratio from 2.36 (1.70 to 3.27) to 0.81 (0.44 to 1.48). Women were older, but their excess risk persisted after adjustment for age, other baseline variables, and indices of severity of infarction (hazard ratio 1.53 (1.09 to 2.15), P = 0.015). Women tended to be treated with thrombolysis less commonly than men but the difference was small. Substantially fewer women than men, however, were discharged taking beta blockers (23.3% v 41.4%, P < 0.001), and although additional adjustment for discharge treatment did not further reduce the point estimate of the hazard ratio (1.84 (0.89-3.83)), the 95% confidence interval was wide and statistical significance was lost. CONCLUSIONS--Women with acute myocardial infarction have a worse prognosis than men but the excess risk is confined to the first 30 days and is only partly explained by age and other baseline variables. The tendency for women to receive less vigorous treatment than men must be remedied before gender can be considered to be an independent determinant of risk.  相似文献   

Reproductive behavior is a topic of extreme importance in the literature of primate behavior. This report concerns the mother-infant interaction system in a captiveborn, mother-reared infant orang-utan during the first six months of its life. Of particular interest are the sexual behaviors directed by the mother toward the infant, and the regular stimulation of the infant's genitals. The behaviors described herein are compared to other mother-infant pairs of this and other anthropoid species. This research has been supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health to the Yerkes Regional Primate Center (RR00165), the Emory University Psychology Department (HD00208), and a faculty research grant to the first author from Emory University's McCandless Fund for Biomedical Research.  相似文献   

Analysis of statistics published since the Abortion Act showed that from 1972 about half the abortions carried out on residents of England and Wales had been performed within the National Health Service. Regional variations in the proportions of abortions performed within the NHS had persisted. In some health regions fewer abortions were being carried out than before. In 1975 about 40% of abortions on single women and women with no existing children were performed within the NHS. Trends in the concurrent sterilisation rate, gestational age at operation, duration of stay in hospital, and mortality and complication rates suggested a steady improvement in the effectiveness and efficiency of abortion services. Nevertheless, the NHS still compares poorly with the private sector and some other countries.  相似文献   

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