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吕学龙  祁燃  吕全龙  张传茂 《生命科学》2011,(11):1069-1075
核膜在细胞周期中呈现高度的动态性:在细胞分裂的前中期,核膜崩解并分散到细胞质中;在细胞分裂的后期,核膜开始在染色体的表面重新装配,最终形成完整的核膜结构。近期的研究发现,Ran GTP酶、物质转运蛋白importinβ、内层核膜蛋白LBR(lamin B receptor)以及核孔复合体蛋白nucleoporins在核膜重建的过程中起关键性调控作用,并受到细胞周期调控因子p34cdc2激酶的调节。LBR是一个八次跨膜的膜蛋白,主要定位于内层核膜。在细胞分裂的早期,随着核膜崩解,LBR与核膜崩解而生成的小膜泡一起分散到细胞质中;在细胞分裂的后期,通过LBR与importinβ相互结合,含有LBR的膜泡被importinβ携带至染色质的表面参与核膜重建。目前已知p34cdc2激酶对LBR与importinβ介导的核膜重建起重要调控作用。Nucleoporins是核孔复合体主要组分。随核膜崩解,核孔复合体解聚成nucleoporins,分散到细胞质中,或结合到其他亚细胞成分上。细胞分裂后期,核孔复合体伴随核膜装配而组装。  相似文献   

P Smith  C von Holt 《Biochemistry》1981,20(10):2900-2908
Highly purified activated cytoplasmic glucocorticoid hormone receptor binds with high affinity to sites in the nuclear envelope. Nuclear envelope fragments can be isolated from purified chromatin. They bind activated cytoplasmic glucocorticoid receptor with the same equilibrium constant as nuclear envelopes. The presence of envelope components in chromatin is confirmed by the virtual identity of the gel electrophoretic glycoprotein pattern of nuclear envelope, chromatin nonhistones, and nuclear envelope fragments from chromatin.  相似文献   

Cui P  Qin B  Liu N  Pan G  Pei D 《Experimental cell research》2004,293(1):154-163
The interaction between phosphatidylserine and its receptor on phagocytic cells plays a critical role in the clearance of apoptotic bodies under normal physiological condition. A specific receptor for phosphatidylserine (PSR) has recently been identified by phage display and shown to mediate phosphatidylserine dependent phagocytosis. Here we show that the protein encoded by the PSR cDNA is localized in the nuclei through multiple nuclear localization signals. First, a fusion between PSR and GFP is localized in the nuclei of transfected cells, suggesting that PSR have intrinsic nuclear localization capability. Indeed, affinity-purified anti-PSR antibodies identified a 47 kDa protein species in cells transfected with untagged PSR and localized this protein in the nuclei by immunofluorescent confocal microscopy. In NIH3T3 cells, which express endogenous PSR mRNA, a similar 47 kDa species was detected and localized in the nuclei. Finally, multiple nuclear localization signals were identified in PSR sequence, each capable of targeting GFP to the nuclei. Together, these results suggest that PSR may serve a dual role both on the cell surface and in the nuclei.  相似文献   

Citrate greatly stabilized rat hepatic unbound glucocorticoid receptors in cell-free conditions at 4 degrees C with optimal effectiveness at 5-15 mM. Control receptors were inactivated at 4 degrees C with a half-life of less than 12 h. However, in the presence of 10 mM-citrate, unbound receptors were almost completely stabilized for 48 h at 4 degrees C. Citrate at a concentration of 1-2 mM yielded half-maximal stabilization. The stabilizing effect of citrate was rather specific, as succinate, alpha-oxoglutarate, oxaloacetate, malate and pyruvate had no apparent stabilizing action. Citrate stabilized receptors over a wide range of H+ concentrations, with complete protection between pH 6.5 and 8.5. In addition, citrate appeared to have a significant effect on glucocorticoid-receptor complex activation into a nuclear binding form. Thus 5-10 mM-citrate enhanced nuclear binding, with optimal activation achieved at 10 mM concentration. As analysed by sucrose-density-gradient centrifugation and DEAE-cellulose chromatography, no apparent change was observed in the physical characteristics of the glucocorticoid receptor in the presence of citrate.  相似文献   

A chromatin acceptor protein for the avian oviduct progesterone receptor (PR), termed receptor binding factor 1 (RBF-1), has recently been shown to (1) be a component of the nuclear binding sites (acceptor sites) for PR and (2) generate high-affinity binding sites (termed the RBF-1 class of sites) on avian genomic DNA [Schuchard et al. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 4535-4542]. A second class of sites and its associated protein (termed RBF-2) were also identified. This paper demonstrates that RBF-1 and also the PR nuclear binding sites are localized in the oviduct nuclear matrix. RBF-1 is found in abundance in the nuclear matrix of liver but only in traces in the nuclear matrix of spleen. Extraction of the nuclear matrix with 4.0 M Gdn-HCl results in the complete removal of RBF-1 as occurs with whole chromatin. Interestingly, a second class of specific PR binding, termed RBF-2, remains on the nuclear matrix after the removal of all RBF-1. Southern blot analysis indicates that the nuclear matrix DNA contains sequences homologous with the 5'-flanking domains of the rapidly steroid regulated c-myc and c-jun protooncogenes and the beta-actin gene, but not genomic sequences of the late sex steroid regulated gene, ovalbumin, or the alpha-actin gene. A specific, small region in the 5'-flanking domain of the c-myc gene appears to be associated with the nuclear matrix. Southwestern blot analysis using partially purified RBF-1 shows a marked affinity and specificity of the RBF-1 for the nuclear matrix DNA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The Ecdysone receptor (EcR) is distributed between cytoplasm and nucleus in CHO cells. Nuclear localization is increased by the ligand Muristerone A. The most important heterodimerization partner Ultraspiracle (Usp) is localized predominantly in the nucleus. We used the diethylentriamine nitric oxide adduct DETA/NO, which releases NO and destroys the zinc-finger structure of nuclear receptors, to investigate whether nuclear EcR and Usp interact with DNA. If expressed separately, Usp and EcR in the absence of hormone do not interact with DNA. The hormone-induced increase in nuclear EcR is due to enhanced DNA binding. In the presence of Usp, EcR is shifted nearly quantitatively into the nucleus. Only a fraction (approximately 30%) of the heterodimer is sensitive to DETA/NO. Interaction of the heterodimer with DNA is mediated mainly by the C-domain of EcR. Deletion of the DNA-binding domain of Usp only slightly reduces nuclear localization of EcR/Usp, although the nuclear localization signal of Usp is not present anymore. The results indicate that EcR and Usp can enter the nucleus independently, but cotransport of both receptors mediated by dimerization via the ligand binding domains is possible even in the absence of hormone.  相似文献   

A C Smith  J M Harmon 《Biochemistry》1985,24(18):4946-4951
Potential charge heterogeneity within the glucocorticoid binding protein (GBP) of the glucocorticoid receptor was examined by a combination of affinity labeling, immunopurification, and high-resolution two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis. One-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of [3H]dexamethasone 21-mesylate ([3H]DM) labeled cytosol identified a major, competable, component of Mr approximately equal to 92 000 (92K). This component was recognized by anti-human glucocorticoid receptor antibodies but not by nonimmune serum, indicating that the 92K component was the reduced denatured GBP. Examination of [3H]DM-labeled GBP by conventional 2D electrophoresis utilizing equilibrium isoelectric focusing in the first dimension failed to resolve the 92K GBP into discrete isoelectric components. This behavior was not representative of other, nonspecifically [3H]DM-labeled proteins or proteins in general. Nonequilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis (NEPHGE) was therefore employed to achieve separation in the first dimension. Immunopurified, [3H]DM-labeled GBP subjected to NEPHGE reached isoelectric equilibrium after 6 h of electrophoresis at 400 V. A single, broad peak of radioactivity was identified at pH approximately equal to 6.3. Second-dimension analysis of the NEPHGE-separated GBP by SDS-PAGE resolved this peak into two discrete, 92K, isoforms of apparent pI = 5.7 and 6.0-6.5. The GBP charge heterogeneity was confirmed by NEPHGE 2D analysis of [3H]DM-labeled GBP prepared directly from crude cytosol. Two isoforms indistinguishable from those observed in immunopurified samples were identified. An additional, more acidic, isoform (apparent pI approximately equal to 5.2) was also identified. Thus, there are at least two, and perhaps three, isoforms of the GBP. These data therefore suggest that there is significant charge heterogeneity in the GBP of the glucocorticoid receptor.  相似文献   

The SUN proteins are a conserved family of proteins in eukaryotes. Human UNC84A (Sun1) is a homolog of Caenorhabditis elegans UNC-84, a protein involved in nuclear anchorage and migration. We have analyzed targeting of UNC84A to the nuclear envelope (NE) and show that the N-terminal 300 amino acids are crucial for efficient NE localization of UNC84A whereas the conserved C-terminal SUN domain is not required. Furthermore, we demonstrate by combining RNA interference with immunofluorescence and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analysis that localization and anchoring of UNC84A is not dependent on the lamin proteins, in contrast to what had been observed for C. elegans UNC-84.  相似文献   

Steroid receptors have been reported to bind to the nuclear matrix. The nuclear matrix is operationally defined as the residual nuclear structure that remains after extraction of most of the chromatin and all soluble and loosely bound componnets. To obtain insight in the molecular mechanism of the interaction of steroid receptors with the nuclear matrix, we studied the binding of several deletion mutants of the human androgen receptor (hAR) and the human glucocorticoid receptor (hGR) to the nuclear matrix. Receptor binding was tested for two different nuclear matrix preparations: complete matrices, in which most matrix proteins are retained during the isolation procedure, and depleted matrices, which consist of only a subset of these proteins. The results show that the C-terminal domain of the hAR binds tightly to both depleted and complete matrices. In addition, at least one other domain of the hAR binds to complete matrices but not to depleted matrices. In contrast to the hAR, the hGR binds only to complete matrices. For this interaction both the DNA-binding domain and the C-terminal domain of the hGR are required, whereas the N-terminal domain is not. We conclude that specific protein domains of the hAR and the hGR are involved in binding to the nuclear matrix. In addition, our results indicate that the hAR and the hGR are attached to the nuclear matrix through different molecular interactions.  相似文献   

Dystrophin and dystrophin-associated proteins (DAPs) form a complex around the sarcolemma, which gives stability to the sarcolemma and leads signal transduction. Recently, the nuclear presence of dystrophin Dp71 and DAPs has been revealed in different non-muscle cell types, opening the possibility that these proteins could also be present in the nucleus of muscle cells. In this study, we analyzed by Immunofluorescence assays and Immunoblotting analysis of cell fractions the subcellular localization of Dp71 and DAPs in the C(2)C(12) muscle cell line. We demonstrated the presence of Dp71, alpha-sarcoglycan, alpha-dystrobrevin, beta-dystroglycan and alpha-syntrophin not only in plasma membrane but also in the nucleus of muscle cells. In addition, we found by Immunoprecipitation assays that these proteins form a nuclear complex. Interestingly, myogenesis modulates the presence and/or relative abundance of DAPs in the plasma membrane and nucleus as well as the composition of the nuclear complex. Finally, we demonstrated the presence of Dp71, alpha-sarcoglycan, beta-dystroglycan, alpha-dystrobrevin and alpha-syntrophin in the C(2)C(12) nuclear envelope fraction. Interestingly, alpha-sarcoglycan and beta-dystroglycan proteins showed enrichment in the nuclear envelope, compared with the nuclear fraction, suggesting that they could function as inner nuclear membrane proteins underlying the secondary association of Dp71 and the remaining DAPs to the nuclear envelope. Nuclear envelope localization of Dp71 and DAPs might be involved in the nuclear envelope-associated functions, such as nuclear structure and modulation of nuclear processes.  相似文献   

The nuclear envelope has recently become the object of intense scrutiny because it is the site of nuclear transport and is possibly involved in the organization of the interphase genome, thereby affecting gene expression. The major structural support for the nuclear envelope is the nuclear lamina, composed of the nuclear lamin proteins. They lie on the surface of the inner nuclear membrane and are in direct contact with the chromatin at the edge of the nucleus. The structure of the nuclear lamin proteins has recently been deduced from their cDNAs and shown to have remarkable homologies to the family of cytoplasmic intermediate filaments. However, the lamin proteins have been found to depolymerize in response to metaphase-specific phosphorylation events, and reassemble around daughter chromosomes at the completion of cell division. Little is known of the mechanisms of these dynamics, nor of other post-translational modifications evident in these proteins. In addition, we have as yet no concrete idea of the function of these highly conserved proteins in the cell. This review will summarize our present knowledge of nuclear lamin structure and the new experimental approaches designed to elucidate their function.  相似文献   

When injected into the cytoplasm of Vero cells, nucleoplasmin rapidly concentrates in a narrow layer around the nuclear envelope and then accumulates within the nucleus. Transport into the nucleus can be reversibly arrested at the perinuclear stage by metabolic inhibitors or by chilling. Nucleoplasmin-coated colloidal gold particles concentrate around the nuclear envelope of Vero cells or Xenopus oocytes, and by electron microscopy of oocytes appear to be associated with fibrils attached to nuclear pore complexes. Perinuclear accumulation is not observed for the nonmigrating nucleoplasmin core fragment or nonnuclear proteins. We propose two steps in nuclear migration of proteins: rapid binding around the nuclear envelope, possibly to pore-associated fibrils, followed by slower, energy-dependent translocation through nuclear pores.  相似文献   

A nuclear envelope fraction is obtained from circulating erythrocytes of mature chickens. This fraction was characterized by chemical analysis, ultramicroscopic examination and electrophoretic analysis of the polypeptides. It is free of plasma membrane polypeptides, of hemoglobin and of deoxyribonucleohistone. Comparisons of the sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide-gel electropherograms of the nuclear envelope fraction polypeptides with either chromosomal fraction or the total nonhistone fraction polypeptides from Triton X-100-washed nuclei indicate that certain major polypeptides are common to all fractions. This indicates that many chicken erythrocyte nonhistone “chromosomal” polypeptides may be primarily associated with nuclear structural elements which are not, in fact, deoxyribonucleohistone. Although this finding cannot be extended per se to other cells, it does suggest that caution should be exercised in describing nuclear components as “chromosomal” when this designation is intended to imply primary association with the deoxyribonucleohistone. This analysis of the polypeptides in the nuclear envelope fraction of the erythrocyte indicates that further study of the envelope fraction will provide new insights into nuclear structure and function.  相似文献   

Mechanisms underlying glucocorticoid hormone actions on skeletal muscle remain incompletely understood. This problem may be amenable to solution with a simple cell culture system in which the hormonal environment can be controlled. In this report, we demonstrate that the L6 muscle cell line may provide such a system. These cells, which possess many morphological and functional characteristics of skeletal muscle, originate as mononuclear myoblasts, which fuse to form multinucleated myotubes. L6 myoblasts and myotubes contain an intracellular glucocorticoid receptor that has binding parameters and ligand specificity similar to those of glucocorticoid receptors of classical glucocorticoid target tissues. A major advantage of the use of cultured cells is ease of isolation of myonuclei that display specific glucocorticoid receptor binding. L6 muscle cells should provide a valuable model system for further studies of the mechanisms of glucocorticoid hormone actions on muscle.  相似文献   

The members of the RGK small GTP-binding protein family, Kir/Gem, Rad, Rem and Rem2, are multifunctional proteins that regulate voltage-gated calcium channel activity and cell shape remodeling. Calmodulin (CaM) or CaM 14-3-3 are regulators of RGK functions and their association defines the subcellular localization of RGK proteins. Abolition of CaM association results in the accumulation of RGK proteins in the nucleus, whereas 14-3-3 binding maintains them in the cytoplasm. Kir/Gem possesses nuclear localization signals (NLS) that mediate nuclear accumulation through an importin alpha5-dependent pathway (see Mahalakshmi RN, Nagashima K, Ng MY, Inagaki N, Hunziker W, Béguin P. Nuclear transport of Kir/Gem requires specific signals and importin alpha5 and is regulated by Calmodulin and predicted service phosphorylations. Traffic 2007; doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0854.2007.00598.x). Because the extent of nuclear localization depends on the RGK protein and the cell type, the mechanism and regulation of nuclear transport may differ. Here, we extend our analysis to the other RGK members and show that Rem also binds importin alpha5, whereas Rad associates with importins alpha3, alpha5 and beta through three conserved NLS. Predicted phosphorylation of a serine residue within the bipartite NLS affects, as observed for Kir/Gem, nuclear accumulation of Rem, but not that of Rad or Rem2. We also identify an additional regulatory phosphorylation for all RGK proteins that prevents binding of 14-3-3 and thereby interferes with their cytosolic relocalization by 14-3-3. Functionally, nuclear localization of RGK proteins contributes to the suppression of RGK-mediated cell shape remodeling. Importantly, we show that endogenous RGK proteins are localized predominantly in the nucleus of individual cells of the brain cortex 'in situ' as well as in primary hippocampal cells, indicating that transport between the nucleus and their site of action in the cytoplasm (i.e., cytoskeleton, endoplasmic reticulum or plasma membrane) is of physiological relevance for the regulation of RGK protein function.  相似文献   

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