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A new species ofMarasmius sectionGlobulares, Marasmius brunneospermus sp. nov., found in the lowland forest of Kanagawa and Chiba, Japan, is described and illustrated. This species is characterized by a hygrophanous pileus with rugulose-reticulate disk, well-developed basal mycelium attached to an extensive mycelial mat in leaf litter, and conspicuous fusoid-ventricose pleurocystidia. In addition, its brown spore print mottled with white parts is unusual as an infrageneric character in the genusMarasmius.  相似文献   

Two new species ofMycena are described and illustrated from eastern Honshu, Japan:Mycena brevicapillata sp. nov. (sectionHiemales), forming tall and slender basidiomata covered overall with long, fusiform or sublageniform dermatocysts, was found on a dead branch ofHydrangea involucrata; Mycena chrysanthemiformis sp. nov. (sectionFragilipedes), forming small, white basidiomata with a campanulate, shallowly sulcate-striate, occasionally subumbonate pileus and adnate-decurrent lamellae, was found on living bark or a dead fallen twig ofAphananthe aspera, Cryptomeria japonica, andZelkova serrata.  相似文献   

Two new species ofMarasmiellus are described from eastern Honshu, Japan:Marasmiellus atrostipitatus sp. nov. (sectionRameales subsectionOpacini) is characterized by a white pileus and a blackish stipe covered with white pruinose to flocculos scales.Marasmiellus brunneocarpus sp. nov. (sectionTricolores) has small brownish basidiomata. Both species occur on dead leaves and twigs inQuercus-Eurya forests.  相似文献   

Two new species belonging toMarasmius (Agaricales) are described and illustrated from eastern Honshu, Japan:Marasmius capitatus sp. nov. (sectionEpiphylli), forming capitate cystidia and small basidiomata with a membranous, white pileus and a minutely pubescent, filiform stipe without basal mycelium, was found on dead fallen leaves ofCryptomeria japonica; Marasmius nivicola sp. nov. (sectionGlobulares), having entirely white, collybioid basidiomata with a furfuraceous to pruinose stipe and distinctly intervenose lamellae, was found on leaf litter of broad-leaved forest.  相似文献   

Three new species belonging toMarasmius sectionSicci (Agaricales) are described and illustrated from eastern Honshu, Japan:Marasmius nocturnus sp. nov., forming a dark brown pileus and marginate lamellae, was found on leaf litter inPasania—Quercus forests;Marasmius occultatus sp. nov., producing brownish orange or light brown basidiomata and long, cylindrical-fusoid basidiospores, was found on dead fallen twigs ofAphananthe aspera andQuercus myrsinaefolia;Marasmius opulentus sp. nov., having a reddish orange pileus and a pubescent stipe, was found on leaf litter in laurel-leaved forest.  相似文献   

Two new species and one new variety of Agaricales are described and illustrated from central Honshu, Japan:Clitocybe trogioides var.odorifera var. nov. (subgenusCystoclitus sectionCystoclitus), forming white, infundibuliform basidiomata, was collected from leaf litter in theQuercus-Pasania forests;Gerronema nemorale sp. nov. (sectionXanthophylla), forming small, olivaceous, omphalinoid basidiomata, was found on dead fallen twigs in theQuercus-Pasania forests;Psathyrella cineraria sp. nov. (subgenusMycophylla sectionArgillosporae), forming basidiomata covered by detersile, dark grey, fibrillose-squamulose veil, was found on decayed wood ofQuercus myrsinaefolia.  相似文献   

Eight new species of the genus Mycena (Agaricales) found on dead leaves or twigs in warm temperate lowland forests are described and illustrated from central Honshu, Japan: (1) Mycena fonticola sp. nov. (section Fragilipedes); (2) Mycena intersecta sp. nov. (section Fragilipedes); (3) Mycena lanuginosa sp. nov. (section Fragilipedes); (4) Mycena mustea sp. nov. (section Fragilipedes); (5) Mycena multiplicata sp. nov. (section Mycena); (6) Mycena nidificata sp. nov. (section Hiemales); (7) Mycena fuscoaurantiaca sp. nov. (section Fragilipedes); and (8) Mycena clariviolacea sp. nov. (section Fragilipedes).  相似文献   

Two new species of Agaricales are described and illustrated from Yaeyama Islands, southwestern Japan: (1) Amanita rubromarginata sp. nov. (section Caesareae Sing. ex Sing. in the subgenus Amanita), forming brownish-orange then reddish-yellow pileus, a pale yellow, squamulose stipe with a thin, membranous, reddish-orange annulus and a thick, saccate volva, and reddish-orange marginate lamellae, found in oak forests of Ishigaki Island; and (2) Tylopilus obscureviolaceus sp. nov. (section Tylopilus), having dark purple basidiomata, white, bitter, unchanging flesh, and a finely purplish-reticulate stipe, found in oak forests of Iriomote Island.  相似文献   

Two new species of Marasmiellus (Tricholomataceae, Agaricales) are described and illustrated from Japan: (1) Marasmiellus crassitunicatus sp. nov. (subsection Inodermini of section Marasmiellus) forms dark reddish-brown, orbicular to reniform basidiomata constantly accompanied by tufts of short filiform rhizomorphs, growing on the bark of living coniferous or broad-leaved trees; and (2) Marasmiellus vernalis sp. nov. (subsection Quercini of section Dealbati) forms small brown basidiomata with nondiverticulate pileipellis elements, growing on the bark of living Pinus thunbergii in spring (April to June).  相似文献   

Three species ofCortinarius subgenusPhlegmacium are described and illustrated for the first time in Japan:C. cumatilis var.cumatils, C. scaurus var.scaurus, C. xanthophyllus.  相似文献   

Takafumi Nakano 《ZooKeys》2014,(445):57-76
A new quadrannulate species of Orobdella, Orobdella masaakikuroiwai sp. n., from the mountainous region of central Honshu, Japan is described. This is only the second small species known within this genus, with a body length of less than 4 cm for mature individuals. Phylogenetic analyses using nuclear 18S rDNA and histone H3 as well as mitochondrial COI, tRNACys, tRNAMet, 12S, tRNAVal, 16S, and ND1 markers showed that Orobdella masaakikuroiwai sp. n. is the sister species of the quadrannulate Orobdella whitmani Oka, 1895. Phylogenetic relationships within Orobdella masaakikuroiwai sp. n. conducted using mitochondrial markers reveled a distinction between eastern and western phylogroups.  相似文献   

Three species ofMarasmius from Japan are described and illustrated here for the first time:M. glabellus, M. pallidocephalus andM. wettsteinii. The specimens were collected in Hokkaido.  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2017,37(5):541-546
该文描述了荨麻科三新种:(1)自中国重庆市发现的荨麻科荨麻属一新种,城口荨麻。此种与异株荨麻有亲缘关系,区别特征为此种的茎被少数刺毛,叶片多为心形,雄、雌花序均不分枝,瘦果在中央稍凹陷。(2)自中国广西发现的荨麻科赤车属一新种,来宾赤车。此种与特产云南东南部的富宁赤车相近缘,与后者的区别在于本种茎的毛开展或向上弯曲,叶片长椭圆形,基部斜楔形,雌花具3~4枚花被片,其中1~2枚较大花被片在背面顶端具一长筒状突起。(3)自缅甸北部发现的荨麻科楼梯草属一新种,克钦楼梯草。此种在体态上与骤尖楼梯草甚为相似,与后者的区别在于本种的每一茎节具正常叶和一退化叶,托叶狭披针状条形和无脉,雌总苞苞片无角状突起,雌小苞片较大,呈楔状长圆形,雌花具一小花被片,以及雌蕊具一宽倒卵球形柱头。  相似文献   

Two new species of the sectionMarginatae are described, namely,Inocybe populea sp. nov. andI. leptoclada sp. nov., from western Japan and eastern Japan, respectively.Inocybe leptoclada is assigned to sectionMarginatae, even though it lacks a marginate bulb.Inocybe populea is placed in the sectionMarginatae because of the presence of a marginate (often indistinct) bulbous base of stipe and the caulocystidia throughout. The discoveries ofI. leptoclada andI. populea provide further evidence that sectionMarginatae and sectionInocybe [=Cortinatae] are poorly defined.  相似文献   

Three new species of Agaricales are described and illustrated from eastern Honshu, Japan:Boletus rhodocarpus sp. nov. (sectionLuridi), forming large, deep red basidiomata with a pileus covered with small, blackish brown scales, was found on ground in a highland forest dominated byTsuga diversifolia andAbies veitchii; Phaeomarasmius laccarioides sp. nov. (subgenusCarpophilus), forming a squamulose-fibrillose, reddish brown pileus in which the pileipellis consists of chains of thick-walled sphaerocysts with heavily incrusting, brown pigment, was found on a fallen fruit ofLiquidambar styraciflua; Pluteus phaeocephalus sp. nov. (subsectionHispidodermini of sectionCelluloderma), forming a dark brown, velvety pileus and a white stipe densely covered with dark brown punctate scales, was found on dead fallen twigs ofQuercus serrata.  相似文献   

Cortinarius reticulisporus sp. nov., found in deciduous forests, is described and illustrated. It closely resemblesCortinarius rubicundulusin its pileus color and the vivid yellowing of the context on bruising, but differs from the latter in its subglobose to broadly ellipsoid basidiospores with quotient of the length/width smaller than 1.4 and particularly fine lines connecting warts when observed under SEM. The differences betweenCortinarius reticulisporus and other similar taxa are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Pleurocope iriomotensis sp. n. and Prethura tuberculata sp. n. are described from Iriomote Island, Ryukyu Archipelago, southern Japan. These are the first records of Pleurocope from the Pacific and of Prethura from the Asian Pacific coast. Pleurocope iriomotensis differs from its congeners in having lateral spine-like processes on pereonite 4 and coxal plates of pereonite 7. Prethura tuberculata can be distinguished from its single congener in having a lateral short projection of protopod of pleopod 2.  相似文献   

Three new species of Agaricales are described and illustrated from eastern Honshu, Japan:Agrocybe pseudoerebia sp. nov. (sectionVelatae of subgenusAporus), forming fugaceous veil remnants around the pileal margin and relatively shorter basidiospores (less than 10 μm long) without a germ pore, was found on the ground in a broad-leaved forest;Lactarius glutininitens sp. nov. (sectionTriviales of subgenusRussularia), forming a pale grayish, strongly glutinous pileus and watery, latex without discoloration, was found on the ground in a lowland forest dominated byQuercus myrsinaefolia andQuercus serrata; Tricholoma foliicola sp. nov. (close to sectionAlbobrunnea), forming a reddish brown, hygrophanous, dry, glabrous pileus, almost adnate, densely crowded lamellae, small, ellipsoid basidiospores, and clampless hyphae, was found on leaf litter of a broad-leaved forest.  相似文献   

Three new species of Agaricales are described and illustrated from eastern Honshu, Japan:Collybia effusa sp. nov. (sectionLevipedes), forming a distinctly sulcate-striate pileus and distant lamellae, was found on dead twigs ofCryptomeria japonica andCallicarpa japonica; Collybia macrosperma sp. nov., forming cylindrical-fusoid, relatively large-sized basidiospores and whitish basidiomata densely covered with fine, soft hairs, was found on dead fallen twigs in aCarpinus andQuercus forest:Marasmiellus, gregarius sp. nov (subsectionRamealini of sectionRameales), forming small, pale colored pilei and diverticulate cheilocystidia, was found on dead twigs ofHydrangea involucrata andTrachelospermum asiaticum.  相似文献   

We describe Hedgpethia spinosasp. n. based on a single male specimen obtained from 197-207 m depth, south of Yaku Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. Among 15 previously known congeners, the new species resembles Hedgpethia bicornis (Losina-Losinsky & Turpaeva, 1958), Hedgpethia chitinosa (Hilton, 1943), and probably Hedgpethia brevitarsis (Losina-Losinsky & Turpaeva, 1958), in having a mid-dorsal tubercle on the posterior rim on each trunk segment. The new species, however, is distinguishable from those by a pair of horns on the anterior margin of the cephalic segment, spines on the first coxae, and denticulate spines on the strigilis. The new species represents the fifth member of the genus so far known from Japanese waters, in addition to Hedgpethia brevitarsis (Losina-Losinsky & Turpaeva, 1958), Hedgpethia chitinosa (Hilton, 1943), Hedgpethia dofleini (Loman, 1911), and Hedgpethia elongata Takahashi, Dick & Mawatari, 2007.  相似文献   

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