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The pathogenic bacterium Shigella flexneri uses a type III secretion system to inject virulence factors from the bacterial cytosol directly into host cells. The machinery that identifies secretion substrates and controls the export of extracellular components and effector proteins consists of several inner-membrane and cytoplasmic proteins. One of the inner membrane components, Spa40, belongs to a family of proteins proposed to regulate the switching of substrate specificity of the export apparatus. We show that Spa40 is cleaved within the strictly conserved amino acid sequence NPTH and substitution of the proposed autocatalytic residue abolishes cleavage. Here we also report the crystal structure of the cytoplasmic complex Spa40C and compare it with the recent structures of the homologues from Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium . These structures reveal the tight association of the cleaved fragments and show that the conserved NPTH sequence lies on a loop which, when cleaved, swings away from the catalytic N257 residue, resulting in different surface features in this region. This structural rearrangement suggests a mechanism by which non-cleaving forms of these proteins interfere with correct substrate switching of the apparatus.  相似文献   

Type III secretion (TTS) systems are used by many Gram-negative pathogens to inject virulence proteins into the cells of their hosts. Several of these virulence effectors require TTS chaperones that maintain them in a secretion-competent state. Whereas most chaperones bind only one effector, Spa15 from the human pathogen Shigella flexneri and homologous chaperones bind several seemingly unrelated effectors, and were proposed to form a special subgroup. Its 1.8 A crystal structure confirms this specific classification, showing that Spa15 has the same fold as other TTS effector chaperones, but forms a different dimer. The presence of hydrophobic sites on the Spa15 surface suggests that the different Spa15 effectors all possess similar structural elements that can bind these sites. Furthermore, the Spa15 structure reveals larger structural differences between class I chaperones than previously anticipated, which does not support the hypothesis that chaperone-effector complexes are structurally conserved and function as three-dimensional secretion signals.  相似文献   

Type III secretion systems (TTSSs or secretons), essential virulence determinants of many Gram-negative bacteria, serve to translocate proteins directly from the bacteria into the host cytoplasm. Electron microscopy (EM) indicates that the TTSSs of Shigella flexneri are composed of: (1) an external needle; (2) a transmembrane domain; and (3) a cytoplasmic bulb. EM analysis of purified and negatively stained parts 1, 2 and a portion of 3 of the TTSS, together termed the "needle complex" (NC), produced an average image at 17 A resolution in which a base, an outer ring and a needle, inserted through the ring into the base, could be discerned. This analysis and cryoEM images of NCs indicated that the needle and base contain a central 2-3 nm canal. Five major NC components, MxiD, MxiG, MxiJ, MxiH and MxiI, were identified by N-terminal sequencing. MxiG and MxiJ are predicted to be inner membrane proteins and presumably form the base. MxiD is predicted to be an outer membrane protein and to form the outer ring. MxiH and MxiI are small hydrophilic proteins. Mutants lacking either of these proteins formed needleless secretons and were unable to secrete Ipa proteins. As MxiH was present in NCs in large molar excess, we propose that it is the major needle component. MxiI may cap at the external needle tip.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria commonly interact with eukaryotic host cells by using type III secretion systems (TTSSs or secretons). TTSSs serve to transfer bacterial proteins into host cells. Two translocators, IpaB and IpaC, are first inserted with the aid of IpaD by Shigella into the host cell membrane. Then at least two supplementary effectors of cell invasion, IpaA and IpgD, are transferred into the host cytoplasm. How TTSSs are induced to secrete is unknown, but their activation appears to require direct contact of the external distal tip of the apparatus with the host cell. The extracellular domain of the TTSS is a hollow needle protruding 60 nm beyond the bacterial surface. The monomeric unit of the Shigella flexneri needle, MxiH, forms a superhelical assembly. To probe the role of the needle in the activation of the TTSS for secretion, we examined the structure-function relationship of MxiH by mutagenesis. Most point mutations led to normal needle assembly, but some led to polymerization or possible length control defects. In other mutants, secretion was constitutively turned "on." In a further set, it was "constitutively on" but experimentally "uninducible." Finally, upon induction of secretion, some mutants released only the translocators and not the effectors. Most types of mutants were defective in interactions with host cells. Together, these data indicate that the needle directly controls the activity of the TTSS and suggest that it may be used to "sense" host cells.  相似文献   

The type III secretion (TTS) pathway is used by numerous Gram-negative pathogens to inject virulence factors into eukaryotic cells. The Shigella flexneri TTS apparatus (TTSA) spans the bacterial envelope and its assembly requires the products of approximately 20 mxi and spa genes. We present a functional analysis of the mxiK, mxiN and mxiL genes. Inactivation of mxiK and mxiN, but not mxiL, resulted in the assembly of a non-functional TTSA that lacked the outer needle. The amounts of needle components MxiH and MxiI were drastically reduced in mxiK and mxiN mutants and in the secretion defective spa47 mutant, indicating that MxiH and MxiI are degraded if they do not transit through the TTSA. Remarkably, expression of MxiH-His in the mxiN mutant and MxiI-His in the mxiK mutant restored assembly of a functional TTSA, as shown by the ability of these strains to enter into epithelial cells and to secrete Ipa proteins in response to activation by Congo red. Using a two-hybrid screen in yeast and immunoprecipitation assays from S. flexneri extracts, we identified interactions between MxiK and Spa33 and Spa47 and between MxiN and Spa33 and Spa47. These results suggest that transit of the needle components MxiH and MxiI through the TTSA involves the concerted action of the cytoplasmic proteins Spa47, Spa33, MxiK and MxiN. They also show that neither MxiK nor MxiN are absolutely required for secretion of Ipa proteins, provided that the TTSA is correctly assembled.  相似文献   

The type III secretion (TTS) pathway is used by numerous Gram-negative pathogens to inject virulence factors into eukaryotic cells. In addition to a functional TTS apparatus, secretion of effector proteins depends upon specific chaperones. Using a two-hybrid screen in yeast and a co-purification assay in Shigella flexneri, we demonstrated that Spa15, which is encoded by an operon for components of the TTS apparatus, is associated in the cytoplasm with three proteins that are secreted by the TTS pathway, IpaA, IpgB1 and OspC3. Spa15 was found to be necessary for stability of IpgB1 but not IpaA, and for secretion of IpaA molecules that were stored in the cytoplasm but not those that were synthesized while the secretion apparatus was active. The ability of Spa15 to associate with several non-homologous secreted proteins, the presence of Spa15 homologues in other TTS systems and the location of the corresponding genes within operons for components of the TTS apparatus suggest that Spa15 belongs to a new class of TTS chaperones.  相似文献   

The effectors of enterocyte invasion by Shigella are dependent on a type III secretion system that contains a needle whose length average does not exceed 50 nm. Previously, we reported that Spa32 is required for needle length control as well as to switch substrate specificity from MxiH to Ipa proteins secretion. To identify functional domains of Spa32, 11 truncated variants were constructed and analysed for their capacity (i) to control the needle's length; (ii) to secrete the Ipa proteins; and (iii) to invade HeLa cells. Deletion at either the N‐terminus or C‐terminus affect Spa32 function in all cases, but Spa32 variants lacking internal residues 37–94 or 130–159 retained full Spa32 function. Similarly, a Spa32 variant obtained by inserting of the YscP's ruler domain retained Spa32 function although it programmed slightly elongated needles. Using the GST pull‐down assay, we show that residues 206–246 are required for Spa32 binding to the C‐terminus of Spa40, an inner membrane protein required for Ipa proteins secretion. Our data clearly demonstrate that shortening Spa32 affects the length of the needle in a comparable manner to the spa32 mutant, indicating that the control of needle length does not require a molecular ruler mechanism.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria commonly interact with animal and plant hosts using type III secretion systems (TTSSs) for translocation of proteins into eukaryotic cells during infection. 10 of the 25 TTSS-encoding genes are homologous to components of the bacterial flagellar basal body, which the TTSS needle complex morphologically resembles. This indicates a common ancestry, although no TTSS sequence homologues for the genes encoding the flagellum are found. We here present an approximately 16-A structure of the central component, the needle, of the TTSS. Although the needle subunit is significantly smaller and shares no sequence homology with the flagellar hook and filament, it shares a common helical architecture ( approximately 5.6 subunits/turn, 24-A helical pitch). This common architecture implies that there will be further mechanistic analogies in the functioning of these two bacterial systems.  相似文献   

Type III secretion systems (T3SSs) are essential virulence devices for many gram-negative bacteria that are pathogenic for plants, animals, and humans. They serve to translocate virulence effector proteins directly into eukaryotic host cells. T3SSs are composed of a large cytoplasmic bulb and a transmembrane region into which a needle is embedded, protruding above the bacterial surface. The emerging antibiotic resistance of bacterial pathogens urges the development of novel strategies to fight bacterial infections. Therapeutics that rather than kill bacteria only attenuate their virulence may reduce the frequency or progress of resistance emergence. Recently, a group of salicylidene acylhydrazides were identified as inhibitors of T3SSs in Yersinia, Chlamydia, and Salmonella species. Here we show that these are also effective on the T3SS of Shigella flexneri, where they block all related forms of protein secretion so far known, as well as the epithelial cell invasion and induction of macrophage apoptosis usually demonstrated by this bacterium. Furthermore, we show the first evidence for the detrimental effect of these compounds on T3SS needle assembly, as demonstrated by increased numbers of T3S apparatuses without needles or with shorter needles. Therefore, the compounds generate a phenocopy of T3SS export apparatus mutants but with incomplete penetrance. We discuss why this would be sufficient to almost completely block the later secretion of effector proteins and how this begins to narrow the search for the molecular target of these compounds.  相似文献   

The Shigella type III secretion machinery is responsible for delivering to host cells the set of effectors required for invasion. The type III secretion complex comprises a needle composed of MxiH and MxiI and a basal body made up of MxiD, MxiG, and MxiJ. In S. flexneri, the needle length has a narrow range, with a mean of approximately 45 nm, suggesting that it is strictly regulated. Here we show that Spa32, encoded by one of the spa genes, is an essential protein translocated via the type III secretion system and is involved in the control of needle length as well as type III secretion activity. When the spa32 gene was mutated, the type III secretion complexes possessed needles of various lengths, ranging from 40 to 1,150 nm. Upon introduction of a cloned spa32 into the spa32 mutant, the bacteria produced needles of wild-type length. The spa32 mutant overexpressing MxiH produced extremely long (>5 microm) needles. Spa32 was secreted into the medium via the type III secretion system, but secretion did not depend on activation of the system. The spa32 mutant and the mutant overexpressing MxiH did not secrete effectors such as Ipa proteins into the medium or invade HeLa cells. Upon introduction of Salmonella invJ, encoding InvJ, which has 15.4% amino acid identity with Spa32, into the spa32 mutant, the bacteria produced type III needles of wild-type length and efficiently entered HeLa cells. These findings suggest that Spa32 is an essential secreted protein for a functional type III secretion system in Shigella spp. and is involved in the control of needle length. Furthermore, its function is interchangeable with that of Salmonella InvJ.  相似文献   

Type III secretion (TTS) is an essential virulence function for Shigella flexneri that delivers effector proteins that are responsible for bacterial invasion of intestinal epithelial cells. The Shigella TTS apparatus (TTSA) consists of a basal body that spans the bacterial inner and outer membranes and a needle exposed at the pathogen surface. At the distal end of the needle is a "tip complex" composed of invasion plasmid antigen D (IpaD). IpaD not only regulates TTS, but is required for the recruitment and stable association of the translocator protein IpaB at the TTSA needle tip in the presence of deoxycholate or other bile salts. This phenomenon is not accompanied by induction of TTS or the recruitment of IpaC to the Shigella surface. We now show that IpaD specifically binds fluorescein-labeled deoxycholate and, based on energy transfer measurements and docking simulations, this interaction appears to occur where the N-terminal domain of IpaD meets its central coiled-coil, a region that may also be involved in needle-tip interactions. TTS is initiated as a series of distinct steps and that small molecules present in the bacterial milieu are capable of inducing the first step of TSS through interactions with the needle tip protein IpaD. Furthermore, the amino acids proposed to be important for deoxycholate binding by IpaD appear to have significant roles in regulating tip complex composition and pathogen entry into host cells.  相似文献   

VirA, a secreted effector protein from Shigella sp., has been shown to be necessary for its virulence. It was also reported that VirA might be related to papain-like cysteine proteases and cleave alpha-tubulin, thus facilitating intracellular spreading. We have now determined the crystal structure of VirA at 3.0 A resolution. The shape of the molecule resembles the letter "V," with the residues in the N-terminal third of the 45-kDa molecule (some of which are disordered) forming one clearly identifiable domain, and the remainder of the molecule completing the V-like structure. The fold of VirA is unique and does not resemble that of any known protein, including papain, although its N-terminal domain is topologically similar to cysteine protease inhibitors such as stefin B. Analysis of the sequence conservation between VirA and its Escherichia coli homologs EspG and EspG2 did not result in identification of any putative protease-like active site, leaving open a possibility that the biological function of VirA in Shigella virulence may not involve direct proteolytic activity.  相似文献   

The conserved ATPase of type III secretion systems is critical to the export of substrates through the apparatus. We present a characterization of the native T3SS ATPase, Spa47, from the cytoplasm of Shigella flexneri, demonstrating it to be in two distinct high-molecular-weight complexes with Spa33: MxiN and MxiK.  相似文献   

Bacteria of Shigella spp. are the causative agents of shigellosis. The virulence traits of these pathogens include their ability to enter into epithelial cells and induce apoptosis in macrophages. Expression of these functions requires the Mxi-Spa type III secretion apparatus and the secreted IpaA-D proteins, all of which are encoded by a virulence plasmid. In wild-type strains, the activity of the secretion apparatus is tightly regulated and induced upon contact of bacteria with epithelial cells. To investigate the repertoire of proteins secreted by Shigella flexneri in conditions of active secretion, we determined the N-terminal sequence of 14 proteins that are secreted by a mutant in which secretion was deregulated. Sequencing of the virulence plasmid pWR100 of the S. flexneri strain M90T (serotype 5) has allowed us to identify the genes encoding these secreted proteins and suggests that approximately 25 proteins are secreted by the type III secretion apparatus. Analysis of the G+C content and the relative positions of genes and open reading frames carried by the plasmid, together with information concerning the localization and function of encoded proteins, suggests that pWR100 contains blocks of genes of various origins, some of which were initially carried by four different plasmids.  相似文献   

Type III secretion (T3S) systems are used by numerous Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria to inject virulence proteins into animal and plant host cells. The core of the T3S apparatus, known as the needle complex, is composed of a basal body transversing both bacterial membranes and a needle protruding above the bacterial surface. In Shigella flexneri, IpaD is required to inhibit the activity of the T3S apparatus prior to contact of bacteria with host and has been proposed to assist translocation of bacterial proteins into host cells. We investigated the localization of IpaD by electron microscopy analysis of cross-linked bacteria and mildly purified needle complexes. This analysis revealed the presence of a distinct density at the needle tip. A combination of single particle analysis, immuno-labeling and biochemical analysis, demonstrated that IpaD forms part of the structure at the needle tip. Anti-IpaD antibodies were shown to block entry of bacteria into epithelial cells.  相似文献   

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