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The loud calls nonhuman primates use in long-distance communication have supposedly been selected for efficient information transfer in the habitat. The differential effects of scattering and reverberation and the masking effects of background noise predict that loud calls produced in rain forest habitats should be low-pitched and whistle-like with low-frequency modulation. Callers may also use particular calling posts or times of day with reduced background noise to increase the efficacy of sound transmission. We studied the loud calls of the 4 sympatric primate species on Siberut Island. Only Kloss gibbons (Hylobates klossii) fulfilled the predictions regarding both the structure and use of calls. Though the other 3 species —Mentawai macaques (Macaca siberu), pig-tailed langurs (Simias concolor), and Mentawai leaf monkeys (Presbytis potenziani)— also concentrated their main energies in the spectral window with the lowest background noise, their calls were not adapted to long-range transmission. All 4 species produced loud calls exclusively no lower than 18 m above ground, but food abundance and shelter in the canopy may also be factors. Though all 4 species produced the majority of loud calls in the morning, it was not the only time of day with reduced background noise. We suggest that phylogenetic inheritance may better explain the structure of calls than adaptation to the habitat. In sum, the observed usage of spectral and temporal niches is not solely an adaptation to the sound profile of the habitat, though it clearly improves their transmission.  相似文献   

Many animals rely on information from vocal signals to assess potential competitors and mates. For example, in primates, males use loud calls to assess rivals when the acoustic properties of the calls reliably indicate the condition or quality of the sender. Here, we investigate whether the loud calls of male geladas (Theropithecus gelada) function as a quality signal. Gelada males produce loud calls during ritualistic chases with rival males. Given the physically taxing nature of these displays, we hypothesize that variation in the acoustic properties of loud calls reliably signal male stamina or competitive ability. To test this hypothesis, we examined whether the acoustic properties of the gelada loud call varied in relation to individual, age, status, and exhaustion. Specifically, we examined 12 call parameters (e.g., fundamental frequency) and 3 bout parameters (e.g., number of calls per bout), that have been previously shown to vary across condition in male primates. We found that several acoustic features varied consistently across age and status such that males deemed higher quality in gelada society (e.g., high status) produced more calls per bout, produced calls that were lower in overall frequency measures, and exhibited a greater vocal range. In addition, we found that similar acoustic features varied with exhaustion; after a long chase event, males produced both fewer calls per bout and calls with higher spectral measures. Results from this study are consistent with the hypothesis that gelada loud calls are quality signals, contributing to the growing evidence that primates may use acoustic information to assess the quality of a rival or a potential mate.  相似文献   

Predation is one of the main factors responsible for winter mortality in small birds. Contact vocalizations of crested tits ( Parus cristatus ) can be divided into two categories: long- and short-range communication calls. The long-range calls are loud, frequency-modulated trills, which are well suited for acoustic communication over long distances. The short-range calls, in contrast, are soft, high-pitched tones, which are strongly attenuated as they radiate through the environment. As the predation cost in this species is mostly associated with the use of loud calls, we investigated whether crested tits adjust the use of loud trill-calls and of soft seet-calls to changes in habitat safety. We arranged two feeding sites that differed with respect to predicted safety, and observed the utterance of loud trill-calls and soft seet-calls. Calling rates of the loud trill-calls were highest when male crested tits foraged at the safe site. The loud trill-calls were given significantly less often while visiting risky feeders placed just a few metres away from the safe sites. The soft seet-calls were uttered both at risky and safe feeders at similar rates. This study suggests that the long-range part of contact communication in crested tits is strongly affected by the level of perceived predation risk. In accordance with the data on hearing ability of predators, dominant male crested tits decrease their exposure to predation in risky habitats by choosing a less risky type of communication with high-pitched sounds.  相似文献   

In this study, it is shown that the males of several picture-winged Drosophila subgroup species produced high-frequency clicking sounds when courting females. At the beginning of the courtship, the males may semaphore or vibrate their wings with a large amplitude, producing no audible sounds. After these ‘preliminary’ wing vibrations the males set their wings backwards in a normal resting position and vibrate them with a small amplitude, producing loud clicking sounds (up to 15000 cps), which differ from all Drosophila sounds described so far in both their spectral and their temporal structure. When producing these sounds the males always touch the abdomen of the female with their front legs, which might help the females receive the sounds as vibrational signals.  相似文献   

1. Several methods of varying accuracy have been used to assess what sounds small laboratory animals such as rodents are capable of hearing. Most rodents can detect sounds from 1000 Hz (the frequency of the Greenwich Time Signal) up to 100000 Hz, depending on the strain, with usually one or more commonly two peaks of sensitivity within this range. Dogs can detect sound most easily from 500 Hz to 55000 Hz, depending on the breed. 2. Rodents also produce sound signals as a behavioural response and for communication in a variety of situations. Ultrasonic calls in the range 22000–70000 Hz are the main communicating pathway during aggressive encounters, mating, and mothering. Similar calls have also been recorded from isolated animals associated with inactivity, rest and possibly even sleep. 3. Very loud sounds cause seizures in rats and mice, or can make them more susceptible to other sounds later in life. This effect is possible even when animals are fully anaesthetized. Sound tends to startle and reduce activity in several species of animal. Even offspring of mice that have been sound-stressed exhibit abnormal behaviour patterns. Sounds also elicit various responses in rats from increasing aggression to making them more tolerant to electric shocks. 4. Levels of sound above 100 dB are teratogenic in several species of animals and several hormonal, haematological and reproductive parameters are disturbed by sounds above 80 dB. When rats are chemically deafened the disturbance to their fertility disappears. Lipid metabolism is disrupted in rats when exposed to over 95 dB of sounds, leading to increases in plasma triglycerides. Atherosclerosis can be produced in rabbits by similar levels of sound. 5. It has also been shown in guinea pigs and cats that hearing damage is governed by the duration as well as the intensity of the sound and is irreversible. Work on chinchillas hs demonstrated that sounds above 95 dB lead to this injury, but that sounds of 80 dB have no permanent effect on hearing sensitivity.  相似文献   

Organisms that use vocal signals to communicate often modulate their vocalizations to avoid being masked by other sounds in the environment. Although some environmental noise is continuous, both biotic and abiotic noise can be intermittent, or even periodic. Interference from intermittent noise can be avoided if calls are timed to coincide with periods of silence, a capacity that is unambiguously present in insects, amphibians, birds, and humans. Surprisingly, we know virtually nothing about this fundamental capacity in nonhuman primates. Here we show that a New World monkey, the cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus), can restrict calls to periodic silent intervals in loud white noise. In addition, calls produced during these silent intervals were significantly louder than calls recorded in silent baseline sessions. Finally, average call duration dropped across sessions, indicating that experience with temporally patterned noise caused tamarins to compress their calls. Taken together, these results show that in the presence of a predictable, intermittent environmental noise, cotton-top tamarins are able to modify the duration, timing, and amplitude of their calls to avoid acoustic interference.  相似文献   

Amelia Wein  Raoul Schwing  Ludwig Huber 《Ibis》2020,162(3):1012-1023
Vocal behaviour of nesting altricial birds is subject to selection pressure from several sources. Offspring beg to attract parents’ attention, thus increasing the chances of being fed, but also increasing the chances of being detected by predators. Research on passerines has shown that parents may reduce the risk of nest predation by alarm calling to warn nestlings to be quiet, and by producing food calls which solicit begging when parents are present to defend the nestlings. Both nestlings and parents may reduce the risk of predator detection by producing calls of low amplitude and high entropy which are acoustically difficult to locate. Although extensive research has been undertaken on nesting passerine vocalizations, little is known about parrots in this regard, and studies are needed to determine whether parrots show similar adaptations. We investigated the calling behaviour of Kea Nestor notabilis mothers during the nesting period to determine whether maternal vocalizations were adapted in a way that could increase the chance of brood success. A microphone was installed inside the nest to record calls produced both inside the nest and in the direct vicinity. Our prediction was that calls outside the nest would be easy to locate and could function as alarm calls to alert conspecifics or distract the predator, whereas calls inside the nest would be difficult to locate and could serve to communicate with nestlings without alerting predators. Our results accorded with these predictions. Calls produced outside the nest were loud and tonal, and corresponded to previously described Kea alarm calls. Calls produced inside the nest, however, were high-entropy and low-amplitude calls, and formed a distinct structural category. We thus provide the first evidence that a parrot species has a vocal category for communication inside the nest, and that calls within this category are structured in a way that could reduce the risk of nest predation.  相似文献   

Certain loud calls made by female red junglefowl and Lapland longspurs are given most frequently immediately after egg laying, when a copulation should have the highest probability of fertilizing the next egg to be laid. In these species there is considerable male-male interaction for access to fertilizable females, and males are attracted to or follow females making these calls. Based on our interpretation of these calls, we develop a general hypothesis to predict the pattern of occurrence of fertility advertisement both within and among bird species. We hypothesize that certain loud calls given by female birds before and during the egg-laying period are designed to advertise fertility and thereby incite male-male competition. This hypothesis predicts that calls advertising female fertility should most often occur soon after an egg is laid (i.e. during the period of highest fertility) but may also occur at any time during the female's fertilizable period. Such calls are unlikely to be given by females in strictly monogamous species (especially those with long-term pair bonds) because in these species each female usually mates with only a single male and extra-pair copulations are avoided. Although reports of loud female calls associated with copulation are rare in the literature, the 18 examples we found (including junglefowl and longspurs) were predominantly (15/18) in species adopting mating systems other than strict monogamy, and these calls were most commonly and disproportionately reported in multi-male mating systems. This form of “estrus” in birds may be widespread because few species appear to be strictly monogamous, but it will be difficult to study because the period of high fertility for female birds is so short.  相似文献   

A diverse array of birds apparently make mechanical sounds (called sonations) with their feathers. Few studies have established that these sounds are non-vocal, and the mechanics of how these sounds are produced remains poorly studied. The loud, high-frequency chirp emitted by a male Anna's hummingbird (Calypte anna) during his display dive is a debated example. Production of the sound was originally attributed to the tail, but a more recent study argued that the sound is vocal. Here, we use high-speed video of diving birds, experimental manipulations on wild birds and laboratory experiments on individual feathers to show that the dive sound is made by tail feathers. High-speed video shows that fluttering of the trailing vane of the outermost tail feathers produces the sound. The mechanism is not a whistle, and we propose a flag model to explain the feather's fluttering and accompanying sound. The flag hypothesis predicts that subtle changes in feather shape will tune the frequency of sound produced by feathers. Many kinds of birds are reported to create aerodynamic sounds with their wings or tail, and this model may explain a wide diversity of non-vocal sounds produced by birds.  相似文献   


Spotted hyaena Crocuta crocuta whoops are loud calls normally produced in a sequence termed a bout. Whoops are produced by hyaenas irrespective of age or sex to display identity and convey information about the location of the caller. The majority (91%, n=460) of whoops produced by spotted hyaenas, from two geographically separate populations in southern Africa and one population in eastern Africa, showed pronounced nonlinear phenomena, predominantly subharmonics. Whoops produced by males and females had a similarly high probability of sub- harmonics, and 91.5% of the 78 bouts examined contained calls with subharmonics. These results provide evidence that nonlinear vocal phenomena are a common feature of hyaena whoops. The presence of subharmonics in whoops may be enhanced by vocal tract resonances when the fundamental frequency and first formant in the calls are close or coincide. Vocal membranes may also play a role. The high incidence of subharmonics in whoops may enhance individual recognition by adding structural complexity to calls. As 33 of 34 individually known spotted hyaenas examined in this study produced whoops containing subharmonics, it is unlikely that the production of subharmonics is confined to calls from individuals of a particular social status, sex, size, or level of developmental asymmetry, as proposed for nonlinear phenomena in the calls of other mammalian species, although variation in structural features of subharmonics may convey information about these characteristics.  相似文献   


Mysticete (baleen) whales produce a variety of vocalizations and sounds, but relatively few of these have been well described with accompanying behavior. This review concentrates on the vocalizations consistently associated with behavioral interactions or acoustic exchanges between or among conspecifics. These communication “signals” have been categorized for this review as contact calls of single animals outside of the breeding season (including cow-calf pairs), vocalizations reported during the breeding season (often designated as “songs”), and calls produced by active groups of whales that may or may not have a reproductive function. While much remains unknown, the data obtained thus far indicate that the social vocalizations of baleen whales have structural/functional similarities with those of other mammals and birds.  相似文献   

Many nonhuman primates produce species-typical loud calls used to communicate between and within groups over long distances. Given their observed spacing functions, primate loud calls are likely to show acoustic adaptations to increase their propagation over distance. Here we evaluate the hypothesis that primates emit loud calls at relatively low sound frequencies to minimize their attenuation. We tested this hypothesis within and between species. First, we compared the frequencies of loud calls produced by each species with those of other calls from their vocal repertoires. Second, we investigated the relationship between loud call frequency and home range size across a sample of primate species. Comparisons indicated that primates produce loud calls at lower frequencies than other calls within their vocal repertoires. In addition, a significant negative relationship exists between loud call frequency and home range size among species. The relationship between call frequency and range size holds after controlling for the potentially confounding effects of body size and phylogeny. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that nonhuman primates produce loud calls at relatively low frequencies to facilitate their transmission over long distances.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are a major threat to biodiversity. Invasive species that use acoustic communication can affect native species through interference in the acoustic niche. The American Bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus is a highly invasive anuran that is widely distributed in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest. Adult male bullfrogs emit loud advertisement calls at frequencies that overlap with the calls of several native species of frogs. Given that spectral overlap is a major factor in acoustic masking, the purpose of this study was to test the effects of the acoustic invasion of L. catesbeianus on native frogs that have calls with and without spectral overlap with the invader. In field experiments, we exposed calling males of two overlapping species and two non-overlapping species to recorded bullfrog vocalizations, white noise, and the vocalization of another native frog species. To identify effects, we compared calls recorded before, during, and after exposure. Our results showed that native species altered their calls in response to the bullfrog calls. However, we also observed similar responses to white noise and heterospecific native calls. Both the invasive and heterospecific calls were emitted at low frequencies, which suggests that the observed responses might be specific to low-frequency calls. Our results provide evidence that the introduction of new sounds can cause native species to modify their calls, and that responses to exogenous sounds are species- and stimulus-specific.  相似文献   

Recognition of heterospecific (interspecific) alarm calls has been demonstrated in birds and mammals, but bird–mammal interactions have rarely been studied. Here, I tested the hypothesis that red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) are able to recognize alarm calls of a sympatric bird species, the Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius), and respond adequately with anti‐predator behaviour. Both animals are preyed upon by the same predators. To test whether squirrels would react to heterospecific alarm calls, I recorded squirrels behaviour during playbacks of jay alarm calls, control playbacks (territorial songs of sympatric songbirds) and during silence. Differences between the control treatment (songbirds) and silence were not significant. Seven of the 13 squirrels responded with escape after broadcasting alarm calls of jays. Further, squirrels spent less time in the patch, expressed a higher vigilance, and showed more rapid head and body movements. These results suggest that squirrels recognize heterospecific alarm vocalizations of jays and discriminate them from equally loud non‐threatening sounds.  相似文献   

Summary It is generally supposed that the elongated, often coiled tracheae of many species of birds are adaptations for the production of loud, penetrating calls. A corollary supposition is that the acoustic effects are produced by the resonant properties of the elongated tube, with the birds being analogized to a wind instrument. We have experimented with several species of cranes possessing different degrees of tracheal coiling. Regardless of the degree of coiling, all cranes can utter extremely loud calls using remarkably low driving pressures. Neither surgical modifications of the trachea nor changing the respiratory gases to helium-oxygen produced consistent changes of voice that could be unambiguously attributed to changes of tubal resonances. However, shortening the trachea markedly reduced vocal intensity, the degree of reduction being roughly proportional to the degree of shortening. Although some of that reduction may derive from an increased impedance mismatch at the external aperture of the tube, and some from a decreased radiation directly from the hard walls of the trachea, these explanations scarcely account for the dramatic effects we observed. We, therefore, hypothesize a more unusual mechanism: The tracheal coils that are embedded in the sternum serve a function analogous to the bridge of a stringed instrument, transmitting the vibrations of a tiny sound source to a large radiating surface, the sternum. The sternum then vibrates against the large internal air reservoir of the avian airsac system. As it has a complex shape, the sternum will have many resonances and will respond to many frequencies; as a solid oscillator, its resonances will not be greatly affected by low density gases. Hence, we suggest that cranes and other birds with enlarged windpipes are more properly analogized with a violin than a trombone.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that myomorph rodent species use ultrasoniccalls as communication signals. The range over which sound communicationsignals may travel and the ease with which they may be localizeddepends on their intensity and structure and the structure ismade. It is concluded that rodent calls are mainly within therange 20–100 kHz and not longer than 300 msec, exceptfor some rat calls which last up to 3 sec. Intensities may beas high as 103 dB SPL (at 10 cm) in pups and 86 dB SPL (at 5–30cm) in adults. Bandwidths between 1–104 kHz are found.High frequency sounds are attenuated with distance more thanlower frequency sounds, mainly by atmospheric attenuation, groundattenuation and scattering. These effects are not all linearso it is difficult to predict how far rodent sounds may travelwithout making measurements under the conditions in which soundsare known to be produced by rodents in the wild. It is shownthat there is little attenuation due to scattering from vegetationin a wood inhabited by woodmice. But in grass or wheat wherefield voles may live, sounds above 20 kHz are rapidly attenuated.Attenuation may be much less in rodent runs and burrows andthis is being studied by a new spark technique.  相似文献   

Some 1274 southern right whale sounds were randomly selected and each sound was described by 10 acoustic variables. Two hundred and fifty of these sounds were also ‘labelled’ by the activity, size and sexual composition o the group producing them. Principal components analysis was performed on all the sounds' variables (1274×10) and on the variables for a subset of 823 sounds referred to as calls. Results of the principal components analyses indicate that the sounds can be divided into three major classes: blow sounds, slaps, and calls; and that the repertoire of calls is a continuum with certain types more common than others. The distribution of the ‘labelled’ sounds in the principal components analyses patterns revealed general associations between whale activities and the types of sounds produced.  相似文献   

Males in many primate species give loud calls. Lifetime changes in loud calls may be due to either age or social changes. We examined loud call characteristics, loud call production and levels of fecal testosterone among 4 life-phases of male Thomas langurs (Presbytis thomasi): all-male band (AMB), early, middle, and late life-phase in mixed-sex groups. Discriminant analyses showed that a high percentage of loud calls could be assigned correctly to the proper life-phase. The most significant change in loud call characteristics is an increase in tonal units and duration from the AMB to the early life-phase, accompanied by a decrease in non-tonal units. Since adult AMB males have a similar age to that of early life-phase males, we suggest that social rather than age-related changes underlie the loud call differences between AMB males and early life-phase males. This could also be related to the increase in testosterone levels from the AMB to the early life-phase. In addition, we postulate that females may use loud call characteristics as a cue to choose between young and old males once they decided to leave their current male, and possibly also as a cue to decide to leave their current male as he enters his late life-phase.  相似文献   

Alarm vocalizations produced by prey species encountering predators can serve a variety of functions. North American red squirrels are a small-bodied mammal popularly known for producing loud, conspicuous alarm calls, but functional accounts of calling in this species are few and contradictory. We conducted research over a 3-yr period on a sample of 47 marked red squirrels in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies. We recorded the production of alarm calls during encounters with natural predators and in a series of simulated predator experiments. We tested for variation in call production patterns consistent with three traditional hypotheses concerning the conspecific warning functions of alarm calling: namely that they serve as warnings to kin, to potential mates, or to territorial neighbors with which callers have an established relationship. Patterns of calling did not provide clear support for any of these hypothesized functions. We consider several possible qualifications to our results. We also consider the possibility that conspicuous calls given by red squirrels during encounters with predators are directed at the predators themselves and function to announce their detection and possibly deter them. This possibility is consistent with additional life-history features of red squirrels including that they are a relatively solitary and territorial, food-hoarding species that produces the same conspicuous vocalizations in response to other squirrels intruding on their territory to steal cones. An important corollary of this account is that red squirrel alarm calls probably do not entail referentially specific messages about different types of predator, as proposed previously.  相似文献   

Visual fields in hornbills: precision-grasping and sunshades   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Retinal visual fields were determined in Southern Ground Hornbills Bucorvus leadbeateri and Southern Yellow-billed Hornbills Tockus leucomelas (Coraciiformes, Bucerotidae) using an ophthalmoscopic reflex technique. In both species the binocular field is relatively long and narrow with a maximum width of 30° occurring 40° above the bill. The bill tip projects into the lower half of the binocular field. This frontal visual field topography exhibits a number of key features that are also found in other terrestrial birds. This supports the hypothesis that avian visual fields are of three principal types that are correlated with the degree to which vision is employed when taking food items, rather than with phylogeny. However, unlike other species studied to date, in both hornbill species the bill intrudes into the binocular field. This intrusion of the bill restricts the width of the binocular field but allows the birds to view their own bill tips. It is suggested that this is associated with the precision-grasping feeding technique of hornbills. This involves forceps-like grasping and manipulation of items in the tips of the large decurved bill. The two hornbill species differ in the extent of the blind area perpendicularly above the head. Interspecific comparison shows that eye size and the width of the blind area above the head are significantly correlated. The limit of the upper visual field in hornbills is viewed through the long lash-like feathers of the upper lids and these appear to be used as a sunshade mechanism. In Ground Hornbills eye movements are non-conjugate and have sufficient amplitude (30–40°) to abolish the frontal binocular field and to produce markedly asymmetric visual field configurations.  相似文献   

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