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HMG proteins were extracted with 5% PCA or 0.35 M NaCl from whole tissue, nuclei or chromatin of the liver of young (19 weeks) and old (118 weeks) male rats. They were resolved on acetic acid-urea polyacrylamide gel. The electrophoretic patterns of the major HMG proteins 1, 2, 14 and 17 of both ages are similar. The in vitro synthesis of HMG 1 and 2 decreases, but that of HMG 14 and 17 increases considerably in the liver of old rats. The synthesis of different HMG proteins is modulated differentially by spermine, butyrate, dexamethasone and 3-aminobenzamide in the liver of young and old rats. These findings suggest that HMG proteins contribute to alterations in the organization of chromatin and expression of genes during aging.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of high mobility group (HMG) proteins and its modulation by dexamethasone were examined in vitro by incubating liver slices of young (15- ) and old (138-week) male rats with (32P) orthophosphate. HMG proteins were extracted and analyzed by acid-urea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Phosphorylation of HMG proteins, particularly of HMG 2, 14 and 17 decreases drastically in old rats. Dexamethasone stimulates the phosphorylation of total HMG proteins in both ages. Individual HMG proteins vary in the extent of 32P incorporation. Such differential phosphorylation of HMG proteins and its modulation by dexamethasone may affect chromatin organization and gene expression during aging.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic comparisons of histones and other acid-extractable chromatin proteins isolated from the livers of growing F344 inbred rats and a heterotic paternal hybrid derived by crossing F344 males with Holtzman females reveal significant heterogeneity among a class of nonhistone components soluble in acid. These variations appear to be age and line specific and show more variation in the inbred than the hybrid. Comparisons of the acid-insoluble nonhistone proteins by sodium dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis reveal significant quantitative changes in a 28,600 dalton polypeptide present in large quantities at 30, 35, and 50 days of age in the hybrid and at 40 and 45 days only in the inbred. Other minor variations were noted in a class of proteins of 40,000–45,000 molecular weight and in those of very high molecular weight (100,000–200,000). Such variations could be a reflection of or prelude to changes in genetic activity and could ultimately be important in the control of growth patterns of developing heterotic animals.This investigation was supported in part by a Gulf Oil Foundation Research Grant, by the West Virginia University Foundation, and by Hatch Project 248 of the College of Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Station. This paper is published with the approval of the Director of the Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station as scientific article No. 1509.  相似文献   

In vitro incubations of non-histone proteins from rat liver nuclei with labelled L-3, 5, 3′ triiodothyronine demonstrate the existence of high affinity, limited capacity binding sites for the hormone in this protein group; the affinity was found identical for triiodothyroacetic acid and lower for L-thyroxine. Binding ability was highly temperature dependent. At 4°C, the rate constant of association was 0.9 × 107 M?1 h?1 and the rate constant of dissociation was 0.015 h?1. The dissociation constant Kd was calculated from these data or measured by Scatchard analysis and found to be between 1.6 and 5 × 10?9 M. The maximum binding capacity was 10?13 moles of L-3, 5, 3′ triiodothyronine per 100 μg non-histone proteins or 6000 hormone molecules per nucleus. Protein binding had a half-life of 20 hours at 4°C, in the absence of hormone, but was found to be very stable in the presence of hormone.  相似文献   

A pool of nuclear proteins from adult worms of Schistosoma mansoni was analyzed for amino acid composition and found to be compatible with high mobility group (HMG) proteins. One of the schistosome HMG proteins was identified as HMG 2 by one-dimensional and two-dimensional PAGE. Stage-specific differences in the HMG-like protein composition were encountered when adult worms were compared to schistosomula, the larval form. Immobilization of the adult male and female nuclear proteins onto nitrocellulose, followed by hybridization against 32P-F-10, a schistosome sex specific gene encoding a major egg shell protein, revealed distinct banding patterns. On the other hand, a synthetic oligonucleotide, derived from the 3' untranslated end of the F-10 gene and possibly containing one regulatory element of the gene, bound mainly to male low MW proteins.  相似文献   

The positioning of nucleosomes has been analysed by comparing the pattern of cutting sites of a probing reagent on chromatin and naked DNA. For this purpose, high molecular weight DNA and nuclei from the liver of young (18±2 weeks) and old (100±5 weeks) Wistar male rats were digested with micrococcal nuclease (MNase) and hybridized with 32P-labelled rat satellite DNA probe. A comparison of the ladder generated by MNase with chromatin and nuclei indicates long range organization of the satellite chromatin fiber with distinct non-random positioning of nucleosomes. However, the positioning of nucleosomes on satellite DNA does not vary with age. For studying the periodicity and subunit structure of satellite DNA, high molecular weight DNA from the liver of young and old rats were digested with different restriction enzymes. Surprisingly, no noteworthy age-related change is visible in the periodicity and subunit structural organization of the satellite DNA. These results suggest that the nucleosome positioning and the periodicity of liver satellite DNA do not vary with age.  相似文献   

Summary In the present study the effect of histones H1o and H5, and the nonhistone chromatin proteins HMG 1, 2, 14 and 17 (the high mobility group proteins), as well as the acidic peptide fragments of HMG 1 and 2 and polyglutamate, on cell division and differentation of cultured murine erythroleukemia (Friend) cells has been investigated. It was found that histones H1o and H5, the acidic peptide fragments of HMG 1 and 2, HMG 14 and 17 and sodium polyglutamate stimulated cell division at a concentration of 10 g/ml. None of the H1o, H5 or HMG protein preparations induced hemoglobin synthesis, as judged by benzidine staining.  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative changes of mitochondrial membrane proteind during aging were investigated. Free (non-synaptic) mitochondria were purified from rat cerebellum at different ages (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 months). Mitochondrial outer membrane (OM), inner membrane (IM) and matrix (MX) were separated and the proteins were extracted and analyzed by gel-electrophoresis.After staining, the gels were scanned densitometrically to quantify the proteins. No significant changes in the quantity of OM or MX protein subunits were observed, while serveral statistically significant quantitative changes in IM proteins with age were found. These age-dependent modifications of inner membrane mitochondrial proteins may play an important role in energy transduction, transport systems and regulatory enzymatic activities in mitochondria.  相似文献   

The synthesis of total cellular as well as acid-soluble nuclear proteins and estrogen receptor is high in the uteri of young (22 weeks) and decreases to half in old (104 weeks) rats. Administration of estrogen induces the synthesis of these proteins significantly in young but shows no remarkable effect in old rats. Interestingly, a specific cytosolic protein of 45 kDa is stimulated about two-fold after estrogen injection in young but not in old rats. These findings further establish the reduced responsiveness of uterus to estrogen in old age.  相似文献   

Invitro phosphorylation and acetylation of nonhistone chromosomal (NHC) proteins and their modulation by Ca++ and estradiol were studied by incubating slices of cerebral cortex of 2-, 15- and 84-week female rats with 32Pi and 14C-Na-acetate. Phosphorylation pattern of NHC proteins is unique for each age. Ca++ and estradiol stimulate phosphorylation of different NHC proteins which is also age-specific. Acetylation of NHC proteins decreases precipitously with age. No unique NHC protein is acetylated preferentially at any age, nor does Ca++ stimulate acetylation. Estradiol, however, stimulates acetylation of a few NHC proteins. It is suggested that phosphorylation of NHC proteins and its modulation by effectors may be more important for gene expression than their acetylation.  相似文献   

Liver slices from young (20 weeks) and old (117 weeks) rats were incubated with [methyl-14C]methionine in the absence or presence of spermine or sodium butyrate. The high-mobility-group (HMG) non-histone proteins were extracted from the liver with perchloric acid and separated by acid-urea polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis. Methylation of HMG proteins decreased drastically in old rats. Whereas spermine inhibited the methylation of total HMG proteins in young rats, it had no effect in old age. On the contrary, sodium butyrate did not change the incorporation of methyl groups into total HMG proteins of young rats, but inhibited that of old rats. Particularly, the incorporation of [14C]methyl groups into HMG 2 was enhanced but into other HMGs it was reduced by both effectors in young and old age. Such discrepancies in the methylation of HMG proteins and their differential modulation by spermine and butyrate might affect the higher-order organization of chromatin and consequently destabilize the expression of genes during aging.  相似文献   

We have examined the endogenous nuclease activity of the liver of intact, castrated and testosterone-treated mice of different ages. Both Mg2+- and Ca2+-dependent endogenous nuclease activities decline in old age. Withdrawal of the hormone increases nuclease activity in the immature and young. However, testosterone administration prevents the digestion of nuclei to different extents in all ages. These findings suggest a possible protective role of testosterone in the cleavage of liver chromatin by endogenous nucleases during the aging of mice.  相似文献   

Summary Several spontaneous Lac deletion derivatives of the β-galactosidase gene ofLactobacillus bulgaricus were analyzed for their phenotypic stability. We found that one of these mutants,lac139, carrying a deletion of 30 by within the gene, was able to revert to a Lac+ phenotype. Genetical analysis of revertants indicated that an internal region of 72 by was duplicated immediately next to the deletion site. The region involved in the duplication event is flanked by direct repeated sequences of 13 by in length. Both events, the deletion and the duplication, were mediated by the presence of such short direct repeats. Enzymatic studies of the purified proteins indicated identical kinetic parameters, but showed considerable instability of the revertant protein.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes (1–2 mg protein) prepared from the livers of adult male rats and human organ donors were incubated with 0.6 μM [α-32P] guanosine triphosphate (GTP) in an adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-regenerating buffer at 37°C for 1 h; during this incubation, the [32P]GTP is hydrolyzed and the nucleotide that is predominantly bound to the membranes is [32P] guanosine diphosphate (GDP). [32P]GDP release from the liver membranes was proportional to the protein concentration and increased as a function of time. At 5 mM, Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, and Zn2+ maximally inhibited GDP release by 80–90%, whereas, 5 mM Cu2+ maximally stimulated the reaction by 100%. Therefore, cations were not included in the buffer used in the GDP release step. One μM Gpp(NH)p (5′-guanylylimidodiphosphate), a nonhydrolyzable analog of GTP, maximally stimulated [32P]GDP release in the liver membranes by up to 30%. Although 10 nM Gpp(NH)p had no effect on GDP release, it appeared to stabilize the hormonal effect by blocking further GDP/GTP exchange. In the rat membranes, 1–100 nM glucagon (used as a positive control) stimulated [32P]GDP release by about 17% (P < .05); similarly, 0.1–100 nM insulin stimulated [32P]GDP release by 10–13% (P < .05). In the human membranes, 10 pM to 100 nM insulin stimulated [32P]GDP release by 7–10%. In the rat membranes, 10 nM insulin stimulated [32P]GDP release by 17 and 24% at 2 and 4 min, respectively (P < .05); in the human membranes, 10 nM insulin stimulated [32P]GDP release by about 9% at 2 and 4 min. Normal rabbit IgG (used as a control for insulin receptor antibody) by itself stimulated the GDP release by rat and human membranes. However, the stimulation of the GDP release by insulin receptor antibody was consistently higher than that observed with normal rabbit IgG. Four to 15 μg of insulin receptor antibody stimulated [32P]GDP release by 12–22% (P < .05) and 7–14% in rat and human membranes, respectively. These results indicate that ligand binding to the insulin receptor results in a functional interaction of the receptor with a guanine nucleotide-binding transducer protein (G protein) and activation of GTP/GDP exchange.  相似文献   

The specificity of Kirkman-Robbins hepatoma and hamster liver non-histone chromatin proteins has been studied by comparing polypeptide patterns in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by their immunological activity in the complement fixation test. Non-histone proteins were separated from DNA with a polyethylene glycol-dextran mixture and fractionated by hydroxylapatite chromatography into three classes named NHCP1, NHCP2, and NHCP3. Electrophoretic analysis indicated that among the non-histone proteins of Kirkman-Robbins hepatoma and hamster liver differences mainly of a quantitative nature can be observed. However, the polypeptides with molecular weight 25 000, 31 000, 36 000, 73 000 in NHCP1; 20 000, 40 000 in NHCP2 and 20 000, 23 000, 32 000, 38 000, 44 000, 75 000, 80 000 in NHCP3 were found to be specific for hepatoma chromatin. Application of antibodies against NHCP1, NHCP2 and dehistonized chromatin of Kirkman-Robbins hepatoma revealed that the highest specificity of NHCP2 eluted from hydroxylapatite with 100 mM phosphate buffer at pH 6.8. The NHCP1 of hepatoma shares some common antigenic determinants with analogous proteins of liver. On the other hand non-histone proteins specific for hepatoma dehistonized chromatin can be localized in the NHCP3 and partially in the NHCP1 fractions.  相似文献   

Formation of covalently bound protein adducts with lithocholic acid (LCA) might explain LCA's known carcinogenic properties and hepatotoxicity. We performed studies aimed at isolating and identifying hepatic proteins tagged with LCA, presumably via the epsilon-amino group of lysine residues. Antibodies recognizing the 3alpha-hydroxy-5beta-steroid moiety of LCA were generated by immunizing rabbits with immunogens in which the carboxyl group of LCA was coupled to BSA via a 6-aminohexanoic acid and/or succinic acid spacer. The resulting antibodies reacted with N-alpha-(t-butoxycarbonyl)-l-lysine-epsilon-LCA, the amidated and nonamidated forms of LCA, as well as synthetically prepared LCA adducts with ovalbumin and lysozyme. Proteins tagged with LCA in the liver of bile duct-ligated rats were isolated by immunoprecipitation using these antibodies. Proteins were isolated by two-dimensional electrophoresis, and their structure was identified using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and computer-assisted programs. Proteins labeled with LCA were Rab-3, Rab-12, Rab-16, and M-Ras. Rab proteins are Ras-like small GTP binding proteins that regulate vesicle trafficking pathways. The covalent binding of the Rab proteins with LCA may influence vesicular transport or binding of vesicles to their cognate membrane and may contribute to LCA-induced liver toxicity.  相似文献   

Summary We have studied the effects of Efamol evening primrose oil (EPO) on fatty acid-binding proteins (L-FABP) of rat liver. EPO contains 72% cis-linoleic acid and 9% cis-gamma linolenic acid. EPO has been clinically used for treatment of a number of diseases in humans and animals. EPO is also known to lower cholesterol level in humans and animals. Feeding of an EPO supplemented diet to rats (n = 9) for 2 months decreases the oleate binding capacity of purified L-FABP of rat liver whereas the palmitate binding activity was increased by 38%. However, EPO feeding did not alter the L-FABP concentrations significantly as measured by using the fluorescence fatty acid probe, dansylamino undecanoic acid. Endogenous fatty acid analysis of L-FABPs revealed significant qualititative and quantitative changes in fatty acid pattern after EPO feeding. EPO feeding decreased the endogenous palmitate level by 53% and oleate level by 64% in L-FABPs and also EPO feeding decreased the total endogenous fatty acid content from 62 nanomole per mg of protein to 42 nanomole per mg of L-FABP (n = 3).  相似文献   

Brain energy disorders can be present in aged men and animals. To this respect, the mitochondrial and free radical theory of aging postulates that age‐associated brain energy disorders are caused by an imbalance between pro‐ and anti‐oxidants that can result in oxidative stress. Our study was designed to investigate brain energy metabolism and the activity of endogenous antioxidants during their lifespan in male Wistar rats. In vivo brain bioenergetics were measured using 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and in vitro by polarographic analysis of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. When compared to the young controls, a significant decrease of age‐dependent mitochondrial respiration and adenosine‐3‐phosphate (ATP) production measured in vitro correlated with significant reduction of forward creatine kinase reaction (kfor) and with an increase in phosphocreatine (PCr)/ATP, PCr/Pi and PME/ATP ratio measured in vivo. The levels of enzymatic antioxidants catalase, GPx and GST significantly decreased in the brain tissue as well as in the peripheral blood of aged rats. We suppose that mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative inactivation of endogenous enzymes may participate in age‐related disorders of brain energy metabolism.  相似文献   

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