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The authors have estimated a correlation between the total insulin areas after glucose loading and total somatotropin areas during insulin-induced hypoglycaemia in 30 patients with obesity, as well as in a selected group of 16 patients with simple (essential) obesity. A significant negative correlation was found in both investigated groups. A new hypothesis assuming hyposecretion of somatotropin in obese subjects as a result of hyperinsulinaemia and subsequent increased somatomedin generation is suggested.  相似文献   

Visceral obesity is associated with resistance to the antilipolytic effect of insulin in vivo. We investigated whether subcutaneous abdominal and gluteal adipocytes from viscerally obese women exhibit insulin resistance in vitro. Subjects were obese black and white premenopausal nondiabetic women matched for visceral adipose tissue (VAT), total adiposity, and age. Independently of race and adipocyte size, increased VAT was associated with decreased sensitivity to insulin's antilipolytic effect in subcutaneous abdominal and gluteal adipocytes. Absolute lipolytic rates at physiologically relevant concentrations of insulin or the adenosine receptor agonist N(6)-(phenylisopropyl)adenosine were higher in subjects with the highest vs. lowest VAT area. Independently of cell size, abdominal adipocytes were less sensitive to the antilipolytic effect of insulin than gluteal adipocytes, which may partly explain increased nonesterified fatty acid fluxes in upper vs. lower body obese women. Moreover, increased VAT was associated with decreased responsiveness, but not decreased sensitivity, to insulin's stimulatory effect on glucose transport in abdominal adipocytes. These data suggest that insulin resistance of subcutaneous abdominal and, to a lesser extent, gluteal adipocytes may contribute to increased systemic lipolysis in both black and white viscerally obese women.  相似文献   

Foetal mouse brain cells were cultured as described previously [Sotelo, Gibbs, Gajdusek, Toh & Wurth (1980) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 77, 653-657] without added insulin and without foetal calf serum after 12 days in culture. Examination by phase-contrast microscopy showed that these modifications did not appear to affect growth and development of the cells adversely. Silver impregnation of the cultures and indirect immunofluorescence following reaction with tetanus toxin showed that a high proportion of the cells resembled neurones. Analysis of concentrated culture medium by radioimmunoassay and high-pressure liquid chromatography (h.p.l.c.) revealed that the cells produced two main forms of immunoreactive insulin which differed from authentic pancreatic insulin in retention time. Immunoreactive somatostatin was also produced in culture and this was resolved into at least three forms by h.p.l.c. Immunoreactive insulin was also extracted from whole rat brain by using two published procedures. The method of Havrankova, Schmechel, Roth & Brownstein [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1978) 75, 5737-5741] consistently gave greater yields of insulin than did that of Eng & Yalow [Diabetes (1980) 29, 105-109] and the concentration was about three times that of plasma. The extracted insulin was further characterized by h.p.l.c. in each case and was found to behave like authentic pancreatic insulin. The production of insulin and somatostatin by foetal mouse brain cells in culture suggests that they may be a useful model system for studies of neuropeptide biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Immunoreactive C-peptide was evaluated in the plasma and pancreas of Aston ob/ob and C57BL/KsJ db/db mice in relation to disturbances in pancreatic B-cell function. At 18-24 weeks of age, ob/ob and db/db mice displayed hyperglycaemia (1.6 and 3.8 fold increases respectively) and hyperinsulinaemia (10.8 and 5.1 fold increases respectively) despite a similar pancreatic insulin content to their respective non-diabetic lean control mice. Immunoreactive C-peptide concentrations in the plasma and pancreas of the mutants corresponded with the degree of hyperinsulinaemia and pancreatic insulin content, and the insulin: C-peptide molar ratios in both mutants were similar to lean controls. In ob/ob mice parenteral glucose administration decreased plasma insulin and C-peptide concentrations, despite markedly raised glucose concentrations. However, administration of a low dose of insulin (5 U/kg) to lean mice and much higher doses of insulin (50 and 120 U/kg) to ob/ob mice markedly decreased plasma glucose and C-peptide concentrations. When the rate and extent of insulin-induced glucose suppression observed in ob/ob mice was mimicked in lean mice, an almost complete (95%) inhibition of C-peptide was achieved compared with a 57% decrease in the ob/ob mutant. Injection of ob/ob mice with glucose to counter the insulin-induced hypoglycaemia failed to affect the fall of C-peptide concentrations. The data suggest that the metabolic processing of insulin and C-peptide are undisturbed in obese-diabetic mice, and that the impaired suppression of circulating C-peptide by insulin-hypoglycaemia in ob/ob mice predominantly reflects impaired feedback inhibition by insulin.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance (IR) in childhood has importance to the understanding and prevention of the growing epidemic of insulin resistance syndrome (IRS) in adults with attendant obesity, type 2 diabetes (T2DM), atherosclerotic diseases, hypertension, gout, non-alcoholic, steato-hepatitis (NASH), gall bladder disease, nephropathy, polycystic ovarian disease (PCOS), infertility and premature senility. The severity of IR and its’ complications in children unfortunately and usually progresses in their pubertal transition to adulthood; affected young children are more likely than adults to have underlying causal monogenic disorders; the sequence of natural history and events give insights into disease pathogeneses, and optimal life style choices that last are best made during the early formative years. Some features of IR in children discussed herein are: a strong tendency to low birth weight for gestational age, adverse effects of adrenarche and therapeutic steroid therapy, predisposition to premature pubarche, acanthosis nigricans, tall stature despite pituitary GH suppression, allergic diathesis, hyperandrogenism and PCOS, dyslipidemia and fatty liver disease, and diagnosis by clinical and biochemical markers of IR including insulin regulated hepatic hormonal binding proteins such as IGFBP-1. The national preoccupation with the “metabolic syndrome” T2DM and obesity, should be appropriately directed to an improved understanding of IR in children and their management, if the looming health crisis in affected adults is to be seriously addressed. The nation is facing its’ first generation of children who will be less healthy and die younger than the previous generation (Marks (2005) Presentation to the American Association of Diabetes Educators 32nd Annual Meeting and Exhibition, August 10–13, Washington, DC).  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay was used to measure concentrations of immunoreactive human calcitonin (HCT) in plasma and leucocytes from patients with various leukaemic and myeloproliferative disorders. Plasma immunoreactive HCT concentrations were increased in 32 out of 33 patients with chronic granulocytic leukaemia (CGL) and in all eight patients with acute myeloid leukamia (AML) at presentation or in relapse. Out of 11 patients with other myeloproliferative disorders, eight had increased plasma immunoreactive HCT concentrations. Buffy-coat-cell extracts and culture media from peripheral leucocytes of patients with CGL also contained increased immunoreactive HCT concentrations. In contrast, plasma from patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, and AML in remission had low or undetectable immunoreactive HCT concentrations. Increased plasma and cellular concentrations of immunoreactive HCT may be a consequence of abnormal proliferation of myeloid cells and might prove to be valuable in predicting relapse in patients with myeloid leukaemias.  相似文献   

The responses of plasma beta-endorphin, insulin and glucose to two different isocaloric mixed meals--high carbohydrate (CHO meal) and high fat (fat meal)--were assessed in women with android obesity before (n = 11) as well as after (n = 5) weight reduction, and in normal-weight controls (n = 8). Basal plasma beta-endorphin concentrations in the obese subjects (7.7 +/- 1.2 pmol/l) were significantly (p less than 0.005) higher than in the controls (3.8 +/- 0.5 pmol/l) and were not influenced by weight loss. Fasting plasma levels and the integrated releases of insulin and glucose, both after the CHO meal and after the fat meal were significantly higher in the obese subjects than in the controls. The fat meal induced no changes in beta-endorphin levels in either group. After the CHO meal a significant decrease in plasma beta-endorphin concentration was observed only in the obese group before weight reduction. An influence on beta-endorphin release by macronutrients is hypothesized.  相似文献   

Plasma glucose, insulin, and C-peptide concentrations were determined in response to graded infusions of glucose, and insulin secretion rates were calculated over each sampling period. Measurements were also made of insulin clearance, resistance to insulin-mediated glucose, uptake, and the plasma glucose, insulin, and C-peptide concentrations at hourly intervals from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM in response to breakfast and lunch. Plasma glucose, insulin, and C-peptide concentrations were significantly (P < 0.01) higher in obese women in response to the graded intravenous glucose infusion, associated with a 40% (P < 0.005) greater insulin secretory response. Degree of insulin resistance correlated positively (P < 0.05) with the increase in insulin secretion rate in both nonobese (r = 0.52) and obese (r = 0.58) groups and inversely (P < 0.05) with the decrease in insulin clearance in obese (r = -0.46) and nonobese (r = -0.39) individuals. Weight loss was associated with significantly lower plasma glucose, insulin, and C-peptide concentrations in response to graded glucose infusions and in day-long insulin concentrations. Neither insulin resistance nor the insulin secretory response changed after weight loss, whereas there was a significant increase in the rate of insulin clearance during the glucose infusion. It is concluded that 1) obesity is associated with a shift to the left in the glucose-stimulated insulin secretory dose-response curve as well as a decrease in insulin clearance and 2) changes in insulin secretion and insulin clearance in obese women are more a function of insulin resistance than obesity.  相似文献   

Studies have been made on immunoreactive insulin (IRI) and insulin-like activity (ILA) in the blood serum of chick embryos (from the 10th day of incubation), chicks and adult hens up to 1 year old. It was shown that IRI content of embryonic blood is relatively low and remains approximately constant during incubation. During postnatal ontogenesis, the level of IRI increases, the increase being most significant at the 1st day after hatching and between the 2nd and the 5th months. With respect to IRI level, 5-month chicks are similar to adult hens. Being assayed by the method of isolated epididymal rat fat, ILA was not found in the blood serum of chick embryos. It was observed in all test samples only from the 30th day after hatching. It is suggested that at this period of postnatal life, some factors are formed in the blood which increase ILA without changes of the insulin content of the blood. After the 30th day, no evident shifts were observed in ILA, although it reached maximum in adult hens. By absolute values, ILA of the blood in chicks was several times higher than the corresponding levels of IRI.  相似文献   

Aldosterone production in vitro can be affected by many hormones, autacoids, ions, and lipids, but regulation in humans is incompletely understood. We measured plasma aldosterone in adult subjects with a wide range of obesity and insulin resistance. Aldosterone levels correlated with measures of visceral obesity in one predominantly male cohort and in the women of a second cohort. In the same subjects, aldosterone correlated with insulin resistance. Aldosterone also correlated with plasma cortisol in men and women, and with DHEA-S in women. The data suggested that visceral fat stimulates adrenal steroidogenesis. We found that certain fatty acids stimulated aldosterone production in vitro by rat adrenal cells incubated with rat hepatocytes, but not adrenal cells alone. The results suggested that fatty acids from visceral adipocytes induce hepatic formation of an adrenal secretagogue. This may explain the correlation of plasma steroids with visceral obesity. Aldosterone may contribute to vascular diseases that complicate obesity.  相似文献   

Obesity and insulin resistance have been recognized as leading causes of major health issues. We have endeavored to depict the molecular mechanism of insulin resistance, focusing on the function of adipocyte. We have investigated a role of PPARgamma on the pathogenesis of Type II diabetes. Heterozygous PPARgamma-deficient mice were protected from the development of insulin resistance due to adipocyte hypertrophy under a high-fat diet. Moreover, a Pro12Ala polymorphism in the human PPARgamma2 gene was associated with decreased risk of Type II diabetes in Japanese. Taken together with these results, PPARgamma is proved to be a thrifty gene mediating Type II diabetes. Pharmacological inhibitors of PPARgamma/RXR ameliorate high-fat diet-induced insulin resistance in animal models of Type II diabetes. We have performed a genome-wide scan of Japanese Type 2 diabetic families using affected sib pair analysis. Our genome scan reveals at least 9 chromosomal regions potentially harbor susceptibility genes of Type II diabetes in Japanese. Among these regions, 3q26-q28 appeared to be very attractive one, because of the gene encoding adiponectin, the expression of which we had found enhanced in insulin-sensitive PPARgamma-deficient mice. Indeed, the subjects with the G/G genotype of SNP276 in the adiponectin gene were at increased risk for Type II diabetes compared with those having the T/T genotype. The plasma adiponectin levels were lower in the subjects with the G allele, suggesting that genetically inherited decrease in adiponectin levels predispose subjects to insulin resistance and Type II diabetes. Our work also confirmed that replenishment of adiponectin represents a novel treatment strategy for insulin resistance and Type II diabetes using animal models. Further investigation will be needed to clarify how adiponectin exerts its effect and to discover the molecular target of therapies.  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes occurs when pancreatic beta-cells become unable to compensate for the underlying insulin resistance. Insulin secretion requires beta-cell insulin stores to be replenished by insulin biosynthesis, which is mainly regulated at the translational level. Such translational regulation often involves the 5'-untranslated region. Recently, we identified a human insulin splice-variant (SPV) altering only the 5'-untranslated region and conferring increased translation efficiency. We now describe a mouse SPV (mSPV) that is found in the cytoplasm and exhibits increased translation efficiency resulting in more normal (prepro)insulin protein per RNA. The RNA stability of mSPV is not increased, but the predicted secondary RNA structure is altered, which may facilitate translation. To determine the role of mSPV in insulin resistance and diabetes, mSPV expression was measured by quantitative real-time RT-PCR in islets from three diabetic and/or insulin-resistant, obese and nonobese, mouse models (BTBRob/ob, C57BL/6ob/ob, and C57BL/6azip). Interestingly, mSPV expression was significantly higher in all diabetic/insulin-resistant mice compared with wild-type littermates and was dramatically induced in primary mouse islets incubated at high glucose. This raises the possibility that the mSPV may represent a compensatory beta-cell mechanism to enhance insulin biosynthesis when insulin requirements are elevated by hyperglycemia/insulin resistance.  相似文献   

This review considers molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance developed under conditions of metabolic inflammation; special attention is paid to analysis of the results of experimental and clinical studies work aimed at identifying molecular targets for the development of new methods for prevention and treatment of insulin resistance.  相似文献   

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