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In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, adenylyl cyclase is regulated by RAS proteins. We show here that the yeast adenylyl cyclase forms at least two high-molecular-weight complexes, one with the RAS protein-dependent adenylyl cyclase activity and the other with the Mn(2+)-dependent activity, which are separable by their size difference. The 70-kDa adenylyl cyclase-associated protein (CAP) existed in the former complex but not in the latter. Missense mutations in conserved motifs of the leucine-rich repeats of the catalytic subunit of adenylyl cyclase abolished the RAS-dependent activity, which was accompanied by formation of a very high molecular weight complex having the Mn(2+)-dependent activity. Contrary to previous results, disruption of the gene encoding CAP did not alter the extent of RAS protein-dependent activation of adenylyl cyclase, while a concomitant decrease in the size of the RAS-responsive complex was observed. These results indicate that CAP is not essential for interaction of the yeast adenylyl cyclase with RAS proteins even though it is an inherent component of the RAS-responsive adenylyl cyclase complex.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae cyclase-associated protein (CAP or Srv2p) is multifunctional. The N-terminal third of CAP binds to adenylyl cyclase and has been implicated in adenylyl cyclase activation in vivo. The widely conserved C-terminal domain of CAP binds to monomeric actin and serves an important cytoskeletal regulatory function in vivo. In addition, all CAP homologs contain a centrally located proline-rich region which has no previously identified function. Recently, SH3 (Src homology 3) domains were shown to bind to proline-rich regions of proteins. Here we report that the proline-rich region of CAP is recognized by the SH3 domains of several proteins, including the yeast actin-associated protein Abp1p. Immunolocalization experiments demonstrate that CAP colocalizes with cortical actin-containing structures in vivo and that a region of CAP containing the SH3 domain binding site is required for this localization. We also demonstrate that the SH3 domain of yeast Abp1p and that of the yeast RAS protein guanine nucleotide exchange factor Cdc25p complex with adenylyl cyclase in vitro. Interestingly, the binding of the Cdc25p SH3 domain is not mediated by CAP and therefore may involve direct binding to adenylyl cyclase or to an unidentified protein which complexes with adenylyl cyclase. We also found that CAP homologous from Schizosaccharomyces pombe and humans bind SH3 domains. The human protein binds most strongly to the SH3 domain from the abl proto-oncogene. These observations identify CAP as an SH3 domain-binding protein and suggest that CAP mediates interactions between SH3 domain proteins and monomeric actin.  相似文献   

The importance of coupling the process of endocytosis to factors regulating actin dynamics has been clearly demonstrated in yeast, and many proteins involved in these mechanisms have been identified and characterized. Here we demonstrate the importance of two additional cortical components, Ysc84p and Lsb5p, which together are essential for the organization of the actin cytoskeleton and for fluid phase endocytosis. Both Ysc84p and Lsb5p were identified through two-hybrid screens with different domains of the adaptor protein Sla1p. Ysc84p colocalizes with cortical actin and requires the presence of an intact actin cytoskeleton for its cortical localization. Ycl034w/Lsb5p localizes to the cell cortex but does not colocalize with actin. The Lsb5 protein contains putative VHS and GAT domains as well as an NPF motif, which are all domains characteristic of proteins involved in membrane trafficking. Deletion of either gene alone does not confer any dramatic phenotype on cells. However, deletion of both genes is lethal at elevated temperatures. Furthermore, at all temperatures this double mutant has depolarized actin and an almost undetectable level of fluid phase endocytosis. Our data demonstrate that Ysc84p and Lsb5p are important components of complexes involved in overlapping pathways coupling endocytosis with the actin cytoskeleton in yeast.  相似文献   

Arp2p is an essential yeast actin-related protein. Disruption of the corresponding ARP2 gene leads to a terminal phenotype characterized by the presence of a single large bud. Thus, Arp2p may be important for a late stage of the cell cycle (Schwob, E., and R.P. Martin, 1992. Nature (Lond.). 355:179-182). We have localized Arp2p by indirect immunofluorescence. Specific peptide antibodies revealed punctate staining under the plasma membrane, which partially colocalizes with actin. Temperature-sensitive arp2 mutations were created by PCR mutagenesis and selected by an ade2/SUP11 sectoring screen. One temperature-sensitive mutant that was characterized, arp2-H330L, was osmosensitive and had an altered actin cytoskeleton at a nonpermissive temperature, suggesting a role of Arp2p in the actin cytoskeleton. Random budding patterns were observed in both haploid and diploid arp2- H330L mutant cells. Endocytosis, as judged by Lucifer yellow uptake, was severely reduced in the mutant, at all temperatures. In addition, genetic interaction was observed between temperature-sensitive alleles arp2-H330L and cdc10-1. CDC10 is a gene encoding a neck filament- associated protein that is necessary for polarized growth and cytokinesis. Overall, the immunolocalization, mutant phenotypes, and genetic interaction suggest that the Arp2 protein is an essential component of the actin cytoskeleton that is involved in membrane growth and polarity, as well as in endocytosis.  相似文献   

Adenylyl cyclase from S. cerevisiae contains at least two subunits, a 200 kd catalytic subunit and a subunit with an apparent molecular size of 70 kd, which we now call CAP (cyclase-associated protein). We cloned a cDNA encoding CAP by screening a yeast cDNA expression library in E. coli with antisera raised against the purified protein. The cDNA contained an open reading frame capable of encoding a 526 amino acid protein that is not homologous to any sequences in the current data bases. Adenylyl cyclase activity in membranes from cells that lacked CAP was not stimulated by RAS2 proteins in vitro. These results suggest that CAP is required for at least some aspects of the RAS-responsive signaling system. Mutants lacking CAP had four additional phenotypes that appear to be unrelated to effects of the RAS/adenylyl cyclase pathway: the inability to grow on rich medium (YPD), temperature sensitivity on minimal medium, sensitivity to nitrogen starvation, and a swollen cell morphology.  相似文献   

Normal cell growth and division in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae involve dramatic and frequent changes in the organization of the actin cytoskeleton. Previous studies have suggested that the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton in accordance with cell cycle progression is controlled, directly or indirectly, by the cyclin-dependent kinase Cdc28. Here we report that by isolating rapid-death mutants in the background of the Start-deficient cdc28-4 mutation, the essential yeast gene PAN1, previously thought to encode the yeast poly(A) nuclease, is identified as a new factor required for normal organization of the actin cytoskeleton. We show that at restrictive temperature, the pan1 mutant exhibited abnormal bud growth, failed to maintain a proper distribution of the actin cytoskeleton, was unable to reorganize actin the cytoskeleton during cell cycle, and was defective in cytokinesis. The mutant also displayed a random pattern of budding even at permissive temperature. Ectopic expression of PAN1 by the GAL promoter caused abnormal distribution of the actin cytoskeleton when a single-copy vector was used. Immunofluorescence staining revealed that the Pan1 protein colocalized with the cortical actin patches, suggesting that it may be a filamentous actin-binding protein. The Pan1 protein contains an EF-hand calcium-binding domain, a putative Src homology 3 (SH3)-binding domain, a region similar to the actin cytoskeleton assembly control protein Sla1, and two repeats of a newly identified protein motif known as the EH domain. These findings suggest that Pan1, recently recognized as not responsible for the poly(A) nuclease activity (A. B. Sachs and J. A. Deardorff, erratum, Cell 83:1059, 1995; R. Boeck, S. Tarun, Jr., M. Rieger, J. A. Deardorff, S. Muller-Auer, and A. B. Sachs, J. Biol. Chem. 271:432-438, 1996), plays an important role in the organization of the actin cytoskeleton in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

SH3GLB, a new endophilin-related protein family featuring an SH3 domain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A new cDNA encoding a protein of 362 amino acids designated SH3GLB1, for SH3 domain GRB2-like endophilin B1, was identified in a yeast two-hybrid screen devoted to the identification of new partners interacting with the apoptosis inducer Bax. SH3GLB1 shows strong similarities to the SH3 domain-containing proteins of the endophilin family and presumably represents the human homologue of the potential Caenorhabditis elegans SH3 containing-protein identified by systematic translation of the C. elegans genome (GenBank Accession No. U46675). Reversing prey to bait in the yeast screen, a second protein, SH3GLB2, of 395 amino acids showing 65% identity to SH3GLB1 was identified as an interacting partner of SH3GLB1. The discovery of SH3GLB1 itself in the screening with SH3GLB1 as a bait and further mapping experiments demonstrated that a core coiled-coil-type region is required for the formation of SH3GLB homo- and/or heterodimers, whereas the SH3 domain is not involved in these interactions. Interestingly, the similarities with the endophilin proteins cover the entire sequence of the SH3GLB family, suggesting a common fold and presumably a common mode of action. Furthermore, SH3GLB members colocalize to the cytoplasmic compartment of the cell together with Bax and are excluded from the nucleus. SH3GLB1 and SH3GLB2 do not significantly influence the onset and time course of Bax-mediated apoptosis in HeLa or 293T cells.  相似文献   

We report the discovery and characterisation of a novel nucleolar protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We identified this protein encoded by ORF YIL019w, designated in SGD base as Faf1p, in a two hybrid interaction screen using the known nucleolar protein Krr1 as bait. The presented data indicate that depletion of the Faf1 protein has an impact on the 40S ribosomal subunit biogenesis resulting from a decrease in the production of 18S rRNA. The primary defect is apparently due to inefficient processing of 35S rRNA at the A(0), A(1), and A(2) cleavage sites.  相似文献   

We have identified, cloned, and studied a gene, cap, encoding a protein that is associated with adenylyl cyclase in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. This protein shares significant sequence homology with the adenylyl cyclase-associated CAP protein in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. CAP is a bifunctional protein; the N-terminal domain appears to be involved in cellular responsiveness to RAS, whereas loss of the C-terminal portion is associated with morphological and nutritional defects. S. pombe cap can suppress phenotypes associated with deletion of the C-terminal CAP domain in S. cerevisiae but does not suppress phenotypes associated with deletion of the N-terminal domain. Analysis of cap disruptants also mapped the function of cap to two domains. The functional loss of the C-terminal region of S. pombe cap results in abnormal cellular morphology, slow growth, and failure to grow at 37 degrees C. Increases in mating and sporulation were observed when the entire gene was disrupted. Overproduction of both cap and adenylyl cyclase results in highly elongated large cells that are sterile and have measurably higher levels of adenylyl cyclase activity. Our results indicate that cap is required for the proper function of S. pombe adenylyl cyclase but that the C-terminal domain of cap has other functions that are shared with the C-terminal domain of S. cerevisiae CAP.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae adhesion protein alpha-agglutinin is expressed by cells of alpha mating type. On the basis of sequence similarities, alpha-agglutinin has been proposed to contain variable-type immunoglobulin-like (IgV) domains. The low level of sequence similarity to IgV domains of known structure made homology modeling using standard sequence-based alignment algorithms impossible. We have therefore developed a secondary structure-based method that allowed homology modeling of alpha-aggulutinin domain III, the domain most similar to IgV domains. The model was assessed and where necessary refined to accommodate information obtained by biochemical and molecular genetic approaches, including the positions of a disulfide bond, glycosylation sites, and proteolytic sites. The model successfully predicted surface exposure of glycosylation and proteolytic sites, as well as identifying residues essential for binding activity. One side of the domain was predicted to be covered by carbohydrate residues. Surface accessibility and volume packing analyses showed that the regions of the model that have greatest sequence dissimilarity from the IgV consensus sequence are poorly structured in the biophysical sense. Nonetheless, the utility of the model suggests that these alignment and testing techniques should be of general use for building and testing of models of proteins that share limited sequence similarity with known structures.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae PAK (p21-activated kinase) family kinase Ste20 functions in several signal transduction pathways, including pheromone response, filamentous growth, and hyperosmotic resistance. The GTPase Cdc42 localizes and activates Ste20 by binding to an autoinhibitory motif within Ste20 called the CRIB domain. Another factor that functions with Ste20 and Cdc42 is the protein Bem1. Bem1 has two SH3 domains, but target ligands for these domains have not been described. Here we identify an evolutionarily conserved binding site for Bem1 between the CRIB and kinase domains of Ste20. Mutation of tandem proline-rich (PxxP) motifs in this region disrupts Bem1 binding, suggesting that it serves as a ligand for a Bem1 SH3 domain. These PxxP motif mutations affect signaling additively with CRIB domain mutations, indicating that Bem1 and Cdc42 make separable contributions to Ste20 function, which cooperate to promote optimal signaling. This PxxP region also binds another SH3 domain protein, Nbp2, but analysis of bem1Delta versus nbp2Delta strains shows that the signaling defects of PxxP mutants result from impaired binding to Bem1 rather than from impaired binding to Nbp2. Finally, the PxxP mutations also reduce signaling by constitutively active Ste20, suggesting that postactivation functions of PAKs can be promoted by SH3 domain proteins, possibly by colocalizing PAKs with their substrates. The overall results also illustrate how the final signaling function of a protein can be governed by combinatorial addition of multiple, independent protein-protein interaction modules.  相似文献   

Several proteins from diverse organisms have been shown to share a region of sequence homology with the mammalian epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase substrate Eps15. Included in this new protein family, termed EH domain proteins, are two yeast proteins, Pan1p and End3p. We have shown previously that Pan1p is required for normal organization of the actin cytoskeleton and that it associates with the actin patches on the cell cortex. End3p has been shown by others to be an important factor in the process of endocytosis. End3p is also known to be required for the organization of the actin cytoskeleton. Here we report that Pan1p and End3p act as a complex in vivo. Using the pan1-4 mutant which we isolated and characterized previously, the END3 gene was identified as a suppressor of pan1-4 when overexpressed. Suppression of the pan1-4 mutation by multicopy END3 required the presence of the mutant Pan1p protein. Coimmunoprecipitation and two-hybrid protein interaction experiments indicated that Pan1p and End3p associate with each other. The localization of Pan1p to the cortical actin cytoskeleton became weakened in the end3 mutant at the permissive temperature and undetectable at the restrictive temperature, suggesting that End3p may be important for proper localization of Pan1p to the cortical actin cytoskeleton. The finding that the pan1-4 mutant was defective in endocytosis as severely as the end3 mutant under nonpermissive conditions supports the notion that the association between Pan1p and End3p is of physiological relevance. Together with results of earlier reports, these results provide strong evidence suggesting that Pan1p and End3p are the components of a complex that has essential functions in both the organization of cell membrane-associated actin cytoskeleton and the process of endocytosis.  相似文献   

In the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, adenylyl cyclase consists of a 200-kDa catalytic subunit (CYR1) and a 70-kDa subunit (CAP/SRV2). CAP/Srv2p assists the small G protein Ras to activate adenylyl cyclase. CAP also regulates the cytoskeleton through an actin sequestering activity and is directed to cortical actin patches by a proline-rich SH3-binding site (P2). In this report we analyze the role of the actin cytoskeleton in Ras/cAMP signaling. Two alleles of CAP, L16P(Srv2) and R19T (SupC), first isolated in genetic screens for mutants that attenuate cAMP levels, reduced adenylyl cyclase binding, and cortical actin patch localization. A third mutation, L27F, also failed to localize but showed no loss of either cAMP signaling or adenylyl cyclase binding. However, all three N-terminal mutations reduced CAP-CAP multimer formation and SH3 domain binding, although the SH3-binding site is about 350 amino acids away. Finally, disruption of the actin cytoskeleton with latrunculin-A did not affect the cAMP phenotypes of the hyperactive Ras2(Val19) allele. These data identify a novel region of CAP that controls access to the SH3-binding site and demonstrate that cytoskeletal localization of CAP or an intact cytoskeleton per se is not necessary for cAMP signaling.  相似文献   

Cdc25 and Ras are two proteins required for cAMP signalling in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cdc25 is the guanine nucleotide exchange protein that activates Ras. Ras, in turn, activates adenylyl cyclase. Cdc25 has a Src homology 3 (SH3) domain near the N-terminus and a catalytic domain in the C-terminal region. We find that a point mutation in the SH3 domain attenuates cAMP signalling in response to glucose feeding. Furthermore, we demonstrate, by using recombinant adenylyl cyclase and Cdc25, that the SH3 domain of Cdc25 can bind directly to adenylyl cyclase. Binding was specific, because the SH3 domain of Abp1p (actin-binding protein 1), which binds the 70,000 Mr subunit of adenylyl cyclase, CAP/Srv2, failed to bind adenylyl cyclase. A binding site for Cdc25-SH3 localised to the C-terminal catalytic region of adenylyl cyclase. Finally, pre-incubation with Ras enhanced the SH3-bound adenylyl cyclase activity. These studies suggest that a direct interaction between Cdc25 and adenylyl cyclase promotes efficient assembly of the adenylyl cyclase complex.  相似文献   

In budding yeast the final stages of the cell division cycle, cytokinesis and cell separation, are distinct events that require to be coupled, both together and with mitotic exit. Here we demonstrate that mutations in genes of the mitotic exit network (MEN) prevent cell separation and are synthetically lethal in combination with both cytokinesis and septation defective mutations. Analysis of the synthetic lethal phenotypes reveals that Iqg1p functions in combination with the MEN components, Tem1p, Cdc15p Dbf20p and Dbf2p to govern the re-polarization of the actin cytoskeleton to either side of the bud neck. In addition phosphorylation of the conserved PCH protein, Hof1p, is dependent upon these activities and requires actin ring assembly. Recruitment of Dbf2p to the bud neck is dependent upon actin ring assembly and correlates with Hof1p phosphorylation. Failure to phosphorylate Hof1p results in the increased stability of the protein and its persistence at the bud neck. These data establish a mechanistic dependency of cell separation upon an intermediate step requiring actomyosin ring assembly.  相似文献   

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