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The osmoregulatory response of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis, Kaup 1858) to 14-day exposure and throughout 17-day exposure to different environmental salinities was investigated. A linear relationship was observed between environmental salinity and gill Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity whereas kidney Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity was unaffected. Two osmoregulatory periods could be distinguished according to variations in plasma osmolality: an adjustment period and a chronic regulatory period. No major changes in plasma osmolality and ions levels were registered at the end of the 14- to 17-day exposure period, indicating an efficient adaptation of the osmoregulatory system. Plasma levels of glucose and lactate were elevated in hypersaline water, indicating the importance of these energy substrates in these environments. Glucose was increased during hyper-osmoregulation but only in the adjustment period. Cortisol proved to be a good indicator of chronic stress and stress induced by transfer to the different osmotic conditions. This work shows that S. senegalensis is able to acclimate to different osmotic conditions during short-term exposure.  相似文献   

Lysozymes are key molecules of innate immunity and proved high bactericidal activity in fish, thus becoming attractive as tools for enhancing fish defences. In this study, a full-length c-type lysozyme cDNA from Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) has been cloned and characterized. The cDNA sequence was inferred from two overlapping fragments obtained by RACE-PCR and consisting on 631bp coding for 143 aminoacids. Catalytic and other conserved residues required for lysozyme activity were identified. Pair wise alignments showed the higher identities with c-type lysozyme from other flatfish. Expression patterns under various conditions showed a basal level and a clear upregulation mostly in hematopoietic organs after stimulation with LPS or infection with Photobacterium damselae. This study represents a first step on the genetics and function of the c-lysozyme of Senegalese sole, though disclosing g-DNA structure, allelic variability and antibacterial activity must be requirements prior its immunological properties might have biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) is a promising fish species of growing interest in European aquaculture. In fish farming, viral infections are a constant threat therefore, understanding fish defence mechanisms is a main priority to avoid economic losses. Mx proteins are involved in the innate antiviral response of fish. They are induced by type I interferons (alpha and beta) and are essential to investigate viral defence mechanisms in fish, due to the difficulty in tracking interferon activity in these species. In this study a full-length Senegalese sole Mx cDNA has been RT-PCR cloned, resulting in 2322bp coding for 623 amino acids. The sequence accounts for the main characteristics of Mx proteins but lacking nuclear localisation signal (NLS), which suggests cytoplasmic localisation. The alignments of Senegalese sole Mx sequence showed the highest identity with the flatfish species, 80.1% identity with flounder and 78.9% with halibut. The spatial and temporal expression pattern has been analysed in control and challenged fish by RT-PCR. In control fish a constitutive level of sole Mx expression has been obtained and a clear induction was observed after treatment with Poly[I:C], which supports a putative role for the Mx in Senegalese sole viral defence. These findings contribute to increasing the knowledge of the role of interferon pathway in fish innate immunity and to develop new tools to fight virus infections in the culture of this species.  相似文献   

The micro‐anatomical changes associated with lordotic and kyphotic vertebral curvatures (VC) in juvenile and adult Senegalese sole Solea senegalensis are described. In addition, it is demonstrated that the tissue and cellular structures of individual vertebrae can be severely affected. Two main conformations were found in deformed juvenile specimens: flattened vertebrae with dorso‐ventral compression and trapezoidal vertebrae forming concave and convex sides under compressive and tensile stresses. Histological analyses revealed the occurrence of an ectopic cartilaginous tissue within the acellular bone, both in juveniles and adults, possibly to cope with altered mechanical stress in deformed vertebrae. The results suggest that the alteration in loading to which curved vertebral columns are subjected might trigger vertebral reshaping and differentiation of cells towards this ectopic tissue. In addition, mesenchymal cells appear to play an important role in its formation. It is here proposed that the acellular bone of S. senegalensis is capable of adaptively responding to altered loading regimes at the structural level by reshaping vertebrae and at the micro‐anatomical level by recruiting chondrocyte‐like cells to areas of altered mechanical stress.  相似文献   

Flatfish species seem to require dietary taurine for normal growth and development. Although dietary taurine supplementation has been recommended for flatfish, little is known about the mechanisms of taurine absorption in the digestive tract of flatfish throughout ontogeny. This study described the cloning and ontogenetic expression of the taurine transporter (TauT) in the flatfish Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis). Results showed a high similarity between TauT in Senegalese sole and other vertebrates, but a change in TauT amino acid sequences indicates that taurine transport may differ between mammals and fish, reptiles or birds. Moreover, results showed that Senegalese sole metamorphosis is an important developmental trigger to promote taurine transport in larvae, especially in muscle tissues, which may be important for larval growth. Results also indicated that the capacity to uptake dietary taurine in the digestive tract is already established in larvae at the onset of metamorphosis. In Senegalese sole juveniles, TauT expression was highest in brain, heart and eye. These are organs where taurine is usually found in high concentrations and is believed to play important biological roles. In the digestive tract of juveniles, TauT was more expressed in stomach and hindgut, indicating that dietary taurine is quickly absorbed when digestion begins and taurine endogenously used for bile salt conjugation may be recycled at the posterior end of the digestive tract. Therefore, these results suggest an enterohepatic recycling pathway for taurine in Senegalese sole, a process that may be important for maintenance of the taurine body levels in flatfish species.  相似文献   

The two olfactory epithelia of flatfish of the family Soleidae are essentially in contact with two distinct environments; the upper (right) side samples open water while the lower (left) side samples interstitial water. This study assessed whether there are differences in the responsiveness of the two epithelia by use of the electro-olfactogram in the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis). The upper epithelium was significantly more responsive to the basic amino acids (L-lysine and L-arginine), glycine, and L-threonine than the lower epithelium. The lower epithelium was significantly more responsive to aromatic amino acids (L-tryptophan, L-tyrosine, L-DOPA, and L-phenylalanine), L-leucine, and L-asparagine than the upper. Both epithelia had similar responsiveness to the sulphur-containing amino acids (L-cysteine and L-methionine), L-alanine, L-serine, and L-glutamine. Neither side was responsive to the acidic amino acids (L-aspartate and L-glutamate) or the D-isomers of any amino acid tested. The upper olfactory organ was much more responsive to conspecific-derived stimuli (bile and intestinal fluid) than the lower organ. We suggest that these differences in responsiveness may be related to different functional roles of the upper and lower epithelia in feeding and chemical communication.  相似文献   

Light plays a key role in the development of biological rhythms in fish. Recent research in Senegal sole has revealed that spawning and hatching rhythms, larval development, and growth performance are strongly influenced by lighting conditions. However, the effect of light on the daily patterns of behavior remains unexplored. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of different photoperiod regimes and white, blue, and red light on the activity rhythms and foraging behavior of Solea senegalensis larvae up to 40 days posthatching (DPH). To this end, eggs were collected immediately after spawning during the night and exposed to continuous white light (LL), continuous darkness (DD), or light-dark (LD) 12L:12D cycles of white (LD(W)), blue (LD(B), λ(peak) = 463 nm), or red light (LD(R), λ(peak) = 685 nm). A filming scenario was designed to video record activity rhythms during day and night times using infrared lights. The results revealed that activity rhythms in LD(B) and LD(W) changed from diurnal to nocturnal on days 9 to 10 DPH, coinciding with the onset of metamorphosis. In LD(R), sole larvae remained nocturnal throughout the experimental period, while under LL and DD, larvae failed to show any rhythm. In addition, larvae exposed to LD(B) and LD(W) had the highest prey capture success rate (LD(B) = 82.6% ± 2.0%; LD(W) = 75.1% ± 1.3%) and attack rate (LD(B) = 54.3% ± 1.9%; LD(W) = 46.9% ± 3.0%) during the light phase (ML) until 9 DPH. During metamorphosis, the attack and capture success rates in these light conditions were higher during the dark phase (MD), when they showed the same nocturnal behavioral pattern as under LD(R) conditions. These results revealed that the development of sole larvae is tightly controlled by light characteristics, underlining the importance of the natural underwater photoenvironment (LD cycles of blue wavelengths) for the normal onset of the rhythmic behavior of fish larvae during early ontogenesis.  相似文献   

Aim:  To characterize 16 Vibrio harveyi strains isolated from different epizootic outbreaks affecting farmed Senegalese sole.
Materials and Results:  The Vibrio harveyi strains tested have broad phenotypic diversity based on their biochemical and exoenzymatic patterns, outer membrane proteins (OMP), extracellular product (ECP) patterns and presence of prophages. Lethal dose 50 (LD50) of the strains and in vitro antagonism tests with two probiotic strains were also determined. The OMP analysis revealed three different patterns (A, M and V). The electrophoretic analysis of the ECP showed two different groups. All strains considered virulent based on their LD50 exhibited the same protein pattern in their ECP (pattern I), while all nonvirulent strains showed a different profile (pattern II). About 32% of the tested strains were positive for prophages, although a clear relationship between virulence and the presence of prophages has not been established.
Conclusions:  The results obtained have shown differences between virulent and avirulent strains isolated from diseased farmed Senegalese sole based on the protein patterns of their ECP. However, a clear relationship between virulence and presence of prophages has not been established.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The differences observed between virulent and nonvirulent strains could be used to design prophylactic strategies against diseases caused by V. harveyi in farmed Senegalese sole.  相似文献   


Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) production presents several nutritional challenges, making this species a good candidate to study the dietary potential of bioactive compounds. Since proper nutrition plays a fundamental role in fish biology, it is necessary to further investigate species-specific and well-balanced diets in order to improve Senegalese sole juvenile farming. Algae have antioxidant properties, high-quality dietary protein, and are a source of bioactive compounds. This study evaluates the effects of dietary microalgal inclusion in both health status and growth performance of Senegalese sole post-larvae. Individuals 41 days after hatching (DAH) were randomly distributed among 12 tanks and four experimental diets were randomly distributed by triplicate groups. A basal diet served as CTRL and the experimental diets were formulated to include 3% of each of the algal biomass (CHLO, Chlorella sp. from heterotrophic production; PHAEO, Phaeodactylum sp.; and NANNO, Nannochloropsis sp.). At 50 DAH, 20 post-larvae/tank were collected and homogenized for analysis of immune and oxidative status, and at 61 DAH the total length, dry weight, and survival were assessed. No changes were observed in survival and total length of individuals, post-larvae fed NANNO, and CHLO dietary treatments increased dry weight at 61 DAH compared with those fed CTRL. While post-larvae immune status was apparently not altered by dietary treatments at 50 DAH, the total glutathione content decreased in fish fed PHAEO and CHLO dietary treatments compared to control diet. The observed results on improvement of growth performance without adverse effects on the immune status and decrease of endogenous total glutathione point to the fact that Nannochloropsis sp., Phaeodactylum sp., and Chlorella sp. could work as potential candidates for inclusion in microdiets for Senegalese sole.


Different antisera directed against mammalian and piscine pituitary hormones, as well as a battery of various conventional histochemical techniques (PAS, Alcian Blue pH 2.5, Bromophenol Blue) and lectins, were used to identify the different hormonal cell types in the pituitary of the Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis. Prolactin and adrenocorticotrophic cells were located in the rostral pars distalis of the pituitary. Gonadotrophic, thyrotrophic and growth hormone cells were distributed in the proximal pars distalis, but gonadotrophic cells appear also at the border of the pars intermedia. Somatolactin cells, as well as α-melanotrophic cells were located in the pars intermedia of the Solea senegalensis pituitary. The PAS reaction was positive in somatolactin cells, which were unreactive with the lead--Haematoxylin technique, whereas melanotrophic cells were positive. Glycoproteins containing mannose and/or glucose, as well as N-acetyl-glucosamine and sialic acid sugar residues, are synthesized and secreted by gonadotrophic, thyrotrophic and somatolactin cells. Adrenocor ticotrophic cells and, especially, the amphiphilic somatolactin and acidophilic growth hormone cells were stained with the Bromophenol Blue technique that identifies proteins in general, but adrenocorticotrophic and growth hormone cells were unreactive towards PAS, Alcian Blue pH 2.5 and lectins (Con A and WGA)  相似文献   

To assist in the domestication of the sole fish Solea senegalensis, 15 microsatellites were developed from its genome (13 di‐ and two trinucleotide). These loci, along with three from S. solea that cross‐amplified, were characterized on a sample of 20 individuals of S. senegalensis from a hatchery stock. All loci were polymorphic displaying from two to 15 alleles/locus (mean 6.5). The results obtained from the hatchery population screening indicate that they might be useful for studies of genetic structuring and/or kinship analysis in S. senegalensis.  相似文献   

Different antisera directed against mammalian and piscine pituitary hormones, as well as a battery of various conventional histochemical techniques (PAS, Alcian Blue pH 2.5, Bromophenol Blue) and lectins, were used to identify the different hormonal cell types in the pituitary of the Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis. Prolactin and adrenocorticotrophic cells were located in the rostral pars distalis of the pituitary. Gonadotrophic, thyrotrophic and growth hormone cells were distributed in the proximal pars distalis, but gonadotrophic cells appear also at the border of the pars intermedia. Somatolactin cells, as well as α-melanotrophic cells were located in the pars intermedia of the Solea senegalensis pituitary. The PAS reaction was positive in somatolactin cells, which were unreactive with the lead--Haematoxylin technique, whereas melanotrophic cells were positive. Glycoproteins containing mannose and/or glucose, as well as N-acetyl-glucosamine and sialic acid sugar residues, are synthesized and secreted by gonadotrophic, thyrotrophic and somatolactin cells. Adrenocor ticotrophic cells and, especially, the amphiphilic somatolactin and acidophilic growth hormone cells were stained with the Bromophenol Blue technique that identifies proteins in general, but adrenocorticotrophic and growth hormone cells were unreactive towards PAS, Alcian Blue pH 2.5 and lectins (Con A and WGA) This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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