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Rapana venosa hemocyanin (RvH), a circulating glycoprotein of the marine snail, has a complex structure. To provide details on the stability of the protein, one functional unit, RvH2-e, was compared with the native molecule and the structural subunits, RvH1 and RvH2, via pH–T diagrams, typical phase portraits for stability and denaturation reversibility. By analyzing the T transition curves of RvH2-e at different pH values, several parameters of the thermodynamic functions were obtained. Increasing the temperature from 25 °C to 55 °C, the reversibility of the molecule of protein also increases, opening a reversibility window within the range of pH 4.0–8.0. On analyzing the pH transition curves, the start of the acid denaturation (below pH 6) and alkaline denaturation (above pH 9) was determined to be between 20 °C and 35 °C. For this range, the thermodynamic functions ΔH° and ΔG° for a standard temperature of 25 °C were calculated.  相似文献   

Hemocyanins of mollusks are high molecular mass glycoproteins with a complex quaternary structure which still remains to be defined in detail for most of its species as far as number, spatial distribution and interactions of their structural units is concerned. In the present study, we isolated the functional units of the structural subunit RvH1 of Rapana venosa hemocyanin, combining enzymatic and non-enzymatic methods. Our results suggest that Hc's carbohydrate moieties play a basic role in the organization of the structural units, resulting from post-translational polymerization of the 50 kDa functional units and involving sugar moieties that link between them.  相似文献   

In the present study the structures of two glycopeptides (G1 and G1'), isolated from FU RvH(1)-b and two glycopeptides (G2 and G3), isolated from the structural subunit RvH(1) of Rapana venosa hemocyanin, were determined. To structurally characterize the site-specific carbohydrate heterogeneity and binding site of the N-linked glycopeptide(s), a combination of capillary reversed-phase chromatography and ion trap mass spectrometry was used. The amino acid sequences of glycopeptides G1 and G1' determined by Edman degradation and MS/MS sequencing demonstrated that the oligosaccharides are linked to N-glycosylation sites. Two peptides (a glycosylated (G1) and non-glycosylated one) were identified in this fraction and no linkage sites were observed in the latter one. Based on the sequencing of the glycosylated fractions G1, G1', G2 and G3, the carbohydrate structure Man(alpha1-6)Man(alpha1-3)Man(beta1-4)GlcNAc(beta1-4)[Fuc(alpha1-6)]GlcNAc-R could be identified for glycopeptides G1 and G3, and only the typical core structure Man(alpha1-6)Man(alpha1-3)Man(beta1-4)GlcNAc(beta1-4)GlcNAc-R was found for G1' and G2. The Fuc residue found in glycopeptides G1 and G3 is attached to N-acetyl-glucosamine of the carbohydrate core, as often found in other glycoproteins.  相似文献   

The two structural subunits RvH1 and RvH2 were separated after overnight dialysis of Rapana venosa Hc against 130 mM Gly/NaOH buffer, pH 9.6, on an ion exchange column Hiload 26/10 Sepharose Q using a fast performance liquid chromatography (FPLC) system. The reassociation characteristics of these two RvH isoforms and the native molecule were studied in buffers with different pH values and concentrations of Ca(2+) and Mg(2+). Reassociation of mixed RvH subunits was performed over a period of several days using a stabilizing buffer (SB) of pH 7.0 containing different concentrations of Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) ions. After 2 days of dialysis, an RvH subunit mixture of didecamers and multidecamers was observed in the presence of 100 mM CaCl(2) and MgCl(2), though RvH1 and RvH2 are biochemically and immunologically different and have also different dissociation properties. The reassociation, performed at pH 9.6 with 2 mM CaCl(2) and MgCl(2) at 4 degrees C over a period of one to several weeks, led to the formation of decameric oligomers, while didecamers formed predominantly in the SB at pH 7.0. Higher concentrations of calcium and magnesium ions led to a more rapid reassociation of RvH1 resulting in long stable multidecamers and helical tubules, which were stable and slowly dissociated into shorter multidecamers and decamers at higher pH values. The reassociation of the RvH2 structural subunit in the same buffers processed slowly and yielded didecamers, shorter tubule polymers and long multidecamers which are less stable at higher pH values. The stability of RvH isoforms under varying ionic conditions is compared with the stability of keyhole limpet (KLH, Megathura crenulata) hemocyanin (KLH) and Haliotis tuberculata hemocyanin (HtH) isoforms.The process of dissociation and reassociation is connected with changes of the fluorescence intensity at 600 nm, which can be explained by differences in opalescence of the solutions of these two isoforms. The solutions of longer tubule polymers and multidecamers of RvH1 show a higher opalescence compared to the solutions of shorter helical tubules and multidecamers of RvH2.  相似文献   

Molluscan hemocyanins are very large biological macromolecules and they act as oxygen-transporting glycoproteins. Most of them are glycoproteins with molecular mass around 9000 kDa. The oligosaccharide structures of the structural subunit RvH2 of Rapana venosa hemocyanin (RvH) were studied by sequence analysis of glycans using MALDI-TOF-MS and tandem mass spectrometry on a Q-Trap mass spectrometer after enzymatical liberation of the N-glycans from the polypeptides. Our study revealed a highly heterogeneous mixture of glycans of the compositions Hex0-9 HexNAc2-4 Hex0-3 Pent0-3 Fuc0-3. A novel type of N-glycan, with an internal fucose residue connecting one GalNAc(β1-2) and one hexuronic acid, was detected, as also occurs in subunit RvH1. A glycan with the same structure but with two deoxyhexose residues was observed as a doubly charged ion. Antiviral effects of the native molecules of RvH and also of Helix lucorum hemocyanin (HlH), of their structural subunits, and of the glycosylated functional unit RvH2-e and the non-glycosylated unit RvH2-c on HSV virus type 1 were investigated. Only glycosylated FU RvH2-e exhibits this antiviral activity. The carbohydrate chains of the FU are likely to interact with specific regions of glycoproteins of HSV, through van der Waals interactions in general or with certain amino acid residues in particular. Several clusters of these residues can be identified on the surface of RvH2-e.  相似文献   

From the beta c-hemocyanin (beta c-Hc) of the vineyard snail, Helix pomatia, the functional unit d (Mr approximately equal to 50,000-55,000) was isolated by limited proteolysis and gel chromatography. A small quantity of functional unit d was obtained intact, but the major part in the form of two peptides (Mr approximately equal to 43,000 and 10,000, respectively) connected by a disulfide bridge. After reduction and carboxymethylation, these were separated from each other and cleaved by conventional methods. The peptides were isolated by gel chromatography and HPLC, and sequenced manually or automatically. The complete sequence of Helix beta c-Hc d comprises 410 residues plus 3 residues at the N-terminus seemingly resulting from incomplete cleavage. There is apparently only one carbohydrate side-chain. Comparison of this gastropodan hemocyanin sequence to the partial sequence of a cephalopodan Hc C-terminal unit revealed sufficient identities to state that the functional units of molluscan hemocyanins have arisen by a series of gene duplications. On the other hand, there is practically no homology with arthropodan hemocyanins except for one section of 42 residues which is clearly homologous. This section corresponds to the "Copper B" site of Panulirus interruptus hemocyanin. It is also found in tyrosinases from Neurospora crassa, Streptomyces glaucescens, and mouse. In the N-terminal half of Helix beta c-Hc d there are other sections clearly homologous to the tyrosinases, but overall homology is limited. The second copper-binding site was not identified but must be completely distinct from the "Copper A" binding site of arthropodan hemocyanins. It is suggested that molluscan and arthropodan hemocyanins have evolved independently from a common ancestral mononuclear copper protein.  相似文献   

Two different structural subunits were identified in Rapana thomasiana hemocyanin: RtH1 and RtH2. RtH1-a is the N-terminal functional unit in the subunit RtH1 and its stability toward temperature and chemical denaturation by guanidinium hydrochloride (Gdn.HCl) are studied and compared with the structural subunit RtH1 and the whole Rapana hemocyanin molecule. The conformational changes, induced by the various treatments, were monitored by CD and fluorescence spectroscopy. The critical temperatures (T(c)) for RtH1-a, the structural subunits and the native Hc, determined by fluorescence spectroscopy, coincide closely with the melting temperatures (T(m)), determined by CD spectroscopy. The free energy of stabilization in water, DeltaG(D)(H(2)O), determined from (Gdn. HCl) denaturation studies, is about two times higher for the structural subunit RtH1 and the whole hemocyanin molecule as compared to the functional unit RtH1-a. The oligomerization between the structural subunits or the eight functional units, assembled in subunit RtH1, has a stabilizing effect on the whole molecule as well as the structural subunits.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The hemocyanin (Hc) of the marine gastropod mollusc Rapana thomasiana was collected from animals living on the west coast of the Black Sea and characterized for its biochemical and functional properties.
  • 2.2. This Hc is very similar to other gastropod Hcs as far as amino acid composition, general structure and reactivity of the binuclear copper active site are concerned.
  • 3.3. Some peculiarities in the dissociation-reassociation pattern are observed in comparison to other gastropod Hcs, in particular with respect to the ability to form sopramolecular aggregates.
  • 4.4. Changes in pH disclose a strong reverse Bohr effect. Different R and T states are required to describe the oxygen binding curves at the different pHs.

We have studied the stability and reassociation behaviour of native molecules of Rapana venosa hemocyanin and its two subunits, termed RvH1 and RvH2. In the presence of different concentrations of Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) ions and pH values, the subunits differ not only in their reassociation behaviour, but also in their formation of helical tubules and multidecamers. RvH1 revealed a greater stability at higher pH values compared to RvH2. Overall, the stability of reassociated RvH and its structural subunits was found to be pH-dependent. The increasing stability of native Hc and its subunits, shown by pH-induced CD transitions (acid and alkaline denaturation), can be explained with the formation of quaternary structure. The absence of a Cotton effect at temperatures 20-40 degrees C in the pH-transition curves of RvH2 indicates that this subunit is stabilized by additional "factors", e.g.: non-ionic/hydrophobic stabilization and interactions of carbohydrate moieties. A similar behaviour was observed for the T-transition curves in a wide pH interval for RvH and its structural subunits. At higher temperatures, many of the secondary structural elements are preserved especially at neutral pH, even at extreme high temperatures above 90 degrees C the protein structures resemble a "globule state".  相似文献   

Rapana thomasiana hemocyanin (RtH) is a mixture of two hemocyanin (Hc) isoforms termed RtH1 and RtH2. Both subunit types are built up of eight functional units (FUs). The C-terminal functional unit (RtH1-h) of the Rapana Hc subunit 1 has been isolated by limited trypsinolysis of the subunit polypeptide chain. The oxy- and apo-forms of the unit are characterized by fluorescence spectroscopy. Upon excitation of RtH1-h at 295 or 280 nm, tryptophyl residues buried in the hydrophobic interior of the protein globule determine the fluorescence emission. This is confirmed by quenching experiments with acrylamide, cesium chloride and potassium iodide. The copper-dioxygen system at the binuclear active site quenches the indole emission of the oxy-RtH1-h. The removal of this system increases the fluorescence quantum yield and causes structural rearrangement of the microenvironment of the emitting tryptophyl residues in the apo-RtH1-h. The thermal stability of the apo-RtH1-h is characterized fluorimetrically by the "melting" temperature T(m) (65 degrees C) and by the transition temperature T(m) (83 degrees C) obtained by differential scanning calorimetry for oxy-RtH1-h. The results confirm the role of the copper-dioxygen complex for the stabilization of the Hc structure in solution.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of Rapana thomasiana hemocyanin functional unit RtH2-e was determined by direct sequencing and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry of peptides obtained by cleavage with EndoLysC proteinase, chymotrypsin, and trypsin. The single-polypeptide chain of RtH2-e consists of 413 amino acid residues and contains two consensus sequences NXS/T (positions 11-19 and 127-129), potential sites for N-glycosylation. Monosaccharide analysis of RtH2-e revealed a carbohydrate content of about 1.1% and the presence of xylose, fucose, mannose, and N-acetylglucosamine, demonstrating that only N-linked carbohydrate chains of high-mannose type seem to be present. On basis of the monosaccharide composition and MALDI-MS analysis of native and PNGase-F-treated chymotryptic glycopeptide fragment of RtH2-e the oligosaccharide Man(5)GlcNAc(2), attached to Asn(127), is suggested. Multiple sequence alignments with other molluscan hemocyanin e functional units revealed an identity of 63% to the cephalopod Octopus dofleini and of 69% to the gastropod Haliotis tuberculata. The present results are discussed in view of the recently determined X-ray structure of the functional unit g of the O. dofleini hemocyanin.  相似文献   

Synchrotron x-ray scattering measurements were performed on dilute solutions of the purified hemocyanin subunit (Bsin1) from scorpion (Buthus sindicus) and the N-terminal functional unit (Rta) from a marine snail (Rapana thomasiana). The model-independent approach based on spherical harmonics was applied to calculate the molecular envelopes directly from the scattering profiles. Their molecular shapes in solution could be restored at 2-nm resolution. We show that these units represent stable, globular building blocks of the two hemocyanin families and emphasize their conformational differences on a subunit level. Because no crystallographic or electron microscopy data are available for isolated functional units, this study provides for the first time structural information for isolated, monomeric functional subunits from both hemocyanin families. This has been made possible through the use of low protein concentrations (< or = 1 mg/ml). The observed structural differences may offer advantages in building very different overall molecular architectures of hemocyanin by the two phyla.  相似文献   

The intrinsic and inducible o-diphenoloxidase (o-diPO) activity of Cancer pagurus hemocyanin (CpH) and Limulus polyphemus hemocyanin (LpH) were studied using catechol, l-Dopa and dopamine as substrates. The kinetic analysis shows that dopamine is a more specific substrate for CpH than catechol and l-Dopa (Km value of 0.01 mM for dopamine versus 0.67 mM for catechol, and 2.14 mM for l-Dopa), while kcat is highest for catechol (2.44 min? 1 versus 0.67 min? 1 for l-Dopa and 0.71 min? 1 for dopamine). On treatment with 4 mM sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) or by proteolysis the o-diPO activity of CpH increases about twofold. In contrast, native LpH shows no o-diPO activity, and exhibits only a slight activity after incubation with SDS. Neither CpH nor LpH show intrinsic mono-PO activity with l-tyrosine and tyramine as substrates. To explore the possible correlation between the degree of PO activity and protein stability of arthropod hemocyanins, the thermal stability of CpH and LpH was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. CpH is found to be less thermostable (Tm ~ 80 °C), suggesting that the dicopper active sites are more accessible, thereby allowing the hemocyanin to show PO activity in the native state. The LpH, on the other hand, is more thermostable (Tm ~ 92 °C), suggesting the existence of a correlation between the thermal stability and the intrinsic PO activity of arthropod hemocyanins.  相似文献   

The phenoloxidase (PO) activity of the hemocyanins (Hcs) from two molluscan species, the gastropod Helix pomatia (Hp) and the cephalopod Sepia officinalis (So), was studied. With catechol as substrate the Hcs showed a weak o-diPO activity, which was moderately enhanced on limited proteolysis with subtilisin. The sites in the Hc molecules mainly responsible for this activity were identified. The highest intrinsic o-diPO activity and also by far the highest level of induction were found in the functional units (FUs) Hp f and So g, isolated from Hp beta-Hc and So Hc (subunit 2), respectively. The results thus support the earlier conclusion, made on the basis of sequence homology between molluscan Hcs, that Hp f and So g are functional and structural analogues. The subtilisin treatment of Hp f also induced monoPO activity, considered to be at the origin of browning of the sample.  相似文献   

The carboxyl-terminal oxygen-binding unit of the polypeptide from Octopus dofleini hemocyanin has been crystallized in a form suitable for three-dimensional X-ray analysis. This proteolytic fragment has a molecular weight of 47 kDa and reversibly binds O2 while exhibiting a slight Bohr effect. Two types of crystals have been grown. Type I crystals, currently under analysis, belong to the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) and have unit cell dimensions of 92.6 A x 167.4 A x 59.2 A. A composition of two protein molecules per asymmetric unit and 50% solvent content is consistent with a self-rotation function that identifies a non-crystallographic 2-fold axis of symmetry relating these molecules. Diffraction extending beyond 1.9 A Bragg spacings can be detected with synchrotron X-radiation.  相似文献   

In interpreting the data obtained by chemical modification of biologically active macromolecules, e.g. enzymes, it has been a common practice to plot the remaining activity against the number of residues modified. An extrapolation of the initial, nearly linear portion of the curve generated to the axis giving numbers of residues often has been presumed to specify the actual number of critical groups modified. That this is usually not the case can be shown if one considers treatment of a typical macromolecule containing a number of a given kind of modifiable residues among which some, including those that are essential for activity, react at one rate, and the remainder react at a different rate. The behavior and character of the plots obtained have been analyzed and are presented with numerical and experimental examples to illustrate those features that should be considered.  相似文献   

The intrinsic and inducible phenoloxidase (PO) activity of Rapana thomasiana hemocyanin (RtH) and its substructures were studied. With catechol as substrate, a weak o-diPO activity was measured for the didecameric RtH and its subunits. Some activation of the o-diPO activity of RtH was achieved by limited treatment with subtilisin and by incubation of RtH with 2.9 mM sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), suggesting an enhanced substrate access to the active sites. The highest artificial induction of o-diPO activity in RtH, however, was obtained by lyophilization of the protein. This is ascribed to conformational changes during the lyophilization process of the didecameric RtH molecules, affecting the accessibility of the active sites. These conformational changes must be very small, since Fourier-transform infrared and circular dichroism spectroscopies did not reveal any changes in secondary structure of lyophilized RtH. The difference in accessibility of the copper containing active site for substrates between catechol oxidase and functional unit RtH2-e was demonstrated by molecular modeling and surface area accessibility calculations. The low level of intrinsic PO activity in the investigated hemocyanin is related to the inaccessibility of the binuclear copper active sites to the substrates.  相似文献   

Structure-function relationships in a molluscan hemocyanin have been investigated by determining the crystal structure of the Rapana thomasiana (gastropod) hemocyanin functional unit RtH2e in deoxygenated form at 3.38 A resolution. This is the first X-ray structure of an unit from the wall of the molluscan hemocyanin cylinder. The crystal structure of RtH2e demonstrates molecular self-assembly of six identical molecules forming a regular hexameric cylinder. This suggests how the functional units are ordered in the wall of the native molluscan hemocyanins. The molecular arrangement is stabilized by specific protomer-to-protomer interactions, which are probably typical for the functional units building the wall of the cylinders. A molecular mechanism for cooperative dioxygen binding in molluscan hemocyanins is proposed on the basis of the molecular interactions between the protomers. In particular, the deoxygenated RtH2e structure reveals a tunnel leading from two opposite sides of the molecule to the active site. The tunnel represents a possible entrance pathway for dioxygen molecules. No such tunnels have been observed in the crystal structure of the oxy-Odg, a functional unit from the Octopus dofleini (cephalopod) hemocyanin in oxygenated form.  相似文献   

A 12 A resolution three-dimensional density map of the Haliotis tuberculata hemocyanin type 1 (HtH1) didecamer has been obtained by cryoelectron microscopy of unstained molecules and angular reconstitution. The dyad symmetry of the 8 MDa D5 HtH1 didecamer, formed by the pairing of two asymmetric 4 MDa ring-like C5 decamers, is emphasised. The major and minor surface helical grooves of the didecamer are well defined, in agreement with earlier data on molluscan hemocyanins. The location of the obliquely orientated repeating unit, a subunit dimer, within the decamer has been defined. Following interactive extraction of this dimer, several new structural features of the dimer and of the subunit have now emerged with improved detail. The subunit dimer possesses pseudo 2-fold symmetry, resulting from the steric arrangement of the wall domains/functional units (FUs-abcdef) of the two subunits. The arc and collar FUs (g and h) depart from this inherent 2-fold symmetry and are thereby responsible for the asymmetry of the C5 decamer, with the internalised collar/arc complex at one edge of the decamer. The FU heterodimers forming the wall morphological units have a hollow centre, and thus create a series of repeating channels that extend within the wall through all three tiers of the decamer. The connections between the wall and the arc are defined with improved clarity, and evidence is provided to indicate that the arc and collar FU pairs have a homodimeric composition (gg and hh, respectively). Two possibilities for the subunit path within the subunit dimer are presented, which correlate with the available structural, immunolabelling and protease cleavage data from HtH1 and other molluscan hemocyanins.  相似文献   

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