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We carry out three-dimensional high-resolution numerical simulations of a bileaflet mechanical heart valve under physiologic pulsatile flow conditions implanted at different orientations in an anatomic aorta obtained from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of a volunteer. We use the extensively validated for heart valve flow curvilinear-immersed boundary (CURVIB) fluid-structure interaction (FSI) solver in which the empty aorta is discretized with a curvilinear, aorta-conforming grid while the valve is handled as an immersed boundary. The motion of the valve leaflets are calculated through a strongly coupled FSI algorithm implemented in conjunction with the Aitken convergence acceleration technique. We perform simulations for three valve orientations, which differ from each other by 45 deg and compare the results in terms of leaflet motion and flow field. We show that the valve implanted symmetrically relative to the symmetry plane of the ascending aorta curvature exhibits the smallest overall asymmetry in the motion of its two leaflets and lowest rebound during closure. Consequently, we hypothesize that this orientation is beneficial to reduce the chance of intermittent regurgitation. Furthermore, we find that the valve orientation does not significantly affect the shear stress distribution in the aortic lumen, which is in agreement with previous studies.  相似文献   

The apparent length and orientation of short lines is altered when they abut against oblique lines (the Z?llner and Judd illusions). Here we present evidence that the length and orientation biases are geometrically related and probably depend upon the same underlying mechanism. Measurements were done with an 'H' figure, in which the apparent length and orientation of the cross-bar was assessed by the method of adjustment while the orientation of the outer flanking lines was varied. When the flanking lines are oblique the apparent length of the central line is reduced and its orientation is shifted so that it appears more nearly at right-angles to the obliques than is in fact the case. Measurements of the orientation and length effects were made in three observers, over a range of flanking-line angles (90, 63, 45, 34 and 27 deg) and central line lengths (9, 17, 33 and 67 arc min). The biases increased with the tilt of the flanking-lines, and decreased with central line length. The extent of the length bias could be accurately predicted from the angular shift by simple trigonometry. We describe physiological and computational models to account for the relation between the orientation and length biases.  相似文献   

Interactions between visual stimuli have been found to be specific to the spatial frequency, orientation and phase of the interacting stimuli. We asked if there are any interactions between luminance-defined Gabor patches and Kanizsa-type illusory contours. In psychophysical experiments we studied whether induction of a vertical illusory line affects detection thresholds for a Gabor patch superimposed on this line and whether these effects depend on the orientation, spatial frequency and phase of the Gabor elements. Employing a 2AFC method with a staircase procedure we measured contrast detection thresholds and varied the orientation, spatial frequency and phase of the test Gabor patch and the separation between the two pacmen in four experimental series. The results show that in a situation where the two inducers generate perception of an illusory line, the contrast detection of the Gabor patch is facilitated relative to a control condition where the rotated pacmen do not induce illusory contours. This facilitation was more pronounced for test Gabor signals that were collinear to the illusory line, but the observer's performance was not altered by changes in the spatial frequency or phase of the Gabor stimuli. With increasing spatial separation of the two pacmen (and, consequently, with a decreasing support ratio), the difference between performance in the test and control conditions diminished. From the data obtained we cannot infer that we have measured some neural interactions between Gabor patches and Kanizsa-type illusory contours, and nor can we draw a unique conclusion about what causes the facilitation of detection of the test Gabor patch in the experimental situation that allows induction of the illusory line. We discuss possible mechanisms of the facilitation, such as contextual influences or a reduction of uncertainty about spatial location of the test Gabor patch.  相似文献   

Summary Several species of night migrating birds, especially North American emberizines, exhibit markedly different orientation behaviour when tested in circular cages under clear skies at dusk as compared with tests performed after complete darkness. During the period between sunset and the first appearance of stars, birds tend to show high levels of well-oriented hopping; birds deprived of exposure to clear skies at dusk hop less and their activity is usually not oriented. There is evidence that visual cues available during the dusk period, but not later, are responsible for this difference, but details of the orientation mechanisms involved are unclear. We performed 3-h fast and slow clock shifts on white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) to address two questions concerning migratory orientation at dusk: (1) Is the better orientation of sparrows tested at dusk a function of the visual cues available at that time, or does it result from circadian changes in motivation?; and (2) Is the dusk orientation based on a time-compensated sun compass?Sparrows subjected to a 3-h slow clock shift were tested with controls on clear, moonless nights beginning immediately after lights-off in the clock shift room and thus about 3.5 h after local sunset. Individuals of both groups performed poorly oriented hopping typical of tests performed after complete darkness. The pooled data from each group were not significantly oriented. These results show that the visual cues available shortly after sunset, not temporal changes in the motivation of the birds, are responsible for the qualitative differences in orientation.Birds exposed to a 3-h fast clock shift were tested with controls on clear evenings between sunset and the first appearance of stars. Both groups showed well-oriented hopping. The mean direction of the pooled tests of controls was 325°, a typical spring orientation direction for this species. The mean direction of the pooled tests of the clock shifted birds (274°) was significantly different from that of controls and the 51° counterclockwise shift is consistent with that predicted by a time-compensated sun compass model.  相似文献   



Audition provides important cues with regard to stimulus motion although vision may provide the most salient information. It has been reported that a sound of fixed intensity tends to be judged as decreasing in intensity after adaptation to looming visual stimuli or as increasing in intensity after adaptation to receding visual stimuli. This audiovisual interaction in motion aftereffects indicates that there are multimodal contributions to motion perception at early levels of sensory processing. However, there has been no report that sounds can induce the perception of visual motion.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A visual stimulus blinking at a fixed location was perceived to be moving laterally when the flash onset was synchronized to an alternating left-right sound source. This illusory visual motion was strengthened with an increasing retinal eccentricity (2.5 deg to 20 deg) and occurred more frequently when the onsets of the audio and visual stimuli were synchronized.


We clearly demonstrated that the alternation of sound location induces illusory visual motion when vision cannot provide accurate spatial information. The present findings strongly suggest that the neural representations of auditory and visual motion processing can bias each other, which yields the best estimates of external events in a complementary manner.  相似文献   

Pachypodium namaquanum (Nyley ex Harb.) Welw., an unusual arborescent stem succulent from the succulent karoo of the arid Richtersveld in north-western South Africa and adjacent Namibia, is characterized by a striking curvature of the terminal 20–60 cm of the trunk toward the north. This orientation displays the single terminal whorl of drought-deciduous leaves with their flat surface angled at a mean inclination of 55° from horizontal. Inclination of 50–60° was found in 65% of individuals sampled, and 85% were inclined between 45 and 65°. Northward azimuth was also quite regular, but varied slightly between populations. The fixed leaf orientation in P. namaquanum maximizes radiation absorption during the winter months when leaves are present. Leaves normally form in early fall (April) and abscise early in spring (October). Growing season conditions in the Richtersveld are relatively mild, with mean maximum temperature dropping only to 21.6°C in July, the coldest month of the year. Frosts are rare. By the fixed orientation of its leaf whorl, P. namaquanum is able to maintain nearly twice the midwinter radiation absorptance that it would have with horizontal orientation. Over an annual cycle the angled leaves receive more radiation than would horizontal leaves for each of the 6 months in which they are present on the plant. This increased winter irradiance is hypothesized to singificantly increase net primary production by concentrating growth activities in winter months and allowing the species to remain dormant during the hyperarid conditions of the hot summer months. Midwinter flowering from apical buds in P. namaquanum may also be aided by its stem orientation. The evolution of this characteristic pattern of winter growth phenology and nodding stem orientation may have come about because of low but relatively regular autumn precipitation and moderate winter temperatures. Slow and regular growth of P. namaquanum leads to long lifespans which may reach 300 years or more.  相似文献   

As a consequence of global warming, environmental conditions such as temperature and salinity are likely to change in near-shore waters. Early life history phases are expected to be particularly vulnerable to changes in these abiotic variables. To evaluate the effect of multiple stressors on the responses of invertebrate larvae, to conditions anticipated under scenarios of climate change, we examined the cellular responses of embryos of three common rocky intertidal gastropod species to temperature and salinity changes. Encapsulated embryos of each species were exposed for 72 h to six combinations of ecologically realistic temperature and salinity levels (22° and 30 °C and 25, 35 and 45 ppt). Embryonic mortality and the responses of two biomarkers: total antioxidant capacity and lipid peroxidation, were then determined. We predicted that those organisms exposed to physiologically stressful levels of the combined stressors would show the strongest responses. The general trend was that both extremes of salinity (25 and 45 ppt) and high temperature (30 °C) negatively affected the embryos studied inducing oxidative stress and increasing lipid peroxidation, leading to increased embryonic mortality. The intensity of the response remained species-specific, with no clear pattern established as to which species was the most sensitive to salinity and temperature changes. Consequently, climate change induced temperature and salinity changes do exert molecular and physiological effects on early life stages of rocky shore gastropods, however, response to these stressors is species-specific.  相似文献   

Plagiotropic angle of seedling-derived Douglas-fir plantlets varied with position of adventitious bud origin on the explanted cotyledon rosette, being least at its center (18°) and greatest (45°) along the basal third of the cotyledon. When the tops of plagiotropic plantlets (55°) were grafted to seedling rootstock, they assumed a near-vertical orientation (10°), with pectinate changed to radial leaf arrangement, within 5 months. Conversely, seedling tops grafted to plagiotropic plantlet rootstock grew plagiotropically (56°). These, and other observations lead to a hypothesis that plagiotropism in cotyledon-derived plantlets results in part from an incomplete vascular connection of the root system to the shoot.In contrast, the greater plagiotropic angle in plantlets from a 12 year-old tree, decreased by only half (from 72° to 34°) after grafting to seedling rootstock. First-season height increment of these plantlets was only 60 percent of seedling or juvenile plantlet height increment, and was unaffected by rootstock type. The adult-origin plantlets exhibited mature shoot morphology, and unchanged plagiotropism after 2 years growth in large pots. Thus it appears that the culture-induced juvenile appearance and behaviour noted for this material when maintained in vitro, is dependent on the continued presence of the culture conditions.  相似文献   

A wide range of loading conditions involving external forces with varying magnitudes, orientations and locations are encountered in daily activities. Here we computed the effect on trunk biomechanics of changes in force location (two levels) and orientation (5 values) in 4 subjects in upright standing while maintaining identical external moment of 15 Nm, 30 N m or 45 Nm at the L5–S1. Driven by measured kinematics and gravity/external loads, the finite element models yielded substantially different trunk neuromuscular response with moderate alterations (up to 24% under 45 Nm moment) in spinal loads as the load orientation varied. Under identical moments, compression and shear forces at the L5–S1 as well as forces in extensor thoracic muscles progressively decreased as orientation of external forces varied from downward gravity (90°) all the way to upward (−25°) orientation. In contrast, forces in local lumbar muscles followed reverse trends. Under larger horizontal forces at a lower elevation, lumbar muscles were much more active whereas extensor thoracic muscle forces were greater under smaller forces at a higher elevation. Despite such differences in activity pattern, the spinal forces remained nearly identical (<6% under 45 Nm moment). The published recorded surface EMG data of extensor muscles trend-wise agreed with computed local muscle forces as horizontal load elevation varied but were overall different from results in both local and global muscles when load orientation altered. Predictions demonstrate the marked effect of external force orientation and elevation on the trunk neuromuscular response and spinal forces and questions attempts to estimate spinal loads based only on consideration of moments at a spinal level.  相似文献   

Y Adini  D Sagi 《Spatial Vision》1992,6(1):61-77
Human ability to identify simultaneously two targets in the visual field is severely limited. Previous studies have shown that orientation identification of two targets takes twice the time needed for one target. Here we asked whether this seriality is imposed by the decision requirement of the task or by such stimulus properties as target spatial separation and similarity. Observers had to identify the orientations (vertical vs horizontal) of two Gabor patches presented at random positions. Performance on this double-task experiment was compared with performance on each of the tasks when carried out alone. We varied the spatial separation between the two targets for targets having identical or different spatial-frequencies and found that the orientation of two targets having different frequencies could be identified in parallel when occupying the same spatial position but not when separated in space by 4 deg of visual angle or more. Targets having the same frequency could be identified in parallel even when separated by 8 deg, demonstrating that decision factors do not impose seriality. This result can be taken as evidence for the existence of a grouping process operating prior to orientation identification. This grouping process operates according to classical Gestalt rules (proximity, similarity) and enables parallel attentive processing of large input chunks.  相似文献   

Investigation on illusory contours is important for understanding the mechanisms underlying the object recognition of human visual system. Numerous researches have shown that illusory contours formed in motion and stereopsis are generated by the unmatched features. Here we conduct three psychophysical experiments to test if Kanizsa illusory contours are also caused by unmatched information. Different types of motion (including horizontal translation, radial expanding and shrinking) are utilized in the experiments. The results show that no matter under what kind of motion, when figures or background move separately illusory contours are perceived stronger, and there is no significant difference between the perceived strength in these two types of motion. However, no such enhancement of perceived strength is found when figures and background move together. It is found that the strengthened unmatched features generate the enhancement effect of illusory contour perception in motion. Thus the results suggest that the process of unmatched information in visual system is a critical step in the formation of illusory contours.  相似文献   

Object perception is one of the most important components of visual perception of human beings and mammalian animals. It is a most confusing problem on object perception that how we separate object from background and obtain the picture of the whole object. In many cases one object partly occludes the other one in natural world. When the brightness of the occluding object is the same as or similar to that of the background, though there is no difference between visual stimuli, we can still ret…  相似文献   

When observers view a grid of mid-gray lines superimposed on a black background, they report seeing illusory dark gray smudges at the grid intersections, an effect known as the Hermann grid illusion. The strength of the illusion is often measured using the cancellation technique: A white disk is placed over one of these intersections and the luminance of the disk is reduced until the disk disappears. Its luminance at this point, i.e., the disk's detection threshold, is taken to be a measure of the strength of the illusion. Our experiments showed that some distortions of the Hermann grid, which were sufficient to completely disrupt the illusion, did not reduce the disk's detection threshold. This showed that the cancellation technique is not a valid method for measuring the strength of the Hermann grid illusion. Those studies that attempted to use this technique inadvertently studied a different effect known as the blanking phenomenon. We conclude by presenting an explanation for the latter effect.  相似文献   

T S Meese 《Spatial Vision》1999,12(3):363-394
Visual neurons in the primary visual cortex 'look' at the retinal image through a four-dimensional array of spatial receptive fields (filter-elements): two spatial dimensions and, at each spatial location, two Fourier dimensions of spatial frequency and orientation. In general, visual objects activate filter-elements along each of these dimensions, suggesting a need for some kind of linking mechanism that determines whether two or more filter-elements are responding to the same or different contours or objects. In the spatial domain, a (spatial) association field between filter-elements, arranged to form first-order curves, has been inferred as a flexible method by which different parts of extended (luminance) contours become associated (Field et al., 1993). Linking has also been explored between filters selective for different regions in Fourier space (e.g. Georgeson and Meese, 1997). Perceived structure of stationary plaids suggests that spatial filtering is adaptive: synthetic filters can be created by the linear summation of basis-filters across orientation or spatial frequency in a stimulus-dependent way. For example, a plaid with a pair of sine-wave components at +/-45 deg looks like a blurred checkerboard; a structure that can be understood if features are derived after linear summation of spatial filters at different orientations. However, the addition of an oblique third-harmonic component causes the plaid to perceptually segment into overlapping oblique contours. This result can be understood if filters are summed across spatial frequency, but, in this case, treated independently across orientation. In the present paper, the architecture of an association field is proposed to permit linking and segmentation of filter-elements across spatial frequency and orientation. Three types of link are proposed: (1) A chain of constructive links around sites of common spatial frequency but different orientation, to promote binding of filters across orientation; (2) Constructive links between sites with common orientation but different spatial frequency, to promote binding of filters across spatial frequency; (3) Long-range links between sites of common spatial frequency but different orientation, whose activation and role are determined by activity in a higher spatial frequency band. A model employing the proposed network of links is consistent with at least six previously reported effects on the perception of briefly presented stationary plaids.  相似文献   

The incidence of flies with more than four seutellar chaetae (additional chaetae) has been followed for up to 3 years in 4 lines at 15°C, 20°C, 25°C and 27.5°C derived from each of 3 strains, initially set up from single inseminated females of Drosophila melanogaster, collected in the wild single the same locality at the same time. Within each set of temperature lines, the incidence of additional chaetae was highest in one strain, intermediate in another strain, and lowest in the third. This shows that the differences between lines can be at least partly attributed to differences between the founder females of the three strains, although some divergence occurred between lines within strains in some cases. With respect to quantitative traits, the results indicate that in situations where new habitats are occupied by a small number of colonists, the nature of the founder female is possibly of greater importance than the different environments of the new habitats.Some of this work was supported by the Australian Research Grants Committee.  相似文献   

This study investigated changes in patellofemoral (PF) kinematics for different loading configurations of the quadriceps muscle: single line of action (SL), physiological-based multiple lines of action (ML), weak vastus medialis (WVM), and weak vastus lateralis (WVL). Fourteen cadaveric knees were flexed from 15° to 120° knee flexion using a loading rig with the ability to load different heads of the quadriceps and hamstring muscles in their anatomical orientation. PF rotation in the sagittal plane) and medial lateral translation were significantly different (p<0.05) for SL and ML, with maximum differences of 2.8° and 0.9 mm at 15° and 45° knee flexion, respectively. Compared to the ML, the WVM induced an average lateral shift of 1.5 mm and an abduction rotation of 0.8°, whereas a 0.9 mm medial shift and 0.6° adduction rotation was seen when simulating a WVL. The difference in the sagittal plane resultant force orientation of 26° between SL and ML was the major contributor to the change in PF rotation in the sagittal plane, while the difference in the frontal plane resultant force orientation of both the WVM and WVL from the ML (17° medial and 8° lateral, respectively) were the primary reasons for the change in PF frontal plane rotation and medial lateral translation. The two PF kinematic were significantly different from the ML for WVM and WVL (p<0.05). The results suggest that quadriceps muscle loading configuration can have a large influence on PF kinematics during full extension but less in deeper flexion. Therefore, using quadriceps single line loading for simulating activities with low flexion angles might not be sufficient to accurately replicate the physiological condition.  相似文献   

A fluctuating environment may be perceived as a composition of different environments, or as an environment per se, in which it is the fluctuation itself that poses a selection pressure. If so, then organisms may adapt to this alternation. We tested this using experimental populations of spider mites that have been evolving for 45 generations in a homogeneous environment (pepper or tomato plants), or in a heterogeneous environment composed of an alternation of these two plants approximately at each generation. The performance (daily oviposition rate and juvenile survival) of individuals from these populations was tested in each of the homogeneous environments, and in two alternating environments, one every 3 days and the other between generations. To discriminate between potential genetic interactions between alleles conferring adaptation to each host plant and environmental effects of evolving in a fluctuating environment, we compared the performance of all lines with that of a cross between tomato and pepper lines. As a control, two lines within each selection regime were also crossed. We found that crosses between alternating lines and between pepper and tomato lines performed worse than crosses between lines evolving in homogeneous environments when tested in that environment. In contrast, alternating lines performed either better or similarly to lines evolving in homogeneous environments when tested in a fluctuating environment. Our results suggest that fluctuating environments are more than the juxtaposition of two environments. Hence, tests for adaptation of organisms evolving in such environments should be carried out in fluctuating conditions.  相似文献   

Multiple dots moving independently back and forth on a flat screen induce a compelling illusion of a sphere rotating in depth (structure-from-motion). If all dots simultaneously reverse their direction of motion, two perceptual outcomes are possible: either the illusory rotation reverses as well (and the illusory depth of each dot is maintained), or the illusory rotation is maintained (but the illusory depth of each dot reverses). We investigated the role of attention in these ambiguous reversals. Greater availability of attention--as manipulated with a concurrent task or inferred from eye movement statistics--shifted the balance in favor of reversing illusory rotation (rather than depth). On the other hand, volitional control over illusory reversals was limited and did not depend on tracking individual dots during the direction reversal. Finally, display properties strongly influenced ambiguous reversals. Any asymmetries between 'front' and 'back' surfaces--created either on purpose by coloring or accidentally by random dot placement--also shifted the balance in favor of reversing illusory rotation (rather than depth). We conclude that the outcome of ambiguous reversals depends on attention, specifically on attention to the illusory sphere and its surface irregularities, but not on attentive tracking of individual surface dots.  相似文献   

Fermented composite beverages of finger millet and milk are popular, nutritious, traditional foods in many parts of Zimbabwe. With the aim of commercial production, we determined what type of microbial cultures can be used to ferment a composite finger millet and skimmed milk powder gruel and the optimum conditions for its production. Composites containing between 0 and 100% finger millet gruel by volume were inoculated and incubated at various temperatures. The desired pH of 4.5 or less was obtained with incubation at 30 to 45 °C (but not at lower temperatures) with lower pH values being obtained as the temperature increased. YC380 (a yoghurt type bacterial starter culture) produced a pH of 4.5 or less only when skim milk was also present; V2 (another yoghurt type bacterial starter culture) did so at all levels of finger millet gruel and JC (a mixed strain culture developed to ferment cereals) only when finger millet gruel was present. A clear relationship between incubation temperature and syneresis could not be established but syneresis decreased significantly (p < 0.05) with increasing proportions of finger millet gruel. A thick product with a set consistency was obtained with YC380 at an incubation temperature of 45 °C and a storage temperature of 7 °C regardless of proportion of finger millet gruel. V2 produced a thick product with a set consistency at an incubation temperature of 45 °C, and storage temperature of 7 °C and when the proportions of finger millet gruel were between 0 and 50%. It appears that yoghurt type bacterial cultures can be successfully used to produce a composite fermented beverage from finger millet and skim milk, but cultures developed for fermentation of cereals are not suitable.  相似文献   

Hyperthermia is a promising treatment for carcinoma cells. The thermal injuries of two hepatoma carcinoma cell lines with the identical cytological grade, HepG2 and Hep3B cell lines, were investigated systematically in the present study. The homemade heating stage was used to provide a constant temperature between 40 and 70 °C for thermal treatment. When the cells were exposed to temperatures ranging from 40 to 45 °C, Hep3B cells had a lower thermotolerance than the HepG2 cells; however, the survival rate of these two cell lines was still high. The differences in thermotolerance between HepG2 and Hep3B cells were more significant at the range of 50–55 °C than those at lower-level temperatures of 40–45 °C. Furthermore, the viability of the cells was less than 10% when they were exposed to a supraphysiological temperature of 60 °C for 5 min; these cell lines suffered from injury saturation under that thermal treatment. The statistical analysis also concluded that Hep3B cells are more susceptible to heat stress than are the HepG2 cells when subjected to the thermal treatment applied in this work, the exception being when thermal injury saturation occurred. The kinematic parameters of the activation energy and frequency factor for HepG2 and Hep3B cells were also quantitatively determined herein. The activation energies (ΔE) for HepG2 and Hep3B cells were 170.17 and 152.44 kJ/mol, respectively. Furthermore, the frequency factors (A) for HepG2 and Hep3B cells were 4.11×1024 and 1.07×1022 s−1, respectively.  相似文献   

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