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Seven trials conducted over four years on sites naturally infested with the white potato cyst nematode established that potato clones bred for resistance to Globodera pallida allowed significantly less nematode multiplication than conventional cultivars under field conditions. Nematode multiplication was inversely related to initial infestation level. The nematicide, aldicarb, significantly reduced nematode multiplication. However, nematode multiplication on nematicide treated susceptible cultivars was greater than on untreated partially resistant clones, indicating that resistance may offer more effective control of G. pallida than chemical treatment. Integration of host plant resistance and nematicide treatment is discussed.  相似文献   

The hatching activity of partially resistant Solanum tuberosum×S. vernei clones and susceptible cultivars was investigated in a series of tests with G. pallida conducted in pots in the glasshouse. Differences in hatching were apparent, with the partially resistant clones generally stimulating a lower total hatch than the S. tuberosum cultivars. It is concluded that reduced hatching activity can make a small contribution to overall resistance and perhaps also to the tolerance of a clone to G. pallida.  相似文献   

Hatching induced by root diffusate, obtained from various potato genotypes, and by standard potato root diffusate, was determined in vitro. The used potato genotypes differed considerably in tolerance to Globodera pallida. A three parameter logistic model was used to describe the numbers of hatched juveniles in relation to time of exposure to root diffusate. Clear differences in hatching characteristics between genotypes were found. Some tolerant genotypes induced hatching of G. pallida juveniles relatively slowly, compared to intolerant genotypes. Other tolerant genotypes, however, induced hatching as fast as intolerant genotypes, and no significant correlation between hatching parameters and tolerance was found.  相似文献   

The effects of planting date and growing period of potato cultivars on their efficiency as trap crops for potato cyst nematodes (PCN) were studied. Plots were planted with susceptible or resistant cultivars in April, June and August and these were grown for 5, 6 or 7 wk before removal of the plants by hand lifting. Crops planted in June provided the best overall reductions in PCN population density of up to 95%, with cv. Santé significantly more effective than the other cultivars. Population reductions from the August planting were only slightly less than from planting in June but the tuber yields obtained were much greater: Maris Piper and Maris Bard produced 16.4 and 21.4 t ha-1 respectively, with 37% and 43% respectively, of a size useful for canning (i.e. between 20 and 40 mm diameter).  相似文献   

Selection for virulence in the potato cyst-nematode, Globodera pallida   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ability of six populations of Globodera pallida to multiply on Solanum vernei hybrids (Morag, 12380 2, Glenna and Santé) and S. tuberosum andigena hybrids (A 27/23, Paladin (ZB 35/29) and ZC 83/6) was studied in microplots and pots. Evidence was obtained of selection for virulence in one population after one year's cultivation of cvs Glenna or Morag. Similarly, after four years' continuous cultivation of cvs Morag or ZC 83/6 in microplots, three of five populations of G. pallida contained more virulent nematodes than the same populations maintained for the same period on cv. Pentland Crown (susceptible to G. pallida). These results are discussed in relation to earlier work and the use of partially resistant cultivars in the integrated control of G. pallida.  相似文献   

Speed of emergence of juveniles from cysts in potato root diffusate (PRD) in vitro differed between Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida and between populations within each species. Early emergence in vitro was slower in most populations of G. pallida than in most populations of G. rostochiensis. Fewer G. rostochiensis juveniles emerged from 4 or 6 month old than from 4 yr old cysts. More G. rostochiensis emerged in solutions of sodium metavanadate at concentrations of 10-2 and 10-3 M than in PRD and as many G. pallida emerged in the same solutions as in PRD. In plots of bare fallowed sandy loam, emergence of G. pallida was stimulated by 10--3 M sodium metavanadate. The emergence of two populations of C. pallida in PRD was stimulated by the addition of benomyl at 0.1 ppm (3.4 × 10--7 m). In microplots, cv. Cara potatoes grown for 8 wk decreased four populations of G. pallida by up to 93%. During a 4 wk period in PRD, more than 20 juveniles per gravid female emerged from five of 25 populations of G. pallida. In root observation boxes in which cv. Désirée was grown, oxamyl applied to the top 15 cm of a peaty loam soil greatly increased G. pallida in soil 1545 cm deep. In another peaty loam, but not in a sandy loam, the same treatment appeared to increase the nematode in soil 15–30 cm deep. Oxamyl incorporated in the uninfested top 15 cm of all three soils largely prevented nematode increase from juveniles migrating upwards from untreated heavily infested soil 15–30 cm deep. These experiments suggest that inadequate control of G. pallida increase on susceptible potatoes by an oximecarbamate nematicide of short persistence, such as oxamyl, is primarily due to the slow rate of juvenile emergence in most populations of G. pallida, with a second generation and the upward migration of juveniles from deeper untreated soil later in the growing season as potential contributory factors.  相似文献   

In this article, we describe the analysis of over 9000 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from cDNA libraries obtained from various life cycle stages of Globodera pallida . We have identified over 50 G. pallida effectors from this dataset using bioinformatics analysis, by screening clones in order to identify secreted proteins up-regulated after the onset of parasitism and using in situ hybridization to confirm the expression in pharyngeal gland cells. A substantial gene family encoding G. pallida SPRYSEC proteins has been identified. The expression of these genes is restricted to the dorsal pharyngeal gland cell. Different members of the SPRYSEC family of proteins from G. pallida show different subcellular localization patterns in plants, with some localized to the cytoplasm and others to the nucleus and nucleolus. Differences in subcellular localization may reflect diverse functional roles for each individual protein or, more likely, variety in the compartmentalization of plant proteins targeted by the nematode. Our data are therefore consistent with the suggestion that the SPRYSEC proteins suppress host defences, as suggested previously, and that they achieve this through interaction with a range of host targets.  相似文献   

Resistance to the potato cyst nematode (PCN) species Globodera pallida, derived from the wild diploid potato species Solanum vernei, has been investigated. This source of resistance, which is effective against all of the major pathotypes of G. pallida and Globodera rostochiensis, has been assumed to be due to several genetic factors, but it has proved difficult to deploy effectively in breeding strategies for potato cultivars. Diploid and tetraploid potato populations segregating for 'vernei' resistance were analysed. At the tetraploid level, a bulk segregant analysis (BSA) approach was employed and detected AFLP markers linked to a resistance QTL on potato linkage group V. Conventional linkage analysis of a diploid population identified QTL on linkage groups V and IX. A marker linked to a QTL on linkage group V has been converted to a single-locus PCR-based marker, which can be used to detect the presence of the QTL in diploid and tetraploid potato germplasm. Moreover, there is evidence that one of the AFLPs detected by BSA appears to be specific to an introgressed segment of DNA from S. vernei. These results are compared with those obtained from other studies on resistance to the PCN species G. pallida.  相似文献   

Plant resistance to nematodes is related to the ability of the host to reduce the development of nematode juveniles into females. Resistance to the potato cyst nematode (PCN) Globodera pallida, originating from the wild species Solanum sparsipilum, was dissected by a quantitative trait loci (QTL) approach. Two QTL explained 89% of the phenotypic variation. The QTL GpaV(s)spl on chromosome V displayed the major effect on the cyst number (coefficient of determination [R2] = 76.6%). It restricted G. pallida development to 16.2% of juveniles, 81.5% of males, and 2.3% of females. The QTL GpaXI(s)spl on chromosome XI displayed a lower effect on the cyst number (R2 = 12.7%). It restricted G. pallida development to 13.8% of juveniles, 35.4% of males, and 50.8% of females. Clones carrying both QTL restricted the nematode development to 58.1% juveniles, 41.1% of males, and 0.8% of females. We demonstrated that potato clones carrying both QTL showed a strong necrotic reaction in roots infected by nematodes, while no such reaction was observed in clones carrying a single QTL. This result underlines the importance to introgress together GpaV(s)spl and GpaXI(s)spl into potato cultivars, in order to reduce the density of this quarantine pest in soil and to decrease the risk of selecting overcoming G. pallida subpopulations.  相似文献   

The increase of 35 English field populations of potato cyst-nematodes (Globodera rostochiensis and/or G. pallida) was measured on Désirée, Maris Piper, Caxton (A25/11), Cromwell (A27/20) and clone 11233 ab 22 in pots of sandy, silty or peaty loam soil. Désirée was susceptible to all populations tested and, as in field soils, the final population (Pf) was inversely related to the initial population of potato cyst-nematode eggs (Pi) in the soil. Maris Piper and Cromwell were resistant to all G. rostochiensis populations, with one possible exception. Maris Piper was susceptible to all G. pallida populations. Caxton was susceptible to some and fairly resistant to other populations of G. rostochiensis, indicating the existence either of two biotypes within the one pathotype (Rol) as yet encountered in Britain, or the existence of an additional pathotype. Caxton and Cromwell were fairly resistant to G. pallida. Clone 11233 ab 22 was only moderately resistant to both species. Resistance to potato cyst-nematode increase varied considerably, especially in Caxton (to G. rostochiensis) and in 11233 ab 22 (to both species). Oxamyl greatly reduced the increase of G. rostochiensis populations on Désirée potatoes, with the notable exception of one population but it generally had much less effect on G. pallida populations, regardless of soil type. The difference in effect on the two species may be due to a longer period of hatching in G. pallida than in G. rostochiensis and also perhaps to a second generation in G. pallida.  相似文献   

No relationship was found between the degree of resistance to Globodera pallida and total glycoalkaloid content of the roots or tubers of a number of potato clones derived from Solanum vernei × S. tuberosum. Nematode infestation of the roots did not lead to increases in the glycoalkaloid content of susceptible or resistant potatoes.  相似文献   

The potato cyst nematodes (PCNs) Globodera pallida and Globodera rostochiensis are important parasites of potato. PCNs undergo complex biotrophic interactions with their hosts that involve gene expression changes in both the nematode and the host plant. The aim of this study was to determine key genes that are differentially expressed in Globodera pallida life cycle stages and during the initiation of the feeding site in susceptible and partially resistant potato genotypes. For this purpose, two microarray experiments were designed: (i) a comparison of eggs, infective second‐stage juveniles (J2s) and sedentary parasitic‐stage J2s (SJ2); (ii) a comparison of SJ2s at 8 days after inoculation (DAI) in the susceptible cultivar (Desirée) and two partially resistant lines. The results showed differential expression of G. pallida genes during the stages studied, including previously characterized effectors. In addition, a large number of genes changed their expression between SJ2s in the susceptible cultivar and those infecting partially resistant lines; the number of genes with modified expression was lower when the two partially resistant lines were compared. Moreover, a histopathological study was performed at several time points (7, 14 and 30 DAI) and showed the similarities between both partially resistant lines with a delay and degeneration in the formation of the syncytia in comparison with the susceptible cultivar. Females at 30 DAI in partially resistant lines showed a delay in their development in comparison with those in the susceptible cultivar.  相似文献   

Trade‐offs between virulence (defined as the ability to infect a resistant host) and life‐history traits are of particular interest in plant pathogens for durable management of plant resistances. Adaptation to plant resistances (i.e., virulence acquisition) is indeed expected to be associated with a fitness cost on susceptible hosts. Here, we investigated whether life‐history traits involved in the fitness of the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida are affected in a virulent lineage compared to an avirulent one. Both lineages were obtained from the same natural population through experimental evolution on resistant and susceptible hosts, respectively. Unexpectedly, we found that virulent lineages were more fit than avirulent lineages on susceptible hosts: they produced bigger cysts, containing more larvae and hatching faster. We thus discuss possible reasons explaining why virulence did not spread into natural G. pallida populations.  相似文献   

Potato cultivars with different degrees of resistance to Globodera pallida (PCN) were trialled at three infested sites in 1983, 1984 and 1985. These trials were primarily intended to assess the effects of PCN damage on the yield of tubers and consequently the sites chosen had high initial population densities of G. pallida. The population density of G. pallida was determined from samples taken both pre-planting and post-harvest and results showed that there were significant differences between the clones in the nematode multiplication rates. Although actual rates of multiplication varied between sites the relative differences between clones were maintained across sites. Under the susceptible control cultivars the populations generally increased even in the presence of nematicide. The partially resistant clones gave best control, as measured by nematode multiplication, at the sites with the highest initial population densities but gave good control at all sites when treated with nematicide irrespective of initial population density. The role of partial resistance in integrated control systems and the effectiveness of nematicides against G. pallida is discussed.  相似文献   

Armstrong MR  Blok VC  Phillips MS 《Genetics》2000,154(1):181-192
The mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) of the plant parasitic nematode Globodera pallida exists as a population of small, circular DNAs that, taken individually, are of insufficient length to encode the typical metazoan mitochondrial gene complement. As far as we are aware, this unusual structural organization is unique among higher metazoans, although interesting comparisons can be made with the multipartite mitochondrial genome organizations of plants and fungi. The variation in frequency between populations displayed by some components of the mtDNA is likely to have major implications for the way in which mtDNA can be used in population and evolutionary genetic studies of G. pallida.  相似文献   

Signals from roots of resistant (cv. Maris Piper) and susceptible (cv. Désirée) potato cultivars during invasion by second stage juveniles (J2s) of the potato cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis, were investigated. Novel experimental chambers enabled the recording of electrophysiological responses from roots during nematode invasion. The root cell membrane potentials were maintained throughout the 3 d required to assess invasion and feeding site development. The steady-state resting membrane potentials of Désirée were more negative than those of Maris Piper on day 1, but the reverse on day 3. After 5 d there was no difference between the two cultivars. Intracellular microelectrodes detected marked spike activity in roots after the application of J2s and there were distinct and reproducible differences between the two cultivars, with the response from Désirée being much greater than that from Maris Piper. The responses to mechanical stimulation of roots by blunt micropipettes and sharp electrodes were consistent and similar in both cultivars to the responses in Maris Piper obtained after nematode invasion, but could not account for the marked response found in Désirée. Exogenous application of exoenzymes, used to mimic nematode chemical secretions, resulted in a distinct depolarization pattern that, although similar in both cultivars, was different from patterns obtained during nematode invasion or mechanical stimulation. The pH of homogenates prepared from roots of both cultivars was measured and a Ca2+ channel blocker was used to assess the role of Ca2+ in nematode invasion. The results indicated a role for Ca2+ in the signalling events that occur during nematode invasion.  相似文献   

A range of potato cultivars and clones was grown at three sites infested with Globodera pallida in each of four years (1983 – 1986). Comparison of yields from nematicide treated plots with those of untreated plots provided estimates of yield losses due to G. pallida. The proportional yield losses were calculated for each genotype at each site as a measure of nematode tolerance. There were significant differences between genotypes with regard to tolerance of damage by G. pallida. There were also significant interactions between the different genotypes and the sites and years, but the interactions between years and genotypes represented only a small proportion of the observed variation. The interactions between sites and years indicate that not all of the genotypes behaved consistently between sites and years. The extent of yield losses caused by the nematodes varied significantly between sites. The implications of these results are discussed in relation to potato breeding programmes and assessing resistance and tolerance to G. pallida.  相似文献   

Eight trials were conducted in commercial potato fields infested with the white potato cyst nematode (wPCN, Globodera pallida) and one in a field infested with the yellow PCN (yPCN, Globodera rostochiensis). Our aims were to produce data to validate and refine a computer‐based program (The Model) for the long‐term management of PCN, to determine nematicide effectiveness and to assess rates of PCN population decline between potato crops. Prior to planting, each farmer applied an overall nematicide treatment to his field, except for ten untreated plots that were widely spaced to encompass a range of PCN population densities. Each untreated plot was paired with a similar plot in the adjacent treated area and all plots were intensively sampled for PCN population densities at planting (Pi) and again at harvest (Pf) when tuber yields were determined. Four trials were re‐sampled 2–4 years later to determine PCN population decline rates. Regressions that form the basis of ‘The Model’ and described the relationship between Pi and tuber yield and PCN population density at harvest were fitted to the results from both the untreated and nematicide treated plots. These regressions also enabled us to estimate the yield potential at each site in the absence of PCN and showed that nematicide treatment generally did not increase yield potential and that both tuber yield and PCN multiplication decreased with increasing Pi. However, there were major differences between sites and cultivars. When untreated, the yield of cv. Maris Piper was hardly affected in a highly organic soil with Pi > 200 eggs g?1 whereas the yield of partially resistant cv. Santé was decreased from a potential of c. 60 t ha?1 to c. 20 t ha?1 in a light silt with Pi = 20 egg g?1 soil. Similarly, untreated wPCN multiplication rates at a low Pi ranged from 46‐fold to >100‐fold. Nematicide effectiveness was estimated from the regressions and, at several sites, yield was decreased despite nematicide treatment. Control of wPCN multiplication was even poorer. In only two of seven trials planted with susceptible cultivars was more than 50% control achieved – maximum populations in treated plots usually exceeded 250 eggs g?1. Partially resistant Santé decreased the multiplication rate of wPCN in the two trials where it was planted. An alternative analysis using Genstat indicated that The Model tended to underestimate the maximum multiplication rate and overestimate the maximum population density. When four sites were re‐sampled 2–4 years after harvest the populations of wPCN had declined by between 15% and 33.5% per annum with a mean of 26% per annum. Modelling indicated that rotations longer than 8 years were required to control wPCN unless other effective control measures, such as growing a partially resistant cultivar, were used.  相似文献   

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