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Tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-pa) is a serine protease comprising four different putative structural domains with homologies to fibronectin finger-like structures (finger), epidermal growth factor, kringle structures, and the active site of serine proteases. Only the finger and epidermal growth factor domain are each entirely encoded by unique single exons. We assessed the functional contribution of these two structural domains by making mutants precisely deleted for one or both of the relevant exons. The three mutant genes were expressed in monkey cells, and the variant proteins, purified from the culture medium, were characterized for their fibrinolytic activity, fibrinogenolytic potential, and affinity for fibrin. No significant difference in any biochemical property was observed among the variants. All three variants retained a catalytic dependence on cyanogen bromide fragments of fibrinogen which could not be distinguished from the wild-type enzyme. The activities of the variants were also very similar to that of wild-type t-pa, showing no detectable fibrinogenolytic potential in human plasma at activator concentrations of 500 IU/ml, or when their fibrinolytic activity was tested in human plasma using the 125I-labeled fibrin clot lysis assay at activator concentrations of 150 IU/ml or greater. However, the variants were markedly defective in fibrinolysis at low activator concentrations such that essentially no fibrinolysis was detected at 15 IU/ml. Measurement of fibrin binding showed that the variants lacked the high fibrin binding characteristic of wild-type t-pa. These results demonstrate that the fibrin specificity and fibrin-dependent activity of t-pa are independent of the protein's high affinity for fibrin. The implication of these results is that the t-pa variants would be ineffective activators at a physiological concentration of approximately 2 IU/ml but would be expected to behave similarly to wild-type t-pa at the steady-state plasma concentrations of 0.75-1.25 micrograms/ml (approximately 500 IU/ml) currently required for coronary reperfusion in patients receiving t-pa for acute myocardial infarction (Garabedian, H.D., Gold, H.K., Leinbach, R.C., Yasuda, T., Johns, J.A., and Collen, D. (1986) Am. J. Cardiol. 58, 673-679).  相似文献   

The organization and structure of the gene coding for plasminogen has been determined by a combination of in vitro amplification of leukocyte DNA from normal individuals and isolation of unique clones from three different human genomic libraries. These clones were characterized by restriction mapping, Southern blotting, and DNA sequencing. The gene for human plasminogen spanned about 52.5 kilobases of DNA and consisted of 19 exons separated by 18 introns. DNA sequence analysis revealed that the five kringle structures in plasminogen were coded by two exons. The nucleotides in the introns at the intron-exon boundaries were GT-AG analogous to those found in other eukaryotic genes. Three polyadenylation sites for plasminogen mRNA were also identified. When the amino acid sequences deduced from the genomic DNA and cDNAs of plasminogen were compared with that of the plasma protein determined by amino acid sequence analysis, an apparent amino acid polymorphism was observed in several positions of the polypeptide chain. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the amplified genomic DNAs and genomic clones also revealed that the plasminogen gene was very closely related to several other proteins, including apolipoprotein(a). This protein may have evolved via duplication and exon shuffling of the plasminogen gene. The presence of another plasminogen-related gene(s) in the human genomic library was also observed.  相似文献   

Placental extracts contain inhibitors of human urinary urokinase. These extracts form a heterogeneous population of complexes with 125I-urokinase that are recognizable by changes in gel filtration profile and mobility during sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Treatment with reducing agents eliminated the size heterogeneity without loss of activity, thereby allowing the placental inhibitor to be purified. Active inhibitor has been isolated in apparently homogeneous form after an eight-step procedure that included salt extraction, ammonium sulfate fractionation, column chromatography on CM-cellulose, DEAE-Sepharose, and hydroxylapatite, chromatofocusing, preparative gel electrophoresis, and hydrophobic chromatography. The purified inhibitor has Mr = 47,000. The inhibitor is relatively specific for plasminogen activators since it does not inhibit the action of plasmin, factor XIIa, plasma kallikrein, or thrombin. The inhibitor forms complexes with 1:1 stoichiometry that block the active sites of urokinase (but not prourokinase) and both one- and two-chain forms of tissue plasminogen activator. The stability of these complexes in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis suggest that they are based on covalently bonded structures. Although both types of plasminogen activator are inhibited, the rate of interaction is significantly faster with urokinase, tissue plasminogen activator being inhibited less efficiently. The complexes formed can be dissociated by mild alkali or hydroxylamine, thereby regenerating both enzymes and inhibitor at their original molecular weights. The results suggest that the complexes are stabilized by ester-like bonds; these might involve the hydroxyl of serine at the active site of the proteases and a carboxyl group in the inhibitor.  相似文献   

Highly sensitive coculture methods were developed both for isolation of human T-lymphotropic virus types I and II (HTLV-1 and HTLV-II) from infected individuals and for productive infection of lymphoid cells. Mitogen-activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from 13 HTLV-I- and 20 HTLV-II-positive specimens were cocultured with an equal number of mitogen-activated PBMC from HTLV-seronegative individuals, and culture supernatants were tested for the presence of soluble p24gag antigens at weekly intervals for 4 weeks. Eleven of 13 (85%) HTLV-I and 14 of 20 (70%) HTLV-II cultures were positive for p24 antigens. None of the 17 HTLV-seroindeterminate or six HTLV-seronegative specimens were positive for the presence of p24 antigen. The isolation rates for HTLV-I and HTLV-II by an alternative whole-blood lysis procedure were comparable to those obtained by standard PBMC cultures. Furthermore, cocultivation of PHA-stimulated PBMC from healthy donors with lethally irradiated HTLV-I- and HTLV-II-infected cell lines (SP and Mo-T, respectively) resulted in productive viral infection, as reflected by the appearance of p24gag antigens concomitant with specific genomic amplification of HTLV proviral DNA after 3 weeks of cocultivation. Thus, the cocultivation technique provides a highly sensitive and specific procedure both for HTLV isolation and for infection of target cells.  相似文献   

Two spontaneously arising variant clones were selected from the N18 neuroblastoma cell line solely on the basis of their flattened morphology and tight adherence to the culture flask. Two other clones having the round loosely adherent morphology typical of the parent line were also selected, and flat variants were shown to arise in them upon prolonged cultivation. The flat variant clones have slower growth rates in culture, lower cloning efficiencies in suspension, and reduced acetylcholinesterase inducibility when compared with either the parent N18 line or the round cell clones. Cells of both morphologic types have high levels of plasminogen activator and are tumorigenic, although the variants have a slower growth rate in vivo, consistent with their slower growth rate in culture. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of total protein from the two cell types shows that the flat variants have increased amounts of a 200,000 molecular weight polypeptide that has tentatively been identified as the heavy chain of myosin. Round morphological revertants from one of the flat variant clones exhibited growth characteristics typical of the parent N18 line, but their content of myosin heavy chain, although reduced, was not so low as that in the round cell clones originally isolated. The possibility of a causal relationship between flat morphology, reduced suspension cloning efficiency, and increased content of myosin heavy chain is discussed.  相似文献   

When human plasminogen (Glu-Pga) is activated by urokinase in the presence of pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, the plasmin produced (Glu-Pma) exclusively contains a heavy chain (Glu-Ha) derived intact from the original NH2 terminus of Glu-Pga. Similar activations, utilizing a low molecular weight synthetic plasmin acylating agent, p-nitrophenyl-p-(pyridiniummethyl) benzoate, still result in a plasmin molecule with approximately 50% of the plasmin heavy chain containing the intact NH2 terminus of the original Glu-Pga. Activations performed at high levels of urokinase in the absence of any inhibitors initially produce Glu-Pma. However, the final stable plasmin, Lys-Pmb, which is obtained contains a heavy chain (Lys-Hb) which arises by plasminolysis of a small peptide from the NH2 terminus of Glu-Ha. Alternatively, Lys-Pmb can be formed in a separate series of reactions initially involving plasminolysis of Glu-Pga to yield Lys-Pgb. The peptide removed in this step is identical to the peptide removed in the Glu-Ha to Lys-Hb reaction. Next, urokinase catalyzes the conversion of Lys-Pgb to Lys-Pmb without further loss of peptide material. This latter pathway involving Lys-Pgb is probably the major pathway for human Lys-Pmb generation. These studies support a mechanism of activation of human plasminogen which involves at least two bond cleavages in Glu-Pga. However, these same studies strongly indicate that the Nh2-terminal peptide need not be released from Glu-Pga prior to plasmin formation. Further, we feel that plasmin and not urokinase catalyzes cleavage of the NH2-terminal peptide bond from Glu-Pga and the Glu-Ha heavy chain of Glu-Pma.  相似文献   

Chicken erythrocyte histones 2A, 2B, and 3 can be resolved into nonallelic primary structure variants by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of Triton X-100. These variants were isolated and characterized by analysis of their tryptic and thermolytic peptides. The major variants of chicken H2A and H2B differ from the analogous component of calf thymus by a small number of conservative amino acid substitutions in the basic terminal regions, which interact with DNA. This moderate rate of allelic evolution of the slightly lysine-rich histones contrasts with the complete conservatism found in the arginine-rich histones. Chicken H4 and both chicken H3 variants are identical with their corresponding components in mammals. The amino acid substitutions distinguishing histone variants are located within the highly conserved hydrophobic regions, which are involved in histone--histone interactions.  相似文献   

Human salivary kallikrein was isolated from saliva using affinity chromatography on aprotinin-Sepharose and anti-human urinary kallikrein IgG-Sepharose followed by ion exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose. The enzyme preparation had a specific activity of 950 U/mg protein towards the synthetic substrate Ac-Phe-Arg-OEt, a specific biological activity of 2000 KE/mg protein (measured in the dog blood pressure assay) and 0.64 HMW-kininogen-U/mg, corresponding to the liberation of 679 micrograms bradykinin equivalents per mg enzyme per min from HMW-kininogen (using the rat uterus test). In sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis one protein band corresponding to a molecular mass of 32 kDa was obtained. The amino-acid composition was determined and isoleucin was found as the only N-terminal residue. The bimolecular velocity constant for the inhibition by diisopropyl fluorophosphate was determined as 8 l x mol-1 x min-1. The dissociation constant Ki of the human salivary kallikrein-aprotinin complex was calculated to be 0.7 x 10(-10)M. The Km and Vmax values for the hydrolysis of the synthetic substrates Ac-Phe-Arg-OEt and D Val-Leu-Arg-Nan were determined. In the enzyme immunoassay for human urinary kallikrein parallel binding curves were obtained.  相似文献   

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