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Glucagon in small intravenous (i.v.) doses markedly increases glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in normal anesthetized dogs. In this study, the effects of glucagon 5 mug/min (i.v.) on renal hemodynamics was tested in four canine models of acute pre-renal failure (hemorrhage, barbiturate overdose; renal arterial clamping and renal arterial infusions of noradrenaline) and in a model of unilateral acute tubular necrosis at 4 h and 6-7 days following completion of the ischemic insult. Following hemorrhage and barbiturate excess, with arterial blood pressure maintained at 65-70 mm Hg, whole-kidney GFR and clearance rate of p-aminohippurate decreased by 50-70%. During this reduction of perfusion pressure, the subsequent infusion of glucagon increased GFR by 90-130%. In models where arterial pressure was normal during the period of ischemia (clamping and noradrenaline infusion), not only did glucagon significantly increase renal perfusion, but the ischemic kidney proved to be far more sensitive to the hemodynamic effects of glucagon (delta GFR - 120-160%) than the contralateral control (deltaGFR = 30-40%). In three dogs completely anuric following renal arterial clamping, glucagon was able to improve blood flow and restart urine formation. Glucagon, but not dopamine, was able to simulate the beneficial effects of hypertonic mannitol on renal function in dogs with hemorrhagic hypotension. Glucagon was without effect in established acute tubular necrosis. This study, therefore, indicates that, during renal ischemia, glucagon may be quite effective in preserving urine output and perfusion of the kidneys.  相似文献   

The stomach is in a state of continuous exposure to potentially hazardous agents. Hydrochloric acid together with pepsin constitutes a major and serious threat to the gastric mucosa. Reflux of alkaline duodenal contents containing bile and pancreatic enzymes are additional important injurious factors of endogenous origin. Alcohol, cigarette smoking, drugs and particularly aspirin and aspirin-like drugs, and steroids are among exogenous mucosal irritants that can inflict mucosal injury. The ability of the stomach to defend itself against these noxious agents has been ascribed to a number of factors constituting the gastric mucosal defense. These include mucus and bicarbonate secreted by surface epithelial cells, prostaglandins, sulfhydryl compounds and gastric mucosal blood flow. The latter is considered by several researchers to be of paramount importance in maintaining gastric mucosal integrity. The aim of this paper is to review the experimental and clinical data dealing with the role of mucosal blood flow and in particular the microcirculation in both damage and protection of the gastric mucosa.  相似文献   

The present study showed that glomerulopressin decreased ovarian blood flow in normal dogs and that this effect could be inhibited by treatment with indomethacin. In addition diabetic dogs had a high plasma level of glomerulopressin and a low ovarian blood flow that was shown to increase after treatment with indomethacin. This suggests that the low ovarian blood flow in diabetis might be due to a prostaglandin synthesizing effect of glomerulopressin.  相似文献   

David Mailman 《Life sciences》1984,34(14):1309-1315
The possibility of tonic autonomic control over intestinal Na and H2O absorption and whether the cardiovascular system was involved was tested by administration of atropine or guanethidine. 3H2O and 22Na in saline perfused through the lumen were used to calculate unidirectional fluxes and total and absorptive site blood flow in canine ileum. Both atropine and guanethidine had qualitatively similar effects on absorption and blood flow with atropine being quantitatively greater. Net Na and H2O absorption were not increased significantly but their absorptive and secretory unidirectional fluxes were increased significantly. Total blood flow was not affected but absorptive site blood flow was increased and resistance decreased. The absorptive site blood flow was correlated with the absorptive Na fluxes similarly in all groups. The secretory fluxes of Na and H2O were correlated with estimated capillary pressure when all three groups were considered together. It was concluded that there is tonic cholinergic control over intestinal absorption which is mediated, in part, through cardiovascular effects. The findings were consistent with tonic parasympathetic activity having primarily a direct effect on gut absorption and blood flow but tonic sympathetic activity primarily modulating the direct effects of other regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

Salivary nitrate from dietary or endogenous sources is reduced to nitrite by oral bacteria. In the acidic stomach, nitrite is further reduced to bioactive nitrogen oxides, including nitric oxide (NO). In this study, we investigated the gastroprotective role of nitrate intake and of luminally applied nitrite against provocation with diclofenac and taurocholate. Mucosal permeability ((51)Cr-EDTA clearance) and gastric mucosal blood flow (laser-Doppler flowmetry) were measured in anesthetized rats, either pretreated with nitrate in the drinking water or given acidified nitrite luminally. Diclofenac was given intravenously and taurocholate luminally to challenge the gastric mucosa. Luminal NO content and nitrite content in the gastric mucus were determined by chemiluminescence. The effect of luminal administration of acidified nitrite on the mucosal blood flow was also investigated in endothelial nitric oxide synthase-deficient mice. Rats pretreated with nitrate or given nitrite luminally had higher gastric mucosal blood flow than controls. Permeability increased more during the provocation in the controls than in the nitrate- and nitrite-treated animals. Dietary nitrate increased luminal NO levels 50 times compared with controls. Nitrate intake also resulted in nitrite accumulation in the loosely adherent mucous layer; after removal of this mucous layer, blood flow was reduced. Nitrite administrated luminally in endothelial nitric oxide synthase-deficient mice increased mucosal blood flow. We conclude that dietary nitrate and direct luminal application of acidified nitrite decrease diclofenac- and taurocholate-induced mucosal damage. The gastroprotective effect likely involves a higher mucosal blood flow caused by nonenzymatic NO production. These data suggest an important physiological role of nitrate in the diet.  相似文献   

We sought to investigate further the roles of sweating, ACh spillover, and nitric oxide (NO) in the neurally mediated cutaneous vasodilation during body heating in humans. Six subjects were heated with a water-perfused suit while cutaneous blood flow was measured with a laser-Doppler flowmeter. After a rise in core temperature (1. 0 +/- 0.1 degrees C) and the establishment of cutaneous vasodilation, atropine and subsequently the NO synthase inhibitor N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) were given to the forearm via a brachial artery catheter. After atropine infusion, cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC) remained constant in five of six subjects, whereas L-NAME administration blunted the rise in CVC in three of six subjects. A subsequent set of studies using intradermal microdialysis probes to selectively deliver drugs into forearm skin confirmed that atropine did not affect CVC. However, perfusion of L-NAME resulted in a significant decrease in CVC (37 +/- 4%, P < 0.05). The results indicate that neither sweating nor NO release via muscarinic receptor activation is essential to sustain cutaneous dilation during heating in humans.  相似文献   

Changes in tracheal mucosal thickness and blood flow in sheep.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Airway narrowing may be produced by increasing the blood volume of the airway mucosa. Here changes in tracheal mucosal thickness (MTtr) were measured in 10 anesthetized sheep. Arteries to the cervical trachea were isolated, and blood flow (Qtr) was measured with an electromagnetic flow probe. Simultaneous changes in MTtr were measured with a mechanical probe over a fixed cartilage. Arterial injections of phenylephrine produced dose-related falls in Qtr and MTtr with a maximum peak fall in MTtr of -104 +/- 18 (SE) microns. Methacholine, bradykinin, albuterol, and histamine produced dose-related increases in Qtr. The largest peak increase in MTtr of 308 +/- 121 microns was seen with bradykinin. For methacholine, albuterol, and histamine the largest increases in MTtr were 154 +/- 47, 45 +/- 10, and 153 +/- 31 microns, respectively. The increases in MTtr were not always closely dose related. The peak changes in MTtr occurred substantially later than those in Qtr for all the drugs and up to 120 s later for methacholine and bradykinin. Generally, changes in MTtr and Qtr persisted for less than 10 min; at the higher doses of bradykinin increases in MTtr lasted for up to 15 min. Changes in MTtr were most closely associated in time with changes in Qtr for the vasoconstrictor phenylephrine. These changes in MTtr would alter airway resistance little in the normal trachea and by substantially more in smaller airways such as the bronchi or in the narrowed trachea. Changes in mucosal thickness may be due not only to changes in tracheal blood volume but may also reflect the effects of tissue edema and mucus secretion.  相似文献   

In three foxhounds after left pneumonectomy, the relationships of ventilatory work and respiratory muscle (RM) blood flow to ventilation (VE) during steady-state exercise were examined. VE was measured using a specially constructed respiratory mask and a pneumotach; work of breathing was measured by the esophageal balloon technique. Blood flow to RM was measured by the radionuclide-labeled microsphere technique. Lung compliance after pneumonectomy was 55% of that before pneumonectomy; compliance of the thorax was unchanged. O2 uptake (VO2) of RM comprised only 5% of total body VO2 at exercise. At rest, inspiratory muscles received 62% and expiratory muscles 38% of the total O2 delivered to the RM (QO2RM). During exercise, inspiratory muscles received 59% and expiratory muscles 41% of total QO2RM. Blood flow per gram of muscle to the costal diaphragm was significantly higher than that to the crural diaphragm. The diaphragm, parasternals, and posterior cricoarytenoids were the most important inspiratory muscles, and internal intercostals and external obliques were the most important expiratory muscles for exercise. Up to a VE of 120 l/min through one lung, QO2RM constituted only a small fraction of total body VO2 during exercise and maximal vasodilation in the diaphragm was never approached.  相似文献   

In eight anesthetized spontaneously breathing dogs, we determined whether diaphragmatic blood flow is dependent on arterial blood pressure (Pa) or whether it is autoregulated. We also determined whether diaphragmatic muscular activity affects the degree of autoregulation. We measured blood flow through the left phrenic artery (Qphr) with an electromagnetic flow probe and decreased Pa in steps by controlled hemorrhage. Phrenic venous blood was sampled to allow the calculation of diaphragmatic O2 consumption (VO2phr). Diaphragmatic energy demands were varied by using three inspiratory resistances (R1, R2, and R3), which increased peak transdiaphragmatic pressure two-, three-, and fourfold, respectively. During quiet breathing, Qphr was independent of Pa between Pa of 90 and 120 mmHg (i.e., plateau of pressure-flow relation), but at lower Pa, Qphr was directly related to Pa. During inspiratory loading, the Qphr plateau ended at a higher Pa than with quiet breathing, but within the normal ranges of Pa there still was a plateau. VO2phr at a given work load was constant between Pa of 70 and 120 mmHg, but at Pa of 50-55 mmHg, VO2phr declined with all work loads. We conclude that in spontaneously breathing dogs 1) Qphr is autoregulated over the normal range of blood pressures and 2) VO2phr is maintained over wider ranges of Pa than Qphr.  相似文献   

Glucagon in a dose of 50 mug/kg body weight was studied for its cardiovascular effects in hypovolemic dogs in which coronary blood flow was reduced to an average 40% of its control value and cardiac depression was evident. Myocardial contractility, as judged mainly by dP/dt and acceleration of aortic blood flow, was brought to a normal level for a short time. Systemic and coronary vascular resistances were markedly reduced. These effects were similar in normovolemic dogs. The inotropic, chronotropic, and peripheral vascular effects of glucagon can be evoked also in hypovolemic dogs in which coronary blood flow is less than normal and myocardial metabolism is impaired.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to define the relationship between arterial immunoreactive glucagon (IRG) and IRG that perfuses the liver via the portal vein during exercise in the diabetic state. Dogs underwent surgery >16 days before the experiment, at which time flow probes were implanted in the portal vein and the hepatic artery, and Silastic catheters were inserted in the carotid artery, portal vein, and hepatic vein for sampling. Dogs were made diabetic with alloxan injected intravenously approximately 3 wk before study (AD) or were studied in the nondiabetic state (ND). Each study consisted of a 30-min basal period and a 150-min moderate-exercise period on a treadmill. The findings from these studies indicate that the exercise-induced increment in portal vein IRG can be substantially greater in AD compared with ND, even when arterial and hepatic vein increments are not different. The larger IRG gradient from the portal vein to the systemic circulation in AD dogs is a function of a twofold greater increase in nonhepatic splanchnic IRG release and a fivefold greater hepatic fractional IRG extraction during exercise. In conclusion, during exercise, arterial IRG concentrations greatly underestimate the IRG levels to which the liver is exposed in ND, and this underestimation is considerably greater in dogs with poorly controlled diabetes.  相似文献   

In lightly anesthetized adult sheep, we determined tracheal mucosal blood flow (Qtr) by measuring the steady-state uptake of dimethyl ether from a tracheal chamber created by an endotracheal tube provided with two cuffs. Qtr normalized for carotid arterial pressure [Qtr(n)] was determined before and after the exposure of the tracheal mucosa to aerosolized phenylephrine (0.25-2.0 mg), isoproterenol (0.05-0.8 mg), and methacholine (2.5-20 mg). The same doses of methacholine were also administered during the intravenous infusion of vasopressin. The measurements were repeated after intravenous pretreatment with the respective antagonists phentolamine, propranolol, and atropine. Mean +/- SE base-line Qtr(n) was 1.2 +/- 0.1 ml.min-1.mmHg-1.10(2). The autonomic antagonists had no effect on mean Qtr(n). Phenylephrine produced a dose-dependent decrease in mean Qtr(n) (-70% at the highest dose), which was blunted by phentolamine, and isoproterenol produced a dose-dependent increase in mean Qtr(n) (40% at the highest dose), which was blocked by propranolol. Methacholine failed to alter mean Qtr(n) even when Qtr was first decreased by vasopressin. We conclude that in lightly anesthetized adult sheep 1) base-line Qtr(n) is not under adrenergic or cholinergic control, 2) a locally administered alpha-adrenergic agonist decreases and beta-adrenergic agonist increases Qtr(n) via specific receptor activation, and 3) a locally administered cholinergic muscarinic agonist has no effect on Qtr(n).  相似文献   

The role of NO in inflammatory bowel disease is controversial. Studies indicate that endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) might be involved in protecting the mucosa against colonic inflammation. The aim of this study was to investigate the involvement of nitric oxide (NO) in regulating colonic mucosal blood flow in two different colitis models in rats. In anesthetized control and colitic rats, the distal colon was exteriorized and the mucosa visualized. Blood flow (laser-Doppler flowmetry) and arterial blood pressure were continuously monitored throughout the experiments, and vascular resistance was calculated. Trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) or dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) was used to induce colitis. All groups were given the NOS inhibitor N(omega)-nitro-l-arginine (l-NNA) or the inducible NOS (iNOS) inhibitor l-N(6)-(1-iminoethyl)-lysine (l-NIL). iNOS, eNOS, and neuronal NOS (nNOS) mRNA in colonic samples were investigated with real-time RT-PCR. Before NOS inhibition, colonic mucosal blood flow, expressed as perfusion units, was higher in both colitis models compared with the controls. The blood flow was reduced in the TNBS- and DSS-treated rats during l-NNA administration but was not altered in the control group. Vascular resistance increased more in the TNBS- and DSS-treated rats than in the control rats, indicating a higher level of vasodilating NO in the colitis models. l-NIL did not alter blood pressure or blood flow in any of the groups. iNOS and eNOS mRNA increased in both colitis models, whereas nNOS remained at the control level. TNBS- and DSS-induced colitis results in increased colonic mucosal blood flow, most probably due to increased eNOS activity.  相似文献   

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