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自1997年美国农业部启动5种水产养殖动物基因组计划以来,在不到10年的时间里,世界各国都相继开展了本国主要水产养殖动物基因组研究。截至2005年底,有近17种海淡水养殖动物公布了遗传连锁图谱:属于高密度连锁图谱的有虹鳟和大西洋鲑(标记数超过1 000);属于中密度遗传连锁图谱的有罗非鱼、沟鲶、黑虎虾、日本牙鲆和欧洲海鲈(标记数为400—1 000);属于低密度遗传连锁图谱的有泰国的胡鲶,中国的栉孔扇贝、鲤鱼,日本的黄尾shi,美国的牡蛎等近10种养殖种类(标记数少于400)。水产养殖动物遗传连锁图谱的构建和发展,促进了一些与经济性状(如生长、抗逆、发育等)相关的数量性状位点(QTL)的定位研究。然而,QTL定位研究目前只在具有中高密度遗传连锁图谱的鲑科鱼类(虹鳟、大西洋鲑和北极嘉鱼)、罗非鱼、沟鲶和日本牙鲆等种类中开展,而且定位研究仍处在初级水平。遗传连锁图谱的高分辨率和QTL在图谱上的精确定位,是今后能否实现对主要水产养殖动物的经济性状进行遗传操作的技术保证,同时也是实现分子标记或基因辅助育种在水产养殖动物中成功运用的制胜法宝。  相似文献   

DNA分子标记技术及其在水产动物遗传上的应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着DNA分子标记技术的发展,其在动物遗传上发挥了重大作用,使用DNA分子标记可以观察到整个基因组的遗传多样性。目前,在水产养殖种类中使用的遗传标记主要包括线粒体DNA、RFLP、RAPD、AFLP、微卫星、SNP和EST标记。DNA分子标记的应用使得人们对水产养殖动物的遗传多样性、近亲繁殖、种类和品系鉴定以及遗传连锁图谱建立的研究都取得了很大进展,也加快了数量性状位点(QTL)基因的鉴定作为分子标记辅助选择(MAS)的研究。将这些标记技术在水产动物上的应用进行了论述,以及如何从人类基因组工程和斑马鱼这种模式鱼的研究中得到启发,更好的应用于水产动物基因组学和遗传学研究做一讨论。  相似文献   

豌豆遗传图谱构建及QTL定位研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
豌豆的许多性状是多基因控制的数量性状,QTL定位就是以分子标记技术为工具、以遗传连锁图谱为基础、利用分子标记与QTL之间的连锁关系确定控制数量性状的基因在基因组中的位置.本文对QTL定位原理、方法进行了简单介绍;对豌豆遗传图谱构建及主要性状,如产量、品质、抗病性等QTL定位、遗传效应分析等方面的研究进行综述;对目前基于QTL豌豆分子标记育种存在的问题、应用前景进行了探讨.  相似文献   

大豆重要农艺性状的QTL分析   总被引:55,自引:0,他引:55  
应用栽培大豆科丰1号(♀)和南农1138-2(♂)杂交得到的F9代重组自交系(RILs)群体(201个家系),构建了含302遗传标记、覆盖2363.8cM、由22个连锁群组成的遗传连锁图谱。采用区间作图法,对该群体的主要农艺性状的调查数据进行QTL分析,表明与开花期、成熟期、株高、主茎节数、每节荚数、倒状性、种子重、产量、蛋白质和含油量等10个重要农艺性状连锁的QTL位点34个,每个数量性状的遗传变异是由多个QTL位点决定的。与产量有关的农艺性状的一些QTL集中在几个连锁群上。  相似文献   

水稻单株有效穗数和每穗粒数的QTL剖析   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:26  
应用292个Lemont/特青F13重组自交系(RILs)及其含272标记的遗传连锁图谱部析单株有效穗数(PN)和每穗粒数(SNP)及其相关性状的遗传,所有性状呈现超亲分离,PN与SNP存在弱的负相关,检测到影响PN和SNP及其相关性状的QTL51个和互作位点45对,它们可以解释60%以上的性状总变异,SNP与其相关性状的QTL定位在一起,比较与SNP-QTL同一或相邻区域的QTL数,穗部枝梗数是长度性状的两倍,故前者对SNP的作用更大,仅有2个PN-QTL与SNP相关性状的QTL相邻,因此通过标记辅助选择有可能实现PN与SNP的有利重组,其中影响PN的QPn4和影响穗枝梗数和长度的QPbn3a,QPbn3和QPb14等主效QTL,在标记辅助选择中具有重要的应用价值,对通过标记辅助选择合理配置穗部性状TQL产生新的高产穗型进行了讨论。  相似文献   

鲤饲料转化率性状的QTL 定位及遗传效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数量性状(QTL)定位是实现分子标记辅助育种、基因选择和定位、培育新品种及加快性状遗传研究进展的重要手段。饲料转化率是鲤鱼的重要经济性状和遗传改良的主要目标, 而通过QTL 定位获得与饲料转化率性状紧密连锁的分子标记以及相关基因是遗传育种的重要工具。研究利用SNP、SSR、EST-SSR 等分子标记构建鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpio L.)遗传连锁图谱并对重要经济性状进行QTL 定位。选用174 个SSR 标记、41 个EST-SSR 标记、345 个SNP 标记对德国镜鲤F2 代群体68 个个体进行基因型检测, 用JoinMap4.0 软件包构建鲤鱼遗传连锁图谱。再用MapQTL5.0 的区间作图法(Interval mapping, IM)和多QTL 区间定位法(MQMMapping, MQM)对饲料转化率性状进行QTL 区间检测, 通过置换实验(1000 次重复)确定连锁群显著性水平阈值。结果显示, 在对饲料转化率性状的多QTL 区间定位中, 共检测到15 个QTLs 区间, 分布在9 个连锁群上, 解释表型变异范围为17.70%—52.20%, 解释表型变异最大的QTLs 区间在第48 连锁群上, 为52.20%。HLJE314-SNP0919(LG25)区间标记覆盖的图距最小, 为0.164 cM; 最大的是HLJ1439-HLJ1438(LG39)区间,覆盖图距为24.922 cM。其中区间HLJ1439-HLJ1438、HLJ922 -SNP0711 解释表型变异均超过50.00%, 可能是影响饲料转化率性状的主效QTLs 区间。与饲料转化率相关的15 个QTLs 的加性效应方向并不一致, 有3个区间具有负向加性效应, 平均为?0.027; 12 个正向加性效应, 平均值为0.06。研究检测出的与鲤鱼饲料转化率性状相关的QTL 位点可为鲤鱼分子标记辅助育种和更进一步的QTL 精细定位打下基础。    相似文献   

利用鸡F2资源群体构建1号染色体遗传连锁图谱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳晓峰  王守志  胡晓湘  高宇  王启贵  张慧  李宁  李辉 《遗传》2007,29(8):977-981
在鸡1号染色体上选取23个微卫星标记,利用东北农业大学鸡F2资源群体构建了遗传连锁图谱。选用369只F2个体用于基因型测定。结果表明23个微卫星位点除MCW0058为低度多态,其他位点均为中高度多态。构建的连锁图谱覆盖1号染色体全长,总共637.9 cM。MCW0115和ROS0025标记顺序与EL图谱不同,但与WAU图谱一致。其他标记顺序与3大参考家系标记顺序一致,图谱总长和标记间距离大于3大参考家系。此连锁图谱的构建为数量性状位点(QTL)定位奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

近年来,分子数量遗传学的快速发展,使作物复杂数量性状尤其是经济性状的QTL研究取得了巨大进展,大大促进了复杂数量性状的遗传改良和分子操纵。本文从分子标记连锁图谱的构建、QTL定位力方法及效应分析、精细定位和QTL验证及应用等方面综述了二十多年来作物QTL的研究进展,讨论当前QTL研究中存在的问题,并展望了作物QTL研究的发展前景。  相似文献   

猪2号染色体遗传连锁图谱的构建与QTL定位分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
构建了猪2号染色体的遗传连锁图谱,并进一步进行了重要生产性状数量性状位点的定位,结果表明,7个微卫星位点均为中高度多态性位点,多态信息含量为0.40182-0.58477,可以满足遗传连锁图谱构建的要求,构建的资源家系遗传连锁图谱总长152.9cM,位点的排列顺序与USDA结果一致,但除了Sw2516与Sw1201标记区间外,所有标记区间距离均大于USDA图谱,将连锁图谱与性状记忆结合起来,进一步进行了猪数量性状位点定位的研究,在2号染色体发现了显著影响活体估测瘦肉率等活体估测性状的QTLs,此外还发现眼肌高度和背最长肌大理石纹的QTLs,其中影响活体估测瘦肉率的QTL达到了染色体显著的水平(P<0.01),且解释性状的表型变异达21.55%,影响眼肌高度和背最长肌大理石纹的QTLs分别可以解释10.12%和10.97%的表型变异,影响活体估测性状的QTLs加性效应与显性效应作用方向相反,影响眼肌高度的QTL加性效应与显性效应相同,在大白猪中具有增效等位基因,定位的QTLs效应较大,为在群体中开展分子标记辅助育种奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

千粒重是油菜重要的产量相关性状之一,构建油菜遗传连锁图谱是研究其产量性状基因的前提。本研究利用小孢子培养技术,选育出了甘蓝型油菜大粒品系(G-42)和小粒品系(7-9)的纯合DH系DH-G-42和DH-7-9,其千粒重分别为6.24 g和2.42 g,二者比值达2.58。以DH-G-42为母本、DH-7-9为父本,构建了含190个单株的F2遗传作图群体,利用SSR和SRAP标记技术绘制遗传连锁图谱,该图谱共包含20个连锁群,涉及128个SSR标记和100个SRAP标记,图谱总长1546.6cM,标记间平均图距为6.78cM。本研究共检测到3个与千粒重性状相关的QTL,分别位于A9和C1连锁群,其中qSW-A9-1和qSW-A9-2贡献率分别达到10.98%和27.45%,均可视为控制粒重的主效QTL。本研究为后续进行油菜千粒重性状QTL的精细定位分析、分子标记辅助选择育种及新基因的克隆等奠定了基础。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Quantitative trait locus (QTL) studies show that variation in salinity tolerance in Arctic charr and rainbow trout has a genetic basis, even though both these species have low to moderate salinity tolerance capacities. QTL were observed to localize to homologous linkage group segments within putative chromosomal regions possessing multiple candidate genes. We compared salinity tolerance QTL in rainbow trout and Arctic charr to those detected in a higher salinity tolerant species, Atlantic salmon. The highly derived karyotype of Atlantic salmon allows for the assessment of whether disparity in salinity tolerance in salmonids is associated with differences in genetic architecture. To facilitate these comparisons, we examined the genomic synteny patterns of key candidate genes in the other model teleost fishes that have experienced three whole-genome duplication (3R) events which preceded a fourth (4R) whole genome duplication event common to all salmonid species. RESULTS: Nine linkage groups contained chromosome-wide significant QTL (AS-2, -4p, -4q, -5, -9, -12p, -12q, -14q -17q, -22, and [MINUS SIGN]23), while a single genome-wide significant QTL was located on AS-4q. Salmonid genomes shared the greatest marker homology with the genome of three-spined stickleback. All linkage group arms in Atlantic salmon were syntenic with at least one stickleback chromosome, while 18 arms had multiple affinities. Arm fusions in Atlantic salmon were often between multiple regions bearing salinity tolerance QTL. Nine linkage groups in Arctic charr and six linkage group arms in rainbow trout currently have no synteny alignments with stickleback chromosomes, while eight rainbow trout linkage group arms were syntenic with multiple stickleback chromosomes. Rearrangements in the stickleback lineage involving fusions of ancestral arm segments could account for the 21 chromosome pairs observed in the stickleback karyotype. CONCLUSIONS: Salinity tolerance in salmonids from three genera is to some extent controlled by the same loci. Synteny between QTL in salmonids and candidate genes in stickleback suggests genetic variation at candidate gene loci could affect salinity tolerance in all three salmonids investigated. Candidate genes often occur in pairs on chromosomes, and synteny patterns indicate these pairs are generally conserved in 2R, 3R, and 4R genomes. Synteny maps also suggest that the Atlantic salmon genome contains three larger syntenic combinations of candidate genes that are not evident in any of the other 2R, 3R, or 4R genomes examined. These larger synteny tracts appear to have resulted from ancestral arm fusions that occurred in the Atlantic salmon ancestor. We hypothesize that the superior hypo-osmoregulatory efficiency that is characteristic of Atlantic salmon may be related to these clusters.  相似文献   

Genomic sequences of gonadotropin-releasing hormone genes were amplified and examined for sequence divergence among members of three different genera of the subfamily Salmoninae: rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), and Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). Sequences of GNRH3A and GNRH3B (formerly known as sGnRH1 and sGnRH2) were 97-99% similar in coding regions and 94-98% similar in non-coding regions among genera, but comparisons within species between GNRH3A and GNRH3B were only 90-92% similar in coding regions and 83-89% similar in non-coding regions. Polymorphisms in the parents of mapping families for each species allowed for linkage mapping of the GNRH3B gene in all three species and the GNRH3A gene in rainbow trout. GNRH3B maps to linkage group 6 in rainbow trout, linkage group 16 in Atlantic salmon and linkage group 25 in Arctic charr. GNRH3A mapped to linkage group 30 in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

We updated the genetic map of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) for 2 outcrossed mapping panels, and used this map to assess the putative chromosome structure and recombination rate differences among linkage groups. We then used the rainbow trout sex-specific maps to make comparisons with 2 other ancestrally polyploid species of salmonid fishes, Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) to identify homeologous chromosome affinities within each species and ascertain homologous chromosome relationships among the species. Salmonid fishes exhibit a wide range of sex-specific differences in recombination rate, with some species having the largest differences for any vertebrate species studied to date. Our current estimate of female:male recombination rates in rainbow trout is 4.31:1. Chromosome structure and (or) size is associated with recombination rate differences between the sexes in rainbow trout. Linkage groups derived from presumptive acrocentric type chromosomes were observed to have much lower sex-specific differences in recombination rate than metacentric type linkage groups. Arctic charr is karyotypically the least derived species (i.e., possessing a high number of acrocentric chromosomes) and Atlantic salmon is the most derived (i.e., possessing a number of whole-arm fusions). Atlantic salmon have the largest female:male recombination ratio difference (i.e., 16.81:1) compared with rainbow trout, and Arctic charr (1.69:1). Comparisons of recombination rates between homologous segments of linkage groups among species indicated that when significant experiment-wise differences were detected (7/24 tests), recombination rates were generally higher in the species with a less-derived chromosome structure (6/7 significant comparisons). Greater similarity in linkage group syntenies were observed between Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout, suggesting their closer phylogenetic affinities, and most interspecific linkage group comparisons support a model that suggests whole chromosome arm translocations have occurred in the evolution of this group. However, some possible exceptions were detected and these findings are discussed in relation to their influence on segregation distortion patterns. We also report unusual meiotic segregation patterns in a female parent involving the duplicated (homeologous) linkage group pair 12/16 and discuss several models that may account for these patterns.  相似文献   

High-density genetic linkage maps were constructed for the Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). A total of 1624 microsatellite markers were polymorphic in the reference family. Linkage analysis using JoinMap 4.0 resulted in the mapping of 1487 markers to 24 linkage groups, a result which was consistent with the 24 chromosomes seen in chromosome spreads. The female map was composed of 1257 markers, covering a total of 1663.8 cM with an average interval 1.35 cM between markers. The male map consisted of 1224 markers, spanning 1726.5 cM, with an average interval of 1.44 cM. The genome length in the Japanese flounder was estimated to be 1730.3 cM for the females and 1798.0 cM for the males, a coverage of 96.2% for the female and 96.0% for the male map. The mean recombination at common intervals throughout the genome revealed a slight difference between sexes, i.e. 1.07 times higher in the male than female. High-density genetic linkage maps are very useful for marker-assisted selection (MAS) programs for economically valuable traits in this species and for further evolutionary studies in flatfish and vertebrate species. Furthermore, four quantiative trait loci (QTL) associated with growth traits were mapped on the genetic map. One QTL was identified for body weight on LG 14 f, which explained 14.85% of the total variation of the body weight. Three QTL were identified for body width on LG14f and LG14m, accounting for 16.75%, 13.62% and 13.65% of the total variation in body width, respectively. The additive effects were evident as negative values. There were four QTL for growth traits clustered on LG14, which should prove to be very useful for improving growth traits using molecular MAS.  相似文献   

A microsatellite linkage map for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A linkage map of the Atlantic salmon is described here consisting of 15 linkage groups containing 50 microsatellite loci with a 14 additional unlinked markers (including three allozymes). The map shows the largest sex-specific recombination rate differences so far found in any vertebrate species (3.92:1 female:male). Homologies with previous linkage mapping studies of Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout are described. An in silico search of the Genbank database carried out using the microsatellites used in the mapping process identified significant matches between the flanking regions of the microsatellite SS11 and the calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein, 'Aralar1'.  相似文献   

High-resolution genetic maps are essential for fine mapping of complex traits, genome assembly, and comparative genomic analysis. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the primary molecular markers used for genetic map construction. In this study, we identified 13,362 SNPs evenly distributed across the Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) genome. Of these SNPs, 12,712 high-confidence SNPs were subjected to high-throughput genotyping and assigned to 24 consensus linkage groups (LGs). The total length of the genetic linkage map was 3,497.29 cM with an average distance of 0.47 cM between loci, thereby representing the densest genetic map currently reported for Japanese flounder. Nine positive quantitative trait loci (QTLs) forming two main clusters for Vibrio anguillarum disease resistance were detected. All QTLs could explain 5.1–8.38% of the total phenotypic variation. Synteny analysis of the QTL regions on the genome assembly revealed 12 immune-related genes, among them 4 genes strongly associated with V. anguillarum disease resistance. In addition, 246 genome assembly scaffolds with an average size of 21.79 Mb were anchored onto the LGs; these scaffolds, comprising 522.99 Mb, represented 95.78% of assembled genomic sequences. The mapped assembly scaffolds in Japanese flounder were used for genome synteny analyses against zebrafish (Danio rerio) and medaka (Oryzias latipes). Flounder and medaka were found to possess almost one-to-one synteny, whereas flounder and zebrafish exhibited a multi-syntenic correspondence. The newly developed high-resolution genetic map, which will facilitate QTL mapping, scaffold assembly, and genome synteny analysis of Japanese flounder, marks a milestone in the ongoing genome project for this species.  相似文献   

Rapid progress in farm animal breeding has been made in the last few decades. Advanced technologies for genomic analysis in molecular genetics have led to the identification of genes or markers associated with genes that affect economic traits. Molecular markers, large-insert libraries and RH panels have been used to build the genetic linkage maps, physical maps and comparative maps in different farm animals. Moreover, EST sequencing, genome sequencing and SNPs maps are helping us to understand how genomes function in various organisms and further areas will be studied by DNA microarray technologies and proteomics methods. Because most economically important traits in farm animals are controlled by multiple genes and the environment, the main goal of genome research in farm animals is to map and characterize genes determining QTL. There are two main strategies to identify trait loci, candidate gene association tests and genome scan approaches. In recent years, some new concepts, such as RNAi, miRNA and eQTL, have been introduced into farm animal research, especially for QTL mapping and finding QTN. Several genes that influence important traits have already been identified or are close to being identified, and some of them have been applied in farm animal breeding programs by marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

A better understanding of the genotype–phenotype correlation of Atlantic salmon is of key importance for a whole range of production, life history and conservation biology issues attached to this species. High-density linkage maps integrated with physical maps and covering the complete genome are needed to identify economically important genes and to study the genome architecture. Linkage maps of moderate density and a physical bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) fingerprint map for the Atlantic salmon have already been generated. Here, we describe a strategy to combine the linkage mapping with the physical integration of newly identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We resequenced 284 BAC-ends by PCR in 14 individuals and detected 180 putative SNPs. After successful validation of 152 sequence variations, genotyping and genetic mapping were performed in eight salmon families comprising 376 individuals. Among these, 110 SNPs were positioned on a previously constructed linkage map containing SNPs derived from expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences. Tracing the SNP markers back to the BACs enabled the integration of the genetic and physical maps by assigning 73 BAC contigs to Atlantic salmon linkage groups.  相似文献   

We report on the construction of a linkage map for brown trout (Salmo trutta) and its comparison with those of other tetraploid-derivative fish in the family Salmonidae, including Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus). Overall, we identified 37 linkage groups (2n = 80) from the analysis of 288 microsatellite polymorphisms, 13 allozyme markers, and phenotypic sex in four backcross families. Additionally, we used gene-centromere analysis to approximate the position of the centromere for 20 linkage groups and thus relate linkage arrangements to the physical morphology of chromosomes. Sex-specific maps derived from multiple parents were estimated to cover 346.4 and 912.5 cM of the male and female genomes, respectively. As previously observed in other salmonids, recombination rates showed large sex differences (average female-to-male ratio was 6.4), with male crossovers generally localized toward the distal end of linkage groups. Putative homeologous regions inherited from the salmonid tetraploid ancestor were identified for 10 pairs of linkage groups, including five chromosomes showing evidence of residual tetrasomy (pseudolinkage). Map alignments with orthologous regions in Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, and Arctic char also revealed extensive conservation of syntenic blocks across species, which was generally consistent with chromosome divergence through Robertsonian translocations.  相似文献   

In salmonid fishes, life-history changes may often be coupled to early individual growth trajectories. We identified quantitative trait loci (QTL) for body weight (BW), condition factor (K) and age at sexual maturation (MT) in two full-sib families of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) to ascertain if QTL for MT were confounded with BW QTL intervals. Three significant QTL for BW, three QTL for MT and one significant QTL for K were identified. A BW QTL with major effect was localized to linkage group 8 (AC-8) and explained more than 34% of the phenotypic variation. Markers on AC-8 have previously been identified as being associated with variation in fork length and BW in this species. Similarly, a major QTL (PEV = 23%) with an influence on the female MT was localized to AC-23. Some of these regions are homologous to those in the genomes of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), where similar QTL effects have been detected. Our results also suggest the conservation of MT QTL on the homeologous linkage group pair AC-3/24 in Arctic charr. We further identified chromosomal regions that harbor QTL for multiple traits. In particular, markers on AC-4, -20 and -36 had detectable QTL for all traits studied. Significant MT QTL detected on AC-23, -24, and -27 were autonomous of any BW QTL regions, suggesting that the regulation of MT may be more independent of BW control within this species than in other species of salmonids.  相似文献   

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