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In some passerines, parents allocate more food to offspringwith the brightest red gapes, but the function of parental decisionsbased on offspring gape coloration is unknown. We hypothesizethat gape coloration is part of a communication system wherenestlings reveal their condition to attending parents, whichmay thus base their decisions on reliable signals of offspringreproductive value. We analyze the effects of brood size manipulation,injection with an immunogen and food deprivation, on gape coloration,morphology, and T-cell–mediated immunocompetence of nestlingbarn swallows (Hirundo rustica). For each gape we measured threecomponents of coloration (hue, saturation, and brightness) andobtained an overall color score by principal component analysis.Enlargement of brood size and injection with an antigen resultedin less red and less saturated and brighter gape color. Nestlingsin enlarged broods had smaller body mass and T-cell–mediatedimmunocompetence compared to those in reduced broods. A positivecovariation existed between redness and saturation of gape colorand T-cell–mediated immunocompetence. Gape color siblingsraised in different nests did not depend on parentage. Thus,condition-dependent gape coloration can reveal different componentsof nestling state on which parents may base their adaptive decisionsabout allocation of care to the offspring.  相似文献   

Kin selection theory predicts that, in species where progeny members compete for limiting parental care, individual offspring should be more prone to monopolize parental resources as their genetic relatedness to brood competitors decreases. Mixed parentage among broodmates may arise as a consequence, for example, of extra-pair fertilization or brood parasitism events. In this experimental study of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica), we reciprocally partially cross-fostered hatchlings between broods and compared the behaviour of pairs of related and unrelated broodmates in a competitive context, both under normal food provisioning regime and after mild food deprivation. We found that scramble competition for food mediated by visual and vocal solicitation displays (begging) is inversely related to relatedness among competitors, independent of their level of satiation. Nestlings may modulate their competitive behaviour according to vocal cues that vary with their origin and allow kin recognition. We also uncover direct fitness costs to both parents and offspring arising from mixed parentage in a brood, in terms of increased parental workload and reduced survival of the nestlings. Such previously neglected costs may select for reduced frequency of extra-pair fertilizations and brood parasitism in species with extensive parental care.  相似文献   

Structural coloration has been hypothesized to play a role insexual selection, and we tested whether this was the case ina field study of the barn swallow Hirundo rustica. The dorsaliridescent plumage of barn swallows has a strong reflectancein the ultraviolet (UV) region, with adult males on averagereflecting 8-9% more than adult females, as revealed by a 2-yearstudy in southwestern Spain. The correlation between structural coloration (described by the reflectance in the UV part of thespectrum, UV chroma and blue chroma) and three other secondarysexual characters significantly associated with male matingsuccess (tail length, tail asymmetry, and red facial coloration)was weak and generally nonsignificant. Nor was there a significantrelationship between color parameters and body condition. Wetested for an association between structural coloration of the dorsal plumage and sexual selection in a number of independenttests. Arrival date of males was not significantly relatedto color; there was no significant relationship between colorationand probability of survival or age; mated males did not havestronger reflectance than unmated males; and the duration ofthe premating period was not significantly related to color.Reproductive success was not significantly correlated withplumage coloration in males, nor was the feeding rate of offspringby brightly colored males higher than that of males with lessbright plumage. Given that sample sizes were large, and the power of statistical tests high, we conclude that current sexualselection on the coloration of the dorsal plumage in the barnswallow is, at best, weak.  相似文献   

The mechanisms involved in the production of red carotenoid-based ornaments of vertebrates are still poorly understood. These colorations often depend on enzymatic transformations (ketolation) of dietary yellow carotenoids, which could occur in the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM). Thus, carotenoid ketolation and cell respiration could share biochemical pathways, favoring the evolution of ketocarotenoid-based ornaments as reliable indices of individual quality under sexual selection. Captive male red crossbills (Loxia curvirostra Linnaeus) were exposed to redox-active compounds designed to penetrate and act in the IMM: an ubiquinone (mitoQ) or a superoxide dismutase mimetic (mitoTEMPO). MitoQ can act as an antioxidant but also distort the IMM structure, increasing mitochondrial free radical production. MitoQ decreased yellow carotenoids and tocopherol levels in blood, perhaps by being consumed as antioxidants. Contrarily, mitoTEMPO-treated birds rose circulating levels of the second most abundant ketocarotenoid in crossbills (i.e., canthaxanthin). It also increased feather total red ketocarotenoid concentration and redness, but only among those birds exhibiting a redder plumage at the start of the study, that is, supposedly high-quality individuals. The fact that mitoTEMPO effects depended on original plumage color suggests that the red-ketocarotenoid-based ornaments indicate individual quality as mitochondrial function efficiency. The findings would thus support the shared pathway hypothesis.  相似文献   

南充金腰燕、家燕繁殖生态比较及易卵易雏实验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2004年3~10月对四川南充地区家燕、金腰燕的繁殖生态进行了观察,比较了其繁殖生态习性及雏鸟的生长特性,进行了家燕、金腰燕之间的易卵易雏实验.结果表明,家燕于2月中旬迁入南充,9月中旬开始迁离;金腰燕迁来较家燕晚,2月底~3月初迁入,9月中旬迁离.家燕于4月初产卵;金腰燕在4月上旬产卵.金腰燕卵的各项量衡度均较家燕的大,出壳时金腰燕雏鸟体重也比家燕雏鸟稍重.金腰燕雏鸟的体长、翅长、尾长、外部器官及体重的增长较家燕的快.而易卵、易雏的金腰燕雏鸟增长曲线则在金腰燕和家燕的雏鸟之间.易卵易雏的实验表明,在孵卵和育雏过程中,金腰燕与家燕之间彼此互换卵可以接受,易换雏鸟也可以接受.  相似文献   

In diverse animal taxa, egg mass variation mediates maternal effects with long-term consequences for offspring ontogeny and fitness. Patterns of egg mass variation with laying order differ considerably among birds, but no study has experimentally investigated the function of variation in albumen or yolk egg content in the wild. In barn swallows (Hirundo rustica), absolute and relative albumen mass increased with egg laying order. Experimental albumen removal delayed hatching, had larger negative effects on growth of late-hatched nestlings, and reduced nestling survival. Laying order positively predicted hatch order. Because nestling competitive ability depends on size, and albumen egg content influences hatchling size, present results suggest that by increasing albumen content of late eggs mothers reduce hatching asynchrony and enhance growth particularly of late-hatched nestlings. Thus, variation in albumen mass with laying order may function to mitigate the negative phenotypic consequences of hatching late in species that adopt a 'brood-survival' strategy.  相似文献   

Individuals differ in realized fitness but the genetic/phenotypic traits that underpin such variation are often unknown. Telomere dynamics may be a major source of variation in fitness traits because physiological telomere shortening depends on environmental and genetic factors and may impair individual performance. Here, we showed that, in a population of a socially monogamous, biparental passerine bird, the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica), breeding in northern Italy, telomere length (TL) of both adult males and females positively correlated with seasonal reproductive and fledging success, as expected because long telomeres are supposed to boost performance. Telomere length was correlated with sexually dimorphic coloration in both sexes, showing for the first time in any species that coloration reliably reflects TL and may mediate mutual mate choice, leading to the observed positive assortative mating for TL in the barn swallow. Thus, TL appears to be associated with variation in a major fitness trait and may be an ultimate target of mate choice, as individuals of both sexes can use coloration to adaptively choose high‐quality mates that possess long telomeres.  相似文献   

Transfer of immune factors via the egg may represent a maternal adaptation enhancing offspring survival. Lysozyme is a major component of maternal antibacterial immunity which is transferred to the eggs in birds. In a population of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica), lysozyme activity declined during the prelaying and laying periods in females but not in males. Egg hatching failure decreased with maternal lysozyme activity. The first eggs in a clutch contained more lysozyme and produced nestlings with larger lysozyme activity when 5 days old than last‐laid ones. In a cross‐fostering experiment where brood size was manipulated, nestling origin but not post‐manipulation brood size affected lysozyme activity. Hence, maternal lysozyme varies during the breeding season and may differentially enhance antibacterial immune defence of the eggs and nestlings in relation to laying order. These findings suggest that offspring innate immunity is influenced by early maternal effects.  相似文献   

In altricial species, offspring competing for access to limiting parental resources (e.g. food) are selected to achieve an optimal balance between the costs of scrambling for food, the benefits of being fed and the indirect costs of subtracting food to relatives. As the marginal benefits of acquiring additional food decrease with decreasing levels of need, satiated offspring should be prone to favour access to food by their needy kin, thus enhancing their own indirect fitness, while concomitantly reducing costs of harsh competition with hungry broodmates. We tested this prediction in feeding trials of barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) nestlings by comparing begging behaviour and food intake of two similar-sized nestmates, one of which was food-deprived (FD). Non-food-deprived (NFD) offspring modulated begging intensity depending on their nestmate's need: when competing with FD nestmates, NFD nestlings reduced both the intensity and frequency of begging displays compared to themselves in the control trial before food deprivation. Hence, NFD nestlings reduced their competitiveness to the advantage of FD nestmates, which obtained more feedings and showed a threefold larger increase in body mass. Moderation of individual selfishness can therefore be adaptive in the presence of a needier kin, because the indirect fitness benefits of promoting its condition can outweigh the costs of forgoing being fed, and because it limits the cost of begging escalation against a vigorous competitor.  相似文献   

The introduction of payments for environmental services (PES) offers an opportunity for traditional and indigenous populations to be compensated for contributing to carbon sequestration in meeting the challenge of ameliorating global warming. As one mechanism among several for promoting biodiversity conservation and sustainable development, pro-poor PES initiatives could eventually be incorporated into an international post-Koyoto framework to encourage reduced emissions from deforestation. Brazil's Proambiente PES scheme for small farmers in Amazonia has enjoyed some limited success, but it has fallen short of expectations. Its performance has been undermined by the lack of a national legal framework, limited funding, reduced implementation capacity, poor cross-sector collaboration and incompatibility with existing regional development policies. These challenges are being addressed by the federal government in cooperation with civil society with a view to scaling up Proambiente into a national programme.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones are geographic regions where isolating barriers between divergent populations are challenged by admixture. Identifying factors that facilitate or inhibit hybridization in sympatry can illuminate the processes that maintain those reproductive barriers. We analysed patterns of hybridization and phenotypic variation across two newly discovered hybrid zones between three subspecies of barn swallow (Hirundo rustica). These subspecies differ in ventral coloration and wing length, traits that are targets of sexual and natural selection, respectively, and are associated with genome‐wide differentiation in allopatry. We tested the hypothesis that the degree of divergence in these traits is associated with the extent of hybridization in secondary contact. We applied measures of population structure based on >23,000 SNPs to confirm that named subspecies correspond to distinct genomic clusters, and assessed coincidence between geographic clines for ancestry and phenotype. Although gene flow was ongoing across both hybrid zones and pairwise FST between subspecies was extremely low, we found striking differences in the extent of hybridization. In the more phenotypically differentiated subspecies pair, clines for ancestry, wing length and ventral coloration were steep and coincident, suggestive of strong isolation and, potentially, selection associated with phenotype. In the less phenotypically differentiated pair, gene flow and phenotypic variation occurred over a wide geographic span, indicative of weaker isolation. Traits associated with genome‐wide differentiation in allopatry may thus also contribute to isolation in sympatry. We discuss potentially important additional roles for evolutionary history and ecology in shaping variation in the extent hybridization between closely related pairs of subspecies.  相似文献   

Feather‐associated bacteria are widespread inhabitants of avian plumage. However, the determinants of the between‐individual variation in plumage bacterial loads are less well understood. Infection intensities can be determined by ecological factors, such as breeding habitat, and can be actively regulated by hosts via preening. Preening, yet, is a resource intensive activity, and thus might be traded‐off against reproductive investment in breeding birds. Here, we studied barn swallows Hirundo rustica to assess the bacterial cost of reproduction in relation to nesting site micro‐habitats. Barn swallows prefer to breed in the company of large‐sized farm animals, although the presence of mammalian livestock in barns assures a warm and humid micro‐climate that favours bacterial proliferation. Thus, we experimentally manipulated brood sizes of birds breeding in barns with, or without, farm animals and measured total cultivable bacteria (TCB) and feather‐degrading bacteria (FDB) from the plumage. We found that the abundance of feather‐associated bacteria (i.e. both TCB and FDB) in females, but not males, breeding in barns with livestock were significantly higher than in conspecifics breeding in empty barns. Plumage bacterial loads, however, were not affected by brood size manipulations in either sex. In addition, we report a negative relationship between both TCB and FDB and hatching date in females, and several sex and seasonal differences in plumage bacterial abundances. Our study is the first to show that breeding micro‐habitat (i.e. livestock co‐tenancy) has consequences for the abundance of feather‐associated bacteria.  相似文献   

Ewa W&#x;grzyn 《Ibis》2013,155(1):156-164
Among various begging stimuli, mouth coloration has received increasing attention in recent years, and previous research has demonstrated that mouths of nestling Canaries Serinus canaria get redder with the extent of food deprivation and that parents preferentially feed nestlings of redder gapes. This study assesses whether the intensity of red mouth colour in nestling Blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla is a signal in parent–offspring communication. This is one of the few species with a naturally red gape in which the function of mouth redness has been tested. Three predictions were experimentally tested: (1) reddening the gape of a single nestling within a brood increases its provisioning in relation to other siblings; (2) reddening the gapes of all nestlings within a brood increases parental feeding rate; and (3) food deprivation increases nestling mouth redness. The effect of nestling quality on mouth redness was also assessed. The intensity of gape coloration affected food distribution, but in a way opposite to that expected: an increase in mouth redness of the nestling caused reduced feeding by parents. However, reddening the gapes of all nestlings had no effect on provisioning of the whole brood, suggesting that Blackcap parents use different cues for provisioning particular nestlings and the whole brood. Intensity of mouth redness in Blackcap nestlings was not affected either by food deprivation or by nestling quality in terms of mass and rank in the nest.  相似文献   

Complex signals, involving multiple components within and across modalities, are common in animal communication. However, decomposing complex signals into traits and their interactions remains a fundamental challenge for studies of phenotype evolution. We apply a novel phenotype network approach for studying complex signal evolution in the North American barn swallow (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster). We integrate model testing with correlation-based phenotype networks to infer the contributions of female mate choice and male–male competition to the evolution of barn swallow communication. Overall, the best predictors of mate choice were distinct from those for competition, while moderate functional overlap suggests males and females use some of the same traits to assess potential mates and rivals. We interpret model results in the context of a network of traits, and suggest this approach allows researchers a more nuanced view of trait clustering patterns that informs new hypotheses about the evolution of communication systems.  相似文献   

Carotenoids are critical to embryonic development, immunity and protection from oxidative stress. Transmission of carotenoids to the eggs may affect development and maturation of immunity in offspring, but carotenoids may be available to females in limiting amounts. Females may thus transfer carotenoids to the eggs differentially in relation to the reproductive value of the offspring as affected by sexual ornamentation of their father. In this study of maternal allocation of carotenoids to the eggs in the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica), females whose immune system had been experimentally challenged with an antigen had smaller lutein concentrations in their eggs than controls. We manipulated the size of a secondary sexual character (tail length) of males, and analysed the effect of manipulation on allocation of lutein to eggs by their vaccinated mates. Contrary to our prediction based on parental allocation theory, mates of tail-shortened males had a larger lutein concentration in their eggs compared with those of control and tail-elongated males. According to previous studies, offspring of short-tailed males have larger exposure and/or susceptibility to parasites. A larger lutein concentration in the eggs of females mated to males with experimentally reduced ornaments may thus reflect adaptive maternal strategies to enhance offspring viability.  相似文献   

Cote J  Le Galliard JF  Rossi JM  Fitze PS 《Journal of evolutionary biology》2008,21(4):1165-72; discussion 1160-4
Colouration may either reflect a discrete polymorphism potentially related to life-history strategies, a continuous signal related to individual quality or a combination of both. Recently, Vercken et al. [J. Evol. Biol. (2007) 221] proposed three discrete ventral colour morphs in female common lizards, Lacerta vivipara, and suggested that they reflect alternative reproductive strategies. Here, we provide a quantitative assessment of the phenotypic distribution and determinants of the proposed colour polymorphism. Based on reflectance spectra, we found no evidence for three distinct visual colour classes, but observed continuous variation in colour from pale yellow to orange. Based on a 2-year experiment, we also provide evidence for reversible colour plasticity in response to a manipulation of the adult population sex ratio; yet, a significant portion of the colour variation was invariant throughout an adult female's life. Our results are thus in agreement with continuous colour variation in adults determined by environmental factors and potentially also by genetic factors.  相似文献   

Birds show striking interspecific variation in their use of carotenoid-based coloration. Theory predicts that the use of carotenoids for coloration is closely associated with the availability of carotenoids in the diet but, although this prediction has been supported in single-species studies and those using small numbers of closely related species, there have been no broad-scale quantitative tests of the link between carotenoid coloration and diet. Here we test for such a link using modern comparative methods, a database on 140 families of birds and two alternative avian phylogenies. We show that carotenoid pigmentation is more common in the bare parts (legs, bill and skin) than in plumage, and that yellow coloration is more common than red. We also show that there is no simple, general association between the availability of carotenoids in the diet and the overall use of carotenoid-based coloration. However, when we look at plumage coloration separately from bare part coloration, we find there is a robust and significant association between diet and plumage coloration, but not between diet and bare part coloration. Similarly, when we look at yellow and red plumage colours separately, we find that the association between diet and coloration is typically stronger for red coloration than it is for yellow coloration. Finally, when we build multivariate models to explain variation in each type of carotenoid-based coloration we find that a variety of life history and ecological factors are associated with different aspects of coloration, with dietary carotenoids only being a consistent significant factor in the case of variation in plumage. All of these results remain qualitatively unchanged irrespective of the phylogeny used in the analyses, although in some cases the precise life history and ecological variables included in the multivariate models do vary. Taken together, these results indicate that the predicted link between carotenoid coloration and diet is idiosyncratic rather than general, being strongest with respect to plumage colours and weakest for bare part coloration. We therefore suggest that, although the carotenoid-based bird plumage may a good model for diet-mediated signalling, the use of carotenoids in bare part pigmentation may have a very different functional basis and may be more strongly influenced by genetic and physiological mechanisms, which currently remain relatively understudied.  相似文献   

Maternal effects such as androgen in avian eggs can mediate evolutionary responses to selection, allowing manipulation of offspring phenotype and promoting trans-generational adaptive effects. We tested the predictions of two adaptive hypotheses that have been proposed to explain female variation in yolk androgen allocation in birds, using the barn swallow Hirundo rustica as a model. We found no support for the first hypothesis proposing that yolk androgen varies as a function of breeding density in order to prepare offspring for different breeding densities. However, we found experimental support for the hypothesis that female yolk androgen allocation depends on mate attractiveness and that it constitutes an example of differential allocation. Females increased the concentration of androgens in their eggs when mated to males with experimentally elongated tails. Female phenotypic quality as measured by arrival date and clutch size was positively related to egg androgen concentration, consistent with the hypothesis that this is a costly investment, constrained by female condition. We found correlative evidence of a direct relationship between egg androgen concentration and performance of offspring as measured by mass increase.  相似文献   

Sexual selection results in the evolution of exaggerated secondary sexual characters that can entail a viability cost. However, in species where sexual ornaments honestly reflect individual quality, the viability cost of secondary sexual characters may be overwhelmed by variation in individual quality, leading to expect that individuals with the largest secondary sexual characters show higher, rather than lower viability. Here, we used meta‐analyses to test whether such expected positive relationship between sexual ornamentation and viability exists in the barn swallow Hirundo rustica, which is one of the most studied model species of sexual selection under field conditions. We found a mean positive effect size of viability in relation to the expression of secondary sexual characters of 0.181 (CI: 0.084–0.278), indicating that in this species the more ornamented individuals are more viable, and therefore of high quality. Analyses of moderator variables showed similar effects in males and females, the H. r. rustica subspecies rather than others and tail length rather than other secondary sexual characters. Future research emphasis on other subspecies than the European one and secondary sexual characters than tail length may help identify the sources of heterogeneity in effect sizes.  相似文献   

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