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Over 50% of donor splice sites in the human genome have a potential alternative donor site at a distance of three to six nucleotides. Conservation of these potential sites is determined by the consensus requirements and by its exonic or intronic location. Several hundred pairs of overlapping sites are confirmed to be alternatively spliced as both sites in a pair are supported by a protein, by a full-length mRNA, or by expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from at least two independent clone libraries. Overlapping sites may clash with consensus requirements. Pairs with a site shift of four nucleotides are the most abundant, despite the frameshift in the protein-coding region that they introduce. The site usage in pairs is usually uneven, and the major site is more frequently conserved in other mammalian genomes. Overlapping alternative donor sites and acceptor sites may have different functional roles: alternative splicing of overlapping acceptor sites leads mainly to microvariations in protein sequences; whereas alternative donor sites often lead to frameshifts and thus either yield major differences in the protein sequence and structure, or generate nonsense-mediated decay-inducing mRNA isoforms likely involved in regulated unproductive splicing pathways.  相似文献   

Prediction of splice sites in non-coding regions of genes is one of the most challenging aspects of gene structure recognition. We perform a rigorous analysis of such splice sites embedded in human 5' untranslated regions (UTRs), and investigate correlations between this class of splice sites and other features found in the adjacent exons and introns. By restricting the training of neural network algorithms to 'pure' UTRs (not extending partially into protein coding regions), we for the first time investigate the predictive power of the splicing signal proper, in contrast to conventional splice site prediction, which typically relies on the change in sequence at the transition from protein coding to non-coding. By doing so, the algorithms were able to pick up subtler splicing signals that were otherwise masked by 'coding' noise, thus enhancing significantly the prediction of 5' UTR splice sites. For example, the non-coding splice site predicting networks pick up compositional and positional bias in the 3' ends of non-coding exons and 5' non-coding intron ends, where cytosine and guanine are over-represented. This compositional bias at the true UTR donor sites is also visible in the synaptic weights of the neural networks trained to identify UTR donor sites. Conventional splice site prediction methods perform poorly in UTRs because the reading frame pattern is absent. The NetUTR method presented here performs 2-3-fold better compared with NetGene2 and GenScan in 5' UTRs. We also tested the 5' UTR trained method on protein coding regions, and discovered, surprisingly, that it works quite well (although it cannot compete with NetGene2). This indicates that the local splicing pattern in UTRs and coding regions is largely the same. The NetUTR method is made publicly available at www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/NetUTR.  相似文献   

Spliceosomal intron numbers and boundary sequences vary dramatically in eukaryotes. We found a striking correspondence between low intron number and strong sequence conservation of 5' splice sites (5'ss) across eukaryotic genomes. The phylogenetic pattern suggests that ancestral 5'ss were relatively weakly conserved, but that some lineages independently underwent both major intron loss and 5'ss strengthening. It seems that eukaryotic ancestors had relatively large intron numbers and 'weak' 5'ss, a pattern associated with frequent alternative splicing in modern organisms.  相似文献   

Determinants of the inherent strength of human 5' splice sites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We previously showed that the authentic 5' splice site (5'ss) of the first exon in the human beta-globin gene is intrinsically stronger than a cryptic 5'ss located 16 nucleotides upstream. Here we examined by mutational analysis the contribution of individual 5'ss nucleotides to discrimination between these two 5'ss. Based on the in vitro splicing efficiencies of a panel of 26 wild-type and mutant substrates in two separate 5'ss competition assays, we established a hierarchy of 5'ss and grouped them into three functional subclasses: strong, intermediate, and weak. Competition between two 5'ss from different subclasses always resulted in selection of the 5'ss that belongs to the stronger subclass. Moreover, each subclass has different characteristic features. Strong and intermediate 5'ss can be distinguished by their predicted free energy of base-pairing to the U1 snRNA 5' terminus (DeltaG). Whereas the extent of splicing via the strong 5'ss correlates well with the DeltaG, this is not the case for competition between intermediate 5'ss. Weak 5'ss were used only when the competing authentic 5'ss was inactivated by mutation. These results indicate that extensive complementarity to U1 snRNA exerts a dominant effect for 5'ss selection, but in the case of competing 5'ss with similarly modest complementarity to U1, the role of other 5'ss features is more prominent. This study reveals the importance of additional submotifs present in certain 5'ss sequences, whose characterization will be critical for understanding 5'ss selection in human genes.  相似文献   

Mutations at the hexosaminidase A (HEXA) gene which cause Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) have elevated frequency in the Ashkenazi Jewish and French-Canadian populations. We report a novel TSD allele in the French-Canadian population associated with the infantile form of the disease. The mutation, a GA transition at the +1 position of intron 7, abolishes the donor splice site. Cultured human fibroblasts from a compound heterozygote for this transition (and for a deletion mutation) produce no detectable HEXA mRNA. The intron 7+1 mutation occurs in the base adjacent to the site of the adult-onset TSD mutation (G805A). In both mutations a restriction site for the endonuclease EcoRII is abolished. Unambiguous diagnosis, therefore, requires allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization to distinguish between these two mutant alleles. The intron 7+1 mutation has been detected in three unrelated families. Obligate heterozygotes for the intron 7+1 mutation were born in the Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean region of Quebec. The most recent ancestors common to obligate carriers of this mutation were from the Charlevoix region of the province of Quebec. This mutation thus has a different geographic centre of diffusion and is probably less common than the exon 1 deletion TSD mutation in French Canadians. Neither mutation has been detected in France, the ancestral homeland of French Canada.  相似文献   

We present here a new algorithm for functional site analysis. It is based on four main assumptions: each variation of nucleotide composition makes a different contribution to the overall binding free energy of interaction between a functional site and another molecule; nonfunctioning site-like regions (pseudosites) are absent or rare in genomes; there may be errors in the sample of sites; and nucleotides of different site positions are considered to be mutually dependent. In this algorithm, the site set is divided into subsets, each described by a certain consensus. Donor splice sites of the human protein-coding genes were analyzed. Comparing the results with other methods of donor splice site prediction has demonstrated a more accurate prediction of consensus sequences AG/GU(A,G), G/GUnAG, /GU(A,G)AG, /GU(A,G)nGU, and G/GUA than is achieved by weight matrix and consensus (A,C)AG/GU(A,G)AGU with mismatches. The probability of the first type error, E1, for the obtained consensus set was about 0.05, and the probability of the second type error, E2, was 0.15. The analysis demonstrated that accuracy of the functional site prediction could be improved if one takes into account correlations between the site positions. The accuracy of prediction by using human consensus sequences was tested on sequences from different organisms. Some differences in consensus sequences for the plant Arabidopsis sp., the invertebrate Caenorhabditis sp., and the fungus Aspergillus sp. were revealed. For the yeast Saccharomyces sp. only one conservative consensus, /GUA(U,A,C)G(U,A,C), was revealed (E1 = 0.03, E2 = 0.03). Yeast is a very interesting model to use for analysis of molecular mechanisms of splicing. Received: 14 October 1996 / Accepted: 30 January 1997  相似文献   

Correct identification of all introns is necessary to discern the protein-coding potential of a eukaryotic genome. The existence of most of the spliceosomal introns predicted in the genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae remains unsupported by molecular evidence. We tested the intron predictions for 87 introns predicted to be present in non-ribosomal protein genes, more than a third of all known or suspected introns in the yeast genome. Evidence supporting 61 of these predictions was obtained, 20 predicted intron sequences were not spliced and six predictions identified an intron-containing region but failed to specify the correct splice sites, yielding a successful prediction rate of <80%. Alternative splicing has not been previously described for this organism, and we identified two genes (YKL186C/MTR2 and YML034W) which encode alternatively spliced mRNAs; YKL186C/MTR2 produces at least five different spliced mRNAs. One gene (YGR225W/SPO70) has an intron whose removal is activated during meiosis under control of the MER1 gene. We found eight new introns, suggesting that numerous introns still remain to be discovered. The results show that correct prediction of introns remains a significant barrier to understanding the structure, function and coding capacity of eukaryotic genomes, even in a supposedly simple system like yeast.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type-1 regulatory protein Rev is absolutely required for the production of viral structural proteins. Splice sites have been seen to function ascis-acting repressor sequendes (CRS) and inhibit expression of the Rev-dependent RNAs. In order to analyze the role of a splice donor in Rev dependence, the wild-type 5 splice donor of HIV-1 was mutated in the context of othergag sequences. Following transient transfection, RNA expression by RT-PCR was analyzed. The unspliced RNA produced by the mutant construct still required Rev for the cytoplasmic accumulation of the RNA. Despite deletion of the wild-type 5 splice donor and thetat splice acceptor was used. A cryptic splice donor was identified by PCR and subsequent cloning of the spliced RNA. The cryptic site is 5/9 to the consensus sequence and located immediately downstream of the initiation codon (ATG) for Gag. Analysis of the RNA product containing the cryptic splice donor revealed that the Rev was required for the cytoplasmic accumulation of unspliced RNA, while spliced RNA was Rev independent. Transfection of a wild-type construct also demonstrated usage of the cryptic splice donor. These results indicate that a cryptic splice donor can be activated when the wild-type splice donor is inactivated and that the cryptic splice donor may retain Rev regulation. The findings also suggest the potential for cryptic splice sites to serve as CRS in the determining the Rev dependence of viral RNAs.  相似文献   



Of the diverse subtypes of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-1 (HIV-1), subtype-C strains cause a large majority of infections worldwide. The reasons for the global dominance of HIV-1 subtype-C infections are not completely understood. Tat, being critical for viral infectivity and pathogenesis, may differentially modulate pathogenic properties of the viral subtypes. Biochemical studies on Tat are hampered by the limitations of the current purification protocols. Tat purified using standard protocols often is competent for transactivation activity but defective for a variety of other biological functions. Keeping this limitation in view, we developed an efficient protein purification strategy for Tat.


Tat proteins obtained using the novel strategy described here were free of contaminants and retained biological functions as evaluated in a range of assays including the induction of cytokines, upregulation of chemokine coreceptor, transactivation of the viral promoter and rescue of a Tat-defective virus. Given the highly unstable nature of Tat, we evaluated the effect of the storage conditions on the biological function of Tat following purification. Tat stored in a lyophilized form retained complete biological activity regardless of the storage temperature. To understand if variations in the primary structure of Tat could influence the secondary structure of the protein and consequently its biological functions, we determined the CD spectra of subtype-C and -B Tat proteins. We demonstrate that subtype-C Tat may have a relatively higher ordered structure and be less flexible than subtype-B Tat. We show that subtype-C Tat as a protein, but not as a DNA expression vector, was consistently inferior to subtype-B Tat in a variety of biological assays. Furthermore, using ELISA, we evaluated the anti-Tat antibody titers in a large number of primary clinical samples (n = 200) collected from all four southern Indian states. Our analysis of the Indian populations demonstrated that Tat is non-immunodominant and that a large variation exists in the antigen-specific antibody titers.


Our report not only describes a simple protein purification strategy for Tat but also demonstrates important structural and functional differences between subtype-B and -C Tat proteins. Furthermore, this is the first report of protein purification and characterization of subtype-C Tat.  相似文献   

Despite a growing number of splicing mutations found in hereditary diseases, utilization of aberrant splice sites and their effects on gene expression remain challenging to predict. We compiled sequences of 346 aberrant 5′splice sites (5′ss) that were activated by mutations in 166 human disease genes. Mutations within the 5′ss consensus accounted for 254 cryptic 5′ss and mutations elsewhere activated 92 de novo 5′ss. Point mutations leading to cryptic 5′ss activation were most common in the first intron nucleotide, followed by the fifth nucleotide. Substitutions at position +5 were exclusively G>A transitions, which was largely attributable to high mutability rates of C/G>T/A. However, the frequency of point mutations at position +5 was significantly higher than that observed in the Human Gene Mutation Database, suggesting that alterations of this position are particularly prone to aberrant splicing, possibly due to a requirement for sequential interactions with U1 and U6 snRNAs. Cryptic 5′ss were best predicted by computational algorithms that accommodate nucleotide dependencies and not by weight-matrix models. Discrimination of intronic 5′ss from their authentic counterparts was less effective than for exonic sites, as the former were intrinsically stronger than the latter. Computational prediction of exonic de novo 5′ss was poor, suggesting that their activation critically depends on exonic splicing enhancers or silencers. The authentic counterparts of aberrant 5′ss were significantly weaker than the average human 5′ss. The development of an online database of aberrant 5′ss will be useful for studying basic mechanisms of splice-site selection, identifying splicing mutations and optimizing splice-site prediction algorithms.  相似文献   

The frequency distribution of mutation-induced aberrant 3′ splice sites (3′ss) in exons and introns is more complex than for 5′ splice sites, largely owing to sequence constraints upstream of intron/exon boundaries. As a result, prediction of their localization remains a challenging task. Here, nucleotide sequences of previously reported 218 aberrant 3′ss activated by disease-causing mutations in 131 human genes were compared with their authentic counterparts using currently available splice site prediction tools. Each tested algorithm distinguished authentic 3′ss from cryptic sites more effectively than from de novo sites. The best discrimination between aberrant and authentic 3′ss was achieved by the maximum entropy model. Almost one half of aberrant 3′ss was activated by AG-creating mutations and ~95% of the newly created AGs were selected in vivo. The overall nucleotide structure upstream of aberrant 3′ss was characterized by higher purine content than for authentic sites, particularly in position −3, that may be compensated by more stringent requirements for positive and negative nucleotide signatures centred around position −11. A newly developed online database of aberrant 3′ss will facilitate identification of splicing mutations in a gene or phenotype of interest and future optimization of splice site prediction tools.  相似文献   

Recognition of 5' splice points by group I and group II self-splicing introns involves the interaction of exon sequences--directly preceding the 5' splice site--with intronic sequence elements. We show here that the exon binding sequences (EBS) of group II intron aI5c can accept various substitutes of the authentic intron binding sites (IBS) provided in cis or in trans. The efficiency of cleavages at these cryptic 5' splice sites was enhanced by deletion of the authentic IBS2 element. All cryptic 5' cleavage sites studied here were preceded by an IBS1 like sequence; indicating that the IBS1/EBS1 pairing alone is sufficient for proper 5' splice site selection by the intronic EBS element. The results are discussed in terms of minimal requirements for 5' cleavages and position effects of IBS sites relative to the intron.  相似文献   

Hemophilia A, an X-linked disease caused by deficiency of factor VIII, is characterized by variation in clinical severity and coagulation activity. This variation is though to reflect heterogeneity of mutations in the factor VIII gene. Here we describe a CG-to-CA mutation within a potential cryptic donor splice site in intron 4 of the factor VIII gene from a patient with mild disease. This mutation makes the cryptic sequence resemble more closely the consensus sequence for donor splice sites. We infer that the mutation activates the cryptic donor splice site, which in turn causes a defect in RNA processing.  相似文献   

M Korb  Y Ke    L F Johnson 《Nucleic acids research》1993,21(25):5901-5908
Efficient expression of many mammalian genes depends on the presence of at least one intron. We previously showed that addition of almost any of the introns from the mouse thymidylate synthase (TS) gene to an intronless TS minigene led to a large increase in expression. However, addition of intron 4 led to a reduction in minigene expression. The goal of the present study was to determine why TS intron 4 was unable to stimulate expression. Insertion of intron 4 into an intron-dependent derivative of the ribosomal protein L32 gene did not lead to a significant increase in expression, suggesting that its inability to stimulate expression was due to sequences within the intron. Deleting most of the interior of intron 4, improving the putative branch point, removing purines from the pyrimidine stretch at the 3' end of the intron, or removing possible alternative splice acceptor or donor sites within the intron each had little effect on the level of expression. However, when the splice donor sequence of intron 4 was modified so that it was perfectly complementary to U1 snRNA, the modified intron 4 stimulated expression approximately 6-fold. When the splice donor site of TS intron 1 (a stimulatory intron) was changed to that of TS intron 4, the modified intron 1 was spliced very inefficiently and lost the ability to stimulate mRNA production. Our observations support the idea that introns can stimulate gene expression by a process that depends directly on the splicing reaction.  相似文献   

We compiled sequences of previously published aberrant 3′ splice sites (3′ss) that were generated by mutations in human disease genes. Cryptic 3′ss, defined here as those resulting from a mutation of the 3′YAG consensus, were more frequent in exons than in introns. They clustered in ~20 nt region adjacent to authentic 3′ss, suggesting that their under-representation in introns is due to a depletion of AG dinucleotides in the polypyrimidine tract (PPT). In contrast, most aberrant 3′ss that were induced by mutations outside the 3′YAG consensus (designated ‘de novo’) were in introns. The activation of intronic de novo 3′ss was largely due to AG-creating mutations in the PPT. In contrast, exonic de novo 3′ss were more often induced by mutations improving the PPT, branchpoint sequence (BPS) or distant auxiliary signals, rather than by direct AG creation. The Shapiro–Senapathy matrix scores had a good prognostic value for cryptic, but not de novo 3′ss. Finally, AG-creating mutations in the PPT that produced aberrant 3′ss upstream of the predicted BPS in vivo shared a similar ‘BPS-new AG’ distance. Reduction of this distance and/or the strength of the new AG PPT in splicing reporter pre-mRNAs improved utilization of authentic 3′ss, suggesting that AG-creating mutations that are located closer to the BPS and are preceded by weaker PPT may result in less severe splicing defects.  相似文献   

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