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An electrophoretic analysis of glucosephosphate isomerase (GPI) in seven Italian sheep populations suggests that this locus is more polymorphic than previously supposed. The observed phenotype distributions are in agreement with the hypothesis of the existence of three codominant alleles, GPI*F, GPI*S and GPI*N, GPI*S being the most frequent (0.935 ÷ 1.000).  相似文献   

Zymograms of glucosephosphate isomerase (GPI) and phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (PGD) revealed three isozymes for each enzyme in the plant speciesScabiosa columbaria. Intergenic heterodimers are formed between the polypeptides coded byGpi-1 andGpi-2 and between those coded byPgd-1 andPgd-2, indicating that a GPI and a PGD locus have been duplicated in the past. The ancestral genes assort independently with their duplicated gene, suggesting that the duplications have originated from a process of translocation. Linkage was found only betweenGpi-1 andPgd-2 and betweenGpi-2 andPgd-1, suggesting that the duplicated loci were located on the same translocated chromosomal segment. Both duplications are present in all other examined species ofScabiosa and inCephalaria andKnautia, two other genera of the Dipsacaceae. The generaSuccisa andDipsacus, also belonging to the Dipsacaceae, do not showGpi-1 activity, makingGpi-2 andPgd-1 the most likely ancestral genes. InSuccisa, the isozymes ofGpi-1 andGpi-2 either overlap orGpi-1 has been silenced. The combined results suggest that a chromosomal segment containingGpi-2 andPgd-1 has been translocated before the divergence ofScabiosa, Cephalaria, Knautia, andSuccisa.  相似文献   

Contrary to results published recently, we observe three, rather than two, phenotypes for the enzyme glucosephosphate isomerase (EC from sheep. The phenotypic electro phoretic patterns conform to the patterns observed for this dimeric enzyme in other species. Genotype frequencies in a flock of South downs do not deviate significantly from those predicted under the assumption of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. A remarkable observation is that the electro phoretically distinct phenotypes of GPI are largely or entirely obliterated by the addition of 1–10 mmol/1 MgCl2 to the electro phoretic buffers. Modification of the usual staining recipe for GPI result in greater resolution and shorter staining times.  相似文献   

An improved method for detecting and measuring the enzyme glucosephosphate isomerase after starch gel electrophoresis is described. Nitrocellulose filters are used in a gel overlay procedure which increases the sensitivity of the staining reaction and provides a simple means for accurate quantitation of the isozyme pattern. This staining technique may have wider application with other gel media and also with other enzymes.This work was supported by the M.R.C. Group in Developmental Neurobiology, McMaster University, Canada.  相似文献   

We have found a new allele at the structural locus for glucosephosphate isomerase (called Gpi-1 c ) in a population of wild mice. The Gpi-1 c allele codes for an enzyme of greater cathodal electrophoretic mobility than either the Gpi-1 a or Gpi-1 b alleles found in the wild and in the SM/J and C57BL/6J inbred strains. Mice homozygous for Gpi-1 c have erythrocyte enzyme activity reduced to 33% of normal levels, altered pH profile, lowered heat stability, and normal K m 's when compared with SM/J and C57BL/6J mice. The activity of the enzyme in brain, liver, and kidney is not so markedly lowered, although the electrophoretic mobility, pH profile, and heat stability are altered in these tissues. Deficiencies of erythrocyte glucosephosphate isomerase in man, to this level, can cause severe hemolytic anemia. Homozygotes for Gpi-1 c show only mild hematological symptoms. The frequency of Gpi-1 c in wild populations of mice is discussed and the occurrence of a further rare allele Gpi-1 d is reported.This work was supported by M.R.C. grants to Professor R. J. Berry and Dr. H. Kacser, whom we should also like to thank for much help and useful discussion.  相似文献   

Agatsuma T. 1982. Electrophoretie studies on glucosephosphate isornerase and phosphoglucomutase in two types of Anisakis larvae. International Journal for Parasitology12: 35–39. Enzyme electrophoresis was carried out between the larval forms. Type I and II, of Anisakis using starch gel. In glucose-phosphate isomerase, considerable polymorphisms were found in each type. At least 5 alleles appear to occur at this enzyme locus in natural populations of both types. Out of 5 alleles, 3 were common to both types. No significant difference was found in their frequencies. However, each larval form can be easily distinguished by the electrophoretic mobility of phosphoglucomutase. It was concluded that enzyme electrophoresis is an alternative useful tool for the identification of larval forms of Anisakis.  相似文献   

A variable number of tandem repeat from a porcine glucosephosphate isomerase intron has been isolated and sequenced. The repeat has a unit size of 39 bp, is highly conserved and is present in at least 14 copies. Flanking sequences show a sequence periodicity of 53-54 bp and some sequence homology to the 39 bp repeat. A considerable part of the genomic DNA has been lost during subcloning and is considered to be deletion prone or refractory to propagation in E. coli. The tandem repeat is locus specific and detects at least six alleles in BamHI digested porcine DNA. No homology to other tandem repeat sequences has been found.  相似文献   

Synthetic hexaploid wheat (SHW) that combines novel and elite genes from the tetraploid wheat Triticum turgidum L. and wild ancestor Aegilops tauschii Coss., has been used to genetically improve hexaploid common wheat. The abundant genetic diversity in SHW can effectively make breakthroughs in wheat genetic improvement through the inclusion of increased variation. In this paper, we reviewed the current advances in research and utilization of the primary SHW lines and SHW-derived wheat varieties that have enhanced evolution of modern wheat under conditions of natural and artificial selection in southwestern China. Using primary SHW lines, four high-yielding wheat varieties have been developed. In addition, using the SHW-derived varieties as breeding parents, 12 new wheat varieties were also developed. Results of genotype–phenotype and fingerprint analysis showed that the introgressed alleles from SHW lines have contributed a great number of elite characters to the new wheat varieties, and these elite characters include disease resistance, more spikes per plant, more grains per spike, larger grains, and higher grain-yield potential. We found that the primary SHW lines and SHW-derived varieties have identifiable effects to enhance genetic variation and adaptive evolution of modern hexaploid wheat, which significantly increased the grain yields of hexaploid wheat in recent years. These findings have significant implications in the breeding of high-yielding wheat varieties resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses using SHW as genetic resources.  相似文献   

A cDNA library for porcine skeletal muscle was established in the vector pBR322. The library was screened with an oligonucleotide probe coding for a hexapeptide from glucosephosphate isomerase (Gpi). A positive clone with an insert of about 450 bp and restriction sites for PstI, BamHI and PvuII was isolated. A 362-bp PstI fragment was sequenced and shown to contain the codons for the hexapeptide as well as the remaining 29 amino acids of this Gpi peptide. The PstI fragment was used to probe pig genomic DNA. The restriction enzymes PvuII and SacI detected a set of polymorphisms with five bands, behaving as a set of insertion/deletion polymorphisms.  相似文献   

It was suggested that the rapid changes of DNA sequence and gene expression occurred at the early stages of allopolyploid formation. In this study, we revealed the microsatellite (SSR) differences between newly formed allopolyploids and their donor parents by using 21 primer sets specific for D genome of wheat. It was indicated that rapid changes had occurred in the “shock” process of the allopolyploid formation between tetraploid wheat and Aegilops tauschii. The changes of SSR flanking sequence resulted in appearance of novel bands or disappearance of parental bands. The disappearance of the parental bands showed much higher frequencies in comparison with that of appearance of novel bands. Disappearance of the parental bands was not random. The frequency of disappearance in tetraploid wheat was much higher than in Ae. tauschii, i. e. the disappearance frequency in AABB genome was much higher than in D genome. Changes of SSR flanking sequence occurred at the early stage of F1 hybrid or just after chromosome doubling. From the above results, it can be inferred that SSR flanking sequence region was very active and was amenable to change in the process of polyploidization. This suggested that SSR flanking sequence probably had special biological function at the early stage of ployploidization. The rapid and directional changes at the early stage of polyploidization might contribute to the rapid evolution of the newly formed allopolyploid and allow the divergent genomes to act in harmony.  相似文献   

Polyploidy has been found to be very common inplants. Comparative genome studies have revealed thateven species that were considered as typical diploidsincluding maize[1], soybean[2], Arabidopsis[3] have un-dergone polyploidization during their evolution. Ge-nome polyploidization is a major force of evolutionthat affects genome size and gene copy number[4,5]. Polyploids can be formed via the duplication ofgenomes, either of the same genomes (autopolyploid)or of diverged genomes with homoe…  相似文献   

Synthetic hexaploid wheat (Triticum turgidum x Aegilops tauschii) was created to explore for novel genes from T. turgidum and Ae. tauschii that can be used for common wheat improvement. In the present paper, research advances on the utilization of synthetic hexaploid wheat for wheat genetic improvement in China are reviewed. Over 200 synthetic hexaploid wheat (SHW) accessions from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT) were introduced into China since 1995. Four cultivars derived from these, Chuanmai 38, Chuanmai 42, Chuanmai 43 and Chuanmai 47, have been released in China. Of these, Chuanmai 42, with large kernels and resistance to stripe rust, had the highest average yield (〉 6 t/ha) among all cultivars over two years in Sichuan provincial yield trials, outyielding the commercial check cultivar Chuanmai 107 by 22,7%. Meanwhile, by either artificial chromosome doubling via colchicine treatment or spontaneous chromosome doubling via a union of unreduced gametes (2n) from T. turgidum-Ae, tauschii hybrids, new SHW lines were produced in China. Mitotic-like meiosis might be the cytological mechanism of spontaneous chromosome doubling. SHW lines with genes for spontaneous chromosome doubling may be useful for producing new SHW-alien amphidiploids and double haploid in wheat genetic improvement.  相似文献   

The Triticum aestivum (bread wheat) disease resistance gene Lr34 confers durable, race non-specific protection against three fungal pathogens, and has been a highly relevant gene for wheat breeding since the green revolution. Lr34, located on chromosome 7D, encodes an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter. Both wheat cultivars with and without Lr34-based resistance encode a putatively functional protein that differ by only two amino acid polymorphisms. In this study, we focused on the identification and characterization of homoeologous and orthologous Lr34 genes in hexaploid wheat and other grasses. In hexaploid wheat we found an expressed and putatively functional Lr34 homoeolog located on chromosome 4A, designated Lr34-B. Another homoeologous Lr34 copy, located on chromosome 7A, was disrupted by the insertion of repetitive elements. Protein sequences of LR34-B and LR34 were 97% identical. Orthologous Lr34 genes were detected in the genomes of Oryza sativa (rice) and Sorghum bicolor (sorghum). Zea mays (maize), Brachypodium distachyon and Hordeum vulgare (barley) lacked Lr34 orthologs, indicating independent deletion of this particular ABC transporter. Lr34 was part of a gene-rich island on the wheat D genome. We found gene colinearity on the homoeologous A and B genomes of hexaploid wheat, but little microcolinearity in other grasses. The homoeologous LR34-B protein and the orthologs from rice and sorghum have the susceptible haplotype for the two critical polymorphisms distinguishing the LR34 proteins from susceptible and resistant wheat cultivars. We conclude that the particular Lr34-haplotype found in resistant wheat cultivars is unique. It probably resulted from functional gene diversification that occurred after the polyploidization event that was at the origin of cultivated bread wheat.  相似文献   

Three large-insert genomic DNA libraries of common wheat, Triticum aestivum cv. Chinese Spring, were constructed in a newly developed transformation-competent artificial chromosome (TAC) vector, pYLTAC17, which accepts and maintains large genomic DNA fragments stably in both Escherichia coli and Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The vector contains the cis sequence required for Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer into grasses. The average insert sizes of the three genomic libraries were approximately 46, 65 and 120 kbp, covering three haploid genome equivalents. Genomic libraries were stored as frozen cultures in a 96-well format, each well containing approximately 300-600 colonies (12 plates for small library, four for medium-size library and four for large library). In each of the libraries, approximately 80% of the colonies harbored genomic DNA inserts of >50 kbp. TAC clones containing gene(s) of interest were identified by the pooled PCR technique. Once the target TAC clones were isolated, they could be immediately transferred into grass genomes with the Agrobacterium system. Five clones containing the thionin type I genes (single copy per genome), corresponding to each of the three genomes (A, B and D), were successfully selected by the pooled PCR method, in addition to an STS marker (aWG464; single copy per genome) and CAB (a multigene family). TAC libraries constructed as described here can be used to isolate genomic clones containing target genes, and to carry out genome walking for positional cloning.  相似文献   

The absence of expression of individual members of a homoeologous set of genes in a polyploid is a well-established phenomenon. However, the extent to which such 'homoeologous silencing' can vary between individual genotypes within a species is unexplored. We have used the single-strand conformation polymorphism assay to identify homoeologue non-expression at 15 single-copy genes across a panel of 16 wheat varieties, representative of the genetic diversity present in modern northern European winter wheat (Triticum aestivum). There was no evidence for any homoeologous silencing at seven of the fifteen genes, but in the remaining eight, at least one of the three homoeologues varied qualitatively for expression in either the root or the seedling leaf. The identity of the non-expressed homoeologue was generally consistent, but when the expression profiles of eight informative genes were compared, only two varieties shared the same pattern of silencing. A small-scale study suggested that silencing patterns were largely inherited across self-pollinated generations, and some evidence is presented for the epigenetic segregation of these patterns in a population bred from parents having contrasting silencing profiles. Epigenetic variation exerts a significant effect on phenotype, so given the ubiquity and variability in homoeologous silencing observed in wheat, we suggest that it is likely to play a considerable role in generating phenotypic variation. Thus epigenetic profiling may need to be incorporated as part of the analytical tool kit for predictive wheat breeding.  相似文献   

Comparative study of disease resistance genes in crop plants and their relatives provides insight on resistance gene function, evolution and diversity. Here, we studied the allelic diversity of the Lr10 leaf rust resistance gene, a CC‐NBS‐LRR coding gene originally isolated from hexaploid wheat, in 20 diploid and tetraploid wheat lines. Besides a gene in the tetraploid wheat variety ‘Altar’ that is identical to the hexaploid wheat Lr10, two additional, functional resistance alleles showing sequence diversity were identified by virus‐induced gene silencing in tetraploid wheat lines. In contrast to most described NBS‐LRR proteins, the N‐terminal CC domain of LR10 was found to be under strong diversifying selection. A second NBS‐LRR gene at the Lr10 locus, RGA2, was shown through silencing to be essential for Lr10 function. Interestingly, RGA2 showed much less sequence diversity than Lr10. These data demonstrate allelic diversity of functional genes at the Lr10 locus in tetraploid wheat, and these new genes can now be analyzed for agronomic relevance. Lr10‐based resistance is highly unusual both in its dependence on two, only distantly, related CC‐NBS‐LRR proteins, as well as in the pattern of diversifying selection in the N‐terminal domain. This indicates a new and complex molecular mechanism of pathogen detection and signal transduction.  相似文献   

Summary A gene termed gpiB, coding for one of the two isoenzyme zones of glucose phosphate isomerase in Petunia, has been mapped to a locus on chromosome VII by means of linkage to the marker An4, and by an allelic dosage effect on enzyme activity in trisomics. The high degree of linkage of electrophoretic alleles of gpiB to the pollen colour allele pair An4/an4, as demonstrated in the ancestral species, P. axillaris s.l. and P. integrifolia s.l., has been conserved in all cultivars of P. hybrida investigated. Another gene, coding for the enzyme leucyl-aminopeptidase could also be mapped to chromosome VII and the gene order An4 — lapB — gpiB determined. Apparently, distribution of lapB alleles is not related to the hybrid descent of P. hybrida.  相似文献   

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