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Fox, M. W., The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine. Developmental Abnormalities of the Canine Skull. Prognathism of the upper jaw and partial agnathia of the lower jaw and related disorders including dental anomalies, palatitis, and otocephaly are described. Similarly, secondary or concurrent anomalies associated with brachygnathism are discussed where an excess of soft tissue in proportion to the size of the upper jaw and facial (brachyfacial) area may cause a variety of clinical conditions. The higher incidence of neoplasia of the CNS in brachycephalic dogs may be related to reduction in cranial capacity in proportion to brain volume and pressure changes are less easily compensated in the brachygnathic breeds.  相似文献   

In the present paper,both cladistic analysis and phenetic analysis were conducted to evaluate the phylogenetic relationships of the Taxodiaceae based on an extensive literature review and study of herbarium. In the cladistic analysis,the Sciadopityaceae was chosen as outgroup.The polarity of characters was determined mainly according to outgroup comparison,fossil evidence and generally accepted viewpoints of morphological evolution.By the result of compatibility analysis,character 2(leaf type),which possessed a much higher coefficient than others whether or not its polarity was altered,was deleted. Finally,a data matrix consisting of all the extant nine genera and 24 characters was analyzed using Maximal Same Step Method,Synthetic Method,Evolutionary Extremal Aggregation Method and Minimal Parallel Evolutionary Method,and four cladograms were generated,of which only the most parsimonious one (Fig.1)was presented for discussion. The cladogram shows that the Taxodiaceae are assorted along five lines of evolution: 1)Metasequoia;2)Sequoiadendron,Sequoia;3)Cryptomeria;4)Glyptostrobus and Taxodium;5)Cunninghamia,Athrotaxis and Taiwania. Ten genera(including Sciadopitys)and 59 characters were used in the phenetic analysis.The phenogram(Fig.2)indicates that Sciadopitys is a very distinct group with remote affinity to the other genera,and the Taxodiaceae are divided into four groups:1)Sequoia,Sequoiadendron;2)Athrotaxis,Cunninghamia and Taiwania;3)Cryptomeria,Glyptostrobus and Taxodium;4)Metasequoia. Based primarily on the result of cladistics,with reference to that of phenetics,the main conclusions were drawn as follows:(1)Generic relationships:Cryptomeria should be considered the most primitive genus in the extant groups of the Taxodiaceae. Glyptostrobus and Taxodium, close to Cryptomeria, are sister taxa and relatively primitive groups. Sequoiadendron and Sequoia are closely related and intermediate advanced. Metasequoia is a more or less isolated taxon, relatively close to Sequoiadendron and Sequoia. Cunninghamia. Athrotaxis and Taiwania might represent a single lineage and form a very advanced group, of which Taiwania may be the most specialized. (2) Systematic treatments: The authors support the viewpoint that Sciadopitys should be treated as an independent family, and suggest that the Taxodiaeae should be divided into five tribes. Systematic arrangements are as follows: Taxodiaceae Warming Trib. 1. Cryptomerieae Vierhapper Gen. 5. Sequoia Endl. Gen. 1. Cryptomeria D. Don Trib. 4. Metasequoieae Pilger et Melchior Trib. 2. Taxodieae Benth. et Hook. Gen. 6. Metasequoia Miki ex Hu et Cheng Gen. 2. Glyptostrobus Endl. Trib. 5. Cunninghamieae Zucc. Gen. 3. Taxodium Rich. Gen. 7. Cunninghamia R. Br. Trib. 3. Sequoieae Wettstein Gen. 8. Athrotaxis D. Don Gen. 4. Sequoiadendron Buchholz Gen. 9. Taiwania Hayata  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Two new classes Synchromophyceae and Picophagea, belonging to the heterokonts, have been proposed recently in separate studies of 18S rRNA phylogenies. Here we revise the 18S phylogeny of these classes by including all available sequenced species and applying Bayesian and maximum likelihood methods; Synchroma grande groups with the photophagotrophic Chlamydomyxa labyrinthuloides with high statistical support. This clade is sister to Chrysophyceae, together they share a common ancestry. Our results show that the creation of class Synchromophyceae by Horn et al. was premature, because they did not include data from the closely related C. labyrinthuloides and Picophagus flagellatus species. A revision of these classes should include additional species and most likely multigene phylogenies.  相似文献   

Based on a new record of the rare species Robustodorus megadorus from Utah, the generic diagnosis was amended to include the following characters: a labial disc surrounded by six pore-like sensilla; the absence of a cephalic disc; a lobed cephalic region devoid of annulation; a hexagonal inner cuticular structure of the pouch surrounding the stylet cone; large stylet knobs, rounded in outline and somewhat flattened on their lateral margins; a large spermatheca with an occluded lumen and lacking sperm; the excretory pore located between the median bulb and nerve ring. The stylet orifice consists of an open, ventral, elongate slit or groove. These characters distinguish the genus from the closely related genus Aphelenchoides. A lectotype and paralectotypes were designated. Results of phylogenetic analyses of the 18S and D2-D3 of 28S rRNA gene sequences revealed that R. megadorus occupies a basal position within one of the two main clades of the subfamily Aphelenchoidinae and shares close relationships with a species group of the genus Aphelenchoides that includes A. blastophthorus, A. fragariae, A. saprophilus, A. xylocopae, and A. subtenuis. Several specimens in our collection of R. megadorus were infected with Pasteuria sp. as were some of the paralectotypes.  相似文献   

目的:初步探讨中国绿水螅(Hydra sinensis)分子系统发生地位以及水螅属内部各类群系统发生关系。方法:采用酚-氯仿法提取中国绿水螅总DNA,扩增线粒体COI和16S r RNA基因片段并进行DNA序列测定,再利用Clustal及MEGA等生物信息学分析软件进行系统发生分析。结果:在本研究重建的所有系统发生树中,中国绿水螅始终与绿水螅Hydra viridissima的不同种群一起构成绿水螅单系群。同时,棕色水螅群的单系性被基于COI基因的NJ树以及基于16S r RNA基因的NJ树和ML树支持,唯独基于COI基因的ML树不支持棕色水螅群的单系发生。在基于COI基因的ML树中纤弱水螅族在系统树的基部独立为一支系,而绿水螅群和其他棕色水螅群水螅一起组成另一支系,提示纤弱水螅族水螅的系统发生地位值得进一步探讨。值得注意的是,根据本文的结果,棕色水螅群内3族的划分仍然有一定疑问。基于COI基因的NJ树和ML树支持普通水螅族、寡水螅族和纤弱水螅族各自族内的单系发生,但16S r RNA基因的NJ树和ML树中仅普通水螅族水螅聚为单系群,而寡水螅族和纤弱水螅族水螅各自并非单系发生。结论:把水螅属划分为绿水螅群及棕色水螅群有一定的合理性,但棕色水螅群内寡水螅族、普通水螅族和纤弱水螅族3族的划分还有待商榷。  相似文献   

This essay re-evaluates the phylogenetic position of the Cephalocarida in the light of the recently discovered Orsten (Upper Cambrian) crustaceans, the living Remipedia, and new interpretation of the Paleozoic ‘trilobitomorphs’. The Orsten crustaceans reinforce the belief that cephalocarid external morphology is primitive, except to show that the early crustacean trunk limb was almost surely biramous. The epipod appears to be a synapomorphy of the Cephalocarida, Branchiopoda and Malacostraca, thus justifying the existence of the Thoracopoda, which is coequal to the Maxillopoda and Remipedia. External morphology of the Remipedia is too specialized to support the hypothesis that it approximates that of the urcrustacean. Crustaceans and chelicerates are still best regarded as subgroups of the Schizoramia.  相似文献   

The small-subunit rRNA sequence of a species of Amoebophrya infecting Gymnodinium sanguineum in Chesapeake Bay was obtained and compared to the small subunit rRNA sequences of other protists. Phylogenetic trees constructed with the new sequence place Amoebophrya between the remaining dinoflagellates and other protists.  相似文献   

The Peroxidase Gene Family in Plants: A Phylogenetic Overview   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The 73 class III peroxidase genes in Arabidopsis thaliana were used for surveying the evolutionary relationships among peroxidases in the plant kingdom. In Arabidopsis, the 73 genes were clustered in robust similarity groups. Comparison to peroxidases from other angiosperms showed that the diversity observed in Arabidopsis preceded the radiation of dicots, whereas some clusters were absent from grasses. Grasses contained some unique peroxidase clusters not seen in dicot plants. We found peroxidases in other major groups of land plants but not in algae. This might indicate that the class III peroxidase gene family appeared with the colonization of land by plants. The present survey may be used as a rational basis for further investigating the functional roles of class III peroxidases.  相似文献   

Incorporation of the Rhizocephala in the Cirripedia, reflecting the traditional view that these parasites evolved from a setose feeding barnacle, has recently been challenged in favour of rhizocephalans being the sister group to all other Thecostraca or a scenario where they evolved from a free-living, ‘precirripede’ ancestor. Adult morphology is useless in discussing the monophyly of the Cirripedia, since rhizocephalan adults are too reduced to furnish any phylogenetic evidence. But numerous, detailed similarities in nauplii and cyprids of the Thoracica, Acrothoracica and Rhizocephala as well as the ultrastructure of their sperm are synapomorphic relative to other Thecostraca and indicate that these three orders form a monophylum. There is evidence that the stylet in the rhizocephalan kentrogon is homologous to an element in the ancestral mouth field. If so, the Rhizocephala probably evolved before setose feeding was adopted, and constitute the sister group to the Acrothoracica and Thoracica. This conclusion is based on frail evidence so the term Cirripedia should be retained to comprise the Rhizocephala, Thoracica, and Acrothoracica. These three orders all possess remarkably similar cyprids, adapted to accomplish irreversible settlement by cement secretion and initiate metamorphosis, so their last common ancestor was most probably a permanently sessile organism.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of the Comesomatidae have remained unresolved at the family level because they have diagnostic morphological features of both the Monhysterida and the Chromadorida. A comparison of the partial sequence of 18S rDNA from representative taxa of Comesomatidae and of morphological data, analyzed in conjunction with molecular and morphological data from monhysterids and chromadorids, suggests a closer relationship of the Comesomatidae with Monhysterida than with Chromadorida.  相似文献   

A comprehensive evolutionary analysis of aquaporins, a family of intrinsic membrane proteins that function as water channels, was conducted to establish groups of homology (i.e., to identify orthologues and paralogues) within the family and to gain insights into the functional constraints acting on the structure of the aquaporin molecule structure. Aquaporins are present in all living organisms, and therefore, they provide an excellent opportunity to further our understanding of the broader biological significance of molecular evolution by gene duplication followed by functional and structural specialization. Based on the resulting phylogeny, the 153 channel proteins analyzed were classified into six major paralogous groups: (1) GLPs, or glycerol-transporting channel proteins, which include mammalian AQP3, AQP7, and AQP9, several nematode paralogues, a yeast paralogue, and Escherichia coli GLP; (2) AQPs, or aquaporins, which include metazoan AQP0, AQP1, AQP2, AQP4, AQP5, and AQP6; (3) PIPs, or plasma membrane intrinsic proteins of plants, which include PIP1 and PIP2; (4) TIPs, or tonoplast intrinsic proteins of plants, which include alphaTIP, gammaTIP, and deltaTIP; (5) NODs, or nodulins of plants; and (6) AQP8s, or metazoan aquaporin 8 proteins. Of these groups, AQPs, PIPs, and TIPs cluster together. According to the results, the capacity to transport glycerol shown by several members of the family was acquired only early in the history of the family. The new phylogeny reveals that several water channel proteins are misclassified and require reassignment, whereas several previously undetermined ones can now be classified with confidence. The deduced phylogenetic framework was used to characterize the molecular features of water channel proteins. Three motifs are common to all family members: AEF (Ala-Glu-Phe), which is located in the N-terminal domain; and two NPA (Asp-Pro-Ala) boxes, which are located in the center and C-terminal domains, respectively. Other residues are found to be conserved within the major groups but not among them. Overall, the PIP subfamily showed the least variation. In general, no radical amino acid replacements affecting tertiary structure were identified, with the exception of Ala-->Ser in the TIP subfamily. Constancy of rates of evolution was demonstrated within the different paralogues but rejected among several of them (GLP and NOD).  相似文献   



Lacewings (insect order Neuroptera), known in the fossil record since the Early Permian, were most diverse in the Mesozoic. A dramatic variety of forms ranged in that time from large butterfly-like Kalligrammatidae to minute two-winged Dipteromantispidae.

Principal Findings

We describe the intriguing new neuropteran family Parakseneuridae fam. nov. with three new genera and 15 new species from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou (Inner Mongolia, China) and the Early/Middle Jurassic of Sai-Sagul (Kyrgyzstan): Parakseneura undula gen. et sp. nov., P. albomacula gen. et sp. nov., P. curvivenis gen. et sp. nov., P. nigromacula gen. et sp. nov., P. nigrolinea gen. et sp. nov., P. albadelta gen. et sp. nov., P. cavomaculata gen. et sp. nov., P. inflata gen. et sp. nov., P. metallica gen. et sp. nov., P. emarginata gen. et sp. nov., P. directa gen. et sp. nov., Pseudorapisma jurassicum gen. et sp. nov., P. angustipenne gen. et sp. nov., P. maculatum gen. et sp. nov. (Daohugou); Shuraboneura ovata gen. et sp. nov. (Sai-Sagul). The family comprises large neuropterans with most primitive wing venation in the order indicated by the presence of ScA and AA1+2, and the dichotomous branching of MP, CuA, CuP, AA3+4, AP1+2. The phylogenetic position of Parakseneuridae was investigated using a phylogenetic analysis of morphological scoring for 33 families of extinct and extant Neuropterida combined with DNA sequence data for representatives of all extant families. Parakseneuridae were recovered in a clade with Osmylopsychopidae, Prohemerobiidae, and Ithonidae.


The presence of the presumed AA1+2 in wings of Parakseneuridae is a unique plesiomorphic condition hitherto unknown in Neuropterida, the clade comprising Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Raphidioptera. The relative uncertainty of phylogenetic position of Parakseneuridae and the majority of other families of Neuroptera reflects deficient paleontological data, especially from critical important periods for the order, earliest Triassic and latest Triassic/earliest Jurassic.  相似文献   

A cladistic analysis of all known genera in the Carangidae was made mostly on the basis of external and osteological characters. Polarity for each character was determined by outgroup comparison using the echeneoids as the first outgroup and the Nematistiidae as the second. In the Carangini, there were four hypothesized monophyletic groups at the rank of sub-tribe. Parastromateus is the sister group of the remaining twenty-one carangine genera which are divided into three groups. The first group consists of a single genus Megalaspis. The second group is composed of Trachurus, Decapterus, Selar, Atule, Selaroides, Pantolabus, Alepes, Hemicaranx, Pseudocaranx, Kaiwarinus, and Chloroscombrus. The third group comprises Uraspis Caranx, Gnathanodon, Carang ichthys, Carangoides, Atropus, Ulua, Alectis, and Selene.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The phylogenetic diversity of parabasalian flagellates from termite hindguts has been examined by small subunit ribosomal RNA (rRNA) amplification and sequencing. Two species of particular interest, the giant trichomonad Pseudotrypanosoma giganteum and the hypermastigote Trichonympha magna, were isolated from the gut of Porotermes adamsoni by micropipetting. and the rRNA genes from these small populations amplified and sequenced. rRNA genes representing Hypermastigida and the Trichomonadida families Devescovinidae and Trichomonadidae. were also recovered by amplification from whole hindguts of three termites, P. adamsoni, Cryptotermes brevis , and Cryptotermes dudleyi. The parabasalian rRNA genes from C. brevis were found to comprise a unique and extremely heterogeneous lineage with no clear affinities to any known parabasalian rRNAs. In addition, one of the sequences isolated from P. Adamsoni was found to be similar to another uncharacterised rRNA gene from Reticulitermes flavipes. The phylogeny of all known parabasalian small subunit rRNAs was examined with these new sequences. We find many taxonomic groups to be supported by rRNA, but not all. We have found the root of parabasalia to be very difficult to discern accurately, but have nevertheless identified several possible positions.  相似文献   

DNA聚合酶x家族的系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着DNA聚合酶x家族成员数量的增加,家族内部的系统发育需要重新检查,来自病毒和细胞的DNA聚合酶x家族成员顺序第一次被汇编在一起,进行系统发育分析。分析显示:真核生物DNA聚合酶beta(polβ)可能起源于病毒基因的水平转移;DNA聚合酶mu(polμ)基因仅存在于哺乳动物基因中,是脱氧核苷酸末端转移酶(TdT)的重复基因;DNA聚合酶lambda(polλ)可能是polμ和TdT的祖先基因,但在某些物种的进化过程中发生了基因丢失。  相似文献   

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