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The systematic distribution of tannins in foliar tissues has not been comprehensively reviewed for the Angiosperms in over 20 years. Here their systematic distribution is assessed using data based on protein precipitation or chemically specific tests. Fewer families are characterized by the typical presence of tannins than has previously been reported, and a greater variation in the occurrence of tannins in species sampled from within single plant families has been detected. This study presents the proportion of tannin-containing species in angiosperm families arranged according to the system of Cronquist for the first time. The potential utility of these data in testing ecological ideas about the distribution of tannins, such as those based on plant habit or life-history, is discussed.  相似文献   

M. L. Taper  T. J. Case 《Oecologia》1987,71(2):254-261
Plant species vary tremendously in the number of phytophagous species they support. May (1979) and Price (1980) proposed that some of this variation may be due to variation in biochemical defenses. We find that variation between oak species in leaf tannin levels is positively correlated with 1) variation in the numbers of species of leaf-galling cynipid wasps those trees host; and 2) the density of individual galls per oak leaf. We hypothesize that leaf and gall tannins serve a protective function for cynipids, decreasing the amount of cynipid larval mortality due to fungal infestation. This defensive function would explain the observed positive relationships between oak tannin levels and cynipid diversity as well as cynipid abundance.  相似文献   

Immunological methods for the determination of animal diets are reviewed. The potential of immunology for identifying animal and plant foods of both vertebrates and invertebrates is discussed, and guidelines given for the selection of appropriate techniques for specific projects.  相似文献   

Gross GG 《Phytochemistry》2008,69(18):3018-3031
In the early 1960s, enzyme studies increasingly began to replace the common ‘feeding’ experiments in which labeled tracers were applied to living plants or plant parts for elucidating metabolic pathways. This advanced technique allowed to gain much deeper insights into individual details of metabolic sequences, and particularly on the previously inaccessible role of activated ‘energy-rich’ intermediates. Based on the author’s own experience for the past 40+ years in this field, principal findings and trends elucidating the pathways to lignin and lignin precursors, acyl amides and hydrolyzable tannins (gallotannins, ellagitannins) by enzyme studies are reported.  相似文献   

稳定同位素技术在水域生态系统研究中的应用   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
稳定同位素作为一种天然的示踪物,应用十分广泛,其在水域生态学中的应用也日益受到重视。生物同位素组成总是与其食物同位素组成相一致,能随食物的改变而相应地发生改变,是生物生存状况的理想指示物,为水域生态系统食物网结构与功能、物质流与能量流的研究提供了有力的技术支撑。在综评稳定同位素技术原理与方法的基础上,较为详细地对其应用于水域生态研究的理论基础与进展进行了总结。该方法的应用以水域中生产者同位素组成差异为前提,主要涉及确定食物来源、食物的贡献比例、营养级的确定、食物网结构的构建及鱼类等水生生物的洄游及迁移路线等方面,这些研究对了解生态系统的动态变化与外界环境对其影响具有重要意义。并对我国此类研究的前景和存在问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The plankton community plays an especially important role in the functioning of aquatic ecosystems and also in biogeochemical cycles. Since the beginning of marine research expeditions in the 1870s, an enormous number of planktonic organisms have been described and studied. Plankton investigation has become one of the most important areas of aquatic ecological study, as well as a crucial component of aquatic environmental evaluation. Nonetheless, traditional investigations have mainly focused on morphospecies composition, abundances and dynamics, which primarily depend on morphological identification and counting under microscopes. However, for many species/groups, with few readily observable characteristics, morphological identification and counting have historically been a difficult task. Over the past decades, microbiologists have endeavored to apply and extend molecular techniques to address questions in microbial ecology. These culture-independent studies have generated new insights into microbial ecology. One such strategy, metagenome-based analysis, has also proved to be a powerful tool for plankton research. This mini-review presents a brief history of plankton research using morphological and metagenome- based approaches and the potential applications and further directions of metagenomic analyses in plankton ecological studies are discussed. The use of metagenome-based approaches for plankton ecological study in aquatic ecosystems is encouraged.  相似文献   

生态网络分析方法研究综述   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:5  
李中才  徐俊艳  吴昌友  张漪 《生态学报》2011,31(18):5396-5405
生态网络分析方法是分析生态系统作用关系、辨识系统内在、整体属性的一种有效的系统分析方法。总结了生态网络分析方法的主要研究成果:网络结构特性、网络稳定性、网络上升性、网络效能等;介绍了构建生态网络模型过程和群落构建规则;以德国西部城市诺伊斯河口氮循环为例,介绍David K是如何运用生态网络分析方法来揭示网络中的微动力流循环规律。生态网络分析方法的主要贡献:(1)对人们凭经验感知的生态系统分室间的关联关系,采用了严密的数学模型和推导进行了描述和证明;(2)为生态系统的微动力流循环的研究提供了方法,对生态系统中物质流的间接循环作用进行了科学论证;(3)不仅为分析生态系统提供了一种科学的数学方法,而且,它为探索生态系统提供了不同与牛顿世界观的崭新的认识论。总结与回顾生态网络分析方法,有益于该方法的运用和进一步完善。  相似文献   

It is widely believed that insect herbivory is less intense at higher latitudes, due to winter mortality which would tend to keep insect herbivores from reaching density-limitation of their populations. One prediction of this theory is that plants should tend to be better defended at lower latitudes. Here we investigated latitudinal trends in herbivory and tannins, in four species of common North American trees. Our comparisons spanned 15° of latitude in Acer rubrum, Fagus grandifolia, and Quercus alba, and 10° latitude in Liquidambar styraciflua. Sun leaves on forest edges were sampled, at phenologically equivalent times of year. Analysis revealed significant differences between populations, including those at similar latitudes, but no significant latitudinal trend in herbivory, condensed and hydrolyzable tannins, or total phenolics measured as Folin–Denis reactives in any of the four species. Our findings contradict the theory that low latitude plants are better defended, in that lower latitude populations of the four tree species showed no greater amounts of phenolics. The possible implications for community ecology are discussed. Jonathan M. Adams, Brian Rehill, and Yangjian Zhang are equal joint lead authorship on this paper.  相似文献   

Two distribution-free permutation techniques are described for the analysis of ecological data. These methods are completely data dependent and provide analyses for the commonly-encountered completely-randomized and randomized-block designs in a multivariate framework. Euclidean distance forms the basis of both techniques, providing consistency with the observed distribution of data in many ecological studies.Abbreviations MRPP= Multiresponse permutation procedure - MRBP= Ibid, randomized block analog  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the effect of tamarind seed husk (TSH) as a source of tannin on various parameters of rumen fermentation in vitro. The TSH contained 14% tannin (DM basis). The biological interference of TSH tannin on rumen fermentation was assessed using polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 as an indicator. Three compound feed mixtures (CFM) were prepared either without TSH (CFM-I), with 2.5% TSH (CFM-II) and with 7.5% TSH (CFM-III). Parameters studied were in vitro gas production with PEG, rate of substrate degradation, and microbial protein synthesis. Addition of PEG to TSH resulted in an increase in gas production from 5.5 to 16.5 ml per 200 mg DM. Presence of TSH tannin depressed cumulative gas production by 16.8% in CFM-II, and by 29.2% in CFM-III during initial stages of fermentation (i.e. at 8 h). Rate of substrate disappearance (T1/2) was 14.4, 17.6 and 20.5 h in CFM-I, CFM-II and CFM-III, respectively. Irrespective of the carbohydrate source, presence of TSH tannin improved the efficiency of microbial protein synthesis in vitro. Thus, TSH is a natural source of tannin that can be used to beneficially manipulate rumen fermentation.  相似文献   

Protein farnesyltransferase and protein geranylgeranyltransferase type I catalyze the transfer of a 15- and a 20-carbon prenyl group, respectively, from a prenyl diphosphate to a cysteine residue at the carboxyl terminus of target proteins, with the concomitant release of diphosphate. Common substrates include oncogenic Ras proteins, which are implicated in up to 30% of all human cancers, making prenyltransferases a viable target for chemotherapeutic drugs. A coupled assay has been developed to measure the rate constant of diphosphate (PPi) dissociation during the prenyltransferase reaction under both single and multiple turnover conditions. In this assay, the PPi group produced in the prenyltransferase reaction is rapidly cleaved by inorganic pyrophosphatase to form phosphate (Pi), which is then bound by a coumarin-labeled phosphate binding protein from Escherichia coli, resulting in a fluorescence increase. The observed rate constant for PPi release is equal to the rate constant of prenylation of the peptide, as measured by other assays, so that this nonradioactive assay can be used to measure prenyltransferase activity under either single or multiple turnover conditions. This assay can be adapted for high-throughput screening for potential prenyltransferase substrates and inhibitors.  相似文献   

We studied the nutritional behaviour of hinds foraging on a mixed-forest edge by direct observation of their choices at each season and by measuring nutrient concentration in the plants. We compared nutrient concentrations in the observed diets with those in the total available vegetation, and with those of 1,000 randomly simulated diets in which we included only those plants that were actually eaten by the animal. Whether the available or the consumed feeds were used as the basis for comparisons had important consequences due to the presence of conifers and ferns, which were high in soluble sugars but were never eaten by the animals (potentially due to their toxicity). The selected diets were lower in sugars than the total available vegetation in summer, but were actually higher in sugars than the random diets generated from consumed forage species only. Hind diets contained more soluble sugars but not more protein than simulated diets in all seasons. Contrary to our prediction, anti-nutritional compounds (ADL and tannins) were avoided only in winter. Compared to simulated diets, hinds consumed more tannins in spring and summer and more ADL in summer and autumn. We suggest that this was a consequence of selection for soluble sugars, because the preferred plant species, which had high soluble sugar concentrations, also contained a large proportion of the anti-nutritional compounds eaten. In winter, the grass-dominated diets contained more fibre (NDF) and less ADL than the simulated diets, indicating that hinds orient their feeding towards digestible fibres. The switch from a browser to a grazer diet was related to a change in the availability of the nutrients, mainly soluble sugars. In our study, grasses contained more soluble sugars and proteins than deciduous browse during winter. This calls into question the dichotomy usually assumed in the literature between grass and browse in terms of nutrient content. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(4):102005
Acrobasis nuxvorella Neuzing (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), or the Pecan Nut Casebearer (PNC), is a monophagous pecan nut [Carya illinoinensis (Wang) K. Koch] herbivore. This insect has caused major crop losses, despite pecan nut trees producing a high concentration of tannins, which are deterrent compounds for insects. The PNC consumes and processes tannin-rich tissues without any negative effects on its nutrition. Certain bacterial species of the herbivore gut microbiota have been proven to produce tannase, therefore, we hypothesize that the PNC has symbiotic bacteria that produce tannase for the digestion of tannin contained in their food.In this work, live PNC larvae were extracted from pecan nutlets. The larval guts were dissected and their contents were cultured to obtain the cultivable bacteria. A total of 224 bacterial isolates were recovered, 19 of which tested positive for tannase activity. Isolates LB66, LB24, TT29, and TP8 displayed comparable activity to the control strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Further enzyme semi-purification steps showed specific tannase activity values in the range of 39.5–3.7 U/mg of protein. The isolates were identified as Bacillus pumilus strain TT29, Bacillus pumilus strain LB66, Bacillus pumilus strain LB24 and Sthaphylococcus warneri (TP8) by 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing. Our findings indicate that PNC larvae contain gut bacteria able to produce tannase that hydrolyze the galloyl ester bonds in tannins.  相似文献   

We have developed a model including three serial compliant compartments (arterial, capillary, and venous) separated by two resistances (arterial and venous) for interpreting in vivo single pulmonary arterial or venous occlusion pressure profiles and double occlusion. We formalized and solved the corresponding system of equations. We showed that in this model 1) pulmonary capillary pressure (Pc) profile after arterial or venous occlusion has an S shape, 2) the estimation of Pc by zero time extrapolation of the slow component of the arterial occlusion profile (Pcao) always overestimates Pc, 3) symmetrically such an estimation on the venous occlusion profile (Pcvo) always underestimates Pc, 4) double occlusion pressure (Pcdo) differs from Pc. We evaluated the impact of varying parameter values in the model with parameter sets drawn either from the literature or from arbitrary arterial and venous pressures, being respectively 20 and 5 mmHg. Resulting Pcao-Pc differences ranged from 0.4 to 5.4 mmHg and resulting Pcvo-Pc differences ranged from -0.3 to -5.0 mmHg. Pcdo-Pc was positive or negative, its absolute value in general being negligible (< 1.1 mmHg).  相似文献   

Aggregation phenomena of tannin with bovine serum albumin were investigated by light scattering techniques including photon correlation spectroscopy and Rayleigh scattering. Tannin and albumin formed particles with diameters less than 1 microm at neutral pH. As revealed by this study, light scattering methods are useful in investigating aggregation phenomena of biomolecules and in directly quantifying tannin content.  相似文献   

Saravanan RS  Rose JK 《Proteomics》2004,4(9):2522-2532
Most published proteomics studies of bulk plant tissues use a procedure in which proteins are precipitated with trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and acetone (TCA-A), but few attempts have been made to contrast this approach in a systematic way with alternative methods against a spectrum of tissues. To address this, TCA-A was compared with another acetone-based protocol (TCA-B) or a phenol (Phe)-based method, targeting a range of tomato tissues and three species of fruits that contain high levels of contaminating compounds: banana, avocado and orange. The Phe method gave a higher protein yield and typically greater resolution and spot intensity, particularly with extracts from tissues containing high levels of soluble polysaccharides. The methods also generated remarkably different two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) protein spot patterns. Peptide mass fingerprinting was used to identify polypeptides that were common to multiple extracts or uniquely present in one extract type. While no clear pattern emerged to explain the basis for the differential protein extraction, it was noted that the Phe method showed enhanced extraction of glycoproteins. These results suggest that the Phe protocol is highly effective with more recalcitrant tissues and that a combination of TCA-A and Phe methods provides enhanced 2-DE based proteomic analyses of most plant tissues.  相似文献   

目前,我国的肿瘤发病率为285.91/10万,平均每分钟有6人被诊断为恶性肿瘤,因此肿瘤的早期诊断的重要性显而易见。随着分子生物学、免疫学诊断技术的飞速发展,寻找肿瘤诊断和预后的特异性标志物已成为近期研究的热点。蛋白质是生命活动中多项功能的执行者,可以直接反映基因给予的信息。相比于基因,蛋白质的表达谱更可以直接地反映功能机制。针对蛋白质的生物特性,本文总结了目前临床中筛查肿瘤蛋白标志物分析技术,如双向凝胶电泳、基质辅助激光解吸/电离-飞行时间质谱、表面增强激光解吸/电离-飞行时间质谱、蛋白质芯片技术,并对未来肿瘤蛋白标志物筛查提出新的展望。  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are specialized leukocytes that orchestrate the adaptive immune response. Mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomic study of these cells presents technical challenges, especially when the DCs are human in origin due to the paucity of available biological material. Here, to maximize MS coverage of the global human DC proteome, different cell disruption methods, lysis conditions, protein precipitation, and protein pellet solubilization and denaturation methods were compared. Mechanical disruption of DC cell pellets under cryogenic conditions, coupled with the use of RIPA (radioimmunoprecipitation assay) buffer, was shown to be the method of choice based on total protein extraction and on the solubilization and identification of nuclear proteins. Precipitation by acetone was found to be more efficient than that by 10% trichloroacetic acid (TCA)/acetone, allowing in excess of 28% more protein identifications. Although being an effective strategy to eliminate the detergent residue, the acetone wash step caused a loss of protein identifications. However, this potential drawback was overcome by adding 1% sodium deoxycholate into the dissolution buffer, which enhanced both solubility of the precipitated proteins and digestion efficiency. This in turn resulted in 6 to 11% more distinct peptides and 14 to 19% more total proteins identified than using 0.5 M triethylammonium bicarbonate alone, with the greatest increase (34%) for hydrophobic proteins.  相似文献   

Abstract New methods for performing quantitative proteome analyses based on differential labeling protocols or label-free techniques are reported in the literature on an almost monthly basis. In parallel, a correspondingly vast number of software tools for the analysis of quantitative proteomics data has also been described in the literature and produced by private companies. In this article we focus on the review of some of the most popular techniques in the field and present a critical appraisal of several software packages available to process and analyze the data produced. We also describe the importance of community standards to support the wide range of software, which may assist researchers in the analysis of data using different platforms and protocols. It is intended that this review will serve bench scientists both as a useful reference and a guide to the selection and use of different pipelines to perform quantitative proteomics data analysis. We have produced a web-based tool ( http://www.proteosuite.org/?q=other_resources ) to help researchers find appropriate software for their local instrumentation, available file formats, and quantitative methodology.  相似文献   

Among‐individual variation in antibody‐associated immunity to gastrointestinal nematode parasites (GIN) is known be associated with life‐history traits and vital rates in wild vertebrate systems. To date, measurement of levels of antibodies against GIN antigens in natural populations has exclusively been based on invasive blood sampling techniques. Previous work in laboratory rodents and ruminant livestock suggests that antibody measures from feces may provide a viable noninvasive approach. We measured total and anti‐GIN antibodies of different isotypes (immunoglobulin (Ig) G, IgA and IgE) from paired samples of plasma and feces from free‐living Soay sheep of different ages and sexes. We tested the correlations among these measures as well as their associations with body mass and Strongyle nematode fecal egg counts (FEC). Significant positive correlations were present among plasma and fecal anti‐GIN antibody levels for IgG and IgA. Generally, correlations between total antibody levels in plasma and feces were weaker and not significant. No significant relationships were found between any antibody measures and body mass; however, fecal anti‐GIN antibody levels were significantly negatively correlated with FEC. Our data clearly demonstrate the feasibility of measuring anti‐GIN antibodies from fecal samples collected in natural populations. Although associations of fecal antibody levels with their plasma counterparts and FEC were relatively weak, the presence of significant correlations in the predicted direction in a relatively small and heterogeneous sample suggests fecal antibody measures could be a useful, noninvasive addition to current eco‐immunological studies.  相似文献   

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