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嫩江高峰林区白腰朱顶雀的环志回收   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高峰鸟类保护环志站地处大、小兴安岭之间的嫩江河谷东岸,松嫩平原北麓。特殊的地理位置使这里成为候鸟经松嫩平原迁徙途中重要的停歇地和食物补给站。自1998年开展环志以来,截止2005年12月末,在该地区发现鸟类210种,隶属15目36科,环志鸟类163种163305只,其中,白腰朱顶雀(Carduelis flammea)环志26157只,是高峰鸟类保护环志站环志数量最多的种类。2003年2月10日挪威回收到由高峰鸟类保护环志站环志的一只白腰朱顶雀,成为中国开展鸟类环志20多年来,欧洲国家回收到的第一只中国环志鸟。之后,在俄罗斯、荷兰也相继回收到高峰环志的鸟类,使高峰鸟类保护环志工作再度引起鸟类学家的关注。  相似文献   

<正>2016年11月5日,作者在云南省大理市鹤庆县草海湿地(26°36′13″N,100°11′27″E,海拔2 193 m)观察到一只秧鸡科(Rallidae)鸟类:体长约20 cm;嘴较短,基部红色,端部黄色;黑色过眼纹上下具两条醒目白色条纹;喉近白;颈侧及胸灰色;背部暗褐,羽缘色浅;尾短而尖,微上翘;尾下覆羽皮黄色。经查阅相关文献确定  相似文献   

正采用夜鹰HD-SG-009红外相机对宁夏泾源县六盘山国家级自然保护区的哺乳动物及地面活动的鸟类进行监测期间,于2018年6月10日在二龙河林场安放的红外相机(35°16′24.35″N,106°20′56.84″E,海拔2 535 m)拍摄到一种雀形目鸟类(图1a)。该鸟除翅和尾羽黑褐色外,其余全为橄榄褐色;嘴橘黄色,眼圈黄色,腿和爪暗肉色。2019年3月9日在六盘山国家级自然保护区(35°24′19.38″N,106°23′13.08″E,海拔1 782 m)拍摄到一种雀形目鸟类(图1b)。其额、头顶、枕、眼先、眼周均为黑色;耳羽灰褐或棕褐色,背、肩、腰至尾上覆羽土  相似文献   

2012年4月14日,在湖南八大公山国家级自然保护区天平山林区夫天垭管理站周边(29°47′58.74″N,110°05′10.92″E,海拔1 397 m)观察到3只雀形目(Passeriformes)鸟类,经查阅书籍(约翰·马敬能等2000,Robson 2008,Brazil 2009),鉴定为红交嘴雀(Loxia curvirostra).该鸟种在湖南各地鸟类多样性研究论文中未见报道(郑作新1961,邓学建等1993,1996,1998,1999,李自君等2005,王德良等2005,周毅等2007),且《中国动物志鸟纲》、《中国鸟类志》、《中国鸟类分类与分布名录》等专著的分布地区未列入湖南,故确定为湖南省鸟类新记录.  相似文献   

<正>2014年11月2日下午16∶00左右,笔者在四川省雅安市天全县向阳村滨河公园工地(30°03'18″N,102°45'16″E,海拔735 m)发现并拍摄到雀形目鸟类一只,经鉴定为燕雀科Fringillidae的蒙古沙雀Rhodopechys mongolicus,为四川省鸟类新纪录。该鸟嘴厚重而呈暗角质色,全身以沙褐色为主,喉部、覆羽沾粉红色,胁部粉红色不明显。发现时,该鸟在防洪堤上觅食,11月3日该鸟在离首次发现地点50 m左右的草丛中觅食。此后未再发现该鸟,其居留情况有待进一步观察。  相似文献   

正2016年2月10日,笔者于天津古海岸与湿地国家级自然保护区七里海东海核心区(39°17′56″N,117°35′11″E,海拔6 m)观察到2只北长尾山雀(Aegithalos caudatus)活动于林下的灌草丛中(图1)。观察到的北长尾山雀头纯白色,背黑色,肩羽葡萄红色,尾上覆羽和尾羽黑色,外侧尾羽白色,下体白色,腹和两胁沾淡葡萄红色,尾下覆羽暗葡萄红色。同区域还记录到棕头鸦雀(Sinosuthora webbiana)、震旦鸦雀(Paradoxornis heudei)、苇鹀(Emberiza pallasi)等雀形目鸟类。  相似文献   

<正>2013年4月24日、6月9日和6月27日,在青海省三江源国家级自然保护区玛可河地区友谊林场(32°40′N,101°2′E,海拔3 240 m)、格日则沟原始林区(32°44′N,101°10′E,海拔3 480 m)针叶树干以及玛可河干流岸边(32°40′N,100°57′E,海拔3 270 m)杨树上共观察到7只?形目鸟类,并拍摄到清晰数码照片。该鸟体形中等,  相似文献   

2020年11月14日,笔者在云南省曲靖市会泽黑颈鹤国家级自然保护区进行鸟类监测时,于大桥片区三家村附近(103°16′07″E,26°42′10″N,海拔2492 m)记录到1只大型涉禽(图1),该鸟整体呈白色,侧面观察可见翅上覆羽为粉红色,停歇时可见初级飞羽为黑色;喙镰刀状,灰白色,先端为黑色;腿部为灰色,鉴定为亚...  相似文献   

正2019年4月10日,在天津市滨海新区海洋高新区新河东干渠边绿化带里(39°04′6″N,117°37′50″E,海拔0 m)观察到一只小型雀形目鸟类在树枝上伺机捕捉飞过的昆虫。用尼康P900S数码相机拍摄照片多张,后经鉴定该鸟为灰林(即鸟)(Saxicolaferreus)(图1)。同区域亦有红胁蓝尾鸲(Tarsiger cyanurus)、黄腰柳莺(Phylloscopus proregulus)、斑鸫(Turduseunomus)、棕头鸦雀(Sinosuthorawebbiana)等栖息觅  相似文献   

<正>2013年4月24日、25日及26日在青海省三江源国家级自然保护区玛可河保护分区内格日则沟(101°7'E,32°40'N,海拔3250 m)、美浪沟(100°56'E,32°47'N,海拔3450 m)和哑巴沟(101°4'E,32°41'N,3190 m)野外考察期间观察到11只雀形目鸟类,并拍摄到清晰数码照片,经鉴定为高山旋木雀Certhia himalayana。此种鸟喉白色,眉纹白色,上体黑褐色具明显点状白斑,嘴较其他旋木雀显长而下弯,尾上具明显横斑。发现时呈螺旋形环绕树干攀爬,边攀爬边啄食树皮上的昆虫。经查阅《中国鸟  相似文献   

The identification and monitoring of emerging infectious diseases in free living wild birds is a challenge to wildlife biologists. In this study, a non-invasive methodology for identifying salmonellosis in wild garden birds was developed. We focussed on greenfinch, Carduelis chloris, which were found to have a seasonal pattern in the occurrence of Salmonella Typhimurium DT 56(v). Principal components analysis of biometric data indicated that low fat and low weight could be useful indicators of Salmonella positive greenfinch. A combination of biometrics taken from live birds, faecal analysis, and behavioural observations provide an effective and efficient system for identifying the presence of salmonellosis within greenfinch.  相似文献   

KRISTJAN LILLIENDAHL 《Ibis》2000,142(4):587-595
The effect of increased perceived risk of predation on the trajectory describing the daily gain in body mass of captive Greenfinches Carduelis chloris was tested. Theoretically, increased risk of predation is expected to shift the gain in body mass towards the latter part of the day and reduce body mass. The perceived risk of predation was increased with a stuffed flying hawk three times per day. Following each presentation of the predator, foraging stopped and the birds lost mass. When feeding resumed, the birds compensated for the mass loss by increasing the rate of body mass gain, in line with theoretical predictions. In the presence of the predator, the daily accumulation of body reserves was lower compared with risk-free situations. However, on the days following presentation of the hawk, when the birds were presumably aware of an increased risk of predation, Greenfinches did not exhibit the predicted change in reserve accumulation, but rather maintained their usual pattern of body mass gain.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(4):1251-1255
We tested whether communally roosting greenfinches Carduelis chloris obtained information from conspecifics on the distribution of unpredictable food sources (sunflower seeds, Helianthus sp.) during a severe winter. Seeds were provided at randomly chosen sites in the afternoon and the numbers of greenfinches at these bait sites in the afternoon and the following morning were compared. Numbers did not increase from the afternoon to the morning in eight out of nine trials where greenfinches turned up at the bait sites. Attraction to the bait decreased with increasing ambient temperatures, more birds turning up during severe frost. Subordinate females were attracted to the bait more frequently than dominant male greenfinches.  相似文献   

通过2016和2017两年的野外鸟类调查,发现青海省分布新记录鸟类6种,分别为冠鱼狗(Megaceryle lugubris)、蓝矶鸫(Monticola solitaries philippensis)、灰蓝姬鹟(Ficedula tricolor)、铜蓝鹟(Eumyias thalassina thalassina)、红胁绣眼鸟(Zosterops erythropleurus)和红额金翅雀(Carduelis carduelis paraponisi)。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Large numbers of coccidian oocysts belonging to the genus Isospora were obtained from the intestinal contents of 98 Carduelis atrata imported into Italy from South America during the months of August through December 1994. The oocysts are sub-spherical and average 21 × 20.3 μm (19.4–23.5 μm × 18.5–22 μm), have a bilayered wall, and an oval polar granule (rarely two). The sporocysts are elliptical and measure 18.8 μm × 10.3 μm (17.5–18.94 μm × 9.5–11.0 μm). The Stieda body protrudes slightly from the end of the sporocyst. A large sporocyst residuum is present, consisting of many granules that may be in a compact mass or scattered. Since this Isospora sp.does not resemble any other species of Isospora previously described from birds of the genus Carduelis , it has been named Isospora atrata n. sp. after the host. Disseminated asexual stages were found in mononuclear cells derived from formalin-fixed post mortem material, suggesting this coccidian may represent an Atoxoplasma -like parasite. Four coccidia-free Serinus canarius L. cohabitated for a long period (4 mo) with infected C. atrata but oocysts were never found in the stool of these birds.  相似文献   

Summary American goldfinches (Carduelis tristis) were observed roosting in Colorado blue spruce (Picea pungens), which comprised part of a mixed stand of conifers. Their winter roost-sites were distally situated among the most densely-needled branches on the leeward sides of these trees. Heated and unheated taxidermic goldfinch mounts were placed within these sites and at the same height in an adjacent clearing. The radiative and convective characteristics of these locations were monitored simultaneously and compared to predicted power requirements of live goldfinches (based on laboratory calibration of heated mounts) and operative temperatures (T e ; based on body temperatures of unheated mounts). The winter roost-sites significantly reduced radiative and convective heat exchanges between goldfinches and the environment. Based on body composition data for winter goldfinches, all but two birds sampled could endure a 15-h roost period at average overnight T e 's as low as-40°C. In contrast, if these birds were prevented from feeding the following day, only 30% could survive the imposition of a 39-h fast at average T e 's of-2°C. Winter roost-site selection may be more constrained by thermoregulatory considerations in small birds than in larger species.  相似文献   

J. C. SENAR  J. L. COPETE  A. J. MARTIN 《Ibis》1998,140(4):661-669
Siskins Carduelis spinus show great variation in the acquisition of adult plumage, so that yearling birds can be classified as either "delayed" (i.e. still showing yearling plumage) or "advanced" (i.e. with an adult plumaged appearance). The extent of moult in males is related to the size of their black bib, which in turn is highly correlated with their social dominance rank. Autumn male body mass is higher in advanced than in delayed moult birds, but by winter the relationship is reversed, suggesting a trade-off between investment in moult and subsequent body condition. Results were similar in Spain and Britain. A possible cost of advancing moult is suggested by an analysis of aggressive interactions at bird feeding tables which showed that adult males discriminate between delayed and advanced birds, directing most aggression towards adult-looking yearling males. The results suggest that the variation in the extent of postjuvenile moult is not only related to energetic constraints but has other important behavioural and ecological implications.  相似文献   

Behavioural integration associated with the fusion of two flocks is analyzed in captive siskins (Carduelis spinus) by quantifying changes in social behaviour with time since joining. In general there was an increase in the incidence of tolerant behaviour, supplanting attacks and hopping withdrawals with time since fusion of the flocks. However, the number of displays and flights showed the opposite, negative, trend. Taking dominance status into account, the greatest change in behaviour with time since joining is an increase in tolerance by dominants of new flock companions. Factorial analysis of correspondences was used to study how different birds changed their behaviour with time since joining a flock. This analysis showed that the introduction of new birds did not disrupt relationships with familiar birds, and that residents are dominant in interactions with the incoming new flock companions. The analysis also demonstrated that relationships within the new flock had stabilized 20 days after the flocks had joined. The characteristics of the socially integrated group of siskins are quite similar to those described by Rohwer & Ewald (1981) in their shepherds hypothesis: dominants tolerate their subordinates feeding in close proximity, offering them a profitable feeding area, but also supplant them to obtain food; both dominants and subordinates benefit from being in a flock. As a consequence, constant changes of membership in flocks is costly not only because birds lose dominance status, but also the advantages of clear dominant and subordinate roles.  相似文献   

河北邢台市森林公园鸟类区系调查初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武宇红  吴跃峰 《四川动物》2005,24(4):562-567
2003年3月~2005年4月对邢台市森林公园的鸟类进行了调查,共记录鸟类121种,隶属15目38科.其中留鸟27种,占总数的22.31%;夏候鸟26种,占总数的21.49%;冬候鸟10种,占总数的8.26%;旅鸟58种,占总数的47.94%.山斑鸠(Streptopelia orientalis)、珠颈斑鸠(Streptopelia chinensis)、家燕(Hirundo rustica)、白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)、灰椋鸟(Sturnus cineraceus)、喜鹊(Pica pica)、大山雀(Parus major)、[树]麻雀(Passer montanus)、金翅[雀](Carduelis sinica)、小鹀(Emberiza pusilla)等10种鸟为公园的优势鸟种.国家Ⅱ级保护重点鸟类11种,河北省重点保护鸟类11种.  相似文献   

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