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Physiological strategies driving the reduction of poorly crystalline Fe(III) oxide by the thermophilic Gram-positive dissimilatory Fe(III)-reducing bacterium C. ferrireducens were evaluated. Direct cell-to-mineral contact appears to be the major physiological strategy for ferrihydrite reduction. This strategy is promoted by cell surface-associated c-type cytochromes, and the extracellular electron transfer to ferrihydrite is linked to energy generation via a membrane-bound electron transport chain. The involvement of pili-like appendages in ferrihydrite reduction has been detected for the first time in a thermophilic microorganism. A supplementary strategy for the utilization of a siderophore (DFO) in dissimilatory ferrihydrite reduction has also been characterized.  相似文献   

Comparison of the N-terminus of the heat shock protein Hsp21 of Clostridium acetobutylicum with proteins predicted to be encoded by the genome of this bacterium revealed that this stress protein is encoded by two almost identical open reading frames CAC3597 and CAC3598. These genes encode a rubrerythrin-like protein with the rubredoxin-like FeS4 domain at the N-terminus and the ferritin-like diiron domain (rubrerythrin domain) at the C-terminus. Thus, the order of the two putative functional domains is reversed compared to "normal" rubrerythrins. This protein is proposed to be involved in the oxidative stress response of strict anaerobic bacteria. Northern blot analysis indicated that hsp21 is induced by heat and oxidative stress (air, H2O2). Hsp21 of C. acetobutylicum can be considered as a "reverse" rubrerythrin and a role of this stress protein, which is conserved among clostridia and other strict anaerobic bacteria, in the heat and oxidative stress response is proposed.  相似文献   

Samples from three hot springs (Alla, Seya and Garga) located in the northeastern part of Baikal rift zone (Buryat Republic, Russia) were screened for the presence of thermophilic nitrifying bacteria. Enrichment cultures were obtained solely from the Garga spring characterized by slightly alkaline water (pH 7.9) and an outlet temperature of 75 degrees C. The enrichment cultures of the ammonia- and nitrite oxidizers grew at temperature ranges of 27-55 and 40-60 degrees C, respectively. The temperature optimum was approximately 50 degrees C for both groups and thus they can be designated as moderate thermophiles. Ammonia oxidizers were identified with classical and immunological techniques. Representatives of the genus Nitrosomonas and Nitrosospira-like bacteria with characteristic vibroid morphology were detected. The latter were characterized by an enlarged periplasmic space, which has not been previously observed in ammonia oxidizers. Electron microscopy, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analyses and partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing provided evidence that the nitrite oxidizers were members of the genus Nitrospira.  相似文献   

NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1; EC catalyzes a two-electron transfer involved in the protection of cells from reactive oxygen species. These reactive oxygen species are often generated by the one-electron reduction of quinones or quinone analogs. We report here on the previously unreported Fe(III) reduction activity of human NQO1. Under steady state conditions with Fe(III) citrate, the apparent Michaelis-Menten constant (Km(app)) was approximately 0.3 nM and the apparent maximum velocity (Vmax(app)) was 16 U mg(-1). Substrate inhibition was observed above 5 nM. NADH was the electron donor, Km(app)= 340 microM and Vmax(app) = 46 Umg(-1). FAD was also a cofactor with a Km(app) of 3.1 microM and Vmax(app) of 89 U mg(-1). The turnover number for NADH oxidation was 25 s(-1). Possible physiological roles of the Fe(III) reduction by this enzyme are discussed.  相似文献   

A bacterial thermostable cellulase, the endo-1,4--D-glucanase E1 from Acidothermus cellulolyticus, was imported into chloroplasts, and an active enzyme was recovered both in vitro and in vivo. Precursor fusion proteins were synthesized with E1 or its catalytic domain, CD, fused to the transit peptide of ferredoxin or ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase activase for stromal targeting. A spacer region of 1, 5 or 15 amino acids was included carboxy to the transit peptide. The efficiency of import and processing by the stromal processing peptidase depended on the nature of the transit peptide and the passenger protein, and increased with the length of the spacer between them. Besides finding E1 or CD in the stroma, protein was arrested in the envelope during import showing that structural features of E1 and CD, along with their proximity to the transit peptide, influence translocation. The cellulose binding domain and/or serine/proline/threoline-rich linker of E1 may impede efficient import. Significantly, most precursors for E1 and CD synthesized by in vitro translation possessed endoglucanse activity that was temperature-dependent, and required the residues AGGGY at the N-terminus of E1 and CD. Furthermore, activity was detected upon import into chloroplasts. Based on the in vitro analyses, five precursor fusion proteins were selected to determine if E1 and CD would be successfully targeted to chloroplasts in vivo. In transgenic tobacco plants, E1 and CD accumulated in both the stromal and membrane fractions and, importantly, chloroplast extracts showed endoglucanase activity.  相似文献   

A carrier protein mediatine alanine transport was purified from the membranes of the thermophilic bacterium PS3, by ion exchange chromatography in the presence of both Triton X-100 and urea. The alanine carrier was recovered in the nonadsorbed fraction from either DEAE-or CM-cellulose columns, suggesting that its isoelectric point was in the neutral pH region. The final preparation contained virtually no electron transfer components, ATPase, or NADH dehydrogenase. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate revealed that the final preparation consisted of two major protein components with molecular weights of 36,000 and 9,400. Active transport of alanine after incorporation of the alanine carrier into reconstituted proteoliposomes was driven not only by an artificial membrane potential generated by potassium ion diffusion via valinomycin but also by mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase incorporated into the same liposomes and supplemented with both cytochrome c and ascorbic acid. The membrane-integrated portion (TF0) of the ATPase complex uncoupled alanine transport by conducting protons across the membrane.  相似文献   

A Gram-negative bacillus, SMC-6271(T), which was isolated from the bone marrow of a patient with leukemia but could not be identified by a conventional microbiologic method, was characterized by a genotypic analysis of 16S rRNA gene. Sequences of the 16S rRNA gene revealed that this bacterium was closely related to Tepidimonas ignava and other slightly thermophilic isolates but diverged distinctly from them. Analyses of cellular fatty acid composition and performance of biochemical tests confirmed that this bacterium is a distinct species from the other Tepidimonas species. Based on the evaluated phenotypic and genotypic characteristics, it is proposed that SMC-6271T (=ABB 0301T =KCTC 12412T =JCM 13232T) should be classified as a new species, namely Tepidimonas arfidensis sp. nov.  相似文献   

Mono Lake sediment slurries incubated with lactate and tellurite [Te(IV)] turned progressively black with time because of the precipitation of elemental tellurium [Te(0)]. An enrichment culture was established from these slurries that demonstrated Te(IV)-dependent growth. The enrichment was purified by picking isolated black colonies from lactate/Te(IV) agar plates, followed by repeated streaking and picking. The isolate, strain MLTeJB, grew in aqueous Te(IV)-medium if provided with a small amount of sterile solid phase material (e.g., agar plug; glass beads). Strain MLTeJB grew at high concentrations of Te(IV) (~8 mM) by oxidizing lactate to acetate plus formate, while reducing Te(IV) to Te(0). Other electron acceptors that were found to sustain growth were tellurate, selenate, selenite, arsenate, nitrate, nitrite, fumarate and oxygen. Notably, growth on arsenate, nitrate, nitrite and fumarate did not result in the accumulation of formate, implying that in these cases lactate was oxidized to acetate plus CO2. Strain MLTeJB is a low G + C Gram positive motile rod with pH, sodium, and temperature growth optima at 8.5–9.0, 0.5–1.5 M, and 40°C, respectively. The epithet Bacillus beveridgei strain MLTeJBT is proposed.  相似文献   

 The 1882-bp nucleotide sequence of the cryptic plasmid pNB2 isolated from the thermophilic bacterium Clostridium thermosaccharolyticum was determined. pNB2 DNA has very low GC content (27%) and may serve as a model for studying the modes of maintenance and replication of AT-rich DNA under conditions of thermophilic growth. The plasmid sequence revealed three open reading frames (ORFs) which would encode polypeptides of 289, 68 and 59 amino acids, respectively, and these proteins were synthesized in E. coli extracts primed with the plasmid. We found that the product of ORF289 may be initiated at the non-ATG start codon, TTG, and has similarities with the conserved motifs of Rep proteins encoded by rolling circle (RC) plasmids of the pC194/pUB110 family. Southern hybridization analysis of lysates of C. thermosaccharolyticum cells harboring pNB2 revealed single-stranded intermediates, suggesting that this plasmid is able to replicate in clostridial cells via the RC mechanism. The most significant similarities are found between pNB2 Rep protein and the Rep proteins of three RC plasmids of the pC194 family (pTB913, pBC1 and pST1) isolated from thermophilic bacteria. Comparative analysis of these Rep proteins showed that despite the significant level of divergence, these Rep proteins share a high degree of similarity in the regions of five well-known conserved domains of RC Rep proteins and fall into two groups in accordance with the similarities found in their active sites. Received: 25 April 1996 / Accepted: 20 June 1996  相似文献   

Methanogenesis was investigated in formation waters from a North Sea oil rimmed gas accumulation containing biodegraded oil, which has not been subject to seawater injection. Activity and growth of hydrogenotrophic methanogens was measured but acetoclastic methanogenesis was not detected. Hydrogenotrophic methanogens showed activity between 40 and 80°C with a temperature optimum (ca. 70°C) consistent with in situ reservoir temperatures. They were also active over a broad salinity range, up to and consistent with the high salinity of the waters (90 g l−1). These findings suggest the methanogens are indigenous to the reservoir. The conversion of H2 and CO2 to CH4 in methanogenic enrichments was enhanced by the addition of inorganic nutrients and was correlated with cell growth. Addition of yeast extract also stimulated methanogenesis. Archaeal 16S rRNA gene sequences recovered from enrichment cultures were closely related to Methanothermobacter spp. which have been identified in other high-temperature petroleum reservoirs. It has recently been suggested that methanogenic oil degradation may be a major factor in the development of the world’s heavy oils and represent a significant and ongoing process in conventional deposits. Although an oil-degrading methanogenic consortium was not enriched from these samples the presence and activity of communities of fermentative bacteria and methanogenic archaea was demonstrated. Stimulation of methanogenesis by addition of nutrients suggests that in situ methanogenic biodegradation of oil could be harnessed to enhance recovery of stranded energy assets from such petroleum systems.  相似文献   

Co-administration of iron in combination with monoisoamyl dimercaptosuccinic acid (MiADMSA) against chronic arsenic poisoning in mice was studied. Mice preexposed to arsenic (25 ppm in drinking water for 6 months) mice were treated with MiADMSA (50 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) either alone or in combination with iron (75 or 150 mg/kg, orally) once daily for 5 days. Arsenic exposure led to a significant depletion of blood δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) activity, hematocrit, and white blood cell (WBC) counts accompanied by small decline in blood hemoglobin level. Hepatic reduced glutathione (GSH) level, catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities showed a significant decrease while, oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) levels increased on arsenic exposure, indicating arsenic-induced hepatic oxidative stress. Liver aspartate and alanine transaminases (AST and ALT) activities also decreased significantly on arsenic exposure. Kidney GSH, GSSG, catalase level and SOD activities remained unchanged, while, TBARS level increased significantly following arsenic exposure. Brain GSH, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and SOD activities decreased, accompanied by a significant elevation of TBARS level after chronic arsenic exposure. Treatment with MiADMSA was marginally effective in reducing ALAD activity, while administration of iron was ineffective when given alone. Iron when co-administered with MiADMSA restored blood ALAD activity. Administration of iron alone had no beneficial effects on hepatic oxidative stress, while in combination with MiADMSA it produced significant decline in hepatic TBARS level compared to the individual effect of MiADMSA. Renal biochemical variables were insensitive to any of the treatments. Combined administration of iron with MiADMSA also had no additional beneficial effect over the individual protective effect of MiADMSA on brain oxidative stress. Interestingly, combined administration of iron with MiADMSA provided more pronounced depletion of blood arsenic, while no additional beneficial effects on tissue arsenic level over the individual effect of MiADMSA were noted. The results lead us to conclude that iron supplementation during chelation has some beneficial effects particularly on heme synthesis pathway and blood arsenic concentration.  相似文献   

A thermophilic anaerobic bacterial strain 1004-09 belonging to the genus Thermoanaerobacter and capable of growth on protein substrates such as albumin, gelatin, casein, and α- and β-keratins was isolated from the Urinskii hot spring (Barguzin river valley, Republic of Buryatia, Russia). A 150-kDa serine proteinase was revealed in the strain supernatant; it exhibited optimal activity at 60°C and pH 9.3 and was capable of keratin hydrolysis. A number of characteristics for the strain 1004-09 keratinase were established including activation by SDS and NaCl and residual activity (15% to the activity of the intact protein) in the presence of 10% ethanol and acetone.  相似文献   

A novel moderately thermophilic and halophilic sulfate-reducing bacterium, strain TeStT, was isolated from production water of an oil field in Northern Germany near Hamburg. The cells were Gram-negative, straight to slightly curved rods and motile by a single polar flagellum. Only hydrogen and formate served as electron donors, whereas a wide variety of organic substrates and CO2 could be used as carbon sources. Sulfate, sulfite, thiosulfate and sulfur were used as electron acceptors, but not nitrate or ferric iron. The novel isolate was negative for oxidase, catalase and desulfoviridin enzyme activity. Cytochromes were present and predominantly of the c-type. Whole-cells fatty acid patterns were dominated by the branched-chain fatty acids anteiso-C15:0, iso-C15:0, iso-C17:0 and anteiso-C17:0. As major respiratory lipoquinones partially saturated derivates of menaquinone 6 [MK-6(H2) and probably MK-6(H4)] were identified. The G + C content of the genomic DNA was 41.3 mol% (HPLC method). An analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence indicated that strain TeStT belongs to the family Desulfohalobiaceae within the class Deltaproteobacteria. The most closely related species with a sequence similarity of 95.0% was Desulfonauticus submarinus suggesting an affiliation of TeStT to the genus Desulfonauticus. The novel isolate could be clearly distinguished from Desulfonauticus submarinus by its ability to grow chemolithoautotrophically and hence should be assigned to a novel species for which the name Desulfonauticus autotrophicus sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is TeStT (=DSM 4206T = JCM 13028T). Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

When challenged with reactive oxidants, the nonsulfur phototrophic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides ATH 2.4.1 exhibited an oxidative stress response during both phototrophic and chemotrophic growth. Upon preincubation with 100 μM H2O2, catalase activity increased fivefold. Catalase was also induced by other forms of oxidative stress, heat-shock, ethanol treatment, and stationary-phase conditions. Only one band of catalase activity was detected after native and denaturing PAGE. The enzyme was purified 304-fold with a yield of 7%. The purified enzyme displayed a heterodimeric structure with subunits of 75 and 68 kDa, corresponding to a molecular mass of approximately 150 kDa for the native enzyme. The subunits had almost identical amino-terminal peptide sequences, sharing substantial similarity with other bacterial catalases. The enzyme exhibited an apparent K m of 40 mM and a V max of 285,000 U (mg protein)–1. Spectroscopic analysis indicated the presence of protoheme IX. The heme content calculated from pyridine hemochrome spectra was 0.43 mol per mol of enzyme. The enzyme had a broad pH optimum and was inhibited by cyanide, azide, hydroxylamine, 2-mercaptoethanol, and sodium dithionite. These data indicate that this catalase belongs to the class of monofunctional catalases. Received: 15 October 1997 / Accepted: 2 February 1998  相似文献   

The 4992-bp replicon of a large cryptic plasmid in the gram-positive bacterium Leifsonia xyli subsp. cynodontis was identified and sequenced. The replicon encoded two proteins essential for plasmid replication and stability. The putative replication protein (RepA) is homologous to that of the plasmids in mycobacterial pLR7 family, while the putative ParA protein immediately downstream of RepA is significantly homologous to the Walker-type ATPase required for partition of plasmid and chromosome of the gram-positive bacteria. These two proteins and other ORFs are clustered with the putative promoters and other regulatory sequences, illustrating an efficient organization of the replicon for this novel plasmid.  相似文献   

吴襟  张树政 《生物工程学报》2008,24(10):1740-1746
从巨大芽孢杆菌(Bacillus megaterium)的全基因组DNA文库中筛选出一个b-淀粉酶基因amyG, 分析测定了其核苷酸序列并进行了诱导表达; 其中amyG编码的蛋白有545个氨基酸、分子量为60.194 kD, 与已报道的巨大芽孢杆菌DSM319的b-淀粉酶序列有着94.5%的同源性。经氨基酸序列比较分析发现, AmyG从N末端到C末端依次由信号肽域、糖基水解酶催化功能域和淀粉结合域3个功能域组成。其中催化功能域里含有第14家族糖基水解酶常见的几个高度保守的酶催化活性区。经多步纯化, 重组酶的比活共提高了7.4倍, 获得凝胶电泳均一的蛋白样品; 经SDS-PAGE电泳测定, 酶AmyG的分子量为57 kD。该酶的最适反应温度为60oC, 最适反应pH为7.0; 在温度不超过60oC时, 酶活较稳定; AmyG能迅速降解淀粉生成麦芽糖, 属于外切b-糖苷酶。  相似文献   

The marine psychrophilic bacterium Moritella marina, isolated from a sample raised from a depth of 1,200 m in the northern Pacific Ocean, secretes several chitinases in response to chitin induction. A gene coding for an extracellular chitinolytic enzyme was cloned and its nucleotide sequence was determined. The chitinase gene consists of an open reading frame of 1,650 nucleotides and encodes a protein of 550 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 60.788 kDa, named MmChi60. MmChi60 has a modular structure consisting of a glycosyl-hydrolase family 18 N-terminal catalytic region as well as a C-terminal chitin-binding domain (ChBD). The new chitinase was purified to homogeneity from the intracellular fraction of Escherichia coli. The optimum pH and temperature of the recombinant MmChi60 were 5.0 and 28 degrees C, respectively. The mode of action of the new enzyme on N-acetylchitooligomers, chitin polymers, and other substrates was examined, and MmChi60 was classified as an endochitinase. Thermal unfolding of MmChi60 was studied using differential scanning microcalorimetry and revealed that the protein unfolds reversibly at 65 degrees C. On the basis of the crystal structure of the chitinase C of Streptomyces griseus, a homology-based 3-D model of the ChBD of the MmChi60 was calculated.  相似文献   

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