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Over the last decade, genetic studies on social insects have revealed a remarkable diversity of unusual reproductive strategies, such as male clonality, female clonality, and social hybridogenesis. In this context, Cataglyphis desert ants are useful models because of their unique reproductive systems. In several species, queens conditionally use sexual reproduction and parthenogenesis to produce sterile workers and reproductive queens, respectively. In social hybridogenesis, two distinct genetic lineages coexist within a population, and workers result from mating between partners of different lineages; in contrast, queens and males are both produced asexually by parthenogenesis. Consequently, nonreproductive workers are all interlineage hybrids, whereas reproductives are all pure lineage individuals. Here, we characterized the reproductive systems of 11 species to investigate the distribution of the conditional use of sex and social hybridogenesis in Cataglyphis. We identified one new case in which sexual reproduction was conditionally used in the absence of dependent‐lineage reproduction. We also discovered five new instances of social hybridogenesis. Based on our phylogenetic analyses, we inferred that both the conditional use of sex and social hybridogenesis independently evolved multiple times in the genus Cataglyphis.  相似文献   

Geographic parthenogenesis describes the observation that parthenogenetic organisms tend to occupy environments different from those of their close, sexually reproducing relatives. These environments are often described as extreme or disturbed habitats. We examined whether patterns of geographical parthenogenesis persist over time, by conducting a 3-year life-history survey and comparing two very proximate habitats of the freshwater snail Melanoides tuberculata : Nahal Arugot, a desert stream naturally disturbed by flash floods, and Or Ilan, a stable freshwater pond. Both sites occur in a xeric environment and are subject to otherwise similar biotic (e.g. parasites, predators) and climatic conditions. In the stable habitat, male frequencies and snail densities were significantly higher than in the disturbed one, whereas infection levels, mean embryo counts, and water temperatures were similar at both sites. Additionally, male frequencies declined after density decreased, thereby providing evidence for geographical parthenogenesis via reproductive assurance. Infection prevalence was very low regardless of reproduction mode. Although further genetic work is required, the apparent metapopulation structure of M. tuberculata in the Judean desert may be suitable for evaluating other possible explanations of geographical parthenogenesis.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 711–718.  相似文献   

With a few rare exceptions, the vast majority of animals reproduce sexually. Some species have, however, evolved alternative modes of reproduction by shifting from classical bisexuality to unorthodox reproductive systems, like parthenogenesis, gynogenesis, or hybridogenesis. Under hybridogenesis, both the maternal and paternal genomes are expressed in somatic tissues, whereas the germline is purely maternal. Recently, a form of hybridogenesis at the level of the society has been reported in some ants, where purebred females develop into reproductive queens and interlineage hybrids into sterile workers. Here, we report a unique case of social hybridogenesis in the desert ant Cataglyphis hispanica. Workers are produced exclusively from interbreeding between two distinct genetic lineages, whereas male and female sexuals are produced by asexual reproduction through parthenogenesis. As a consequence, all workers are pure hybridogens, and only maternal genes are perpetuated from one generation to the next. Thus, queens of C. hispanica use sexual reproduction for colony growth, whereas they reproduce asexually through parthenogenesis for germline production.  相似文献   

Parthenogenetic reproduction is taxonomically widespread and occurs through various cytological mechanisms, which have different impact on the genetic variation of the offspring. Extatosoma tiaratum is a facultatively parthenogenetic Australian insect (Phasmatodea), in which females oviposit continuously throughout their adult lifespan irrespective of mating. Fertilized eggs produce sons and daughters through sexual reproduction and unfertilized eggs produce female offspring via parthenogenesis. Here, we developed novel microsatellite markers for E. tiaratum and characterized them by genotyping individuals from a natural population. We then used the microsatellite markers to infer the cytological mechanism of parthenogenesis in this species. We found evidence suggesting parthenogenesis in E. tiaratum occurs through automixis with terminal fusion, resulting in substantial loss of microsatellite heterozygosity in the offspring. Loss of microsatellite heterozygosity may be associated with loss of heterozygosity in fitness related loci. The mechanism of parthenogenetic reproduction can therefore affect fitness outcomes and needs to be considered when comparing costs and benefits of sex versus parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

In theory, parthenogenetic lineages have low evolutionary potential because they inexorably accumulate deleterious mutations and do not generate much genotypic diversity. As a result, most parthenogenetic taxa occupy the terminal nodes of phylogenetic trees. The rate and mode of development of parthenogenesis are important factors to consider when assessing its costs and benefits since they determine both the level of genetic diversity and the ecological adaptability of the resulting lineages. The origin of parthenogenesis is polyphyletic in many taxa, suggesting that genetic systems maintaining sexuality are often labile. In addition, the loss of sex may be achieved in several ways, leading to parthenogenetic lineages with distinct genetic profiles. This could then influence not only the fate of such lineages in the long term, but also the outcome of competition with their sexual counterparts in the short term. In this paper, we review the possible evolutionary routes to parthenogenesis based on a survey of the phylogenetic relationships between sexual and parthenogenetic lineages in a broad range of animals. We also examine the different mechanisms by which parthenogenetic lineages could arise, and discuss the influence of these mechanisms on both the genetic properties and the ecological life styles of the resulting lineages.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 79 , 151–163.  相似文献   

We investigated population genetic structure, mating system, worker reproduction and thelytokous parthenogenesis in the desert ant Cataglyphis livida. Pedigree analyses at polymorphic microsatellite loci show that colonies are headed by a single queen, and that queens are mated with two to eight males. No inbreeding was found in the population sampled. Colonies are genetically differentiated and exhibit no isolation-by-distance pattern, consistent with independent foundation of new colonies. Workers do reproduce and lay haploid (arrhenotokous) eggs in queenless colonies; conversely, we found no evidence of worker reproduction in queenright nests. In contrast with C. cursor, where new queens are produced by thelytokous parthenogenesis, female sexuals and workers of C. livida arise from classical sexual reproduction. We discuss the parallels and contrasts between the mating system and population structure in C. livida and the other Cataglyphis species studied so far.  相似文献   

We report a remarkable pattern of incongruence between nuclear and mitochondrial variations in a social insect, the desert ant Cataglyphis hispanica. This species reproduces by social hybridogenesis. In all populations, two distinct genetic lineages coexist; non-reproductive workers develop from hybrid crosses between the lineages, whereas reproductive offspring (males and new queens) are typically produced asexually by parthenogenesis. Genetic analyses based on nuclear markers revealed that the two lineages remain highly differentiated despite constant hybridization for worker production. Here, we show that, in contrast with nuclear DNA, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) does not recover the two lineages as monophyletic. Rather, mitochondrial haplotypes cluster according to their geographical origin. We argue that this cytonuclear incongruence stems from introgression of mtDNA among lineages, and review the mechanisms likely to explain this pattern under social hybridogenesis.  相似文献   

Parthenogenesis has been documented in all major jawed vertebrate lineages except mammals and cartilaginous fishes (class Chondrichthyes: sharks, batoids and chimeras). Reports of captive female sharks giving birth despite being held in the extended absence of males have generally been ascribed to prior matings coupled with long-term sperm storage by the females. Here, we provide the first genetic evidence for chondrichthyan parthenogenesis, involving a hammerhead shark (Sphyrna tiburo). This finding also broadens the known occurrence of a specific type of asexual development (automictic parthenogenesis) among vertebrates, extending recently raised concerns about the potential negative effect of this type of facultative parthenogenesis on the genetic diversity of threatened vertebrate species.  相似文献   

Recently, a unique case of hybridogenesis at a social level was reported in local populations of the desert ants Cataglyphis. Queens mate with males originating from a different genetic lineage than their own to produce hybrid workers, but they use parthenogenesis for the production of reproductive offspring (males and females). As a result, non-reproductive workers are all inter-lineage hybrids, whereas the sexual line is purely maternal. Here, we show that this unorthodox reproductive system occurs in all populations of the ant Cataglyphis hispanica. Remarkably, workers are hybrids of the same two genetic lineages along a 400 km transect crossing the whole distribution range of the species. These results indicate that social hybridogenesis in C. hispanica allows their maintenance over time and across a large geographical scale of two highly divergent genetic lineages, despite their constant hybridization. The widespread distribution of social hybridogenesis in C. hispanica supports that this reproductive strategy has been evolutionarily conserved over a long period.  相似文献   

The bacteria in the genus Wolbachia are cytoplasmically inherited symbionts of arthropods. Infection often causes profound changes in host reproduction, enhancing bacterial transmission and spread in a population. The reproductive alterations known to result from Wolbachia infection include cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), parthenogenesis, feminization of genetic males, fecundity enhancement, male killing and, perhaps, lethality Here, we report male killing in a third insect, the black flour beetle Tribolium madens, based on highly female-biased sex ratios of progeny from females infected with Wolbachia. The bias is cytoplasmic in nature as shown by repeated backcrossing of infected females with males of a naturally uninfected strain. Infection also lowers the egg hatch rates significantly to approximately half of those observed for uninfected females. Treatment of the host with antibiotics eliminated infection, reverted the sex ratio to unbiased levels and increased the percentage hatch. Typically Wolbachia infection is transmitted from mother to progeny, regardless of the sex of the progeny; however, infected T. madens males are never found. Virgin females are sterile, suggesting that the sex-ratio distortion in T. madens results from embryonic male killing rather than parthenogenesis. Based on DNA sequence data, the male-killing strain of Wolbachia in T. madens was indistinguishable from the CI-inducing Wolbachia in Tribolium confusum, a closely related beetle. Our findings suggest that host symbiont interaction effects may play an important role in the induction of Wolbachia reproductive phenotypes.  相似文献   

In most social insects, the brood is totipotent and environmental factors determine whether a female egg will develop into a reproductive queen or a functionally sterile worker. However, genetic factors have been shown to affect the female's caste fate in a few ant species. The desert ant Cataglyphis hispanica reproduces by social hybridogenesis. All populations are characterized by the coexistence of two distinct genetic lineages. Queens are almost always found mated with a male of the alternate lineage than their own. Workers develop from hybrid crosses between the genetic lineages, whereas daughter queens are produced asexually via parthenogenesis. Here, we show that the association between genotype and caste in this species is maintained by a ‘hard‐wired’ genetic caste determination system, whereby nonhybrid genomes have lost the ability to develop as workers. Genetic analyses reveal that, in a rare population with multiple‐queen colonies, a significant proportion of nestmate queens are mated with males of their own lineage. These queens fail to produce worker offspring; they produce only purebred daughter queens by sexual reproduction. We discuss how the production of reproductive queens through sexual, intralineage crosses may favour the stability of social hybridogenesis in this species.  相似文献   

Zhou SQ 《Hereditas》2003,138(1):65-72
The aneuploidy of Gossypium hirsutum L. (upland cotton) aneusomatics were obtained by induced parthenogenesis. These aneuploids could grow and set seeds normally. In the process of meiosis there appeared large quantities of heteromorphic pairs and multivalent chromosomes and many cases of cytomixis and multisperm fertilization occurred. The aneuploids produced offsprings through sexual propagation. We explored penetratingly the questions how and why these aneuploids could survive. Through this research, we found that the upland cotton possessed an immense latent capacity to adapt to adverse environments. More importantly, in the case of the upland cotton, we discovered that the genetic pattern of the polyploid differs in some respects from that of the diploid.  相似文献   

The bacterium Wolbachia manipulates its hosts by inducing cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), where zygotes formed from crosses between uninfected mothers and infected fathers die. In addition, it distorts the host's sex ratio via male killing, parthenogenesis induction, or feminization. Here, we model transitions between these states, examining the evolution of mutants of CI strains that retain both the ability to induce and resist CI but, in addition, cause sex ratio distortion. The model shows that CI strains are highly susceptible to invasion and subsequent elimination by these mutants. For all three types of sex ratio distortion, there is some parameter space in which the strain showing sex ratio distortion becomes extinct following exclusion of the progenitor CI strain, leaving the population uninfected. Extinction of the new Wolbachia strain is common for the case of male killing but rarer for parthenogenesis induction and feminization. Our models predict that CI strains of Wolbachia will occur most commonly in hosts that are male heterogametic, where there is little interaction between siblings because these hosts are unlikely to favor the spread of male killing, feminization, or parthenogenesis induction. The models raise the question of why CI strains apparently predominate in nature, and it is suggested that this is a result of either fewer restrictions on CI strains spreading through novel host populations or restrictions to the mutability of Wolbachia strains.  相似文献   

Parthenogenesis in vertebrates is considered an evolutionary novelty. In snakes, all of which exhibit genetic sex determination with ZZ : ZW sex chromosomes, this rare form of asexual reproduction has failed to yield viable female WW offspring. Only through complex experimental manipulations have WW females been produced, and only in fish and amphibians. Through microsatellite DNA fingerprinting, we provide the first evidence of facultative parthenogenesis in a Boa constrictor, identifying multiple, viable, non-experimentally induced females for the first time in any vertebrate lineage. Although the elevated homozygosity of the offspring in relation to the mother suggests that the mechanism responsible may be terminal fusion automixis, no males were produced, potentially indicating maternal sex chromosome hemizygosity (WO). These findings provide the first evidence of parthenogenesis in the family Boidae (Boas), and suggest that WW females may be more common within basal reptilian lineages than previously assumed.  相似文献   

Parthenogenetic development of unfused gametes is commonly observed in laboratory cultures among various brown algal taxa. There is, however, little information on the contribution of parthenogenesis to the reproduction of field populations. In this study, we investigated whether parthenogenesis is present in a sexual population of the isogamous brown alga Scytosiphon with a 1:1 sex ratio. In culture, both female and male gametes showed higher mortality and slower development compared to zygotes. More than 90% of surviving partheno‐germlings formed parthenosporophytes irrespective of the culture conditions tested. Therefore, if parthenogenesis occurs in the field, most unfused gametes are expected to form parthenosporophytes. Contrary to this expectation, parthenosporophytes were rare in the field population. We collected 126 sporophytic thalli and isolated and cultured a unilocular sporangium from each of them. We confirmed that cultures of 120 unilocular sporangia produced both female and male gametophytes by the observation of zygotes or amplification of PCR‐based sex markers indicating that these sporangia originated from zygotic sporophytes. Only females were detected in cultures from two sporangia and only males from four sporangia suggesting that these sporangia originated from parthenosporophytes. In the Scytosiphon population, although parthenogenesis is observable in culture, our results demonstrate that the contribution of parthenogenesis to reproduction is small (≤4.8%) compared to sexual reproduction. Unfused gametes may not survive to form mature parthenosporophytes in significant numbers in the field partly due to their higher mortality and slower development compared from zygotes.  相似文献   

Parthenogenesis is an asexual mode of reproduction that plays an important role in the evolution of sex, sociality, and reproduction strategies in insects. Some species of cockroach exhibit thelytoky, a type of parthenogenesis in which female offspring are produced without fertilization. However, the cytological and genetic mecha? nisms of parthenogenesis in cockroaches are not well understood. Here we provide the first molecular genetic evidence that cockroaches can reproduce through automixis. Using the American cockroach Periplaneta aniericana, we performed microsatellite analysis to investigate the genetic relationship between parthenogenetically produced nymphs and the parent virgin females, and found that all parthenogenetic offspring were homozygous for autosomal microsatellite markers, whereas the female parents were heterozygous. In addition, flow cytometry analysis revealed that the parthenogenetic offspring were diploid. Taken together, our results demonstrate that P. americana exhibits automixis-type thelytoky, in which diploidy is restored by gamete duplication or terminal fusion. These findings highlight the unique reproduction strategies of cockroaches, which are more varied than was previously recognized.  相似文献   

1. Occasional sex in organisms that otherwise propagate clonally combines the advantages of both reproductive modes. Although theory predicts that this is a winning combination, evidence for its long‐term importance in natural populations is scarce. 2. We studied the sperm‐dependent parthenogenetic form of the freshwater planarian Schmidtea (formerly Dugesia) polychroa in which occasional sex is known to occur. By comparing subpopulations within the same lake, we showed that occasional sex does indeed leave telltale signatures in the population genetic structure of this species. 3. Using microsatellites, we found differences in genotypic diversity and evenness between six local subpopulations. Moreover, some locations showed temporal fluctuations in genotype and/or allele frequencies, while stability was observed in others. The results indicate that although some subpopulations show all the traits of clonal reproduction, others clearly have characteristics typical of sexual recombination, including the particular subpopulation for which we previously demonstrated the occurrence of occasional sex. 4. We show that within the same metapopulation, neighbouring localities can differ in the degree of occasional sex, as demonstrated by genetic signatures of clonality versus (occasional) genetic recombination. This makes S. polychroa particularly suitable to test the role of occasional sex to explain the persistence of parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

The problem of the maintenance of anisogamous sex is addressed by considering the effect of fertilization on the fitness of parthenogenetic females when such fertilization yields inviable triploid progeny. We consider four types of parthenogenesis: (i) apomixis, (ii) homogametic amphimixis, (iii) heterogametic amphimixis, and (iv) homogametic automixis. Homozygous sexual populations are genetically stable if males or selection eliminate the excess females produced by heterozygous parthenogenetic genotypes. Homozygous parthenogenetic populations are stable if the parthenogenetic output of homozygotes exceeds that of heterozygotes. In turn, sex can only invade heterozygous parthenogenetic populations when sexual output of parthenogens is larger than their parthenogenetic output. The existence of interior stable equilibria generally requires the instability of at least one boundary and some degree of heterosis. In a two-locus model, we study the evolution of mechanisms protecting either sex or parthenogenesis in reproductively polymorphic populations. We find that males do not respond to the presence of parthenogenesis in such a way as to eliminate it, but parthenogenesis is subject to selective pressures increasing reproductive isolation, and thus the success of parthenogenesis. The results suggest that reproductively polymorphic populations are ephemeral.  相似文献   

Hybridogenesis is a sexual reproductive system, whereby parents from different genetic origin hybridize. Both the maternal and paternal genomes are expressed in somatic tissues, but the paternal genome is systematically excluded from the germ line, which is therefore purely maternal. Recently, a unique case of hybridogenesis at a social level was reported in the desert ant Cataglyphis hispanica. All workers are sexually produced hybridogens, whereas sexual forms (new queens and males) are produced by queens through parthenogenesis. Thus, only maternal genes are perpetuated across generations. Here, we show that such an unusual reproductive strategy also evolved in two other species of Cataglyphis belonging to the same phylogenetic group, Cataglyphis velox and Cataglyphis mauritanica. In both species, queens mate exclusively with males originating from a different genetic lineage than their own to produce hybrid workers, while they use parthenogenesis to produce the male and female reproductive castes. In contrast to single‐queen colonies of C. hispanica, colonies of C. velox and C. mauritanica are headed by several queens. Most queens within colonies share the same multilocus genotype and never transmit their mates' alleles to the reproductive castes. Social hybridogenesis in the desert ants has direct consequences on the genetic variability of populations and on caste determination. We also discuss the maintenance of this reproductive strategy within the genus Cataglyphis.  相似文献   

Wang CY 《动物学研究》2011,32(6):689-695
There is a high proportion of parthenogenesis in insecta, and the parthenogenetic potential of insects is an important but often ignored threaten factor for the agricultural and forestry production. The maintenance of parthenogenetic species is a puzzling issue in evolutionary biology. In recent years, although the cellular mechanisms during parthenogenesis in some species have been well studied, the underlying genetic mechanisms that cause the switch from sexual reproduction to parthenogenesis have not been defined. While, understanding the genetic mechanism and evolutionary significance of the origin of parthenogenetic insects is crucial for preventing the pests in agricultural and forestry production. Here we summarized recent studies aimed at identifying the underlying genetic mechanism of parthenogenesis in insects, and briefly discussed its potential application in this filed.  相似文献   

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