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On October 20, 2014, a dead crabeater seal (Lobodon carcinophaga) was found at Fildes Pennisula, King George Island, Antarctica. In order to investigate the causes of the death, external morphological measurements and pathological anatomy were carried out one day later. The specimen was an adult female and looked unusually thin, with body length of 231 cm, body weight of 130 kg, and the subcutaneous fat thickness was only 1.8 cm, significantly lower than that in a healthy seal. No obvious traumas were found on its body, with the exception of a small wound located at the lower right side of body and part of the right eye was missed, which might have been eaten by a Southern giant petrel (Macronectes giganteus) according to the field observations. No pathologic change was found in the internal organs and there was no food residue in the stomach and intestines after the autopsy. However, there was severe problem with the teeth; the incisors and canines had some wear or breaks, and three postcanines were missed and the rest of the postcanines were loose, with the roots becoming black and damaged. In addition, the gum tissue was black and festering. Therefore, it was speculated that the death might be due to starvation caused by the dental problems.  相似文献   

瑞氏海豚在我国大陆沿海搁浅的案例相对较少。2019年7月10日,一头活体瑞氏海豚搁浅于广东省湛江市徐闻县石马角海域,半小时左右死亡。本文描述了该海豚的外部形态特征和骨骼系统,并通过解剖对其死因进行了分析。该瑞氏海豚为成年雌性,体长252.0 cm,体重约130.0 kg;体型消瘦,皮下脂肪层菲薄,体表无明显可致死外伤。头骨长45.6 cm,脊椎式为C7+T12+L23+Ca24=66,肋骨12对,V形骨19枚。解剖发现,该海豚的呼吸道和消化道中均存在大量泥沙;前胃内有两只长度超过30 cm的橡胶手套,胃和肠中几乎没有食糜和粪便。推测该瑞氏海豚可能因误食橡胶手套造成胃部阻塞而无法正常进食和消化,导致脂肪层过度消耗,体力不支而搁浅;在搁浅过程中可能因挣扎导致呼吸道进入大量泥沙引起呼吸不畅,最终死亡。当前难降解的海洋垃圾对海洋哺乳动物,包括以头足类为食的鲸类动物所产生的直接威胁已不容忽视。  相似文献   

<正>南瓶鼻海豚(Tursiops aduncus)是我国二级重点保护的水生哺乳动物,属于鲸目(Cetacea),海豚科(Delphinidae),瓶鼻海豚属(Tursiops)(Mller and Beheregaray,2001;Wells and Scott,2002)。南瓶鼻海豚是人工主要饲养的鲸类品种之一(刘仁俊等,2002;Zhang et al.,2012)。2011年4月30日,厦门市小嶝岛休闲渔村从福建东山引进两头南瓶鼻海豚进行人工饲养。饲养池位于北  相似文献   

On February 2,2015, a dead female Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) was found in the coastal water of Meilian Village, Yacheng Town, Sanya City, Hainan Province, China. It was the first Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin death case ever found in waters southwest of Hainan Island. In the present study, data about external morphology and skeleton system of the dead dolphin were documented, Body length and body mass of the animal were 235.0 cm and ca. 150 kg, respectively, with completely white body color. The cranium of this dolphin wa 189 mm in zygomatic width, and 415 mm in skull length. Its vertebra formula was C6+T12+L10+Ca20=48. It had 12 pairs of ribs and 11 V-bones. According to previous reports, our skeleton sample may have one cervical vertebra missing, and one or more caudal vertebras and V bones missing. More new skeleton samples from the same population are needed to confirm this presumption.  相似文献   

厦门中华白海豚体内微量元素的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对5头中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis)9种器官组织中的Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb、Hg、Ni、Se、As、Mg、Mn、Al等微量元素的含量进行了测定。结果表明,在少年个体中,Cu(P<0·05)和Mn(P<0·01)在肝中的含量及Zn在肝(P<0·01)、肠(P<0·05)、胃(P<0·05)和心(P<0·05)中的含量明显高于肌肉中相应微量元素的含量,其余微量元素在各种组织中变化不大;在成年个体中,Pb在肺中的含量明显高于肝(P<0·001)、肌肉(P<0·01)、胃(P<0·01)和心(P<0·05)中的含量,Hg在肝中的含量明显高于胰(P<0·05)。整体上来说,大多数微量元素在成体中的含量高于少年个体,表明微量元素是随年龄的增长而逐渐累积的。有毒重金属如Hg、Cd和Pb在肾、肝以及卵巢中累积较多,提示这些器官承受了较大的毒性压力。  相似文献   

以新疆厚皮甜瓜"红心脆"作为供试植株,甜瓜疫霉作为病原,对其在植物体内的侵染途径及对组织的危害进行了观察,结果为:(1)菌丝可穿过寄主表皮或通过表面伤口、自然孔口对茎蔓部、下胚轴进行侵染;(2)菌丝在寄主组织中蔓延时产生分枝,沿着细胞间隙或胞间层纵向或横向延伸,以纵向侵染速度快;(3)疫霉菌对寄主组织的危害是引起表皮、皮层、韧皮部和髓射线细胞变形直至收缩,在木质部导管中,菌丝及其侵染时所产生的絮状物、侵填体可单独或共同堵塞整个导管。  相似文献   

孟凡信  祝茜  郭建东 《四川动物》2005,24(4):613-616
本文对中国中华白海豚的形态、分类、种群数量及分布、濒危状况及原因和保护现状进行了综述分析,指出中国境内的中华白海豚的保护形势依然严峻,仍需要加强保护措施.  相似文献   

3例喹蛇咬伤死因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苏雪娥  林俊敏 《蛇志》1999,11(3):46-47

在长江沙洲上搁浅的中华白海豚   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

王惠兰 《蛇志》1999,11(3):60-62
5岁以下儿童死亡率,尤其是婴儿死亡率是反映一个地区的经济、文化、保健服务和医疗水平的重要标志,也是衡量一个国家人民健康水平的重要标志,因而降低5岁以下儿童死亡率关系到提高中华民族健康水平的重要问题。为对黄山市儿童保健工作提供决策依据,现对黄山市3区4县1997~1998年656例5岁以下儿童的死亡原因进行分析如下。1 资料来源与方法11 资料来源 通过各县(区)乡村三级儿童保健网,按照《中国5岁以下儿童监测方案》中统一设计的死亡报告卡,对每一个死亡儿童认真填写按时逐级上报至市所,市所年终通过互…  相似文献   

厦门水域中华白海豚栖息地选择的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis)在中国水域主要包括3个种群,分别分布在珠江口(包括香港)、九龙江口(厦门水域)和北部湾广西沿岸水域,近年来在台湾西海岸和广东的雷州又陆续发现了新的种群(Wang et al.,2004;周开亚等,待发表资料)。该物种主要以中小种群分布于近岸浅水水域,易受各种人类活动的影响,如渔业捕捞、船舶航运、港口建设和水体污染等,其保护状况引起了人们的广泛关注。在1988年颁布的《中华人民共和国野生动物保护法》中,已将该物种列为国家一级保护动物。  相似文献   

白鱀豚(Lipotesvexillifer)是仅分布于我国长江中下游水域的一种珍稀濒危动物。长江水体污染(如有毒元素等)被认为可能是白鱀豚种群致危的主要因素之一(Yang,1997)。迄今,有关白鱀豚体内微量元素的研究尚很少,只有陆佩洪等(1983)、杨利寿等(1988)曾报道过白鱀豚组织中铁(Fe)、铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)、锰(Mn)、镍(Ni)、铅(Pb)、汞(Hg)和镉(Cd)在某些组织器官中的积累水平。本文对1头饲养条件下白鱀豚“淇淇”体内的必需元素Cu、Zn、锰(Mn)、钼(Mo)、硒(Se)和有毒或非必需元素砷(As)、Cd、铝(Al)的积累特征进行了报道,以期为白豚的保护提供…  相似文献   

摘要 目的:分析2013~2017年黑龙江省居民疾病死亡构成情况,为提高全省居民的防病治病意识及加强居民的健康生活理念提供参考。方法:采用国家卫生统计网络直报系统及数理统计方法对2013~2017年全省居民疾病发病死亡构成变化进行分析。结果:全省居民死亡性别比例表现为男性高于女性,死亡年龄比例70岁以上最高,死因前三位依次为:循环系统疾病、肿瘤、呼吸系统疾病。循环系疾病中,以脑血管病、急性心梗、冠心病死亡率较高。结论:加强对循环系统疾病、恶性肿瘤及呼吸系统疾病的重点防治可能有助于减少本省疾病发病和死亡。  相似文献   

目的:探讨地处四川境内某医院3945例住院病人的死亡原因及其分布特征。方法:对2000年~2010年经某医院3945份死亡病例资料进行分析。结果:住院死亡病例主要死因为:恶性肿瘤、呼吸系统疾病、脑血管疾病、肝脏疾病、心血管疾病、消化道疾病、意外死亡、肾病、骨病变。男性死亡病例均明显高于女性,45岁以上年龄组占3/4主体比重。结论:交通事故仍然是主要意外死因,值得警惕;西南地区人们喜辛辣食物、酗酒、熬夜等不良生活习惯增大了引发致死疾病的几率;政府应加大综合预防保健与健康生活方式的引导力度;医院也应开展主要致死疾病针对性研究,加强收治工作。  相似文献   

Cetaceans (dolphins and whales) have undergone a radical transformation from the original mammalian bodyplan. In addition, some cetaceans have evolved large brains and complex cognitive capacities. We compared approximately 10 000 protein-coding genes culled from the bottlenose dolphin genome with nine other genomes to reveal molecular correlates of the remarkable phenotypic features of these aquatic mammals. Evolutionary analyses demonstrated that the overall synonymous substitution rate in dolphins has slowed compared with other studied mammals, and is within the range of primates and elephants. We also discovered 228 genes potentially under positive selection (dN/dS > 1) in the dolphin lineage. Twenty-seven of these genes are associated with the nervous system, including those related to human intellectual disabilities, synaptic plasticity and sleep. In addition, genes expressed in the mitochondrion have a significantly higher mean dN/dS ratio in the dolphin lineage than others examined, indicating evolution in energy metabolism. We encountered selection in other genes potentially related to cetacean adaptations such as glucose and lipid metabolism, dermal and lung development, and the cardiovascular system. This study underlines the parallel molecular trajectory of cetaceans with other mammalian groups possessing large brains.  相似文献   

刘艳丽  吕涛  林弋轩  夏江燕  吕晓玉 《生物磁学》2013,(30):5919-5921,5948
目的:探讨乳腺叶状囊肉瘤超声影像学特征及与病理组织学的相关性。方法:回顾性分析经手术病理证实的15例乳腺叶状囊肉瘤的超声影像学表现,并与病理诊断结果进行对照,分析肿块大小、形态、内部回声、后方回声增强、有无钙化,内部血流、与周围组织有无粘连等影像学表现与病理组织学的相关性。结果:15例乳腺叶状囊肉瘤其病理组织分化呈现多样性,其中恶性分级呈低度恶性的有7例,中度恶性的有5例,高度恶性的有3例。15例乳腺叶状囊肉瘤经超声诊断为乳腺叶状囊肉瘤9例,乳腺癌4例,纤维腺瘤2例,诊断的符合率为60%。乳腺叶状囊肉瘤有多样种病理类型,超声声像图上以不均匀中低回声表现为主,主要表现为肿块大,形态分叶状;边缘清楚,多见囊性变,少见或罕见钙化,血流信号丰富。结论:乳腺叶状囊肉瘤的超声表现具有比较典型的影像特征,与其病理类型相关,超声检查对乳腺叶状囊腺瘤具有较高的诊断及临床应用价值。  相似文献   

The present study aimed to analyze possible associations of rs7412 and rs429358 of the APOE gene with lipid profile parameters, the risk of myocardial infarction, and death in the mostly white population of Western Siberia (Russia). The study population was selected from a sample surveyed within the framework of the Health, Alcohol and Psychosocial Factors In Eastern Europe (HAPIEE) study (9360 subjects, age 53.8 ± 7.0 years, males/females 50/50). PCR was conducted with fluorescence detection according to the TaqMan principle on a real-time PCR machine. The frequency of a minor allele (C) of rs429358 was 0.13, and the frequency of a minor allele (T) of rs7412 was 0.09. In our study, the woman with the rare ɛ1/ɛ4 genotype had substantial aberrations in blood lipid levels. In Kaplan–Meier curves, statistically significant differences were revealed in the prognosis of survival within the subgroup of females who had a myocardial infarction (p = 0.0006): the prognosis was worse for carriers of the ɛ2/ɛ2 genotype and for ɛ4/ɛ4 carriers. Survival analysis regarding deaths from all causes showed (p = 0.0238) that female carriers of the ɛ2/ɛ4 genotype had a worse prognosis than did carriers of other genotypes. Thus, in the population of Western Siberia (Russia), we confirmed statistically significant associations between rs7412 & rs429358 genotypes and lipid profile parameters.  相似文献   

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